Kingston Chronicle, June 30, 1820, page 1

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* f KINGSTON RONICLE. VOL. II,] - FRIDAY, (jfterhsook) JUNE 30, IS20. % * [No. 26. THE FRONTENAC Steam VelTel will dart from Kfnjrfron for York and Niagara on tlie ifl. nth, and 21 ft Jay's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kindlon on the 5th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with a* much punctuality as the nature ufthe Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. . Kingfton, May 12th, 1S20. 19 THR fubferiber having rented that commodious Stone Houfe, the pro¬ perty of Peter Grant, Efq. and lateV occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, prupofea keeping a houfe of Public Enlrvfa'nunent, (Sign of the Black Horse) for the accommodation of' Strangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call Kvt'ty attention will be paid to the comfort and conveni¬ ence of cuiVmers, and the fmailclt favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant* SAMUEL MERRILL, Kingfton, 5th May, 1820. 19 NOTICE ' IS hereby given, thnt William Taylor, heir at law and adniini.-rrator of the late Allan Taylor, bath affigned all the real and petfonal estate of the late Allan Tayfcr deceafed, unto John Kirby, Alex¬ ander O. Petrie and Thoma* Packer, in Trust tor the benefit of creditors. All :jerlon< having any claims against the late Allan Taylor, Tayter & Batker,or Thom¬ as Parker, are requeued to prefuit the ■4ami* fur suhucfrnc'Jif wt\i\ 'ifttwiKii hk! *&iiv*h perfons indebted to either the lu*te Allan Taylor* Taylor anii Parker, or Parker, are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees ; who aie fully authonicd to give difcharges for the fame* John Kirby, A. (). iJerric, Thomas Parker. Kingston, August 28, 1819. 36* f Notice. for the for the TO LET, A STONE HOUSE, upon the Hill above the Methodift Cha¬ pel, a ftoryand a half high, with Kitchen and Cellar under, with two fifths of an a- cre, well enclofed ; at prefent occupied by Mr. Underbill-—Poflefiion will be giv¬ en on tire 1 ft of May next. For terms apply to M*jnr Corbett, or William Mitchell, Efq. KiiigSlou. Kingfton, 3d April, 1820. i4tf. F. B. SPiLSJU'RY, ft. N. i • \ j. Sl'XGFDX iLalc Surarcon of I'- M-S. Prince He- \ gent, on J^ikc Onlurfoi y Intends practicing \t\ the ratlo-a*? £b ranches of his Profession, nf his res-y ^iderice, next door to John McLean><> *»••% Sheriff. I J Esq. J King$rotir Oct* ah, 1S10. 41 $ THE fubferiber heirs leave rdbeflful. ly to inform lus friends and the pub¬ lic in general, that he has dbbliihcd a PAINT shop a few rods Couth ol Mrs. Patrick's I .".•- ern, where will be kept contlnntly all kinds of PAINTS ore parr drcm-'y (Vthe biofil. Likewife nl! kind-of Hbvse, Sign, I (£($$0n, Hleigh, and Ornajncnhd Pawling* done at the fhorteft notice, together with raw and boilrd Oil, which will be di«oo- fed of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh onlv. THEODOKE BROCKETT. N B. Two good workmen as journey¬ man Painters, will fine employ, by apply¬ ing ro the fubferiber. Kingston Cth April, 1820- z.\tf THE Land Board, Midland District enfuing fix months, will meet on Wednes¬ day in each week, at the Court Houfe in the Town of Kingfton, at the hour of 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of receiv. tng applications for lands, from the under- mentioned defcriptioti of perfons, viz. Emigrants, and others coming to the Province and bringing due Certificates of being Britifhbom fubje&s. All able iettlcrs that have refided in the Diftrift previous to the late,war, and pro¬ duce Certificates of having done their duty ir. its defence. The terms of the grants are the perform¬ ance of the fettling duties within Eighteen Months from the date ufthe location, and the payment of the following fees ; eflabhYned by an order In Council of 14th December, 1819. On Grants of jo acres to Indigent Emi¬ grants no fees. On Grants of too acres, £\2 Sterling. On Grants of COO do. 30 Payable in three equal inftalmtntss, vis. The firft on the receipt of the Location ticket ; the feeond on Certificate filled of fettlement ; the third or. the receipt of the Eiat for the patent. No petition can htt entertained unlefs accompanied by a written character, or a fatfsfaototy reafon (hewn for ftich not being produced. By order nfthe Board. JAMES