> KIN TON f#i- ■* .'■* VOL 11 ] ifflsma<^t.4iwj^^ i**KjtA CHRONICLE • FRIDAY, (jiFTERxooit) SEPTEMBER 1, 1820. THE FRONTENAC [No 35. St^m Veflel will dart from Kingfton for Yo . aud Niagara on the ift, nth, and 2 11* Jay's t f each month, arid from Ni¬ agara for Kingfton o» the c.h, tlctb, and 25th day'* of erch month with as much pundtoaltif .• the rutin e of the Lake Na- Notice. T Vtg&UOG wtil icn.it of. King ft nn '3 *T 12th. 1820. «9 TH ». fabferiber having rented that co ^modims Stone Houfe, the pro- fcrty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lately occupied by \1r. Daniel Brown, propofes ktxj^ing i. buufe of Public ErJcriuhiment, \ (Skn Horse) t-f 'he. uevOrameiQaitoti of Strangers, and orhrr5 who may have the goodnefs to fa- »ivyi him wi.h « call Kvery attention wi I be prfvd to the comfort and conveni- ercv- o' cyft #*r*"?, and the {ma'left favour g^utcfuJ) jfc&w»W :'•:';-;ed by the Public's % 1 SA m Honnble Servant, »Ki MERRILL. King&on y,h ..ay, 1820. 19 r%-.•:*-*> -«- v-o.--vv.-v-. 8 F. C SPiLSgU'KY, % Letts Surgeon ojII. M.S. Prince Re~.$ ze.'il, <jn J.ale Ontario, j InrVmli pf&ctfeutg in the various Tbtaiu'hi^ of his PrcifestiUro. at his res-> ftd*»mre, n?xt dour to John McLean,> ? E (ft. Sat-nif. 8 Kingston, Oct. ah, 1819. 41 J ly t > i\\?ri(n Iws friends and the pub lie i' gyueral, that lie lias eftabliihed a PAINT i-iior a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kejjt < onftantly all kind-* of PAINTS preparedreddy for the bruin. Like wife all kinds of House. Sign, Waggm, Sleigh, and Ornamental Parntimr.. dene at the fhorUi't notice, together with raw and baiVd Oil, which will be dispo ic or as cheap a* can be procured in this tcwu, for Cafii O'-'ly.-' THEODORE BROCKET?. N B. Twoi good workmen as journey¬ men Painters, will find employ, by apply i:.g to the fubferiher. Kingston, 6/£ April* 1820- 14// f^g S\\ L fv.bfcribcrs being duly nomina Sl ted Executors to the la ft Will and Te^ament.of the lace Laivrer.es Hcrchmcr, E'q'i-re, Ptferchaot, requeO all p^rfons in- cfc;-»^d to hi- c(l?.tc>to make immediate j'av TKr.t, and l!«ole hawing demands againft the fiid eliaLe to brin?, them forward with¬ out delay. JOTi\T KTUBY, G'.O. II. MARKLAND. Kmjrf'or^ ciu Nov. 1319. 46 I ISO I ii. h, Dooks oi" Subscription TIE Land l^oard, for the Midland District for the ei'iuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kindlon, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe uf receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under- mentioned description of perlons, viz EmigrautSp and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being BritIfh born fubjeds. ^11 able fcttlers that have refided in the Diilrift previous to the late war, and pro dnce Certificates of having done their duty ir. its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform- a«ce of the fettling -duties within Eighteen Months from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees J efbb'ifhed by an order in Council of 14th December, 18 J 9. On Grants of 50 acres tc Indigent Era! grants no fee*. On Grants oi 100 acres, £12 Sterling On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inftalmt ntss, viz. The firll on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petivion can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character, or a fausfacl »ry reafon fliewn for fach not being produced. By order of the Board. JAMES NICK ALLS, Junr. Clerk Kingfton, Fc!>. 14th, 1820. 8 N. B. T.4 prevent dilappointments to perfons applying ^or lands : it is neceiTary to ftate that the Eoaid has no power to tyrant Lands to the Children of U..E. Flank companies during the war ; Nayal or Military claimants, all fuch mull rr.ake application to Yo<k. P7J1I0 HE SOLD, and immediate pos- •& selT' m given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conceffion of the Town- {hip of Elmaley, Viz. 19,20,22, 24, 29, 30, moif eligibly situated on the North bide of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lota. They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Mc ntreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of'he foP and other advantage? arc fuch a. to render this a desirable purchafe to Farmers or pertons engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to Wiliiam Mar- shd), E«-q. Perth Set-len- t, John Ki;by Eiq Kingston, or i\u (v'z :.iber, inWood- houfe, London Diltiirt ROBERT NICHOL. November 18, 18 19. 