Kingston Chronicle, July 7, 1820, page 1

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VOL. II.] FRIDAY, (jrrEKxooN) JULY 7, 1820 .[No. 2.7 a . < ■:. •n <* ■-v---iT^.v, .v\ -4*.v- -.• j1 THE FRONTENAC L--« Notice. tl l*l» .-.•--we..------------------■' Steam Veflel will ftart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the id, nth, and 21 ft day's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kingfton on the 5th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit cf. Kingfton, May 12th, 1820. 19 THE fuhferiher having rented that commodious Stone Houfe, the pro¬ perty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lately- occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofes keeping a houfe of Pu b lie En I. (r fa in m en t, {Sign of the Brae!: Horse) for ihc accoaiinodatfon of Strangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to ia- vour hi-n with a call. Kvery attention will be paid to the comfort and conveni¬ ence of cuftr-mtrs, and the fmallell favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kinrrfton, 5th May, 1S20. 19 L U 1 it j t. , MA STONE HOUSE, opoa the \. Bill above the Methodiil Cha¬ pel,'?, liorv and a half high, with K'tchcu and Cellar under, with two friths oi an a- ac, wei! enclofrd ; at prefc-nt occupied by Mr. Underbill.— PofTefllun will be giv¬ en on the ril (if May next* For terms applv to M; j vr Corbctt, or Wfrliam Mi'rheH,Y!q. Kindlon. Kingiitni, 3d Apiii, i&ac*. 1-jt f. $ 1 tOe-VOe-X*1 >>--•>- V o HE Land Board, for the Midland District tor the ] enfuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of receiv¬ ing applications for lauds, from the under¬ mentioned description of pcrfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Briiifh bom fubjec"\s. All abls fet tiers that have refided in the Diftricl previous to the late war, ind pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty ir. its cerence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date of the location, and the payment of the following fees ; ePiablifhcd by an order in Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of 50 acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Giants of 100 acres, ;i;i2 Sterling. On Grants of 200 do. 30 Payable in three equal inftalmuitss, viz. The firft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the fecoiid on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third on the receipt of the Fiat for the patent. No petition can be entertained iinrefb ! accompanied by a written eliaraeUicr, «.*:• a ; fatisfa&oiy reafon fhewn for fuel) not being produced. V>}' order of the Board. JAMES NICK ALLS, Juni\ Kingfton, Feb. 14:h, t&2C>. 0 N. B. Tw prevent difapptiiivtments to r.erfons applving for kinds ; It is ueeeli'.n v I-) date that the Board ha-j no power to "rant Lands to the Childten of U. F.. r > Loyalists ; Militia men who ferv-cd iti the Flank eomp'ir.ies during tlie war ; Navah or Military claimants, all (aicU mull m;vke MAS received from Monti- choice and excellent a (To ALEXANDER AS11EIL Merchant Taylor, Montreal a mod rtment of the bed Weft of England fuperfine Cloths and Cassimcres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Asher informs his fu'ends and the public that he is now working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his old ftand, where orders w o terms for Cafh, or fhoft approved credit. NOTICE. . muis, OCC. ai HIS Old m.«hmj nriiwsv «wvw*« /ill be thankfully received, and executed n the fhorteft notice, and on the loweft mm* Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. tf ule of •. I:. .-.•!'; Lib Lu i»- t, .