Kingston Chronicle, June 30, 1820, page 4

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AGRICULTURAL. From the Acadian Recorder , May 27. Plotiffhinff Match. This trial of skill among the plough* men in the vieiuity of Halifax, which xvas meant to have taken place on the 17th instant, but was postponed on ac¬ count of the weather, attracted to-cay a very respectable company of spectators, rot less than three hundred, to the North Government Farm—which, by an order of the Directors, and with the concur¬ rence of his Excellency, the Commander in Chief, was appointed the scene of com¬ petition. It was the fir=.i spectacle of the kind which had been made under the direct supeiintendance of the Pro¬ vincial Agricultural Society, and the first too ever witnessed on the peninsula of Halifax ; and for these reasons, it awak¬ ened a good deal of curiosity and inter¬ est. Unfortunate it certainly was, that so many members of the association, who had contributed liberally to its funds and had expressed much good will to¬ wards its objects, were, prevented from attending in consequence of the unexpected protraction of the busi¬ ness at the hustings, and of the warm and lively passions there excited between the partizansof two of the candidates for the town, who by the votes of their friends were poised and balanced with extreme nicety. This was the last day of the pall ; and the fate of theelection, which that night was expected to determine, detained a great crowd who would oth¬ erwise have been present at the plough¬ ing match. Such a circumstance was Bwtf sflticipated zt the fixing of the firm, flse respect would have been paid to the gratification of the public curiosity. At the close of harvest, another opportuni¬ ty will be given ; and this will, in all probability, not again interfere with any matter of general interest and excite¬ ment. At ten oVIock the Committee* nomi¬ nated at the monthly meeting of the Di¬ rectors, and consisting of the Rev. Dr. Inglis, Peter M'Nab, Samuel Albro, and Kufus Fairbanks, Esquires, proceeded to the ground with a view to enter on the necessary preparations, and to mark out and arrange the lidges in numerical or- 'd'er, which were to be assigned to the respective competitors by the drawing of tickets on which corresponding numbers ■were writteu. A piece of grass ley, sloping gently on the declivity of the hill, was selected, and then measured off into nine parts of 18 feet each in width, and about 275 in length. Three poles were set up in a strait line in each division, for the double purpose of marking it off, and of enabling the ploughman to draw his first furrow, that by it be might after¬ wards regulate his work. At 12 o'clock bcveral of the competitors appeared, bringing their implements and harness in carts : and the spectators at this time began also to assemble. There was on¬ ly one pair of the hcrses, and those be¬ longing to the Hon. Charles Morris* which were decorated for the occasion, by a white fringe attached to that part of the bridle which encircled the fore¬ head. This simple ornament gave a pleasing and cheerful look to the team, and seemed to catch and rivet every eye. The great end of a ploughing match is the ardour of emulation, and to prompt them to acquire a dexterous and expeit use of the instrument; but it aims at a less important and secondary object— w Inch is, to bring the art into repute, to raise it to some sort of dignity and im¬ portance : and a public display of this nature should therefore be conducted with a view to produce a striking effect, and this is accomplished by (he beauty, cleanliness, and fine condition of thy horses, by a few showy trappings w hie h set them off to advantage, by the excel¬ lence of the ploughs, and the neatness of the harness. Besides, as it is inten¬ ded that the fair sex should mingle in the crowd, and condescend to favour with an approving smile these rustic la¬ bour?, their ta«te for elegance should be consulted, and the exhibition contiivrd to win their applause. A ploughman in the mother country feels, in a case like ihis, as much pride in his horses as in ike execution of his work ; and is very apt to console himself, if unsuccessful, in the acknowledged superiority and fine order of the animals which he drove. The committee at half pafl twelve ap¬ pointed two of their own number, Mcffrs. Fairbanks and Albro, and a son of Mr. M'Nab's as the judges, and requefted them to withdraw from the field during the per¬ formance of the operation. Tickets mark cd from I to 9 were then put into a hat, and correfponding to the figures on the poles, & the different competitors were de- fired each to draw one, and ptoceed imme¬ diately with his team to ftation himfelf fcefide the pole which bore the famenumber- At one o'clock eight ploughs ftarted, and a little after, the ninth; fo that the whole were at the fame time in motion, and pro¬ duced on the mind a very vivid and anima¬ ting impreflion. The manner of opera;!