Kingston Chronicle, December 1, 1820, page 1

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>1.1N G S VOL. II.J NICLE. ENTtEMEN who reside at Yoric. Upper Canada, or at any place between Yoifc anil King- fton, can be£i*d w i; h the Spectator on application to Ji^hn Macaolay, Esquire, Pott Mailer. Kindlon. John Crno!», Efqufre, Poll Mafler at Niagara, U. C. and William G. Hepburn, jKiquire, of Qneenaton* arc also Agents for the Soedrtor___.-a r..... ' FRIDAY, (afternoon) DECEMBER, i, 1820. fNo 48. T^MSRar^annrr-'^ tion. I i ts dtlic of n'tnmui conpiiRc- Offici- of Ordnance. Kingston, U. G z^th Nov. i8zo. A N7 perfons mllbg to Ripply the £%. Ordnance Office at Point Henry w«J Fifty Cords of Fire Wood, to con fill Of Beech, Maple, or Hickory, and to be delivered when ririftfatag commences, are raqnefied to feud in sealed TYnders, ad- dreffccl to" The Rcfpc&ivc Officers of il. f v»j*«- Vt*t*,*% » * v»trance i-s deeply feaxed, kn -ws n » liu it.*, and bcrcafes by delay; nuther dvi&S lie [mflVfs the Icalt portion of that moijiianftinty of foul which can requite valour and gefitfeji'y in a foe. As Ali gafcgs «t |;.)wcr v/i.h an eagle's eye, fo he clings to wealth with* the appetite of a vulture. Efis avarice is fj exceflive that riic- n.J-ht think his riefire ©f dominion proceeded from the with of gratifying this iufrftiablt; cii-pi Jity. Jn pro- btiraig wealth he has recwurfe \v-t only to a le^al revenue, hut to tfe memeft artifi¬ ces and the rnoft fiitnufijl extortion, He has ii0t political fenwivijdjje enough to fee that the encmuagtrr-tni »•} commerce and agriculture, with vtyiHjjjlc Lws anil finan¬ cial arrangement.* would, Uy an incrcafe o; capital a::d cy.ien;i u t.f credit, auomeut I us revenue and fipput his govern*'ent ; but he prefers to |iJ] his t-vihuy by forced avanias and grievmii exaiiiotw, annihilat¬ ing iwduflry n;:d ! Aifliftg all the bounties of nature id il«r?r birth. A \\d\ depnfit is always kept uncn;p\.j c 1, a.:.! u'ed as tlu* exigency of the tir::cr. mav ic.j.imc; uheu tin's is fati*ficd, the expenditure ii replaced by additional e^ntiiLnti.nis. The great repository cf this llaMm.nv wealth, to the fl'ri.'fim' ., TK '» ww f ':..>te lU*U two millions lleilm^. j. n lofty Imver in the garden ol hi* lei .;-ho it Tt-fcleiti; \,ui lie pufH (H * jewel;.- a to of itiiimt.fc value, with numerous {IiU'Cn o! fiiriiilnre and Uttnfiw .-fall (an 1 , wi-iVli !«.■ has pillaged not only loin imljvidll .[: |,tlr from CU lea and towns taken by all mil or received under his prol a'o.i. On occaficw he dillrihilled cuauy thouf.tnd pi>ands weight if kettles, |-*'t-, and fueh implement - to the FiVJi^h cn^jitntrs at Joannina dw I he pnipoft uf a cannon foundciy which th- y had ciliblifhcd by his order;. To no art doc; he « we spore of his fuc- cefa than to that of Lubeiy, and hi* gold has often penetrated into thofe places which were proof agaiuft hia ai ma ; neither does his inordinate avar:-.e reprel>, but rather promotesthw fyften., for hi feaicely | ever fails to recover the briber fooucr or later with iuteuft, whihl the life v.v liber¬ ty of the traitor \* facriilccd to his skilful hypocrify; yet with the power of affum- ing the mod winning maimers and cloth¬ ing his Hern countenance in complacent fmiles, he contriver to draw frefh vi£tims into his fatal fnares, diicfts their villany to his own advantage, and pcrftiading each deluded vot.irv that (lis fortune will be more profpemus than thatof fillers, over¬ whelms at la!! both a.!verfariei and adhe¬ rents in a common ruJQ- He o;:ce gave a man a bouyou-rd'-e to kiil another who was obnoxious to him : the bloody deed wis perpetrated, but the aHaHin found in the pocket of his vidim a limilai bouyourdee (km 'm* «nra 'ic'-Vi-i-?.' ?i. R« 'iTi^i ■.. *^ the vizir, and expnJlld fome figns of as- tonifhment; wlien \Ht laughing, replied^ 4C Hey Mnrrie, rf I hrd n<»t given him this, he never would have put himfelf ill your way, and you would have had no chance of cfi" ding ye.r pu-p..fe." In h&, the tyrant wvfhed to get iid of both - or either of them. Willi regard Ml \hv domf-fie linhi'^of Ali Pfl*h"P« his ailenlioM to lin-i'M-.