u Tho Enrl of Liverpool though* they ought to take up Uic Learned Counsel's own words, and ask in the first instance, what had been meant by " at or about Monday fortnight." Me recommended that this question should be put forth¬ with. The Lord Chancollor then called in the counsel for the Queen, reminded Mr. Brougham that he had used the words at or about Monday fortnight," and desired him to explain what he had meant by the words u at or about." Mr. Brougham.—We were very unwil¬ ling to take upon ourselves to fix the pre¬ cise time at which the proceedings shall be resumed, wishing to leave it as far as our duty to our client will permit, to your Lordships to name thaf precise pe- riod which you in your groat goodness shall tliinlc fit. But now Do objection being made to ourdoiti* so, though ber Alajesty from motive* which your lord¬ ships will know how to appreciate, is desirous of proceeding with all possible dispatch, I, as her Majesty's law officer, will take upon myself to say for my learned friends, that we should wish, considering all the circumstances of this most important case, the trial to be re¬ sumed on next Monday three weeks, if that tiny shall suit the convenience of their L >rtl ships. The Lord Chancellor then asked the Queen's Counsel whether three weeks was the latest period ol drlay wished for. Mr. Brougham informed the House that it uas. lie was aware that Mon¬ day three weeks was the first day of the Sittings in Guildhall, which must render it exirrmelv inconvenient to (he Profes- * ■ sioual Gentlemen on both sides. Per. ha;>s, therefore, their Lordships would make it Tuesday. The Lord Chancellor (hen put the question- that the House artjoum to '> Bra^hain mffo&k C!*i in eon- j Tuesday the ad of October ; winch was so:pen^"or the proceeding of their ! cried. nghtiy understood the application 01 the Learned Co tinsel, it was, that he might be permitted, to-morrow, to comment on the evidence in support of the bill, with¬ out Z4jil£ any further into a statement of the defence- lie considered comments on the evidence for the prosecution to be, in the Strictest fense, apart of the statement of the defendant's case ; and as such, he wns of opinion that this ap¬ plication could not be granted consist¬ ently with Ihe decision to which their Lordships had come on that point. Jus¬ tice to the witnesses required that the WittC of their evidence should be estima¬ ted* not by the comments of Counsel, but by the evidence adduced jii the oth¬ er »ldc* The motion ir»$ pufby the Lord Chan¬ cellor. Etndthu n<te-'"uivided—Content* 4T* ntt&Hrotttf nt& 179; majority 132. IVC'UiiM'! far fhe (^ueen w^re then RjpfciUCuHcd ia% tUid InlWiiifd that tliey' ru*$tb*> r<N><ly to-tmirrow at ten o'clock to St&fc* whet ^ i" (!it-y would then proceed with their whole ca>e, or whether any, ami what tlmi? ilvy would demand pre- tJous!V to opruin^ if. The House iiu- m*xl;ate!y ttujo irned. Sept. Q. (21st day.) Th-? LNrd CI:n:t:\?I!or took his seat on Owe Wtwteaek irt tfeti o'clock- m The Lord Clnncdlor mqnifccj, ifit vn?th:ir Lcr&ships' pleasure, that Conn- S*l should &0 call: '1 in and asked what coarse Ihvy mra-c-if to take upon ths bill ttafore thmr Lordships. Counsel wer-Mh'Mi ordered in, and Mr. BftHtsfe&ta was as'u>vi b\ the Lord Chan¬ cellor, in Ihe same terms in which the Question was pat to turn yesterday* whe¬ ther fee meant to proceed directly in the vleieuce U»ul ex:i:niu:Hion of his