- on was this. Every ploughman drew his frft furrow in a line of the three poles which had been fct up for his guidance ; at the end of his ridge, after turning to the left, he went back and gathered in his ptighbour'fr furrow, and by this mcane hr had the power of correcting any departure in it from a right line or other miftake which had been committed. He then caft his ridge off into two equal halves, and gave it the laft fiuifli by drawing the water furrow in the center. By this plan the judges had the advantage of a more clofe and minute comparison, becaufe every man'8 work, except those at the two ext-e- mities, could be viewed in contrail with what was executed on the right and left- hand ; as every ridge was formed by two distinct ploughmen, & any inequality was very eafily perceptible. Mr. Jofeph Daw- fon performed his part ixi ±1 minutes, Wil¬ liam Shand in 50, Walter Curry in 51, Mr. Brehm in 52, and the other five in the refpeftive times of 53, of 54, of 58, of 5$, and of 67 minutes. The judges came upon tbe ground a- bout half paft tv/o o'clock, 2nd the only in¬ formation they received was a note of the time in which each divilron had been ploughed. After a very long and careful examination they came to the following decision, which was communicated to the secretary in order to be carried up to his Lordfhipf the Governor in Chief, who ho¬ nored the spectacle with his prefence, and prefented the prizes to the victors. The firft confitted of a filver medal and five pounds was adjudged to James Cannon, servant of Mr. James Romans. The fecond confided of a filver medal and three pounds to Mr. Jofeph Dawfon. The third confided alfo of a filver me¬ dal and two pounds to William Shand, fcrvant of the hon. Charles Mori is. And the fourth, which to a filver me dal added one pound, to Walrer Curry, servant of Richard Tremain, Ksq. The medals were fufpended by a blue ribband round the neck of each, and with this badge of distinction they paraded left the field- After the didribution of the prizes Ku¬ fus Fairbanks Esq. ad art fled I lis Excel¬ lency to the following effect ; My I-oiJ,— In the tK&cUtlon of our dtt- tycn judges wc have felt very great diffi¬ cult^/ in corning to a deciion. The woik has, on the whole, been so well performed, that with regret we have been obliged to pass over what seemed so much to deceive a reward : and indeed all the young men, who have entered into this competition, have exhibited proof* of very considerable skill in their ait. If we have erred in our judgment, it mud be ascribed to the ex¬ treme goodness and equality of the work, and indeed we were under the ueceffity to take every circmnftance, both of execution and time, into account, that we might ar¬ rive at a proper determination. This day's appearance, my Lord, will I hope, encou¬ rage to further efvorts, and lead to the im¬ provement of all, in a matter of firft im¬ portance to the prosperity of Nova-Scotia. His Lordship replied by thanking the judges, for the pains they had taken, in forming their opinion , and trufted, that the events of this day would have a good effect in awakening the spirit ofcmulaiion, which would be displayed, on the next oc- cafion of the kind, with encreased energy and by further degrees of perfections Among the spectators were the Chief Justice, Judge Stewart, the hon. John Black, T. N. Jefery, Charles Hill and James Fraser, several officers of the gar¬ rison, besides many tespectable merchants and profeflional men. A few ladies attend¬ ed, but not the number as might have been expected. The softer sex. whom nature has obviously fonncd to sweeten the toils of life, should £race by their presence an exhibition, which tends to foder those peaceful pursuits that are allied to tran¬ quility and domedic enpyment, and lay the foundation of whatever is noble, gra-fH, and* muipeiiutui ni society. Halifax, May, 24th, 1820. From the Baltimore Morning Chrqnuh. AVc publish the following as a literary curiosity—it was recently written by a member of congress whose name we could mention if necessary. Whether men who can thus tomahawk in cold blood the English language with so much barbarity, are well calculated to represent free-born