<, \ sppucation to xoik- V j L'Jte &<:nrcoti of !!. M. $. Prim a Re- \- 1 gent 1 on I*uk& ()>itftri->. v ', Intends praHisiug in tlir vaiiaus> fbraiH'hcs of his Pimft'ssipi^ at hi" res*> ■J'dcu^e, next door lo John MeLeanyS I Esq. Sheriff $ I Kiijgsfm, Cc/. iifh^ 1819. 41 >: THE fubferiber be<rs leave refee6iful- \y to inform his fiicnds and the pub lie in general, th;it he his eftaMilhed a PAINT 8H0P #<few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept cofiftantly r:il kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready* for t!;e btufti. Like wife all kinds of House, Sign, }V&gi*&n.t StcJsrk. ajid Ornamental Pamti&tt, done at the fhorteft notice, tojre?Ltr with Taw and boiird Oil, winch will be ciispo- fed of as cheap m can be prcctireJ m this town, for Cafh only* THEODORE B&OC&fcTT, N- B. Two good woikmcn a.- jiv.irbey- tnen Painter?, will find eenploy, by apply- ing to the fuhferiher. Kln^stctiy 6th April* 1820- 14// riftfttlB SOLD, and Imaedfnte ?os- 1JL sefltan given, tht: followiiig I/Ots i.f f Land, in the 61I1 CoiiGeflion of toe Town- ihip of Elmal^y, viz. i()i 20, ;:, 24, 29, Jpi mofl eligibly siruated on the North side of the Ruleati Lake, which for'iB-8 their southern boundary ; the creat road to the Penli Settlement, leading through one of the Lots- They abound in excellent Ticnber, which from its being contiguous to water cow»TTiuntcatirvn may be rafted to Montreal at a trilling expence- The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fbch as to render this a desirable purehalc to Farmers or perfnis engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms oi payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, E^q. Perth Settlement, John Kiiby, Efq. Kin^stoe,, o'-T;ie fubferiber, in Wood- i houfe, L BANK CALL. rjlHE Stockholders of the Bank of JL Upfer Canada, are hereby required to pay an inftalment of fix per cent, or fix dollars on each {hare, on or before the nth of Au£uft next. Any flfcckholder failing to make the faid payment will for- teit his ftiares agreeable to the titt mi* cle of afToeiation of the Bank—which is as follows :—!f thsre Avail be a failure in payment of any part of the fem or (hares lubiet-bcdby any perfon or psrfons, co- partnerfnir, bo'v pqlltie or corporate, the party (o failing in paying the full iuftal- nvenfc of ten per c.entuiii fnecteding the de- pofit of eight ^a- cestuni herein before required to be made, {hall refpectifcly for¬ feit the laid depot!t to and for the the laid Company, and the Clock (tiall be fid* at p::bJic i'a'e f r th^ bchooi of the company — and in cafe of any delay or failure in the paymemt of the fubiequent inll.ilment-s, arte: th»e fiiSt and fecond in- * ftnlments, any Stockholder (o neglecling to pay the amount toflits inftalment, ftia'l fir the riift ten (fay* of fueh neglect, for- l f'Jt to the uie and Ibentfit of the remain¬ ing (iockholders live- per cntucn upon the whole amount o( his Itoek previdufly paid in—and for the fee md and third ten days I for each period, an equal turn of five per '■ ' ' ' .- •./'CI i f0, thirty days, and \f at the expiration of !'-<r7 «*ays after fuch inllidmen.tfhall have "ecomo due, ir fhall be unpaid, then thewr,ole amouiiEof ftock, together with the vfcJ* arr.onnt paid on the fame, flvul be f<■*'"'-Jf'"(i to t,lc l:I- 2n,i benefit of the remav»«fi Ooekholders as- aforefaid, arid the tto. k to be at the difpo- f.iof thediicdtors, P* the bc::ciit of the Id id company. ' s. BA&TLET}CaOJer. Kingfton, June 7, lfa'& rWlHE Board for Militia Pen- **■ sions, <will meet on the lap Monday in February■, and continue fo to do* the fame day in each Month, until the hufmefs of this Dt/lricl, as regards the fame is fni/hed. JOHN FKRGUSON. Kmgflony Feb. 1/?, 1819. 