Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1970, page 6

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JANUARY CLASSIFIEDS HELP PAY THE DECEMBER BILLS BIRTHS ROBINSON Allan and Jeanne nee Lang ore proud an nounce the birth of their son George Edward on January 1970 at St Josephs Hospital Guelph A wee brother for Proud are Mrs George Acton and Mr and Mrs Clare Lang Hespeler COMING EVENTS 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE ENGAGEMENTS and Mrs Marzo an nouncc the engagement of their daughter Theresa Josephine to Mr Douglas George Lockerbie son of Mr and Mrs George Lo ckerbie The wedding will take place February 1970 at at St Joseph Church Ac ton MARRIAGES BINNIE At Pentecostal Taber nacle on December by Rev Bessie only daughter of Mr and Mrs J of Acton for merly of Point Leamington Newfoundland to Archie Bin- me eldest son of Mr and Mrs Peter Acton Series of Share the Wealth euchres at Community Hall Tuesday Jan 13 and every two weeks until March at Prizes every night and grand prize on the final night 1966 Series 16 ft aluminum Van 5 speed V8 tires excellent FOR SALE TRI CHBM Liquid Embrofd cry Phone Doris Acton WASHING MACHINES fully reconditioned From Goodlet Economy Store Georgetown RAWLEIGHS Ointments salves spices flavors Our cleaning powder is a must Phone Mr lo2S ELECTRIC and gas stoves all sizes fully reconditioned From Econo my Store Georgetown Ont lb282430 CARDS OF THANKS SINGER Sewing Machine In good condition Zng equip ped for buttonholes blind hems etc guaranteed Yours for only or easy terms Will ac cept trade Coll any time la282553 We would like to thank our friends for their cards of sympathy in the loss of our son Kenneth Wilfred Elaine Lorry and Le- Robertson I wish to thank all our friends for their though in sending me cards and flow ers while I was in hospital We especially want to thank neighbors for their kindness nee I came home Oliver and Roberta We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our friends in Ac ton Campbellville for the lovelv cards of best wishes and congratulations on the occasion of our Wed ding Anniversary All were very much appreciated Thanks and Mary Allen I wish sincerely to thank Garrett relatives neighbors and friends also the staff M Bennett for the flowers jifts and cards To my relatives neighbors and friends th for the kindness shown to my during my stay in We would like to thank all those who made the road for Joe and his family dur ing his long illness and at the of his death Vic can think of no greater tribute to you may the blessing of God be with and abide with you forever Marguerite Tom John Joey and Ronnie Cume and Camel Trees 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE The family of the late Edward wishes express their sincere gratitude to friends relatives and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement A special thanks to Father Morgan and to the Ruraley Shoemaker Funeral Home Verna Kenny and Carol Ann and the Woynarski family APPLES Mcintosh Court land Delicious and Greenings Fancy and grades Cider faring own containers Open daily to Closed Mondays Roy 878- 2478 IN DILLS In ever loving mem of George Dills be loved husband and father who went to rest January 13 1966 Wife and Family COMING EVENTS Acton Lions Club sponsored movies Saturday afternoons M Z Bennett school auditorium Admission Acton LOJ- euchre every Sat at 8 pan at the Lodge Hall Corners Lunch provided Admission Every one welcome North Halton Association for Mentally Retarded meeting at Sunshine School Hornby Tues day January at Elec tion of officers b3600 Acton Minor Soccer Associat Ion coaching sessions will be held in the M2 Bennett Public School gymnasium starting on Jan 12 between 7 and interested call Mick Davis The family Mao- Donald Willow St will be At Home to her friends on the oc casion of her birthday in Iho A Stewart Hall of Knox Church Acton on Janu ary 11 from We hope you will join us at this time but we prefer that then be no gifts LARGE glossy prints of Acton Free Press staff photos 5x7 size 8 10 size Plus tax Cash must accompany order Enquire now at Free Press Office or Dills Stationery 56 Mill St E la tf 8 HELP WANTED WOMAN will baby sit by day week on 25 TYPIST clerk casual labor appro days per week at pre sent Phone between and RELIABLE woman or girl to care for 1 preschooler in my home Monday through Friday Phone MALE or female clerk young aggressive person some book keeping knowledge an asset Ap ply in writing to Acton Main S Acton CASHIER and counter help to work in butcher shop in Georgetown Transportation Apply in person Blue Valley Meats 148 Guelph St Georgetown TV TOWER SALE tower installed with all chan nel head tower installed with all chan nel head V tower installed with all chan nel head Extra heads for second TV set Installed 2000 FA stereo bead Installed 2000 15 element color bead Installed Automatic rotor Installed Repairs of all type RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street East MILTON Phono 8786949 lblf VEHICLES FOR SALE 1967 FORD cab over like new ft aluminum van New speed 900 tires 2201 STATION WAGON Ford Country Squire V8 power steering and brakes radio Ex ccllent bargain 5b36J392 1 OWNER 1966 Poniiac Par is very good condition power brakes and steering Con tact Bob Drinkwaiter 1965 ACADIAN tires 1969 Ford Galaxic 2door hard top V8 automatic Both cars in excellent condition Owner now has