Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1970, page 6

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FOR A PROFITABLE YEAR USE FREE PRESS WANT ADS BIRTHS At the Hospital Alberta on 1V or the sin f Will Mid Jordan arc pleased to an nounce the birth of their January 1 at General llottn Mother baby both tine Ami mi ller to ahntHmof birth of slaughter Stacy on Friday January at the General Hos pital Ernie and Lynn ft happy announce the birth or a son Ernest Daniel lbs on January 1970 tit General Hospital First grandchild or Mr unit Mm IN dear father John nHMK WAV WJJ Memories Ma and iMf fAmHIe aSOHsi Tom and Sharon are happy to Announce the birth of ion Michael Allen lbs ok on December at Guelph General First for Mr Mm Mediant RICHARD Joseph and Bar bara would like to announce the birth of their daughter Lynn lbs 12 on January 15 the General Hospital A sister or Jimmy Eileen and Tommy Bill Gall arc happy to announce the birth of their daughter Pauline Frances January 1970 at Gen eral Hospital COMING MARRIAGES WINTER Mr and Mrs Frank Winter wish to announce the forthco ming marriage of their daugh ter Susan Phyllis to Mr son of Mr and Mrs of Acton Wedding will take place February at Church of Our Lady in DEATHS Robert Wesley Sud denly at his home In Rock- wood on Friday January Robert Wesley in his year beloved husband of Kathleen and dear father of iMrs Boyd Fowler of Woodstock and Wes ley at home Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker Fun eral Home on Monday at Interment met cry EDWARDS At St Josephs Hospital on Thursday January IS 1970 H G Edwards of Rockwood in his 72nd year husband of the late Myrtle Alt- dear father of Ernest Eleanor Mrs J Mrs Fay Edwards J Guthro all of Dorothy Mrs Craft of Stratford Myrtle and Marjorie both of Toronto Thomas of Elliott Lake Russell of Simcoe and John of Vancouver also surviv ed by grandchildren and six great grandchildren Funeral service was held at the Shoemaker Funer al Home Saturday at In terment in cemetery FISHER Gerald At Tor onto Western Hospital on Friday January Gerald Fisher of RJL Acton in his year beloved husband of Bessie Kee dear father of Wil liam Brian Dale Gary and Lynn all of Acton Keith and Gerry of Parry Sound Funeral service was held at St Anglican Church on Monday at 130 pjn Interment cemetery Annie Suddenly at Genera Hospital on Thursday January 1970 Annie wife of the late Franklin of Acton dear mother of Helen Mrs Harry of Acton and the late Harold dear grandmother of Brian service was held at the Rumiey Shoemaker Fun eral Home on Saturday at Interment Fairview ceme tery Andrew At St Josephs Hospital Guelph on Friday January 16 Andrew Turkosx of Crescent Acton In bis year beloved husband of Cath erine and dear father of Eva BUI Williams Mary Mrs Jack John Pet er George and Martha all of Acton also survived by 13 grandchildren and one great grandchild Requiem mass was held at St Josephs Church on Monday at 10 mm Interment St Jos eph of who way the list of Is a golden stmlti tries to bivnV ml all in to hive And then to part the of ones The jAm may win out mnny this they out The memory of When t wi nil together Fondly remembered by wire Minnie Don And Lit Chris nnd John John ami Irene CARDS OF THANKS of Hie Inle Annie to their kind born ftii their itch or dntina their went In tost of And rmtdimi ilimikN to Dr Mm it ml Mm lirneml Emp lowes or Rum- lev Home Rev Helen And RIPPON In loving memory of a dear father John who push ed one year Ago Jnnuat 1969 Your presence is ever near Your love remains with ui yet You were the kind of father Your loved ones will never lor get Always remembered by daugh ter Paul and grandchildren Paul Michael and Scott ROBINSON In fond and lov ing memory of my dear hus band George Robinson who left me so suddenly one year ago today January 1969 We little knew when wo woke that mom The sorrow day would bring The call was sudden the shock severe To port with one loved so dear Sometimes its hard to under stand Why some things have to be In- His wisdom God has plan Beyond our power to see Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten your wife ROBINSON In loving mem ory of our dear father and grandfather George Robinson who left us to suddenly one