millions on the floor of congress, remains no longer a questionable point. In tender benevo¬ lence we hope, that um member has not declardcd irrcconcileable hostility to l)illworth's spelling book, and that his animosity to the English does not proceed to such exterminating lengths, as to put their language to the torture. If this is to be hereafter a fair specimen of congres¬ sional intellect, we sincerely hope thatcha rity schools will be employed to instruct the members in the use of the alphabet. Utterly indeed should we despair of all such benevolent institutions, if the most stupid of the pupils-should be guilty of such blunders as this. A prescription verbatim, a literatim pnnc- tuatim, a spelhtim, from an hon. mem¬ ber of congiess, for the cure of sore eyes • ** A—cure for soar Eyes Take the white of three New lade egg3 and as much Soft Spring wather or pump Wat her and a but % Gils of "White Vittal and as much Sugger or led let all be In protion Stue it away To about one gil the strane it though a linnen clorth then put it in a Small Vessel wash the Eye 3 rims a day always at going to bed and yon viill find great release 1 perSume in 8 and forty hours" Siberia, (]iere is an establishment of tlie kind fof the training of teachers, who arc sent (hence jnto different parts of the empire. IQ the neighbourhood of Odes¬ sa, in the south of Russia, there are schools for more than ten thousand Rus¬ sian troops. The Cossacs particularly are said to make extraordinary progress in reading and writing. FOR SALE, A FARM in the front Concession of the Township of Augusta, three and a half miles below Brockville, con¬ taining 150 acres, about 75 of which is under improvement. There is a large two story house on the premises, built of square limber and boarded out>ide, a frame barn, &c. This farm is well wor¬ thy the attention of any person desirous of a pleasant Country residence,and will be sold on liberal terms, and possession given immediately. For furtherparticu- lars apply to A. & W. MORRIS & Co. Brocrcille, \0/h May, 1S"20. <21tf Land to be cleared. ANY person willing to undertake to perform the settlement duties on a tract of excellent Land in the District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Land in payment for his labour, will have au opportunity of making a good bargain on applying at the office of this paper. Kingston* 27th April, 1820. 17 JOHN MARTIN, EGS leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Fort Henry, uuder the sign of the RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call, to merit a bharo of public patronage. lie will always have on hand ail kinds of Liquors of the best quality. Kingston, I At It January* 1820. Valuable Lands FOR SALE. IN the Midland District County of Prince Edward ft 1 owofhip of AmeUafttirgh. ' Lot 23, rn the front Conceffion, or Lake Ontario, lying to the eaftward 0f Nicholion s Ihaud. Lots 22, and 24, in the fecond Con¬ ceffion of laid Townfhip ; the whole con¬ taining fix hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingfton Chronicle, or of the Hnn JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All pcrfons are cautioned a gainit cutting Ur dcihoying the timber 0ri the above lands, as they will certainly fubjeft rhemfelves to a legal profecadoi if drtcfted. Kingfton, March 7, 1820. 10 tf N. B. Good Stablhigfor (forces* JOHN C. MORRILL, ES?ECTFULLY informs m his fronds and the public, that he has commenced the Boot s Shoe-Making Business in the d ->p former'y occupied by Daniel VFalhburi* Ftq in King Street, where he intends k-'cptRg conftantly on hand a gen¬ eral affor tnent of BOOTS & SHOES. Likewife LEATHER of every dcfciip. tion wliK'h he will fell as low as can be j procured W> town, for Cafh or.»y. Mav 11- 10 NOTICE. A LL perfons are hereby cautioned a- jC-HL #aM purchafing certain Notes of hand piv* n by the fubferrber to James He- *rf£4W<"ng vial* Ifcfc ly.U Jvr.wfcrj, ^%tz>t —one for twenty five pounds payable the ift January rSs 1 — one for £%z 'io. pay¬ able iftjar,;ary, 1 822 — one for ,iJ\ 2 10 payable t ft January 1 829—one for ^ia los.payablt ift January 1S24—and one for ^12 10 payable 1 ft January 1S25— the iour lail bearing intereft—as the fa id Notes^verc riven for a lot of land fold by the faid Janes Ilenefy to the fubfcribcV, and for whici he can give no legal title. JOSEPH SHEARMAN. Bcllville, :6th May, 1820. 