Kingston Chronicle, October 20, 1820, page 1

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KIN VOL, luwarva* FRIDAY, (jfteiwoos) OCTOBER, 20, 1820. fNo 42. Lot % T I US ■•\<V\' rooriksiATioRr- UPPER CANADA. F. MA IT LAND. U< OttGfi: the FOURTH the (trace of GO!) of the C- tuted kingdom of Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland, King, lie- JmdtT of the Faith : To our beloved and faithful LcgiOauVc f^ounfcliots of Our Province of Upper Canada, and to Our Ktrfchtft, Citizens *nd Bqrgrffcv, of Our laid Province, to Our i'uvitciat P-irlrimeiit, at Out Town <r>f Y>rk, on the ninth day of October iuihni, ».> be tommei-eed, held, called and cieded, and to even- of you Gref.iinc ; — "W?" ^^ RE A?, by our Pr.-c, i nation f f bearig d ite the twenty fifth Hay of .urrult 1 ft, We thought fit to Pm- roene Our Provincial Parliament to the ninth day of O&ober Ldtanr, at which lime ?t Our Town of Yoilc you w-r<. brld an»? conftrained to apne-'.r, NOW KNOW YE, hat WE taking into Our l?<yal e- nfideration the eak and conveni- ■euce of Our 'uvjng lubu-ct , have thought fit, by sod with the a 'vict of Our Exec otive council, to relieve you and each of you. of your attendance at the ti • e afore faid, hereby convoking and by the'e Dre i'ents enjoining you and eaeh of you, that on Thurlday, the ijxteenih day of Novem bet next enfutng, you meet us in Our Provincial Parliament, in our Town of York, there to take into conhderation the Hate and wt dare of Uji; province of Up¬ per Canada, and therein to do as may ft era neeeffary, and herein fail not. In testimony whereof, WEhavec3ufed thefc Our Letters to be made Patent, and the G'Cat Sea! of Our (aid Pro vince to be hereunto affixed, our furly and well beloved Slit PE REGRINE MUTLAN;., Knight Con mander of the FvToft Horn urab:e JVthtary Order of the Bath, Lieutenant Govvrror of our laid Province, and Major General Comnandirg Our jp -cts therein, at Y 'k, this fourth day -«f Odobet, in the year of Q*ir I^ord. on • thooand e^ht hundred and twenty and in the full ye;>r of Qu Reign, P M. By His Excellency's Command. D CAMERON, Sar> Executive Council Office Torh ^(h October, 1820. "T&^OTIC ■ is h.reby given th it the 1.1 Fenv act f tli- mouth of the Ri vti rent n the Town (hip of "viurny in the Diltvic\ of New\a(lle not having been Lea led this day, Sealed \'r- pate1 fo» iru fa«ne vr-it"1 beieceiv d at Qtuvt, until the fifteenth of November i:-xt, i' being uudi-Ht :od that th« 'faid Ferry will be 10 j. c\ to fueh raie- and re-jn' a. thr vjagiftrates in Quarter Scflions flia i fe> fit to e'labl-fli. JOaN S /I ALL, Oil Ex Ceun Lot N .. 5 1 LANDS FOR SALE BELONGING to the Eftate of the late Charles Stuart, Efquire. No 20. in the 5th" Conceffion of rtttsmrgh. containing 200 Acres. Lots N09. 20 and Eaft half of 19 in 8th Cone (fi. m of do. 300 Acres. Lot No. 19 in the 13 Condefiion of do. con. 200 Acres. Lot No. 1 1 in the 3d Conceffion of Kitley, con. 200 Acres. Lot No. 16 South half in 8th Conceffion, of Augusta con. 100 Acres. Lot No. 1 in the 4th conceffion otEscot now Tongtf con 200 acres. Lot No. 1 ; do' do. con 2co acres Lot No 12 in the 6th conceffion of I'/ol ford. con. 200 acres. Lot No 8 in th. 4 h conct ffion of Nep&an% con. 200 acres. Lot No. 37 in the 7 conceffion of Camden % con. 200 acres. Lots Nos. 6 an 1 Wc(l half of 14 in the 2d c mceffi'.m of Richmond con. 300 acres. - Lot No. 25 in the 6th conct ffion of do. con 200 acres Lot No j4 in the 5th concelS n of Port land, cm, 200 icres. 8 in the 1 {1 o.nceffi n of Hun gerford con. 2 00 acres Lot -^o. ..'4 in 2d conceffion of do. con. 2co acrt?. Lot being letter G and {■ of FF, Prince I'd ward's Cliff, fouth lide of suai Weft Bay, Ma>-yslurgh, con. 300 acre«. Lot No 26 1 ft conci ffion, in Wttt Bay fo 1 th of Black River, do coniainin 200 acrea. Lot N > I fiont conceffion eaft of Van Alftine's Lake, d .con. 200 acres. Lot No. 5 in ift conceffi m, well o'"no. r. weft, fthe 150 acre Lot No. 8. in the 2d concrffion, louth fi !e of Eaft Lake, in Hallowed, contain ing 200 acres. Lot No 10 in the 13th conceffion ol Raiudun, con. 200 aeres. Lots No. 10 in 9t;i conceffi »n, and no. 1 1 in I0th conceffion of Cramabe, con 350 acres. Lot No 24 in the 7th conceffion