Acton Free Press, 4 Feb 1970, February 4, 1970, page 10

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Editorial Pagi a Me There have many high sounding allusions to the ideals of democratic principles during debates on regional government all around the county but when the issue is put squarely in front of thorn elected representatives can bo very evasive We refer to the resolution circulated by Acton council to all Halton municipalities urging a plebiscite on whether county residents preferred a region or a form of government Nassagaweya and Acton haw endorsed the resolution Both Milton and Georgetown are sympathetic but and Burlington evidently dont want a referendum If this was just an ordinary decision that would affect few people it would not be so important But regional government is going to affect the entire county It seems to us a plebiscite would be ven much in order and the of the county would have some grass root direction for thoir following the result of vote Wo a little tired hearing the old refrain that McKoough is going to do what he likes anyway It is time the elected represent this county and others stood on then own two kit and told Mr thoy do want He Ins asked tor their answers on w many the decisions involved in implementing regional govt rniiienl If Dure wis a clear indite I rum the people would listen It is the voters who elected the Conservative government and it is the voters who can put it out of oltice We suspect along with Acton councillor Jack Greer who suggested A vote tint some the elected represent do not represent the the mijonty ot the people and re in might them It is that county council has not the power to hold ich a plebiscite but there is no reason each municipality could not hold a referendum for to Halton dental director Samuel Green to his guns about the poor quality of teeth in the north of Halton during the furor which developed over remarks attributed to him in a Hamilton newspaper He denied making statement about the personal of area residents or insinuating this was a poor area how ever He told The Free Press that his remarks were token out of context the newspaper and misconstrued He said North is a very pleasant place in which to live but there are some families in the poorer part of the north ho cannot afford regular visits to the dentist He also said there were sections of Burlington and where this was true also although not to the same degree in the Georgetown or 4cton has been milled by Health chief 1 A Hunter from making further statements until the storm blows over Although Green t aware of it he touched a raw nerve people in the south of the county have better teeth tfun those in the north People north of the base line have long resented the superior attitude of the south end of the count Reaction here was entirely natural and from those who to defend the norths honor People in the political social circles of the south end of the have expressed a condescending attitude towards the north for a good many years It has infuriated our representatives we prefer to live in the north Although there arc problems here and perhaps teeth are one of them they not reached the magnitude of drug and other social problems that exist in the south end of the county Affluence does not create happiness as someone remarked during the present controversy But let us not gnash our teeth over a dental problem that if it does exist is well within our competence to solve Let us make sure there is some basis for Greens remarks and then tackle the problem if it exists If the teeth in the north end of the county are worse than they should be and Green living outside the county has no axe to grind let us give him every assistance to correct deficiencies a Canadian Canadians always seem to be amused by the lack of education Americans exhibit about Canada and things Canadian Reports arc sometimes exaggerated but Marketing recently listed some of the worst questions tourists ask year in and yearout at Niagara Falls Where is Ontario When you say miles is that Canadian mdesor S miles Where do I change my money into pounds shillings and pence Do you drive on the wrong side of the road here Is there a Montreal on the side Were going to Windsor Have you a booklet to explain the Trench signs How much of Canada can we see in one day Where can we rough it Are there any gas stations or do we have to carry our own gas You must be American You speak just like us What do you do in tile evenings in Canada Where does it start snowinc Outlook Sugar and Spice by bill smiley I ve been thinking seriously about giving up my job as a teacher and for a lot less money and a lot more peace of mind And in not the only one Colleagues and left arc unhappy One would like to go into the hotel business Another dreams of buying some rough land on Manitouhn Island and raising sheep Others who have been caching a long lime are planning to quit soon and take a reduced pension rattier than battle it out to the full term They can face