6 For Sale or to Let, aJ TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a @/jL large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchafcr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. Kingdon, 26th February, 1819 9 ' -V f*» «.Oi- .'•»■■ * SUMMARY OF FOREIGN NEWS. • # ■ • * • • • From (he Philadelphia, National Gazette AVe iia?e had files of Paris papers to the 1st of May inelusive. They con¬ tain a variety of Interesting matter in re- lation to the affairs of Spain and Germa¬ ny c( n; u re, ro akin. - to,.-' '■ •"c' d **•,f-,iH w,we " r liftten per centum 2 1 NOTlUiSi- or.'Jon DlHJ ici ROBERT NICHOL. NovcmScr 18, 1810. VI :f JOHN KINGA1D, W SEGS leave to inform his friend? and the priblic sre^erally, that he has o 17 r* o f |~^KE fubfcribcis being duly ;)oin:na« __&> ttd ExecuTcr.^ t(> I lie la(t Will and Tedament of the laic jbti<wrt'hcc Hej,cl'»ierj ochteti to his tftate to nuke imtn-cd^rte payn^rrt, r^nd thofe having deifiaadsi Bgatfttl the fai<3 eftate to bring them f.;r^varo vvkh- otit delay* TOrI>3 KlRBYi. GEO. H. MAIIKLAND. n Hotel; pened a Houfe of Public Entertainment near W. i7. Peafe's Wharf, in the Village of Btockvii'ie, under the Sign of the § f v* r\ g% fr* % »^» t I & A31 l/tilt Ut o Where he ho^i'5, by a flriil attention in ih ",r v'?r»0 -rr,-., *.. .. - V.-----'\\ A t'3lU, t\"S ' merit a fiiare 0? the pub'L- pur in^r. He will always; have on hand ail kiiids of i Liquor, of the bell Quality* Brockvllte, June, ISZO. 22wS N. Vi. Gur>d Slabiing for Hot- ALLperfons indexed either hyNote or Book Accoant, to the eflate of the late Piehard Robi'o"i Efq- deceafed, are reqoefted to pay th# fawe without delay ; and ti.ofe to whom the eft ate is indebted will pieftnt their accounts duly autheuti- cated for adjuftmenti to Allan MacLean, Iiqj.".e, one cf the Executors to faid es¬ tate, Kingfton, June 5, 1S20. 2'4tf SURGEON BOYD, "S'fAVlNG- heir-d a report that he does III not attend Patients in the Country, beg-? leave to contmdid it, and to afTure the public thai he M*ill be at all times wil¬ ling t3 attend hia friends in the Country, as v\{l as in the Town, on moderate , terms. Kincilon, Tune 12, 1820. jLitf Ktnffflon, cih Nov. jf»Tf 'tr. .i/i se • • 1 r! i\) lalL'ii, . A ND trnroeeiate prnicU;on given, h-: f L/o utters. ry Hcu e and pre-vscs *7 O •rtfijr to I L or sale, n ^uanfiiy of PIS i H2SQ P \PI?I?C2 fat FtibfreriDtY* Kingston* ph Mt?$* !»C;^^ r/" RR1LL. 181 f- T6«i. S. Wl.ilakcrcvLV. /iil^U-t 19, JF 8 I Q, 34 PO? ?V//e i i bitpenor con-trtjciec. iviea- ^ sure VVs£:a»,a stoat brmyn [j:^:.-, exceSU-ni ior baddle or hainesSj Enquire at tins Oifice; Far vole at Oihcc. FEW enpjw of a ^KitMOX, pr.-nrln-d at Qtn her, on the i_.!h Of Sej}{eni!>T. uffrr 1 ;*..-• death of I:;- I Grace (ho Drrt) at iliriiMovi), by f':«" j Hi rcreud (•• J. Mounf:-in, A. (' E'rvtit^'s I Officiu] in Lower Cunada, and Rector of Onlers,\viil find the above articks by far KINGSTON T.ANN.KUV. rrp u :■: d ? a hil l• & c©. nuf|>«a- Ji. a fully beg leave to inform the Shoe- Maker:-, Saddlers and leather fellers in general, that they have now fele&ed from their er.lcuiive aiTntrnent of different defcriptioni of Leather, aiid are preparing ;t ready for Sale, Upwards of one Thoii- tand fides of Upper Leather, from one to Twenty Thoufand lbs. of light and ftrong file Leather, and one hundred and fifty fides or Harnefs do. together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins and a number of Korfe hides, Dog and Sheep Skin-, too numerous to infert, and which can be delivered on the uhorteil no"ice and lowell terms for Cafh. T. LT. flatters himfclf that thofc who are inclined to favour them with their as well as those cf Fiance. Tht French