of Mur ray. con 200 acres. Lot N ». IS m ^lc 7tu conceffion, do. con. 200acre-<. Lots No?. 22 and 23 in gjtn conceffion do con. 40G acres. Lot No 23 I'D the 4th conceffion of do. con. 2CO acres. Lot No. 19 in the 6th conceffion of do con. 200 acre*. Lots Nos 28 and eau half 59 it. ttic jptti C0':eeffi ri of <io. c >n. 30 acres Lot ^o 29 in the 4th conceffion of Hatdi mend. Con 2C0 acrrs I Lots Nos 9?j.d ic in the 5th conceo n of do. Ci n. 400 acres. Lot No. 12 in the 5th conceffion of do. con. 200 ace. ! .01 No 10 iu :he 5th conceffion of Percy con. 200 acres Lots Nos 17 an.! weft half of no 18 in the oth conceffi -n M do. containing ^.-•o acre? 59 4 tft conceffion oilier- 2d Ran^v from th. Bay of .•ophMsburgh, con. ico Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required m»y be obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bi:h of Exchancre on Lon don, or for Specie. —Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. King (Ion, 3d Nov 1818. 23 TfQ BE SOLD, and immediate pos- selfi .11 given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conceffion of the Tovvn- finpct Elra&ley, viz, 19. 20, 22. 24, 29, 30. moll eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots They abound in excellent Timber, which from i:s being contiguous to water co r munication may be rafted to M .r,uta! at a triilinc exptnee '1'he qua- btvofihe foil and other advantage? are fuch as to render the a desirable pu'rehafe t'-> Far triers or perfon* engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For term* of payment other particuiars apply to -lull, Esq, Perth Settlement, John Kb by Efq King-ton, or rhe fubferiber, in Wood- home, London Dili-id William Mar- ■» - i\OV g KO ERTN1CH0L. emler 18, 18:9. 47 tf \ O ii K Land P.-iiv-('uiTciH Office, K1XG STREET. \\7"ANTE0, Axemen to contrncl <( f for clearing La-'ds in t-.e Town- fiv'o of Lincoln, Nngara Diilnfls and in i!.e Pownflii^s of V «k l.hinguacowcy, and Stmcoe in the :.o -e Di'lrid. Land will be c.ivtn in exchange for la- hour, at a price to be agreed upon.' AI, <) the ewe of 35 acres oC new y clcareJ land, liiaated within one n)i-c aid a half from he Town uf York, will 'ie j»jven for a yeai, to any pcrfon who may be defirous of enclosing and croppug the lame upon e- quitab . t.■> nr- with the ■b'Op'ietor Capit 'uls wifliinr to pmeliasf impro¬ ved Farrn^, or V^ id Lands in L'op.-i-t'a- nada, may be furmfled (•onthly) with fi ! critrdical Price Cm- cut I ill of Estates, on fale in various T wifliips, on payment f F our Dollars per annum —one quar- '1 r m advance. Commiffions for buying, letting,leafing, in^ regiltcniig ' fL'trs, taithf»»Uy execu¬ ted'. " ' " WATCHM8and CLOCKS Repaired in the best manner, by S. O. TAZEWELL, [North *id<» of the MarkH j'hn\ Kington ] WHO moll refpecVully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefe, and hopes, by paying Uriel: at¬ tention lo bufinefs, to give the u t mo ft fat- nfa&ron to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfcclly acquainted with the patent Lever, horizontal and Duplex Scapemente, Repeaters, &c 6<c. Kingston, May r 3th, 1820. 20tf ALEXANDER AS HE It, Merchant Taylor, MAS received from Montreal a moft choice and excellent alTortment o the belt Weft of England fuperfine i lot/is and Cassimeres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe % loths Sec at his old ftand, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the fhorteft notice, and on the lowed terms for Cam, or fhort approved ere lit. Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. 37tf li LANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other lands, for sale at this Ojjice. THE fubferiber begs leave refpeclful- ly to inform his tiicnds and the pub ic i general, that he has eftablifhed a PAINT SllOt' a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept conftantly all kinds GifP.S tWT? jjr'-'psn 'ti'i^nny.'ifn dhr diuifh Likewife all kinds of I lo n $e> Sign, W agg on, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the (h.»rteft notice, together with raw and boil d Oil, which will be dispo- ied of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh only. THEODO E 3ROCKETT. Ki.odon Cth April, 18^20. i4tf i< or TZ?. M S the Rer/i si