Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1970, page 1

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Council approves dr tower permit You can come and watch the races from my bedroom window was the parting invitation of one of the close to irate township residents who jammed the township council chamber Friday night to protest the establishment of the Golden Horseshoe between the Fifth and Sixth Lines council had just resolved by a recorded vote to approve the issue of a building permit for a control tower for the dragway to promoter Ctrl Bnstow Councillor Russell Miller cast the lone vote against the resolution Voting in favor were Curne deputyreeve Tom Hit and councillors Wilfrid Leslie and Ken Marshall Jubilant about councils decision Mr told the Free Press later he hopes to have racing started sometime between the middle of May and the first of June Drag racing enthusiasts from the area will be permitted to race their provided they first pass a rigid inspection Permanent sealing for about 5000 spectators is planned Obviously disappointed by the result Peter Bowman spokesman for the protesting residents promised to take court action Weve lost the first skirmish but the battle is far over Mr Bowman s wife Jacqueline told the Tree Press this week Most of fte protesters wore bright red badges with the word NO printed inhuge black letters Outbursts from the group were frequent throughout the meeting and reeve Cume was forced to use the Ravel repeatedly The reeve noted it was the first time in his years on council that a deputation as large had attended a meeting Representing Mr lawyer John lold council lhat his client had complied with every aspect of the building bylaw Ho pointed Fire destroys Rover cabin A a m alarm Wednesday morning took the Rock wood fire brigade out to he Rover cabin at Spirit Valley farm on the Old Indian Trail road The fire which completely demolished the building apparently smoldered for two or three hours before a neighbors phone call alerted firefighters No evidence was found to Indicate how the fire started out the bylaw requires permits for buildings only and not for a drag strip The townships recently passed agricultural holding bylaw is not yet effect he submitted since it has not received final approval from the Ontario Municipal Board Mr Sopinka went on to say that his client was prepared to do possible to make the use of tin drag nonobject tollable to township residents and expressed the opinion thai in asking council to refuse a building permit for the control tower opponents of the strip would be asking them to do something illegal I think there is no legal bans on which council can refuse this building permit Mr Sopinka concluded A further statement by Mr lhat ihc strip would provide additional assessment THE FREE CAMERA caught part of the deputation about Esquesing township residents who packed the council chamber at a special meeting Friday night to voice their opposition to the establishment of the Golden Horseshoe Dragway In of by the residents council approved the Issue of building permit for a control tower for the to promoter Carl Continued on Page by a 1 recorded vote Staff Photo Mm Resident quotes Robert Burns Ninety Fifth Year No 31 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 M Coles a prominent Presbyterian and resident of township quoted a passage from a Robert Burns Fifron Cm his opposition to the establishment of the Golden Bob Hart now JP Acton now has a Justice of the Peace Bob Harts appointment by the Department of Justice was effective January I There hasnt been a JP in Acton since Jack McGcachie left He will sign documents such as summons and warrants for the police take evidence and have Dentist says 40 Acton children have decayed rotten teeth of yet BOB HART various duties he isnt himself One thing I know for sure he says cant marry people That takes a judge Old locomotive 6218 steams through town Although Old 18 steamed Wherever it stopped right through Acton without photographers on the train took slopping an estimated were pictures of the photographers on at the station and crossings here the platforms and then to enjoy the sight of a steam everyone ran alongside the train engine again Crowds were and took shots of the engine And the tape buffs took tapes waiting at all the crossings and stations from Toronto to Stratford during the special days run Sundays jaunt behind the steam locomotive was organized by the Upper Canada Railway Society and the passenger cars were filled to capacity There was standing room only The haunting sound of the team whistles alerted to the trains arrival about 10 oclock and it passed through again late in the afternoon on the return trip Old was built in Montreal in 194243 and has the distinction of being the last steam locomotive in North America to have an overhaul in 1963 at Stratford The shop there was closed four months later It has made several special excursions each one enthusiastically