Kingston Chronicle, July 28, 1820, page 4

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* » t ■ €3fo<**4 mi J i From the Londtn Guardiar.. I hate thee, England! Not thatthott Ha?t ca»c ir*? where 1 perish now: Not that thy har.d lias tttawpl my name On mankind"* lip* a scoff and sbame> But Lbat I see, aod curbing set*, Thy suil the Temple of the free, ?,a'id of the unconquerable mind, 8, ill Light f.nd Scv<*rei£n Of mankind, I hate thee that t!iy matchless iruono Shadow! no slave on Ea1th} but one \ Trial one. Earth's ban and -rorn, the tlave Tuat moulders in his duugeou-cate. Ard shall no aftrr Icgpnd tell The glorious strife in P Inch be fell, Rushing with Ins bosom go»>d On the drinking victorVRwor4, Sending out hi3 dune ^roan In souudi like Monarches undone ? ilca\enl when in tire *rtv eagles liev: O'er il;> red torrent, Waterloo, Had I but injihe tide Plaog'd niy dishonoured head, and died I 0 had I but the heart to die ! i lied—my Itgious »4W me My.— JVow,—where yon billow darkly dwhes, Must Fleep the coward Exile's aabsa; After mauy a hapless day. Wasted, wear), worn away, After utaay an agony Crouding on the slecp!$s*, Till, by ibe living world tbrgof, IS or Regicide nor Rebel's thought Glancing tow'rd* the distant wave. Where earthward brn;f in doll decay The Ancient away, 1 leave the prison for the graved And my rid murderers one by ore S:nk from me, left alone—alone 2 Li^e me with passing *|»ioi.d ks; Corel Aod but for me in e%tl lir^t. To>t from a felorts irreamlnj: bier, ^li-ep- shroudless, ba*e l-ABEOOT^nc, X)irliitng with his gore the clay f\dii> Uieslow worm the Traitor Nbv; Aud Mcp.iT's biasing remnants gme Poluiiou to the Italian wave. 1 onl!—On whose brow the Royal ring I Cftimg in mockery,—to flUfg Conu-mpt nuon the name ot King. The peasant imiikei laid him tow, 'His kn« II ii rung ; what is he now ' Hi* Hfr *0£"t-lr—rri«<einHn fcnr tyaiB bottling vengeance in lu& ear S*»aaQk| the Man of Mafsacrc. So shall ihey perish, one and all, •Hie Modifier tise\ the bloodier fall, Lacb in hi» turn in terror luid Jieiieaiii the bullet or ilirVade, Ami every quivering •■lave shall die Concocting on his lip llie lie, Spurn'd from life, yet loath to part, Tclhngaf his loyal heart, Yy in.ling up with weep and wail, ilis falsehood, idle, odious, stale. Gh ! for the storm of v.-or and crtTfuv, Tnaitwcni me upwardsonee. M'bluno. "When i;uit-:hiig clatw'd, ctuuice at- chieved, •T1U the wild dream myself deceived Half dcem'd of mure man mortal hirtht <4i eanhbora but to ham^le earth ; A cloi!o, earth's evil to absorb Then sloop in lightning-* oil tiie orb ; 'A planet, from its centre hurPd To dazzle and 10 -waste the world; A sceptred desperate denvon thing, Lei loose for mankind's sullen ng, V?hile earth my firery transit eyed, Trembled, believed, and deified. TSi past—-the crown in slaughter worn .From m> jfcpk brow in wrath was torn, 1 lived to bear fate's basest blow, To cow'r before my first, la*t foe;— 1 Uv*d by drops my cup to drain. The rabbles laugh—the ilea the chain ; To kiss the dust, and fawn and whine For added ria^s to deys like mine. 'Till treason, murder, regicide, All that was born of man and pride, Turn'd from their recreant Cbiel in shame, 'Till ere 1 peritb'd, died ray name, Till in t|tis dec of rock and w&ve, Aillelt >*poleon to the grave! Prevented Sacrifice in India. At a (hoit diftance fror» Tuchmurry there is a celebrated natural cave, in the bottOiPjrf£ .foltd roi&,; and fthtf bclv facred to Mahade<\ and otbtrwife very famouB, g"tat nurnberfi of pilgrtrrs an¬ nually retort to it for the purpofe of prayer afld ablution in a fmall quantity of water, with which the bottom of the cave is llway$ covered, owing t« a continual dtippitig from the roof. The female part of the pilgrimage, however, ha^e more fcnGblc motives for their vilit to this wild, unattractive place of worlhip ;and it is their zeal for iocreafing the native popu¬ lation that £ivee rifr to one of the mo!t cruel and murderous sacrifices that takes- place in India. When a woman ha*? been fo long barren )6 to make even hope irf.lf turn to defpair, i!ie proceeds, thither, and after poing through the ufual ceremonies, in treats Mahadeo to remove her unfruntulnefs, and concludes the whole with vowing to facrificeher iirft-born infant at his ihrine, by dafhtng it headlong from a high and craggy rook, dole to the one in which his cave j- ! This moft dreadful a£t is execu¬ ted, I was told, yearly, by at leaft one mother; but it boie a different aspe'tk while I was there ; and it is this of which Jam about tonform you. The cafe was that of a full grown woman, who came to dtftroy herfelf in conformity with a former vow of her mo¬ ther's ; and my curiofity being greatly excited, I went in com])any with another gentleman, to witnefu the wliole procee¬ ding, in the event of our not being able to put a Hop tt> it altogether. We found ihe woman fitting near the bafe of the rgck from which (he was to call herfelf head- Jong, haviag in one hand a k^sfe and a cocoa-nut, and in the other a fmall lor'king-glafa ; fhe appeared to be about thirty, and as ugly as any woman could well be ; fcveral Brahmins were near her, but fhe fecmed to regard no cne, merely .exclaiming at the inurvals, (i Deo b,hur JecV'ina loud and difagreeable tone of vote*. On nqniiing into the caufe of the ap¬ proaching fuicide, 1 wai informed that the v/nman'ft moth*f had vowed, in former days, to offirr up her firll burn to Mahadeo; ar.:l that h^r ftenluy having thereby been removed, flic had borne tliis child and fe*Cra1 otliers. Either thtough forget. £ulncf?# hov/cver, or tL'j ibtngth of mater- | nal affc&ioflj fhe negle6ted to detiroy this eldeft proof of the God's omnipetence, and the girl grew up, and got married in due courfe of time. Her hufb.uid foon after died, and a fecond, whom flic wed- ded, followed the example of hid predeces- for ; as did ber father and mother not long after. Thefe accumulated misfortunes drove the woman nearly mad, and for two months previous to the time of which I am fpeaking, {he had done nothing but wander about the village, eating every thing that was offered to her, no matter by whom. In confequence of this fhe had foon loft her calt, and the fechilion from her own friends, which this circumllance rendered tndifpen fable, completed her mifery ; aod having taken it into her head, that all thefe rnifhaps were the confequence of her mother's vow remaining unfulfilled, fhe determined to proceed and execute it in ber own pcrfon. Colonel Adams had, wiih humanity which forms fo confpicuous part of his character, directed his own principal hir- cntah, and a Brahmin to accompany us and to explair. to the woman that no fuch facrifjcea were ordered, or in any way au- thorifed by any of their own laws, and to ufe their uttaoft endeavour.s, ('esecpttng force) to prevent the felf deftruflton. The Brahmins who accompanied the wo¬ man joined mod heartily in ear efforts to change her refolution, and on cur asking them whether they were at all benefited by fuch facrihees, they replied, not in the {"mailed degree—that it was to them more a work of trouble than of profit—--ind that dven before flie sat out on her journey eve¬ ry means had been ukd to wea-ken her re- iolution, ba^ altogether in vain. There W35 a bottle of the common bizar fpfrits befide her, but they to!d us (and it was very evident) that they iiad not given her any, nor would they olfer it u:;Te.-s at own requelt. She was perfectly fen fibre, and undi-rilood every thing \v\- laid tC her , but a decided negative was the only ao- fhe would refrain fr^rr. facrificing herfelf- llcr Brahmins Cold QS,that it (he would on!