ration of Fi>r 100 Acres ar.r! under From loo and not exceeding 200 ------- 200 to 250 ------ 250 to 300 300 to coo and upwards 500 La nd s. d. I 3 2 0 2 6 3 0 4 0 5 0 Lot No. wi'C o f Dar m 6th Marcf\ i&io; ExceVencv ihe i uMil-euant 1 V 0>- ft venor i- plealed to direct that no L- ca'.ion lequiring Settlement Duty (hall by • by Patent, without a Cef tilkate from the Land Hoard of '.he Diftnct in which fuch Location may be fituate, that the Settlement Duty requir¬ ed by the Older in Council has bona fide been performed within the time fpecitied by the Location Ticket JOHN SMALL, Clk E. C. Qjunte, acres, Lot No. 29 in the 7th cmc^flion finghn, con. 200 acre** Lot No. i8 in the 8th conccilion (.1 Miify c m 200 acrefl Let No. 7 in the 7th conceffion of King, con. 200 acres Several LoU for Budding, and improve n.ent, confifting of one, two, three, four, five or fix acres in Stuartville at the eailern extremity of the Town of King¬ fton. - Application for the pnrchafe of the above Lands and Lots to be made to ALLEN McLEAN, Lsq. GEO 0K1LL STUART. C^r All letters addrrxTfed to Mr. Angell, Director of this office, muft be pott paid. IHE QUEENS TRIAL, (Continued*) House or Lottos, Wednesday, Aug* ?0. IdaoliO.&swne was then sworn.—The wiinpss w;i-. a man of decpnt apo^arant«v and about 30 yeSm or age. — E\amin.d b^ the Ait<>rne\ General. Said lie was of L>>di—that he had been in the service of the Princess ol Wales almost a year in the capacity of und t cook at Villa D'Esteand at the Baiunai—Had quitted the seivii .of the Princess ia 1817 Knev\ B r :».n»i lir^t at Lodi in the year I808 or 1809—Had seen him about Lodi, and had seen linn in prion. Bergami ^as Acting Executors to the o NOTICE. t LETTERS of Adminiilratiofi having been granted to me on the Enlace of the late Roderick Maekay, Efquhe, it is rcqnefted that all who have claims again(l •that Eftate will prefent the fame to me. and that ail who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as poflible. V JAME^ RANKEN, AdmitiijlratGr', Bath, 28th June, 1820. I Estate of C. Stuart E:q_ Kingfton, October, 6th 1820. -iHK fubferiber having rented that commodious Stone-Houfe, the pro pcrty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofes K.LC-;ing a houfe of * i >u blie Ent c rla m men f, (Sign oj the Black Horse) for the accommodation of Stranger?, and On the 1 ft day c f September next, will be pu'dilhrd a Monthly Land Price- Current lill of Eftatea on ,,;ale in Upper - ana-la, fo '>c eircula-ted hereafter in Kn- viand, Ireland and Scotland, and Wales. ______________34^f- IsDricE i.K Laud Board, for the AL.i.ant! District for the ig fix mouths, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kington, at the tvmr of 1 2 o'clock at nooni for the pin pole of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under- mentioned defcription of perlons, viz Emigrants, and others comi.ig to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Brit ifh bom fabjrdb All able fcttkrs that have refided in the Diftricl previous to the late war, and pro duce Certificates of having done their dut] in its defen ce. y 1 aftf FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of RED CEDAR A MCKETS, from 7 to 8 ^cvi in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson. Tall°r' WILLIAM YKREX. :.f St otuers who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call. Kvcry attention wil en ffratefally acknov :\\K nim Willi A <-a:i «»»•-; -........~ Hl be puid to the^romfoit and convent- 1Ce of cu&nmers, and the fmallcft favour vledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfton, 5th May, 1820. 19 Kingston, July 17, 1819. •>/r / NOTICE. ent or luc ilul j^ui.wi%.iiLi. «x».-»»».»•, , Merchant, tequefl all perfons in¬ to his tftate to make immediate Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Dir.Aor's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th A.