company car Phone 5a282565 TRUCK DRIVERS FOR PICK UP OF LIVE POULTRY Must be over 23 years with trailer experience AMPLE LODGE FARMS LTD 6th Line West of Brampton mile North of Stcelcs Ave CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES SKOAOEUXNTS DEATHS No Chatf TOR rem WENT ETC IS minimum churn hit IB So word no copy wort UireHr for lint flv Una IN 10c pur Una of DISPLAY Inch BOX NUMBERS Ho coots i Suit Implamtnu Tot Sat T Wan led IIiId Job or Sir to IS IV in Auction VohldM for Sal Wanttd 11 Found It 11 Mrvlna IT Profusion DEADLINES d Jay am Wrdnaliir EiUI TUMday PHONE or WI Christmas party holiday visits in news Tho Acton Frco January 16 SERVICES 116 SPARKLE Scrvli Residential Industrial Why fuss with the Call us Phone 16a22 FURNITURE Upholstery Ex pert and repairing of all kinds of rniiurc Tor free estimates 11 Main Variety phone 1 Acton 16a2lfl64 FLOOR REFINISHING We now nave a modem and We will your floors or rent you ihe equip ment do the Job yourself J Frank phone 8532040 47 Frederick St S Acton 16a INSPECTOR A floor inspector required by automobile parts manufacturer in Georgetown to inspect goods as purchased in process and finished Must have basic ledge of inspection procedures Must he able to read and un blueprints inspection instruments and make layouts Education Grade 10 or higher Above overage hourly rate paid Hospital medical and life insurance plans paid by comp any Apply PERSONNEL DEPT STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LTD GEORGETOWN DIVISION Street Georgetown Ont FOR RENT ROOM apartment furnish Phone ROOM and board available for working gentleman or 13a282576 FURNISHED room available for gentlemen linen supplied laundry done if desired Phone HOME available for middle- aged or older woman in ex change for evening baby sit ting No housework Small re muneration Phone BEDROOM basement ap artment bath broad loomed Irving room hot water heating separate entrance Li chouse area Available mediately Abstainers only Phone WANTED TO RENT ROOM and board for elderly gentlemen Phone Erin ROOM and board for mother child Urgent Phone after 5 pm THERES NO SLOW TIME AT MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD BECAUSE OUR DEALS ARE INFLATION BEATERS GET BEHIND THE WHEEL TODAY SEE HOW LITTLE YOU HAVE TO PAY CHEVROLET 1595 388 MAIN ST CALL US TODAY AT MILTON 8782355 5W6 For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 2227 251 MAIN ST Weddings portraits pass ports visas industrial family team pictures 16a25tf DAWSONS PLUMBING and Heating For fast efficient service re pairs new work Industrial Residential Com Phone 853 16a37tf BEL AQUA Water Conditioning Co SOIT WATER SERVICE SALT 8531703 ACTON UPHOLSTERY Antique and Modern Furniture Repairing Refinishing Car Upholstering Days Delivery Free Pickup 20 miles radius FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 853 0684 Ear Jensen 16aStf BAYNE S Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Call Collect License Hour Service 16atl HANKS HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING Sheet Metal and Repairs INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL it COMMERCIAL for Gas or Oil Lennox and United Gas Certified Dealer ACTON 16a24tf CUSTOM SNOW BLOWING NO JOB TOO BIG Fosl FffLlcnt Service Call 853 0609 16a30 ED Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks St Stoops Chimney Si Plastering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplaces Phone Acton 853 Stanley Construction TRENCHING TRUCKING SEPTIC BEDS CUSTOM HOMES TILL and TOP SOIL 1 Acton 853 CARPENTRY R Lumbers General contracting Uing alterations rooms ACTON MILTON By Mrs Scott Mr and Mn entertained Mr Mrs John and family from West Hill for Christmas Mr and Mrs Bruce McKlnnoy and son David and Mrs Lome of SUcotsvtllc spent Christmas at the homo of Mrs R Norton Mr and Mrs Long of Chatham visited her parents Mr and Mrs Held on the Christmas holidays Mr and Mrs Maichinglon invited her grand da and FINANCE MORTGAGE FUNDS 1st and 2nd residential com also mortgages Call Glenn Da nicy Oikawi Really Investments Ojkville anytime 1610432243 REAL ESTATE Jennings Excavating R 1 chouse Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Gravel Top Soil Estimates Given FIRST CLASS SERVICE 16a42 tl PACONI Dead Stock Removal LIMITED Highest cash prices for dead or disabled cows and horses CALL OPERATOR ASK FOR Zenith 97950 Lie No 1S5C69 16U Welding Service W KAMMINGA R 4 ACTON 8531538 16a23 MEATS CUSTOM KILL CURING Concession 10 Sidcroad Tree Removal FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED FAST SERVICE Call 8783711 H L Excavating MILTON Call 8789360 Custom Loader Work Specializing the newer loading and moving No Job Too Big or Too Small 16btf Kent Precast Products Sidewalk and Patio Slabs Chimney Caps Curbing any size Cement Floors and Stoops a specialty Phone ACTON 8531747 25 Highway miles south of Acton lobWtf REAL ESTATE Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and selling properties la Halton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL ESTATE BROKERS 189 Main St MILTON Phones 878 ACTON clients call Roy Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 8532000 RENT IT HEBE New Years Bargain I A storey home with carport and garage on largt completely landscaped lot living room with fire place family kitchen bath room laundry room full basement heating This home Is in immiculatt lion throughout Asking only