Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1970, page 2

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Act Free Wednesday January CI Mill Numter OBIS f The cletytf cut by Rev Andrew Knox Presbyterian Church The distressing loss of life In automobile accidents in this community and in places should cause each one of us to ask if there is anything we can do as citizens parents human beings endowed with a sense or responsibility for ourselves and others to reduce this wasteful cam ago That more people arc killed in traffic mishaps than in warfare should register in our consciousness some solid intentions to change this sad situation as well as profound regret over persons we have known and loved whose lives were snuffed out In other words there is a moral responsibility devolving upon every mature individual in our society to make our streets and highways safer by the development of safer drivers safer highways and safer powered vehicles Increasingly ministers in their pulpits are emphasizing the moral and spiritual aspects of the problem On Nov 16 the Rev Lloyd Cracknel said in St s Church in London I think that killing people on the highway is one of the worst sins weve got it can be avoided Those with a concern about this problem will endeavour to be better informed about what is being done to traffic safety The Ontario of Transport has issued for the past 12 years a monthly fourpage EBENEZER newspaper and it Is to anyone interested in safer highway travel A parent with a genuine for his teenage son or daughter will no I his approval to that child getting a driver license at the age of 16 even though thut Is legally permissible unless ho is sure that his child has a maturity of judgment and regard for the safety of others commensurate with the responsibility ho assumes when he takes a high powered motor car on to the road When someone is destroyed as the result of sheer adolescent immaturity frequently created by the piling up of the immaturities of several persons the parent or guardian in the background is not exempted from blame Courses of instruction for automobile drivers should be encouraged and higher standards of proficiency will have to be required if our death toll is to be reduced But when all the steps involving knowledge and skill have been insisted upon it will still be most important to make sure that the morality of driving according to the conditions of the road the vehicle the traffic and the driver himself is kept in sight Your life is precious to you and to others Don shorten it by taking unnecessary gambles The life you save may be your own Full program Santa at Christmas concert By Mrs McLean A good crowd enjoyed an unusually entertaining Christmas concert Rev Russel acted as chairman Mrs John Kitchtng at the organ and Sue Ward at the piano played seasonal music while the audience gathered Christine had the opening greetings Others who gave recitations were Jessie Mae Ruth and Sandy Munro Tracy Greg Richard Anderson Glegg Andrea and Michael Hyde Wayne Gall Mark Doug Joss and Leonard Ferrier gave One Christmas Laurie Early Jay Hitching Willie Wild and Paula delighted with solos Norman Moore played Winter Wonderland on the organ A pantomime showing children dressed as in other countries was given with Daigle as reader The Messengers gave the Christmas pageant complete with angels shepherds and wise men accompanied by the junior choir Valerie Wild sang Christmas with guitar accompaniment Sandra and Laurie Early sang a duet and Wayne Thomson gave a recitation A choral reading Peace on Earth by some of the boys wasTnjoyed also verses and a song by Taint Thomson Ward Darlcnc Hewer and Shirley Moore A visit from Santa Claus closed the evening MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 81 Maple Ave Georgetown Pastor Rev Robert C EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE PAOC Churchill Road Rev S M Thoman Pastor SUNDAY JANUARY 11th Ken our sincere invitation to the whole family to attend church am Sunday School All ages 11 Morning Service 7 Evening Evangel Georgetown CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister Rev P BD Acton Ontario SUNDAY JANUARY 11th 1970 am Morning Worship Service Nursery and preschool Sunday School 10 a Sunday School Afternoon Worship Service Teen Meet at the church Tuesday evening 7JO1O30 Catechism Classes Come worship and study with us to be better equipped to serve God and men Everyone Welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rev Andrew BA BD Minister Mr E A Organist and Choir Master SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 1UW Sunday School 1 1 a Morning Worship Evangelistic Service Guest speaker at both services will be Mrs Allan of Hamilton Tuesday Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday 8 Chnst Ambassadors Friday Crusaders and Verses 5 and Trust in the Lord all thine heart and lean not unto thine own under standing On all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Founded