KINGSTON VOL. »1.J CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, (afternoon) OCTOBER, 27, J820. [No 43. ^^^^^ PROCLAMATION. UPPEiLCANADA. P. MAITLAND. GtiORGti the FOURTH bu the Grace of GOD of the ?% nited Kingdom of Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland. King, Dc- jhider of the Faith : To our belcvcj and faithful Legiflttiive Co'jnfdlors of Our Ptovlr.ce of Upper Canada, and to Our Ivt i *hfty Citizens and VurgefTes, of Our laid Province, to Our Provincial IVliamcnt, '-U Our Town of York, oa the ninth *lay of October fttftmt, to be commenced, held, called, and elected, and to every of you Greeting : — \MTHEREA-Sj by our Proclamation v t b«rnn"n»r d-^.e the twenty-fifth day of Jkugvft Lift, We thought lit to Pro¬ rogue Our Provincial Pat 1 lament to the ninth day uf October Inlhmt, at which time, at Our Town of York, you were held and Cvmflrained to appear, NOW KNOW YE, hat WE taking into Our Royal*h?n»ii0il the eale and conveni¬ ence of Our IWng fubje&;» have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Exec¬ utive to rcl-eve you and c:*.ch of ytitt, of your attendance at the th'-t afore- faid, hereby c-nvoki.t}* afld ^y thel'c pre¬ fent* enjointng you ami ea-Ji tfyon, that on Thurday, the fifteenth Jay of Novem¬ ber next eafoirig. you meet U3 i«i Our p. *..:... ;..i p-iii; ,v, i»r, in our i own of N '* oik, there to i. kc into conuderatfon the ft ate and welfare of Our Province of Up¬ per Canada, a d therein to do as may feem nercftary, and herein fail not. In testimony whereof, We have caufed /.he<e Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Sesl of Our laid Pro¬ vince to he hereunt i affixed, Witness our trufty and well beloved Sill PE IIFGKINE HAITIAN!** Knight Co.nmander cf the Moft Honourable fclilttary Ordei of the Bath, Lieutenant Governor of our laid Province, and Major General Commanding Our Forces therein, at York, this fourth day of October, in the year of Our Lord, on** thoufand eiaht hundred and twenty and in the firlt year of Out Reign, P. M. By His Excellency's Command, D. CAMERON, fa> Executive Council Office. 1 Tori, 4//; October, I 820. J ■fOTlCS is hereby given that the Ferry acrof> the mouth of the Ri¬ ver Trent in the Townft.'p of Murray in the Dtftiift of Newcaflle not having been Leafed this day, Sealed Propofaffl for the fame will be received at this Office until th. fifteenth of November next, it being utidcrftoor] that the faid Ferry will be fuNjed to furh rates and regulations as the Ma^i'Uates in Quarter Scflions fnzll fee fit to etlahlifli. ___ JOHN SvlALL, CiL Ex- Conn. Ijov.ruKcnt tfuufe, I 6th March, 1820. J HIS! Excellency the Lieutenant Go¬ vernor is plea fed to direct that no Location requiring Settle meat Duty fhall by Confirmed by Patent, without a Cer¬ tificate from the Land lioard of the Diftrift in which fuch Location may b~ fituate, thu the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Ordtr in Council has bona fide {teen performed within the time fnecified by the Location Ticket JOHN SMALL CIL E. C. "U~ ETTEIIS of Admtuiftratton having a_i been granted to me on the Eftme of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is rcquefted that all who have claims ag'ihili that Eildte will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are Indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay aa poffible. JAMES RANKF.N, jjdtninljlralor* Bath, 28th June, T820.