wiiuess- <es% Or whether ho meant to solicit an *d|Ot(ronK»t;t in the present stage of their conformity v/itj fTic principles ot our constitution, it is slid on Hie other hand the American conference is to withdraw their missionaries from the Lower i'ro- vluce, and leave the field open there for those sent by the British conference, il such an arrangement as this has been agreed upon, between the parties, (he sacrifice is all on the >ide of the latter, as we understand there is only one or two missionaries from the United States to Lower Canada ; and add to this that the Lover Province being better suppli¬ ed by established Clergymen, the field tor their labours must be much abridged. in this view of the subject, the present measure cannot be considered as w ise or prudent, either as it respects the opera¬ tions and designs of these missionaries individually, nor politic, as it regards the country in general. Ya**, Orr.2Sd IS'20. Yesterday, His r.*cf!l«n?y tae Lieut. Govern¬ or arrived herein th** si^am £«'..•, c< :»m Kingston, having ruaprcted fhc troops ai Niagara during the pabt week.—D. C. Gaz. Lordship? yesterday, he had her .M.ijes- r.r%s eo-uunantk to wait upon her "itii his LnrnoJ Frauds who stood near him hSt CtettK>^ Thry tninKdiately com- Ciualcated to U"r M.ljc>{j the decision pronouaod by the Ifoase yesterday, lier 3fiajcsjy did net come to town this day. I/iM night she had a consultation with her counsel at Bran den burgh House on the subject of her defence. The result of the conference wa* (lie proposition of Mr. Broogham th ourn- $?M the ap^icnl'.nn which he had had !»$. ----------- caello.^r then to ftttfec to their Lord- Answer of ihoQ»*w '<> an Actress fhm the My* Tfa. Q «« ft* .■.mrr.ande.J hia. "??%%£ SSSW^ tm, rtfrfc* ?»i.;je>ty was tfin»i Hiiximw to |;r.ice^d vritbout doiay to answer (lu^bar^o made ag.V*n5* her ; and lo tatut r Ii**t defence to tticiff i-ord-.-hips.—JJut aa the prepa- ZTitory arrungemi'Mts for her defence by her Counsel, and the learned per»oos vrho assisted in ail \Uo branches of the case, would u v.^sarily occupy a few days, Mill her Majesty wished that de- fay to be as .shirt a> possible. lie had her Mnjesty^ commands to state to their Lordships, that her anxiety to meet tue charges brought forward against In r, not only continued unabated ; liuf that the occurrences of the last few days add¬ ed much to her anxiety to meet the accu¬ sation forthwith, she was therefore most solicitous to meet the Charge with the shortest delay possible. In pursuance therefore of her Majesty's commands, he had to iuform their Lordships, th.it he rather exceeded than shortened the pe¬ riod of her Majesty's wishes when h. craved a delay, until about ftloudav fortnightj before he entered upon the defence. That was the time for which he now prayed the indulgence of their Lordships. The Earl of P^scberry said a few words, and was understood to suggest, fhttt it raifrht be desirable to adjouxu tili Monday three weeks. The Marquis of L rnsdown would not ive his vote foi an adjournment fur three 'vecks, unless her IViajerty's Counsel Ktated it to be a matter of indifference to "hem, whether the fioo^e adjoer-i-'d foi three weeks or to the, pcuod wlu^lh they had named. The Earl of L-nuWdalc Qvnst^h'j on an occasion lib? the present, il was his duty to forget all considerations i-f hi- own private or persona! convenience. lie vvas confident ihir Lordntiips parti¬ cipated in this feeling, lie wi-l:ed lit? Counsel at tUt Bar to state, m helliei if nould suit them that fh« p-iiod lived f-r the re-assembling <»f the Hou<c iihould rather exceed t!»an lall shoil of the lime that had been named. Ivirt Grey surest-\'1 that her Maje-- fy's Counsel should l» railed inand a-U- ^d, whether they vrjnilu be ready to pro¬ ceed on M on da j' fortnight without incon¬ venience or dctri.ncnt to her Majesty V iir- tere.