Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1970, page 9

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7 The of Highway between Acton and Georgetown came in for some comment from members of Acton council i recent meeting Motorists will agree with much of what was criticizing the condition of thcroid Although the Dcpirtmcnt of Highways has outlined long term plan for improving No the process seems to be painfully slow Three deaths the of in recent months have been cause of much concern There ire fearimany more might occur if something isn t done soon to correct deficiencies Highwiy would hive been fine road in the time of the horse and buggy but under today s conditions congestion and high speed cars itisoutditcd narrow and dangerous One of the worst points along the stretch is located at the junction of the Fourth Line Esqiicsmg where a dip obscures vision of the intersection Westbound drivers often arrive at the top of the knoll to see a cor pulling out in front of them Instant reflexes are needed to avoid collisions when the east bound lane has traffic in it It is true that if drivers exercised more caution along the nine mile stretch between Acton and Georgetown there would be fewer collisions But better road conditions would also go a long way towards ameliorating the cause of serious accidents And we think it is time the Department did something to stop the slaughter It is difficult for someone from this section of the province to understand the priorities policy of the of Highwavf Trips to the vacation in the north rcveil smooth new ro ids being constructed which will en ible city cottage owners to rcicfi their summer homes quicker ire const the network of ro ids and along the M icdomld Freewiy in Toronto They ire of modern engineering impressive make welling through Toronto much safer and convenient since the provinces must be in the c i luge number of dolhrs must go towirds construction of modern to serve the needs of the most number of people However suspect tint a disproportionate amount of money is being spent on lirge centres ind the rural ire is must depend on it is left When cutbacks in spending ire announced the ro ids outside the centres seem to suffer most Wc would hope that the Dep could find some means of directing more money towards modernizing this stretch of Highway although realize the demands for better roads provincewide Just before the paper went to press she Free Press learned that Jim Snow revealed that the Department of Highways will let tenders for a contract for the clearing grubbing and fencing of a seven mile stretch of Highway 7 between Acton and Georgetown contract calls for planned road reconstruction in that area We don think this affects this editorial but indicated the Department may be more concerned about this stretch of road than they have shown SEE THROUGH STYLES In woman fashions and In furniture and or Iho bold and daring Highly practical this through is complomonlod by matching and will make any room appear as largo life- It typical of some of homo furnishings to bo soon at Canadian Mart at Toronto Exhibition Pork Tho trado show largest In Canada Is to general public two dayi Si Sugar and Spice by bill smiley The link between cigarette smoking and cancer is often pooh poohed by those who dont want to kick the habit as being based on conjecture and circumstantial evidence but Canada banned on much slimmer findings Some rats were fed cyclamates over a 104 day period- 1 1 got bladder cancer and 1 developed preliminary cancer symptoms When Health Minister John Munro announced the ban on cyclamates he noted a 1 SO pound man would have to drink 500 cans of cyclamaie- sweetened pop each day for his entire life to get the same dose as the test rats Canadians the health minister said would obey a ban on cyclamates but ignore a similar prohibition of smoking Few people are hooked on soft are addicted to cigarettes The health minister was right but the evidence to ban cigarettes becomes stronger every day The Medical Post recently made an analogy When you smell a skunk in the back yard you do not have to see the skunk to know what is causing the smell with respect to the relationship between lung cancer Have you j lilcly If you Invent don I will murder you finanujlly a big bill fur seven years and decided il wis nine went carefully over our list of friends neighbors and wcowc and came up Willi tut ruthlessly to 20 And we wound up with 1 The mam point when you re giving parly is to be Leave nothing lo the minute Cheek the things Hjvl you enough wood for your fireplace I discovered I had two chunks but with old fruit baskets boxes and the bottom step of the cellar stairs mamged quite nicely Be sua your wiring works The switch for our light worked for four days and I gel an electric in