Kingston Chronicle, April 28, 1820, page 3

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fceafcfc" This inftantly produced the in¬ tended effect, and he took hi* leave in the mod affectionate manner." . PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. Quebec, Ttiefday, nth April, 1820. This day at three o'clock, Hia Excel- the Adrciniftrator of the Government came down in StZtC to the Legifiative Council, and being feated 00 the Throne, the Gentlemen LTflicr of the Black Rod was fent down to the Houfc of AfTem- bly to command their attendance before His'Excellency ? and the Members bei** come up. the Honorable Speaker of t^e Legislative Council figmfied. His Excel¬ lency^ pleafure that they fliould return co the ufual place of their fittings, and th^e chufe a fit perfon to te their Speak- er, and prcfent him for His Excellency's ■ approbation on Thurfday at three o'clock. Thurfcay, April 13th. —His Excel- Iency the Adminiftrator having again come down to the Legiflattve Council, and being feated qh the Throne, and the IVlembers of the Alfctnbly, with .Mr. Pa- flneau their Speaker .elect being in .at¬ tendance below the Bar, the Honorable the Speaker of the Legislative Council exprefled His F.xcelleftcy's allowance of the choice of the Houfc of A (Terribly ; and then IJis Excellency was pleafed to deliver the following Speech :— Gentleman "f ft* LrmstaHoe Council, end Gentlnnm of the House of Assembly,. Though I felt dellroue to avail myfelf of the counfel and affiftatice of this Par; L'ament, it was mutter of deep concern to rfce to fummon you together at a period ' of the year which I am feniible is highly inconvenientfjryourafTeniblingjbut 1 ascer¬ tained that cfceLaw permitted of the adopti¬ on of no other courfe. I regret alfo that your feiliou Riuft open, in regard to the Eq¬ uation of public affairs, at a peculiar and unhappy conjuncture, fQWC proceedings being neceffarily liable co interruption by the notice from His Majelty's Govern¬ ment of thdfe important events which have recently involved trie Royal Houfc of Brunfwtck and the people of the United Empire, in one common affli&ion ; yet by the exercife of fueh prompt and diligent *>** A*-*»**rt : ^> T J***»K* ri-.* y«*u i*r*- j . r - p a r *-• I to bellow upon the public bufinefc, you rnay, I trull, be enabled to enjoy the fa- tisfa£ion of contributing in a rnate;ial de¬ gree to the fervice of your country. Fearful of tranfgreffing, by any war.: of due caution, againlt the integrity of that unrivalled Conltitution bellowed upon you by a Sovereign whofe paternal eye was upon the interefts of every part of his dominions, and who will furely live for ever in the grateful remembrance of thefe Provinces, I had recourfe to the proper fources of information, for the effect which the advices have alluded to mult unavoidably produce on the fevcral branch¬ es of the Legiflature, and the refult has determined me not to offer anybufinefs to your confideration except fuch as may be readily concluded, and is of importance to the a&ual exigencies of the public fer- vice ; whatever appears to me of this def- cription, 1 fhall communicate to you by Mcffage, with the leaft poflible delay. Gentlemen of the Houfe *f AJfcmbly, I (ball order the ufual ftacement of the Revenue and of the expenditure for the lail year, to be laid before you* GerthifhenoflhrLts:.slntive CbMtriE, and Gentlemen -'ftkf Honse qf sl$st.nblii: Having received official communications from the Earl of Dalhousie, in his ca¬ pacity of Governor General of Hi's Ma jetty's North American Dominions- I think it right to announce to JTQU in thia place, the appointment of thai llluftrious Nobleman to the eminent ftation vacated by a much lamented death* LEGISf.ATlVE COUNCIL* aioXDAV, 17lh April, 1820. This ilny ar 12 o'clock, the House ■went up to the Cusik of St. Lewis, and presented the f&trotag Address, in an¬ swer to His Excellency the Administra¬ tor^ speech at the i»pjii»iBg of the session. To Uis Excellency Sir jftntkaatjus MjitjjSP, Knight, Commander oj ' the most Honourable MHilniy Order of the Bdlh. Major General Command¬ ing His Map *//;'* Forces in the Pro¬ vinces of Upper Cui'idc and Loner Canada, Preside':/ and Administrator of the Government oj the Province oj Lozcer C a nana. May it pi.kAse your. F,.