________gfitf _ notice; Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Director's iloom in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Ancruftnext, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. __Kinglloo, 27th Julyt_i_8t9-_____ 3r f I^HEfubfcriber, being legally appoint¬ ed Administrator to the Estate of LANDS FOR SALE BELONGING to the Eftate of the late Charles Stuart, Efquire. Lot No. 20, in the 5th Conceflion of Pittsburgh, containing 200 Acres, LotsNos. 20 ind Eaft half of 19 in 3th Concefiion of dc. 300 Acres- Lot No. 19111 trfc 12 Concefiion of do. con. 200 Acres. Lot No. 11 in the 3d Concefiion of Kk'y, con. 2co Acres. Lot No. 16 South half in 8th Concefiion, of Augusta, con. too Acres. Lot No. \1 in the 4th concelTion of Escct noiu Tonge, con. 200 acre9. Lot No. 1J do do. con aco acres. Lot No. 12 in the 6th concefiion of IVoU ford, con. 200 acre3. Lot No 8 in the4th concefiion of Nepean, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 37 in the 7 concefiion of Camden, COT* 200 acres. LotsNos. 6 nl Weft half of F4 to the 2d cenceffion of Richmond con. 300 acres. Lot No. 25 in the 6th concefiion of do. con. 200 acre?. Lot No. 14 ill the 5th conceffi. n of Port land, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 38 in the n't concefiion of Hun- gerford, con. 200 acres. Lot .No. 24 in 2d concefiion of do. con. 200 acres. Lot being letter G ami I of FF, Prince Kdward's Cliff, fottth fide of jnca' Welt l>ay, Maryslur^h, con. 300 acres. Lot No. 26 ill concefiion, in Well -^y fouth of LVack River, do containing 200 acres. Lot No 1 front concelfijn en^ of Van Alftine's Lake, d... c»«a. 200 acres. Lot No 5 in til coijceffnn, wed o' no. 1, well of the Rock, do. can. 150 acre*. Lot No- 8> in the 2d conceffi »n, fouth fn!e ofEafl Lak'.in Ifaikwill, SQfitih ini> 200 acres. Lot No io in the 13th concefiion of Ratvdon. con. 200 acre*. Lots,No 10 in gt . concertino, and no. 1 1 in 10th cooceffion of Cramahe% con 350 acres. Lot .No. 24 in the 7th concefiion of Mur¬ ray, c> 11. 200 acre?. Lot No. 3 j in the 7th concefiion, do. con. 200 *cre-\ Lots Nos. 22 and 23 in 9th concefiion do. cr»n. 400 acres. Lot No. 23 in the 4th concefiion of do. con. 2co acres. Lot No. 19 in the 6t.I1 ccnccftion of do. con. 200 3cre;. LotsNos 28 and eafi half 29 in the 4th co iccfii »n of dc con. 300 acre*. Lot No. 29 in the 4th cronceiTion of Ilaidi- mar.d, con. 200 acre6.l Lots Nos. 9 and 10 in the 5th cooceffi m of do. c<;n. 400 acres. Lot No. 12 in the 5th concefiion of do. con. 2co acre?. Lot No. loin :he 5c.I1 concefiion of Percyy con. 200 acres. Lots Nos 17 and wed half of no. I* in the 9".h concefiion uf do. containing 3^0 acres, Lot No. SO § ' ft concefiion other- wife 2d Range from the Bay of Qointe, Sophiiibburgh, con. ico acres. Lot N«^. 25 in the 7th conc-fiion of Dar¬ lington, con. 200 acres. Lot No. 18 in the 8th cr)ncc(Tun <f Whitby, con 200 acres Lot No. 7 in the 7th concefiion of King, con. too acres Lota for Building, and improve¬ ment, confiding of one, two. three, fuiir, five or fix acres in StuartviHc at the eaflern extremity of the Town of Kit'g fion. — Application for the purchafe of the above Lands and Lots to be mad? ALLEN Mct,&AN( Km. GEO. 0K1I.L STUART. dieting Executors to tfe Estate of C Stuari Esq Kingdon, October, 6tli 1H2J. Kingston Branch of the treal Bank. Mon- ANY fum required maybe? obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon. treal, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lon- den, or for Specie—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MAUKLAND, Agent. Kingfton,3d Nov* 1818. 