471 f To Clotkiers. f< J i v tire mill be opened stthc I>;:.C:>;i s Knorn *n (iae Batik of Upper Canada, on the 24th ■Ao-jfutr. ue:;t. r.ud kept open each day the ho '• or tea til! th—" "%"1 further Q.-jcc. Kin;:'r ^-, 27th July, I For saicj a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. jfaguri 19, 18:9, 74. IW talent thi$ Qjjicg, ree & decs, from S19 j "*vca A FEW copies of a SERMON - / Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. A MY ^if required rn?.y he obtained at ihr Ofcefor good Biii.--, on Mon- tie.rl, O ebec Bills of £xchan.Te on L on don,, or far Specie.-—Notes alfo will be ^iacounted At t- »m% 0>:ty, -md ninety days. THOMAS MAitKLAND, Agent. Ki^Hon,3d NTov lBl8. 23 ON TS having B>» k' belonging tgston Library arc requeu¬ ed to fe..d EbeiB to the fubicribc-"> at hi- h^ufe, adjvltKng the Town of Kiugfton, aud wi:b su little delay ^ ooiTible* JOHN FERGUSON. I2th ;\priu I 819. l6 I\OT!CE. T T p*c6>«sindebted eitlier byKote or preached at Quebec, on the I2fh of September, after the death of Hi* Grace thr» Duxf, of UtciiM^ND, by the Keveren'd G, J. Moantain, A. 1>. Bishop*? Official is.Lower Canada, uud Rector o' Qnebec. 41 Window Glass. THE fubscribers have on hand a con, signment of WINDOW GLASS- or 7 1-2 By 8 1 2, 9 by 9 8 by 10, 10by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good ord^r, for file at very low prices for cafh or fhoit approved credit. THOS- S. V/HITAKER &Co. May 17. 20, B ok -'Vrcounty to he cttate of the late i<hard R bi'b«, Efq. deeeafed, are ieque^td to p'iy the fa tie without delay ; and thofe to whom the e^ate is indebted vri \ prercnt their accoutits du'y .mrhenti- cated foradjuiiment, t- ^i^a« "vfacl ean Efquire, one cf the Executors to laid es¬ tate. Kingfton, June 5, 1S20. ALEXANDER ASilEil, Merchant Taylor, AS received from Montreal a mo ft choice and .excellent afibrtment o the bell Well ot England fupertine Cloths and Cassimerm, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. AsHER inrorms his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his old (land, whereorder* 1 IVA TCI IBS and CL 0 CKS Repaired in the best manner, by S. O. TAZEWELL, [North sir!.- ofthe Market Place, Kingston,] WHO mod refpeftfully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its * * * 1 1 vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying Uriel at¬ tention to bufinefs, to give the utmoft fat- isfaftion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex bcapements, Repeaters, &c- &c. Kingston, May 13th, 1820. 20tf rHEREASJohnMcBeanhassworn f hat he is the owner of the whole of Lot N>». 19. East ofthe Rock in Ma- rydnir&h. I hereby i^ive not;re that the said cath is false, and that persons who wish t( be better r !• rmed of the partic¬ ulars ofthe -am \ ^nav be satisfied by ap¬ plying to Archil aid McDonald, Esq. or Daniel Wright, E*rj. who both live in the fame Township, aad are perfectly ac¬ quainted With the rircumstancfs. AARON CONNOR. King-fen, 19th July, 1820. £0U« which was read to the Meeting as follows. | To the Honorable the Commons of the Province of Upper Canada, in Parlia¬ ment affembled. W NOTICE. A N a"si£nment having J^\. the subscriber of c been made to all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James P,ankcn & Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong- ing to James Ranhtn individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm, or against the. said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and 8Uch as stand indebted are desired to pajrthcir respective accounts to Ckr. A. Haglrman, Esq of Kings- \o'n, oft 01 ttfeft '.lie first day of Decem¬ ber ner.t. JOHN K1RBY. Kingston, 1st Septemler, 1819. 