\ci:llenct, LWe, His Maje^.Y's fflithfai and loyal subjects, the Legislative Council of Low¬ er Canada, iu Provincial Parliament as¬ sembled, beg "leave to Mum your Ex¬ cellency our humble thanks for your Speech from the Throne. We are sensible of the concern ex¬ pressed by your Excellency, thatitshould have been found nece^ary to assemb: • the Legislature at a seaso'.i which ma> in some respects be found inconvenient aDd we concur with your Excellency i regretting that the Session should open a' a peculiar and unhappy conjuncture, •when our proceedings are liable to be in¬ terrupted by iutelUgeuce of those rmoor- tantand mournful events which have re¬ cently involved the Royal Family am, the people of the Untied Empire in on. common aflliction. We^le- flatter ourselves that by the prompt and diligent attention which we are disposed to give to the public business, we ma\ be enabled, in a certain degree, to Con- tribute to the good of our country ; and with this object in view, we shall tak.' into consideration, wlili the least po-d- ble delay, such commum.vations as yew Excellent v shall be pleased to make to ms by Message. We thank your Excellency fernoJ&ig known to us the appointment of the Earl of Dalhousie to the General Government of His Majesty's North American Pro¬ vinces ; and while we congratulate our¬ selves upon the nomination of a Noble- man whose high reputation is not un¬ known to us, v?c must, at the same time, deeply lament the melancholy circum¬ stance which deprived His Majesty's North American Dominions of their late illustrious Governor in Chief, whose a- miable and.exalted character had led the people of tliis country to anticipate the • 11th. Tha* in* order to prevent false impres¬ sions from gainum; ground through the Province ;i- to the extern of assistance intended la be af- lorded to Emigrants by litis Society, and by which the new neJllers IIi3> may arrive in the Country the ap\j»roacliing season might be in¬ considerately r*empied to taks an unnecessary journey to Yor*k, it becomes highly expedient that the Resolutions now adopted should be ^e- neralhf circulated ; it Is therefore resolvrd that these ResnlutiofT.** be printed from time to time in such manner as the committee of Manage¬ ment shall sett faning. . • , , £Kditor«of *-eiv papers in both '/aiad.^ are reouested to pnHish the above Tte-olutions.] The Sorieiy ;heu further resolved. IVth. That Lt. Colonel Wells.the Solicitor- * CLEARF.D- Apnl 28th, 3 Durham «f>»ts for Montreal,car- po uyrk. Hour and potash.—Schooner Minerva Ann, Mr. Finkle, Master, for Maioilton. cargo pa-^Hirers and bu^Ase.—Sicam-H«at Charlotte for Prrscotf, •'- DcnnK most solid advantages from His Grace's \ 0rnWll an;, ^CUJV Buld«Jns be ihe Committee Administration ; and we offer our most sincere condolence upon the loss uhicli your Excellency id particular must &o poignantly feel. * To which his Excellency the Admin¬ istrator was pleased to reply ; Gentlemen of the Legislative Go until) , 'J*lie loyal and affectionate tenor of your Address, as well as your assuran¬ ces of proceeding to the immediate con¬ sideration of the objects I plight find it important to recommend to you, give me the greatest satisfaction. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, Thursday, 13th April, 1820. .The House being returned, it was or¬ dered unanimously, that Thomas Doug¬ lass, Esq. Clerk of the Crown in Chan¬ cery, do attend the House immediately, with the Proclamation for the issuing of the Writs for t\te late General Election, the returns made (o the said Writs, and a copy of the Writ issued for the County of Gasp6, and it appearing by the said Documents that the VViit for.Gasp^ was made returnable on the 11th April, con¬ trary to the Proclamation for issuing of the Writ, and the Act of the Provincial Parliament -!2d Geo. ill. cap. 3, the said Writ was pronounced to he null and void; and the number of Members of the As¬ sembly required ti* be chosen, by the net of the British Parliament establishing the Legislature of this Province, beiti^ not less than fifty, it was ur»a:iinieo^ly resolv¬ ed in substance, that the (louse was in¬ complete and incompetent to proceed on the public business conformably to the said Act. It was also resolved that the House should communicate its resolutions to His bxcellcncy the Admmistratoroj the Pro¬ vince ; and Messengers were appointed to wait on Hb Excellency to know when il would bit his pleasure to receive the S3.'aae< of Management for the t.rM u'.onlh ; the rotation for (loir retirement l<> be cie-ided bv lot. In the event <»f their i.ul otherwise ananging it among lliem«e!ves. ISA. That the Hon. and Rev. pr. Strachan. thf Attorney Omeral and Dr. Baldwin, be ap- [inintrd a Speeial Committee to lake into eon- -nleialinn f» paper read at this Meeting, eon- tainini: a propo>ed general txposc ol the ori¬ ginal object and future vie\v> of the Mnciety. and ro frame a report thereupon for tiie further Consideration of the Society at its next monthly General Meetinr. i By Order) K. C. IIOR.XE, Sec,/. April 20. The Provincial Legislature has been further prorogued by proclamation to the *2 11h May instant. ii. L. Cochcroft of Talbot Settlement, Gentleman, licensed ac the recommenda¬ tion of the Medical Board to practice Fhysic, Surgery and Midwifery. 'I ne follow iug Gentlemen have beeu licenced as Deputy Surveyors. Roswell Mount, of Delaware* Samuel Smirh, of Oxford. ^Villiatn M'Douald, of Cornwall, and John Deviue, of V'urk- Gent. DIED, At BeDVitte,on tl^e' t&th April instant, Mrs Nanci Ha vnEN,wi(euf Doctor Anson Hay- den after a long and distressing illiiess, whieh she bon; with Christian fortitude, uged 27 years. Lately, at Jlonrzue, in Afrirn, about 400 miles :,ou h ofTripofe Joseph Ititchie. Ef«j. He was a fsative of Otley, and was employ¬ ed under the auspices of government "to make discoveries in the interioi of Africa, and particularly to endeaiuurto penetrate thro' the Gre-n Desert to Tomliuctoo. Lately. ;:t Duiiiin, Leonard M'Nally, Esfj. of the Irish bar. H*» was in the Goth year of hisa£C, and was called to the bar in 1778. He was a lawvernfgrenteminence. Lately, at Port-au-Prince^ St. Domingo, aged t>4," BQIaud Varennes. He took a con¬ spicuous part in llie French Revolution, and was a member of the famous Committee of Public Safely, in If94. He denounced Ro¬ bespierre, and caused him, with 21 of his as- sociafes. to be guillotined. I/ately, General the Honourable Sir Alex- f ander Maitland, one of the oldest Officers in the Army, and the last surviving servant of the Household of Frederick Prince of Wales, father of the late King. The General was Colonel of the 40fhFoot«—Salisbury Journal Tli us the solemn song renew'd. * Lo, the toilsome voyage past. Heaven's favoured hills appear at last Objett of our holy vow, Wt* tread the Tyrian vallcyg now. From CarnnTs ahnond-9had«'d steep We feel the cheering fragrance creep; OVr En^uldi's shrubs of balm Waves the dale-emourpled palm, Sfe Lebanon's aspirin1; he.ui Wide hi- immortal umbrage spread ! Tf'il