/ return, her friends would willingly and kindly receive her, nr,d that n? dis¬ grace whatever would attach itself to her name if flie declined fulfilling the vow of her mother. We lfkewife madi known to Iter thatColontl Adams would have hereon- ■ d^fted fafelyback,andtheSoubadai of »:ut dah, of her tc'idencc, would (as the B"ahmin& said lie had offered to do be fore (lie fet out) give her a pair of bul¬ locks and a fmall piece of ground for her fupport. Jn fine every tiling that could- poifibly be urged, and every advantageous offer that could be made proved quire inef¬ fectual in (hrfkbg, even in the lcait degree ber refolution of dying. The warmth and good-will with which the Colonel's hircanah (himiclf a high cade Hindoo) endeavoured to fave this unhappy woman, were not le^s creditable than furpr'fing ; and every Brahmin ptc- fent seconded his efforts with the mod Ul¬ cere good will imaginable! She was fo determined, however, upon taking the leap, that in (lead of lilrcning to us with futi^fac- tton, flie repeatedly ordered the mulic to play, lo that our voices might tc di owned; but a flight and filent hint from us, was quite enough to enfure difbbedience to her orders on the part of the rntificians ; and indeed every one feemed heartily to wifh us fuccss3- One old Brahmin was fo im¬ portunate with her, that fhe threw the be¬ fore-mentioned cocoa-nut at hi*? head with fuch force and violence as would, had it Ivtutfc £nin, have Ipeetlily Hipped b:.« iii.e- toric ; but luckily it csme ag'iinft a ftonc, and wag dafhtd to pieces. After remaining there feveral hours, during which time great quantities of fwet'tmcats were offered her, of which fhe ate very greedily, and feeing that her de- terminaticn had not been in tht leall degree fubdued. I thought it lifeless to Itay any longer, but left the hirarrah there, with direftions to continut his efforts, and to give me a regular account of the faciince, in cafe he found It impoflible -to put a kop to k. About two hours after my return to camp, 1 had the pleaftire of feeing the woman enter it alfo, accompanied by an immenfe crowd; and, on inquiry, I learn¬ ed that after my departure hV had continu¬ ed inexorable till fhe got near the top of the precipice, when flic fainted ;iway, and remained icnfelcss for a long time; that upon her coming to herfelf again, Iiarn Sing (the htrcarrah) feeing a little irrefo- lution in her countenance, toofe advantage of the circumstance, and, falling at Iter feet, conjured iier to abandon her horrible in¬ tention. The Brahmins Joined with him until flic was prevailed upon to return to camp, whence Col. Adams, having fur- niihed her with money to defray herexpen- ccs, go: her condu&eJ -home. found many of his cufu rr.m c; £o over to : the enemy," and attributing the circum- j (lance to the myfterioiu words, M Confaa RectiS' which he imagined to be fomc new dandy name for flioes, he hit upon the ingenious expedient of having painted in double capitals over his CWCl fhop door — "Men and Women's Confcia Recti fold here" J J A moft odd advertifement appears in the Berbice Gazette of the 25th inft. The Rev. John Wray. .Viethodift Picacher in that Colony, informs the public, that, on the Sundays of the 26 in ft. and 2d prox. he will preach two Funeral Sermons—the firft for his late Majefty George III. and the fecond, in honour of the aceeffion of his pfifint Majefty George IVHi Is this ticafon I—(Juiana Chronicle* Blunder. A fafhionable tradefman from London fet up a dafhing (hop in the country, for the (ale of men's (hoes and boots ready made ; and, either to fhew his learning, or to puzzle the public, he had a rew words of Latin, fiom a wulrknown clafiic, on his h^n.board—M Mens Confcia Recti," &c.— (The Uptight mind, &c.) Whether it was owing to his learning or his fupenor craft, wc know not ; but his opp.