welcomed by railroad fans Excursions are already for February and October this year Statements attributed to the denial director of the Halton County Health Unit a Hamilton newspaper about oral and personal hygiene in North have incensed many people from this town and district Dr Samuel Green dental director of the Halton Health Unit was reported to have said that although children in Oakvillc and Burlington representing the southern heavily and more prosperous area of the county have good teeth and practise or hygiene those in the north of the county leave a lot lo be desired Publicizing ihc new Murphy the Molar campaign Green said if a child is examined and found to have six or more cavities he is classified as an urgent cisc In Acton for instance to 40 per cent of the children examined recently were classified urgent It gets frustrating the head dentist said almost every kid I examine up there has decayed and rotten teeth Green described the ActonGeorgetown sector of ihc county as a poor socioeconomic area Such people tend to consume more sugary and starch foods and noi much protein Meat he said is a source Council reaction Acton councils reaction to the statements by Health Unit dentist Groan Poor public relations on port to release something to the Hamilton Spectator Councillor McKenzie I object to fireside chats by public servants Reeve F Oakes i hate to see Acton doKribod as the of Kentucky I had a reasonable understanding there is natural fluoride in the water hero Mayor We need an extensive survey of the area to find out if it is but this guy is Councillor Murks personal hygiene as they arc in the of the county They have their problems down there and it is ridiculous for them to imagine the south as a Utopia Mr McKenzie said There is room for dental improvement in the Aclon schools he was quick admit but he felt heallh unit doctors claims grossly exaggerated the state of students teeth in the north and south ends of the county Horseshoe Mr Coles described Robert Burns as he greatest champion of human rights that ever lived outside of the Lord of Glory Himself Mr Coles asked Council to stop any infringement on the personal rights of township residents and also quoted the Golden Rule As ye would men should do unto you even so do ye likewise degree The iKITrSSS for Ron Henry at U of G protein and is a food Hem that such families can always afford Compounding poor eating habits oral hygiene pracl the north existent families are more concerned about making a living than their neighbors oral and personal hygiene take a back seat to the pressure of survival Dr Green suggested Georgetown also came in for some sweeping criticism In a survey taken in Georgetown last year it was found that the average child spends per year on candy bubble gum and other garbage foods He spends or at least his parents spend less than half this amount on denial services Dentists have found that the average child by age six lias begun to his fust cavities Green said In poor areas such as North 50 per cent of the children are getting their first cavities by age Greens indtgn doctors claims Several said they had regular appointments with a dentist and knew most of their friend did also They resented the doctor inference the north end of the county was a poor socioeconomic area Principal McKenzie was particularly upset because he had requeued the Health Unit to conduct their fluoride brush expensive and they seemed in no particular hurry to oblige They came after he had forgotten all about the request Mr McKenzie said Dr Green arc almost had only been in the Robert Because such Little school once to his knowledge and had never been in the M Z i school An Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in political will be conferred upon Ronald Henry of Acton the winter convocation of the University of Friday January at pm A 1966 of Acton District high school he achieved first class honors in his four year course He is the son of Mr and Mrs W G Henry John St He plans to continue his studies in law in September Winter convocation is held in War Memorial Hall at the university frock fire causes damage Acton quickly extinguished a fire in a Direct transport truck near the Fifth Line corner on Highway Monday afternoon about The fire caused extensive damage to the engine of the truck but Ihc driver was not injured Provincial tax rebate increases by here Average provincial property tax rebates in Acton in will likely be S3 higher than in thanks new system in the tax reduction program announced Thursday by Minister of Municipal Affairs McKeough Rebates in are expected to rise about and in about SIS Increases in other towns indicate about SIS in Burllngion Georgetown and Most Ontario residents will receive greater benefits In 1970 than in 1969 McKeough said But none will receive a greater increase than SIS and any who receive less hit year will not receive more than less than in The formula used for rebates is changed to give