Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1970, page 3

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The clergy Apeak cat By The Rev Walter A Fosbury Churchill Community Church One of the general trends of our time is toward concentration and amalgamation Tho result is that in industry have huge conglomerates controlled by cornpanie that have a drive in direction of diversification into fields of interest that often times have little or no relationship to the original corporations In the realm of education area school systems have been set up in the past decade or two which had as their avowed aim the creation of a more efficient method of dispensing knowledge and at a more economical level Even in the major denominations the church has been moving in the same direction The hippie movement which is supposed to be a rebellion against the establishment and social conformity is now hardening down into a conformity of its own Area government is being put forward also as a much needed solution to the weaknesses more imagined than real of the present system of local government Herein I believe there is a real threat to the democratic way of life which we prize so highly From the federal government down the tendency appears to be away from a just society to an autocratic bureaucracy and the urbanization of the life of the nation as a whole This is not a matter of party politics but is it the result of a universal urge toward conformity A number of people start to grow long hair and the idea catches on to the extent that even college professors look out at their classes from behind a forest growth that to say the least is a wonder to behold Now this is downgrade the OBITUARY wearing of long hair but simply to point up the fact that the trend of our times is toward conformity and this in spite of the fact that we argue otherwise The growing use of drugs among our young people even down to the public school level is another indication of the same trend to conformity and the argument that the smoking of marijuana is not as bad as the drinking of alcoholic beverages falls flat on its face If ever there was a generation of conformists wc are it As a minister of the Christian Church I personally feel the need of this generation being given the challenge of individual and personal dedication to moral idealism and service to mankind The church and the school need to sound more dearly the note of sacrifice and service to the people of this generation than at present they are especially to the young If fail here then fail everywhere and the promise of the future must be anything but hopeful Wo need to stress importance of the individual life rather than that of the mass as well as the importance of the community as over against that of the nation or the area The larger the group the less significant is the individual and our first responsibility is to that individual To try to funnel into one channel of service or learning is a mistake of the first magnitude An age of specialization needs specialists and this holds true of the social order as it does of the educational and commercial areas of our day We need to train people who will stand on their own feet regardless of what the masses may do Funeral service Jan 15 for Veldhuis A foreman at and Co for many years Veldhuis of 153 Main St S away in Guelph General on Monday January 12 after a lengthy illness Funeral service was held at the Rumley Shoemaker funeral home on Thursday January 15 conducted by longtime friend the Rev Walter Fosbury assisted by the Rev Tucker of Rock wood Pallbearers were nephews Rien Veldhuis and friends Orwell Johnston Van Harry Burns and W MctCenzie Interment was in cemetery Mr Veldhuis was born in Holland and came to Canada in 1927 He and Mrs Veldhuis the former Truus Slot were married January 1929 at the United Church parsonage here by the Rev C Poole Mrs Veldhuis survives him as well as daughter Jo Ann Mrs Duval Acton and three grandchildren Carolyn Beverly and Mark also a sister Marie in Holland and brother Leonard Guelph Many years a respected elder of Trinity United Church Mr Veldhuis was also clerk of session for several years Lawn bowling and woodworking were his hobbies and in past years he had decorated many wedding cakes for friends Euchre winners Winners at the L euchre Saturday ladies high Florence Ten Eycke low Debbie Dewar men high Vivian Shaw low Muriel Holmes lone hands Quontin Peacock and door prize Frank Robinson MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C EVANGEL TABERNACLE PA 0 C Churchill Road Rev S Pastor 8532715 SUNDAY JANUARY Here our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church am Sunday School All ages Morning Service Evening Evangel Georgetown BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev BA D Acton Ontario 1100 SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 1000 am Morning Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School 11 am Sunday School Afternoon