22 NOTICE, TIKE Ccoartnerfhip here£oforeexrftmg between the Subfcrfbers, under the firm of McDonald & Aykroyd, io this day diffolvedby mutual confent—all pcrfona having demands againft the faid firm, arc requeued to prefeot thern for adjuftment to Peter McDonald, and all perfons indebted thereto, are rr-quelled to make immediate payment ofne amount of their ici'pcAive accounts to the faid Peter McDonald who is duly authorized to receive the fame, and grant diicbargef. PETER MrDONALD, CHARLES AYKROYD. Kingfton, April 20th, 1020. 16 N B. The bufinef* will be continued as ufual bv 4 P^cr McDonald Valuable 'Lands for sale in the Township of Hamilton. "[T OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- II A ceffion, containing 400 acres. -Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con¬ ceffion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton,Newcaftlc Ditlrift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terma. For further information, enquire of Elias Jonrs, Efo4. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kindlon. Thomas S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf FOE SALE, A T a very low price for Cash £■3^ —the south or front baJfoi Lot No. [2, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough.—For par¬ ticulars, apply al this Office. Doc. 7, IS"! 9. 50 No I ice. . . The nt'w system of education (the Lancastrian) is malting giv:.t promrss in linssia. A preat number of schools on this plan have h>cr\ v*tnlAi>hct\ f..r the children of the eoldiery. Btcn in Anchors fy Cables. WILLIAM BUDDEN, W'ILL 'tceive by the earliert fprlng \rffeU, and keep COtiftantiy en hand at Quebec, an aifortment of Patent pi'oved Chain Cables of rill sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy tie attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lab and River navigation. Quebec, 1 ft April, i8iq. i^tf A REWARD ~OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds ^FSriLL be paid by the subscriber, to ¥ 7 any pcrton who (hall di^rover and give fu:h information as will convift the perfoa or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th Of June laft, dole from Ccorge Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel 5 a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direftion of the Diredtors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, igib Nov, 1819, 47 Stolen or Strayed, FROM Mr. Alexander McDonell'g, near Kingfton, on the r.ight of the 26th May laft, a flout brown Horfe, four years old, about fifteen hands high, rather low in condition, cut tail, and has a white fpeck in the off eye. Whoever will bring the faid Horfe to Mr. Alexander McDon- ell's aforefaid, or gwe information where he may be found, (ball (if flolen) receive a rewaid of Twenty Dollars, (on convic¬ tion of the ofRnder or offenders) and if I llrayed, fiiall be reafonably rewarded for their trouble. ALEXANDER McDONELL. Kingfton, Jiincift, r820. 22tf One Hundred Dollars Reward. (C'l OLEN, about four weeks age, Kt* from a room in Mr. Worden's Inn a Ttunk three feet long, and two feet vide, covered with a fawn fkin Whoev¬ er wi.l deliver lh? faid Trunk at the Chro¬ nicle Office, 01 giv information to the Editor*, fulTicirut to difcover and convift the thief, fimll receive the above reward GAllRlEL ROLLLTTE. Kingllon. 71I1 Jdncj lS?o. ijtf ' FOR SALE, A QUANTITY of RED CEDAR ^^ PlGKETS, from 7 to 8 feet in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson. 1 iii.or. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, juhi 17, 1819. 30 PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeu¬ ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his lioufc, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as pofilble- JOHN FERGUSON. r2th April, i8r> ,6 'WATCHES and CLOCKS Repaired in the. best manner, bit S. O. TAZEWELL, f Xorth sirl.- oft ho Market Place. Kingston,] WHO moll refptafjUy informs the Inhabitants, of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has commenced the above bufinefs. and hopes, by paying riri& at- tention to buiinel's, to give the utmoft fat- ibfa&on to all thofe who may plcafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfe&ly acquainted with the patent Lever, Horizontal and Dvi'jlex Scapcmtnts, Repeaters, &c. &c. Kingston, May i 3th, 1820. 20tf D A Y& MARTIN THE fubferiber escpe£U in Port this week, one ImndreH C-] )■•;, n f n'hn'iif six each, ol Day & Martin's real and mod fuperior Japan Blacking, By the Curlew, Skipsie, and Regent, from London, which he will difpose of as fol¬ lows.