N1CKALLS, Junr. ClerL Kingfton, Feb. 14th, 1820, 8 N- 13. T<* prevent disappointment^ to peifons applying for lands ; it isnecefTary to (late that the Board ha* do power to grant Lands to the Cliildien of U. E. Loyalists ; Militia men who ferved in the or Military claimants, all fuch mult make p plication to Y^»'k. " ~FOTICE IS hereby"given, tint I, William Tay¬ lor, as heir at law and administrator to the estate wf the late Mian Taylor, de- ceafed, have this day affigned all ilie real and perfonal estate ufthe late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest in the concern of Taylor o: Panter. and Thomas Pa»k«r, unto John Kirby, Alexander Oliphanc Pe- tiie and Thomas Parker, as trubtees, fur the benefit of the creditors. William Taylor, Administrator cjf the estate of the late Allan Taylor Kingston, August 28,1819. 36tf Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Eank. ANY fum required m»y be obtained at the Office for eood Bills, on Mon. treal, Quebec, B.Ms of Exchange OQ Lon¬ don, or for Specie. — Notes alio will be discounted ;it thirty, fixtv, a.-?d ninety days. THOMAS MA11KL.\NtD, Agent. Kingfton, J{d Nov 1818. z$ HfW UB bOIJ),*n& immediate pos- JJL seflion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Conccffion of the Town- fhip of Elirblcy, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24. 29, 30, molt eligibly Situated on the North j side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlcmen.t, leading through one of t?ic Lots. They abound in excellent Timber, which from rts being contiguous to w.r,t:r communif-ation may be raited to Montreal at a triiling c>;psirj2 The qua- j the 5me. Ihall be f rfeiied to Cie vile a; litvofthc foil and other advantages are btTiefu of tie remairiina fiockholders fuch as to render this a dvsjr-.ble ptlrcha(e to Farmers or perfons engaged in the Lum¬ ber 'iVnle. Far terms of payment and" other particulars apply to Wil'uam Mar¬ shall, Esq. Perth Setth.ment, John Kiiby Efq. Kingston, or the fubferiber, iu Wood- hcufe, London Dill 11. i ROBERT N1CHOL. November 18, 1819. 47tf NOTICE. WHEREA\SHis Majefty's Royal Proclamation hath been ifTued. for the purpofe ofcallinngtogether a Legiflative Council and Houf'fc of AfiVmbly for the Province of Upperr Canada ; and whereas, by a certain A& oDfthis Province, parted in the fixtieth year ot-f the Reign of Hia late Majefty King Geonr-c the Third, entitled, An Aft to pro9vMe for increafing the Reprefentation of" the Commons of tliis Province in the Hioufe of Afiembly/' the County of Fronter-naclhall be reprefented in the fa id Houfcfe of Aflcmbly by one Member ; And Whereas, I by a certain Inftrument under the Sign MJanual, and fealed with the Seal of his [Honour Samuel Smith, Efquirc, Adminiftrrator of the Government of the Provincee of Upper-Canada, 1 have hf-en nomfnarfed and appointed Return- hg Officer for the (-County of Fr nrenac ; And Whereas, ! by a certain Writ under the Great Seal of the Province of Upper- Cansda by me r received, 1 am thereby direfted to caufe oane Knight, girt with a Sword, the molt fit and difcreet, to be freely and indiflerernrlycho^en, to reprefent the faid County offFrontenac in AjTeml^ly, by thoir who (hallI be prefent at the day of Election ; Now Know Yo, Tha: by virtue of tiiela'd nomination and appointment, and] in obedience to His MajeftyNfaid Wri't. I ih^ll, at the Court Ko.ife, m the Tuwvr«,f Ivin^lfon, On tlie Tfcinfl tk$ of Jnlv next, Attend at Ten o'cclork fn th'- forenoon, and proceed to thtf* ReftfoH of one Knight to reprefent the lai-i.i Count y of Fronteuac in the faid Houfe. of Aflemhiy, and hereof all Freeholders oftf the laid C.-unry of Frontcnac arc to take notice and attend areordji'c^" WILLIAM M.1TCREIJL, Mourning Qffiftt* Sing Pi on, 19th Jortc, 1^20. ________ DANK CALL. rftlHE Stockhol^'is of the of SL Upper Canad*i ate hetchy required to pay an inftalmen: &f £& pc-r c< nr, or Cik dollars on each frVrei on or the t Ith of Augiift iHit. Any ftockholdcr {ailing to makt til*Grid payment will for¬ feit his lharcs agr a:.le t-'. iht 2 t ft arti- cle of alTociation- i- tl»e Bai.k—which h as follows : — If th"*e fliall be a failure in payment of any pr • of the fum or (hares fubferfbed by any perfon or perfon^, co- partnerfhip, body o-!i:ic or corporate, the party fo failing inlaying the llrft iuilal- ment of ten per cen'.uin fuccccdinji the de pofit of reqnired feit the faid depoil: to and for tlie ufv- of the faid Company, and the (lock (hall be Md at public fale For, the behoof of the company—and in cafe of any delay or failure in the pay mem of the fubfeq-srnt inllahment.