Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1970, page 10

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The Act Free Press Wednesday January This is the time of year when pause long enough in tne pursuit life liberty happiness pry tribute to the minor hockey worker- of the community We hive a dedicated corps of hockey co iches and executives in Acton and district who mike it possible for any boy who wants to take in org mired hockey to participate either in the Legion town lcigtie or more competitive TnCounty The his pud oft for years in keeping youngsters the streets engaged in healthy supervised sport but the re benefits in be me Not only does the program on in stronger bodies Healthier minds but it also contributes tow better citirens both the viewpoit of players and those who operate le igues Slogan for minor week been to keep a boy out hot water put hi in on ice I he muilicip lilt provides tlu lee the volunteers do the work Although not limit specuil is to mark minor week in Acton we must go ilong with sports editor who list week Mid every Week is minor hotkey week in There should be i I Week set iside to those who m ike minor hockey possible here ind we ire more tnin willing to join in tribute to the thousands in almost every leross the country who m ike in ins hockey conscious Wait for The late of Acton s r i will be decided in Where the Transport committee will go over evidence gathered at the public Acton It is an important decision both for the railway and the town If the Committee decides to allow the railway to remove the Agents from the six stations affected the hearing ou can bet will interpret the decision as a blanket approval to close many stations by same methods they have found to be so in other parts of the country by i out of If on the other hand the Committee lands down a decision jjhich supports the towns vat services have eroded sometimes to the point of absurdity it could spell trouble for the CN across the country Others threatened by Closure might also take up the cudgels and fight Evidence at the hearing presented by the railway contained notning new and indeed there was not a single scrap of evidence to suggest that services Acton had not dctcnorated They had no answers for enarges of poor and shoddy services nor did flounsii any manifestos of support from avid Acton users of services The case a point by point of railway claims was prepared by a joint committee of the Les clerk Joe Hurst Development Commission John former of Commerce he id ml Nielsen M Whiting It wis well written itfirmitive expose ot the railwiys scored points which represent Hives no attempt to At one point in tile he iring Acton re pre sent idmitted express service hid improved since the first he but pointed it took he to produce the improvement Whit protection will we have when the last personal represent itivc of the the agent ives the st ition At another point the presiding chiirman asked the chief witness who kept chiming better service for the towns affected better service is We ire not wilting with breatn for the decision from the Transport Committee bee we feel it will reflect policy and not be fur estimate of the Acton situation but we ve been wrong before In this it would be welcome In meantime we would like to pin a bouquet on those who took the time and the effort to present a case on bch of the town and its people In our opinion they won the debate h down No decision in change th it the ftaM ONT SEND YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA Juvenile Hockey or Juvenile Delinquent r s ug a r and S by bill pice m iloy is like or dislike out just ignore it At not in d Mr If you icn il it ir lion llicyd find yon in the spring i liili I He l ition I wis kid I loved snow flic in ire he better I it rolling nuking wishinc girls laces in it the enemy ind coming home tor supper as to isl so iked llic Sunewlicic the line our love affair has withered Oh idmii it to on bright winter diy when there been fall of few niches ind the whole world is like Adim But when it keeps coming down t it yon remember tint the abovementioned pair got out of and the rest of us to slut lUl since Putting out is i simple thing Bui when the snow is over the lop of your boots and have to the cms yards it s minor mcjitm ire Deciding in the m whether or not you cm rim your wiy through the llircc foot bonus from lie across end of drive is surnl lo Russian I it once week had to le ive the sit tine llicie like a stranded while tail sticking out inn llic street and body straddling the One shovelling alter We hive system of snow our I wn except tint the operators have a dub Ik sense of the perfect to strike The big sircci plow lurks corner while you shovel y driveway Then the driver male says OK He all re and llicy win lie the comer and dump about ions of new snow back into the dnvewiy The only way lo bcil them is to throw your shovel aw is hough it wis mctil jump in the out before they ike it then we hive plow If you bo it ihc big plow he little one will got you He comes around when you re at work kicks out one fool pile on ihc side mother on Ihc driveway side This is frozen into snow ice by the time you gel home and you need an Alpenstock to up One big help hough is kids They re right on the job If il snows wo inches of fluffy stuff hey re it he door with big boyish smiles Can 1 shovel your wilk Misler You could do it yourself without mi but figure on assisting free enterprise give them llic job them Comes re ill ten inches of that wet slushy stuff when every loaded weighs six pounds and is potential coronary and they re all home watching television Hie find aid is the snow blower When the banks have built up to a height where you can sec only your neighbor roof and bit of sky when the banks ire so high not even the Abominable Snowman would tackle one the blower comes around And throws tons of snow salt and sand well up into your lawn Great for the grass Well if you can 1 beat them whal do you do been turning over a scheme No dopey snowmobile No downhill skiing bee of a couple of crook knees And if 1 wanted to ski I could do it my own backyard pnclismg jumps off ihc picnic tabic No I decided to re learn to fly Take lessons at the local airport Surely some of the old skill such as it was is still there IVc done plenty of winter flying and it great up there except when you run into i snowstorm and have to set her down in a farmer field But I could sail along at a couple of thousand feet and sneer down at he snow its beauty and maybe even gel to like the filthy again It would be a lot better having the snow sneer down at me as try to hoist a loaded shovel onto a seven fool bank and wail for sharp pain in ihc chest with each hoist Jos Holmes Mrs J Kennedy Mrs ACTON WOMEN S INSTITUTE members Holmes Mrs