36 ^-m • A superior and general collection of DRY GOODS, is now offered to the public and Inhabi¬ tant 3 of Kingfton, imported by ihe Sub- fcriber tit is fpring, purpolely for this mar- kct, and are particn!arly w^il adapted for the life of private h.rrilies, bis fancy goods being of the richtft a. d molt fashionable, and plain goods all of yery iupertinc uxture. t The Subscriber has taken the Lower Rooms of a Kgw Houfe in the Market place^ on the Rght hand side% mar the Alain Guard House, for ihe dilpolal of his good*-, and as his (lay will be only for a few days, he mcift earueftly folicits the favor of an ear¬ ly vifit. In his affortment are a few extra fine ftraw Bonnet^ very fafhfonable and rich, full trimmed DrefTcs, made in London as patterns; a goad aiTortment of the beft made MILLINERY, Flounces ; Infant's Drcfles, &c. itc. Thread Laces and Edgings; French Cam¬ brics, Artificial Wreaths, Flowers, and *. oronets; Thread lace drefs Cap?, Veils, and Shawls &c. a few new patterns of full Chii.:7 Furniture IVints. and rich filk Fringes to match; Marseilles "Quilts, and Counterpanes, Sheetings; Haberdashery, and Ladies ilocrs -«nd Shoes very fuperior, ALSO, Gentlcmens Dref^ Coats and Pantaloon-., 8urtouts, Boots and Drcf3 Shoes, of the best London make, with many other articles at one regular and low price. LiE*\RY A. TRINDER. Kingston, July 20th, US20. 29tf NOTICE. LETTERS of Adminiftration having bem granted to me on ihe Eftace of the laic Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is rcque'ted that all who have claims againft that Eltate will prefent tlte tame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with a* licile delay as poffible. JAMES RANK EM, Admimfirator. Bath, 2 8^ th Jun 1820. S&f Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Farmers, of the Counties of Lenox and Add\ngton, held in Ernest Totun, at the Houfe of Mr. John Gordonier, en Fri- the l i th i nstant. day, Mr. Dayis Hawley, having been una- witl be thankfu!Jy received, and executed i Rtnaoufly called to the chair, Mr. Dalton on the (liorteft notice, and on the lowed erms for Ca(h. or fhort aoproved ere lit. Sept. 10, 18 to. iSii Kingtion, 519 f. A FOR »aLK. quantity oi amy ceda 1-iCKKTS, horn 7 (o S feet' Notice. |EjTOR Sale, feveral Acre and two Jj Acrt- lota en the Main Street, leimth.—Apply t i, )UN L?A\V: 7*' 't'J L/*"i - y.n exttnlion of Store-Street, appiic:.i:on | t,r price aud conditions of payment to he made to the Swbfaiber, who will give information to perfons defirlng to pur- 'Jailor. WILLiAM VEliEX. Kingston0 Juu i:. lb) 9 'X j p--T7pH MURDCCi:. jii :f of King.-ton, after a few prefatory re¬ marks, propofed to the meeting the follow¬ ing relolut'.on. Resolved, that it is the decided opinion of this meeting that the fuccessfnl profe- cutionof the Brewery. elTentia.'ly promotes the Aarieultural interest, ?.ad that confe- quently it ought to receive effectual pro¬ tection from the opposition of Foreign Lr.wers, to v-VVi, ,jnd, Vve dren> it necef* fary to addrefa both Hdufca of the Le^ii hture by Petition* The above ref IctioO having beeD fe- couded andc- in:* unanimously—M- Da! ton prdfcntcd to'.'.c Chairman a pctit/on The Humble Petition ofthe Farmers of the Counties of Lenox and Addington, Shewtih ; .That your Petitioners are deeply interested in every thing which is calculated to promote the fuccess of their agricultural labours, on which they entire¬ ly rely for fubfistance. it is therefore that your Petitioners humbly beg leave to address your Honorable Houfe, on the fubjedl, which appears to them to be inti¬ mately connected with their own particu¬ lar welfare. Your Petitioners allude to the Brewery, which from the happy in creafe of the confumption of Malt Liquor, has lately afforded them a degree of encou¬ ragement for the growth of Barley they never before experienced, and fuch has been it's effect on the Farmer throughout the Midland Diltrift, that, ihat valuable grain ha been cultivated to an extent hereto fore unprecedented in this Province. Your Petitioners havefcheiefore feen with '•ontern, that the native Brewers have not been protected from oppofition in their own Markets, from the Brewers of the