*, after the Srft and feeond in- (lalments, any Stockholder to neglefting to pay the aoaount of his inltalmcnt, fhall fur the t'lrll ten d.«v< c;f fuch neglect, for¬ feit w Lhe u(e and benefit of the ie:i*ain. fog llockholdrrs five p';r Centum upon the whole amouitt of hi^ (lock previoufly paid fr;—and for the feeond and third ten days ior each period, an equal fum of five per centum, making togethei a forfeiture of fifteen ptv centum for thirty day-5, and if at the expiration of fixty days after fuch fnllalment fliall have become due, it (hall be unpaid, then the whole amount of (lock, toucher ivfih tie •.", .amnun* tV'Ut) on nd ig UMCKnoiuers as aforcfaid, and the rtuck to be at the difpo- NOTICE. ALLperfons indebted either by Note or Book Account, to the eftate of the late Richard Robifon, Efq. deceafed, are requeued to pay the fame without delay ; and thofe to whom the ellate is indebted will prefent their accounts duly authenti¬ cated for adjufi ment, to Allan MacLean, Efquirc, one of the Executors to laid es¬ tate, Kingfton, June 5, iSzo. SURGEON BOYD, HAVING heard a report that he does not attend Patients in the Country, beg* leave to contradift it, and to alTure the public that he will be at all time? wil ling to attend his friends in .he Country, as well as in the Town, on moderate terms, Kfngflon, June 12, 1820. 24tf wrong. I cannot forever be cold, that rhe failure of the fupply bill is not the fault of the llcufe of Affembly." The Governor, in the conclusion of his fpeech, fays, ► I - KINGSTON TANNERY. Tr UNDERBILL & Co. Refpea- > fully beg leave to inform the Shoe-Maker*, Saddlers and leather fellers in general, that they have now felecfted sfiooi their extenlive afTortment of different defciiptions of Leather, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one Thou- fand fides of Upper Leather, from one to Twenty Thoufand lbs, of light and llrong f'le Leather, and one hundred and fifty fides of Harnefs do. together with twenty d.'zcn of Calf .Skins and a number of Horfe hides, Dog and Sheep Skins, too numerous to inlert, and which can be delivered on the fhorteft no'ice and lowell terms for Cafh. T. U. flatteis himlclf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their Orders,will find tlie above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for Sale, having already been prove*), and acknowledged by the bed judges in this Province. Kingfton, November 5, 1819. 45 ,%Ti^ rr tsxv VLL perfons indebted to the late Co partner (hip of Richard Robison ana David Secord> are requeftcd to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner. David Srcord. and thofe to whom the faid Copattncrfhip may be indebted, aie le- mie'led to tend in their accounts for ad ju ft mint and payment. m ^ 26tf I have flill a more painful duty to perfoim in reflecting on the ftrangc and unaccountable proceedings of your Houfe, by the adoption of certain rtfolutions, originating merely in. a vague fpcculative opinion* upon , a point which, whether well or ill-grounded, whether conceded or rejrcTied, would tend to nothing—and would, in the former cafe, produce fuch palpable ablurditiea as to reflect the hightft difcredit on the judgment and talents of the Legiflatures of former days. Subfequent Ads, and other circumftancea pofitively prove it to br quite impofllblc that this, or any former Houfe of Affero- Wy, could have been ignorant of the aft on which this fpeculative opinion is grounded. Why an opinion thereon fhould not have been, earlier made known, feeme mod unaccountable; and, after fo long a filence, a filent acquiescence of fo many eight per centum herein before to be madCi (ball rtfpe£iivfjy for- Kin^llon, 27th May, 1 S 19. Notice U\ Carpenters- ^ERSONS defii'uis to undertake the building of a Ptehbyterian Church, will (jive in fealed tenders by the firft day of July next, to the fubferiber, with whom a plan and fpeciiicatnms oi the work are loged. A. MARSHALL*&*y May 31(1, 1820. 