Kingston Chronicle, May 26, 1820, page 4

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THE MOSS ROSE. The Angel oi the flowers, one day, Beucatii a rose-tree sleeping lay ; That Spirit, to whose charge is siv'n To bathe young: buds in dews from heav'n, Awaking fronfhis light repose, The An^el whisperd to the Rose, 4* Oh, fairest object of my care, Still fairest found where all are fair, For the sweet shade thou'st given to rue, Ask what thou wilt—'tis granted thee." "Then," said the Rose, with deepened glow, u On me another grace bestow." The Spirit paused—in silent thought What grace was there that (lower had not; ?Twasbut a moment; oVr the Rose, A veil of moss the Angel throws ; And rob'd in nature's simplest weed, Could there a flower that Rose exceed ? u- AGRICULTURAL. From the Upper Canada Gazette, Mity 18. At the Cattle Show of the Upp^r Ca¬ nada Agricultural Society, held at York on Wednesday the 17th May, 1820, the following premiums were adjudged : FOR HORSES. No. 1.—Five Guineas to Jacob Snyder, of the Towuship of Vaughan, for a Horse five years old, raised by him- sel r. 2.—Three Guineas to Joshua Wixon, of the Township of Pickering: ten years old, raised in New-York. 3.—Two Guinea^ to Peter Romer, of the Township of Markham, touryears old, raised by himself. FOR BULLS. I.—Four Guineas to Thomas Bright, of the Town of York, three years old, raised in the United States- 2.—Two Guineas to Anthony HoUings- bead, of the Township of Vaughan : thrre years old, raised by himself. 3.—One Guinea to John Richardson, nf the Township of Scarborough ; four years old, raised bv himself. FOR COWS. 1.—Three Guineas to Thomas Bright of the Town of York ; three years old, raised in the same Town. 2.—Two Guineas to Joshua Wixon, of * the Township of Pickering ; three years old, raised by himself. 3.—One Guinea to Thomas Bright of the Towa of York. FOR BOARS. 1.—Three Guineas to George Skeling, of the Township of York; fourteen mouths old. 2.—Two Guineas to Lieutenant Colonel Heward, of the Township of York. 3.—One Guinea to William Hall, of the Township of York. FOR RAMS. 1.—Three Guineas to George Skeling, of the Township of York. 2.—Two Guineas to Thomas Adams, of the Township of Scarborough. 3.—One Guinea to Valentine Fisher, of the Township of Vaughan. The Show of Horses and Bulls did great credit to the District; and (he spe¬ cimens of all the animals were in gene- rtL*He*iyvttt>& 8fc%«*Ali<UftuM cumuli u.< ,-.. Dot entered, the owners not having ap¬ plied until after the limited time had ex¬ pired. The Shew was amended by 3 very large number of spectators, many of whom came from a considerable distance. Although it excited much more inte¬ rest than was expected, yet the Society ■was disappointed in not having a larger number of practical farmers join the in¬ stitution* which was formed for their im- mediate h^nefit, and to render their aid as little burdensome to themselves as pos¬ sible, the subscription to become a mem¬ ber of it wat reduced to one dollar per annum. This small sum from every far¬ mer would enable the Society to be of vast utility to the country instead of be¬ ing as at present, from the smallness of its funds, coniined to a single Cattle Show in the year for a few animals. Hith¬ erto the Society has been almost entirely supported by the inhabitants of this town, who are only indirectly interested, from motives of public spirit. , R. C. HORNE, Sec'y. to farmer's wives. A most excellent method of making B UTTE ft, as now practised in Eng* land) which tjfectually prevents its change tng^ and becoming rancid.—The day be¬ fore churning, scald the cream in a clean iron kettle, over a clear fire, taking care that it does not boil over. As soon as it begins to boil, or is fully scalded, strain it, when the particles of milk, which tended to sour and change the butter, are separated and left behind. Pat the vessel into which it was strained, into a tub of water, in a cellar, till the next morning, when it will be ready for churn¬ ing, and become butter in le«s than a quarter of the time required io the com¬ mon method. It will also be hard, with a peculiar additional sweetness, and will got change.—The labor in this way is fk .s than the other, r*s the butter comes so much soone?, and saves so much time in working out the buttermilk.