Acton Free Press, 4 Feb 1970, February 4, 1970, page 2

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Free Proas Wednesday February Second Cltn Mall IB rrrrrrnrfffrrrnrrrrrrrtr The clergy Apeak cat By Rev Evangel Pentecostal Tabemaele THE OUR CHRISTIAN HERITAGE WHERE7WHY The issue relevant lo every Ontario citizen is the Mackay Report now being studied and discussed by the Ad Hoc committee of our County Board of Education SHOULD BIBLE READING and the LORDS PRAYER BE IN OUR SECULAR SCHOOL SYSTEMOR SHOULD IT BE ABANDONED The report of the committee on religious education in the public schools of the Province of Ontario reports in the summary of major recommendations No 1 We recommend THAT THE PRESENT COURSE of STUDY in EDUCATION in the elementary schools of Ontario be DISCONTINUED AND THAT ITS AIMS AS SET OUT IN RELATED LEGISLATION programs of studies regulations and guide books be ABANDONED The Report in recommendation No as a substitute in the place of Prayer and Bible reading a focus on character building ethics social attitudes and moral values and principles Actually this substitution for elementary grades amounts to nothing progressive or constructive for a truly educated and cultivated person because these teachings have been included by penetration of various subjects in the school curriculum for many years It is NOW that we as lawabiding tax paying citizens arc needed to voice a PROTEST Let us give our opinion and take a STAND for our Godgiven heritage In the Secondary School the report states recommend THAT A FORMAL COURSE OF STUDY DEALING WITH THE PRINCIPAL OF THL WORLD BE OFFERED AS ONE OF THE OPTIONAL COURSES in grades 1 1 and 12 Instruction in these courses should be given by members of the history dept Page No This proposal to abandon our Christian heritage and substitute comparative religions foreign to our Christian faith is both subversive and In this same report we are introduced to the historical background of Religious Education in the schools It is indeed a thrilling story of bravery and heroism of battle and victory of sublime convictions and exquisite declarations The great works of Rycison Ross and others preserved our Godly heritage through and in our school systems To these men WE OWE MORE COURAGE THAN TO ABANDON OUR REUGIOUS FREEDOM IN THL SCHOOLS AND SUBMIT OUR DISENCHANTED YOUTH TO DEGENERACY SOCIAL PROPAGANDA or MARXISM Under the guise of freedom of religion freedom of speech and freedom of the press many subversive INROADS have wrought insidious and irreparable error Abuse of freedom creates grave dangers in any field but avowedly so in our elementary and secondary school systems where socialist Marxist yes and Lenin thinking men have been allowed to direct the moulding of our youth and bring shipwreck to our Godly heritage and to our democracy Lenin said Religion must be If religion will pass out quietly our attitude will be one of benevolent tolerance but if it resists we will hasten its exit by violence proportioned to its resistance Why docs this committee propose to suggest that our school curriculum embrace he study of world religions including many other Gods ic Confucius Islam Mao Tung or others while in the some report they arc prone to abandon The Faith of our Fathers and the use of the Holy Scriptures as a canon of revealed Truth Par and potentially annul the value or use of prayer in the class room 5 Pg Report Ex Premier Geo Drew Chancellor of the University of a member of the University of Toronto Board of Governors and a director of several companies looks with grave disfavor on the recommendation that religious instruction as it is now known in Ontario schools be replaced by the teaching of comparative religions and moral standards How on earth arc children expected to manage this said Mr Drew without first having a sound knowledge of one religion as a basis for comparison It is that a gradual decline in the emphasis on religious teaching is apparent in certain schools and at certain levels but this is not a time to surrender our heritage and faith because of laxity in morals and a rise in juvenile delinquency or disinterested personnel on social and moral principles WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN A CHRIST1AN1TYBUT ARE CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED UNTO THE SAINTS AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 81 Miplc Ave Georgetown Rev Robert C EVANGEL TABERNACLE Churchill Road Rev S Thoman Pastor SUNDAY 1970 Here is our sincere mutation to the whole family attend church am Sunday School All ages 11 a Morning Service 700 Evening Evangel Georgetown BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev P BA BD Acton Ontario SUNDAY Morning Worship Si ma Nursery and Sunday School 10 School Afternoon Service 7 Tun Meet at church Tuesday evening 73010 Citechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be bettir quipped to God and men Emonc Wilcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew H McKennc Minister Mr E A Hansen Organist and Choir Master SUNDY 1970 10 Sunday School 1 Morning Worship 7 Evangelistic Service Martin will at Prayer Service and Bible Study Christ Ambassadors Crusiders Pro Verses Trust in Lord ill thine heart in not unto thine own under standing On ill thy Him and He shall direct thy paths CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill North Minister The A Wilier Fosbury BA Tidey Ave phone SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1 1 Worship Church School Sunion subject Cm You Take IP Visitors arc welcome at all church at the Church on the Hill THE CHURCH OF ST AlBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Drive Rev J Dawson SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1970 am Ministers Chureh Member ship Class for am Divine Worship Most Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded M A Interim Supply Mi Friday 7 pan SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1970 am Sunday School 1 a Morning Worship 7 pan First Baptist Church Guclph Special Missionary Service Monday February Baptist ftlcn at A Cordial Invitation To All Attend Church of Your Choice on Sunday Slh 1970 Hols am Chureh School and Nursery 10 ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRtARY Ilih 10 am Hol Communion 30 Sun TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon B Turner Director of Music George Elliott MA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1970 1000 am Morning Worship a Nursery Sunday School to Grade 1100 am Sunday School Grade 11 15 Session Meeting 7 Hi C and Hi Youth Groups for Teens alternating Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part the Life and Worship of Trinity Speedway promotes offer residents one year option AN ARDENT SKIER Energy and Resources Minister Gsorgu A Kerr took to his skis flftor officially opening the Grand River Conservation Authority Chlcopoo chalet pavilion Sunday Fob With him ore loft to right Norman Schneider of Kitchener oldest skiing member of Chicopoo Ski Club James Bauer of Waterloo chairman of the Grand River Conservation Authority A Gordon Skinner of Coyuga chairman of authority Information and education board and James Gardiner of Kitchener president of ski club Promoters of the proposed million dollar speedway between the Third and Fourth Lines of near Milton have met with the nine or 10 ratepayers who live close to the with an offer to purchase their property Lawyer A Goodman old Lsquesing Council at their regular meeting Monday night that his clients have offered the nearby landowners an option lo purchase their property for a period of one year If the residents find that they have been adversely affected by the speedway one year after racing begins Mr Goodmans group will purchase the property at a figure he himself described as 10 15 per ccnl above the market price Mr Goodman told Council he expects to know within the next few diys how many of the ratepayers lie approached will enter into the agreement Mr Goodman also requested Hut council pass a resolution exempting Ins group from the provisions of the township agricultural holding by law The Golden Age Club presents full account of busy year bylaw prevents the use of land buildings and structures for any oilier purpose than the one existing The site of the proposed speedway has been used for agricultural purposes in the past Council agreed to allow Mr Goodman to appear at their February 16mccling Earlier in the meeting clerk treasurer French read council a letter from Ivor Dent mayor of Edmonton saying there have been no complaints about Edmonton International Speedway Park although it is located close city The mayor admitted Hut traffic and from the speedway is heavy at times but thai most limes it does problem Mayor Dent promised to have the city planning director traffic engineer send along their comments to council as well Trustees favor untaxed pay Tor your I respectfully wish present concise report of the highlights of this past our ycir of A sumptuous pot luek supper wjs enjoyed on March 1 ind meeting R Davidson was presented with and well deserved pisi president after four years of untiring work tor the The Rhythm Band leccpicd an performed fur the True Blues in but wen accept the invil to at the Manor liter Sever members viluntmly issistcd at Blood Donors Clinic in Hall on March and also on Sept A Resolutions Committee wis appointed and on May 15 it met at Mr and Mrs Cossirshomc and drafted five resolutions which were sent on to the United Senior Citizens of Ontario Resolution Commit lee to be further dealt with All the five resolutions which dealt with the high cost of drugs hearing aids eye blisses tixcs cte wire irried and included in the brief presented to Hit govern men I passing through the Natioml Pensioners Senior Ciltfctis The represent Hives sent to the Government were received listened to and were