a standard plus per cent of the average residential tax paid by householders in 1969 The following table concerning indicates how il will work Municipality Average Average Proposed taxes 1 969 rebate rebate Acton Burlington Georgetown Milton Oakville 70 55 488 5 46 84 86 88 52 38 373 33 41 46 87 38 Monday blitz 700 goal Monday is blitz night for the 70 canvassers who will be calling door todoor in for the Ability Fund Formerly known as the March of Dimes the Abdity Fund assists adults with physical handicaps The captains working under Mrs S Cripps arc Mrs Cord Mrs John Dunn Mis Gary Dawkins Mrs Gerry Pargetcr Mrs Hazel Orr Mrs Orval Darby Mrs Doug Mason Miss Jean McLean Mrs Pat Waldie Mrs E Lynch Mrs Lome and Mis H Biltorf Most of the calls planned to be made Monday but pink envelopes will be left when no ones home so contributions can be scnl to Mrs Cripps As well folders explaining the work of the Ability Fund will be left so those who have donated may read more about the woik done Actons goal is Posters have been up town and there six penny banks out for contributions in the banks drug store bus station milk store and Watson restaurant Letters requesting donations have been sent out to industries Monday night Mrs Mary Cooper of Georgetown another volunteer who s the district chairman spoke enthusiastically on the work of the Ability Fund to a group of canvassers and captains at the Robert Little School The Ability Fund has changed its old policfighting image and now stresses the abilities of the disabled adults rather than their disabilities Some receive work at home others get special training and a job in a training centre or workshop People who need such assistance don t always realize it available Children under years age come under the jurisdiction of the Crippled Childrens association locally the Rotary Club canvasses for these funds disbelief I beginning la froi remarl think Old 6218 Acton all live tar paper shacks up The Free Press contacted Robert Little principal The Robert Little school was the target for a recent fluoride brush in conducted by nurses of the Health Unit He was astounded by the doctor s statements I know theres a need for more dental in the Acton schools but per dont accept that the principal declared I m amazed at how well the parents in Acton look after then- children even in the large families where it often is done at great sacrifice He said the children in Acton schools are just as clean both in oral and Criticize Dr Green at county count A news story in a Hamilton daily newspaper stating among other things that oral and personal hygiene lake a back seat to the pressure of survival in the northern areas of Halton County had Actons Deputy Reeve Ted Tyler angered at County Council Tuesday and he wanted the man who made the statements to answer for them at the next meeting of County Council The man he referred to was Dr Samuel Green head of the Halton County Health Units Dental Preventive Service Im opposed to the way he described Halton In this story we look like a bunch of country bumpkins The mans says the ActonGeorgetown area is an area of poor social and economic development he stormed look at the reeve of Acton and the reeve and deputyreeve of Georgetown do they look poor and under fed he said pointing to the wellbuilt official Between and per cent of the children in Acton are classified as urgent dental cases or at least so says Green but I dont believe this 1 did some checking and discovered he Green had not via ted the area nor had a dental nurse even been to visit M Z Bennett School and there arc a lot of kids there he emphasized As far as personal hygKne we bathe at times other than when the ice is off the pond here Acton sniffed the deputy reeve I admit we do have dental problems up there but it could be because dental staff were not doing their job he said Other members of County Council criticized the press for printing such a story Burlington Reeve Goidon Gallagher aid I fee the press owes society more news coverage Why don they tell the good things in life he asked Defending the dental chief Art Speight claimed he was faced with a heavy work load serving several other I would hate to see condemned this manner Defending the alleged poor dental conditions in his part of the county Esquesing Reeve George Cume told council in a deadpan manner that Everyone I met any dealings Esquesing had their own teeth Mr Speight again spoke in Greens defence saying doubt seriously whether half this stuff can be substantiated We are crucifying him absentia Georgetowns Reeve Hunter asked If the doctor dad say these things then why did he say them If its true thin he should rectify the problem rather than make headlines of them Deputy Reeve Tylers request to have Dr Green appear was defeated and the of the Board of Health Reeve Mm was instruct to consult with the Acting Medical Officer of Health foe further course of action

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