Kingston Chronicle, July 28, 1820, page 1

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TON VOL. II.] CLE FRIDAY, (AFfEMsoox) JULY 28, ISSO, fNo. 30. THE FilONTENAC "Ipt^ \ ---------LWSs for tiic for the Steam VefTel will ftart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the tft, i ith, and Sift day's f*f each month, and from Ni« ■aqara for Kinpfloti on thn J/h, icth, and 15th day's of each month with ;;s much punctuality ns the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will adroit of. Kingfton, May !2th, 1820. in 0 — ■ —---------------------------------------.------------- THE fubfeuhet having renter! that comrnodi.-tts Stone H.'ufc, the pro¬ perty cf Peter Gram, Efq. and lately occupied by-Mr. HjuhI Brown, propofes kceoinr a hcule of Notice. THE Land Board, Midland District etifiilug fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, -tor the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lands, from the under¬ mentioned defcription of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Brit ifii born itibje&s. AH able fettler. that have rtfided in the DiftltS previous to the late War, and pro ducc Certificates of having done their duly ii. its defence. The terms of the grants are 'he perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the da;e of the location, and Public Entertainment, (Sign oj iite Black Horse) fur the 2ccommoJ;;l?on of Strangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him vriih a c?M Every attention wiii he paid to rhe cnmfo;t and conveni¬ ence of cttflcfinrs, and the frrailcl* favour graufoiiy acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingfron, 5th IViay, 1820. 19 TO LETJ ' a- 1 ffiS A STONE ;:OU3E, npon the ^^J^L Iliil above the MeLhodift Cha¬ pe], a (lory and s half high, v. ith Kitche:! and Cellar under, with tw hlths ~.r an a, well er:ch.frd ; a? prrfeni occupies by Mr Und-ri-iU — PefftfE .u wiil be gjv e« on the eft if Mny next. Vor terms apply to Mpjor Corbett, or Wt'ijfacn Mitch.'11, Efq. kngfiou. JCt«g&onf Jii April, I £20. T^tf. (;^-->'*-' *><*--:.-"r-*r--*:-- ;--•;•• <'-y.-. ■>-00. P. R SPILSIIUKY, * yc>*ci:nx. ft N *Lc!c Surgeon of If. M. .V. Prince Re-* £e.nt. on Luke OiJ.irio* 8 f-F.fcnds ptfaetrniftg in (ho various^ {branches of his fVofW.-inn, at his res-5 pt!e&c«\ next dour to M;aLe&n,-3 jE^.S^riiV. V v Kingston, On. Gth, IS 10. 41 ■5 THE [ubfenber begs leave refp eft ful¬ ly to inform his friends and the pub¬ lic in general, that he has ellablifhed a PAINT VllOS* a few rods fonth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav. ern, where wrfll be kept conftantly all kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufh. Likcwife all kinds of House, &fgfr, tVeggmi, Sleigh, and Qriiainenl&l Pumting, done at the (hotted notice, together with raw and boU*;l Oil, which will be dispo- fed of as cheap «n ^a: pown, for Cafh o- iy. THEODORE BROCKETT. K. B. ,p---------A "—fc the payment oi t h e foil, wing fees eftablifhed by an order i:i Council of 14th December, \Sig. On Grants ot 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of ico acres, .£12 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal ifillalmtntss, viz. The firil on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecond on Certificate filled of fcttlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained unlefs accompanied by a written charadUr, or a i'atisfadV'ty reafon (hewn for iuch not being produced. By order cf the Board JAMES NICKALLSa Junr. Cleri. Kingfton, Feb. I^ftfr, 1820. 8 N B. T") prevent d:fa:nviiitrr.cnt* to perform applying for tki\($$ : u iiuecc.V.'