acquainted :" when, before I conld recoi¬ led myfclfto reply, he fnid, "its fcventccn years.IJ The King had an admirable retentive mcmoiy, l\h remnrksiu general, from my own experience, were exceedingly appropriate, lie entertained a refpe$ for our Society, cnnfi .1c red them among fomc othis belt fub;e&% more efpecially tfcofe who were the moll confident to the prin- ci'jleathcy profcfTcrl HALII'A;, April 1. Y»%stcrdav His Excellency the Gover¬ nor i:i Chief bein£ sontcd in (he Council Chamber, com mandrel the attendance of the House of Assembly, which shortly afterwards nppoarcd at tin* Bar, with the Speaker at their head ; His Excellency was pleased to deliver the foilovviun Speech : Mr. President and Gentlemen of Ills Majtst^s Council, Mr. Speaker ant! Grutlemen cj the House of Assembly •> Tlie attention which hn> hr-^n given to the dispatch of the pubiic husin Ass of this Reason, rs entitled to my b?,;t acknowl¬ edgements, and enables me now to relieve you from further attendance. Mr. Speaker and Genfkmen of the House of Assembly. 1 obperre with satisfaction that (he sup¬ plies which have been voted for the pub¬ lic service, have been propnr'ioucd to the circumstances and means of the Pro¬ vince* I thank you for them in Hi* Ma¬ jesty's name ; and you may rely upon their being faithfully applied. Mr. President and Gentlemen of His Majesty*s Council, 4 Mt'- Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly <, I cannot allow yon to separate w if bout expressing my personal thanks for the support i have received in the adminis¬ tration of the Government, and for the repeated assurances of your approbation in the discharge of the' duties of my stci- tion. It afTerds me great satisfaction at this rnoment to seethe Irovincein theenjoy- meutof peace, contentment, and abun¬ dance of all the necessaries of life. Ii it. perhaps still more pleasing to see the fairest promise of a continuance of those blessings increasing too by a rising spi¬ rit of industry, the active efforts of w hieh will best express its powers and impor¬ tance. Leaving j ou in (hut stati , I» annot but feel most anxious for the future. Con- Tiueed as I am, that Nova Scotia is grim - fog; in Strength more rapidly than you are aware of, and that every year, it is acquiring multiplied powers of. energy and exertion. 1 fael it my duty to point out to yen the 'obje/ts which appear to me, above all others important, to pro¬ mote those happy prospects. Preemi¬ nent in these I consider a continued en- -couragement to the pursuits of agricul¬ ture as the only source and solid founda¬ tion of the prosperity of this and any oth¬ er country. On it your commerce and your fisheries \> ill grow to consequence ; and while it languishes, these also will be limited and unprofitable. I earnestly recommend to your pro¬ tection, the college now ri-ing in this towo. The state of the Province requires more extended means of education ; and this college, open to all classes and de¬ nominations of Christians, will aflwrd these means in the situation hnM suited to make them generally a liable. I am myself fellj convinced (hutthe ncVinta- ges will be great even in our ti.-c, but growing, as it "ill grow, with the pros¬ perity of the Province, no human fore¬ sight can imagine to what extent i* may have spread its blessings, wheriyoarrhil- dren's rhihlirn shall conunre iu'ji.i i-c. of Nova-Scotia to what it is now. Of less consequence, hot yet vifrM. ira- and state of the militia. Jt is the con¬ stitutional defence and security nf the Province ; and the protection of 3Q/XM) young and willing Rons of your own fa- milieu ought not to be slij-'r-d'or ne¬ glected by government or the Legi-.l.