another five years of teaching apathetic lazy and insolent kids Another friend who has taught happily for years says he used to to every day of it Tins year he admits he faces each day Willi a sort of vague horror Still another is socking every nickel he can spare into investments so that he cm get out wlulc he retains his sanity Had lunch the other day with a chap who tins year after some years of running his own busmen into teaching in the technical department On his own he worked day period he did it 1 stop talking lor hilt m hour the outside he thought teaching was a snap The pay was good and he holidays looked great Now he exhausted at the end of a teaching day though he dune no physical labor He said I never knew here were kids like these Perhaps we sound tike a bunch of old fogies who arc gelling tired Most of hose I ve mentioned are in their not quite in the old fogey class And they enjoyed their teaching tor years Bui another colleague is talking going to he Northwest Territories Another is thinking of taking a job a steel His wile also a teacher wants to get oul and do social work at less money They are all All of us arc nuking quite salaries would be quite a wrench financially to quit especially those who have in the community mortgage and growing children to educate But the malaise is there And it difficult to put your finger on the trouble Our wives are getting worried They ask What is wrong specifically And it difficult to give an answer that t sound trivial It a host of little things which add up to one word frustration What is the trouble then I Hunk there are two major sources first the pendulum lias swung loo far a system that was archaic to one with end permissiveness is supposed to do his own thing Sad truth is that a majority of teenagers Invert got a thing to do They want to be entertained not learn They II sit through a movie at school chewing gum But try to get them to talk about it express their ideas relate it their own lives and they groin with boredom They re mentally lazy as most hive always been Their favorite comment on a thought provoking stimulating movie is I never believed in corporal punishment cither as a disciplinary deterrent or us a spur Hut I in beginning to wonder I hurt and ilarmed at the increasing lack courtesy the who cares altitude the kids and the increase in plim dirty talk The language yon in hear in a moduli high school especially among girts would curdle your bio id You can imagine the joyous rapture my wite to my proposal quit Lake the good little she is slit said she go any what with me do anything us mug as I was happy She nude up a great lis where and how we could save money without the salary But the reaction basset in and in casual little tin is revealing the utter lolly it all But I seas lor that and I m going keep her dunking about a duck and a pot bellied stove and potatoes and porridge tor a while yet I do her 111 Vet bikini Heather HOTEL was situated where Fords teed mill It now Th proprietor wni D The building burned down years ago Mrs Ella Harding R lent this picture to the Free Press this is the time when my wis they were but snow filled Can id tropic countries beckon a fascination they could never exert in more element weather For those who hive the money and the time Florida Bah im is and the southern United are havens at this time of the ye Elderly people especially tire of the snow and cold more quickly hi in those wio don mind digging out from behind a drift sidewalks and driveways and battling temperatures trigger sinus and rheumatic complaints But then there arc those who tike tne winter who delight in the fresh fallen snow the where a bright sun floods the frosty white in light you in never in he skiers the skaters hunters others who ic winter outdoors would like to kcip tile winter On I it other hind it would be nice to spend i couple of weeks some tropic il lint i for couple of weeks May he in my who art soaking up sun in some I ir point enjoy themselves come bick safely The snow is deep here the mercury dipped to about 15 below zero I night but the sun is shining the sky is blue and tnc winter birds are calling back and forth over the feeding But lets face it It is too darn cold to venture out your bathing suit ill and Pepper co thinking round Hog bring up I he According to I ha weather M md we in expect Spring my old day hit Hie li ill tin I ice hit Well we united I lie Almanac to tea hit hern iliit yet en It predicted I lie accuracy degree of Jin lived by Die Farmer winch It bears the I miner in the ink full til Informal Ion for including astrology calendar biltof vert homely humor advice for gardening llpi a guide arid runner nit are not for tale Hie public but million arc being distributed this year at a get I me In 134 the circulation had dropped loan all lime low of Kay Gclger became editor it 1 ji regained ground and i again being consulted with frequency in age of Aqnarno Hie edit of the Almanac referred to a a meaning a lover of learning or philosopher