^ti. Tlie Earl of iiarrowl.v venniked the Queen's Connve! had a-k»d fer tin^e. till it or about Mom'..u f-Tiui^ht. Their £* IKU't' u pi httt'ttvtcvl ihe -M»|iaMii<-.- of Hie inhai>H;;uU ol ;:;. Uar>V. Whnr-thapel. uTue ft>n*piracy which T am eambaittagi ttiouzb iMiei tally dtrrcied a^ainsi m\^elf, i> in !uei :i conspiracy again?! Bvilhh Libert?/. No measure nnccihc revolution has portended each di*a*ilYMt* ron^eqneiices as th«- present hill nf pain-and pro.iltie-- while it threatens freedom nnd-'iaU its diveisiheu a-pect-, and uitli all il* general rigtils and all ii<> particularfecurfties. it at the fame time darkea-. i»u- pTsprciive of the ftiuire with a lowering api>faranccof etvtl wari It exhibit a cloud on iiieed^' »>f the puHiicaJ Uorlzon (hut aUty bunt in misery on every family in the antnlrf/. " Tin* oil! of pain> and penalties may tlnr* he ihe htttbinger of won in every man's hearth; it ma\ cmhitter thedavsfjf iho isand*. both rich and poor, anJ produce irremediable re^rels. *l After ihe noble stand which *o manv of the most estimable among the Peers have made a- -ainst this pestiferous bill, and the total want of any evidence nj jaslify its enactmetit, it can.:o; be expected tiiai it will pass; but if it should pass, we mnsi tiever lose m^Iu of ihe probability iliai ItU Majf*^i\ ma> marrv a^ain—the ia^ue of thai mai naire would in all likelihood, canst a contested Encoession, Tiia' part of the nation vvMch will not allow Iiie hill nf pain- and penal- lies to !)'• a was itniional act, may not readily submit td thr QJfsp- tag of c marriage tvhich icilt tieoer general'j be deemed legitimate. " If my marrtftg* be annulled it must be an¬ nulled in denature of the law". The Queen i he re fore, who succeeded rat* woul.l onlv he no- < iaocrnment Ffvu^e, } Oct. 25fA Iv-'t'. The mourning for j>:r hue Koval Highness the Durehesiof Votk, will cease on Sunday, the \iStk iD>tunt. GEORGE HILLIER, A. C. C. From the Niagara droits and Spectator. LOSS OF THE SCHOONER ASF. Extract of a tetter f'rorr. a rsnttemrn in '••'■chfand. ( U.S.) to r/tamat fiVury, E t>. of tuts town, dated Richland, \6lh October, IBftA " Dear Sir—Tiic ^ch«)r»ner As|l, ommanded liv C$pt. Pro>>e>, ua< wrecked tier.r the mouth of Salmon (liverai thisplac**,onTtiur»da^ morn¬ ing la*t.. All on hoawj peri>!ied except one tea¬ man named James Y«m*£, atid a iad\ ^a |ia*sen- gerj about 3.4 war- tit a^e, team whom I learnt Hie ec>*el.lvlonsed io\ait. An iuquo>t vvasJseUI on the hntiie: foand {i in nuniher.) bel'ore me, as (.or'mrr:d* Mu» CoiMit»•: and hy a law nf this s a'.'\ it hecnmei r.•;, duty tb take pthsi i»iftii af the wreck, whicti I hiitud in a)U'>M deplorahle co"dnioT. Hei ma'(vand >pa<> hung bj the i i£- Ci!'j around her Stdn*—;iri deck enmi'letcly swi pt n,»"cve«y thhift- hei hnll -plit uei:i> ffOta Sleni to >trrn—l!'** [ l.int.* n;i' her sides ii* ttttttoj platvs—the cabin tinwyiciciy broke, la i*^t ■he ve-M-I i» wordl nn more tftaU her inui--. i have saved the %+su -,\ par! of the rt^tiifr, tvi:h the anelior an.! * il,|i-. 