-iture. The militia is pot at proscut what I hav* wished to «ee it,"but there is all the loyal¬ ty I could desire, and in many battal¬ ions all the zeal and discipline I could possibly wish. The scope of the chief command itIttcIi His Majesty has been plvised to intrust tome, holds me responsible to watch over, and rnquireinto the administration, circumstances and improvement, as well as the (Wenre of er^rv one of these His Majesty's HVrth American Provinces. Under the biasing of God, I will do so to the best of my abilities ; not only by- inquiry, but in the succeeding years by personally *i-!fing every one of them. I should indeed feel infinite satisfaction in seeing the measure now onb begun, ctill persevered in here, and realising all the hopes which I believe the groat majority of the people of Nova Scotia at this mo¬ ment entertain. Having thus discharged whntT conceive to be an important, and perhaps my tavt important duty here, it only remains tor me to offer my fervent prayers for the happiness and prosperity of you all indi¬ vidually. The President of [lis Majesty's Coun¬ cil then, by His Excellency's desire, de¬ clared the Assembly prorogued until the 8th day of June next. John Wr.rmvoRTH. Bs;cnct5 in l\e 84th year oi his age. St.Joay, (N. B.) April 5. Wo learn that an Act ha- passed the three branches of the Legislature, which is to go into immediate effect—laying a duty of 7fi per Ton upon all Plaister of Peris, cariied into, or Shipped out of. tht> County of Charlotte^-that is at the Pas- samnq'joddy Lines* and that the Law contains such provisions a- afford the best reason to believe it cannot be evaded*and that it will b'1 off.ctnal in producing Re¬ venue to the Province, at the oxpenee of the United States, whose efforts n*e tj late so perniciously aimed at the destruc¬ tion of our Cojnmerce. QUEBEC,Mav1& We are forry to learn that the infant daughter of His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland died on Tuefday —Mercury* — * We hear that Sir Jam^s Kempt was at Portftnouth, on the 4th April, about to embark for Halifax. ib The House of Asscmblv waited Upon * f the Governor in Chief yesterday and re¬ quested His Excellency's acceptance s»f a Sword and Star valued at oueihou&iud guiueas, which had been voted him. HALirAX, April 1 I. DIED]—On Saturday eveix!ngj Sir York, May 4. 1820. CORONERS IS'QLfbST. Atl inquisition was taken at Wood- house, in the District of London, on the J3th iust. before Robert Nichol& James Mitchell, Esquires, two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace ; upon the vieu of the bodies of two young lads offiic name of John Cornelius and John Jewell., the former was found in a state of violent convulsion within ;mi hour after he had eaten the fatal root, and (he latter was found dead, by his un<!e. a few yard- from his father's hou^e. It is supposed that they must have died nearly about the same time—the root when eaten by them was supposed (o be ginseng.—John Cornelius died in about Iwu hours after he had been seen eating it. u Perdiel,—That the sr:;d John C'or- " neliusand John Jewell, came to their '"death by casually eating of a lioot 61 found by the said John Cornelius, "growing in the fields of one George fc" Salmon, supposed to be a species of fci Parsnip, and a strong vegetable poi- We are informed by (he gentleman who forwarded the above communica¬ tion, that Mr. Salmon observed the boy digging up the root in his field, and for¬ bid his eating it, as he did not know what it was : but the mother of the oth¬ er boy tasted the root and ^aid it was iMn-cng, upon uhich the boys divided the roof in her presence and ate half of it. This was about sunset, and soon after dark