Mr Howard MA Interim Supply SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 945 am Church School for ages to years 945 am Church Membership Class for Teenagers taught this Sunday Rev Gerald 10 45 Session meeting am Divine Worship Guest preacher the Rev L Louis de MA BD of Dixie Presbyt Church Theme Not Weary Well Doing Everyone Most Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Road North Minister The Rev A Walter BA Wednesday Jan 8pm Rev Harmcr Sunday School discussion Friday m B H SUNDAY JANUARY llth 1970 am Sunday School II a Morning Worship Monday Jan 8 Baptist Men of Eistcm Guelph Assoc Speaker Rev Ralph Humphries Special music A Cordial Invitation To All THE CHURCH OP ST ALBAN THE MARTYR ANGLICAN Corner Willow St and St Albans Drive Rev J Dawson BA SUNDAY JANUARY 1970 Epiphany I am Holy Eucharist 1030 am Church School and Nursery JO ajn Mattins Jan Wed am Holy Communion TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister The Rev Gordon Turner Director of Music George Elliott MA PhD TIdey Ave Phone 8532386 SUNDAY JANUARY Worship and Church School Sermon subject The Irrevocable Past Visitors are welcome at all church gath erings at the Cburch on the Hill SUNDAY JANUARY llth 1000 Morning Worship Sacrament of Holy Communion 10 ajn Nursery Sunday School to Grade 4 1100 am Sunday School Grade 58 pjn HI and Hi Youth Groups for Teens alternating Sunday evenings We Welcome You and Your Family to Take Part in the Life and of Trinity Cheltenham man CESO volunteer INSTALLED AS NEW officers of Walker Lodge Saturday Doc wore front row Junior Warden Ray Thompson immodiate Past Master Don Van Fleet W Vic Patrick Sr C Rognvaldson second row organist Elmer Junior Deacon Rov Mason Inner Guard George Hargravo Tyler Roy treasurer Hilton Elliott Senior Deacon Meb Blow Chaplain George Junior Stoward William Near Secretary Herb Ritchie Absent rector of George Lee Sen or Steward Jack Carpenter Staff Photo Too many chiefs claims committee but attempt to remove director fails The day after Walter retired as Regional Manager of Carrier Air Conditioning Canada Ltd Toronto he was on a bound for Jamaica to undertake a volunteer project for Canadian Executive Service Overseas Mr Smallwood a well known resident arrived in Kingston in December where he will serve for the next few months as a volunteer consultant to an air conditioning firm Mr Smallwood spent most of his active business career in the air conditioning field and also taught school classes for a few years Canadian Service Overseas was founded in 1967 by a group of Canadian business leaders who the support of the Canadian International Development Agency undertook to help developing countries by recruiting senior volunteer specialists through the new now generally known as CLSO CESO extends to Africa Asia the Caribbean South America and Near East and the Far East and a total of projects luve been completed world inlris around the Under the CESO plan volunteers serve without salary from Canada or the apply organization Canadian Service Overseas pays the costs and the host organization is responsible for appropriate accommodation meals and dental living expenses throughout the assignment Attempts to remove tl Wednesday s llth hour deputy director from meeting called position with the newly formed Personnel members County Social Family Services Unit failed on Wednesday when Halton County Council held a special yearend meeting to debate the subject As its Dec 16 meeting council had approved a Child Welfare committee report suggesting the formation of a county wide un handling welfare family counselling homemaker and nurses services credit counselling and day nurseries to begin on Jan I 1 The Child Welfare committee met again Dec and decided to the engagement deputy director The Personnel members met at to the meeting with a recommendation that no deputy director be appointed and Mr Vivan continue to act as director of the Counselling Service Their attempt failed however when the original action and the naming of Mr Vivan was approved in an vote An amendment proposed by the Personnel members which would delate the position of committees to name J D Gray of Oakvillc deputy director was lost on as director and J Vivian recorded vote deputy director Mr Gray was The meeting held on the eve welfare administrator of Oakvilli of the new year lasted and Mr Vivian headed the minutes and involved one Family Counseling procedural hassle when Service Reeve Mrs Anna MacArthur refused to vote on the Personnel committees amending motion I am comple confused she admitted After a 10 minute delay in the meeting during which the clerk Garfield Brown checked procedural by laws and the municipal act her nonvote was ruled to he an affirmative vote When the Personnel committee brought in its amendment to delete reference Heard from the building to title of deputy director inspector that one permit had Child Welfare members lashed been issued for a residence at the suggestion Child extension for the