— By this jnetbi d good butter may be made iu the hottest weather. From the Medical an J Surgical Journal of Edinburgh. Cure for foundered horses, by a Bur^irai operation. Ct The operation has fuccccded adraira* bly, and will probably lead to a fimilar t pra&ice in the human fubje£ts. It has hitherto failed frequently in the Tic DoU oureux and other difeafes, either from the regeneration of the divided nerve produ¬ cing a union and refloration of ferifation, or from the effect being produced by the fwellin£ of the ends of the cut nerve fuffi- cient to effeft the union. But the excis¬ ion of two inches in length effe&uaUy prevents fuch a reftoration of feeling Mr. Sewell, the well known afliftant profefTor at the Veterinary College, who has the exclufive claim to this improvement, in the courfe of the laft eighteen months, per¬ formed this operation on above loo horfes, with uniform fuccefs, except perhaps two or three cafe«, in which there was great organical difeafe of the foot. Although the operation requires the fkill of Mr. Sew- ell, it 19 very fimple. It confilh in cut¬ ting down upon the trunks of the nerves which e;;ter the foot in contact with the arteries, on each fide of either the fmall or large pattern joint, and then remov- in^ a piece of the nerve.—A few minutes after the operation, the animal walks and trots like a found horfe, which jud before could fcarcely move at all, and then in extreme pain. The principle is obvious— it is that of removing the conductors of fenfation from the feat in the difeafe to the brain. The divifion of the arteries ac¬ companying the nerves is carefully avoid ed." *• :*.. v fTlHE fubferiber feels it his duty, from L the villainous treatment he has receiv¬ ed, to guard the public againft any impo- fition on the part of Mr. Solomon Johns, by his offrring to fell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of Erneft Town, bounded on the ealt by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, as any title to the faid property hdd by him, wns fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own vsmefor th? purchzfc made of ft in i 806, when Johns was at low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfaftions in 1812—had no fliadow of a claim. PETER GRANT. The perfon who is ftated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my juft pretenfion in the firft inftance, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P. G. ___________________________48_ For Sale or to Let, At TWO ftory framed Houfe, 3nd a (i/jJL large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. Kingfton, 26th February, 1819. 9 Land to be cleared. ANY person willing to undertake to perform the settlement duties 011 a tract of excellent Land in the District of Newcastle, and to take part of the Laud in payment for his labour, will have an opportunity of making a good bargain on applying at the office of this paper. Kingston, c27th April, 1820. 17 iMAtfLV AMH //v, f^l T3^^ leave toiuformhi> friends ^^fl^-'Jj and the public general! v, that he has opened a House of Public Enter¬ tainment near Fort Henry, under the sign of (he RICHMOND HOTEL; Where he hopes, by a strict attention to those who may favour him with a call, fo merit a share of public patronage. He will always have on hand all kinds of Liquors of U e best quality. Kingston, \\th January, 1820. N. B. Good Stablifijrfor Horses. 2t< Valuable Lands for Sale in the Township of Hamilton. IT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- JJLd ceffion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- ceflion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Concefilon, containing 200 acres. The above Lauds are all lying in the Townfhfp of Hamilton,Newcaftlc Diftrift. and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in King(lon- ThomaS S. Whitaker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near _Z~jL Doctor Keating's, two stories high, with seven moms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston} *ph June, 1819. 23 A WMifAHD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pound* WILL be paid by the subscriber, to any perfon who (hall discover and give fuch information as will convifl the perfon or p'rlons who, on or about the 29th or co?