'ihe sail5 are u*ru ni pieces and of no m u»jut of o*e. l'ae staves that were in tl:" h -hi h.ive heeu pet Oil >hore, and M-cured ififtCUiw Itj. ,,| pt-.n- for re-loading Oil board of aoj oilu'i »»../<; mid the otrincipal part nt'ihfderk hei-;^ MU-i htfeii picked op alou^ nhOte,— About SO iJ -lat^ in mouey h;.- heei. found in the Captain k j»,,.ker : aUo Jlls watch— hi> trunk, which ws- wished out i»i the cabin hefurc the vo*cl nn. _ . , and almost every thingfWe. From whai I - .m i» ,.m, ilie vessel, on Wedurrdav, si»rtii,j' al^ikand c.rarlv hlled. then r;:\,</,c<\. n-d lav on her beam enit-'j oniil 3hr tui*tedoll hermaslN ;•.»:-' tin..* n^hicd. Du¬ ring thi> time a gentli'iuivti. his tuft*, ami lilCte jjitj, v.ere drowned in tin cahio, .md a soung man waswa-lied from th-% d'tk >oon alet she Prilled. The w--el at tl'is ." me la\ oil l*OOp Point, ii'mu: "20 mile* from *r, ■ Ourks, ihe sfft makinpa coniple/e hwaeii o\er Iter during the uijlit, Five per^m. s eet i»in d on detl:. Ihe Captain died about da\ break, and \*4- ^a-hed oil" deck after the vkmiM struck ahor;. She drift¬ ed on lo ihi> shore ahmii 1<» A. >!. J he dead were dcccuilv intern d The 1.: h» jrii! and tion hy f he Liorrls, v/c cannot rcr.One.iie to any rule of prudenC" or sound policy llie line of r^ndact she has pursued since her return to K;iglanil. InfttcaU of keeping rignlly aloof From wvry party,add with the steady ronfi- disnceofa virtuous, thou^n inj'ircd fouiale, and the true tli^nity of a JJriUali Queen, rely¬ ing for nn acquittal Otl her own purity, on the 0C|Uit4V of lirillsh Laws, and on the justice of Britiiil tribunals, lier Majesty, we fatnent to see, has throwti herself into the arms of a vile party, which oy ita, dark m&cbinations aims at nothing less titan tlie subversion of ihe Monarchy. Besides her courting tlie shouts Of t!»e mob, and her impertinent Ittter lo her consort, every successive reply to the addresses presented her speaks a bolder and more undisguised language, and directly ex¬ cites the people to tumult and rebellions— Her tone indeed seems to border on despe¬ ration, and certainly ii; plus neither true pat¬ riotism, iHir real confidence in the justice of her own cause. Those u men of priri'. and plol a id privacy" by whom she 's thus W ad- vise»i,aud vvhobe organ she is for uttering their seiituneiits, and in soma soit stamping them writh tlie seal of authority in the eyvs of the people, f» el no reverence for her exalted sta¬ tion. Provided they gained their own ends, they would feel little sympathy for tier, were she even brought to the block. They wtVuJd say to each other in the words of a certain American editor, who is in the constant ba¬ le; of publishing the foulest calumnies against English Nohlenvn, and ICnglish Aloisarrhs— " All we care for in the trial of the Queen is t'.e hope that its issue, in some way, in al¬ most any way, may tend lo bring royalty into tlf contempt it merits."