Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1970, page 2

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The Acton Free Press Wednesday January 170 CONGRATULATIONS ARE extended to background Miss Bennett chats with Bert 00yearold Mrs R MacDonald right by Miss Family and friends gathered Daisy at Sundays reception in the church hall for the happy occasion Staff Photo Working wife WI subject Acton Women Institute to the Nursing Home January meeting was held in the two gifts delivered to the Kelly board room with Miss Nursing Home one sent to the uiiu Dorothy Simmons in the chair Home plus four gifts t of God Save Rev L Duby A contest followed conducted by Mrs Little A committee of Mrs Picket Simmons Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilds served a tasty gut of God Save delivered to shut ns in town t Q brought the meeting roll call was answered by members each member answering by a country I would like to visit Mrs I Little convener home economics was in charge rlftn of the program She gave an excellent paper on what is home afternoon the Rev economics It reveals the Laurence was inducted as housewife every home who is rcclor the Church of the a very important part of married Good Shepherd St Catharines lire She works in the become mo customary where each member is to donate preparing tasty meals Tor the f a layman to preach and on a prize for the penny sale plus husband and children It used to occasion tho rector father groceries for the door be the husband was the Acton Mrs I Little gave a detailed breadwinner Now he little preached the sermon report on the Christmas shut in women goes out and works as Same from Acton attended gifts and received several thank many hours as the husband he jorvicc and quite a few from you cards Twelve gifts were sent having to do many chores after his former parish in to the Manor three sent to the hours and many a home is church is a beautiful one Chronic division of the St neglected by the mother having and Mr and Mrs have an Joseph Hospital two gifts to to work It is up to the woman attractive subdivision home the Ontario Hospital two The thought for the day was two poems new plan on resolutions and a winter message followed by a prayer The secretary s and treasurer reports were read and adopted correspondence and business dealt with A letter from the federated board regarding the 75 anniversary fund of Institute was to be dealt with later euchre was discussed AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE PA C Churchill Road Rev S M Pastor 8532715 SUNDAY JANUARY Here our invitation to the whole family to attend church a Sunday School All age 00 a Morning Service pro Evening Evangel Georgetown CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev P BA Acton Ontario SUNDAY JANUARY ISlh 1000 am Morning Worship Service Nursery and Sunday School II am Sundaj School Afternoon Worship Service 7 Teen Meet at the church Tuesday evening 730- Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew Minister Mr E A Hansen Organist and Choir Muter SUNDAY JANUARY am Sunday School 1 1 a Morning Worship p Evangelistic Service Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday Christ Ambassadors p Crusaders and Verses 5 and Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own under standing On all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded 1842 Mr Howard MA Interim Supply No prayer SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 45 am Church School for ages to years 945 am Church Membership Class for Teenagers am Divine Worship Sermon theme Characteristics of the Life of God in the Soul of Man 5 m Youth leave for Contempor ary Worship Service in Adult Bible Study and Prayer it Mr H C Swallows home Everyone Most Welcome CHUICHiU COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter Tidey Ave Phone Wednesday January meeting this week Thursday pm Choir Friday pm H F SUNDAY JANUARY 18th 9 45 m Sunday School 11 am Moming Worship A Cordial Invitation To All THE CHURCH OP ST THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Comer Willow St and St AIban Drive Rev H J Dawson SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 Epiphany II am Holy Eucharist Church School and run Sung Eucharist Jan 14 Wed am Holy Communion TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon B Turner Director of Music George Elliott MX SUNDAY JANUARY 18th 1970 Worship