-h of Jane laft, Hole from George Rtdout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel ; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills of five dollars titch, 10 the amount of two thoufand pounds. Ey direction of the Dire&ors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, \<jtb Nov. lSiy. 47 KINGSTON TANNERY. Tf UNDERHILL & Co. Refpefl- * fully beg have to inform the Shoe-Makci3, Saddlers and Jeather fellers in general, that they have now felefted from their extenfive aflT.vtment of different deicriptions of Leather, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one Thou¬ fand fides of Upper I rather, from or.e to Twenty Thoufand lb* of light and ftrong fole Leather, and o*e hundred and fifty fides of Harnefs do. together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins ard a number of Horfe hides, Dog and Sheep Skin9, too numerous to infert, and which c*n be delivered on the fhortefl no'ice and lo*eft terms for Calh. T. U. flatters feirnfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their Orders, will find the a?>ove articles by far fuperior to any yet oftred for Sale, having already been proved, ;»id acknowledged by the bell judges in thi* Province. Kingfton, Novembrr £, I 819. 45 Isle ofTanti. THE following vaoable lands, on the Ifle of Tam» for fale—From Lot No- 35, Jnclufite, round the fouth ftore, to lot letter C\ except letter B. 82,83, 84. and 85, and all from Mr. Stuart's to the Town Plot. The fecond concefli >n, where not granted—the pre¬ ference to be given to thofe who polTefs, and have paid for thcii lots, ii fettled for as above mentioned- Mr Stuart's No's 23, 24, 25, 26 and rear half of No. 27. Lots No. 35, 36? 37, 38, and down to 85, incluuve. Letter A, referved. Lots fold, No. r, 2, 3. to No. 22 in Fr-'nt. The above lots will be fold on modeme terms. The foil is remaikcDly fertile and fitted for all the purpofrs of agriculture. The iituation of the will fhow it is particularly adapted to paflurage. It abounds with fiih & wood of almoft every kind, a confiderable proportion of which is oak. For further information, application to be made to the uiderfigned. at Bath— and for undifputed -u!es to the Hon. Sir John Johnfon, in Lower Canada. JJ. Fx\RLEY. December 28, P19. 53tf Government Contract for Ffesh Beef. NOTICE is hereby given to all per¬ sons who mav be willing fo supply FRESH BEEFtoT the use of theGar- rison and Royal Naval i.stabli^hmenc at Kingston, that proposals to contract for the same will be received at this (Jl)ice on or before the SIst of May next, at noon, for the period of twelve months, commencing ou the 25th of June follow¬ ing-. The conditions of contract, form of tender, and other particulars may be known on application at fhis Office, orat the Commissariat Oilice at Fort George ; and no tender will be noticed unless made in the form prescribed^ nor unless the party and his sureties, or an agent o?i their behalf, attend at the time of open- ing the tenders, which must be sealed, and endorsed u Tender for the supply of Fresh EDWd. PINE COFFIN, /. . . „„, Deu*y. Com* GenL Commmarmt Ojju, Kingston, 10///. April, I8ft£ 14 ai^xander~asher HIE FRONTENAC Steam Veffel will ftart from Kingfton for York and Niagara on the ill, i:th, and 21 ft day's of each month, and from Ni¬ agara for Kin#3on on the 5 th, 15th, and 25th day's of each month with as much punctuality as the nature of the Lake Na¬ vigation will admit of. Kingfton, May 12th, 1S20. 19 THFi fubferiber having rented that corr.modious Stone Houfe, tbe pro¬ perty of Peter Giant, Efq. and lately occupied by Mr. Daniel Brown, propofes keeping a houfe of Public Entertainment, (Sign oj the Black Horse) for the accommodation of Strangers, and others who may have the goodnefs to fa¬ vour him with a call Every attention will be paid to the comfoit and conveni¬ ence of cuftomers, and the fmalleft favour gratefully acknowledged by the Public's Humble Servant, SAMUEL MERKILL. Kingfton. 5th May, 1820. 