Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1970, page 10

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The Freo Wodnoidny January No assessor hare now the at ACTON BOWLING LANES Jan Uppers run roughshod over the came up with trip to win ami Helen paced win Boil In the effort were While Juke Von dec John 192 and Jack Dunn Lucky Strikes dropped to Spitflcci by pin got even in Ihc and hung on to win the finale by 18 to wind up a two and victory Earl West CUpps 647 and Skip Vryunhoek 212 top tiundllng trio In win Beit fot Spllftrei were Roger Murray 715 271 Tom 207 and Mllly 174 Paced Vryenhook 240 Choi Don 687 and Dcnnna McDowell 624 214 the Shamrocks hod no trouble In stashing away a triple win Hi the Avengers expense Top irlo for popped up in Phil Jane Vkkery and Helen an league standing Lucky Strikes 77 Shamcocb Spitfires CAROLINt CENT Jan Despite being thrown for a Ihcoe game Ion by Saturm Cainaliom arc it ill ftrit placers On Ihc triple and ling I plateaus for Saturn were Andy Sieve 255 Cut Timber and 203 Up there for Curnntlons were Jens Be Hot tug a Bill Grace Robertson 211 and Jules risers 205 got bumped oft rung when Astronaut took em for a game win Heading up Astro were Gerry Landry 244 237 Bert Robertson 539194 and Donna Slaves 215 Top trio for Shamrock ssere Mary Anderson Norton and The triple win the Aitronauli up for a shore of place result of winning email from Love Bugs June Emmy 207 and Charles Cheyne 523 173 paced the Beit In he Love Bug effort were Ruby 549 211 Bob 1 1 and Eleanor Landry 430 League standing Carnation 351 Heroes Saturn Shamrock Love Bug BLUR SIRINGS NURS1RY Jan 6 Mum took snowdrops for two and replaced said In the top saved fine by winning middle by 16 pin Pacing Die win were Ivy Martin 689 Mary 214 and Top Snowdrops 697 I65and Jean Jackson Tulips mm up an ihtec win from Daisies and moved up to Die with Allele Nolan 668 Wannctia Smith Helen mid Belly Hurdle 200 tripling and singling for the winners Pushing up Ihe lop trkounli for Dailies were Sand Sinclair 199 and 148 II two and win for Sunflowers Jasmine the middle canto Sylvia Mage Sherry Morris and Karon 203 bended up the win Top trio for Jasmines were Jackie Palmer 200 Wagner 219 and Canity Doyle 494 League minding Mum Tulips Snowdrop Jasmine Daisies Sunflowers SPORTS MIXED Jan 6 the first game from Moon Bug by plm then were off and running and wound up with bundle On the triple and single plateaus for winners were I rank St Pierre 261 Lucy John 221207 John 214 and Tod 231 Up there for Moon Bugs were Brian Sheridan 298 John Dunn and Harry The flubjm on Ihc leaders with two and lolols win from fallouts They were hooling for the work but 1 allouli snared the finale by 20 pint Tripling and singling for were Dave McMillan 280 Howie 628 and I rank I best were solos I amlly had em John 209 and Jackie It wai a two totals win for Rioters winning the middle Miking and single wore Winston Churchill 1 Middloton 274 and Larry Knight Tops foe Bob Woodcock 621 Bill Graham jndtd Wood 218 League standing Moon 52 STRIKES At Youth Bowling Council By M argot Mathcson Jan All righl you Junior and Senior bowlers dont Sunday Is our for the Twosome We bowl tn wo shift one thirty and Ihrec thirty pan There will be a Junior and senior winner both girl and boy Of course the winners partners will share in Donl be would appear thai Old Man Flu has disappeared We had almost a per cent attendance this Saturday Glen was doing his oven thing when he rolled three strikes in a row punched a but was not dismayed and came to roll three more foralotalof 25o Of us had last chuckle Janet Stores colled six strikes In a row for a game total of Nice going With Bantams this week the Robins took one game and from the Spinous Orioles also took