year ago today January What would we give if we could say Hello Dad in the same old way To hear your voice to see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile So you who have a father Cherish him with care For youll never know the heartache Till you see his vacant chair Always remembered and sad ly missed by your son Allan daughterinlaw Jeanne and grandsons Calvin and Eddie WASHING MACHINES fully reconditioned From Goodie Economy Store Georgetown ROBINSON In fond and lov ing memory of our dear fa ther George Robinson who left us so suddenly one year ago to day January 1969 Please God forgive a silent tear A fervent wish our Dad wis here There are others yes we know But he was ours we loved him so Dear God take a message To our Father in heaven above Tell him how much we miss him And give him all our love Forever loved and sadly miss ed by your sons Brian and Ken neth ROBINSON In fond and lov ing memory of our dear fa ther and grandfather George Robinson who left us so sud denly one year ago today Jan uary 21 1969 I was not there to see you die To hold your hand or kiss But there Is a daughter that misses you Dad And in my memory I am sad For the one I loved so dearly Has forever been called away But the tears I shed ore in sil ence For you were mine and I re member The last few words we had to gether But this I know and the love we share You are thinking of me today somewhere Sadly missed and lovingly re membered by your daughter Di ane soninlaw Brian and grand daughters Donna and Sherry is CARDS OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors tor the lovely bedding given to us as a wed ding gift Fred and Rosemary BUocco word Inndeqtintc expivis out lo rela tives fi lends for tin ninny of kindness tie- willful dotal tributes curds of the timing our vent boivnvemcnl or loving father thank to Rev Ionlntry Rev Turner Rev Tucker the Fun- em Home Alto Dr littrelt lr Phillips the mimes staff of the third floor Inelpli General Hospital those who provided rides lo the hos pital Mrs VcliHinis CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ntnnut roft AAI run minimum or Mt wont Inn tor IB If wntrl ISO lor CAUDA OF Aw Int Ira itMIHiiiml Una IN IB I linn Dl rtt lUOAI In WOK ICIIIM or rut I null Vthlrlu J I l li or I In if nit IB II It hum I A I I I am V Vim tr Mill Ml I Acton Trod Wmlnoiilny JnnUnry PRODUCE FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE lover llipild Aplntlcs off llwy 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE COMING EVENTS Shore the Wealth euchre Bnlllnnfnd Community Cent Tuesdny Jnnunry 27 pin Penny Snle Euchre Fri day May 1 pm YM CA sponsored by Ladles Auxiliary Admission 50c Lunch rved Acton euchre every Sat urday at pm at the Lodge Hall Crewsons Corners Lunch provided Admission 50c Every one welcome Siihijj Dance Auxil iary Music by the NovelAires February couple Ac ton Legion Hall Tickets avail able Phone The annual meeting of the Acton Agricultural Society will be held in the Acton Council Chambers on Monday January 26 pm Everyone welcome FOR SALE CLOTHES closet 6 high pine Call 8530993 1 PAIR skis 1 pair poles 1 pair boots size 8 hardly used 8531059 10302452 CUSTOM made snowmobile trailers singles and doubles For further Information call or ELECTRIC and gas stoves 11 sires fully recondition ed From Ec onomy Store Georgetown Ont Ib302607 EXCELLENT for gifts decor ating Liquid Em broidery permanent wash able dry colors av ailable Phone Doris Scoyne Acton HAVE fun Make money too instructing others in original liquid embroidery tube painting Nationally adver tised Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping No previous ex perience necessary full or part time Vivian Shaw call Ia302614 TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all chan nel head 50 tower installed with all chan nel head 19150 stereo bead Installed 15 dement color bead Instilled Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of types RICHARDSONS Radio TV Main Street East MILTON Phono 8786949 lbtf Collie pups flee good homes 3n1l2nl TOP An gun heifer pure bred stock 16 inns old Phone even ings ARRIVED Insl week airload of Western 50 weigh lug lbs Outstanding quality Buy any number Phono Russ Evans collect Free FLOCK of