they were both dead. Our correspondent has promised to ob¬ serve the leaves of similar roots when * they shoot, and inform us more particu¬ larly of the nature of the plant He also encloses the following extract from M, Bechteio, " The gaiucn parsnip should never be dug up in the spring : because when the roots at that season are grow¬ ing upward for producing s^cd, their juices acquire a poisonous qualify ; and instances have occurred in which the in¬ ternal use of then; has been productive of fatal effects on the human constitution. The roots of the broad leaved *;ii<v par-nip are very hurtful to man and tat¬ tle ; and those of the nairow U-a%ed skir- re!, are also said to he noxious in their effects, and ought, fhereiore, to be care¬ fully avoided. * We have often In aid rhe garden Parsnip vtas unwholesome *f- ter it had commenced vegetating in the spring: but the flavour i* so much im¬ proved by its remaining in the ground during the winter that we- have frequent¬ ly eaten if and known many others to do s^ without the smallest ill effect* when d";; np early in the Spring : however we should t! ink it very imprudent (o cot [n cases where vegcia-ftta poisons mtij be taken^and no medical assistance at hand, drinking plentifully of warm water will pmbably free the stotnnch of the poison, or at least so dilute its acrimony as to orevent any fatal result. KINGSTON. Mjy 19, 1620. • * • « • * * • - 4*4 "Mi..lames Sfnugliion, Mr. \V..Sion-;liii)n, - Mr. Talhni,-------------- Mr. ToMieui, ._____ Mr. R. Wolkcr, --------- Mr. J. Waikio ,---------- ,'ainrs Wilkie. Esqniip,- Mr. v\ tlkin-uri, -------- l^Mr. W. Williams, — • Mr.Tin.. S.VVintakcrf— vernr/ieni would ForJ^ an t-^pire secondary rafra. Stanton, to none in theworM- T'lc departure of Mr. Sicnncti, Lord Bercsford froul Lisbon ;»• tins moment [rives a eolonrto theaufiprwition thai hisvoy- •ig*'tothr Court of tfa Brazils is connected with political nntter* of some importance.— Strong dissatisfactiol'*!t is k"«>w»» prevails in Portugal at the rea'('enc'> ol *[Mi h'n? hi Amenca, which sine the restoration of pence in Europe is consiaVed !).v ,,le Pertaguesi as a national de^rad ■iil>}" The jvospect of his: a!is«-.Tt*e he!;i2 p^riisrtneni, auded to the example of the Spaehtrd^,»)ay have excited a desire anion* the Portuguese to throw off allegiance t > ^t lUmiij which has in a manner abandoned rhcra, arifl ,n endtuivaur to i'onu for t'i'-n>i'!ve-a ..10- ' !*!ioral government— In efthetin? this, hou«ver, H swms douhtfnl wheth.-rthev would i«i«kfi n ro to in on cmine with the Sua u-arris, The prejudices and an- cieTitantipathies of the two nations though they may have beer, iwiftenwl down during ihe'muluildist.-es^e of (he peninsular war, are not Dhlit^mied—ih-CJ| are|H-rhaps yettOO Strongto.tdmil ol t ,. union of Uh-m two na- uoi'i under one geue •" gorAniuett — Cn the oth (nstfttil the first ve.^el arrived tromse:! at the P-U't <>f Quebec. Qo the Hill seven more vessels ',-'m London, Aberdeen, and New (Vth\ hr.i^ arrived, and the nuin- bur has 00 doubt be*' preaily iucreared bv the; favourable fc*les from the eastward. Arrived at this placi ,is* eveni%}n the Steam Ooai Charlotte, Anihowy Barclay Esquire, Hf« Maje^ty'bCommiss'ionri for Fettling the botui- darie* her ween irsaad he Uniled States, under the Tien.> nfGhent ; ?.:r»n»paned by Ihe lion. Joint UahN A?^nt, I). Rljt*h>i Snrveyors ffc n \o 0 l 8 4 0 10 0 0 7 6 0 io 0 0 |5 0 0 10 0 1 .'* 4 0 in 0 0 10 u 0 10 0 Any persons desirous of aiding in the dis¬ semination of the Holy Scriptures without vult uv comment, are respectfully requested to pay tbe^r Subscriptions or Donations to the Treasurer, or to the Bankers of this town, as soon as may be Convenient; so as to ena¬ ble the Officers of this Auxiliary to make an early remittance to the Parent Institution in London, for theiSooks ordered to be sent out, JOHN LAMPRKV.