.iy to Rate thai the Board ha- no power to grant Lands to the Children of U. E. Loya'iatS ; Militia men who tcrved i*i the Flank companies during the war ; N'aval or Military claiovnats, m I iuch mult make application to Yo«k. flllO l*ti bOLth and immediate pos- ALEXANDKR ASI1ER, Merchant Taylor* HAS received from Montreal a mod choice and escellent afTortment o the bell Weft of England Inperfine Clot/is and Cassimeres, with Trimmings, jjd every thing com- pkte. A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he is n^w working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his «M ftand, whereordtvs will be thankfully received, and executed on the (hoitefl noticr, and on the lowelt rerms for Cafh. or Soft approved cre-iit. Kingfton, Sept. ,0, 1819. 37tf "bankTcall. npHE Stockholders of the Bank of JL Upper Canada are hereby required to pay an inftalmcni of fix per cent, or fix dollars on each Qure, on or before the t Ith of Auguft nefW Any ftockholder failing to n.ake the faid payment will for¬ feit his fhares, agrecahle to the 2 t ft arti¬ cle of aflociation of the Bade—which is as follows :—If thre fliall be a failure in payment (if any paff of the fum* or (hares lublcribed by any ;erfon or perf;.-n?, co- partnerfnip, body paii'Jc 01 corporate, the party fo failing in paying the firft inftal merit oi ten per certum iuccceding the de P'tfit oi eigtit pci cer-:i;m herein before rtc.:iied to bem:u!t, lhal! red**.dtivdy ftiip. ;c.t the laid dep^li to and io- the uf- of the laid Company and :he fhall be f. Id at public fa:c for the beh(-,.f ofth.e A REWARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds 5^£7"ILL be paid by the subscriber, to V T any perfon who /hall discover and give fuch information as wiil convict the perfou or pctfons who, «n or about the 29th or 30th of June laft. Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By dirc^ion of the Directors of tbc Montreal Bank. THOMASMARKLAND, Agent, Kingston, lyth Nov. 1819. 47 NOTICE. company—and i:» cafe of any delay rr failure u\ the p-'y; em of the fubleqiient inlla.'ineiits. altvi the G Ct L •d iecond in ± 1 be prccurcd in this Fcffijt) given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conceffion of the Town- fhipofElmsTey,vrc. 19.20,22, 24, 29, 30, moll eligibly sit\»ated on the North side of the Ridrau Lake, which forms their southern b« undary ; the great roid to the Perth Settlement, leading through one rfthe Lots. Thev abound in excellent Xitnber, w'lichfrom its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to M <ntro1 at a trifling The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render this a desirable purchale to Firmer* or perft;ns engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and other particulars apply to WiT.iam Mar¬ shall, tT.^q. Perth Settlement, John Kit by Efq. Kingston, or the fubferiber, in Wood- houfc, London Dill rid ROBERT N1CHOL. November 1 8? 18 19. 4'/tf I'v/o good vvoTxroen a- jo^inrey r.ieu ["ii'it'.TP, v.-lil find employ, by apply A :nrt: io?t. 6' \> /JI > 'if, i R 2 o • 14//" To Clot/tiers. For sale, o qtiKnfJtv of PRUSH-PIPERS, tUlmeirt*, any Stuckh ld.-r fo n«j-lr£H to pay the atriouril oVlm iiutalfnti.t, ilia., for the fi-ll ten 6 -vs of fneh ntgJcil f.«r- ftit to the ule aiJ benefit of the remain •i.g llBckholdtra 6v*s per a mum upon the whole amount of hl> ftoCK pn viouily p.iid ill—:ind for the fe-^'id audthiid ten day* ioi each period, ?fl equal fum uf five per centum, makinfi; (Ojrrthei a totfeiture vf fifteen per centum for thirty days, and if at the expiration >f fixly days after fuch mflaimem fnaii h;ve become due, it (hail be unpaid, then tit whole amount of flock, together wiih thtwbo'c amount paid on the fame (hall bef-HfeHed to the ufe and benefit of the r&taiftffig ft«ckho]derg as aforefaid, and thelock to be at the dilpo- falof the diredow f^f t.he benefit of the fsid company. ^ iXRTI.ET, Cafhier. K 0 ,fton, Jutf 7» 1810. 24. NOTICE. A LL perfon indebted to the late Co- partneifhi; ^t Richard Rchhon arte David Sccortly ar.- requelled to make im¬ mediate pay*; entto the furviving paitner. David Sccord, an! thofcto whom the faid Copajtnerfhip nuy be indebted, ate ie- quelied to lend ii their accounts for ad- juftment and pnynent. Kingfton, 27U May, 1819. 