ewes due fiom now til April Will sell all or part Also black colt 7 months old sire thoroughbred Clar ence I Orion phone Hlllsburgh 8554554 USE FREE PRESS Clnssifieds to clean out your attic IW 191 lip 813 1967 for del GAIAXII Idiir god condition lull SNOW HAWK 15 lip good condition or brut phone RAMBLER Am cylinder standard Phone condition pm 16 SERVICES refill nil kind free mil jfHiira MM HOOK fmvo and We will flours or rent you lo do the Job ft BEL AQUA Wotor Conditioning Co ftALT For MA Typed tit PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jonnlnga MAIN ST N Weddings port mils pais- visas Industrial family team pictures FORD liurdtop power steering power brakes V8 en all new tires excellent Rest offer Phone 69 OLDSMOHILE Delta Cus tom automatic power steering power radio rear speak- whitcwalls air conditioned miles or best offer Phone 5198531278 388MAIN ST MILTON 8782355 Inflation Fighters Headquarters Buck High Costs March Ahead to Savings Shoot Down Inflation with these Inflation Fighters PONTIAC Only 1495 Only 1095 Get Your Name on one of the above Inflation- Fighting Badges CALL US TODAY AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD 388 MAIN ST MILTON 8782355 HELP WANTED 2 FEMALES part time to pick mushrooms Apply Tang- mere Mushroom Co OFFICE help full time in Reply Box 486 Acton Free Press stating age and exper ience TEXAS OIL COMPANY Has opening in ACTON area No experience necessary Age important Good character a must We train Air mail S R Prcs Southwestern Petroleum Corp Ft Worth Texas Time Study Engineer Methods and time study engineer required by automo bile parts manufacturer Must be able to maintain and set new incentive standards Experience in method improvements line balancing and establishing of standard data essential Salary open Life insurance hospital and medical plan fully paid by company Apply to PERSONNEL STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LIMITED Georgetown Division 345 Street Georgetown EMPLOYMENT WANTED GRADE 12 girl willing to do part time office work baby sitting etc Phone 8530346 9a302453 WELL board child ren weekly while mother works Phone after pjn RENT XT HEBE FOR RENT FURNISHED room down own area kitchen facilities Call before 8532098 FURNISHED room suit two gentlemen linen supplied Laun dry done if desired Phone 853- 16 SERVICES Stanley Construction TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES FILL and TOP SOIL R 1 Acton 8530849 16a50tf ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks Stoops Chimney Plastering Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 8531818 16a33tf CARPENTRY R Lumbers General contracting remod elling alterations rec rooms work etc ACTON MILTON PACONI Dead Stock Removal LOOTED Highest cash price for dead disabled cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith No DAWSONS PLUMBING and HEATING Cor service re alterations now work Residential Com mercial Phone 8532203 16a37tf ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique and Modern Furniture Rcupholsterlng Repairing and Car Upholstering 4 Days Delivery Free Pickop miles radius DDR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 8530684 Earl Jensen 16aStf Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Call GUELPH Collect License 64C67 Hour Service HANKS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Sheet Metal and Repairs INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL for Gas or Oil Lennox and United Gas Certified Dealer ACTON 16a24tf H Excavating RR MILTON Call Milton 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing in manure loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small council divided regional govt plebiscite Raiding of a Aclci fundi on region be held in wily in opinion liquating Monday Couiicllloi Kin I ho ugh I tl fl of I lie people Ire abler to on government williou lioIliii Deputy- lorn Hill utiitdnl In he tended 16 SERVICES CUSTOM SNOW BLOWING NO JOB TOO BIO Pint Efficient Service Call QUALITY TV SERVICE your set to j DTI technician It no to get prompt courteous MODERN TV Henry FINANCE MORTGAGE FUNDS 1st and 2nd available residential com mercial also mortgages pur chased Call Glenn Danzcy Realty Investments Oakvlllc anytime