> cW,,„r;^ SAMUEL SHAW, S *tf-W9* Kingston, U. C. Uh Ma\jy I'inplosed on (bisservj e. V»'e nnrler>lan4 they procei d 10 tb<it point f«< {vu'ie Huron, where the rommi&sioucrs kfj off ^'s survey la-si season. We are in formed th^« Duel was fought «t Sandwich on the mornhu?; oftiie '»th instant, between tv.«» Ameru »i Officers Irow Detroit, a Captain Parley anil Lieutenant O. Fisher, —The latter race cd n shot through the body and-expircd'mniodiate!)'. The Duke of Richmond, by 'he title of Duke of Lennox, has taken the oaths of allegiance in the i our: of Chance y to qualify, Ultn to trottoa theelccti m of the 16 Peers. Montreal Hendd. Ata w^'.'r^ of tl^e Oirnmtttee of the Kingston Aiixir»ry to the Britisli ao*1 For¬ eign Bible Soriet), held on Saturday, the sixth ofiVJay, igji)— The fnllowit'S: ResohltiO'^ wer? passed: 1st. That Bibles and T&&*Ui&n& h« im- nvl r.tely ordet-d to the amount of JJGU Stsrlins. 3d, That Francis Ray^S, C-ei'-c, Bar¬ rack )I i..t-r, be appuaut'd uiUui Com¬ mitter*. o.:. Th^t the Co!iuai*fcPC sneef a^iJn on the first Monti r in ^nne " 'Xt at W o'clock, aiihe Oftl *]%* Fti . ' c '. " • ite purpose o'it-?v:-'<i.^tf;, :: u"Suh-crip- lions, and rt*m*t'iug th< sarre i.> the P ireet Insiitutio^ in payrv .;.. tiie Books ordered. Syhs-rr- ;'.jns'.'. (I Bonriv ns ' tftc S^tgsfon SJt' tftit Brfish and Fbreign jSi- Sis BxcdtmtrM&r G wd Zlr P M.HT- LAjYD. K. C 3. Puts**. AanualSubcrlptb t. r. Donations. £ $. 0. I r. d. T':os Mnk'land. Esq, Prrtd nrA S 4 1 • B. Walrney, •' --q. V\ h Fret i» "«' - I *N. McLeod, E:q Ftu£>rextentt I 3 4 | 1 S 4 f Rfv. G. O. Stuart,___... .1 — J. Wilson,.........I — Mr. Booth,.........1 — Mr. Pope, ... ... i p. J FrancisRayne-.Erq ^..v3. 1 5*1 .Mr Bart tot............1 Id 94 I 3 4| S 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 S 4 3 4 g I — Rtchard-^n,.......0)0 0 — Thompson,.......... I 34 — John McLeod,, . ..I 3 4 t. — Deo n..............1 3 4 .T. Klrby. Ym\. Tr*wtr*r.....I 3 4 Mr. A. Priiiple, Depositary.....I & 4 — Vohn Lainprey% 5rc/>tary."1 3 4 — 6. hhtan.......Oti......0 10 0 — A nren-uii................-------- . .0 10 0 ...0 to 0 ...0 10 0 ...0 10 0 ...0 10 0 .0 io to From British and Nev; Vork papers, con- taloing London dates to the l^t and Liver¬ pool to the 3d April, we have this week ex¬ tracted several interesting articles. Bills, it will be observed, have been found j'lSamst t!?e principal of the Cato street con¬ spirators, nod their trials were to take place on the 1 Mb ultimo. The trials of thos^ per¬ sons who were concerned in sudifinus prac¬ tices at Manchester and other place? hav§ re¬ sulted in tiicir conviction. Sir Francis Bur¬ den and Mr. Hunt, the two most conspicuous of these characters, will it is to be presumed, be punished in a manner that will s*?rvo as a lesson for all future disturbers of the public repose. The general election had been near¬ ly completed, The return of Sir F. and John Cam Hobhouse for the city of Westminster seems to be looked on a* the triumph of Radicalism over Whiggfcra. Mi: Lamb, the unsuccessful Whig caiKlidate, would. :twas imagined, get into Parliament for •» borough. Symptoms of approaching tnmuUs have tnan'ifested themselves at (Jlosgow, but as Government had cautiouslyassembled a large Military force near that city, thed sconteut- ed Manufacturers may perhaps be thereby ov*-:a\ved, and prevented from committing any alarming excesses. We have nothin&later from Spain than was fflvcn last ivvdc. On our fourtn paj^e will he found the Constitution of Jo'H, by tlic provi- s'uKii of which it v. ill be observed that tlie au¬ thority of tli' Kilts is n:or>» cn:nple!ely a- b:id/.ed than thai of Wry other European ma- n.ei:. Shotild the- avertiou maoe by the KJUue of the yt. Jamert Cimn'-Icle be well •'• '.i,ded,a mighfv eh nxX^ ^ ouhl cerfuulv he — J. /xikm-on....... ......0 10 0 — C. AUroyd........ .....1 00 — *S. A \ k 1 ~o\dy.............--------- — Baymon.............0 10 0 — *B:*ul,riui,..............1 (JO ~»Bennev.................1 3 4 —f&rnsoa,.......... ___,--------- — BlancHard,,........ — Boydi'i),......... —- l»iev u,.......... — J. Botiei worth,.... — vv. f-.'irrol...... h|*yi» "t tH U,........ ...... Mr. C'ov.....................0 10 0 •John (-iiiiMpi-ig, L^|...........-------- Mr, Cuimhif*T&m1............0 10 0 — .T. D'i«--on...............0 5 0 — Jatm lilleiberk........0 5 0 — »l*. K«aa«...............0 10 0 — Fcath^rstotpa----- ......--------- — V. \\ . Ferguson...........--------- —•Fra.-er,.................1 3 4 I^O ______ k v/, **«••».................—^—^-------- Do.......................--------- «Mr. Fowler,........... ....--------- 0 i0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 ERRATUM. In Mr. Whitney's Agricultural Communi- pation, published in our last wepk^s paper, at ihe fourth fine afh*rcommencing th* fifth pa¬ ragraph, in teadof "an iiiiprove<l state of Agricultural Economy," read " an improved state oi Agriculture.—Rural Lconomv, com- prising/ £cc. MARRIED, On RaJurday, the nth March, at Ueaeons- lieid Church! hythe Rev. Wm. iM. Bradford, I lector of Hedsojj the Hon. Charles Augus¬ tus Fitsn'oy, of the Royal Ilmse (juaid^ (Blue) to Lady Mary Lennox, daughter of the late, and sister to the present Duke of Richmond* At Hallowll* on WednefJay, tlie 3fl inst. by Rtcppen Co.iff^r, Esq. Mr. Caleb William?, to Miss (ilornoah Young On Monday the 15th instant, Mr. Alex¬ ander Mi'Leoo, Merchant, in Miss Pp.-Tnr.\pi hy the Rev, Official Stuart DIED, On the 12th of March nil- suddenly at the Inn of Dalwhinny, in Perthshire, (bein^ there on a Journey) "Sir Alexander McKenzie, Bart, of Avoch, Rl Shire, well known for hi*indefatigable exertions in exploring the north west part of this continent, lifting the flr.-i who ever traversed it from sea to sea. Ui- complaint iss*iid to have been an ossi- flcation of the heart. At Augnsta, District of Johnstown^ "P. C- cii the tm1! of April tast« awd 80, Mrs. Jones wife of Dr. Solomon Jones of that place. -Mrs. Jone-j had for many years hem afflicted with a slow decline, whose jrradud, lei> inevitableprocie-is, she had learned to contemplate: with that chrrstini resignation, which 'the consciousness of ft 1 ill spent life. and the firmest hnpe^ of accept t*e throuEjh tlic iiieriw of our Redeemer enw alone inspire. tfonfi •ol Iff raid. qpV£BK€m 4th Blur, 1820. Al Quebec, on Wedned iv sen*iii§bt, the Ri-v. Tliemas F^unt;, nged bO years, ler.ving a W:re and l*>ur Uhildren to deplnn* his loss. Hisdrtath was occasioned by a cold, causht 00 his journi-y from St. Marie Nouveih- IJeawcc to this place, where he hoped to find employment for two young men, bis son-. who are now with their mother left destitute 01 support We are happy to observe, although a stranger among us, by the e\er- Honl of a few individuals, his remains were re^pecraMv interred. In this City, in bis iiOth.year, Col. Lc Comii e Pup're', ofthe lit J <ifi. of Quebec Militia. He was second in Command of the Canadian Militia during the Sirze and Block¬ ade of this City hv ihe Rebels, in the winter 177S 0. His Funeral service was performed this forenoon in the Chapei of the Seminary, and Ids remains were afterwards conveyed on board the Lauzon Steam Boat, to St. Fnucoi- on the Island of Orleans, where they arc 10 be interred. Oft Thursday the 11th instant, atEJm (irovp. Perth, after a lin^erinp; 'linens which she bore with Christian fortitude, Eliza Mov Lite *'* 'I *" 1TIUI ■ i t t I- t ni r i 1 1 , ■ 1 I . ■ ' ' ! ' . MZmM*i&A ^■tw.