-fitc neighbour, who was alfo a cordwainer, Villi SALE, OR TO LET, (TV* ,on? Crcditt that ELEGANT UTTWO STORY 61 ONE HOUSE delightfully situated on the Main Street, in Brockville, the lower part of which is we!i adapted for a Grocery Store, or Bar Room, and the upper part well finished, and adapted for a Public-House. Ap¬ pertaining to it is a Y\\i 1, Shed, Stabling, with cut-houses, and i\\ the rear 2 vei v ex- tcnoivi Gulden, in a high fiate of cultiva¬ tion, with 2 well of pure water. For par¬ ticulars apply to the subscriber* JA.VJESHALX. BrockviUct 2i)fht 182^. NEW GOODS. nnlflS subscriber begs leave to inform , JL his friend* and the public, that he hnsjuht received a choice ;t^sortment of DRY GOODS; among which are the following. We*t of England superfine o;m1 com¬ mon Ctath&i Ca?simere?; riunijeis, Bom- bnztftco, BnmbazcenSj i■•• h Poplins, z7 BRICK R)H SALE- THE SubscriGer i«lt| have rc?.(]y for sale early in the month of Ju:y, any quantity of Brick, of a very good quality. SMITH BARTLET. Kingston, Juu9 i6f 1820. 27 NOTICE, AN Assignment hewing date at Mon¬ treal, Lower Canada* in Auguft, 1917, having been granted by Messrs. Robert Armour, and (icorge Davies, late of Montreal, Metchan'-" and Copartners, under the firm of Robert Armour and Davics to and in favour of the undersign¬ ed, and the late Riclmci P^ttinson de¬ ceased, of all their Estates real and per¬ sona!, moveable and u*imoveable as well belonging to them ioitividDalfy as such Copartner?, also all and every iheir rights, claims and pretentions ** well in the E<- tafC (Jf PnSert ftrmon^ sn-i pAvie^ as In ihe E.stai-s or Henderson, Armour, and Co. iicrci-.Mre <^rryi:,,T on trade at the City of Montreal, aod William Hender¬ son ani Co. heretofore of the City of Qubec, intruft for the benefit of the Cre¬ ditor.-, of 'hem the said Robert Aimour and George D.ivies. who become parties or accede ro the said assignment. All persons iniebred to the card late firms of Robert Armour and Davie*, lIenJer*ont Armour a*H Co., and Wilihm Henderson and Co. pr to either of the parties who composed them, are hereby recoirfd 10 make irartKdiatc paryment nf their respec¬ tive df-bts to either cf the underfigned Trurtees, or to their Attorney duly au¬ thorised, and further notice i.«; hereby gi- vin that in default of immediate payment, legal recourse will be hud to obtain the same. FRED. W. EftWATlNGBR. " G. MOFFATT; Survi,,;;:* Truster to th: 'Estate if llcUrt rfrmcur 28 w6 aid Jjavus. r> '------------------------- Corduroy, Fu&linns, Nankeensj S-4 Di- aprrs, Canton Crape Dresses, Canton Crape Shawls and Scarfs? Sprttlefield ^ilk Candaunas, India do. Silk Romsls, Black Silkllandkenhh f>, Cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Glove?. Riijboi^s, Thread Lteos?. lioLbinnett, Tape*, Dobbins, Thread, Buttons, Arc Sec. ALSO, A very handsome selection of Millinery, consisting or Fancy Dress Caps ami Turbans, Morn ing Walking Dresses, M»slin Robes, Embroidered India Book and Lcno Dresses, Frills, and half Handkerchiefs i'rrt Slays ;—which he \i ill ?ell very low, at his S.ore, op;joH;t:' the Kingston Me¬ dicinal Laboratory, Kmr-Stn et. A&CHIBALD McDO^ELL. Kingston, July 11. IS'JO. SStf A LL perfons are hereby cautioned e- Xii. gamil purchafin^r certain Notes of hand given hy the fubferiher to jamc^ He- nefy, bearing date the 29th January, 1820, —one for twenty five pounds, payable the raJanuary 1821—-oneforsgj2 tolPay~ able tit January, 1 822 — one for £\2 ^o payable l& January i823_one for ^12 roa.payable tfl January 1824—and one for £12 to payable ift January 1825— the four bit bearing intereft_as the ftid Notes were given for a lot of land fold by the faid Janes 1'encfy to the fubfcribe% and f.;r which he can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Eellville, 26th May, 1R20. 22 Valuable lends for sale in tht. Hship of HamiUoru- m * • - O.N SAI 4 * ANDED from the Alexander from .ondon, JL . ^2o pipes of fuperior Spanifli red Port J Wine, of the very firft quality ; 100 cafks of Day and Martin's real Japan Blacking ; 100 cafks of Nails, 6d. to z8d _Fiy Pans, Sad Irons, parent Seyths, Carpetinr, boi- iled Pua Wu.e, n..n rnoxa SugS, and feveral other articles—all of which will be BENJn.HART. Montreal.2lfl June, 1820 New Store, RecoUet Street, near near the Recollet Church. 