REAL ESTATE CHRISTIE WOODS Main St Mdton Phones 8782095 8786057 Homes by Ready for Inspection at Churchill Heights I bedroom splitlevel I bedroom 2storey with down stairs powder room Or choose one of the other mo dels ready or immediate pos session Jennings Excavating RR 1 8773197 Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Fill Gravel Top Soil Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE W J Koski Co 11 Fulton St ALUMINUM WINDOWS DOORS GLASS MIRRORS REPAIRS 8789452 MILTON 16atf Tree Removal FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED FAST SERVICE Call 8783711 Kent Precast Products Sidewalk and Patio Stab Chimney Cap Curbing any size Cement Floors and Stoops a specialty Phone ACTON 8531013 8531747 25 Highway 2 miles south of Acton CUSTOM BUILD the home of your choice on one of several available lots remaining in this area We list and farms homes and commercial properties ROY GOODWIN or ROSS BALLENTINE Acton 8532000 you tall me what good a pfllliittlfii going do reeve a iked the Wcii going to have a visit from McKeoNgh here on mid tlul I dont think youll be thinking of a u Ho the predicted faflloi in the meeting rend a letter from the Department of Municipal Hut would hold a meeting with at comment hen before July well have government thats Klin ott Mr French told council he didnt the townihip could a voters hit rejdy by Jury When reeve what they to do the At ion councillor replied it I we thou Id tupport it Hill retorted A motion by the deputy by councillor Wilfrid Leille endorsing the Acton reiolutlon but councillor Marthall it Honor Minister of Energy and and Hal ton Wen MPP George Kerr will he honored at a dinner to be held in Burlington Feb The list for the dinner is headed national leader Robert Stanfield who will give the main Ontario Prime Minuter John Robartl Municipal Minuter Darcy McKeough Provincial Secretary Tom Welch and Health Minuter Tom Weill Sponsored by the Asiociation the dinner will be held at the More than people are expected to attend REAL ESTATE A Real Family Home bedroom brick 2storey on large double bush lot family kitchen dining room living room 2 washrooms hard wood floors full basement Si attached garage This home in immaculate condition throughout Full price with excellent mortgage Just Listed 5room brick bungalow close to schools and shopping large living room and kitch en bathroom lot Immediate possession available Owner must sell Will consider any reasonable offer Asking with terms Ideal Location bedroom brick lWstorey home with double garage pa ved driveway and situated on a beautiful corner lot This home is just minutes from schools transportation and downtown shopping It also features a kitchen extra large laving room with and dining room with fire place Full price with very good terms G Alec Johnson REALTOR Mill Street East Acton Ontario 8532086 Toronto Line Racing Form Take Your Pick as These are all Winners JUST STEP- Into this charming home and notice how neat and clean It ii Has bedrooms in Immac ulate condition Asking full price with mortgage 2 LITRE TIMID- About buying a home Neednt be Come and take a look at this cozy little bungalow and then take the landlords hands out of your pocket 2 large bedrooms on bus route just out of town on half acre A sure fire hit for only full pnae 3 PREFAB- Not here as this home is cus tom built It is located in a good neighborhood on 5 acr es with the beautiful coun tryside to look over Oh yes it has bedrooms with 17a30 conveniences also a small bam to make it a real thor oughbred at 30000 full price- Owner leaving country Must sell 4 WONT DO- Are confused Well you will be on the right rood to happiness if you buy this fine home in Has 3 bed rooms large living room good size kitchen nearly new Owner transferred Must aelL Asking full price Op en to offers 5 ZING- Heres a 10 ten lot north of Acton and look only down price 1 mortgage to balance at 6 BE RICH You dont have to be rich to buy your way to happier You can be the landlord in this living in oae rent the other three apart ments Situated fa full price with down THE COMPANY TO SEE IS Sydney K Lamb Limited Street East ACTON Ontario Acton 8531030 Toronto 3640700

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