—May their base hopes be disappointed! There is but little news of any ronsequence from Continental Europe, and even that, scanty as it is, we are prevented from insert- y more important matter. nig u The Steam Boat Frontenac returned on Tuesday from Niagara, and will be fraraedi- ntely laid up fop the BPJt&On. nomina- nnHE fubferibers being duly JL ted Executors to the lall Will and Teitamcnt of the late La<wr:nce tlerchmer^ Efoilire, Merchant, icqueil all perfons in¬ debted to his eftate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againll the faid eftate to bring them forward with¬ out delay. JOHN KIRBY, GEO. H. MARK LAND. Kingflon, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 ^EST^llE subscriber, being- ap- B pointed Administrator of the eftate of DANIEI- WASHBURN, late of King Hon, Efquire. deceafed, rtquefls 211 perfons having claims againft iaid citatc 10 exhibit ;tiem, pro pen ^ vouched ; and all perfons indebted, to fettle and make payment without delay. B. B1DWELL. Kitlgfton, October 23d, 1820. 43tf WANTED, To Rent, a House consisting of Five or Six I looms, with a Stable attached, in or within a mile of Kingston—Apply at this office. Kinglton, ,^ov. 3d 1820, 44tf THE Bubfcriber respectfully begs leave to acquaint the public, that having corfmenccJ Lrewing for the feason, they can be accommodated with beer of vaiious qualities, from nine pence to two Shillings per gallon. As a whole&cme and pleasant tabic drink, nothing can exceed the beer he now oftem to the public at nine pence, it being fuch as in any part of the world, would be •?«tecmed good genuine beer, aod recog- nifed as the unfophillicated produce of the Uarley-aeld and Hop-yard. THOMAS DALTON. iV. B. Grains constantly for salet at six pence per bushel. Kingflon Brewery, Oft. 31ft 1820 44tf T FOR SALE; A HOUSE and Town lot, in the Town of Kingston, with good Stables and other convenient out-hou- fes; like-.vife, a FARM of 100 acres of land in the Township of Fredericksburgb, with 50 acres improvement ; a large fram¬ ed DWELLING HOUSE, a good log- barn, and a fmall orchard thereon, in 3 good settlement and is a good fituation for any public Bufinefs. Alfo, lot, No. 4, third concefGon Rich¬ mond, 200 acres; and the weft half of lot No. 16, S;xih conceflion Kingfton, ioo acres, with 10 acres improvement ; the a- bove mentioned property may be had very reafonable for ca^h. For particulars apply to SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, 2d Nov. 1^20. 44t£ GOVERNMENT SALE. ~ NOTICE. * • J f: : j.;i (iie n"i K >o»iii^ rnua \»Iii» «oie u-.b.i«- li'avr mil \ei been foi nJ. ■• 1 believe that ever) tiling has been done for ihe benefit c! the owner*, and the comfort of the Nn vivor*." ^Ugmn^tmnHU * 11 • * ■ ^ * • KIXGtTOX, SarbxmM* 3, 1820. • « g minallt Qwecn, for no fateful right could be cow veiled If an illegal act; a.i I io the opinio:: of ihe great majority nf the nation, frothing can -tamp this bill of pains and penalties uiih any Ifgil) f!iarar'er:r:!ic. It can n'»vcr be rCgurded a< any thing mnrc than an act of pure tMannv, and as mirh it will excite the list n-d of the pre- \tai iisce, a::d c*\i)ciiei,ce the caseation of pus- tcrit^* ------ H.iWVt, «5ep.33, t«». Ilis Excellency Sir James Kempt, rtfitirijed (f» Town f)u tridiv e*eaJo<lastt t"rom hi- v i-*i I »n Annapcli<, CoriMvalli*, Uorton and Wind-or. Nai Vltu»nt I'niark^, -\f i\rr -orrv 'o^ta'e. His Kxeellency met uiih an accident which hadlikfl In havf h*cn productive of very serious eonse* s*cf|tienee* lo him Iff esi'n^ in contact with a lar£e Hay-Cart, going In Windsor, the driver,>f wlueh w*w asleep, and in attempting* i» pa<s it, lii* (iie wtH mcrlhi'iun, b:tt for-unaiflv Mis Kx- erllenrjv rw'tflv-rjl «>nU some slight bruise- by the t'tiH.—ILit'jttz Journal* LorcUiiips nu^ht c-ti know precisely on wi.it day her AJ;:j'^->*^ )i ffc*t 1 Mil rrs vrouUl certainly hcit-a-Jv toprocc-cd wirli the dcf.Mice. From their having propn- •scCi that the trip.! *|rc*uM bcresunirdat or ibuut Monday furtr.k'il, te was M to thia\k that they ( or.