Calvary, M-.ota mountain hoar, Wei with our Redeemer's gore! Ye trampled tombs, ye fanes forlorn, Ye stones, by u ws Oipifgcinrsworn • Your ravish d hohonrsto restore, Fearless we climb tbh hostile shore' fifo* % tmstw vMfoM&u • ••**• * * * n « * • in YORK. April 19. . At a Genefal Meeting of the Sec-ietyfer the Relief of Siranger- in Di«trfW>fl lield at ihe Church, lltia 4th day of April. lS-*!0 in receive a Report from 'l»e Commiitee s(ieciall) apoointed to digest a pUn tor tic cons>deration of the So¬ ciety, as- tothe mo?t expedient tnodtf of affording relief and employment to >uch Broigrairts, a* may either now, or from time to time be in tem- porary nani of assistance* the following eleven itesclutions as re/i muicuded in taat Report were unanimou>l> adopted. Resolved 1st. That as 3 pecuniary relief, wilhcut Miwe return of lahcur, it but oo ofteu productive of .idleness. Sticjb velief shot-Id in fu¬ ture be wilblield, except in ca^- whi ro. frou the positive sickness erab-enLeot tho>f of ;im« family capable of inain.U' labour, no isieSQa ol earning a sub'isienc/e rempJnt **irovided- (!"- measure^ proposed (or furbisfau;? employment when required should prove attainable, 2d. That the public walk about U. be termed near this town, and ihe projec:ed improvcn.eni of the Blue Hill in Yon^e Street, appear to fiSer (a-» a primary step) mo.-i durable oppprtii IU ties for giving almost immediate "mpljj Oteoi to any applicatus now in want of work. 3d." That in order to interest ti.e parties «r.n- eerned in the projection of tlie^e or am nrlrwi contemplated public works to a-.-i*: the S&Ciri; in the object they have in view,a-CommiittfC «l Manaircmeiit UoiioiMiii; of three membefa be eho en at thU meeting to confer ui|h the pro jectors Ih Meupon. i>tb. Taat, a? a further inducement to the projectors of such works tr a»u the measure pro- poiea, as well us 'o [nevrnt any hut t!(( re;th\ necensituous (torn borttienhrg the Society with unnecessary tor emuloy, it become* uifhlv desirable toil* a maximum of .\ages al ulittv L* Ittte Iftan wbixi Ji.^i'ii^i'i* iMiJuty e.i:,>•(»*- ed at, lest the wel! nrfram anxiety of the Society HI assist the really dt^tre -ed slu>iiid Uni)iten« linuaily operate us an encouragement to the new pettier^ upon iheir arrival in the IVo-.iiue. • o be dilatory t'.nd careless 'n seeking wo«k from private individuals, or sti'l mote injuii^u.-lN .*Uer a sor* »f teifi[>i.-i!ii>ii to iheiu ti> Le dive^rti d fe.Mn thcirmoreiii.ponant ultimate object.namely tuu of proceeding m seltfe iij>on thfiirnew land*. oih. Thai therefore* thi> maximum riiall be hut Trto Shillings per di*m, (Province Cur* renc\,i for a full day's work from six o'clock iii Me morning i» *>»x o'clock in the evening, with lie UMial pau.-e of one hour for brcakfa-t, and mm for dinner, the former t'roux « lill 9, the lai- icr horn }2 lo l o'clock. 6th. That this Two Shillings per dav shall l»e uniform to all fur the entire day a work, 6m.' in the event of any ?o employed either idling heir time or absenting themselves from the pre¬ scribed fiouts if work, such defSuSters to be checked accordingly for the proportion of lime rjlms !»^'», at ihe rame rate as the latter bears to :be 10 hour- ol work, viz. Sdj per hour—extra -r! (rs beyond ihe usual ilay'i work, to be paid for .t the rate of 3d. per hour. 7iu. That such Of ihe inhabitants, a* are in the ».;bit of hiring substitutes to pertcrm their sta¬ tic labor, be lierobj earnestly implored to ap- , ly to Ihe Commiitee of Management of the Treasurer of t'ie.Nocie.ty, (when the season ar- •ive.- for that work to be performed,) tor iufor- naiioii ^heihcr there be any unemployed appli- ant- for labor. 