19 NOTICE IS hereby given, that William Taylor, heir at law and administrator of the late Allan Taylor, hath affigned all the real and pcifonal estate of the late Allan Taylor deceafed, unto John Kirby, Alex¬ ander O. Petite and Thomas Parker, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All perfon6 having any claims against the late Allan Taylor, Taylor & Parker,or Thom¬ as Parker, arc requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment, and thofe perfons indebted to either the late Allan Taylor, Taylor and Parker, or Thomas Parker, are requested to make immediate payment to the above trustees ; who are fully authorised to give discharges for the fame. John Kirby, A. O. Petrie, Thomas Parker. Kingston^ August 28, 1819. TO LET, STONE HOUSE, upon the Hill above the Methodift Cha¬ pel, a ftory and a half high, with Kitchen and Cellar under, with two fifths of an a- ere, well enclofed ; at prefent occupied by Mr. Underbill—Pofiefiion will be giv¬ en on the ift of May next. For terms apply to Major Corbett, or William Mitchell, Efq. Kingfton. _Kingfton,3d April, 1S20. i4tf. I F. B. SPILSBURY, I Surgeon. R. N. jf ILate Surgeon of U.M.S. Prince Re-| I gent, on Lake Ontario, A i Intends practising in the various? ^branches of his Profession, at his res-$ iidence, next door to John McLean,* YEsq. Sheriff. ' % J Kingston, Oct. 6th, 1819. TO LET, .. , 41 8 •^-'^A>-<^^-<K-<t--^--A>r-^-yy-<X.^<X--X)C--KK-*C«- Merchant Taylor, HAS received iram Montreal a moft and RureUeht affortment of the belt Weft of England fuperfine Clptks ami Cassimeres, with Trimmings, gnd every thing com- P-ete. A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he is n-,w working up thefe 1 loths, &c. at his <.Id (land, where orders will be thankfully ieceived, and executed on the fhorteft notit*, and on the loweft terms fot Cam or (*iort approved credit. Kingfton, Sept. fo, 1819. 37tf TO BE SOLD, «rf immediate pos- seflion given, the following Lots of Land, in the 6th Concefiion of the Town- fhipof Elmsley, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, moft eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one of the Lots. Thry abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted to Montreal at a trifliig expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render tbis a desirable purchafe to Farmers or perfoas engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For tcrflas of payment and other particulars apply to William Mar¬ shall, Esq. Perth Settlement, John Kirby, Efq. Kingston, or the fubferiber, in Wood- houfe, London Ditrict. ROBERT N1CHOL. November 18, 1819. ^ytf Thomas Whitley, BOOT and SHOE-MAKER. MESrECTFULLYinformsthe Pub- lie, that he ha removed from the (tore f.irmerly occupied by the two Croffe's whom he fucceded in bufinefs, to the premifes of Mr. FiJc,oppofitethe Market. where he intends U keep an affortment of BOOTS and SHOES on hand. Cuftotaers fupplied at the fliorull notice, as he intends to be punc tual to all orders. THOMAS WHITLEY. Kingfton, Ajay ift, 1820. i8w5 /|^VN the firft of May next, for one or more years, a Stone Houfe with 17 acres /f Land, 6 of which is in¬ tended for a meadow, and the remainder for pa (hi re and garden, on the front, near Mr. Dalton's Brewery, and oppofue Mr. KHerbeck's Brick Houfe. For particu¬ lars apply to Smith & Butterwortb. Kingfton, March 21, 1820. I2tf THE fubferiber begs leave refpe&ful- ly to inform his friends and the pub¬ lic in general, that he has eftabli/hed a PAINT SHOP a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept conftantly all kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufh. Likewife all kinds of House, Sigtij Waggon, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the fhorteft notice, together with raw and boiled Oil, which will be dispo- fed of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Cafh only. THEODOKE BROCKETT. N. B. Two good workmen as journey¬ men Painters, will find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fubferiber. Kings ton y 6th dpril, \%ZO- l^if THE fubferibers being duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Teftament of the lace Lawrence Hcrchmer* Efquire, Merchant, requeft all perfons in¬ debted to his eftate to make immediate payment, and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to biing them forward with¬ out delay. JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingfton, 9th Nov. 1819. 