26tf 1 ' \'>. S. V/ii.'aluu- & Co. ?"jV\HE fubfc:;uits being duly nr.mina JL ted Excc::!ori to the lait Wiil and Teftr.mcnt of the 1: te Li-vimce Htrchmcr, .Efn'^re, McrcluM't, rCfjUt'H n!i Jjerfon? in¬ debted to hi:j t!!;itc to make immetliute payment, ?.n«i thoif !j,iv! 1.; demands i^ai .ft the Cud eftateto Ern^g thcui forward with¬ out delay. I jot!; r,7 -rr * ^ i\i i R )Y, C:i(\ H. M/tKKLAND. 46 Fi-r yak'at this Office* FEW ropiw of a 'SERMON. A"\- pr-'icln-d al Qn Ij'X, on the Vlt\ of Srplffmbrr, aflvtT tfcc ilrath <^f IJ t fjrrn:ro th" I)t v;r >•.? Rtrn\io\n, I)y thi •J v-rT.d Q. J. Mountain, A. i^ BKhop^ Oilii i-'ti in Luwer Cauada3 and Itsctor tvl •Jl a F Uurbu-Ci notice;. Bcoks of Sub^eri&lioii for tire s( ^ • XZC>ti% r> Will be opene.i ?.t the D.Vcclor'B lioom m the Br.nk of L'pper Canada, on the 04th Au^of: 'Jo:'. ?xu\ kept rvji :i t;;ch day from ■t;;e hour cf t<J] till three o'clock, unlil ?:ilicf. Singllot:, 27th Jaly, i3 r9. 4 BANK NOT!' K. General Mtetiny: of ihe Stockho'd <@/ji. era of rhe Bank oFXJpper * ana da, will be held at the Bank on Monday ihc 17th of July nest, at 12 o'clock, for the purpofe of p'rerincr and amending fome of the articles of .rT-cu'Ton. S. BARTLET, Calhier. Kin^fl'm. June 6. 1820. 24 to \a:t, \ COVMOL'IOUS HOTJSF:, near with stven room1; a Kitchen, and a Cellar under th« wholtf, a ^""d yard and stable; tUoa vr-rv good Sprmg near lhe 'louse— 'or further partiru'^ a:T!y to JAMES ROBINS. Kinjtton, #b Jv*** lii,9- 23 NOHCE, THE Beard for Militia Pek- Sl0»s, o.-:.'.' t?<c* °" ":e lafc Monday in February, end en. «W p> to do, the fame day in eteh Month u'"'! t,3C bufwefs of this Dillria, as rw«?«"<& the famr is fimjhed. ThiiN FERGUSON. _ A, N assignment having been maa^no -Oi the subscriber of all the Larflis^ Goods, snd debt-, belonging to the late Rrui of james Ranken & Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong- ingto J.imes Ranken individually, for the benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby givento all persons having claims against the saii firm, or against the said James Ranken, to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted are de-ired to pay their respefiive accounts to Chr. A, HAGhRMAN, E-q of Kings¬ ton, on or before the first day n{ Decem- !. er next. JOHN K1RBY. Kingston. \st$tptcmbtr, 1819. 36 ~~ AHOKSE, Suspected io liave been stolen. £ Perfon calling himfelf John Rees, or . A- Reef>. a-UiircutJv^c .or, r, ~>, \>k\\s:> o\ ;ige, daik empiexion, flat nole, and rather p. dowi.catl look arrived here on Sunday lall with .1 very line Huife, which he olTer ed fir lale i"» very low that it excited the fufpicioi.n above mentioned. He was re ci-gnizcdj and foppofed to have ftolen a h»>rie [rotn Bcnoiii Polly, oi Younge, in 1814, and fe'ling him to a Mr. Yetk% of Hnilowell ; he baa been taken on Air. Pally'a complaint, and committed to the cdl-. lor further examination, rl he Horfe is heavy and well made, col¬ our raiher light bay, oatk mane and tail, a little white on the left hind foot, a large while fpoc (1 think an artificial one) on hi* foichcad, &nd laid u be 5 or 6 years old. I purchafed the Horfe from him before he was taken into cuftody, for £\% 10, and fhall endeavour to keep him for the rightJul ownet : any further delcription or iniormatiou will be given by writing to the fubferiben H. SPAFFORD. Brockville, June 27th, 1820. 26tf. Schola Medicino. Established in Montreal. November 1st. 1819, By 'William "VVxllcocks Sleigh, M R. C. S. L. fyc Vc A superior and general colleftion of DRY GOODS, is now offetcd to the public and Inhabi¬ tants of Kingfton, imported by the Sub- fcribcr this fpring, putpofcly for this mar¬ ket, and are particularly well adapted for the ufe qf private families, his fancy g^ods being of the richtll and nrnft fafhionable, and plain goods all ot v. ry fuperfinc texture. The Subscriber has taken the Lower Rooms of a New Houfeinthe Market-place9 on the R ght hand side\ near the Main Guard Bouse, for the difpofal of his good*, and as his Hay will be only for a few days he moft earncllly