^idrrrd it prubablo chat they might fee pm4/1«i pwceed *H Chat thy, but not uuitc cerlnin. In t rise they wore not quile ecrlnin th«t thoy should be: ready Oft tilt I day, it roig&i be for the convenience of the House ttvat the period of their re-assft»btfM should be fixed for a few days lntor, so thnt tli*) might be absolutely rertafn <(f E^'tag »>i -vvUh the dclVucc w\\QU tHt'V ftl friigih met. Ho did not >ry that i: might be ne¬ cessary to add a w'Wft to the delay called for butp?rha;>< it wnulj he «idvisah!e t.i name some iuten i^Oi-ite day- Earl Grey bested fro a*«*w tVii /hip that her Muj< :; N Ci^vvu I «U*wiil l>e called in and :»*Ke-! '•( *h ; rw'tl^pfP that tiicy should »•.* r.e[ ...e 1 :o pis* c.i Monday fcrUilghi rd- K ^ * • Fr..m the Montreal Ueraid o/Odli:. We have it from authority, which may h' considered outhe .tic, tliat the Mith- ntlist conlVirncc (commonly known hy the u;une<»f the Wesl^yan WletbodistH,) have cojif to fhi- resolutiiin of withdraw¬ ing their MWtaitftrics, from the U|<per I'lovincc. Whether this st«p !^as any rftference to the swhiMn in (In- sect in the old country, an nrrouui of which will be found in another eolumn. or if it pro¬ ceeds so lHy from th.- differences which have exi.-ted between tlie British and American Missionaries in Upper Canada we have not yet learned. It i* however a step of an Inexplicable* nature, and may so far interfere rtiih political ftlFaha, as to render some measure on the part ol government uecc-sary. U is a uoto- liims fax-t| that in the present state of that country the benefits o! the regular established "church cannot be extruded to every part of i:.< widely scattere. pop¬ ulation, it is aUo known that numbers of itinerant missionaries IruBI the Unit, d States have been going about among the i it-habitants, and not unfrequeu*!) at- tempting to:lniluroee them agsiitM the IJiitisli Missionaries. How far these preachers have iuierfer.'d in political concerns, or how tar tii-y may hereafter he induced to do so, is not \ct known, hut as such men not rvifrequeuUy pDs- i s*-N a wry extensive iuiiucnco over their hennis. we cauu<»t help ivn.ailvir.f: that it Mouidbe well theirwituntionsv.cre Ijlk'd hv pervMisvtlie-pdit.enloptnusns With the aid of a supplemental Shfeet wc have hcen enabled io j.resent our readers a complete abstract o;";he remaining e^Idcnct against Her Majesty, and die aubscqueut de¬ bates relative to the adjournment of the House of Lords. The Solicitor General, a:'i:T the examination of the twenty fifth witness, recapitulated in a summary manner the evidence on the part of the Crown, and commented on thosv facts which formed the main strength ^ of the. accusation. This bpcech, which is far too long for our limil-i, is not in o'ir jud^mi-nt .--o much distinguish¬ ed for eto jui-nce or ;ihii/ty, as for a spirit pf moderation and forli.-arauoe. iie attempts not to work on the passions of lus hearers ; and while he observes great "respect, and dis¬ plays much candoui in alluding to Her Ma- \estx, it is nntei-V lo deride wii»»ther he re- fius'ontlw iaewitrover »^« ,,Jl,u"r ur,?MI5v|; denccag3in«t her, ori *ocrutty coin meed ol its uorthle.si.css. Wi ^ »lf,t l^*1l?f *m-v addr.