26013 For Sale or to Let, M TW0 (lory framed Houfe, and a &/.1L large and commodious Hone Store, Gluatc on the water's ftfge in the cCntM of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous termsto the purchafcror lessee- Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 26:h February, 1819. 9 1 r\ s,riE fiiLfcrlbec rakes this oppoitunhy .JLtoinforcQ Mediial r^ctitioners and Apothecarie?, that h< has imported from Great Bmra a general alToTtflceflt of IT OTS No. 6 and i2 in the 3d Con- -J_J c*:fT;on, containing 400 acres. Ditto '}■:.'.> n and 15 uj the 4th Coa- ceffion, contacting 450 acres* Ditto ditto 10, in the 6ih Conceffion, confau'ing 2COacre3i The above Ea-.f>. urc all lying in the Townfliipo? tfamjIiofr9Ncwcafllt Piilrift, and will be fold on the moft liheia: terms. For furth-r Uu ->r a'.'on, enquire ofEIiai Jones, Efij. KaafiItoaj cr the iubfcribtr in Ivingftoa. Thomas S. V/hitakcr. Emgflon, May z39 tStv> 22U FOi! "SALE, T a very tow price for Casli —the souiiJ or front half of Lot No. J?, in the first conces- sionof Lc!'«*hbi>roug'h.—For par¬ ticulars, apply ut this Office. Dec. /, [819. nO A QtJANTlTY of IMO CEDAR J-^ MC.MJS, from 7 to ft fee| ,-,» length*—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, laiior. WILLIAM YEEEX. Kingston^ luty 17, 1819. 6\) DRUGS. cry r»* •' - ^ advertisement; THE g..bscribct has jufl received from LONDON, ten pair beR FRENCH MILLSTONES, 4. fc,t diamcier, and 300 beft picked FRLNLiJ BURRS, to make iMill :'to:icj. Also 48 Punclieons fine flavoured old Jainaca Spirits; with a general s sortmeat .^f DRY SOgi^B, NAILS. &c. &c, wfefch will be SOLD on reasonable terms, at his Store, K.j. 6? S.. pau] S:reet Mr.i:treal. JUDWJ JOSEPH. Montrro:), X&thjifr 1820. 23w4 A Consignment P LINSEED OIL, for &fc]e at tiie Slore of Esselstyn and Ainsworth. __CaPe t It cent, July, 6:b 1820. 29f?3 Government Employment, at Kingston, U. C. fTlHE Contraflors for Building a Store X Houfe, in iit's Majesty's Naval Yard at this place having failed to perform ihe Coutiad. Notice is hereby given that MASONS, STC:sE-CUTTERS, and QUARRY- MEN, are required to complete the Build¬ ing, and that they will bt employed, and paid by the Officers of this Ward. Qnly tfaefcefi of work men need make application- EDWARD LAWS, Naval Store-kctper. Navy Yard, *j;h July, 1820. 28tf G. H. liAUT, Book-Binder, and Stationer, BESTECTFULLY informs the m- •habitants of Kingfton, and it's Vici- ■ ity, thai he has commenced the ab Business, next door to Mi. Moore's C fee-Houac in Store Street. N- B. Account-Books ruled to any which he ;-.' fciiing wholefalc at 1 reafoanh e pi ices. lie ha-. i'fo received a few f ts 'if Apo¬ thecaries' Stales and Weights ; Pcftles and Mortars ; Graduated Mecuares ; Lancets in Cafes ; Houfe and Dili-ilien Thermo¬ meters ; Barometers and ; hermometers -attached ; A few doxen Bottles of real Cheltenham Salts, Soda Powders, and Es¬ sence of Spruce. A. MARSHALL, j uf ember of the College cfSurgeoas, London. A' B Brit'ijl Patent Medicir.c:, and Perfumeries of every defcrlptlon imported this fenfon. Ivm^Uw-i, Juiy 4th 1820. 27W4 JOHN MAHT1X? KGS leave to inform his friends and tlie public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Tort Henry, under the sign of (ho RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention io (hose who may favour him with a cull, to merit a share cf public patronage. lie will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of the best quality* Kingston^ 14/// January, 1820. N.ii. Good Stabling for Horse?. 2(f Land to be cleared. WATCHES and CLOCKS Repaired in flic b>sl manner, by &0. TAZEWELU * [No^h suh' <»! (In1 Mart-Tot place, Ki i?