23 HpriltR^OLD, and immediate pos- dL scfiion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Concefiion of the Town- fhipof Elmdey, viy., 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30. moll eligibly oituated en th" Nort^ side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary • the great road to th? Perth S-ttlement, leading through one nfchs Lote They iboundio excellent Timber, vvhi-iifroii it: being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at .< trifling expencs The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchafe tn Farmers or perfi.fts engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. Tor terms of pay nent and otfier particulars apply to Wil!i;.rn \far shall, E'q. Perth Settlement. John Kitby Lfq. Kingston, orthefubferiher, in Wood- houfe, London DiJlnVt ROUERT NICHOL. h'ovewfrtr i"8f 1819. 4;tf VOKK ~~ Land Price-Curreni Oilicc, K1X{3 STUECT. *\7~-X^ 1^i>- Axe-men tl> contrjc^ for ciearint; Lauds i\ tlie Town- ^ WATCHES and CLOCKS Repaired in the bast manner, by S. 0. TAZEWELL, Wside oftlu- M;.rkctPlare,KinKsfon,l HO moll refpeafiilly inform8 the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying Arid at- tcntion to bufinefs, to give the utmolt fat- isfaainn to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapemtnts, Repeaters, &c. &c. Kingston, ;\lay 13th, 1820. 2otf ALEXANDER ASHEJR, Merchant Taylor, 1JI AS received from Montreal a moft 1L choice ami excellent affortment o the bell Weft of England fuperfine (lolhs and Cassimeres$ with Trimmings and every thing com¬ plete, A. Asher informs h*3 friends and the public that lie u now working up thefe Cloths &c. at his old (land, where orders witj he thankfully received, and executed on the Ihottcft notice, and on the lowed teimii foi Cafh, or ihort appioved credit. Kingtlon, Sept. to, 1819. 3711 We find in the London papers nnmeroas epigrammatic squibs on the subject of the proceedings against the Queen, &c. We select 0 few as a specimen. !31PR»4?PTrT. Ahaiernc. as the scriptures*aj, OivorcM Nib Qneen bicau.-e *br staid away • And ihe Kfnjfa Counsellors in those rude time?. Held the QC^eu's absence as ihe worsi of crimev Alas ! poor Vashti. hard iudeed's your fate; Had you been wedded to a modern mate, You might fur bring mbstnt had, 'tis clear, The sum of fifty thousand pounds a y ear. Epigram [to Sir John Leach, the Vice-Chan- ccllor, who collected ike grten-bag evidence at Milan.] Sir J*j»n Leach ! Sir John Leach ! A pew siation you reach ; Yaiir litle \s chang'd in a trice ; last week \ott were onlj Fice-Chancellor ; now Tlie Bar seem 10 feel that in making their bow, They are bow .ng to Chancellor Vice. / V (hip of I,IucoU, Nia^an Di<lii£h aU fa the 1 r.wMfhhn of York. \ I nnjuacowcy, and Sin;coe in th.' Home Di Irid. I ait'lwili he giv^n in exchange fur la. bom 10 a >ncc to H MrWlM upon. then - cf i$ itcrva «.f ■ c\dy clcir?d land, iuin:^,! ivitrittl one n%\W a"d a half fiom the Powo m( Yu,\\ n .! :*e yiven for a yeni. to ry pirfm w * m^y be deGroas of encln'rt* wi\rfefi*}'h ifee tame upon c- '.jouao \ t-.t'M> with ilu Vopnetor. Capitalill^ wfftfng : > pu:ch;i e impro¬ ved Farms, o.- V\ ihl Lands In Uppn-La- n;idr.# itrny be *"un,ifhec (•ontidy) with :' periodical PuVe Cunct Lift of Estates, -<n f,i!e in various Tow.tihJps, on payment f Four Dollars per annum— on./ quar¬ ter m advance. Cooimifficni for buying! letting, lealirp, and registering Kllates, faithfully execu¬ ted. TERMS Pur the Refi-istration of Land nflllli fuhferiber begs leave Vefpeflful- -11- Jy t-) inform his friends and the pub¬ ic Li general, that he has eilablifhed a PAINT SliOt' a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will bt kept conilantly all kinds ot Pa IN T.S prepared ready for the brufh. Likcwife al! kinds of Jlousr. Sign, H aggon, Sleigh, and QmawwniaL Patnting, . lom- .,r jir *ll 1 • 111!p .itiitici ttijftatJter^with raw and boil :d Oil, which will be diapo* led of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Calh only. THEODORE BROCKETT. Kingfl.un 6th April, 1820. Ittf York Land Price-Current Office. FROGRF.SS OF A "PARVENU. ■ - Whom did your Utghneta take in pity ? Lc pauvre gttcux licrgami. Who tiu-d, *tn; tivi.i iown to city ? 