SffisESSS^s'sassaitaix frrom and mcfl nmifp.'ciou*. ever embark¬ ed iii by rviiy govarrn-jftCOTf*—The l0on-.-r it was retracted ibtfl*etta i>r the cciUitry. lie c:i>;|J cwiJUct' tt in no olv.v li • ht. Robert WJIfon) had intimated his deccr- miuatuin to throw ev ry pofTt^le ohitacle in the way of the bili ; but that oppoli- ,t ' r •, i , tlo:l W,,UM n°t preve.-u or retard its coming « ^MefctiM f, be a procc-,!;r,z ped, | down ; and if the H.>»& of Peer* ehoS *ag k-for- a cour; of Juttice; jm.J zs he flioeld licely oointi.c .: upon wij protc^d- intr- fa the coi.t run.- b Ucilch <-r the ttwr: of Ca:aiu ::. Plea*, he fiicu! 1 thvre to f<nd it, they (the Houfe of Comnvjus) mn!t difpofe of it in the one way r*r cat oilier, Sii'-h predetermined oppofition f ,-.,.,.1(- i w r;"" Rot nun"^ ra^« A* cbaraeicf o; .he -•ore lee; Un.UiM warite* to camro &«& ! gallant general, eith-r with the country ofthecouni* y*dntr. He «rVft fry, -ir with the Hrmfe. With rtfocA to cue tnat, vVrfcn all deference to the opmi p •J his honourable filend, the esse* J iier-nllm (Mr. Bcnnet's) t •/•: i!.n« as wll a tiMlOi the pall, went to AriW thfJ r1 • chapter of proceedings before tku t bmri] w.is bad. It had been remarked, ti: \ i\m rng the progrefs of tin"- RiCafurc. fr^j': -i* al- Infions had been micte to the rai'c *.-* .i ee lebrated Englifh ptcUirc —Ih'lh-,^ Aw bury. He was very !mv, ih:.£ v!. >■ *r would take the tro-:!ve of'o'^.uxg I » Bi- fhop AUerbur;»*s ca's would fee th it that was a complete party rneifu-". He be¬ lieved that this was the Frrlt time, and this the fir It inflauce, fa which there ever had been heard cheers in a court of juiiicc ; certainly no one ever attended at a trial i.i a court of Kind's Bench and hea.d t!ie judge9 cheer (hear ! hear!) Me rrrtght add, tliat this war, the full time in a court of juftice in which a counsel hud been browbeaten and frequently interrupted by the judges, and attempted to be put down (a laugh, and cries of heat !) It was •rue that the ccunfel refilled and furvived it; but it was not t he less true that the attempt to browbeat and put down was made.—This wss alio a lingular intranet of judges putting queftions which were rejected as illegal- It might be indeed, that fh« hirer c;rr:tm'!an-r-: was owiiur to rhepavtieo not being i'it.igelhei aecn<u«m- ':d to judicial forms and accuracy; it might be fo, bur w. w.\< fire rh.it tin's was not a tribunal before winch it was quite as fafe to appear as be for a the twelve judges ] K had now, in a few words, fh uvn what had been the effect of the proceeding be¬ fore upwards or 20c judges ; let the houfe now reflect what would be the effect of a fimilar pfGC*cdlfl;g before mnre tlnn Geo- The Attorncv-Gct cral roe wi;h muun waraith to report the charge brought a- gainft him by the honourable member for Shrewsbury. Me ha J in conducting the cafe cntruflcd to him at t!:t I>ar of the Houfe of Lords* only afted in tbcconfcl- entious difchargc of \%h duty- With, re* fpeft to the honourable ;;e .tleman'^ ojvlni- on, he fhould always fed hlflvfclf difgic&ced by any approbation of bis conduct ftocn the honourable (rcntlem-n, and, on the contrary he fiiould conuder his cenfure as an honor. Mr. Hume did not hefitate to afTert his belief with the tpllnnt general, that thin was one of the fouUft an J rr.i ft difgrace- rnterefts of the Qiieen her!e'f, uone u( her le^al advifeis were in their p!L>ee5 : altho' there wa? an lion gentlemeui (not now, indeed, in hi* place) v. bo fp-kj in the tow, if not o!" ^ legal, a: leaft » f a politi¬ cal, g'Tviler ol' lur NJ.