^ult next, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, further nut Set. Kinglton, 27th July, 1810. until rHE fubferibers being duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the lall Will and Te«L~nent of the lace Lawrence Hcrchmer, Efquire debted .. - . . payment, and thol'e having demands agamll ihe faid eftate to bring them fjrward with¬ out delay. _ 7 JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kindlon, 9th Nov.j8i9. ____4^_ " JlInk DEEDS ano MEMORIALS For sale at. this Office. ! The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the dare of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; tdablilhed by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of co acres to Indigent Emi- grants no fees. On Giants of too acres, i?i2 Sterling On Grants of 200 do. 30 ^ , Payable in three equal inllalmentss, viz. The firll on the receipt .f the Location ticket ; the kemd on Certifi.ate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained unlcL accompanied by a written character, or a fatisfa&ory rc.ifon (hewn for fuch not being produced. By order of the Board. J A Mf.S NIC KAL L S, Junr. ClerL Kingfton, Frb. 14th, 1820. 8 N. 1> To prevent difa'jp"iutment« to perlons applyi>g for lauds : it isnecelTary to ftate that the Board ha- no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the Flank companies during rhe war ; Naval or Military claimant*! all fueb mutt make application tu York, in tae service (>f her Royal Hignness at the sane Mm hewas, with the title of a Baron, and his ^nation was chief com¬ ma, idi-r over ihe household. Witness had seen Bergami and fit r Royal iiigh- nt'HS-walUing out arm in arm, and in the ytchen together. Had seen the Fiiu- eess i'd. <_, accompanied ay the Baron and 1 n 01 the servauts.—Jiad seen tin m 4 i'True wto the liit^-hen arm In arm— and that tiny sometimes # came to eat something. Knew that the Princess had given balls, when at me Parona, which «ere principally attended by people of low rank and condition. The Princess danced by herself, and sometimes with *.j -r^ami, iu the presence 01 the people who were at these balls. Knew the wife ol the luu Keeper at Saint Christopher's v\ho was twice at these balls—and had also seen t he re another woman, t lie daugh¬ ter of the tanner who hires the land of the liarona. The dances took place in the dining room. There were other rooms used on tho=eov casions—the room next to it, which luy upon the stairs which led to the room of tne Princess.— None ol the nobility of the neighbour¬ hood attended these balls. Had seen the Princess and Bergami together at ihe Barona, walking, aud in the kitchen — had ■>«•« 11 them alone—knew a person nameu Alahomet—had seen him perform a uaiiee,—liie Princess was present.— (The witness here imitated a sort ot cas* tan. t dance, and distorted his limbs, but we were unable to *tch his meaning.)— dad seen nim at different times making me same gesticulations. Had seen the 1 rineess present more than once while this was performing, both at D'Este and the Barona.—Had seen the Priusess pre¬ sent, twice in the Kitchen, and at other times in the Court. Uj>on uio&e occa- sioni Mahomet took his breeches and made them into a ru>i—w. 1« what position was that 10II r Wunihe breech- : s twisted round just behind—no, before ( The motions of the witness, being The discharge was when the Princess set out, until a new order, which new order never came. Did not receive any pay from Hie Princess after that time. What ser¬ vice did you then enter into? (a long pause.) f went into the service of of a Priest, but I do not remember his name. The next witness called was Louisa Dumont, of whom the public have heard so much. She wore a handsome black satin hat, ornamented with feathers; a muslin ruff, highly plaited ; a white ilk. handkerchief over Jipt neck and bosom, and a black satin gown, vandyked at the top, aud profusely decorated with floun¬ ces at bottom. She is the smartest dress* ed of femmes dc chambre, but neither the youngest nur the prettiest. She seem* to be about 36 years of age : in corn- plexion she is a brunette; her cheeks sunk and shrivelled, and her eye more remarkable for in expression of cunning than of intellect. She advanced to the bar with a degree of confidence which, even the penetrating glance of Mr. Broug¬ ham, who eyed her most perseveringlv from '• top to toe," did not at all effect. The witness having been sworn, the Solicitor General was proceeding to ex¬ amine her, through the medium of the Marchese Spinetto, in French, when Mr. Williams interrupted him, for the purpose of asking the witness, did she understand English ? to which interro¬ gatory she answered aa little." Witness entered into the service of her Royal Highness for five years, in the capacity of fast femme dechambre. Bei-~ garni waited at dinner on Her Royal Highness. Her Royal Highness 011 leav¬ ing Milan passed through Rome on her way to Naples. Recollected a young person of the name of William Austia being with her Royal Highness.