Other will known Try Aristotle Plato Copernicus Galileo Sir Isaac Newton and Ben I and you can see editor Geiger is travelling in distinguished company As a matter of fact he is believed to be the only living Philomath which must make him feel like he Last of the Mohicans or the link or some other such creature The Ray and his wife have a family of five and the whole gang helps to gather material for ihe Almanac What they don t come up with other volunteers do For msLincc the Bishop of Atlanta is a regular contributor and much material from a long term rcsiden of a Kansas prison who has a lo of lime on his hands ve never read the almanac Where else could you find deft a like these Laky faucet a drip tease 20 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press of Thursday February The latest addition to Acton business section is the new General Motors garage of Lome Garner Motors Ltd which was officially opened on Saturday The building is a new modern structure just completed and has frontage on Main St and Loyal Scots of Knox church celebrated the anniversary of the birthday of Bums with a traditional haggis supper sponsored by the SoEd group The luyjis was earned by Mann to the strains the pipes played by Pipe Major Gibson and Piper Henderson of Fergus Pipe Band Mr Robert Chalmers was master of ceremonies Also on the program were solos and readings by Douglas Margaret Brown Isabel Anderson Mrs Turner James Moore Mr Wm Burton and auld Scotch by the company About Acton business women and men attended a dinner meeting on Monday to start the activities of an Acton m business folk Mr Stephen Jones president of the Chamber of Commerce of Mount Forest was guest speaker and old the advantages of belonging o he central group President Bert was in charge of the evening A number of films on conservation were shown Two new carding machines have arrived at the Wool Combing plant Plans for the of a county home for the aged have begun to materialize 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free rtesi Thursday February 5 1920 The proposed straight route provincial highway from Toronto to Sarnia by way of Georgetown Acion Guelph and Stratford is just as live an issue as it was under the late government More than 100 delegates assembled at a convention at he Central Ontario Highways Association in Stratford to urge the advantages of route on the minister of Public Works the Hon C Biggs Mr Biggs was quite sympathetic to the idea of permanent highways and said he hoped to see them sketching through every part of the province but it was impossible to promise money and labor to do it all at once He strongly criticized the Tor onto- Hamilton Highway Commission Tattle tale School Pigeon Nun drinking Pry doc Or a joke like A political prisoner Cuba about to be was blindfolded The the execution asked if lie wanted a cigarette No thank you replied the darned man I trying to jui Did you know The Lord Prayer word Lincoln addren ihe Ten j order on Hie price contains Some Husband phone She home Would you care to a Almanac of court revered for lit I and a thai Id a typesetter dropped a had norm into of Sidy When the had actually during hat in were Any child can HI what today Ainu if They thin more v t rudnt to iric A winter There fa fancies li A h inf the noon and lucky J days for those who hold jpir to be true There even a recipe for sue cess To a cupful of luck set a healthy frame add a pinch of conservatism a daili of daring and several drops of vision Then pour on an ounce of belief in one s fellow man a spoonful of experience and a jigger of good humor Allow to settle with a sweet helpful male of understanding education and intelligent compromise Then bestir oneself continually add an icing of part common sense part honesty and serve one God one country and one family Can argue much with thai can you So for gosh if you haven got an Almanac this year try for one next It quite likely will be around Been going for consecutive years now back issues slating that alter six years it had not yet completed the 45 mile- stretch of road and had a fight with every municipality along the way The treasurer of the Tree Hospital for Consumptives acknowledges donations from Acton The quality of the ice crop which is being harvested is superior The extremely cold weather Sunday made the attendance churches very small Guelph carpenters are demanding SI per hour for their work an increase of per cent over last year Rev J C Wilson has accepted a call to Sask The short course in home nursing was concluded with a session in Ihe Baptist church A moving picture on was preceded by numbers by Knox Ladies Quartette duet by Mrs W J Reid and Mrs Win McNabb and solo by Miss Jeame On Words of appreciation were spoken by Mrs P Moore and Mrs W Stewart Mrs president of the Women Institute had charge of the evenings proceedings THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE and Ed tonal Mb J David OIK Don

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