Worship Service JO m Teen Meet at the church evening 73010 Catechism Classes Come worship study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Mr A Hansen BA Organist and Choir Master SUNDAY JANUARY 1100 am Sunday School a Morning Worship 7 p m Evangelistic Service Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday pm Christ Ambassadors Crusaders Prov and Verses and Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own under standing On all thy ways acknowledge Him and He direct thy paths Mi ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded Jcobson MA Interim Supply SUNDAY JANUARY am Church School for ages 3 15 9 am Ministers Church Member ship Class for Teenagers withdrawn this Sundav Divine Worship Theme Our Evirvda Enemies Wednesday January at 6 Con Pot Luck Supper followed b Annual Meeting Entire families welcome Everyone Most Welcome CHURCH1U COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter B Tidey Aw Phone 8532386 Thursdiv Choir Rehearsal SUNDAY JANUARY 25th 4i am School 1 1 a m Morning Worship Wtdnesda January Supper Annual Businci Meeting and Election of Officers A Cordial Inflation To All THE CHURCH OP ST ALBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Albans Drive Rev J Dawson BA BTh SUNDAY JANUARY 900 am Holy a Church School and Nursery am Martins 710 pm Annual Vestry Meeting a Communion TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon Turner BA Director of Music George Elliott MA SUNDAY JANUARY 1 100 am Worship and Church School Sermon subject SelfCondemrtat fon Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the Church on the Hill SUNDAY JANUARY 25th Morning Worship Nursery Sunday School to Grade a Sunday School Grade 54 pm Hi and Hi Youth Groups for Teem alternating Sunday evenings Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and Worship of Trinity CITIZENS BAND for are front row left to right secretary treasurer Barry Buchanan first vice- pre sklent Char No King an ill president Sill Buchanan second vicepresident Nail Anderson committee members Heather Buchanan and Bill Digging bandmaster Dr George Elliott outgoing committee member Chuck Wright Would demolish old post office committee member Stephanie Merrin Absent were legal representative Bra do and council representative Dr It tho first time since 1951 when the Boys and Girls Band was changed that young ladies have been on the executive Staff Photo side of Queen SI and felt Hut the same roiling should be to his client property The Acton Free Press Wednesday January 1970 3 St Albans cooperates in documentary series The Anglican church in Acton broadcast on Sunday and in the Niagara afternoon last summer and fall Dtoceso is making use of TV to it is being re run on the communicate in meaningful Hamilton TV station for half an terms with those who cannot or hour 1 1 a in the hope do not wish to go to church getting a new group of It has arranged foi a repeat in vicwe prime church time of Us W 18 successful series on social and moral issues One Reach One Thc Church is scries of dramatized iting in a onehour and panel debate on proposed union many viewers m Canada in a program to be of the resolution passed televised on Channel on approving location of Sunday Jan senior citizens and low rental housing project on Cob bid nil He also asked that the annexed areas west of the cemetery be included in official plan His third request was that planning board clarify Us request for a change This documentaries discussions drew Continued from page encountered in other municipalities Mr Johnson said thc coverage allowed on the lot is per cent and thc building would cover 16 2 per cent Parking will be provided for cars Mr Johnson said he presently has 19 applications for accommodation in thc new building He pointed out the other two buildings had been rented before they were built He also said that at thc time of the construction of the first two buildings mortgage money had been very difficult to arrange however mortgage companies arc now fighting to get into the town of Acton Thc building would be of masonry construction and would meet all fire requirements including the installation of fire fighting equipment Construction would start in early spring and would be completed in July There could possibly be up to children in this apartment and a recreation room of square feet would be constructed in the basement The planning board recommended the project He pointed out under zoning by law governing committee of adjustment for thc granting of a minor variance in height requirement and urged that trees and shrubs as well as sod be used in landscaping Alec Johnson also appeared on behalf or Mr Barry owner of the drive in restaurant on Quicn St to appeal thc decision made by planning board to oppose change in zoning from commercial to I Mr Barry had proposed building a six store plaz of 000 feet on t lie site Provision was made for parking spices and the by law calls fur 70 Apartment would be constructed