22 •: THE fubfcrtLcrs being duly nomina ted Executors to the la(l Will and Testament of the late Lawrence Herchmcr, ZLlr-i^ff Merchant, requell all pe-rfons ih- xJcbtcd tc> hi»» cflv.te to make immediate ,^-ayment, z&t thofe having demands ngai rockvill e 11 the faid eftate to being them forward with- oar dci#v. ' JOHK KIRBY, GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingdon, 9th Nov. 1819* 46 TO LET, AND immediate pofftflion given, the Moufe zm premises belonging Co the ftubftCribir, SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, $th May, 1820. t^tf. For Sale* 4 Superior couslrncied p!on- Biu'e Wajfon.a stout brown ...j, tJtcetk'iit lor s»(Wte or i\arijf»!-«,I'^inuJVi .•*. this <MiCi*. ,'S JOHN KINCAfD, EG^i leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has o- pened a Hotife of Public Entertainment near W. F. Peafc's Wharf, hi the Village of Brockville, under the Sign of the Ho id; Where he hopes, by a Uriel attention to thofe who may favour him with a call, to merit a fhare of the public patronage. He will always have on hand all kinds of Liquor, of rhe hell qmlity. Broclvillcy June* 1R20. 22wR N. B. Good Stabling; for Hor¬ ses. To Clothiers. Tor sale, a quantity of PRESS^PAPERS. Tho. S. Whiiakcr & Co. August 19, tSip.______________g4 For sale at llm Of/tce, A KKW copirs of a ^SEILMOX, JLMu preached at Quebec, on tin- ISlli of September, aflrr 'lie death of liis Grace the Dckk or ItlCH.MOXO, by the INvcrrntl (L J. Mauuiain,-V. \l IJMiop's in Lower tVaaadu: anil Hector ol (>u<:l:c<\ 51 1 fal of the direftors, for the benefit of the faid company. ' S. BARTLET,Cafhier. Kingfton, June 7. 1820. 24 BANK .\otTr Cderal Meeting c: :Hc Stockhold- tS ers of the iiank of Upper Cana¬ da, will be held at 'he Bank 0:1 Monday the I/tli of July n-rt, at 1 2 (/clock, for the purpofe of altering and amending fome of the ai tick's cf alP-ciation. S. BARTLET; Cafliier. Kington, June 6, 1820.______24 " ALEXANDER ASHER, Merc/cant Taylor, lOT*^ received )r0m fuontreal a moft JOL choice and c :cellcnt aficrtment of the btii Well of England fuperfiue Clothe and Cassimeres, with and every thing com¬ pete. A. Asher infom.3 hi| friend? and the public that he is nijw working up thefe .'loths St& at his old lland, where orders will be thankfully njceived, and executed on the fhoitell notiecf ancj on the lowed terms foi Calii. or fh.irt approved credit. Kingfton, Sept. 1.,, r319. 37tf fVinrfotc Glass. THE fub»-ciiher> have on hand a con¬ signment of W indOW GLASS, of 7 1-2 by 8 l-*f 9 by 9, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, of excellent qual;tVf and warranted to open in good ordtr, jor fale af very Jow prices P»t caihorfluut approved credit. 'IHOi S. W-HTAKER&Co. May 17. «Oj NOTICE- . rjMlE Board for Militia Pen- * sions, 'will meet on the la/2 Monday in February, and continue, fo to do% the fame day in each Month, until the hufmefs of this Diflrid, as regards the fame is ftnijl>ed. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingflon, Feb- \fi% 1819. • 6 For Sale or to, AM TWO liory framed Houfe, and a £/jx larpe and commodious ftone StoFe, fiiuate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefeo.t, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous term* to the purchaftr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. Kingdon, 26th February, 1819. 9 ~ TO LET, TOMMODiOUS HOUSK, near Doflor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, $th June, 1819. 23 years, that fo (Irange and difgracefui a charge fhould be brought againft a long- tried and faithful fervant of the Crown* (the Colonel Secretary,) in the fhape of a criminal profecution, not for treafen or for peculation, but folely for obeying the orders of his fupeuors—of the Governor in Council, and of his Sovereign,—I have no hciitation iii declaring it to be, not only a dire-ft attack and cenfure upon the two preceding Governors, and the Privy ( oun- cils of thofe periods, as well as the Gover¬ nor and Council of the prefent day ; but a moll grofs and violent inroad upon the rights and prerogatives of the Crown itfelf—and in the mod extraordinary and unheard of fhape, calling upon the execu¬ tive to proceed to profecute, without proof, and at the fame moment the houfe itfelf a tfm»tiurr mol illegally t&iftftkiftc a prolecution, as appears by its own minutes) and naming the Counfel to conduct the fame, againit a fuperior, who i$ in no fhape amenable to that houfe. Such proceedings are as abfurd, contra- di<?