3lh. That all farmers or ethers, in want ol •mud*, be in like niannerh'lirby invited to make ku.itwi their wauls, with the description of the ort of assistance they require, to the said Com- nmeeor Treasurer, la order that those stran- -ei-5 now out of employ may have no longer ex- :uses for remaining in idleness. 9th. That all relief whatever be positively -iiuiheia by tht Society, I'roin any of its Jt en- Moners who refuse to urdcrtake any employ pointedOUf for them. 10th. Tnat in order to divide the labors of ..t- Society among its different Members and yet .>avoid thereby MtC producing any wdtleo in- idicieus Change of System which might possi- lv (through ignoranc-? ft' former practice) be ..e consequence of an entire change ol the ma- agement at tfie smite period* it is heieby re- ,-ved that that chang«'-l»ail hegraduallj clfc ted ny the MunthK retirement of One Member of i, ,n rotatiun,aud the election of a Suctes^r, 'or which exjux-ss purpose the Society shall btte a regular general Meeting in the (l.ufd. on i!.c iM 'fio'i-Miay in tM-rrj Month at oneoclock, at \h.cii HttBibb r.eet*ing any other resolulions ukK, Utwhm\*& vWiKh-a; ihca bedimed ex- KlftGkTON, ArniL 28, 1S«iO. Fyi't^ Jai:-.- \ Mr-il,\vhich reached this place on VVvilsPsd'.y Ev^ningj, wts have received a file of Ri>gli.4) nev *jiape.:^ ; the contents of uJufl), tt<>wevippJ vn*. have hecu long put in |jt*«;«Mj u(' y arrivals at Mew Vork. The packet with i"»n; February JVhiil arp\t'tl at Kw York i'ii 'lie.Ttliiniiant, in forty tlnec dayslVoni Falimou^ubut the letters, for.Ca- naili were lot warded by the same eircaUtfus route 'Vom P-e.-umda as'lliose uv Uic January packet Tlw ne»v? given in our column** trnm Sri- ni-di Anni-i. a, l.nuu^ll ol .i d; u i.uinrolOj pl.iees ina favourable noinl of view the affair? of the Patriot^ I>J1 tlcmmol lo itnpliritlv re !ied oAi as ui' wiite'-s (vtnr*. that country eoutinually eoi.tradiclie;; € '*■(» other and co¬ louring liii.ii st.: ouientswith iheirowu poIUS- cai tt rets and *ishe*-.. In the preS«ilt dis¬ tracted state oi the Mother Country, she has neither ;ht l^i'ui'e nor moans t*> re-establish he:' pti\\er 0*ei the iminetis»: rejrfons \vhic!i oikc [uieily su>mit»ed to Ini inlulerant yoke —and 113 npt o he doubled th;«t tlie Colo¬ nies, could by 'Joe inmuimoiis effort secure rbeiremaiiciJ* on. But in such a CJiFcttmay pvfheuti Ik*asked, are t»ey sumeieutly enli^.'iienedlc erect a free ^fvernrnent for themselves, or will they fall nider th*-rnlf of their tlous military oJiefCains ? ■Thouffliwe are ie dined, from otr scanty information, to think that popular forms of will gene- rallv hfadop'el.Ave am.Teh'*r>d so desiraole an object v.iii 't spui oiiy be giiued without mud?discord ? ul bloodshed anions them¬ selves, and rJiisi pi'.jion >s partly corroborated bv the present tapect of the eoirtcsf, and by tiie. see.iii"? wint of cverlion, or of inclina¬ tion amoujj tl'B j>eof>ie t«» fihako otr the jro- vernment of l&C pareut Stale.—Tile estab- lishmcit of a nnnber <>f free, ant3 errtcrprjsing States in Soun America would be ©J great i.mi'ortanee toEnglaud, as it would ojieu an •• rharietTor her manufactures, and r lie,-e her tnic.-from tho depression which has Iih"'i occHsioned by the revival of mauu- ";eTtin's on tie- Kuropean i 'ontinout- I'he latest d^ites from France are to the 5th ult. whiff] all was said to h« tranquil. The -ensutiei »Tear(-u by the a>-;assinaiion of the Dnkeiie IJrr'i had subsided, and the funds hadri «n as high aslhey>\ere previous to meianuLoly even:. — Tua preceding column will be found the Speech C!fKt!