-., :i!id the dKtlih*ifion o; U\ ■ time, niv ame.:i^f-t the nu>c( rrfra- :diit:::y. S * jealous h he of power, ilia! |u< i-n- !y ealN upoii lli« Sprtfeos of hi< niird l.-i-. IniMran aels all affairs of gtn pmvuuuiI liiiast-ifi lie risrs very early hi (!-' mom i-i-, and iaUcs a cup ofctiffee witli life i i;»'*: heih. iv^reft audicneo (o hi* v:niit:.> oliiee:>: leeches petitions *«d dvchles c^t»-rf,|w'c!ioUxi6cs jud^ir.cni, FpftVs the Cv&*\ rns oT his ar¬ my,navy, and n ventM> til! n^on ; he then dines upen rcr? fruxal a few \}\aln "0:1 of v*.*ltf\ f dKiC?, and a uvC- into po; f After dinner he £!irpsfor«ts ho-i or two, zvA then smoke- his Luu-La wBiJst l*p i- occtipied in j-;...;!.t "•;r:p^i;> :i!! :s i.r pvctl rr- or sever. o\ hu'k ::' til ./■■« tako- s » ll l> ;;:;.;^'r later : he ai'teriv'::".!^ end retires to his i,::;w. XoaKO Lttcv^ ■ before!.ami whr;r !i« WW* totr«tfli4U*- M. Ordiiance" by Monday the 18th o December next, at twelve o'clock. 47 THE fubferiber begs leave refpeftful- . ( l'-f to inform his friends and the pub¬ ic tn general, that he has eibblifhcd a PAINT SJK)f> a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where xvill be kept conttantly all kinds of PAINTS prepared ready for the brum. Likewife all kinds of House, Sign, Waggm, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the fhorteft notice, together with raw and boihd Oil, which will be dispo- fed of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh only. THEODORE BROCKETT. Kingflon 6th April, 1820. i^tf YORK Land Price-Currcnf OlTtce, KING STREET. ^^TANTED, Axemen to contrad f T for clearing Lands in the Town- fhip of Lincoln, Niagara Dili 1 ids 3r,d in tlie Townfhips of York ( hin^uacowcy, and Simcoc. in the Jlome Ditlricl. Land will be given in exchange for la¬ bour, at a price to be agreed upon. ALSO. * the use of 3 J acres of newly cleared land, htuatcd within one mile and a half from the Town of Yo.k, will be given for a year, to any ptifon wh'> may be dehrous of melmng and croppiig the fame upon e- quitabltterms with the Proprietor. Capitalills wifhing to purchase impro¬ ved Farms, or Wild'Lands in Upper-i a- nada, may be furr.idied (monthly) with a periodical Price-Current Lift of Estates, on fale in various Towt.fhip?, on payment •if Four Dollars per annum—one quar¬ ter in advance. Commiilionsfor buying, letting,leafing, and regidcring Kllates, faithfully execu¬ ted. TERMS For the Registration of Land BURNS'S ALE, Just received, and for SALE, by (ho Subscriber, W\I. BAYARD SMYTH. Ki'gflon, 16th Nov. 1820. 46tf FOR SALE jflQ A MOUSE and Town lot, in kjj& j ^C\. the Town of Kingston, with good ^tables and other convenient out-hou- fes; i'kewife, a F.\RMof 100 acres of land h the Towr^hip of Frederick^burgh, with VO acres improvement ; a large fram¬ ed rVVELLING-HOUSE, a good log- barn, and a faall orchard thereon, in a good settlement and is a good fituation for any rub!ic Oufiaefc. A<°» lot, No. 4, third conccflion Rich- mono. 200 acres; and the weft half of lot No. (6-t 8*xth conccflion Kinglton, 100 acres with 10 acres improvement ; the a- bovc mentioned property may be had very reafo^ble for r.a.h. J?,/ particulars apply to SAMUEL MERRILL. K»gflon, 2J Nov. 1820. A4,tf Foreign Intelligence. HOUSE OF LORDS. October 4- THE QUEEN* J)EFENCE. MIL BfiOUGflAM's SPEECH, Concluded. At twenty minutes after ten o'clock, the Council for her Majefty were ordered to be called in, Mr- Brougham. Mr. Denman, Dr. Lu^hington, Mr. Williams, Mr.Wild and the Solicitor wen: introduced to their pla¬ ces. The Lord Chancellor then ordered Mr. Brougham to proceed with the ft ate ment in which he had left off yesterday. Mr. Brougham immediately resumed the Queen's defence in nearly the follow¬ ing words:— My Lords,—I ask how it comes to pafs, that with no want of care in getting up of this cause, no want of sagacity on the part of those who had to prepare ft, for I see thegreatcst fkill and management in all the parts of it, how comc3 it, 1 say that after all this, and with the boundless resources For 100 Acres and under From 100 and not exceeding 200 250 300 500 8. 