House of Deputies uas occupied in the last week of April, with represen¬ tations from Nismcs and other parts of the South of France, concerning ultra- loyalist me.ehiniuiui'S, involving a very pernicious and seemingly well authenti¬ cated plan o( popular excitement. A iield of recrimination was opened in the di on the subject, of which the prin¬ cipal orators availed themselves with the ^reatesi mutual violence. The acrimony of parly spirit iti the Legislature seems to have been increased by the restrictive laws of the Ministry. Mr. Manuel, one of the leaders of the Opposition, propo¬ sed an address to the King on the dan¬ gers in which the ministerial system had involved the nation. Several editors had been fnirdLi to violating the law of Cen- sorship. Anew Taftff ytiis also under dbcus- sh-n •';; rlie last (1?.\* of April, und gave rise to much contioversy i.: legaul to the gfneral principles of political economy and the true »'ten sir. of France, in the •case. Prohibitory duties were loudly condemned by some of the speakers, on the same broad grounds uoon which the wisdom of them h cdntested 111 this country ; bur, in general, a lixed dispo- s'.fo u m us shewn to encourage to the ut- most practicable extent, domestic manu¬ factures and the products of the French Colonics. Among the imported articles which it was agreed to interdict alto¬ gether, we observe Cashmere shawls, ot which the imitation constitutes a consid- e.ahlebusiness in Fiance. The increase of the impost on foreign woollens, with a view to support the domestic, fabric,which was represented to be at the lowest ebb of depression in point of price, formed the chief topic of interest and argument. In the course of the debate, statements were made which exhibit France as par¬ taking largely in Vi.e general domestic distress of Europe. The ministerial journals of Paris con- tunic to put loith sinister reports and predictions touching the revolution of Spain. The particular facts which they releJe are, however, of an opposite au- &.&f¥f 1$ M ^laf'd that in Valencia, the archbishop preaches weekly in the ca¬ thedral, in Favour of the Constitution, and has Liven ten thousand dollars to¬ ward 5 the exigencies ot state; that the llis-hop of Segovia also preaches regular¬ ly in its favour ; that the Bishop cf Sa¬ lamanca has published a pastoral letter in the same strain—that the old members of the Cortes are absolutely forced by the gratitude of the people to suffer them¬ selves to be re-elected, &c. The mani- (he French papers, are the following : A species of" infernal machine" vim made to explode, on the 2§th of April, in the neighbourhood of the royal palace of theThuileries. The destruction of the royal family is said to have been medi¬ tated—the Ultras impute the plot to the Liberals—the Liberals describe it as an expedient of the Ultras to effect their geneial aim of an absolute government. Count Volney, who died in April of an inflamation of the inteflines. was buried in all the Chriftian forms. His obfequics were celebrated in the church of St. Sulpfcs in Pari?, lie has enabliihed, by hiswi:!. a perpetual annuity of 1200 francs as a prize, to be adjudged by the French Inftitute, for thebeft memoir on the And'/ of the Oriental lang-uajes. Rtligious minions are now organized for all parts of France. The Liberals complain bitteily of them ; but the re- eflablifhment of Chriftianity is not the word of evils for any country, and the French government may be pardoned abroad, if it countenances that object. The French Conful General at Tangiers (Morocco) when taking a walk of mere recreation in the IKirta ot that city, was ttruck on the back of the head and nearly killed