one game and totals Bui Cardinal went all the wa and took both fames from the Wrens In Ihc Second Shift the took one game and totals bom the The Canutes decided lo do some good bowling and took both from Ihc swallows Crows did some crow ml this week taking unci from the Doves The Top Tenners this week arc Ronnie Moore 185 Danny Thompson 341 Valerie- 210120 330 Michael Roach 160135 Lddy Couture 121 Susan Thompson Danny 144 262 Terry 254 Ronnie Turkou 251 Sharon 109139248 Bowling best over their averages win Cokes Pepsi and SevenUps were Jim Pink Judy Pink Valerie Ronnie Moure and Maria Our moil Ihis week were Wendy Titus rolling two of Roach both and Cathy McAfee who rolled two games back to back STANDINGS BANTAMS First Shift Orioles 27 25 Robins Blue Jays Cuitnah lBVrcns 14 Second Shift Doves Crows Canaries Parakeets 8 15Vi Saauows With the Junior and Senior Division this week had to settle with two games and totals from the Doodlcts Hoi Shots tried by winning two gunei but losing totals to the Seventies or lew told the to go fry a kite as took all three games The Ten Toppers this week were Wade knight 658 261 Glen McKcnne Roger Mctachcrn Janet Storey Steve Van licet 225 Guy Payne 234 Martin Barry Payne 213 Del Bruce LLAGUL STANDINGS JUNIOR AND Seventies Hot Good news for the Mr Andre Conway belter known as will be available coach all in shifts if necessary The I Twosome was Last Sunday with a terrific turnout of II C Bantams and I heir relative partners Not embarrass but some of the Bantams rolled much better than their partners It was all in good sport however and themselves The inners for the Bantams wji Sherry uncle I rank Morion Sherry with her handicap of plus her two game of or along with Uncle 1 ranks double gave- them a total of which just beat Palsy Storey and her mother Morion who rolled Ben Post and his rather Jerry the inners in the Bantam Berts handicap of along wilh his games total af for 397 and with double gave them the winning total of which was pins better than the total of rolled by Brad Martin and his father Bob There were four hidden score for Bantams and the lucky ones were Ann Marie I lUncr Sherry Phillips Wendy Titus and Browne HAMILTON id January Clearance Now On HINTONS ACTON PHARMACY Low Prescription Prices Always All YOUR NEEDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES INDUS1 RIAL COMMERCIAL Jan Jon Hunt I earns up a two and totals win aflcc dropping the game to Johns Texaco Service Don Harris Brute 784 310 and Pole Homer paced Ihe win Top trio tot were I red 702 302 McAfee 689 and Jon Hum 231 Co loil Ihc flnl game Petes Barber Shop in second with a 21 pin win and on to win finale but Ihe Barbers grabbed a spill on point when won totals by pins Top tripling for Bcariimoici up in Junior Dunn 717 279 Dee Del ore si and Ron 638 Topi for the Barbers were Bill Shannon 282 Doc 717 and Jim flu Hough A bid grab off fourth skit for naught when last Tylers Transport bolstered by rookie Bob Andrews look em for two and lolils Pacing Hie Tyler were Bob Woodcock 296 Keith Andrews 251 and Dob Andrews 647 Best in the Abies efforts were Tom 679 Mlddlcion and Harry League standing Jon 42 Johns Texaco 32 Petes Barber Shop 31 Co 28 A Supermarket Tylers 21 ACTON LADIi S Jan arc still hanging on to Ihe lop spot but it was lough going Beckers Milk hung sign on hem the two gomes but the I A rallied to win finale by enough pins to lake for totals by one pin Top in Beckers trundling were Sue Nightingale 229 Annelic Si Pierre 216 and Line 171 1GA concentrated their on singles Nan Hunt 221 Inn Mellon 21 Fran Pierce 233 and June 260 gelling cm The second place Central Cartage blew their chances of taking over top spot when they dropped two and totals Cameos Mac 582 Andction 195 and tripled and