-jeily. That !.on. •r.tndR) fpokc in the Irfft ptrlcQ plurdl. [n rented to the tale of Ilaroii Ompttda having aticrnpted to break into the houfe , t>f 1!.' iiluflrloirs peifon, he had been as- »red by Count MtnUcr not on!y that he (the Count) had given no fancii.-n to it, bllt th-Vt it w.u not trtk'. fceualN i;;i- fuiiinlcd wa*i the afll-ru'on tiiut he lud de¬ cline 1 a meeting propofed by a ccvuiu uiH- r-.T. Several letters to » had been received by him which faokc of baron On ptcda in tu'ns of the high eft refptd. He could moil truly afTcrt, that there was uo d;Tpo« lion to obllrUiilariJ envbairafji the Out en's means of di fence. No fooncr IwU it he- come known that obil UCtiuna had aiifeo from the forms of office? in cXuiliij m fretting paflport* for witntlT-;'. ti:an t:ie inconvenie'i, c was lem^d'ed. He remem¬ bered that the bon member for SVefiniitt- ftefj and the h*-n. meu;'-.cr mar him, ji id co iLinnal'y taunted the minfilei > and Iut.J, fire to do every tW lo keep tJlc mcj. ptoof law and the- admini!lra.ion of jns- ti.ee [[1 *W ordinar> C0IIrfCi anj to rcfiore ail the orders and dalTes of the Hate to union and harmony._Hear. Mr. P. Moure fM,d, that he Ihould not mu.ee the matter , |IC believed it to be as dar* and foul a confpiracy as ever had bct" formed againd any individual. Mr. ElUce thought that as the evidence ■gsmft her Majefty had been fisffered to pout of the world, fapported moreover by the famming up of the Solicitor Gene¬ ral, fee thought they fhould do theyreateft injuitice if they dij not afford her"Majes- ty an opportunity 0f spelling them, and proving that they were the efftpring cf a foul confpiracy. Mr. Vanfittart was happy to afiure the Ifor.. Baronet that every fum for which application had beei made at theTreafu- ry, aq necclTaiy to prepare for her Majes¬ ty's defence, had b-en paid, and that eve¬ ry fum which mig'.r: he demanded for the far»e purpofe- woulf he readily aud cheer¬ fully fapplied, fut>dl, however, to the condition of their application to the al¬ leged objeci bein^ afterwards to be ac¬ counted for. Twenty thoufand pounds had >een paid, am there was no longer delay than was rei.ured by the forms of office. Mr. Wbtt'&readtoped, t!.ai!f rational morality was the nbje& of the l.id, as ftated, the inquiry rould not cud with her Majefty, but wou'H be extended to other perfonages in as ex:!ted a fuuation as fhe occupied. HefaoilJ Cupport the zmend- ment. despatches have been received from Persia, which "announce to Ministers the intrigues of the Russian Agents In that country, and muiraU: t'ic designs of the court of JVlcrs- burgh. Th« regular army of liimh now in Oftorgia, and on the line of the r urcasus, is upwards oi" lOOjOOOincn, andthe Russians nave taken possession of a place on the Cas¬ pian sea, near Asterahad." Covrtz-;- its. —There Iia^afrlv hoou rirco- lated 01 ii.:> riry several counferiVit ?0 dollar norrs pm-piinin^ r» be uf the Montreal Bank. Thr fafce 1 1 rmay bedeteeti-d by rbe mnission "i the exferior beadine round the H^ht-hand rampaHmeni ertclo^in^ toe u«rds " Vinpi Pias- rrrs"; ami bv theserjicntine floarixh before the IV in Hit' name P». Hutnv* ; the -amc floumb hr- iiuc iw the genuine notcoui> nre 9wrep, cooeava towards !!