folicitt the favor of an ear¬ ly viflt. In his afTcrtment are a few extra fine draw Bonnets, very fafhionable and rich, full trimmed Dreffea, made in Loud, n as patterns; a good affortment of the bell ^MILLINERY, Flounces; Infant's Drefles, &c. &c* Thread Laces and Edgings; French Cam¬ brics, Artificial Wreaths, Flower*, and Coronets; Thread lace drefs Cap , Vei and Shawls &c- a Few new pattern* Chintz Furniture Prints, and ric _ Fringes to match; Marseilles QuilfS and Counterpanes, Sheetings; Haberdashery, and Ladies boots and Shoes very lupeiior, ALSO, Gentlemens Drefs Coats and Pantaloons Surtouts, Boots and Drefs Skoes, of the best Loadon make, W'th many other articles at one regular and low once. HENRY A. TRINDE. Kingston, July 2Cth, 1820. 2()t£ Notice. ALL perfons Indebted to the Estate of the late Henry Fowler, of King- aton, Tailor, deceafed. either by Note or Book account, are requested to fettle the fame without delay. Application to be made to the Subfcriber, who is duly appointed the administratrix to the faid '.state. ANN FOWLER, Who otTera for Sale, the remaining Stock on hand, confi-ting of fupeifine Cloths, Cafiimeres, Vesting* and Trim¬ mings of all kinds. Thefe goods having been fele&ed with great care, are worth the attention of thofe wanting to purchafe, and to clofe the concern will be fold very low for cash. Kingston, July 20th, tt20 29W4 NOTICE. JO ■> Kinrfo-, Feb. \h «Si9- Window Glass. further M C'1 Kiaffston Branch of the Mon- treal Bunk. A NV fum ret;u!red m»y be obtn'necf at ^Al. the Office for good Bills, on treal, Quebec, Bills oi Jon, or for Specie. — Notes alfo will be dijcou^trd at thirtr, fiKty, and nirtetv days, TMOMaS MARKLAND, Agent. ______«3 Exciuinge on Lon THE fubscrihe:** have tin haM a con. signment of WINDOW GLASS- of 7 1-2 by 8 1 2, 9 by 9 S by 10, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to 05>fH in gcod order, for fale at very low price* f r crtih or flvirt approved credit. THOS May "j. n O WHITAKER &Co. 20. Kinjrflon, 3d Nov iflS. /i FARM \o the frwt Concession of --3L the To\«"^hipof Aufjujifa- tiirrr; and a half m*»!r h* low morkville, con- tai^iin^ ISO acr**-c, abcoi 75 of vluch is ut.d r impr..e; ;r.M»t. Tiirro is a largo t\'.o=t:ry hi'u- c 011 the premises, liutltof 8i\iiare i:u;!h-: ami hu'irch'd otlt^U!^, a frame bam. kc. This farm is v.eil \u>r- I v'ty the attrition of any prrst>u d^vrn tit o; a pleasant CouHtry rcshleiirc^and vvifl ho sold on i:b*r;il tenn^, and pnsso-.i'Ht ^iveu immvdiati-Iy. For further panic u iars apply to A. .lc \\\ IWOItRIS & Co. ERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Libra:y are requeu¬ ed to fend them to the fublcriber, at his houie, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffibte* JOHN FERGUSON. 12th Ap'il, 1819. 16 notice! A Lf.perfons indebted either byNote or jl3- Book Accr*imt, to the etlate of the late Richard Robifon, Efq. deceafed, are requefted to p^y the fame Without delay ; una thofe 'o whom the e.'late is indebted will prefent their accounts duly auihenti cated for adjullment, to Allan Mac Lean. Efquire, one of the Executors to faid es- ta'e. Kingftorii Jone 5, 1820. 2-jtf Tib Mi DiX5>^ av> MEMORIALS Foa sale at this OfIkc\ NOTICE. g^5 OBERT TLTP.NBULL, from fcCj Mind'im, pa the fouthern border of .^cotlaud. who is rlW foppofed to be refi- ding in fomep-ut of Upper Canada, is re- qnelied to fend lis addrefs to the Office of the Kingdon Chronicle, for the infor¬ mation of a relative who feels interefied in \xU welfare, and w defiroiw ofcarrefpon- ding with him. 26 Valuable Lands FOR SALE. N the Midlaud District, County of Prince Edward, & TowHlfbtp of Amcli«'fburgh. Lot 23, in the fiont Conceffion, on Lake Ontario, lying to the edit ward ol NicholiWs lfland.' JjOtS 22, and 2-f, in the fecond Con- cefBon of faid Townfhip ; the whole con- canung fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hon- JAMES BABY, York. N- B. All perfons are cautioned a. rain ft cutting or deftroying the timber on the above lands, a3 they will certainly fubk& themfetvcJ to a l^yal profecution if drt-cled. Kingiion, March 7. 