and Church School Sermon subject The Available Future Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the Church on the Rill SUNDAY JANUARY Morning Worship 10 run Nursery Sunday School to Grade 1100 am Sunday School Grade Hi and HI 9ers Youth Groups for Teens alternating Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your to Take Part in the life and WorafaJp of Trinity IJjomM Legion Ladies name new slate of officers Mrs W Linham relumed as ladies fair board head The annual meeting of the ladies of Acton Fair Board was Januarys at the home of Mrs Gladys Robinson Tho president Mrs Linham was in the chair The Mrs read the minutes of the last meeting and the Christmas parly and gave the financial statement Sixteen ladies answered the roll call This being the annual meeting the president Mrs thanked tho ladies for their splendid cooperation in the past year making her term of office a very one She outlined the work and accomplishments achieved by their efforts which had proved very rewarding Mis Mel took the chilr for the election of officers declaring ill scjIs vie int Mrs Matthews was secretary for the election Mrs i m wus returned to the office of president first president Mrs I Archibald second vicepresident Mrs Smith Mrs Matthews Miss Jennie McEachcrn is a patient in General Hospital who moved from Acton to Evcrton Is presently Ration in General spit it Mrs Jack Frank Church St is a patient in General Hospital Mrs Davidson is a atlont in Gonaral Site expects to have eye surgery Mrs William Denny is a patient in Genera Hospital Friends hope she be better soon Bill and Gord Rcod have returned to their studies at Waterloo University following the holidays Deputy Sheriff and Mrs Mac Sprowl attended the Sheriffs and Registrars Convention at the Royal Connaught Hotel in Hamilton last week Mrs Walter Cook and Barbara of Malton formerly of Acton have just returned from three weeks in England and Wales visiting with relatives In South Wales they were met by the Archdeacon of Cower Peninsula Rector of St Mary Church Swansea South Wales Mr Cooks ashes arc now buried under the high altar of that church a church he attended when living there Mr and Mrs A M Macpherson accompanied Mr and Mrs Ross Gordon of and Mr and Mrs Hubert Macpherson of Eden Mills to a family dinner at the home of Inspector and Mrs J Archibald in Clarkson on Sunday Mac Sprowl of R R 4 Acton was one of the judges who judged the provincial finals of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario public speaking competition held recently at the Junior Farmers Conference King Edward Hotel Toronto Dennis Martin a Junior Farmer from Waterloo County was the Provincial Champion birthday former resident On Sunday Allan Leishman celebrated his birthday at the home of his brother Mr and Mrs Cameron here He was happy to have old friends drop in to see him 25 hampers for families This Christmas the highest number of hampers to date was fuepired for local needy unities when there were hampers of food and toys sent out Again the Lakeside chapter of the I ODE and the RoUry club cooperated in providing the gifts with help this year from the Robert Little school and the Station Hotel Teachers meet On Thursday of next week schools will be out earlier than usual when all the teachers North will come the Robert school for a meeting Special speakers and topics are arranged Mr Mrs Macpherson and her mother Mrs spent the Christum iun in Scotland with relative Mrs Lawsoii caught the flu wjsn t able to lake her flight back so is remaining for a longer visit The Department of Transput held a safety trillic in Hamilton list week Attending from Aclon were high school driver training instructor C and OPP safety officer Roy Wood Mrs R M MicDoiuldliadall her family with her for her birthday celebration on Sunday in Knox Church Acton Mr and Mrs M MacDonald Mr and Mrs Murray MacDoinld Murray and Mr and Mrs Kenneth MacDonald and daughter Heather Anne all of Delroit Mrs A Bell of Toronto daughter Mrs Garvin of Mycrwillc Maryland Mr and Mrs Norman Small of Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Tom Holmes of St Catharines and Mr Jim Small of Waterloo College Among the out of town visitors to greet Mrs MacDonald were Dr and Mrs Malcolm Morton Windsor Mr and Mrs Andy London Mrs Isabel Gordon Toronto Mrs Parker Eramosa Miss Z Bennett Kitchener Mrs Grace Reed Miss Ann Stalker and Mrs Grjham