■»• to,, f -he note.—Can, Courant, f&*&^18&mMt * * * * * * * KINGSTON, Nor EMBER 10, IS'20. • ■ . . . . . • 1 > • « . • I'M" Steam I5.»at Sophia having, in cnase- 1i:fiice <»t'-oine accident, been prevented from t;ro^siogfroin SaekeTa Harbour* uc tmveoot re- U'lved our i:-jiJ lilvs of American pnpers. We have, however, been very politely favoured wflli a New Ynrfc L'gmmer(*tsd AdvertUrrnf theSOiJi lilr.roMiaiaini: verji late London dates, from which a few extract* w)Ube Found in the preceding column. The paper is nearly tilled with Mr* Broughams >Kuii before the Lordt, "ti opening ihe defcuce ol Uie Queen. Tbu Speech, whicii we fear (he scanty limits of a w< ekly paper will mil admit <*-. mu publisblug, t\> lai as il bua come before • . is remarkably eloquent and ingenious, and toniV:-' <ti miotiuhrt! honour on ihc Kent and talcuts of iu author. We do not learn what is the prer<»eplan nftbc defence, but t.,■• learned geMiesi tna Uieonuet, esprt yei hi? intcoiiou not to go into any reciimlnaiury matter nt the ualitagevf the proceeding, and not indeed at an\ nage, unleiS so compelled by 'i..- impera¬ tive d»U) 10 ho lltuttriou ; licnt. 'i u- Speeches Take Notice, I HEREBY forbid all perfon* from purchasing TWO NOTES of hand, fmtied by George Drewry, to me, which Notes J gave to Joseph Sparrow for a certain piece of Laud, fur which, he cannot make Sood the title. The faiJ .Notes arc for Twenty.fve Pounds each, and I fupposc arc now in James Waldron'g hands, for collection for faid Sparrow, whom I herchy forbid colleQing the fame Horn faid Drewry. SETH B.GOULD. Cramahe% *]th Nov. 1820. Kingston Amateur Theatre. A MKETINGofthc Amateurs and -i_3L original Subscribers to thru Theatre, will be held at Walter's Hotel, on Tuesday the 14th inlt at 12 o'clock, to take into confideration the propriety of disposing of the property belonging to the Theatre for fome charitable purpofe. Kingston* Nov. \ctb 1S20. The Sale ol Lots in the Town¬ ship of Tyendinaga will be con¬ tinued on Tuesday next, at 12 o'clock, at the Court House. Kingston* Nw. Qth 1820. Hibernian Society. Mr Alderman ffcygatc fwe believe) ott]u VV^bm members in ibc lioo»e of Cow- td, that he con!: not" br'n V hin.f -if to ™.....\,,,tf »';-• St*»'" •»<;" "« '-.-«d.itSl> in- , . , ^ ' . u tein. c nfe,and w.rve r»>bevv bow uuni mat bo- f; vote for the mr-.ti.a of the rn^nibiT for VVeJtuiiuJlcr. He thoajjht ic fhould be ::iaJe ^vx sjl'ly kti vn, thai r.ny end.avjrs t-» indtice t?*e miliary to take part Li the tpeitiofi ^hl.h miv a^itatea the country, wouk! draw down tlie Qrong anfmadver- fion of the llotifc r Commons. The cries fof a li.ifi n bci »^ then verv loud, Mr. Hobhoufe )hftfi»ccl, that being a yjung mrujbcr he Ihoulcl not prefa di\i- fictj 0"•! he not tfcink there was no cafe »»ai*€ otit for the Queen tu defend herftdf 'hn'n^ forward fpecilic char^t-s;" and ntiW it was milled t'» ftnp t!.c inv(ii^;«tion ut , agar nil. tli'-fe charges. 1-fc hoped that he did r.os • The H >nfe th n divided. The num- !ook with iiii'ircomm^ dilni;iy on 1 he pi1'- bcr$ *.v-vie—F- the a ' *?■■!