1820. 10 tf ~ BLANKS, For the Coirts of Request, ami varwvs a!ttr Itinds, for sale at thi* O.'fe, THE fecond courfe In the above ee- Monday in September. The Lefture9 during the firft month will be free to the public.—The private courfe will commence the firft of OAober, and continue till the month of May. The courfe will conftitute Lectures on Anatomy, Phyfiology, Pathology, Surge¬ ry and the Pr3&iceof J hyfic. Lettures (during the Public Courfe) on Monday*, Wednefdays and Fridays, at fix o'clock in the evening. P. S Dr. S, will take a few Medical Gentlemen to rcfide wfith himfelf—Asev- eiy arrangement fhall be made to render the Courfe of confiderable advantage, thofe Gentlemen who purpofe ftudying in the eftablifhment are requefted to give early in¬ formation. Anatomical Theatre 18, St. Paul Street June 22, 1820. 26wio ANY Perfon willing to contract for thi delivery of SIXTEEN TONS of good TIMOTII F& CLO VER H. i Y3 Will send their propofals to Lieut. and Adjutant Samson. 70/A Reg —The one half of the Hay to be delivered before the 1st December, next, and the other half dt- Henry, and Frederick, as may be re» quired. Kingfton, July 25th 1820. 29tf. MEETING OF SHIP OWNERS. ■} NOTICE LETTERS of Adminiftration having been granted to me on the Eflate of the late Roderick Mackay, Efquire, it is requelled that all who have claims againfl tiiat Eflate will prefent the fame to me, and that all who are indebted to it will pay the amount due, with as little delay as poffible. JAMES RANKEN, AdminijlratQT\ Bath, 28th June, 1820. z6tf WHEREASJohnMcBeanhasswqrn that he is the owner of the whole ol Lot No. 19. East of the Rock in Ma- rysbttrgh. 1 hereby give notice that the >aid oath is false, and that persons who wish to be better informed of the partic¬ ulars of the Same, may be satisfied by ap- plyinjr to Archibald McDonald, Esq. or Daniel Wright, Esq. who both live in the same Township, and are perfectly ac¬ quainted with the Circumstances. AARON CONNOR. Kingston, I9ih Jx%, 18*20. 29/1* MONTREAL ALMANACKS. For 1820, For Sale at this Office London, 16th May. At a general meeting of ship-owners, convened by public advertisement, at the City of Loudoti tavern, for the purpose of petitioning Parliament against any al¬ teration in the existing Laws that may be prejudicial to British Shipping. John William Buckle, E^qui^e, in the Chair. Resolved unanimously—1. That the British Ship Owners are at tlm present time labouring under great and serious difti ulties, as well from the stale of ge¬ neral iepression of the Commerce of the Kingdom, as from the competition of Fo¬ reign Ship Owners. 2. That this Meeting cannot, at such a moment, contemplate, without the greatest alarm, the adoption of any Le¬ gislative measure which may have a ten¬ dency to relax the Laws of Navigation, to the prejudice of the British Ship Ow¬ ner, or to deprive him in any degree of the resource which is afforded by the Trade with British Colonies in North America. 3. That in whatever degree encour¬ agement may be given to increased Im¬ portation of Foreign Timber the Inter¬ ests of British Shipping will be injured, and, as this Meeting believe, without any equivalent good being derived to this Country. 4. That a Petition be therefore pre¬ sented to Parliament, setting forth the grounds of the opinions of this Meeting, as above stated ; and earnestly entreat¬ ing that no measures may be adopted calculated to prejudice the interests of British Shipping; which could not fail to be the consequent -f any alteration iu the Duties on Timber, that should place the Importers from the British Co¬ lonies upou a less favourable footing than under the laws at present existing. The Petition, which had been prepa¬ red by the Committee, was then read^ aud unanimously approved. ft. That the %»<>*" of &*Git) of

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