^lon,] "SnTTHO moil refptftfuily informs the v W Inhabitants cjf Kingston and its vicinity, th':!t be has commenced the above bnfinefs, ard hopes, by paying ftrifl at¬ tention to bufineffl, to give the utmoft fat- ffifaftion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfectly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapemcnt?, Repeater*, Sec- S:c. Kingston, May tiiht (820. 2Ctf For ^ale^ . « A SMALL coilcftion of books jufl **■ received from New-Yotk, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolkj O'Meara's Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfo Greek Lexicons J.nd grammars, I.empriere's claifiea] Diction¬ ary, and a vanity of other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compafs of the moil approved kind. JOHN MACAULAY. Kinr/don, May i 2th, rSzo. 19 Notice* Tf7<0R Sale, feveral Acre and two JE Acrelot3 on the Wain Street, being an exttnfion of Store-Street, apph'cation for price and conditions of payment to be made to the Sublcriber, who will give information to petfood ddirir.g to pur- JOSEPH MURDOCH. ICingfton, March 8, 1820. 10 tf TT.R.M.S ft? titc KINGSTON CUR0XICLE. ove" Cof- pattern. Kingston, llfh July, 1B20. 281^4 ANY person willing to undertake to perform the settlement duties on a tract of excellent Laud in the District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Land in payment for his labour, will have an opportunity cf making a good bargain on applying at the ollice of this paper. Kingston^ && April* 1820. 17 One Hundred Dollars Reward. TOLEN, about four weeks ago, * from a room in Mr. Word en's Inn, a Trunk three feet long, and two feet wide, covered with a fawn (kin. Whoev¬ er wii'l deliver the laid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, or give information to the Editors, fufficient to dffcover and convift the thief, ihall receive the above reward. GABRIEL ROLLETTE. Ktngfton, 7th June, 1820. 23tf LAND AGENCY T HE fublcriber, for many years the ___ Tonfo* Uerk m the Oftice of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, ?"d who lias for fome time paft occasionally a£led as a Land Agent, hav- lOgrefignw the fituation he held in the above meniioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in ai»y other employment, will now traneadl L*nd bufinefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. TV*, l*th May% 1820^ 2o $ WILLIAM BUDDEN, WILL receive by the earlieil fpring vcirels, and keep conllantly on- hand at Quebec, an aflortment of Patent proved Ohain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebecl#ift April, 1819. j^f Twenty shillings per armtvm; if ?e*nt by Bfall turntv four -hillin^f. Suh-criiHionp to he |U«u| Snadvance 10 ihe l?tof July, or the htof Jaau« PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. IX lines and under 2s. 6d* Jifri in- serticnu and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and n/;aery 3s. Ad. first insertion* and I Or/, each mbscqwnt insertion : above feu lines* Ad. pci -uio for the first insertion^ and Id. per line for evertj subsequent, insertion. Advertisements iciihovt wr-tien direc¬ tions are inserted Lili forbid, andcharged accordbtgl/r. Orders for discontinuing Adver?*'<£+ menls to he in lvriiui&, and delivered hv IVEDXESDAIWOON at life latest. No Advertisements received tiftaf TEJS oyClock on the dujj of pubifctttivtu ACKNTS. Henry Co^vaii, K»q, Quebec* Edward SHU, Y. \. Three Jtlotrs. James William*. Iwq, ^IvairtaL Messrs. J. & J. Dunlop, Lnuca>ier. Patii Glassford, 1-^c. XLalihln. Aipbeus Jones, E?q. Prescott. Henrj Jones, Esq. Brockrille. K. B.Tomtnas, i:>q. Perth. H. Whitmarsb, Esq- Richmond* J. K. HaiMwcU, E*q. Bastard, E. Webster, E^. Gunanoque. J. ftooken, Esq. I^itS. AiJan McFherson, E>n. Ndpmse, Thomas Park rr, E«q. Belhtlk. Joseph A. Keelcr, K-q. Cntmahe, James C Uethune, Y.<\. FTamitton* John D. Smith, Esq. Port Hupc. "William Al!nn, Fs*. Vork. Daniel Rw3,£sq, VUtorin. John Crooks, E^q. Niagara. T. MrCorniiek, I>q. QuetmtBih Johi* Wilson, Esq. Amhtrstburgh* * KINGSTON, U. C. ruLNTJ'P von the rnirc-Rs.

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