**-■ n' 1 0 j lie fefiimg on nvy qn-!lion ; but lie wjs quite 'Inre 'he c'rcu'iillancc? of the cue would fettle the public opinion, as it was quite fmpnfiihle that any JnJ'illioC coLi*'d be done by the Legiflatnre in the face ol public opinion. Whatever impreffton the evidence nrJght have made, it wa- the duty •if all to fufpend their final opinion, and not fnffer themfelvefl to entercatn aoy to the prejiidije of her h&rjeUy (;n the prefent occafion there was a party, not nu- gamtl it, ()ri% majority, 54. Aftej iome convei laiion, Lord Cailie- rca^h pro_»ofed that the Houi'r fiionlt! ad- journ to the 17th Oftober, by vphich day the House would he able to determine, from the proceeding* of the other Houfe, to wUat far\!i :r p. ti >d it might be expe¬ dient to adjourn, if the bill of pains and penalties ihould rr>T>c down from the oth¬ er lloni'c, it would be obviowf]/ dcfirable that that Ko'.tfe fhoold be called over, fptritj ivhettter tlie object were a n»iii;ary invafton by a foreign enemy, or the calam¬ ities infcpurablf from protracted warfare. or whether it were th*> calamity, (vvhi* h every endeavour had been made to avert) (till they f.dh-ned on it for the purpofe 01 (baking the contliturion e.f th: eottntrj". Much of that wicked fpirit mi/ht Le tra¬ ced in the proceedings out of duorj. He hoped that nothing which had fallen from eh her fide would induce the Houfe 10 de- fol confpiraeies which was rw farmed, viaie from that cool imp^.lialliy whkV There was a feeling from or.r end of the ! !i:.d a!w?ysgoverntd \kttn in loc difchargc country to the other in f-.vor «d" ItU iMlffl- of their duty In the moft ptrsltftia times, cence, in which he moft folemnly coi\i.r- Ted. He certainly agreed with the hon. gentleman, who had to lately Ipolc:.:), to mcrous he hoped, but certainly ir* exiil with a view to rep.rfe*- the attendance ?s ence, who had liltened on this qaeftton ; fallal poffible ; and then he thought it and who had always betrayed the lame proper to mcWon, it wa;1 his intention CO propGte that the Houfe (hould be called uvtr t^ ly in November. He Hated fo iar, i;: order that members might be in rcadin'.fs to .".'.rend vrltlrp. rhe period of three weeks r.ltcr. Th* arrangement was agreed 0::.— [Adjourr.t I. 1. jadiCial UKjuirj, \u .1 ta?f afinidm* so much sGtfj fi l\>* j'-arly -|.(nt a- iqk Uill of l'mui ami Penalties, 'I.hm- de)taie& ate only Hie pre- !" ro *jreatej viilenci*, ia tin; event of the hill wg inn down Loin (ItcJloaseof Lards« and t»r fliutthl tl.ru Ji 1 - !<o tutiy gratlt»cJ to we .Mr. ttroitghnni dci^ci Uiepprjtii'i\ uf Major .!:ia-Jhis Irllvn witnesses (lfp**rj«ry ibere be'i (.nil thus rfesirttj iHv Uill nWfif-.'Uici. liy &tti 1 ruect^n- Ji.iu- J«Cp II .)|-p- .11 lo 11^ |tOft£tbT< in 0 ...•; .n ;: l:.i;i;iy ct*Wif lti*o u.iproliiahlf iii'..o- . u —a "J nluU-ii !•■• vie* 10 the Queen her tot r fair lauir, Jin.i 1 .<*>«-rviv Uie huuuui uftlie Kingaud Uie n"-|v: i d«e ;.j rvjnlty, alia) ..!.-:• the beat of taction in the court fry, an.l pro. nr uM Ivn^Jand I'onn becoming'a bjc nurduuiui irtiari .j-. Th^arcuueirtneui or' tbc Ourii. mI \:.