above stores Councillor McKcrmc asked Mr Johnson what dunces had been made to the proposal to bring it back to he board Mr Johnson indicated tint there is a shortage of accommodation he the fact that two established stores have been given notice to vacate their present premises He felt there would be no problem in rcntiiiL the six stores location He cited the mg only one of the to which the property could be put would be for another service station of which wc Ii ivc Ave A copy of comments p 1970 and was to be forwarded to the was chosen developer Thrush Construction V1CC assistant Planning Board rejected Grant Usher was larger plaza would be developed proposed plans for apartments appointed secretary treasurer of Chairman Bob Dnnkwaltcr expressed Ins opinion that pruposcd project would not implement thc area and fell properly further cist is built up Planning consult ml Denis in the long run thc smaller plazas would deteriorate very rapidly in competition with plazas Three or four small ones arc not the best answer Clerk administrator Joe Hurst attended meeting and on of council asked planning board to formally submit a copy height of apartment buildings Project Planning consultants submitted their comment on proposed apartment project on Orr property north of Bower Chairman Drink waiter expressed his concern because council had deleted from planning board recommend inclusion of a pedestrian walk on Revenue properly on Churchill Rd Council representatives agreed to discuss again with council the concern of the planning board on Ihc deletion of the pedestrian walkway Sid was elected chairman considering the points raised by tho consultants consultants suggested could be better buffering between houses and railways as one building was within feet perimeter of parking arrangements could be improved the central court would create a noise problem it mid be desirable to have direct to Robert Little School board Present secretary lam Williams agreed to assist Mr Usher in becoming familiar with the woik of Hie board Mr Usher is also Ihc new secretary the committee of adjustment Other board members attending were councillors Masalcs and Meb Blow Vic and Paul thai pljnr board had recommended chance zoning on property on the other Baptist men meet in Acton The Eastern Guelph Men Fellowship met in Acton Baptist Church January It has been in operation for ten years and is composed of the men from churches in Brampton Cheltenham Georgetown and Acton who meet monthly for fellowship and inspiration Bill Feltham was chairman with Charlie at the organ Ivan Mullcr is Octogenarian writes hymn When members of the United church entertained older gentlemen from the Fred Vietor Mission in Toronto to dinner one Sunday last spring one of them told his new friends here he was a composer of hymns said he had composed several hundred hymns Now he has his correspondence with his hostess that day Mrs Gordon Johnston by writing to say that two of his hymns will be sung on popular TV show Hymn Sing some Sunday soon They are called Evening Prayer and Glad that I found Jesus Although confined to a wheelchair he was spry in spirit This will be the first time his president Musical were presented by men from and from Brampton and were mueh appreciated Thirty eight were present it roll call The key note ikcr was Rev Ralph Humphreys of Kitchener who divided men into groups to consider the basic subject of What Baptist Men should be doing Bible study church attendance work among boys witnessing were stressed Following the meeting the ladies of the Church served tasty refreshment and fellowship so characteristic of these meetings evidenced itself during the refreshment period CHESTERFIELDS CHAIRS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ONf OF A KIND CUSTOM BUILT MODUS 1030 OFF JANUARY PRICE FOR RECOVER WORK 10 Off KG PRICE IM J AH Makers of fine Upholstered Furniture ONTARIO So you managed to cheat on your unemployment insurance Congratulations The Bible today the unemployment insurance Ill ml do so unintentionally But every year some very ingenious people deliberately cheat on their Alio men I insurance is mil a account hut a protect the He was a Nigerian jobbing printer who produced cards used for stock control in Bible House His equipment is limited and he works in a tiny shed Lagos where the best he had been able to do had been to produce some of the attractive posters used for Bible Sunday Nigeria But he is more than a printer and recently he appeared Bible House with the sum of which he had collected from over people as their fee to become personal members of Bible Society For him the Bible Society was not just a customer to be supplied with print it was a cause to which he felt he wanted to contribute something of his own someone some of the principle ot mem insurance in Perhaps I aid into the fund the think Ilia unone think The Unemployment Insurance Commission someone re

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