31 on Courier Itcrgami. Who >erveu bcltind vour ilighness's chair ? tfy humbU friend Bcrgami. VI ho drove you • ' en *oa took the air ? Lt Chiaatier Eergarni. Wnodid ilie bonuti i>ouriable* Mon Chambcllan Bergarni. ^ hat.' hf, inf 1,' froiu the stable | Ft done—Le Bur on Btrgamu Mho gazed upoi< 5uur nn\<*ilcd charms i Mon pUit—Prince Bergami. Who clasped your IJtghaos u» hi^ arms ? Ak% Mio Caro bni—BtrgamU ». For loo Acres and under I-rem too and not exceeding 200 ------- 200 to 250 ------ 250 to 300 ------ 300 to 500 5co and Upward] 1 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o (Xj* All letter* addrefftd to Mr Angell Dtrc&or of this paid. office, mull be poit On the id dav of September next, will he publilhed a Monthly Land Price Cu:rent )i(l of Eftatea on ^ale in Uppei \ anada, to !*e circulated hereafter in Bfh «tand* Ireland, and Scotland, and Wales. 34* MIL ANGELLtefpecifully informs 1 he public, and Emigrants who may be dvfirous of forming a fettlcment in this Province, at.d tt» purchafe i 1.proved Farm3, that he has en the liegifler, for fale or exchangC] an rxtcnlivc vauety ; together v. it!i many thoufand acres of uncreated land prodi:cij: the v doable timber peculi¬ ar to the moll fcitile foilfl. which he is di- rr*crcd to difpoie ot in quantities at from hiifa doliai to 100 dollars per acre. Tins- Eftates are advantageously situ aTed in the dtiirab'e parts of well select¬ ed Tow 1,'hip?, within the Province of Upper Canada, and watered by navigable rivefa, creeks, a .d m< It bitKiauc fpiinge. The capitalift may at all time find an opportu itv of invrlling money at this of¬ fice, fectned upon Fee simple Estate, which will aff"id to hi n an ample Inte- teft Non*refident Landholder* may de¬ pend upi 11 the molt faithful and aftive at¬ tention being paid to any Agency entrutl* ed to the care of the Director. Teims of Rcgifteriog Lands, either to he fold, leafed, exchanged, or for the per¬ formance of lettliui duties; Several rXlHH fubferiber havir .ed t! * commodious Stone, the pro¬ perty of Peter Grant, Efq. and Lte'y occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propol'es keeping a houfe of Public Enlcrla'uv.ncnt, (Sign 0} the Black Horse) for the accommodation of Strangers, tnd others fcrho may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call, "very attention will be paid to the c-mfoit and conveni¬ ence of cuftomers, and the fmaUctl favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MLRKILL. Kingfton. 5th May, iS^o- '9 jTin[HE fubferibers being duly nomtna- .fl. ted Executors to the folk VVill and Teftament of tlie late Lawrence IIerehmer% Efquire, Merchant, requell all psrfons in¬ debted to his tftatC to make immediate 1 the'.atej.-.hnrivmir.gton, Esq. of Ktbgfr «&** »«• twic m *.*** -™«- ra, re^.ests all ihofeto whom the faid Es- &*** *nd tho.!e ^^c^Ia^ Z 19 indebted to piefent their acroonts adjn*tment, either to himself, at Kia^s- , or to Thomas MeOrmick. E-q zt t?.te is ifidci ted to piefent their accounts for ton Niagara ; and all thofe who are rn any v/,7 indebted to the faid estate are in like mar- ner requested to pay the nccotws due by them torither of the above nvT'.iuuL'd pa.