-ss from the Kinjt^ Counsel*! tUlsstage> of the proceedings b'^V.rC ll " u cod withtll«t"ufmst.i .rdn.ary courts, where the prosecutor after iv' ^S *» «•" :s rc" sLraiu-d from again **iw»«8 «« W> Gr summuis upthee/rl m-mAU the deieuce hash.Moclo.-cd. i^v.ajs such may be the nstnbSabed nlh of til- ^ Inhuual now in question ; or if not, a departure from tue usual forms may have hcen re.u ered neces¬ sary in the present U*d *')' pfculwr circum- st.ii;ccs The Queen•s Counsel it appears mlinouVed ;.t the privilege, ttus allowed the Solicitor General ofsn^^ins UI\ b*wre tlict tfeeoee whs rkMcd, ft^leThejf had no op¬ portunity v( making <o:nuieots. iiut Tlie effccl Itii44ulvau»t» U-is^ haveonihe pub¬ lic iro: noii ihirhu the.- wrt delay i.j the trial ti eou.otbe malarial, M' IT their cause be a md and i ist oiie.tt i.-.ust prevail, though ail M.f elo KHmce oi Q» !% ag'a counsel he a-ain aiTUtfdi'gainst then, on Hie clo^ of their defence. A common ^ddgesays Magna est Veritas, c/ pnwli Wf, »«d we trust it will not fail in its force on liteprescPtit occasion. VVe aw no; !..v'c-J of !*••! mmlHK of those who :hii]kihi-iMmisie^fw.:ii '>'> nw»JP w»» \ersarie-i on tin- v atch t«» cutch liie.m trip- ping, would dare io use bribes, or U» conspire loader for the distraction of theOueeivs i^'.xlv and honour. But admitting th--* pos- biIji iiv uf «MeU.au want, we yetthwdf thatiu the lf.ei-e oi" Lo* .i-, (much as that august hfiriy Ira hen calumniated) Hvr Aiajesiy v.ill" lutvc tha most ainpba opportunities not onlv ofvl.-dion-M.bul \l n..jiistly accused, ofe"o\enn^ 1;< r pe seciitors with confusion and disgrree. We wail with anxiety for the further prtweediogs in this important at- Giir, after lift? 3d Oetoher, wlien iicr .Majes¬ ty, if inuocent, a.s we hopn she may prove to lit!, will without dyubi Urfnj forward many Italian nohh-me.i, and all hie Knghsh who oceasionally risked h.*:, ,,r \v«>'- from time to tiir.e attached to her uitc Th*: evidence of tlwstj persons, though ii may ee s'a'ou^ in li.Ti'noin-j i:. not all :\ a will he required.— iie. Majesty must ah.,> bring forward the noted U5»rsamt family, and hy some riicatii V dtslro-v the cn*>] ti>ilii \ of the wit lie *- \\le>l! cs pr.iihii' dajjaiust Ik -,to do which, il'thi^ nets brined auu pciju:-* .t and otlwriviseufevd rejnirt, cann«l w a i*.' .jcuit tasi.. A-iTaipi-riu-c for a i uint*:U the inhoeeiiee ofiivr MajcstTt and I .-r conij iete tustiftea- k eJY perfen or perfons who fhall cut XA. or carry away any Timber, or arti¬ cles, Machinery or otherwifc whatever off the north eaft half of Lot No. 20, in the fecond Conceflion of Bathurft, in the County of Cai leton, and Diitrift of Johns¬ town, Upper Canada, will be profecuted as the law direct* by the fubferiber. SAMUEL SWAN. Penh. 0£ 26, 1820. ______ 44-3W Government Sale. Wl I.L be fold at Auction, to the highcit bidder^ on Monday*, the fixth day of NoveiTiber next, at twelve o'clock, at the Court Houfc in this town; feveral lots of Land in the MO¬ HAWK TRACT, nowcilkd TYEN- DINAGA. Six percent, or one year's intereft on the purchafe money to be paid in advance; the principal to be fecured on the Land, fubjecc to regular payment of interelt, with the right of redemption at the con¬ venience of the purchafer. The purchafers will have a priority of claim to leafe the Crown and Clergy Re fcrves adjoining to their feveral purchafes ; and where two 01 more have an equal claim, the ng-ht will be afcertained by balkt. JOHN MACAULAY, Kingfton, Oct. 20th, 1820. Jient. WANTED, * By the Subscriber from 3 to 4 Thousand Bushels of WHEAT THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Oct. 25th 1820. 