-t, wife of Alexander Thorn. Esq. Staff Sunreon to ffis MaiestyV Forces. - : * . . 0:0 0 0 \'j 0 t 5 0 * #4 fl I I ** W» _!LwI Ui 2 6 5 0 5 0 s 0 J 0 Mr. Marshall,......... ,.....0 10 0 \t Mrs. Marshall,......... .....0 10 0 Mr, Martin.---------------____.--------- — J. ' *art,.............0 5 0 — Orahaiq...... ........| 34 — nark 1*4.................----- — S. Il.uisley,..............0 ♦ Liput. IJ^nvy, R. K..... .....0 Mrs. Hcrditner,........ .....0 15 0 'Mr. Iimion............. .....1 34 — R, Ji.lin-ione....... .....0 SO 0 — W. B. Lamb.............0 5 0 — Wm. t.Mnn, M-r.trca»f____I 3 4 — J. Ma.a'day....... .....1 34 — MrC'ihitfe........ — McCracken........ A. McLean, Rqnirc,— John McLean, Inquire, Mr. Peter McDoua1d>.. - — Arclnhald McDonel)......Q 11 8 -^ A. WcLcOd,.............0 i"U • Lieutenant Colonel Ma<|.|,Prson \ 3 4 Mr. Mair..... u 0 1 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 .....0 10 0 .....\ 3 4 .....1 0 0 0 30 0 ***** — Jaw.^s M«*agher, • _ S. Merrill, ----- —,— •WUitem MitcbeD, Z*q.- Mr. ^.mre.-------------- — Morley,--------------- — Wouat,------------— ! 0 1 I 0 0 5 0 3 4 3 4 0 10 0 0 10 0 DAY&MARTIN THE fubferiber expcAs in Port this week, one hundred Ca k«, of about six dozen each, oi Day & Martin's real aad moft luperior Japan Blacking, By the Curlew, -kip^ie, and Kigrnt, from London, which he will difpnse of at fol¬ lows.—largest mzc '4/per dozen. Second ize io/5 per :o7:en ' This invaluable composition affuda pe¬ culiar nourihSoient to the LeatEerv N^Ufh no other Blacking does. Montreal. 14th May, 1R2C. iiENJ^MIN H.\RT, Agent. Nrar St Paul Street. 20 ON SaLK, t Ease India Carpeting, CaffjT.ere Shawls, Euperllfie Cloths, Yarn, 4CC Ih$. Beaver* London Bottled Port Wine, &c. &c. &c. WATCHES and. CLOCKS * Repaired in the b*st manner, by S. O. TAZEWELL, rNrtrthsfde ofthe Market Place. Kingston,] WHO moll refpcftfully informs the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he ha? commenced the above bufinefs, and hopes, by paying ftrift at¬ tention to bufuiefs, to give the ntmolt fat- isfa&ion to all thofe who may pleafe to favour him with their employ. Having had many years experience in London, is perfe&iy acquainted with the parent Lever, Horizontal and Duplex Scapemenrs, Repeaters, &c &c. Kingston, May 13th, 1820. 20tf land"agencyT THE fubferiber. for many years the Junior Clerk in the Office of the Honourable Executive Council of thifc Province, and who has for fome time patt occasionally acted as a Land Agent, hav¬ ing rcligned the fltuation he held in the above mentioned Office, and not being en¬ gaged in any other employrrenr, will now transact Land bufinef* generally ANDREW MEilCER. Tori, nth May, 1B20 20 *- - —' ■ - ' ' ■ — . Doctor Boyd) HAS removed to the houfe formerly occopicd by the late DoSor Kea- May t6, 1820. 29 1 — y. Palmer, - Mrs. Patrick, Mr. Pcclfr, P X. Peine. "Esq, N. N. — Mr*. Powell,------------- •Mr. '■ Pringlc. Mr Prtgh, 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 ti 0 10 0 1 3 4 *vrr*«:jfht In fh«a j' i,;'l r^la»itnr of the Ew- mi'.f in S' ■*»' ■. Tin" junrtuej of Spain and 4\*rl 0ii M&it OM li'C and energetic tio- Hit- Robert StanjcUj Mi" ReW,---------------___ #Mr. Ricbraoinl, ——— ____ •Mr. P. UorhHcait, —____ \\. Srluniier, Ksq. — __ •T >cott E»q.