with down Ideal Location room bungalow on large lot overlooking park living room kitchen and din ing colored bath room with vanity 3 family si zed bedrooms full oil healing paved driveway Home has recently been com rcdecontcd Full 20 down Forced Sale brick bungalow sit on large lot living room dining area and kitchen 4piecc bathroom full basement close to schools Si shopping This home must be sold immediately Owner consider any offer Asking only with down Build Your Own Home acre scenic lot only 1 mile off main highway south of Ac ton 150 frontige deep Full price with good terms G Alec Johnson REALTOR Mill Slrcet East Acton Ontario 2086 Toronto Line 3661795 husband and baby Mr and Mrs Ed Haas to dinner Christmas day Mr Ben Case spent the holiday at Newmarket with brother George Case and alio lis Mrs Adams Scott went to Windsor and visited his sister for Christmas Mr and Mrs George Burt held open house as usual to Mr Mrs Chaplin family Mr and Mrs Watson and family Earl and Mis Burt from this district ind Mrs Burt sister Mrs Russell Gray from Toronto for Christmas day and they all intended enjoy New Year 9 day at the farm home of the Burls Women Institute held their December meeting on Thursday December 1 Mrs irons ides was the hostess and the meeting was the annuil Chrislmai parly A lovely turkey dinner with all the trimmings was prepared by Mis Smith and Mts Marshall The good food soon disappeared and Mrs Cossargavc a comprehensive and witty report on the meeting site had attended in Guelph recently The afternoon was spent in friendly and the members returned home about 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the of JANE HOW late of No and Georgetown and a resident of Cen tennial Manor All persons having claims the aforementioned Estate of Jane Howird who died on or about the day of August arc required to file proof thereof with the undersigned solicitor for the executors on or January after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Acton this 17th day of December 1969 F QC Acton Ontario Solicitor for tho Executors DENTAL Retire in Acton bungalow full base ment forced air gas heating located on quiet street on beautiful treed lot Own anxious to sell Priced at onl 15500 Low Down Payment I scenic with pond and running stream on paved road miles from large duplexed house with conveniences barn and other buildings for horse fan cier Excellent terms Scenic Rockwood Large kept home treed lot quiet street adjoining conservation area This home features large kitchen dining area baths If you enjoy prf vacy with easy financing sec this property soon Only down For more information on the above properties call DREXLER Rockwood 8564695 Roy Griffiths Real Estate Ltd 42 Cordon St GUELPH Ont Guelph 8244830 LEONARD DcntaL Surgeon Suite No 3 17A Mill St E Acton For appointments phone 8531300 ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER 13 Arch MRAJjC 17A Mill Street Suite Ados Telephone Office Hours by Appointment or Stavebank Port Credit OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON MILTON 184 Main St Tuesdays and ACTON Mill St E Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence phone 8789678 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or Bruce E Shoemaker Mgr APPRAISING AND INSURANCE L WRIGHT Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and Inurmnc Over Yean In 113 Mutual Life ROBERTS HART Agent MI Orvllle Road Acts Bus Rei 5194531527 ACCOUNTING Nelson St West Brampton Ont 4514840 Resident Partners WILSON CA M HUGHES December holiday to warm weather By Mrs A Benton Mr Fred has returned from a December holiday which took him down to Florida westward through New Mexico to California north to Vancouver and home again Mr and Mr Bill Henry or Midland have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs A C Patterson All spent Christmas Day with Mn S Smith at Weston Mr and Mis Sammy lskander newly weds herd from Egypt and his brother Mr Alex of Toronto were holiday visitors with the s Old forge could become new museum The old Forge in Terra former home of sculptress Rebecca may become a museum or an educational site Peel County Council referred fate of the forge to the county roads committee due to meet this month reeve elect Bob Will funis proposed the forge be turned over to the Peel County Historical Society for use as a museum to be operated by the residents In view of the fact that more than people signed a petition asking that the forge be preserved said Williams I think we should turn it into a historical site instead of tearing it down Tenders have already been called for its destruction Snowmobile aids police The snowmobile which has come under some harsh criticism during the last few weeks hat also acquired a new role aiding police A snowmobile commandeered by Guelph city police from a Push inch township farmer to track down a pair of who attempted to flee an abandoned car and elude pursuit through snow filled fields While the thieves were not captured by hit means police did recover two caches of loot from a number of Guelph homes and later in the week one of the two men suspected of the robbery wis apprehended in Maiie He was flown back to Guelph to face charges FILM PROCESSING Black and WW Kodacobr BEapoura 12- y pan middleman storekeeper tend DIRECT to processing plant end Grata Photo Sarin CLINTON ONTARIO Add tank

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