-\ t Ua joy in I L'venl for the Bourbons, ua it ffiv« Ihcina eiiaitcr, Mtuuld the joonx I'nucc survive ific dis- /■:• >■--"* < ■*•■;■•. • 1 tin- rfnggftt ftf r*Mi)imi'»na- r\ a ;i LI'r.oJ poj'|li LUtUUlg lUCll .1 • 1... Ij oil Hit* 1'irtMi* tiuiMir. and diiHjtpoiuiitigthe hope*of itlO-C mIio :i.v fiHciidlv to itic vouiij; NilpnltfOil Witclt blond continuestobe hlird in£icil.v,aod itic raiiAC ol iridfprml^nrc is losinggniUlitl, a5 tlie£t'iu-iai fftliurcsct'iua Indeed toifudcr uVsi- ral»lf. ;'.,(- revolution to i'nrii.r.-d ha«. lioi»n happily iter :-ij!i-ln'(| uulH'Ht nut li (uioul: or bloodshed. The « :ri:u#nt rV|u*rn- teed by tin- Ii• Uhh OtHcers in ti», 1 '"i iujfiu*:-r at tii_\, -peak- hi£bU in favour uflhi u miiduet tttid coiiruelei, as well its of lllC »enst< id jusaceand mcderatlou ot tl.c acw re- ghtlr. \\, ifn l>y private letters from York lliat, at ti.v- ico.'iiiiieiidation ol lie l.\ii-Uinr\, an a Mil 1 t.i iius heen made r»i the l.«;i^la i\c Coan- c«l, wrrespandfng with lite artgrni iitmiun in the i!i:':>i- oi .\■•-.■ -mist> under ilic provlsim i of the luii'net. 1 ijc A^"i-i nmil bruuptu om tn« up- j) ;.: 1.1.-i.i: •■! Ihi new liieniii* tr i'i 1 v hottour- nlilr I'*'^. viz. Doctor Stmchun, Liemeiianl Co- loiiel \"<<l!-. Duncan Cameron,Angri? Mclniosh, and George II- Wurklanit, L.s{jairr5. The I.: 1 named e 'i.Ueman i-, we believe, tlie flrrf urute •our ol 1 ijnr <- anntln who has received f»urn the sovereign tins higli mark of dutini tlort- Mr. Oeevey depre.ated the idea thrt Member* fhould n *t be at liberty fttliy ro eKptcfs their opinions, becaufe the l^obU Sew- 1 Das, Kt*v, ^0. Very L&fe l\n\,\ Europe, \'*-:>>;*i. ,- i, urrntig - .'.- !.;•:, V. :.'.<• Ci';, (J:ij'l. i^vvjei*, airiicu lV»*ii' ljtverpor>J, after it pi;>?.ige U* J-da). | ..:-'.[:, LjvWjHi'il papers lu tlie At of October, ftithculicr- iioon i!i" rtwuUctrndiJijjcliip )importer,Cupt. i i-<»". oni>'w worn tn« mmu poet, in :i do)*h l 'l uc lioti-e i>!'L'j.'i ..ici on rin-.-'i ofO« - tt?bcrj purstiiust to adjti irum-'ut. T! - J--"1 rJon n-tpetft saj tiMt the iiiiiv.l '. ...■ :r i un mode »»f dUcipl lie. The Americans, it seem?, #1.,, ..,' I .. i" ■ I . i « ,..... • - m. .1 i- . I il.______ .. • 1 .. _ . .1 We Hanoi pie;.-ml lo he pertvc !;. iini^d '•'iih the lubjcCt of iii put*': beiweoti the Aujcii- i.x uwd liiitUli \\*-le;.aii MelhodUia in Ihia rouDitv, We oi.lv know that a de**p and lasi- in» j .ii.m-v has exl "• i hnvecn shese rcfcjwr- irve .\ii--iu...ni;- irf " - iw*i parlies ever mice iL-im- oi On- lauri lia*e i; ;J n> to estabJuh Uiem* civeaamwigii Ui Fiora what v*e can learn, there b ltltt« of no tiifi'freiice of QpiniOli he- r>r«••-«. in, either in u.atu r* of fairh or in their i'iet';.i| »>! Llio <i>l ' . i.ifjl?.'. ' . us il I'M*- ^ressca. T.u-. cr.....! hich filled ih" aire* ?, and nlwivv«re pres in. i-mnrUsiii- ll-u* oi LfOrd -, v/m grt-iiter il. i on »ny fori nT ucca- siun. Let ween 10 and n oViuck, St scurried accui'e the Queen of an uda'terotu i-.i..t- COtirfe for H;-; year?, nr, ) yet had n;t ;•:: tempted to prove it fir m.-hv than three, (a laugh, and cries of hear ) Nov.- his- cbjr& in recalling this circim'l&Rce to the attention of tiie bonfe. was ; » fnow tint the rlttorney*Oenerai ha! UQraced him- felf by laying fueh an necui;>n# which ap- bltei to a r-eriod of fix y;ir«. lie had been affutcd. and fe!: (.