singled for Cameos Top Iricouiitcrs for Central Cartage wore 674 190 and Jean Smith family Store snares game from Nielsens Cloihlng by one pin faded out of Ihc win and it was Nielsens for a two and lotah win Helen Hilts Donna Manes 181 and Marion Hunter 222 paced the win the most for Store were Kitty Allen 187 Mary Skirrow and Malhicson 469 1 70 League I G A 67 Central Cartage Nielsens Clothing Cameo Boutique Store MAJOR Jan II was Aclon Meadowsfor a two and totals win after losing the first game to Reliable Ron Shannon 763 280 Jim Bu Hough 756 269 and Lucky Dollar Wilkes 726 276 were lop for the Meadows Top trio for Reliable Taxi were Phil 845 333 Bill William and Don 653 273 How about that Eric and Eddy Minions Store nailed the Scenic Pools for a three game win Bill Shannon 778 Bob 717 318 and I Conway paced lie win Beit in the Scenes efforts were Pete Walker 686 264 and Pete 231 Sporli Corner rocked the Acton Lanes for a and totals win with Don Harris 314 Larry Nolan 260 and Bob Woodcock heading up the win Topping the trundling in the Acton Lanes one game win were Had Deforest 342 Ken and Winston Churchill 240 League standing Acton Meadows Reliable Taxi 33Vi Store Sporti Corner 274 Lanes Seen Pooh ACTON Jan 8 Swinger came out swinging the league leading Challengeri and took cm for two and totals They were going for the bundle Challengers saved face by inning middle canto by 19 pins Sparking the win wer Mill Rows Guy Ritchie 5R6 and Bob Snyder 454 167 Going with mosl for 21J and Marion 456 182 Charlies Pals their steady climb and wllh a Iwo and win from Acton Speedway moved up he seeond slot Sparking the win were Chick Milne 225 Alma Schmidt 495 and Charlie Thomson 469 171 Top for Speeders were John 584 Jim Milne 572 220 and Sally 160 Head Hunters didnt have much luck in their point hunting Mustangs took em for works Top tiunilling for Mustang showed in John Chapman 751 Rob Paulsen and I Schmidt Coming up with the moil fur Head Hunters were Gary Mccclium Craig Perkins 470 and Jack 440 League standing Challengers Charlie Pals 1 A Speedway 29 Head Hunter ACTON Jan 9 Spoilers really spoiled for the they won all games with Al Nome John Gilbert 591 and Bill SID being lop trio In win Saint efforts were headed up by 213 and Hob Price 486167 The league leading Happy Gang were on the short end ol mo totals go wllh Misfit Leading hit parade lor Andre 735 286 Harry Middlclon Lew and Hoc Happies of Happy Gang were Arlic White Rick Ivany 529 192 and Browne slowpokes belled name and ran up a triple win Road McDonald 224 were tup tripling trio tor Slowpokes I or Rood Runners It was 211 Bill 237 Near Lcaguc standing Happy Gang Slowpokes Misfits Spoilers Road Runners 48 BIG Jan really did some cocking they socked the Alley for alt games and puked up some muili needed points Vrycnhoek 251 Rente 617 251 ind Jennie lead the hit parade or Alley efforts Were headed up by Little Jake Van 221 Joe Sid were on their way to knocking off he leagueleading Duffers for a three game win the Duffers saved faec by winning the finale So settled for a two and totals decision Trudy 711 Big Jake Van Dcr 220 and 202 pac Makin for Duffers were Van 616 Hairy Jane Van League standing Duffers Alley 61 Skip Vrycnhoek of the league lc the proud father of a nine pound baby boy A first for Mr and Mrs Skip to Alan of Fergus who last Wednesday evening bowled bowlers dream Bowling in the lergus Married Couples league Alan ran a string This is a fust in the 1ergus Bowling Lanes whih were in and arc operated b and Widmcscr who word comes from the that lie of Huntwillc will never be same Our gay young bachelor men about town Don Morns and Pete Homer were Spike Spires and Aggie a of weekend ago No bowling was involved but we understand the nowmobilc i date