20O to 250 to 300 to 500 and upward* 1 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o Cdr All letters addrcfTtd to Mr. Angell, Director of this office, mud be poll paid. On the 1 ft day of September next, will be published a Monthly Land Price- Current lilt of Eflatc* on ";ale in Upper * anada, to be circulated hereaffr in En- $land, Ireland and Scotland, and Wahs. 34* NOTICE. for the for the HE Land Board, Midland District enfumg fix moiths, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town cf Kingdon, at the hour of 12 o'clock nt noon, foi the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned delcriptiou of perions, viz. Emigrants, and others comiag to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Briiilh botn fubjeds. All able fcttlers that have refided in the Diflrift previous to the late war, and pio- ducc Certificates of bavir>g dune their duty ir. its defence. The terms of the grants arc the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Mouths from the da:e of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; eftabUfhed bv an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi- Board and Education. Mps; NEWALL most refpectfully informs her friends and the public, that !>c his removed her Ichool four miles abov> l-'ockviile, to a more eligible fitua- tion. where ^^wks^ ladies can now be ac- coroflodated at the moderate rate of £!z± per n'wuni, including the price of Tuition, Board and Wafhing. It*e Prauches taught in the fehool, arc, the I niihih language, Ancient end Modern Hi-i^y. Geography, Writing and Atith- work. C? Drawing vtiUbt ■ b*irg#ij?'\ perftmr* tcr tptrtu Brockvilic, Oct. s^th «?2D. 44116 Ytflic Land Pno'-CurrtMil Dilice MIL AMG:-.LL refpectfully informs (he public, and Emigrants who r ;ty be defirotis of forming a fcttlcment rn ihh Province, and to pure'^1^' improved Farm?, that he has on the LteglHcr, for fnle or exchange, an < xten-,vc variety ; together with many thoufatl! ;>cre? of uncleared land productng the v^nnble timher peculi¬ ar to the moll fcttih ^3*. which he i^ di- reded to dffpofe of,n quantities at fiom half a dollar to 10-' dollars per acre. These Eftates are^dvanraqeonsly Kitu atcd in the dcfirable parts of well select¬ ed Townfhips, witl'i the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivers, creeks and nv'ft brilliant fpriiig«. The capitalift m?y at all time find an opportunity of ir.veO ng money at this of¬ fice, fecured upon fl*B simple Estate, which will afford to him an ample Inte- refl NonretiJer.t Landholders may de¬ pend upon the nod -ithful and aflive at¬ tention being paid ir any Agency entrufl- ed to the care of the Director. Terms of RegifrWng Land", either to be fold, leafed, exch:ngcd, or for the per¬ formance of fettling Jotters : too acres and unecr 100 to 200 200 to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 500 and upwards N. B. These rates include the charge for iofertion in the General Lr.nd Price Current which will be revifed and pub- limed monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Weft India 1 (lands- All letters addressed to Mr. Angell, Director of this i ffice, mull be pod paid. York, near the Ciown Ofli 22d AuguR, 1820. Passaic from Dublin l<> Quebec o o o o o o s. I 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o See, ] 5 35** crrants no ices o Merchant Tat/lor, HAS received from Moiitrenl a mod choice and excellent sfl'orcment o the belt Weft of Etigiand fupergne Clntho ant C-(<si>ncr<'S, with Trimmings, am! every thins com¬ plete. A. ASHE* informs l»is fiends and thf public that be U now w«rkw« up tliele Cloths, &e at his oUl Hand, where »r4ea wiUbeihankuiMy u.