-• /ijdent that hvr Majefty would rebut cv ry charge whi.I; wa$ at all capable tit b.c:::g rebuiicd, h juilfee were done tr iier. He held in h:3 Land a letter, upon which he thought he could repofe t!ie ut^ofl c^rukucc : in tvn:cn it Was ftaUd, tlsd Mr. Henry, who went out of this cou try* admitted and recognifed by bfe M^lj'b rnnil.^, ::s the exprefs and accredited agent fr mar- fitaihng the evidence of the Queen, ha. been much impeded in his n.illicn. wirile 1 the witneffes pgainlt her Usjefty Lad c^fe {generallyc«ierta u\l by th- peoples -a, ir ::|i rh:- r..:.i;l;u■. llt- Lnndon and r! ■• tfcgh i >--r 'V ■!'■',' ifrv V' " 0 '• ■' ' ( ■ •" ■ -1 : . ■ •■• rharaed with an offuice vAiwM wan no ^^'- ^i\ m\hn ik,i:J>V«-% not info ilus n-'-no hv the h*Wfi <.f IvudanJ—th-* fa:-.)e Sirurid. ;i id *'i'i . pi r fi »'y V\ i:ite!::ill otitli* Q o-.n vvii-irh ihcy knew to hrv.v been I tniiKn-r r'!.-.-. .- d ev«fj iutermediam iregle&edi dtfvtt« l, and driven >\t\ "1" t! e -t.* ! rrotti • web ;i ilwv of foe rivor could co-.n-trv ami espofed lo all fpcciei cf pvr- b«fe»1 itf "*i'-*i foi Atckvcu o^cluek, al- Keiufun f-r the h'X tvaty-fi^ y i* "-"" »^«« P« ' ■ :U-,M^,' « ^ were the first in tin fitld ami have eonsidered tiie ;;; ■ mpts of fhe BrltlsJi MWuuarfea lo esta¬ blish t bun hea fn ' Fppcr C unada ai an inircuon upon iii ir Lobourp, an! an encroachment upon their5iip)t0feH right iv main the spiritual di¬ rection "i t!«M i:'-i I iluuei-. We cannot, . ■ | ' i i tpfoUS itl.ieei ll.r 0 j aieii-.i.;: '.•!• l*av< in i i«Jiioj to retain thiscoo- ii-I.;!, r^jiLctalt^ now, ivlien the people of the IVfcetrtodtM ebnneetion tuthi* Piovtnce can he tfjioHed i*itl» instruction b\ Mitoiottfifta from ii.'- n."iln-. cotuirry, and uho. under all the cluipife^of rn »«r |* .'?, can Continue loejter- .., .. ,j,..,i j, .... i. ::in; theirfettow-Mib- jeci. «itliov,i . if iption and widioul Piitpi- Noble Lord feen any inilancc of tl.ofe L.:-ds eheennffaud making accUmsiIons* when evidence on a particular fide had OOfTie out ? [Cries from tire Miniilcrial 1 l*» he had ai been provided With pafi-wrts, -nd export¬ ed without difficulty, not fewer than four of the witness who had tendered their fervfees to co-ne over to Er.p/iand on her behalf, had wren prevent^ by the tnichr- uationsof Co! Dwun U<W w««gi ^ had fiaee declared thiit th V *«uid hot Gde of " No, nr !"j One oay heard lur Majcfty*fi Onflfcl reprimand their Lordfhips foi thia Indifciction — M What do y.iur I.' rdihips mean by thefe ! acelamatio:^':' ' U this was no? a rtpri mapdi he fcarcdy knew what was. Then : catne the i.:t:;r.a;ion that the divorce c'auie would be jjlveii up ; end the Ho:.- N.cta- ber for Mucw/uury (Mr. Bennet) had I pit Eh?5 ofi irs right fouling when ! e hud that a GOflcefTiun had been made in confe- qnclice of the threat of recrimination, the twowins oi.t of ihe cbnfe would be the been s ','-• i ; . i i:. it.r.zh. . . , o\ ■•":;.. nation of the Btitifh WcpJeyan : :. 1 . . ■ • - '-.-■. ' . | :: ;tvudisi9 of lb*S ptaee to supporl a BrSilsh . "...iv .: • ' v- f^:^'";- | \<. -floary, a::»l ue tao»Ot co;.anc bov* the ;• m ..-it i.v;..- ' ■•'■ ', , . i-K-i iUfcAS ; f euce oJ England should havr been iw'.n- CftiumcW d li r. sm« h. ' -"^- ' " •■"• m 1 bv ihe representation* of an.> f.»rrigo d ,!•>:■•; -..."'-.i .;.- : pi! U'• tsUr-»lve. .; ;o i'lddenly to deprive this people of then, i ■- This srvech ejet: • Lj?w . e >hi«rB3 tff U - t.