of I banquet ic Scout Hall Dial the moreforyourmoney 1970 DATSUNS are at NORTH END BP All models on display priced from 1845 OPEN WEEKDAYS TO 9 pm SAT Si SUN TO pm 235 Base Line Rd Milton 8782471 Assessment goes regional There iimf any any more The over on province wide bail Jin and in arc nil iuciimg for ami hurt tile el from new like Incites in 1 Robert lin been me isxsimcni for Nation met working nuclei direction director ml J Mr ucu over seven counties Working Mr will be ill the klilis of lie munieipililics in Hal ion Peel includes Mil ion Jick Hen tun ind Geo I Actons Hugh Hunter and cor get own Tom Hilly Jack top i llc department is alio moving the office to work with Mr Ikili Some til the Huff Irom and will be working Irotn he in J ionic are expected be up in a tub Hue on Kerr mOakville The office I located il Kennedy All local record have been Id this office Arc tie being in with loeil to luive spjec available lot hort periods of time when incuson visit the area Spceiilnt in date managers have no been luirtedfor Local resident making about will be directed lo the Loci I loll free telephone numberi to lie advertised in the The will iho introduce electronic promising lo the North Hilton County and iJurltuglon already using this new computerized system ol assessing The a jessing has been done on an old manual locally and figurei mi Limcni likely indicate lo of value your properly Mill rates of will likely go down when lie put a achieve by and special lisessing are to be named lo he- id up divisions Mr Ontario the market value by 1475 To the local tliu means his notice will relied he mirkctablc viluc of his piopcrty Right now Golden Agers missing checkers unable to buy them in RHEUMATIC PAIN Get fast relief the very first day I an lalnd iva you last chot lust lay Kin rnHj and a blue ace By Mis I Kit- Reed meeting Age Club tnr was tended members considerable business Hems quickly ill with Plans were m buy another pot pretty china purchased ho beginning the not in use were quickly auctioned olf by Mr lucky winners who idi ippily canted oil a good were Mrs Mr and Mrs lhtimpMiii Mrs I lorencc Robinson donilcd live Ihe quilting done in liotnc ii liter mi liable to Ihc iiiiliers Mr reporled ill the checkers were nuking Mr Davidson iinmcdi I men to meeting mcelir ml mc will be reports but any ii who Pcih ips his i set slacked away unused might like don tie to the club as several members do not play bin thoroughly enjoy the friendly game ird In rcli is and Mrs w is appointed buy the new coll pot Mrs Davidson reported she had a quilt and all marked from material on Mrs wis willing to iule Six ol euchre were with winners Davidson Ma McCulcheon Mrs Winn Mrs I lie ippy anniversary song Mi Mrs Rohcrl whine Ilth wedding came on January 5 Acton Electric Company RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Phone 8530234 Main St N ACTON IFEdDWIEIM Occasions Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Corsages Etc Open Day a Week Bam Til Drlt Phone 8532980 WE WIRE FLOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline flower Garden Shop TWO MILES WEST OF ACTONSOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY not screen Ghost are unwanted on your TV So too waves and snow Out how do you a washy Into thai sparkling Simply install a COLOR RECEPTR0N ANTENNA new design pies thai you excellent on color and Delhi Color Reception in auch a Wide of mode s thai you to on J to rotes and us RICHARDSONS NIELSENS CLOTHING LADIES AND GIRLS WEAR HIGHLAND QUEEN SLIMS SKIRTS 20 DRESSES COATS 2Oo50f SWEATERS 20t50 off ALL CHILDRENS WINTER WEAR 20 off MENS AND BOYS WEAR TIPTOP MADETOMEASURE SALE SWEATERS 2050 off Windbreakers Coats 20 off SPORT SHIRTS 2050

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