-civ-d, and exeoted on the fi:ortift » »iJce, a..d on the Wefl terms fin Ca '.: or lb.»rt apr.toved crc'it Kingston, .'••■ t» 10. ttt^._______|£_ For ttic ■ < lilts i f lt< q*W!*i. ami ft*"ji- "• •' f Ixlfhis, fhr sz § f < 1 On Grants of 100 acres, £\2 Sterling. On Grants of aco do. 30 Payable in thiee equal infta1mcnt«s, viz. The lifft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecund on Certificate fi'led of fettlcment ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained unltfs accompanied by a written character, or a fatisfaftory reafon fhewn for fuch not bein0 produced. By order of the Board. JAMES N1CKALLS. Jur.r. CUrk. Kinpflon, Feb. 14th, 1820. 8 N- B To prevent difappniutments to perions applying far la^ds : it isneceiVary to Ibte that the Board has no power 10 rant Lands to the i. hi dien of 17. E Loyalists ; Militia men \vh«> krved in the Fla.k companies durhvg the war;Navd ,„- Miliary claimants ail fuch mull make -»t^*:c*-tion to \ »"k* ncxl Spring. A^r7r\ npHE h(\ failing coppered *l,_;:>^ & Ship KLIZV, James Purdy, Mailer, S63 Tims Regiller, fa regular Trader) is intended to leave Dublin for this Port April 1 ft, 1821. Settlers in Canada can fecure a for their friends by application to the Snbfcriber, and paying their paflage or earned, on or before ill January nest. \VM. PEMBERTON, Agent for the Owners. Quebec, 14th Qcl. 1S20. 43 entrusted to them, to bring all its faculties into play there (hould be one deficiency even in the arrangement of the names of the very vvitneflts ? Such unfairneh to the feveral States to which they refpec- tivcly belong ; fuch a Contraft between thole from lome countries and from others; fo that though in the management I found everyclafa in fociety, from the mid- dung ranks downwards rcprefented, yet when I have to come to the reprefentation of the Helvetic Republic, I find only a fin- pie nymph to perfoliate that people. When I bt'K, too, to the whole circle of the Ger- IBJlRfq l-Mnphr. I find the reprcfcitation em bndied in one German chambermaid. 1 lee none fiom the capital; I fee none from a- ny laicc States ot Gtimanjt, where her Majefty refided ; I ice none from that ca¬ pital, of which Tie is a native ; I fee none from thofe numerous places in which (he Ipent fb much of her lime, and where (he mud be lo generally known. All that I can find from Germany i* one fiugle cham¬ ber-maid at an Inn ; one fingle cellai maid or girl of all woik, for it is doubtful from the ilorv of Barbara Kress to which <jf thefe clalfe3 (he has belonged. When 1 fpeak of the tcantinefi of witnciTes from Germany, and when I allude to the fame fcantineL from Switzerland, fave and ex cept the Swift chamber-maid, I mull put in a claim for two witneiTes from Get many, and ihcfe (hall be the lirft introduced for my defence. 1 mud now begin by calling your Lordfhip's attention 10 what appears in the evidence of this lingie German cliambcrmaid. I mull here, to do tWo woman jultice, have recourse, as I had be¬ fore, to her own llatemcnt of hericlf and her affair*, lvrcfs appears then, from her own account, upon a calculation of the years (he has alluded to, to have commen¬ ced at the tender period of thirteen years of age, the reputable, unfufpedliug, and unexperienced office of chamber-maid, at a little German Inn. The little difficul ty of tracing the hiftory of fuch a ptrfon age, is in no fmall degree removed by look¬ ing clt/fe at the ftory of her own biogra¬ phy. She firft tells us where (he was at it years of age ; (he was tben a fervnnt with (omebody whole llation and occupa¬ tion (he was under no anxiety to difclote. It however turns out that he was a fmall Inn keeper, and (lie his cellar-maid or affis- t.nt cellar-maid. I entreat you Lord fliip'sclofeattention tothe mannerin which this woman gave her evidence, for the put- pofe of your