46 TO LET, AND immediate poficflion given, the Houfe and premises belonging to the subscriber. SAMUEL MERRILL. Kingston, $th May, 1820. iStt For Sale, A Superior constructed plea¬ sure Wagon, a stout brown horse, excellent for saddle or harness, Enquire at this Oilice. 18 Stolen or Strayed, A F*WJ%«rtSage, from the ' •ses of the subscriber, near H11* vilie,a BAY MAIIE, 131 hid,?k- about twelve years old, a little wkjjS cad, hind foot pot bellied, a„d£'e; cuhar fintt before trottine. A lit.., • rr:arJwiIlbpgiventotheperso'^ will restore said mare to the owner Joseph Lambeth Elhahi-thloizn. »5th Apnil, 1820. ft* NOTICE. ! THE Copartneifhip heretofore exilhW between the Subfcribers, under the firm of McDonald & Aykroyd, io this dar d'Tolved by mutual content—all perfoi having demands againft the faid firm, are rcc :-..; J to prefent them for adjuftmentto Peter McDonald, and all perfons indebted theieto.arcierjueliedto make immediate payment ofthe amount of i.heir lelpeftise accounts to the faid Peter McDonald who is duly authorized to receitetk fame, and grant dilcharge?. PETER McDONaI.O, CHARLES AYKROYft Kingfton, 4pril 2Qth. 1820. iff N B. The bufinefs will becontimied as ufual by Petit McDonald. Executive Council Office, . Yr.rh, l-fth November, 1819F. WHEREAS the prefent LEASfl of the Ferry from the Town rf Ki'Rfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel* lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coan« I. cil, That fealed Propofals for a new Leak to be given to the higheft bidder will bt received at this Office until the loth ol June, iSzo. 49_________JOHN SMALL, c. s.c.^ Anchors <Sf Cables. WILLIAM IJUDDEN/3 WILL receive by the ear/,'erI fprfng veffels, and keep conftantly 0B hand at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe eng* ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ift April, 1S1Q. To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819, 34 For Sale at this Office, A FEW copies of a 'SERMON. preached at Quebec, on the I2tl of September, after the death of Si Grace the Ditke of Richmond, bytto Reverend G. J.Mountain, A. B. Bishop'i in Lower Canada, and Rector of Quebec. 41 ~~ NOTICE. rpHE Board for Militia Pb* -*• sions, will meet on the lajl Mondaj in February, and continue fo to do* the fa* Jay in each Month, until the bufnefiv this Dljlrici, as regards the fame is fin\nfi JOHN FIORGUSON Kingfton, Feb. \ft, 1819. I aitf NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the grtttft 0f g&in&tH will be opened at the Dircftor's Room U the Bank of Upper Canada, on the za\\ Auguft next, and kept open each day fan the hour often till three o'clock, dmI further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. TERMS op the J KINGSTON CHRONICLE Twenfv shillings per annum; if sent by Mail iwer.ty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to tbc 1st of July, or the IstofJauu- ary. —■ PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS (OIX lines and under is. 6d. first in* *QI sertion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 tines and luidcr, 3*. 4d. first insertion* and IQd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lilies, 4rf. per line for fkejfirst insertion* and Id. per lint for ever}] subsequent insertion. Advertisements xcithout written dirw- lions are inserted till forbid, andchargei accordingly* Order* for discontinuing Advertiu* ments to he in \\ ritinq, and delivered ly WEDNESDA } NOON at the totof, No Advertisements ?-eceived after TEN o>Clock on the dujt of publication. AGENTS. Henry Cowan, Esq, Quebec. Edward Sili>, Esq, Three Rivers. James WUIiam*, F.>q. Montreal. Messrs. J. & J. Dim lop, Lancaster. Paul GU'.-*ford. Eso. Matilda. Alpheus Jones, Esq, F:e*coiL Henry Jones, Esq. Brockvltfa N. B. Tommas, Esc. Perth. H. Whiimarsh, Ewj Richmond* J. K, Hartwell, Esq. Bastard. E. Web^'er, Esq. (lamuiogue. J. Ranken, E^q. Bath. Allan Mr Pherson, Esq. Napartft. Thomas Farkcr, Esq. BtltmUe. Joseph A. Kreler, Esq. Cramahe. ' James G. Beihune, E>q. ftamiUofa John D. Smith, Esq. I\>rt Hope. William Allan, E:q. York. Daniel Ross, Esq. yittoria. John Crooks, Er-q. Niagara, T. McCormick, Esq. Quttnston, John Wilson, Esq. AmhentAttrglL KINGSTON. U.C. PRINTED FOK HIE HHTOR?"

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