M Mrs Ada a play The Maids Near second row Mrs William Laird Mrs mil over years ago In the a T Brown Mrs H Stewart Mrs Gordon unknown car wen front row left to right Mrs Dr I Ctonidac back row Mrs John Harvey Mrs Mrs Milton Henderson THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 and Ed tonal Office Found Si of Pepper Mindly completed list column on the nostrums to cute flu the cold before I win In led myscll suffering from lite epidemic of gryipo sweeping Il slutted with legs dry cough tluil from down the heels mid hen spicid upward Into ihc until my ml lie bag of bones wis one throbbing My wile tinned fhnhcd checks lick imbltlon snick nutter In my mouth which lightered round the 100 101 Oilier were to In bed the mercury registered urn Ihc mercury wn dipping down i Its lowest IMilut of the year Inside I to hit it new high Alter tour diys of horrible sufferlig moini groins diUustc id innumerable TV programs countless hoiks and articles I staggered back he desk I mi ruing tucking hi like a sick seal My workers me as if I the plague skirted my desk shouting questions and answers from somewhere on the oilier side of the room ihccowaids Although I I feci like climbing or selling Cobble Hill it sure was good escape from llic TV serials where life is really serious there enough love I r Jangles lo outfit on ihc continent It ii no wonder some people get a jaundiced view of the outside world when they exposed to the soap operas five days week I m still looking over my shoulder to sec if anyone is gaining as ole itch 1jigc observes Meanwhile while I was lying on lie bed of pain alternately rising and falling as he mood fit the high school decided to run their mid winter exams which unleashed two whirlwinds on the house studiously avoiding books and making attempts lo deafen sensitive ears with 20lh century rock and roll The decibel count was stupendous although no doubt there is a tremendous amount of rhythm m rock if you can find il Meanwhile the Edge of Night As the World Turns md various episodes of Perry Mason and a new soapy opera called Strange Paradise were turning me into a neurotic The latter had a bewitching miss who conversed with a portrait on the wall concerning the best methods of wiping out the remaining ancestors She was succeeding loo in the last episode I saw On the other end of the spectrum Perry Mason was glibly solving murders right and left while the brand of justice was dispensed in a way I could agree with almost every lime years ago Taken from the issue of Free Press Thursday January 1950 Nr w honestly d i want to confuse the bin I think this Iunidise show could use old Perry to solve some of their the right witch lot unit she lie behind bars so fut have Search for mi mow with Hie Guiding I ighl lly the lime Id mil the Storm answered all the pietil ini on the Game Game Idiotic name it was time for the Gall Gourmet I witched the ill himself mike v me thicken pic nail a s pig si in twinkling an eye so convincingly Hut it I lined me in Then I lust in lime re my I resolve I li id while my wife ill and left inside OPING GOUKMIT TV was i real afternoon wasleland Now and there d be a good movie on that never made ratings and a flick of the dial would land and draw iur interest Reading I read everything I could get my hands on including all the back copies of National Geographic I swallowed aspirins drank hoi lemonade poured gallons of orange juice and oilier assorted liquids down my quaking insidcs winch sometimes were nut very receptive the idea By Friday I fell well enough lo toller down Ihc road and collapse on the third floor chair with a cough that dozens of cough drops failed I be the Asian flu you had said one sympathetic worker Otherwise you i be back work The delivery truck of Bradley Meat Market went out of on the icy roadway and went headon into a pole Tom Perkins driver of the suffered a fractured knee and other injuries and Spielvogel was badly cut on the face Damage to the truck was extensive was elected president of Acton fall fair the annual meeting Prize money of was paid One of the highlights of the year in Acton Rotary Club was he Ladies Night with turkey dinner catered by Watson Long was in charge and George Mason was the of ceremonies for the entertainment which included solos by John Rock wood formerly with the Metropolitan Opera who now resides in his home town of Rock wood cartoons by George Mason cornel by Amos Mason a quartette of Harold Baxter George Ted Hansen and Vic hillbilly trio Les MacSwain Jack and Ken Blow The newly formed Young People Society of Knox church held its fireside with president Doug Davidson in charge and Olive Mussclle at the puno Talcing part were Jacqueline Wit kins Crawford Douglas James Greer and Joyce Greer Young people from the United Anglican Baptist and Churchill United churches were also present Big news of the week o Acton taxpayers came when council agreed on a mill rate Last year rate was The rate fulfills the predictions under the new assessment plan Marc was elected president of the town volleyball league at the with Jack Honeywell vicepresident and Rao West secretary treasurer Teams are the Tannery Reds Micro Plastics Tannery Blues Independents Men 20 years ago Taken from lie issue of the Free Press Thursday January 1920 The annual meeting of Acton Fail Fair last Wednesday afternoon was largely attended Mr S Lindsay the president occupied the chair The finances are in a very healthy condition money expended was W J Hampshire was elected president first vice president R M McDonald 2nd president A McLean The first skating carnival of ihe season was held under the auspices of the I O D and proved very enjoyable and satisfactory Manager Mills tad the ice in good condition and the music by he Citizens Band was a feature of interest and there were many entered in costume classes and races Best paper costume Marguerite Ryder representing the Free Press fancy Ivy as an angel best gentlemen fancy Charles Wilson as Sambo the Dude national costume Jessie Scotch gentlemen Jimrnic Ross Highlander comic Mad dock Glenn Ryder most graceful couple Miss Mason Ray Agncw best girl under 10 Mary Stewart boy under 12 Reid best clown Arthur Henderson oldest person on skates William Williams winners in skating races Helen McDonald William Stewart Jean Kennedy Lottie Mason Miss Armstrong with Mi W Stewart George Anderson The judges were Messrs Storey and W K Graham There is a great deal of grippe and pneumonia Eleven members of one- household at Hornby were attacked one is dead and two nurses are attending the survrvors Acton singularly fortunate Miss O Connor is now teller In the merchants Bank She It the first of her sex in the town to holt such a position Will your Hock of coal hang out

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