following her up, Hep by (lep and attaching to it that degree of crcdibi lily to which yoo m*y ultimately deem it entitled. I the more particularly folicit this attention to the German woman's tcllimony. for you will find by her confer Bon, that there was no lack of effort in Germany, to obtain witnciTes— the agents were then puifuing the invellgation with their accuitomed adtvity, their ufual ad- drefs and their ordinary refources. And here I muR fay, that however difgufted I fee! at the conduct of fome natives of my own country connected with the bufiuels of the Milan commiffion, I find that there was in Germany natives of that part of the Continent, who furnidu-d me with the confnlation of knowing that they out- dripped my own countrymen in the part which they thought proper to take in this bufinefs. For inftance. I find there that the Baron Grimm, the Minifter of Wir- Ptrhaps in the conduit of diplomecy do for a Minifter to jollify himfelf for afts for which, as a man, he would (land with¬ out defence—he may do in the one ftatien, what in the other he dare not, without de¬ gradation ; he may for fuch condufr curry favour with the matter who employs him— he may get honour for discharging duties which in another capacity, would obtain him not honours, but dishonours and dif- grace. Perhaps however he aded merely as a diplomats, to whom all things are to be equal.—Baron Grimm, my Lords, was living iu his own apartments, when the Queen arrived at the place of his re- fidence, To compliment her Majefty and promote her convenience, he inftantly re¬ signed Jus own apartments: he artfully and insidiously gave them up for the use of the Queen : he kindly left the princi¬ pal apartments without a moments delay, for the pin pole of having it appropiiated to the accommodation of her Majefty. He left his own houfe, and encountered all the inconvenience of inferior and com¬ paratively ill fitted apattments that he might (hew his refpeft for the Princefs of Wales, and have the honour of condefcendingly contributing to her temporary convenience. Such was the Baron's courteou? conduit to that illustrious lady. But what would their Lordftupn think of his politenefft and demeanour when they knew that on that very day, nay the very hour, on which the Queen quitted the occupancy of thefe rooms, the Baron, together with another pcifon, whofe name though ufed by the wftuefs, I at this moment frrget,were fcen running up and down the rooms, as the woman KreL exoreflcs it, prying into eve. ry hole and corner, turning up and looking ijntilfi* fnrr.fwe which hpd h*en bfed ,nv the Princefs, examining the beds and the bed furniture, and performing all thofe degrading offices, to endeavor to pleafc thofe who 1 know and feel are above find¬ ing any men to degrade themfelvcs by performing fuch mean and dirty miffions. vuch, however was the conduit of thefe men, theey demeaned themfelve in the way I have mentioned.fedi.loufly and unferupu- lou(ly,rcgardlefs altogether of their own dignity, and prying into the minutell mat¬ ter that had a chance of gratifying tbeir private ends. You have heard of all this of Baron Grimm, from the chamber-maid Krefs. After all this condefcension, why has not the Baron eondefcended to be a wimefj at your Lordfhip ' Bar? Why k36 he not ventured to be a witnefs to fus- tain the testimony of the chamber-maid ? Why has he not fhown the fame boldnef* 1 ere in facing your LotdflupS3 that he has fhown elfe-wheie in facing the reprobation which his conduit fo well deferved to call down upon him ? But here the Baron was not forthcoming; here alone he was not to be found, though here, and here above all, he was, if this ftory of Krefi* be tnie, a paramount and rnoft important witnefs : indeed, the rnoft important by far, for he ailually entered the Queen'* apartments the moment (he left them, and if Krefs fpoke true, must have hr.d an ear- • ly and immediate opportunity of fpeaking