-n tt ons of one of their brethren, v.unou; at A GENERAL Meeting of this Soci¬ ety being deemed necelTary, the Member* are required to alTemble at the ufual place (Mrs. Patrick's Inn,) on Wednesday, the 14th inst. at noon. It is hoped that no Member will beahfent. RICHARD DAVE!'NE, Secretary. Kingftun, Nov. ift, 1820. AT a Meeting of the Stewards and loaders of the Wesley- an METHODIST Society, held in King- ftoa this day.—It was refolvcd that a re- monftra »ce be sent ro the British Missio¬ nary Committee* againft their late (Jccifion, relat •: ;o the withdrawing their MuTi.,na. ry fiom this place, and that the fenfe of the public be obtained by receiving <ig~ natures :o a petition for the continuance of a British Missionary here, Tnis i<on the prefumptiod that mf&eprefentatjons have been msde to the Committee, by the Ame- on their arrival will be laid before the pub¬ lic. As Biitish Sub<e&M, we are refolved to fupnort a British Ministry. By order, N. M'LEOD, Sec'ry. Kingston, Gth Nov. 1820. 45if NOTICE UJani of Upper Canada. t Nov. gtb, r82o. WHEREAS the Agents of the Montreal Banks, have hitherto re¬ fused, and Hill continue to refnfe, on pre- fenting us the Bills of this Bank, to re¬ ceive their own Bdls in exchange. Therefore in order to prevent any false impreffion going forth to the public.— .Notice is hereby given, that in future the Bills of this Bank will be paid when pre¬ sented by the faid Agents, only in trie Bills of fuch Bank as he may be the repu¬ ted Agent for, when fuch Bills are on hand, and not having any of their Bills on hand, will be paid in Specie. By order of the Directors, ___________S. BARTLET, Cashier. CONTRACT FOR BAKING NOTICE is hereby given, that ten* dcrs w;i! he received at th>sOffice, until the 8th December next at noon, from such persons as may be willing to Contract for baking Bread from Govern¬ ment Flour, for the use of the troops at Kingston, Point Henrv. and Point Fre¬ derick, for one year, commencing on ttie °.5th December next, but determinable by either party at the eud of six months. The terms of agreement, form cf ten¬ der, and other particular?, may be know n on application at (hisoffice, and noolfera uill be noticed, unless made in the form prescribed, nor unless the parties and their sureties, or agents duly authorized by them, attend at the time of opening the tenders, which must he >erded and endorsed " Tender for Baking." EWD.PrNE COFFIN, Dep'y. Com'y. Gen. Gomndssariat Office y King$to7iz St it Nov. 1820. 45 Coutit-e. At -> mi. Etaffesf I- 3!r W r»J- taueed ;.i «,.'• >•. <1 m?*w procatsliug to aadress riruxh ko, ■• : J^rdCauueel- hirolnservsdj aUtai, it .pe.uvd ti !••';•. intention of Mr. V- : . • > :•> ' ' ' ^ - ii.-uugii .in In ;• ••>:t. ' r'.ldreJP, h* ::■•'-• COiUd Liieir h»: I .-;-. .:nti' vvaa :: tin rdi**- crct.on whetlufr . ■„-..: £t& ckmvh* cuh'I*' *»- plated by Uiucoun^cl I - U-as d "nnces bin ne uiu *ur hitn, ih.it in so loiuoratnt 3 ca?'*\ it womd b be^t exercised by p&mHtUng H" The sujg gesiion was urnunti rusty acceded to, iujiI Mr. Wil!i;u?is coranjmici ?d. The spw '- t>l tliis Kcntlexuan ii not contained i;i tb« Luu- don believed in hit coniVier.cc Utat tc tl.;:t ment they were thebngtiihg Hoc!: wi alj Europe: he really believed that abroad every body laughed " hu' ljiffi u.) , ) fiagk www put tt defiwee ihe tvUole «•! his maj^y^ government, fipportedas it wa, bv the Holy Alliance, vh-i had km th cttentlv retire to deliberate, and m one m- tiancc Vi-main ah^nt three hours, in order v> tell the houfc in what mannet they were to pat qaeftions. ^.