----------"" Mr. Scousal, 0 io 0 0 hi 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 •Lieutenant Vervain*', R. t'^.l 3 4 ^Peter Smiib. E quire,— -*] 3 I Mr. T. Smith, 0 10 o 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 NOTICE. At CERTAIN number ofcopiM of j WlL the revifed edition of the Provin¬ cial Statutes being ready for diftribution, all Magi ft rates and Public Pr -vincial Of ficer* who are not already fupplied, may each be furmihed with a copy on applica- the Iiotife of AlTembly. And the Printing of the Statute* of the lad SefTion ofthe Prnvrnci*! Legiflature b?'*ip coifipffftedi s number of copies will be tranfrrfrted with ^1) :H>flible defpatch to the Clerks cf the Pence for diftrihu- tion in their refpcQlVC DiftriAs. Such VJagiltr^tes or Public Provincial Officers to whom it may be more convenient to ap¬ ply to this Office, will be fupplied on their application here. Administrator*! Office, May 9;/', 1820. By Command. (Signed) GEORGE HILLIER, Auction Sale. Custom House Office* liath. May 18, IF/20. ON THURSDAY, the 8th of June next, will be fold to ihe highett b'dder at the Auction Room of Mr John Strange* Kingfton, th$ following Goods, lately condemned in iiis Majelly'a Court of King's Bench :— 14 pieces of American manufactured wool¬ en Cloths, 24 pieces of do. do. Cotton Cloths* 174 dozen Almanacks, 24 dozen Weblter's Spelling Books^ 40 dozen llitlory B<>oks, I 28 dozen papers of Tobacco, 12 kegs of Plug Tobacco. bale to commence at One o'clock, JAMES RANKEW* 20W3 Colh dor. fVindow Glass. THE fubdcribcis have on hand a con¬ signment of WINDOW GLASS, of 7 1-2 by 8 i-2, 9 by 9. 8 by IO, 10 by 12, of excellent quality, and warranted to open in good order, for fale at very low prices for cafhor .hurt approv. d credit. THOS- S. WH1TAKER &Co. May 17. ao> Bank Notice. THE annual meeting of the Stock¬ holders of the Bank of Upper Can- ada, for the purpofe ofcho-fing Direc¬ tors, will beheld at the Bank on Monday, the 5U1 day of June next. S. BARTLET.Cg/W'* Kingfton, May 17, 1S20. 20 JO'HN C. MbRRlLJU ' MESPECTFULf Y informs hri friends and the public, 'chat he hat commenced the Boot <Sc Shoe-Making Business in the nSop formerly occupied by Daniel Wufhburn, Efq in King Street, where he intends keeping conflantly on hand a gen¬ eral afiortment of BOOT'S & SHOES. Likewi.e LEATHER of every defcrfp. tion which he will fell as low as can b» procured :n town, for Cafn only. May m. 19 For Sale, ASM ALL collection of books juil received from New-York, amougft which are Peter's Letters to bis Kin-fn.k* O'Meara's Memoirs of Naprdeon—the Spectator,—alfc Greek Lexicons end grammars, Leropurre's ciaiiicai Diction. ary, and a variety of other School B oks. Alfo an excellent Surveyor's Compafs ofthe moft approved kind. JOHN MAC.-WJLAY. Kingfton, May 12th, iSzo. 19 NOTICE; ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part nerfhip of Richard liobhon and David Serord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnerfnip may be indebted, are ic- queiled to fend in their accounts for ad« juftment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. tGti TO LET, " • A NP infmrdia'te poff.Mion given, rlL the IF*] premiles occupied by the late Edward Keating, Efquirr, l hyfician to the Forces For further particulars, enquire of the fubferibers, WALTER McCUNIFFE. peter Mcdonald. Kingston, May 9, 1820. 19 NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the ^m& of ^fa#m> will he opened at the Director's Room ia the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Aoguft next, and kept open each day from the hour often till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. $ l FOR SALE, AT a very low price for Cash —the south or front halt of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Loughborough —For par¬ ticulars, apply at tins Office. Dec. 7a LS'19. i»0