Georgetown Mrs Jean Russell of Unionvillc Mrs Stella Adamson Gait Mrs Brobst Preston Mrs Jane Mrs Gordon Johnston Mrs Ward Bruce of be secretary until March but asked to be relieved of the office from then on owing to other Mrs Storey is public relations officer Mrs thanked Mrs M for taking over the election of officers In a discussion of ways to raise money it wis decided to hold a bake winch will be held I at Simpson Scars office at 10 a m Committee is Mrs W Mrs C Storey Mrs J Van Fleet and Mrs M Mad ill A euchre is to be held later with Mrs Mrs S and Mrs Archibald be the committee After a meeting the hostess Mrs G Robinson by Mrs L Davidson Mrs Near Mrs Storey served a delicious lunch Mrs Matthews wis convener The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Thumps in lunch committee Aitkin Mrs M Mudill Robinson Members enjoy Chinese meal We should have a Chinese more often members of Lakeside chapter of the I enthused Tuesday of last week when the special dishes brought out 30 members for the meal The unusually large crowd ate then fill in the Legion hall topping off the chow mem sweet and sour chicken and other with fortune cookies The were specially decorated in Oriental for the event In charge of the dinner Mrs West wore a bright Hawaiian while her assist mis wore flowered dresses and Later Mrs West sit owed beautiful slides of her trip to Hawaii In the absence of the regent Mrs Haze presided for tho business A nominating committee was formed of Mrs C Nolle Mrs On Mrs R Mrs Marguerite Taylor and Mrs Syme Receipts from the of were reported Mrs E Marks reported on the Christmas hampers sent and Mrs J Jocque on the music festival meeting A request for a needy family was approved Legion Ladies Auxiliary had their first meeting in the new year and the turn out was quite good despite sub zero weather They elected officers and executive committee as follows president Lois past president Kay James first vicepresident second vicepresident Phyllis secretary Fern Shultis Louise Tolh Arms Joan Ford standard bearer Joyce Buchanan sick box Helen Fowler sports Helen Yateman cupboard convenor Janet Rogers membership Joan McKnight public relations Ruth Courtney The ladies Auxiliary were very generous in thoir donations Cheques were sent out to widows also veterans who are sick wis donated towards tho school patrol children s banquet and for the soccer club Highlight birthdays at meeting of WMS Mrs A McKenzio hostess when the Afternoon Auxiliary WMS of Knox Church met for the January meeting with Miss Isabel Anderson presiding The committee Mis A J Buchanan Mrs Allison and Mrs A Near led In a service of worship From to open community was the study topic from the book Dare to Reconcile and was taken by Mrs Buchanan in a very interesting manner with the members taking part in the discussion Since three of the members celebrated birthdays in the month of Jinuary Mrs McKenzio chose as her solo Sweeter is the Years go by Annual reports were presented and Rev A installed the officers for gaily decorated birthday cake formed an important part of the lunch provided by the committee Named to committees At county council Tuesday Acton reeve was returned as chairman of the finance committee a fairly unusual occurrence He also is on the Manor board a new appointment He will again serve on the roads and personnel committees Deputy reeve Ted Tyler was renamed lo the property commit Ice named la the Children Aid Society and the new social and family services committee THEATRE PM ML HELLFIGHTERS Color JOHN WAYNE UNDERSEA DOG Cartoon TUB JAN 18 Jo Adult HARD CONTRACT Color JAMES COBURN DONT SPILL THE BEANS Cartoon FBI JAN RUN WILD RUN FREE Color MARK LESTER COSMIC ZOOM ANIMAL MOVIE Cartoon dot Day You MORE FOB YOUR MONEY FOOD SCORES U8- 1 OZ MACARONI JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 69 2 BIST AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 235 BALLET TISSUE BONUS EXTRA FEET flOFTHoll FOIL WRAP SAVE Be CHRISTIE PREMIUM CRACKERS 39- CLARKS- 14 TINS A BEANS 4 9c FRESH PRODUCE FANCY 6S BAG MaclNTOSH TEMPLE SIZE MaclNTOSH APPLES TEMPLE SIZE ORANGES 49 SUGAR 47 VARIETIES BISCUITS 5l1 RED a WHITE BLEND REG COFFEE SAVE SPAGHETTI or 16 A MM MACARONI mar 2 45 POWDER IB PKG AM ABC detergent CARMEL COFFEE ROLLS EA VALUE CHECK MEATS jf better mi BLADE ROASTS SHORT RIB ROASTS Twka mat Print 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