li¬ nked States, and your Petitioners, are deep¬ ly fenfible, that a continuation of fuch op¬ pofition, would infallibly be attended with the oft p rnicious conlequences to them- felvef, inafmuch as it could not fail to have the effect of d« ftroying the Market of the native Farmer for his Grain. Your Ptti- doners humbly defire that your Honoura¬ ble Houfe, may be pleafed to take their cafe into consideration, and apply fuch re¬ medy as in it's wildom and juftice, it may fee fit ; and your Petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray &c- &c. &c. Which being approved of by the meet¬ ing, v/a-.. unanimously adopted and received the figuatures of every one prtfent. Mr jR/cihsraJ iLawc uilifii'^iojr.of-id th? following resolutions. Jtcsolved, that Mr. Dalton be requeued to m rite lo every Member of Parliament, for the Midland Dillrict, foliciting on the behalf of the Meeting, their luppoit to the Petition in the Houfe of Commons—car¬ ried unanimously. Mr. Perry then moved, that the thanks of the meeting be given to Mr. Dab on for the encouragement he has hitherto afford¬ ed to the Farmers of the Midland District, and for the zeal and activity with which he i.s now endeavouring to fecure to them a permanent advantage from their labours. The above tefoluiion havir g met v/ith che hearty concurrence of every Gentleman prefent; the thanks of the meeting were cordially voted to the refpectable chair¬ man, for his able and judicious conduct in the d'feharge of his office; and the pro¬ ceedings oi the meeting ordered to be printed three times in the Kingfton Chro¬ nicle, and Herald, in the h< pe that the Farmers Throughout the Province, might fee it tleir intereft to purfue the example held out to them by the Counties of Le nox and Addington. After th bufinefs of the day, a Targe party partook of an excellent dinner pro¬ vided for the occafiion by Mrs. Gordonier, and the evening was fpent in mirth and good humour. Copy of the Printed Circular addrefTed by Mr Dalton, to the Representatives of the Midland Diftrid, agreeably to the deffreot itie meeting cxpuiHu lu one or the foregoing refdutions. Kingston Brewery^ August, 15/i, 1820. Sir,------At a general meeting ofthe Farmers of the Counties of Lenor. and rid¬ ding ton. held in Ernest Town, at the house of Air, John Gordonier, on Friday the 1 \th instant,—! had th honour to he requested to address the Representatives of the Mid land District, soliciting their support in the House of Commons, to a Petition then una nimously approved' and signed ly every per¬ son present, and which you will find at length in the Kingston Papers, In compliance with the desire of that nume¬ rous and highly respectable meeting, I beg the liberty to call your attention to the said Petition, and to solicit for it your able support in the House. I have the honour to remain, Sir, Tour obedient humble Servant, THOMAS DALTON. N. B. The Petition is left with Mr- George Ham, at Bath, for the fignatures of such of the Farmers as were not appri- led ofthe meeting, in confequence of lome r;egied in the delivery ofthe News-paper*. Copy ofthe Petition to the Legislature from the County of Frontenac. now lying at Mr. William Dalton's Store fox Signatures. To the Honourable the Commons of the Province of Upper Canada, in Parlia¬ ment aiTembled. The humble Petition ofthe underfigned Magiltrates. Bankers, Merchants, Farmers, Innkeepers, Traders, and others, refident in the County of Frontenac. Shtwcth 5 That your Petitioners have feen with inexpreflible regret, that not withftanding the Breweries of our native Country, be fully adequate to fupply our population with a fufficiency of wholcfome Malt Liquor, large quantities of United State's Beer, have been poured in upon us, in confequence ofthe fmdll duty that was impofed by the last Parliament upon United Stated B«r, and Ale. Your Petitioners refpedtfully beg leave to fubmit to your Honourable House, that they know of no bufines3 whatever which dt(fates fuch univerfal benefit through any Country, wherein it is eftabhflied, as the Brewery, and that confequently they