- ties, with aa littledelay as pofTthle. CLA,UI>E B^OVVM. Kinxstcn> \\th Oc!. lo20. 4«f'i the faid elbre to bring themfjrward with¬ out delny. JOHN EIRBY, GEO. K. MAUKLAND. Kington, 9th Nov. 1819. 4^ 1*1/ BLA DEEDS and MEMORIALS Tor sale at this Office* NOTICE FVltfR Land Board, for the Midland District for tlie enfuing fix mouths, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, H the Court Houfe in the Town of Kindlon, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, fot the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, fiom the under¬ mentioned defcriptiou of perfons, viz. Emigrants and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificatea of being Briiilh born fubjeft*< All cible fertlcM that have rtfided in the Diftrict previous t.» the late war, and pro dace Certificates of leaving done their duty ir. its defence*. The terms of the grant* are the perform¬ ance t f the fettling duties within Eighteen Months fron; the date of the location, and t!-e payment of the following fees ; eftab-ilhed by an o-der in Council of 14th Dece :>her, 10 i>j. On Grants of 5: acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no f<e^« Ow Grants of ito acres, £\2 Sterling. On Grants of zoo do. 30 Payable in three equal inftalmtntss, v;z. The fir (I on the receipt r-t tile Location ticket ; the feconj 01. Certificate filled of fettlement ; the tfeird on the receipt of the Fiat for the patet:. No petition c<: be entertained unlefs accompanied by g written charadler, or a falisfaduy real ,n )h:wu for fuch not being produced. By o.-d-:rof the Board. fjMES NICKJILLS, Jwr. uteris* Kingfion, Feb. r^th, tRso. 8 N. B. To prenent difappotntmenta to perfons applyi'g fur lands : it tsneceffary to (late that the t'.oard ha** no power to qrant Land-* to *|ie Childieu of U. E« I oyalits ; Milul^ trtfn who fcrved in the Flank companies rluring the war ; Naval >r Military cbimMl,Sj ^\\ fuch mull make Application to Yt^fc, V o o o o o o s. I 2 2 3 4 5 d. 3 o 6 o o o 100 acres and under 100 to 200 200 to 250 250 to 300 300 to 500 • 500 and upwards N. 15. These rates include the charge for infertion in the General Land Price Current, which will be revifed and pub- 1 iihed monthly, and hereafter circulated throughout Great Britain, Ireland, and the Weft India 1 (lands. All letters addressed to Mr. Angell, Director of this office, mult be pod paid. York, near the Crown Offic 2 2d Augull, 1S20. '■} 35* F Government Sale. "^TjrrilX be fold at Auction, to the V V hlgheH bidder, on Monday, the fixth day cf November next, at twelve o'clock, at the Court Houfe in this town, feveral lots of Land in the MO¬ HAWK TRACT, nowcalUd TYEN- DtM\GA. Six per cent, or one year's intereft on the purchafe money to be paid in advance; the principal to be ftcured on the Land, fubject to regular payment of intereft, with the right of redemption at the con¬ venience of the purchafer. The purchafcrs will have a priority of claim to leafe thc'Crown and Clergy Re- ferves adjoining to their feveral purchafes; and where two 01 more have an equal claim, the tight will be afcertained by ballot. JOHN MACAULAY, Kingfton, Oct. 20th, 1820. Agents FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of IIED CEDAR PICKETS, fiom 7 to 8 feet in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. WILLIAM YERKX. Kingston, Jitlj/ 17, 1819- 30 From Belts ll'iety Messenger, Aug. 2\l As the great eft public event, which any of us now living have witnefLd in our own country, is now in aC\ual pro- grefsy and a* the <-ycs and attention of all of ue are alike intently fised upon the Houfes of Lords and Commons, as¬ sembled in judgment upon the fecono per- fon in the empire, we have too much re- fpect for our readers to occupy our co¬ lumns with mere obfervations, wriilit there ■ i l&ubaniHibl&filtiVf.