promised consideration by the various members of whose t it is deil with the different problems of senior eittfen In November over letters were sent from this Club to join of letters from other and zones to Prime Minister Pierre Trtidciu to Mr Whiting pressing the need of an mere in Old Age Pension in leeordmei Willi the in high of living On April the Zone Executive met in the Anthem church Bronte lo plan lor ihe annual zone ll ivj attended by president fust VieC president and and an invitation was extended for the pienn be held in Acton park on June In spile of a damp morning it proved a with over 100 turning from the vinous by The be was much admired by the visitors and a wonderful of was liter given by Mrs May of Sircelsvillc the zone publitity The Zone Rally v is field in the beautiful Scum Centre in Burlington November and a bus load went from this elub Some of the men gave numbers I program Other bus trips lnp On June to Slnlford to Coder Museum then to a guided lour N On 19 the CNE gave Senior Citizens free admission lo their grounds and a bus was for trip On a bus trip was taken through Port Perry Lindsay Falls and lo view ihe glorious autumn colors On Dec 22 the Jr Farmers treated Senior Citizens to a wonderful bus trip to see the brilliant display of Christmas lights in Millon Port Credit OakvUle and the surrounding territory and provided a lovely lunch in the Agricultural Building in Milton afterwards The of United bailor Cilizens of Ontario wis held in llier in ity with in illeiidante of 583 dc leg lies visitors Mrs George ind Mrs Don Reed were id i busy ill brought full there sslul A new venture wis bike on and wisfiirly successful The Christmas dinner the f the yen ind i full membership turned oul on Dee thoroughly enjoyed a bountiful ilc red by the Anglic in Women Mr Mrs Browne don ihe lee flic only spe iker was Willnm Smith from the Dcpartmcnl Health Welfare who sp ike on the Pension PI gave much helpful inform ilion on pensions widows benefits widowers benefits Celebtiimt their Wcddine university were Mr Mrs Mr and Mrs Lindsay Both couples were given i mum plmt wild tony Mil itions the oilier members Sadness eime Hit I ss of sever il members quid kindly id Mrs Lasby Mrs f red whose illieilh kept her being in member Roy Brown ilwiys so kind and he Miss Minnie Some lie the mil dearly loved by ill then Mrs Mooncy who sse iway suddenly quietly 1 1 I week They were given tribute of respect the sorrowing fimihes were class due on Ihe kindergarten class from theOnturii School lor the Deal Milton will appear on the Untie Hobby show on ehannel next Wednesday 1 1 Their teacher Mrs Joan Speaker of Acton took ihe six youngsters lo ihe television show to witch the taping when Uncle Bobby dctidcd to include Although they could understand him they clustered around to wave yjod bye at the end of the show Driver unhurt car hits pump Nineteen year old Leslie John St Acton serious injury Thursday evening car which he was driving collided with a gas pump According the detachment of the the car struck the pump on properly owned by Martin Petroleum on Highway doing damage lo the pump Cirnocluns ear wis not damaged Sever il members spent tunc in including Mr whose painful accident cost him the loss of three finders and kepi lum off work months Mrs Wmton with heart trouble Mr Mrs Joe Fuller following serious car collision Mr with pneumonii md Mrs R J Mrs and Mrs with eye s Miss An ic Akins continued do most excellent job of sending out ends get well and cards lo sick shut The fternoon tunes were much enjoyed is well is the evening when many gave freely generously of lime md talents to us The Club his got more people interested in the needs problems of and more willing to do something about hem which is whit I wish lu thank all who hive- helped me during Hie year especially those who helped with And a mile of thinks to Aclon free fir of pes mcmbcisliip irds for prinliiie the our v nous Thank you May we have busy successful md happy yen in Mrs suggesting School Trustees be allowed to deduct one third of their hononjnmi is nun won the support the Board when was pui to a vote Politicians on Ihe federal and provincial levels arc granted this now Speaking in fivnr of resolution trustee Bill of pointed out those in business for themselves have had to hire help to mike up tune spent on school business He said the ci si mcurrcd was greater in most cases than Ihe sum in qucslioi WELCOME SERVICE If you are new in town or know someone who is PHONE 8530805 WINTER COATS AND BOOTS a3o0FF For Men Boys Girls Children and Infants YARD GOODS Choose Save from our Large Selection 25 OFF SAVE on Wool Flannels Hockey Equipment LP RECORDS A largo Mloctlon of brand nw country Si Wflftaro Classical Modern Etc SUPER SPECIAL 772fH49 ALSO LP 1 PRICE Hoavy Duty GARBAGE CANS While they Ian S SPECIAL CLOTHES BASKET HINTONS 5 STORE Georgetown Acton stain

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