because were ail in Florida i r heart disease and cigarette smoking people arc placing themselves in the ridiculous position of saying since the actual mechanism of lusation is not yet known the st which link cancer and cigarette really mean nothing In other words the article concludes they actually see the skunk emptying his scent gund they cannot be sure what the smell of the skunk Let be realistic Smoking cigarettes carries a great dell of risk to health and those who would deny it are aping the proverbial ostrich burying his head in the sand O HA SEMI FINALISTS in and tfttirofficntswao frontrow Bu Morton Norm Morton Frank Tony goalkeeper Jack Grow Clayton Dude Lindsay Harold Marzo second row Tommy Robson Eh Musters Walters Bill Eccteshall Soott Frank Gibbons Rum ley Joe Woods thtfd row H Billy Mridleton Marshall Fred McCutchcon Dr J Nelson AM Bud McDonald Hltt Elliott W K Graham G A Dills somewhere but we instilled indies jnd some of he ladies wh used the f icititics imc down lhey looked so in ye i I ist minute louk your sidewalks They seem ill right to but not ill pa pic are mount goats I checked mine half hour before the pirty Back was fine if one sn Shovelled it out I walk w fine loo for a four foot bank solid ind snow between Hie street and our gift the town I ii like a man lokuifc he irl aim i hoping Id I ave one so the djmup irty would be cancelled could feci my I re Ii ml toing up m Simla the it tunning down my nose he old ticker running like i I mi feeling il 1 d Bost ii Marathon just is the first guests Bu those ire merely the tittle incident lis that with having a irly It took four weeks pi lining and three solid of domestic plus so much money te irs as big as tea bags to m eyes every time I think of week iter the house still recks of garlic we re nibbling with total at left over casseroles of some exotic dish died like Marmoset The guests their palates by a Mafia of and Rossi seemed to like it Perhaps you d like the if you re dense enough to hive a first you must catch the marmots Tins is your problem Put idem through a gently Simmer with celery and the insole of an ancient ski boot mess with garlie oregano chili powder sauce and anything else yi find on voir shelves Place in casseroles and heat through Serve promplly when the guests have been into the Mafia 1 enough Oh I forgot cheese Grate about eight pounds of cheese and sprinkle it over the casseroles And one more thing Be sure you have enough had enough For sixty These arc just the basic ingredients for a parly of course Add one Wife who hasn slept for three nights because one daughter has decided that university is for morons and you get the real flavor Then pour thirtyodd people the odder the better who have apparently just crossed Die Sahara wilhout water bottles and stir Youve got a party And you can have Then or course there the garbage have thought were running a hotel if you seen me trucking it out afterwards Not thai wasn t a swinger The Christmas tree almost fell into the party and my wife almost fell the oven But sang carols off and on mostly off and everyone had a roaring good time or so they roared as they were leaving Do you know wh it when y use in of deodor ml for hair spray Don I link it mo A close relitivo of mine by marriage rising in the curly im rmng hours one day list week mistook the libel on cm fir spny and applied it generously to her newly d tic hair Result odorless sticky hair that defied comb gave sparks Amused almost to point of obscenity casually mentioned her pas to a friend who after she was tint ugh chortling confessed With genuine one that she had done s mcthing even more revealing of her state of mind recently She lurried applied under her arms mist iking for under deodorant The result in her case was difficulty folding her down in their sockets as well as removing the barbed wire effect from the hair Although wc might question where man on the other side of the medicine cabinet wis this pair of when he is johnny on the spot in the TV commercials it shows how completely we rely on our sense of feeling and sight and sometimes don bother with the print on I ibel It reminds me of an incident winch happened while I was a young pup barely out of the kennel Again it happened to a lady in early of the morning when senses are dulled by sleep or lack of and points out clearly the powers of suggestion Hi is another close relation was bothered by a bad head cold which stuffed her nose and sinuses up like a hall closet She retired early in the hope of taming the cold with some much needed rest But alas sleep would not come She tossed and lurried for hours in vain attempts to grab some shut eye sniffling and sneezing blowing and bubbling like a whale Then during one restless turn sheets she suddenly remembered there was a tube of on the dresser