^g^ ((km the moft impottant fads in our hiftvry, bttore us. Since the reign of Henry VIII. nothing of a fimilar kiud haa ocenr'td. The trial of the regicides in the reign of Charltn II.? and of the Scotch peers in 1745 were mere criminal trials for obvious trcifof'S* and though condufted with all the hiita- ble pomp of the high tribunal before which they came, and though accompani¬ ed with all the fecuritiea required by our law and conllitution for the due execu¬ tion of jullice, both againft the power of the Crown and the clamor of the people, they were ftill nothing more than ordinary trials, except in so far as therauk of theao cufed, and tht dignity of the tribunal, raif<-d them into confequence. The trials of Hailing* and Lord Macclesfield, were of the fame nature ; the parties were Tub- jefts, and the crimes were without any circurnftancc« of more than ordinary in¬ tereft. The prefent grand fcene, for it msy truly be fo called, is the firfl occa- fion, fmce the Revolution, in which the Sovereign has been compelled tr fubmit his own caufe to the Parliament of the country, and in which the Parliament of the country ha* fat in judgment upon the alleged adultery of their Queen The wife of the great giandfather of his prefent Majefty was. indeed. a» to accufation, in circumltancea very fimiiar to her prefent Majefty ; hut the Sovereign of that dayt and hia miniftera, had the wifdom to detain the lady in Hanover, and thus, at once, to fave the throne of England from public Scandal, and the i&wb auu CQOUKuuoQ from what is certainly an extraoidinary, though pet haps a nee ciTai y, exception from their general principles On the nature of the Evidence against the Quten. The language of fome of the papers (we fpeak in advice, and not in cenfure) has excited our aftonilhment, and in our own cafe we fliould refledt upon it with very fcrious alarm for the perioral confe- i^uencea toourfelves. Thus, for example^ in an evening paper, now before us, the editor write*, that the crofs-examination of Theodore Majocchi in no degree what¬ ever weakened any of the teilimony before given by that witnefs ; and the editor of a daily paper* not to be behind hand, as¬ serts with equal bt Idnefs, that the accufa¬ tion againlt the Queen has been fuftocated in its very birth by the firft wirnefs produ¬ ced, & fince the crofs-examination by Mr. Brougham there is but one feeling of uni- verfal ridicule againlt the con. piracy. It may be allowed ur» to obferve, as a per¬ fectly impartial paper, that both of thefe affertions are in alike excefs,— for that the crofs-txaRiination of Majocchi has doubfkfa greatly weakened the originat effedl of his examination in ch:ef; but that, on the other band, the general feeling for her Majefty ftill remains much too anxioua to be a mere difpofition to ridicule her accufers,—that Majocchi is, indeed, but a very indifferent witnefs, but that manv of hia aiTertiuns requires more j full contradi&ion than is to be inferred from hia apparent wilful forgetfulnefs, and from his fcemingly defenlive fdence. It remains to be proved by u terior evidence and fa&«, whether ibis fdenct and forget- fulnefs are the refults of itupidity and wil- fulnefs,—whether he is awed by the fta- tion in which he (lands, and doe* not fully undeiftand the nature and degree of the prote&iou and fccuiity which our laws afford to the perfonaof witaefl'es.