—largest size i^/"per dozen. Second eizc 10/6 per dozen. This invaluable composition affords pe¬ culiar nourishment to the Leather, which no other Blacking does. Montreal, 14th May, 1S20- BENJAMIN HART, Apcnt. Near Si. Paul Street. in3 zo ON SALE, Ea*c India Carpeting, Caffimere Shawls, Superfine Cloths, Yarn, 400 lbs. Beaver, London Bottled Port Wine, &c. &c. occ. Land agency. THE fubicribcr, for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of this Province, and who has for fome time paft occasionally afted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing refigncd the fituation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en> gaged in any other employment, will now transact Land bufinefs generally. ANDREW MERCER. Torh 11*8 May, 1820. 20 For Sale, A SMALL collection of books jufl received from New-York, amongft which are Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, O'Meara's Memoirs of Napoleon—the Spectator,—alfo Greek Lexicons and grammars, Lempriere's claffical Didtion- aiy, and a variety of other School Books. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Combafs of the mofl approved kind. JOHN MA CAUL AY. Kingfton, May I2th, 1S20. 19 Doctor Boyd, HAS removed to the houfe formerly occupied by the late Doctor Kea¬ ting. May 16, :82c 46 F50R. Sale, feveral Acre and two A ere lots on the Main Street, being an exlttifioii of iSicre-Street, application for price and conditions of payment Id be mad-: fo the .'isihfrr.'ber, who will give information to peiions deftiing to pun JOSEPH MURDOCK. Kingfton, March 8, 1820. io tf NOTICE. AN assignment having been made ti the subscriber of all the Laiuia, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James Ranhn tv Co. of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong- ing to James Ranker individually, for the , benefit of creditors. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims againit the sard iirm, or against the said James Ranker., to present them forthwith* duly authenticated ; and such as stand indebted -nrt heiireh to paj thin respective accounti to Chr. A. Hagerman, Esq. ofKingi^ ton, on or before the first day of Decern* ber 'ocxt. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston. I st September, 1819. ^6 THE fubferiber feels it hi? duty, from the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public againft any impo- fition on the part of Mr. Solomon Jnhnsr by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of Erneft Town, bounded on the caft by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, /is any title to the faid property held by him, was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns was at low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfaftions in 1812—had no fliadow ofa claim. PETER GRANT. The perfon who is ftated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my /oft pretention in the firft in (lance, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P- G. 48 BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this Office. NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the of 8frwtm will be opened at the Diredor's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 3, TKRMS OK THF KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twen'y shilling*; per annum; if sent Vi> Marl twenty four sbiUings. Snbrcrip'ions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or Ihe 1st of Janu¬ ary. PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. <£lIX lines and under 2s. Gd. first in- Kj) scrtion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 tines and nnacr, 3s. Ad. first insertion, and lOd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines^ Ad. per line for the fust insertion, and Id. per line for ever// subsequent znsi rl[nn< Aaticrthvintnts without "litter* direc¬ tions are inserted till Soib\d7undcharged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertiic^ ments to be in writing, and delivered bu WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest" No Jthcrliscmcnts received after TEN o'Ctotd: on the day cf publication, AGI-NTS. Henry, Esq, Quebec. Edward Kill*. K>q. Three Rivers. James Willinros, Esq. Montreal. Messrs. J. & J. DtiJiiop, Lancaster. Paul Gla-*ford, Ksq. Matibta. AlphfOs Joiic.", Ksq. Presvatt. Henry Jones, Ksq. Brockvitte. N. B. Tommas, Esq. Perth. II. Wbitmarsb, F.sq. Bicknwnd* J. K. Hartwell, Esq. Bastard, E. Webster, I'm]. Gananoquc. J. Rank.en. I>q. Bath. Allan McPliei>on, Eaq.Napanee, Thomas Parker, Esq. Betlvitlc. Joseph A. Keeler, Ksq. Cramakc. James G. Bethnne, Ksq. Hamilton. John D. Smith, Ksq. Port Hope. William Allan, Esq. York. Daniel Ross, Esq, Vittoria. John Crooks E q. Niagara. T. McConuick, Ksq. Queenstan. John Wilson, Ksq. A'mhersi'burgh* KINGSTON, V. C. PR1NTI-P 1'OJl THE I'MTORS.

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