43tf FOR SALE; A QUANTITY of EtfcO CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to 8 feet in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, juty 17, 1819. , 30 Board and Education, Ta.'H'Rs. NEWALL most refpcctfully -LvXiuforms her friends and the public, tliat fhchas removed her Ichool four miles above lirockville, to a more eligible fitua¬ tion, where young ladies can now be ac¬ commodated at the Moderate rate of £2$ per annum, including the price of Tuition, ISoard and Wafiling. The Branches taught in the fchool, a:c, tlie Englifh language, Ancientand Modern History, Geography, Writing and Arith¬ metic, with plain and ornamental needle¬ work. Cj* Drawing will be charged £i per an¬ num extra. Brockville, Oct. 30th 1820. 44.W6 GOVERJNiVlfciJNT SALE. TO BE SOLD by Auction at Gana- noque, on Saturday the 25th inft upwards of'EIGHTY-THREE CORDS of FIRE-WOOD, in lots to suit purchas¬ ers- Application to be made to Mr. Rowland, at the Block-IIoufc, Gananoque. CT"> SALE t:> commence at xqo'CLVCK. FKS. RAYNES, Barrack Master. mgtton, ;J Nov. :8*o 4-1 ON THURSDAY the 9rh inftant, on the King's Wharf, will be fold at Public Auction, a large quantity of Camp Equipage, Bedding, Clothing, Carpenters' Took, &c. Among the articles for sale are the follow* ing, viz. i23 Tents, of^ various de¬ scriptions. 41 f> Palliasses. 463 Bolster Cases, fi83 Sheets, 819 Blankets, 335 Ruga, 5??| lbs. Candles, 713 Jackets, 289 Waistcoats, 1408 Trowsers, 702 Linen Shirts, 3563 Pairs of Shoes, 21 Dragoon Saddles,'&c 326i yds, Grey Cloth, 384j yds. Linen, « 97 yds. Flannel, 4128 lbs. curled Horse Hair, 188 lbs. picked da 3:12 Felling Axes, 1170 Cubic feet Oak Timber^ 492 Yards Scotch Sheeting, &c. &c. &c. A large proportion of the arti¬ cles are perfectly good but not re¬ quired for the service of Govern¬ ment. %3*Scle to commence at 10 o'clock. JOHN STRANGE, A. S> B* Kingston, Id November, 1820. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. NOTICE ie hereby given that Ten¬ ders will be received at thin Office until the 15th day of thru prelent month of November at noon, from fuch perfona as may be difpofed to furnifh Four Thou¬ sand l>undlcs of good found Wheaten or Oaten STRAW, for the ufe of the Troops in the Garrison at Kingston and iu dc pendencies. The deliveries to commence immediate¬ ly after the conclusion of the Contra6t, or Contra&a, and to be continued in the pto- portijn of fix hundred bundles monthly until the whole is completed. The parties making propofals, or oth¬ ers duly authorifed on their behalf, mud attend at the time of opening the Tenders/ which muft be fealed and endorfed " Ten¬ der for Straw." EDW. PINK COFFIN, " Dep'y. Com. Gen. Commifsariat Office* Kingston, \st Nov. 1S20.___________44 NOT1CL. THE Subfcriber begs leave to inform the public, that he has lately arrived from England, with a well fele&ed affbrt« ment of DRY GOODS, Entirely fuited for the winter feasen. and which he now offers FOR SALE by the piece, very low for cafh, at the STORE, lately occupied by Mr. Jas.Stoughton, Store Street. H. M'GREGOR. Kingfton, 3d Nov. 1820^________4<it£ For Sale (At Mrs. Finkle's, King- Street,) Irish Linens, White and Brown Linen Check, and Bed- Tick, Thicksets, Cordurc\y*, Thread, Pint pnd Cambrics, imported direct ttom Great Uritain.—Terms Cash. Kingston, $dNcv. iSZQ- 44wt