re¬ gard it, as meriting in a peculiar degree the protection, and patronage of every wise Government. ^ Whether your Petitioners turn their views to the Parent Country, or to the U- nited States of America, tbey find the Go- veinment jealous to preferve th.ir Markets from intrufion of Foreign Brewers, and when your Petitioners confider the vait powers of the Brewery, in promoting the Health, Riches, and good Morals of the people, they can no' but admire the wis¬ dom of their policy. Your Petitioners entreat permiffion of your Honourable Houfe, to call it's mcft. ferious attention to the deplorable fcarcity of cafh which prevails in thu Province* With grief your Petioners have feen fo large a portion of the little it pofTciTes, withdrawn from it, by the United States^ for the payment of articles of neceiTary confumption, which it has been pretended our Province could not furnifb, and their grief hath been greatly augmented by fee¬ ing it drained to the very dregs, for an ar¬ ticle which it is notorious can be manufac¬ tured among ourfelves, of better quality than is generally imported from the United State, and in any required quantity. Your Petitioners think it poffible that your Honourable House may not be a- ware of the Fact, that there are no less than five Breweries in the Town of King¬ fton alone, which, confidering the infancy ofthe place, and ther-reat exDenfe attend¬ ing the formation of fuch eftablifhments» yonr Petitioner* think is matter of great congratulation, not only to Kingfton, bef to the Province at large. Your I etitioners have witnefled the be¬ neficial effects relultino- from the eftabliih- ment of the aforeiaid Breweries, the liber¬ ality of their proprietors, having held out a degree of encouragement to the Farmers of the Midland Diftrict, for the growth of Barley, far fuperior to any that could have been offered by thofe nobieinftitutions, the Agricultural Societies, and having confe¬ quently given an impetus to Agriculture,, which if not checked by an injudicious fuf* ferance of oppofition from Foreigner?, may lead to refults the moil happy, and foitunatc for the Pro\-Q"e. Your Petitioners enter deeply into the feelings of our difappointed and neglected Brewers, and your Petitioners will doubt- lefs foon have to commiserate the misfor¬ tunes of the general mafs of Fat men, un- lefs your Honourable Houfe immediately condelcend to pafs an fact impofi.ng fuch. duties on theBeer, Cider, and Barley ofthe United States, as (hall effectually prevent their open admfffi >n into this Province, which your Petitioners mod humbly, but drdently hope your Honourable Houfe will fee it juft and expedient to do, with all convenient dtfpatch, and your Petitio¬ ners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &^ &c &c. St. Mary Foundry. THE Subscribers, Proprietors of the SAINT MARY FOUNDRY* foot of the Quebec Suburbs, have to announce, . nat'tbfcy nave licer^inaad a 'ccnnfidrioWp reduction in the prices of their CAST¬ INGS ; and having now a CUPOLA in operation at their works, they are enabled to execute the orders of Country corref- pondents on the fhortest notice. From the general improvement made at their works, they are confident that the different g ods of their manufacture, will be found equal in quality and appearame, to fimilar arti¬ cles from the mother countty. Castings in Brass, Boring and Turning, Patent Screws of a- r?y size,fit for Clothier's or To¬ bacco Presses, Steam-Engine Machinery, all kinds of Mill work, and Blacksmith's work generally, will be executed with dsfpatch, and finished in the bed flyle. They have eonftantly on hand, a com¬ plete afibrtment of Stoves, single and double; Dutch Ovens, Dog Irons, Cart and Wagon Boxes, Pipes for spouts, and sets of Weights, on an life proved construction, &c. &c. Orders left at the IVOR KS% or at their OFFICE, in St Paul Street, will meet with prompt attention. ALLISON, TURNER & Co, K? A few BARK MILLS for fale oa an improved plan. Montreal 29th July, 1820. 32 w6 Just published, and for Sale at this Office, S. BARROWS 500 Questions on the New Tes¬ tament. •* <