Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1970, page 12

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The Acton Free Prow W January Ken Murray elected trustees chairman Currie comment Mississauga ruling cat if lose Burlington Endorse plaza Churchill Queen councillors had varied reaction to a letter they juonosa final windup nice ling of council enquire pawing the Board of Trustees was re the storing of held at the Town Hall on Friday unlicensed cats on public and January at which lime the pnvulc property In an attempt new board was inaugurated and clean up unsightly messes Ken Murray elected as 1e township and village A motion was made that Accounts were then passed for Village trustees request township payment with allotments for News and views Conventional and unpretentious it was purchased as a family gilt two years ago to make evenings at home and dinners a delight with visions of wafting music lulling culinary senses into enjoying even the remnants of a hatred steak Combined with Urn of course was a hope to cultivate appreciation of good music reproduced at its best for our family in its formative years There it stood waxing in the glow of our 1967 Christmas tree a brand new speaker stereo which the entire family could enjoy slightly lavish in cost but inexpensive considering the hours of enjoyment and happiness which would exude from us walnut cabinet With meticulous care we unpacked the machine and after taking it out of the wooden encasement we set it in the dining area of our home and the few days were spent listening in reverent to the low booming bass and treble effects which could be heard by simply turning a dial Naturally rules had to be laid and it was decided that no one except adults and older children would be allowed to manipulate the intricate devices on our vjluable piece of equipment and certainly it was not be be unduly bumped or in any way According to the dealer unnecessary blasting on the loud volume control was bad for such highly toned machinery and so together we would preserve its depth of tone by playing it in moderation We said Christmas and holiday visitors that year were most and didnt complain too heartily to bridge plays euchre trumps and conversations having to be conducted at a minimum ol overtone so as not to deduct from such sounds Oklahoma or the King and I No meal in our house even the lowly portion of early morning porridge breakfasts was quite complete unless soft background stereo records were playing gentle renditions of the Everyone was happy and even childrens quarrel- were things of the past because who could consider hammering away at his brothers tonsils in such an atmosphere of melodic delight Right through January until the end of February for approximately two months that stereo was treated with high regard and good treatment No needle switching no mishandling and certainly only mater and pater were allowed to touch the tuning controls It would in fact be difficult to estimate just when it was but little by little the mu Sic graduated and faster beating and rockier tones began to pervade the atmosphere of idyllic dinner music The Beatles had arrived to set the stage as the larges paid rock musicians of the century and wc knew why because kids were paying for them Our collection of plastic plates looked depleted comparison to the bulging supply of records by such inspirational group names as The Monkeys the Rolling Stones and Stepcnwolle Away visiting on a summers evening it lost Us surprise when on return wc could hear a block away the dubiously melodious beat of rock music loud loud and blasting right through our house until the walls virtually bulged with resonance Well call it the generation gap and I Dont agree there is such a thing But try to pretend youre with it and attempt to understand and youll end up like the rest of us you wont have an eardrum left which is medically sound or a neighbor you cm call a friend Its two years later now and the dials on our beautiful stereo spin helplessly around on their own volition Its scratched and clunked our living room is decorated by slouched bodies only some of which bear our relationship corpses across chesterfield chairs or living room rugs entranced by the latest Johnie Winters records as if they had been drugged into submissivcncss but straining to hear every note Quiet music is disgusting repulsive a thing of the past and nobody listens to that anymore except has be ens This we ate our Christmas dinner lo the pulse of Jimmy Hendricks playing something called the and such spastic and uncoordinated turkey citing and plum pudding consumption no one could imagine Right now there is no answer but possibly our machine should be rerclcgjtcd to the lowly basement at an extra few come allowance time could rent us an huur or two during which could listen to some ol our poorer quality attempts Meantime I find it cramped and a little cold and tiring sitting out here in porch winding up an ancient gramophone which some dear soul bequeathed to my grandmother many years ago and which with an adapter is able to play some of our old 7B with only a minimal requirement of manual labour roads for village II and for Accounts S3918 Town hall rents wcr with the rent for hydr at per month 1 lie meeting adjourned increased space set from Minister Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy at first meeting of the new year In his letter Mr MiKcougli supported the view that meetings between officials and Peel could do much to compile Information DeputyReeve Hill indiciled he favored maintaining as a single unit under icgioual government hut added he reeves should have had nunc meeting before submitting their plan of where- boundaries should lie Reeve was concerned about Mr plans Tor Burlington If we knew what McKeough was going to do with wed know where wc were ho said Die probability of a llallon Peel union the reeve warned If we lose With their population Misslssaugas going to be the ruling I in Hie meeting reeve interrupted reading of a from Ihc Out mo Good Roads Association informing council hat Mr would speak on convention llus the got a no old one Charge trio in rape case Millon tow I have charged three i men all in their rape following an involving an 1 yearold squesing girl ollcnies allegedly took place at Glen Williams Cemetery on Sunday evening Dec oust Carmen Wright of Milton apprehended the trio Derailment at Georgetown A MINOR DERAILMENT mam line near Georgetown station at 1 am on New Years Day Three engines attempting to pull ahead a large freight train wore derailed when the track buckled beneath them The steep derailment occurred quite close embankment but a huge crane was brought from Toronto to lift the engines back onto the track and section men replaced the damaged portion of the track Staff Photo ARTHUR A JOHNSON DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON Directory for song no novelty back in Bradford England After Legion sang one of their new songs Moor Baht at a couple of months ago the Free Press how it came be in the Now back comes a copy of the Bradford daily paper The Telegraph and Argus of November 1 1 In a special arlicle on the editorial page the paper comments The Cliorahcrs have an amusing new novelty song in their repertoire Ilka Moor at New novel why we been roaring the duty since Cow herself was a calf But its new in Ontario from whose Acton Free Press this comment came And course it was former Bradford man who introduced our local national anthem the male voice choir Mrs Annie of 756 Road Oakeushaw who me the cutting says her brother Mr Jim the choir member emigrated to Acton 19 yens ago The nit ting explains thut after Mr hid spent a in this lie Canada with It is now in Hie repertoire and was sung lor the first tune il a dinner dance Hope the Then we sail all an thee line didnt spoil the appetites COUNTY OF HALTON DEPT OF SOCIAL FAMILY SERVICES EFFECTIVE JAN 11970 EFFECTIVE JAN 1 1970 All municipal departments of social and family services welfare will be amalgamated under the county of Helton with head offices at the County Administration Building Milton Ontario Telephone J D GRAY Director Halton County Social and Family Services Helping the disabled to earn money does more than give them back a measure of sellrespect It also lakes them of tolal welfare The Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled March of Dimes helps the disabled help themselves INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS fO ACCESSORIES nation ItT US ASSIST YOU WITH TOUR COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER STATIONERY The BIG PRODUCER will give you all the hot water you need to lighten the chores Put the Cascade electric water heater to work for you Its the BIG PRODUCER THE ACTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ALICE ACTON your hydro Acton council concurred with the findings of and accepted the recommendations of Planning Board regarding a small plaza at Ihe corner of Churchill Road and Queen Si their regular meeting in December Council turned the decision back to committee when it was unclear why planning consultant would not support planning board resolution to allow a on he corner now large hole beside brewers retail Questioned by Councillor Coats Councillor said planning board did not alw villi consultants who wanted to wait until a pi planned further up imc up for different philosophy Not necessarily replied Mr Masales Project Planners favor core development planning board scattered development pursued Mr Coats No said Mr Masalcs It is commercial all along the street said Councillor McKenic and a commercial zona an adjoining subdivision will jus add to it I think it is good planning is no way planning board can be a rubber stamp for the consultant the mayor commented You gel a considered opinion and then you decide Councillor admitted he didnt support the consultant but was concerned with Jul I here whit go asked Planning are much like medical lie councillor said they ith ill urn her council docs not Project LAST CHANCE For Chrmmni REDUCED PRICE TO CIEAR HINTONS TO SI STORE Occasions Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Arrangements Corsages Etc Opon 7 a Waek a Til Dark Phono WE WIPE FIOWERS ANYWHERE Caroline flower Garden Shop TWO MILES WEST OF ACTONSOUTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY NEW DATSUN 1600 family wagon highperformance 96 HP overhead cam engine impactabsorbing body foldaway rear seat makes way for 55 cu ft loading bay windowsup ventilation system bigger heater headrests 4onthefloor or 3speed automatic 3035 DATSUN from NORTH END OPEN WEEKDAYS TO PM SAT SUN TO PM All MODELS OH DISPLAY BASELINE RD MILTON

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