>w were they 10 eel out of u.n-jullies here when they Fhe Paris dates are to the 1st of October. The Monitewr uf ; <e g»*h SeyteflAef, is tie* • 'j • 1 . uterine into the ui.r'r*- of die que-non be- tn i-c Ibc two parties of Miiaiorrane?, iheoca- tuve of mtbdi rxiag ihe BriUsti Mifttwiaries ceri.:i..»•, appear* hah cruel and unjuit as it re- specb Ihe people who havr MlOttn so great a de* . ie Mipport and rciam them. V\>have Idht- ei\ iliat ibisscbiMn is not oneaUoRciIierofa reli- PIOU4 nature. Wc rather suspect il originated in n rrtiitest fur paver, :mu* it is somewhat surpris¬ ing ilralthe I'liitidi Conference should have so rcadih yielded ro the representation <»f an A- uirncan dejegate, reBpeetlog t!ie sltaation of a i;,.iMi Province, without rinst hearing the re¬ port ot ilicir own Missionaries, and correctly as- 1 raining the *Uhes of the people among whom \\\e\ had been labouring. NOTICE. L'tfV*tl& i, ■^if-'Vir'-^ae «GS li. iuld have wily 11 ic individual ajnotig of J miefl with :. offii'bl account of the birtli uf th • vmng Princi. tfiu sun 01 the Ducb.-bS of ( r 1. The Prince tos been UttfAi u Hwrl-tttSirti PeisKJiaud Uieu-doune? t3rnd*a gift Toe lolloiViii-i- r ", -o;" a letter Lrom PaFlH, dan-d ,-■■[.t«-!i -.fr - ': uSof»i i '] • tii • ti ! awtakcii P;;ce wihin Die l -i ." I- irs; pi Wie rutttor ettes fe*vsatui'tSi4! .. . ■■ kh".i!<-ii r^'duuouary ci^iunr's "... .'. .. ; .• itunh tWe poa- trvclv '.'» 11 .i-otu.T the i...ire. ol Colonel Kal s.-.. M. Cw ■ ^..1 «f th<- D^iraiyoi , I.M.M-," . . i. * .be* tfu-yi'b, • rreipel ii."..;., , . . ■ .. .1 iys. si*j»1 u*\w 'li llie cofta iUiii^ti ni '.' U»hy ^!'%- , . , Ale..'. ; , • ■ Lt-j : • ' •-■ - !'j:;' nw . ■ 1 A .. • fh ::v; MJLRRIED, On Saturday the -4th inst. by the Rev. John Wilson, Mr. John Kith, of the Naval Department, to Miss Patrick of this Town- ________ TTIE Suhfcrihcr begs leave to inform the public, that he has lately arrived from England, with a well felcfted affort- ment of DRY GOODS, Entirely fuited for the winter fea<on, and which he now offers FOR SALE by the piece, very low for cafh, at the STORE, lately occupied by Mr. Jas.Stoughton, Store Street. H. M'GREGOR. Kingflon, 3d Nov. 1820. 44tf — Female Benevolent Society of KINGSTON. A MEETING of the Members will be held at the Houfe of Thomas Markland Esquire, on Monday next, the 13th inft. at twelve o'clock precifcly, for the purpofe of choofing a Directress, Se¬ cretary, Treafurer and Managers.—It is requefled that all the Members who wifh to forward the objects of this Society will i.:'.e:id. Ki^'t-n, ~th Nov. 1820. Passage from Dublin to Quebec next Spring. i^ST npHE fall failing coppered k£±> I Sh!pKLIZA,Jam«Pmdyf Mafter,'f363 Tons Rcgifter, (a regular Trader) is intended to leave DurVin for this Port April ttt, 182L Settlers iu Canada can fecure a paffage for their friends by application to the Subfcriber, and paying their paiTage or carneft, on or before ill January next. VVM. PEMBERTON, Agent for the Owners. Quebec, 14th Oft. 1820. 4