by a Dervifh, who afligned no other reafon for the ac\ than that he was a Chriftian do^. In the lilt of French Prelates, eight are above eighty years old; ten are hetw een seventy and seventy nine; only three 2rz under fifty. The whole number of B'fi:- ops is fifty ; of whom but seven aie cre¬ ated such before the year 1790. The Duke of Tarentum (Mars donald) is appointed Major General c: the Royal Guard, at Grenoble, a proprie¬ tor, lately deceased, has bequeathed eigh¬ ty thousand francs per annum to the hospi¬ tal of that place, At a grand entertainment given by tht Biitish Ambassador at Paris, the chief ob¬ ject of attention, was a magnificent dia¬ mond collar about the neck of the Fenian Fnv0Vl—a present to his Oriental Excti- lency from the King of England George IV., "by the grace of God." A port fa it: cf "the Defender ol the Faith," set in di¬ amonds, was attached to the collar. The celebrated Miss Edgeworth was on a visit to Paris;—a new book may there¬ fore be expected. Mr. Biot, so distinguifhed in the world of science, read before the French Institute, at the Apiil sitting, an elaborate mereoir on the nature and causes of the Aurcra Borcalis, which received the highest ap¬ plause. The entertaining Memoirs of the Puke de Saint Simon are about to be republished from all the original Manuscripts, by his descendant, Geneial the Marquis de Saint Simon, a Peer of France----Louis Bona- .halVac- parte has disclaimed in the public prints •'the History of the British Parliament " published und r his name. AtTuiin.thc discovery has been made by one of the Professors of the University, of a snail [ work of St. Agustine supposed to be loft ; and a?so, of several fragments of Cicero :, leaves of his unpolished orations for Seau- rus, Marcus Tuliius, &c. The recent pro¬ duction,of the Parisian Prefs which has excited moft ait ntion i:, "the Historical Memoirs" of Garat. a Peer of France,and confp'cuous for his fhare in all the gieat events of the French Revolution. cle of 1 t Quebec. II * TTI-i/vl^ InOTiv,.^ Looks of Subscription for the ^ will be openeo' at the Director's IlooffJ la the Banfe of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguftnext, and kepto-^i: each day Iron, j the boiw of fen till three o'clcek, until furrbcv notiCJ1. Kinsiton. »5l!i tulr, rSic. y I 'I; \ \ \\ SOI S » I j sj. Geueial Ms^tin^r of'he St-.-ckho'd- &/~lL er:? >i the Dark of Upper < ana- da, will be held 21 the Bank on Monday ! ihc 1 "tli ■.:( Tuiv next, at 12 o'clock, (<-.r j the pnrpofe of altering and amending fomc cf the article- of aiTocial.'on. S. BARTLET, Cafh.r. Kinfrflod, Tune 6, i-20. 24 fupenor to any yet offered for Sale, having already been proved, and acknowledged by the bell judge?, in this Province. Kln^ilon, November 5, 1819. 45 & "^indow Glass. Kiasftos Branch of the Mon-! s r 1KF. fuhsenbers have on hand a en. MCTiiifot of WINDOW GLASS 1 : tr treat Bank* ! of 7 1-2 by 8 i--r. <j by 9. S by ic, 10 by , ?2, of exeelknt oualrty. and warranted to NOTICE, & LL perfons indebted to the late Co- Jl$L nafttieifhip of Utch^rd Rolison ana David Suord, ate uvpdlwl to make im- reeJi-.te payment to the fn>living i^artner, David S-eord, an I thofe t., whom the laid C'jpavuieifhip may be indebted, are ie- queiled to feud in their a..counts for ad- judmewT 'id payment. Kington, 27th May, i';ir;. 26tf A NY fucri reqv*»red m?y be obtained p.t Jt.A. theOfn:etu; good BiHs» on Mon- treal, Quebec, BHls oi Exchange oh Lon¬ don, or ior 8p*-cve.