to the thing in fuch a manner as direitly to corroborate her evidence. The Baron was abfent and the only witnefs obtained Hr 9JI the hdoftrv ahd *<*! *n*,jWlu£f the agents, the only one they could gatner in all Germany, was this single German chambermaid On looking at the evi¬ dence of Krefs fome eftimate could be formed both of her motives and of the con> fiilency of her uncorroborated ftory. She fwcars (he came over to England to be a witnefs by compulfion ; and yet when you come to turn over the next page in her book, you find what ? That (he was to be paid : that is, to get a little compenfa- tion for lofs of time. She had made no terms, given in no bill, (he had made no cxprefs or implied bargain, nor had (he a- ny reafon to expeit payment for the evi¬ dence (he was expciled to give. This wag her ftory; but it foon came out that (he had got a little payment, and the scale at which it was meted out to her was alfo obfervable ; for it was wrung rnoft reluc¬ tantly fiom her. Look at her examinati- to 4 W \NTEDj By the Subs; ribcr trofti 3 Ttteuflfttfd Bwrtieb of WHEAT. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery. Oct. 25th 1820. 43tf fffVto w^soiuer, % being ap omt^d ;\Uinifiistrator of %' 1* the ellate of D -\ gtBL WASHBURN. late of Kin^ft^n, F-fiJ'tire. decealed, rtqucfts all pcrfiif,? having claims againll faid etbte to Exhibit them, properly vouched ; and ;: | perfons indebted, to fettle and make i avment with «ut delay. B. BIDWEl.L. Kingllon. Oc;0^er2^d, iH^o. 4jtf fcL.-f.Yif t ■ .'■' : Oi'-rc. Fvr sale ?.t this Oilice. F • ^'- . at this <Wlte< fW\iVE, Rifto Etevcrend the Lowl DI- ti ti mop's (.'.T. ..„c tu (\xc Clergy «»r his DiocelV—celiwi ..j ;n t|1%. ycai iS:o. Nov. 2-i- it20y * • temburg, the Minifter of that power on whofe throne a Britifh Princefs of the Royal Pamily fat, was molt active. I find thih Baron Ompteda as Minifter at Rome, & who is now there in that capacity. 1 find thefe two peifons a&ively employed againft her Majefty. I find Kaven treat ing the Queen of England, that Lady who was his Qneen as well as your Lord- Ihtps' in fuch a manner as made it ionpoffi- ble for her Majefty, even if her prefeiue had been rendered indifpenfible here by the proceedings inftituted againft her Ra¬ tion and honour, tr» rcfide any longer at Rome. Thefe two perfons 1 find to have been throughout thefe proceedings un- faupulous agents in the tranfaitions to which I have to cal' your Lotdfliipa* at tention. I fi"J che Baron not femptdous In tlirowiug away and flinging far from l:im all thofe feelings which an ordinary man in the commcii incidents of life, may not call away, without forfeiting all pie ten! m lo honcut *::£ refpffti Jt may on, page 93 i V. eie yoj ever examined beforer ie?. Where? i was once taken to Hano¬ ver. What had you for going (here ? I uont recollect ; it was so little, so little that 1 don! recollect. She it seemed did not, nor could not recollect this remuneration, because it was so little. But it subsequently turn¬ ed out that it was not because the re¬ ward v»assc little, but because it was so .rreat, she could not recollect it. What if it was larger by live times, by ten times her ordinary wages at the inu ? She was asked, what if it doubled her whole year's salary, wages perquisites and all, at the inns at Frankfort ? still she could not recollect it. When this payment doubled that annual sum, Will any man, my Lords, of plain and com¬ mon understanding, pretend to say he can believe this woman, when she states *he does not recollect such a circum¬ stance when the amount paid for a six days* journey so far exceeded her annu¬ al profits ? Was it possible after such a confession as this, to credit her belief? Could she be depended upon in her me¬ mory of facts, who did not recollect re- ceiviui; fnr a trip that from beginning to cud; did not cost a fortnight's timejinore **/ *

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