Psesi WD News am views to vot bora raw A fcjitosa J try x press f fim fc tab faJ Th rf our se aled- and mJ juaj ibw thai of older ci demands and of IT one fir wears die of tin and according to the most completely forgotten any family circle Vow could be true but I as for one the plight of the little kid who born after New Years Day under the tremendous of Capricorn To begin with he hat already Jut this balmy old world with three strikes him First of all he out on income deductions and the old Baby Bonus cheque is skipped for a month then after all his waiting he doesnt even hit the from page as J New Year celebrity but is just a tagger along after all the celebrations are over Finally lie must be prepared to be held bad- from early educational advantages because he can begin the September year if his birth date is one minute past the hour on January All through his childhood he never quite makes it with birthday parties because mother is too tired after Christmas or Santa is loo broke Besides lie t require presents an way being so close Christmas and all Under his special horoscopical prophecies he is supposed to be an exceptionally strong personality type who dominates and leads tremendous zeal for understanding and compassion Bui these attributes so great cither because buried in the personality descriptions of all the other zodiac signs are exactly the same predictions In short it the middle child who loses out in the family circle but it the poor little guy who was predestined to make his appearance sometime early in the month of January unless of course his mater or pater could consider the advantages of January Sales baby presents as a worthwhile approach to his special problem Imagine how more dreadful it would be if this poor infant was not just a Unicorn production but also the middle one of three hen it could be immediately concluded that there simply was no hope for this child in any direction further studies on the adult population of January babies has produced one set of unique findings which do actually make the early in the year birth date into a happy occasion after all Usually the Unicorn gentlemen and ladies carry their age better and look younger for a longer period of years than any of the other Zodiac creatures and this is not loo difficult to understand because if questioned as to the secret of never looking their birthday years they can always with Why should I I never have any OBITUARY Spread cheer to everyone Miss Ivy Collinson buried At the age of Misi Ivy Collinson a past resident of away Wednesday Jan Joseph Hospital Chronic Wing after a number of years of painful illness A loved and respected lady in the community Miss Collinson first came to Rockwood to help care for her two aunts Mrs Tiilcj and Mrs Alex Hunter until they died She then left the village to return to St Lambert Quebec where her avid interest education prompted her to the University in her late SO almost completed her However illness made this impossible and she hud io give up her ambition She was hospitalized in and then went to the home in iambic near London Ontario from v here year and one lull she was taken to and the wmt at St Joseph she hei until she passed away with camel Her nurses and regular visitor speak with and devotion referring to hit at person who spread to everyone Predeceased by brother Tommy Miss Collinson during in contributed in many ways to I lit churches community activities An Anglican Church member she was one I lie leading workers ui the St John s organizations However she showed her generosity to all the churches and is well remembered by past and lungtime village residents Her funeral on Saturday from die Shoemaker home in Acton culminated a lifetime of service and with Rev Ken Caidwct the St Johns Anglican Church Rector officiating Miss Collinson was pome to her final resting place in the Cemetery there her mother brother and many other members of her family had previously been lp Bowling tail Iran pW J jajicr LI ant man lime ram u in- lit- mFii 1 lit- Sr tin pi- titan Tin mi nm it limn- 1 rar Tim cir villi in in He air wit- tan i inr ir urn in mi tun jmtiiiij i r a mil 1111111 n Jut aw in In wmnmj I an ii In I Bin lie- ill null ii tin- jj in Ho i in- Hi it Vluti tin t lit tuiit iii lit tn in it it it 11 in Mi mi itit iu Large hips in says couturier 11 vim ii mini iii ilii Mi I fc tit in III icmuitn dij J ii ruin lit Turn I vttt v i Mi mi lu mil ni ail i i Mi in if I i In iruaiii in jiuunjt flu 1U Ml if l HI Vlll till 1 villi mil nun it i n mj i in in ill I urn tun j I I Ml 1 li i LYNN MARSHALL and Terry Black are two enjoy noon hours on s rink Snappy cold leis fur heads up and heads together Staff AB SUPERMARKET Skaters rink on park lake Her pallbearers were Harvey Lam bet I from Acton Harold Brain from Guelph and Dave Gray Max Milne Milne and Louis Hilts all from and the flowers and special cards of affection expressed the deep tribute with which the members of this community regarded an especially beloved personality 31 offend enrolment service flic annual enrolment service of the Anglican Junior Auxiliary was in St John Anglican church last Monday Jan girls and mothers Nineteen enrolments consisting of ol sivwi Id years of from lit Presbyterian Catholic United and Anginal wen installed the Nancy and Br en da Alter the the service by Rev Ken Caldwell the participators parents retired to the parish hall whin Audiey Hudson and St John Brunch of Anglican Church Women rclrcslmients which the J A girls acivid Conservation Park for to get in their share of good skating Using the blade an arena area of smoothly froen skating surf ice has been made available with width circular area around the outside rink tor jn of participant who mid like to tor j of a mile free skating is being but lucktv c uld also be on die rink park Jim Mini So lout mtetleriifi All jk sale he and jfp bee running all hem ale h in fc ihflt will plan and get Icvthm and advantage this with all the S HOLDEN OPTOMETtlST Cort St GUEMH TA BOWL for Pleasure l for Health THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES MAIN ST N MIMIH A C YELLOW TAG SALE Now At HtNTONS NOTICE THE Of THE TOWNSHIP Of Due the new demanding tax payments made quarterly the Board I 11 wiH therefore be necessary for the I of demand lax payments be made in three installments In year June November Elmer MiKinnon Clerk Administrator MILL ST WING SIRLOIN TBONE PORTERHOUSE ACTON RED STEAKS Round Steak Round Steak Roast Sirloin Tip Roast Sirloin Rump Roast 99 Round End Rump Roast SCHNEIDERS60Z Cooked Meats 3 MEAT UvvVtS HEAP MEAT lEANi TOOTH PASTE no iv i KETCHUP 2 43- GRADE A EGGS llNhlAVE I Fruit Drinks 3 1 IB 1 LB FREE SAVE CHOCOLATE TIN SAVE Xtc Peach Hakes 79- FRESH ARRIVES POTATOES M ORANGES Macintosh apples PRICES EFFECTIVE SCOTT NEW VIVA OtL lAVE Toilet Tissue 3 89 CHRISTIES LOAF WHITE SLICED SAVE BREAD SAVE 31c THE TEA 10 TINS SAVE PEAS