lop which might give her some relief One good she thought and my old head will be as as a pine of Window glass Grabbing bottom of her nightgown in one hand she swung gracefully over Ihc edge of the bed and tottered over the cold floor lo the dresser where her other hand fell for tube among the bobby pins curlers various bottles and other paraphernalia ladies collect Fin illy her fingers lit on a tube which in the moonlight resembled the heady piste which would allow her to banish the symptoms of distress Grabbing the tube fingers of both hinds she applied it lo her nose in liberal amounts one nostril at a time with greii sniffs of delight Ministrations dine the nostrum gave her insMnl relief She gently off to sleep Next morning the refreshed rose from the bed and as ladies do look her morning look in the mirror over the dresser She was startled There was lipstick on her nose the cherry red color disappeared up both nostrils One at he dresser was enough to assure her It wis lipstick which cured the cold Memories memories as Tony Duncan of he Leamington Post ilgieally writes Can you when There were more people who been up in balloons thin You could win a reputation for repartee by tossing off a fast line such as Well everybody mikes mistakes that why they put erasers on pencils Women used more yardage of fabric in a single dress than girls today have in whole wardrobe of miniskirts Il started gossip in a small town if the depot loafers a married women get on from end and a married man get on the back end of the morning train to the big city A lady schoolteacher seen smoking in public would soon find herself hauled before the outraged school board to explain her moral from grace The ulcer a prestige symbol among executives replacing appendicitis as the red ailment of the wellto do Girls began dating at or 17 stead of Freedom began for a boy day his parents lei him quit wearing long black stockings and put on a pair of long pants you can remember you re at least as old as I am and still pretty sharp And you an party In all invited to our 20 years ago Token from issue of the Free Press Thursday January Mr and Mrs Wm Mainprizc Sr quietly marked their wedding anniversary yesterday Douglas M Gowdy a former resident of Acton and son of the late Gowdy manager of the Financial Post since 1942 has been appointed business manager of Maclean Magazine Curtailment of train service on the CNR owing to a shortage of coal means hat Acton will lose all Sunday train service and one cast bound and one westbound train temporarily Sewer work in Acton is making fair progress but the rains have not been helpful Three machines are on ihe job for Construction Co The line in the Main St creek is laid and one machine is going south on Main St while the machine will work north Another is being laid on Crescent St Mr Richard Harris our correspondent for Rock wood started Just years ago tins month to send in the news of Rockwood At the inaugural meeting of Acton Public Utilities Commission J R MacArthur was chosen chairman and i T Ware vicechairman for the year 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the Free Press Thursday January IS When the fire alarm was sounded on Friday afternoon and it was ascertained that Noble grain elevator at the G T yards was on fire it was the general opinion that the building would be consumed A blizzard was raging and an elevator generally has a draft like a smoke slack and the Tire travels rapidly But although the engine house which was attached to the main structure was totally consumed the elevator itself escaped wonderfully well The Brigade responded and the fire engine was stationed at the Young St tank Chief McDonald and his men fought the fire in real earnest When the 40 gallons in the tank were exhausted Messrs and Co bid a hue of hose from the tanneries and under the command of Mr A hid a on the fire With commendable courage a number of the hose men climbed the elevator interior ladder through the fire and smoke and directed a fine stream from points above the fire Acton has fortunately been immune from serious fires for some time There lias been an incipient blaze occasionally but the last fire of importance in the town was when Henderson store was gulled three and a half years ago The loss is estimated about I and is covered by insurance The annual meeting of Acton Farmers Club was held in the lown hall Saturday Officers are Bailey R Brown Thomas Moffat A G Clarrtdgc J D Coleman John McGregor Thomas Kennedy Wesley Murray M Beswlck Kerr The new library catalogues will soon be ready for distribution Mrs fc Groves sister in law of Mrs John headed the poll for board of education in Toronto THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 and Ed to Off turn

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