------- Before the Princess arrived at Milan, William Austin generally slept in the room of hei Royal Highness. The Prin¬ cess on the night before she entered the city of Naples, slept in a country house* Cannot positively say about that night, out William Austin 'ias generally in the habit of sleeping in the room with Her Royal Highness. The Princess told wit¬ ness dur'mgthat night, that William Aus¬ tin had become too big a boy to sleep in her room, aud that he must have one ckambreparticuliere. Up to that peri¬ od iiergami dined always at the table with the other servants- Did not know "ie room that was allotted for Bergami the lirst night of his anival at Naples, but remembered the room in which he :>lept on the second night. It was quite near the room occupied by Her Royal muuication between the two rooms.— There was a small cabinet with a lire place and a passage between the two chambers. Could go from the room of bergami to that of the Princess by pro¬ ceeding along that passage and through, the cabinet. There was a door that ed out of that passage. When that door ■a as closed, and the door of Her Ro)ai Highuess's room was closed, and the door of BergamPs room was closed, uo person could have access to those room* aud that passage. Her Royal Highness told witness, while she was dressing her on the evening of her arrival at Naples, that she was going to the Opera. It seem¬ ed to wituess that she returned early in the evening—a cut to her bed room and ran;' i.uhor Qu ihar nireivuT alt ithpJwi? room of the Princess, Her Royal High¬ ness crossed the pas age and entered the cabinet. Did not know what the Prin¬ cess did, but bhe returned immediately to the bed room where witness was.— Her Royal Highness told her to forbid William Austin entering into her room, because she wished to be quiet. Wil¬ liam Austin Slept that night in a. small cabinet, w1 ere he remained all the time* The cabinet was near the bed room of the Princess ; there was a door of com¬ munication, which that night she saw shut. There was no other communica¬ tion between the cabinet and the pas- sage. There were two beds in the room of the Princess—a large one and a small one. The small one was a navellingbed so. directed towards their L rd mips, were not distinctly »e,n ironi uelow the bar.) I'he Priiice« .saw .tlauotnei, and laugn- ed. Cross-examined by Mr. Wilde.— The wiimss kit luti seivtce ol the Prin¬ cess in 1817. VVa* not dt charged lor drunkenness. When ti) Princess set out «.ogo 1.. Ho .•'-. wltjitfss * as U*ft behind wlUiootaers. V\ asUis^uai^edAiihatume. for Her Royal Highness—in which she slept. Saw in the evening that that bed was made. Saw afterward*, that there were no sheets on the other bed. Re¬ mained with >jr Royal Highness that night a very^'le time, before she left the bed room* Thought that Her Royal Highness was extremely agitated—left the room after remaining a few minutes, because Her Royal Highuess sent her away immediately. Said this was not the Princess's u^ual practice. Does not remember precisely at what time she^aw her Royal Highness next morning—neat or about eleven o'clock. It was nearly her usual time. Had not seen Bergami during the whole of the morning. First saw him that day at dinner Took o- tice of the travelling bed that morning.— Observed that nobody had slept in it.— Observed that the larger bed had been occupied. Caunot state more particu¬ larly its condition. It wa« not much de- r n^ed..—Knew where Bergami passed rach ui^ht during ner stay at Nap/,^, It was near the room of the Princess — Mr. Hierouymus slept In another foora near the Princess's.—Hierouymus only, slept outne same side of the parage, in a room which was before entering the

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