month of Welfare committee chairman December It is valued at Deputy Reeve A Reeve of Inspector Savage Burlington said it would defeat At Monday regular meeting Nassagawcya Council informed council the total building permits for the year 1969 stood at Si 040 Permits were issued for new homes the whole purpose of having social and family services unit A task of this magnitude needs a deputy director he said This is a first in Ontario and Mr Vivian would continue to do same work he is doing now 111 added rcspuusib in the field of welfare He said Mr Vivian was the only nun presently engaged this f eld in whose qualifications suited the Department of Family and Social Services was not one good reason presented for not engaging Mr Vivnn trged Oakvllc Deputy Reeve Willi im He said welfare had been a hodgepodge in the county and in every community in Halton for sever years and personnel was pure back room politics Mr Vivian new work would help broaden his responsibilities added Deputy Reeve Gordon Agnew of He suggested members were nit picking over just a title in their attempts to sabotage the unit The Personnel committee amendment was finally voted on and was lost by the recorded vote Voting in favor of the amendment were Acton representatives Dr G Oakcs and T Tyler Georgetown members W Hunter and A Speight Oakvillc Reeve Alan Day Warden George Curric Mrs MacArthur was ruled to be an affirmative vote and Milton members voted against as did Deputy Reeve Gillies Deputy Reeve Tom Hill and Nassjgaweya Deputy Reeve When the original Child Welfare motion confirming Mf Viv an appointment was called Lets Play Bridge II J Is at bulge it a n of n I mc anil be but turns on wrong That player always play Is jusl to guard v It go wrong He a tie A ton rain NORTH 10 J KQ SOUTH S D J QS NORTH LAST Pass ID S Pan 4H All Pass Open ng lead of In you are wonder about Hail two spade bd a weak jump over call Many I players hid ng your column it a weak jump over all to normal J Aflcr tie open ng lead declarer lakes It look one f rump tricks diamond Jnd club for Jure Thai adds up to en and I contract duels the lead and correctly plays ten Declarer w and prepare to lake out trump Nine times out of en would not matter fie leads that tenth lime it what Declarer should cad the ace first and then lead a I heart to dummy queen If West has four trump there Is not much It declarer can do If ho ace and king and discovers thai West has four trump he take West trump only one heart in dummy However East has four trump in case declarer must w the second heart in dummy Now he lead in the right hand Tor a trump Aflcr declarer up East ho has no problems The- diamonds are led until Weil takes Ms ace The defense can get wo tricks but that is all weeks Ihe Acton Bridge Club were Gloria and Bill Coals second Dick and Frank MUII third Ivan f aim and Ml Hair often inis a ana M h great step forward for this v p Agreed to borrow county please don scuttle it at ROBERT R HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST 116Mountainview Road S Georgetown the moment the chairman pleaded He wondered if there were personal reasons behind the move to remove Mr Vivian Reeve William Hunter Georgetown wondered if the new county unit would tost the county more or less and suggested it would probably end up at a higher cost than present services in these fields He charged there would be too many chiefs and not enough Indians before long adding a Last Saturday winners at the deputy director could be named 467 euchre ladies high later if the need is proven Acton Mrs A Livingstone low Mary Deputy Reeve Tyler echoed men high Charlie his sentiments about having too Thompson low Gerald many top level personnel lone hands Frank Milton Deputy Reeve Ron Robinson door prize David Harris also a member of the from the Bank of Nova Scotia to meet expenditures until taxes are collected later in the year Accepted ihe resignation of Henry Best from the planning board and in turn appointed him to the committee of adjustment Euchre winners ACTON PHARMACY Low Prescription Prices Always YOUR HOME HEEDS AT DISCOUNT PRICES WELCOME SERVICE If you are new in town or know someone who is PHONE 8534805 Smith Child Welfare committee said JANUARY DOLLAR SAVERS C hocolata Bars 16 to bars to bag Special in ShH terrific value at 27c Cured Band assorted sizes in pkg special ft Mirror van case special 47c- HandSop assorted cakes reg value special 37c bag permanent type Ethylene glycol gal Special while it lasts 77 gal G vbaga bags special 33c Arc Sound LP Records Rg while they last 88c HINTONS 5 TO 1 STORE Annual Dinner ACTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21st HALTON HEIGHTS COUNTRY CLUB GUEST SPEAKER MR BLACK CHIEF TAXATION OFFICER FOR ONTARIO MEMBERS ONLY rVflCOJHf STEAK DINNER SERVED PM Bus provided leaving Tyler Transport PM TICKETS Includes But and TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM OFC EXECUTIVE OR ANY LOCAL MERCHANT

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