-ory and futile, as they are difgracefui. " Had a humble memorial to the Throne been prefented, in (lead of this offered infult, relative to the fpeculative opinion alluded to—however erroneous it might have been deemed, it would have been received and forwarded. But the prefent mode of proceeding has debarred all intercourfe, except in the fliape of fevere and mod deferved cenfure. •Alluding, it isprefumed, to the A& for colte&ing a duty of Gunpowder. \ M WHEREAS Margaret, my wife, has left my bed and board, without any caufcor provocation, this is therefore to foi bid all perfons harbouring or trolling her on my account, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting after this date. ASHlilL ROHLY. Fredericksburg!)* iph Junr, 1820. 24-3 Legislative Differences IN THE BRITISH COLONIES. The Bermuda Gazette of the 6th May, contains the proclamation of the Governor, proroguing the Colonial Parliament. His Excellency, after congratulating the Legifldture on the paflage of a quarantine bill, alludes to the rejection of the fupply bill, and oblerves : 44 As long as that lamentable difpofuion of introducing objectionable claufes, continues to prevail—claufes highly injurious to the colony itfelf, to its bell and m«»ll promifing commercial profpefts, and absolutely illegal ; in as much as directly taxing articles of neceffity> des¬ tined for the confumption of our lifter colonies, and militating againit the inten¬ tions and enaftments of the Mother Cointry —without any julliliable reafon, or any real or probable beneficial efteds refuUing therefrom. Nor can it be admitted, when fupply bills fo repeatedly fail, that one branch of the Lcgiflature can always be tigfatj and the other two as invariably To the Editor of the Free Prrfs, (A Halifax Paper.) Sir, Enclofed I fend you a copy of the Governor's letter to the Speaker of the Houfe of Affembly, declining his accept¬ ance of the Sword and Star, voted hie Excellency laft fefiion. As the freehold¬ ers throughout the Province are about to eleft Reprefentatives, it may be as well for them to knoyy, ere they make their choice, the opinion of the worthy Noble¬ man whoprefidea over us, refpe&ing the meafures purfued by the late members. . A SUBSCRIBER. Government Houfe% ivh April) 1820. Sir, 1 Exceedingly regret theunufual hurry, from unexpe&ed circumflances, which led to the fudden prorogation of the Affembly* and to the communication I have now to make tovou, in of the .pro¬ ceedings of the laft lefiion. My attention, finer I prorogued the Affembly, has been dire&ed to the more deliberate confidera- tion of the progrefs and rcfult of thefe proceedings. Having refled confident of the fame fupport which till now I had received, it was with great furprife and mortification I obferved, in the firll place*, that one part of the leading meafures which I fubmitted to the Houfe, has been altogether paffed over: I mean the furvey of the Province. In the next place, that' the allowance granted laft year for the infpe&ion of the Militia, this year included as part of the civil ltft,cspenfe, has been entirely omitted* And, in the third place, that the Houfe calling afide all the long eftablilhed forms of rctiM'Wng anfwers to the fpecial mefTages of the Executive Government, had Ihown a dis- pofittoo todifregard the prerogative, tights, and the refpeft due to that firft branch of the Provincial Legiflature, Without going into any enquiry, and without any delay of time, I feel it my duty to exprefs, through you, to thia Houfe, while it yet exifts, that fuch con¬ duct cannot reft unnoticed, although it may be guarded againft in future. But the chief motive which now ptefTes me to» addrefs this letter to you, before the diV folutionof the General Affembly, arifes out of the Addrefs of the Houfe. which was prefented to me by the Speaker and the members in a body.—That Addtefe conveyed to me a mod gratifying ex* preifion of my condud, an:* a requcit of my acceptance of a moft magnificent teftimonial of regard. I eould have nt> hefitation in thanking the Houfe of Aa* fembly for that honour, and promifed to folicit the gracious permifliou of my Sovereign to receive tbc tcttimonial therein defer ibed ; but whea I fi'id the leading meafures of my admifliftratioo rejected

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