—Motes alio will he discounted ."jt rh-t-y, fixty, \iud ninety day:. THOMa;; MAUKJLAfiD, lea] order, lcr "'•-> r fa :• at veiv low* l 1 open m g i prices for cifliorlhort :. ,,n^^>-i cr^rdi*. Til OS. S. l¥HlTAK£il e^: Co. May Kiagfton,31! Ke-v ;8iR, 1 • 20t BLANK MEMORIALS f\ .V 1. TO u-ye I COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near JnL Doclor Keating's tH,0 ,tor;e5 high, will seven rooms a Kir.che;^ an^ a Cellar inder the wliole* a K°:llSrd and stable; a!W,j t v.-ry good Spring «k.>t t]ie hou.e.— For further particulars appi„ to JA-MF;' ROBINS, i Kh^nf^hJmei^^g, 23 festo of Ferdinand to thcx South Ameri- cans, is published in the French papers of both sides, and mentioned in an arti- extracted from a Madrid Gazette the 18th April. "NYe see no room to question its genuineness. A con¬ siderable quantity of French books has been sold into Spain from Bayonne and Perpignavij and the smaller towns in the neiiihhouihood of the Pyrenees. It is hrv.stid that French p litical science and general philosophy will soon be abundant in the Spanish book-stores and libraries* The newspaper articles and extracts of letters from Germany, speak of a con¬ tinued agitation in Prussia.— llergovern- ment is boldly assailed in numerous wri¬ tings, some of which are imputed to the University students. In our fifteenth number, we gave an account of this corps, u h'.eh really constitutes a formidable po¬ litical sect. They are accused in the Berlin papers, cf being "revolutionary; and their professors of inculcating upon them clandestinely a the xno-Udetestable principles.^ Among the foreign articles of the French journals, is one which gives an account of an insurrection at Aleppo in Syria. The Pacha was driven out of the city, nut made himself master of it again in a short time, and on the day af¬ ter his return, sent one hundred andftfty heads to Constantinople to embellish the walls of the Seraglio. lu the number of the occurrences which casually met our eye as we glanced over from fid«atef» jftttJl fli«2rp*ftfll[p^ltf b the 15th of May, received by the ship Merchant, in 33 days from Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, May, ].:. The spirit of dissatisfaction sei ms greatly io increase in France ; Paris . ■ very gloomy, the Royal Family are evi¬ dently alarmed. The duke d'Angou- leme has been openly insulted in his tour to the south ; and an officer bearing the written pass-word from the palace of Monsieur to the barrack of the gardes ." du corps, was attaked on Wednesday night by three ruffians, desperately wounded and deprived of the letter. His loss, however, was instantly made known by him, the pass-word was chang¬ ed. It is supposed that an attack was meditated against the palace. At Ly¬ ons serious symptoms of disloyalty have appeared, and the troops refused to act against the people. Paris, May. P. Another atrocious attempt against she Royal Family has been defeated. The following are the authentic details of this important event: "Count Angles, Perfect of the police, having received secret information that a scheme was arranged to be put into t \- ecution on the night of the 7th last, ior producing a second explosion under the windows of the Duchess de Bern's ;-pa rt¬ ment, his Excellency at half past 10. re¬ paired to the Thuilleries and conceited precautionary measures with ?. at shall I Maedonald, major general ouscruce,for surprising the perpetrator in the ac. The sentinels were removed and diseas¬ ed gendarmes, and police officers v.ero stationed in r^busti to insure his, cXec- tivii. At midnight a man v ;>, perceiv¬ ed to approach with eaut'iou', step, the private door which opens ijito the Hue de l'Echelle, and deposited n petard, at the moment that he was about to set nre to the fusee by means of a lighted Segar. the police agents a^id miluaiv rushed

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