> Fxcellei'^v die President of Low er Cana- 'la at the OpenUjf of lUe Parliament of that Pro- \h.reoii the 13*'. m>r.antl aKo the ,\ddrr$sof(hc '-; -. Orttli*ll» r|i"ji'i\if<l «'ii t|t»* l**th •« an-w-r 'o fli> pJTcellltncy's Speech. We had looker! for a similar Address from the House of \»en l>'v. but insteaal of ihts ii appears that the \«,»od/!.v, after tintUiog iNHfroirtpeteii* to choose a Speaker, and topiwewl ip iis public capacity a a hpiv to the U^isUaiiye Council to hear Ii is KxciilMic;. sSpeech, immediately on its return, fc*resolved in snbiiai"^^ ,ha! the Hoire was in- rompletei aod inrouipi^ieiif to proceed to public busings-." Should t!iii> resolution be perMSte.d in, we may expect ve»r\ aoou to;hear'of thedtssc- lution of the Piiriiami-nt of Lower Canada. The late fne \\ean Iter has clotlied the fields in -ire.enata season uousaallyearly, and the wheat, we uudurtsaurtfl, has assumed a \e.vy promising throughout the Dis- U ct. The Sfcain Boat* and other r^els have. again begun to ply upon our Lalcosand Ri¬ vers. Tlte Chariots made her first trip tr> Preseotton Thursday the 20tnin<Uant. The AmericanStsam Boat Sophia entered this port, for the first time this season, on Wed¬ nesday last ; and theProutenacwHI proceed to the Upper parts of tilt' .Lake on the 1st of May. Sunday last, the 98d instant, being the day appointee! under a former order for comme¬ morating the birth of His present Most Gra¬ cious Sovereign Kin* George the Fourth—a royal salute was Bred from the batteries on Points Henry, Fredrrjck, and Mississagua, accompanied by a feu de joie from tho troops of the Garrison. The Editors have to inform Aif Elector £or the Covsr-7 oF Cabi roy, that the> havetfeter- niined,on all ordinars occa>ious% to exclude from the columns of the Chronicle any party ques¬ tion respecting t^e mcf jfs or demerits of pani'-u- lai candidate:* for ase^t in Parliament. PORT OF KINGSTON. A*4IVBD* 24th April, Amerieaif Schooner Geneva, Wm. ASooImi'h, Master,fro% Oswego, Cari;<>* Salt.— Sehr. Betthia, A. Spr^gue, from Sackets-harbor, Cargo, Poi-a*h.—^"'-oner Niagara. Henry 1-a- t;le. Cargo. I'ork. hour and Salt.------S§th, Schooner Commodore Perry, J. G. Parker, from Sacket-j-barbor, CafgOj Beer.-------26th, Schooner Swallow, Jos. H;iuk!„s jlon, Sackers-harbor. Cargo, Fot-aA-----"^7lb, Schooner Levant!a, John Br^^frAW ^^, CargO, Flour.-- Steam Boat Sophia, Jl Thurston, from SacketS- hurbor, CargOi Pww—-vsili(Steam lioat HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. THE President, or Vice President, Committee, Treasurer, and Secre¬ tary, are requested to meet at Mrs. Pat¬ rick's Inn, on Monday the first day of May, at ti?e o'clock in the evening ; at which time and place applications will be received for placing at School, chil¬ dren of indigent Hibernian Parents. .It is expected Unit the subscriptions will be paid to the Treasurer, on or pre¬ vious to the said first day of May. By order of the President, H. DAVERNK, Secretary. AT the General Meeting of the Law Society of Upper Canada, held on the first Tuesday in taster Term. 1st George4th, DANIEL WASIIBLRr^ Esquire, a Barrister of this Province, was by a resolution of the Society, de¬ clared to be disbarred, and to be thence¬ forth disqualified from practicing at the liar of any of His Majesty's Courts of tfite FwfWiw H.J.iJOULTON, Treasure;'* York, 13th April, 1820. 17 Stolen or Strayed, A FEW nights ago, from the premi¬ ses of the subscriber, near Urock- ville, a BA\ MARE, l3f hands high, about twelve years old, a little white on each hind foot, put bellied, and has a pe¬ culiar sait before trotting- A liberal reward will be given to the person who will restore said mare to the ow-ner. . . . JOSEPH LAMBETH. Eteaoerhtov:*, 2S/A Jpoii^ 1820. Id Land to he cleared. ANY person willing to undertake to perform the settlement duties on a tract ol ex- ellent Land in the District of New ensile, and to take part of the Laud ;o payment for hi* labour, will have an opportunity of making a Good bargain on applying at the office of this paper. Kingston. Vfth ApriU 1*20. 17 THE CRUSADE. T.Y THOMAS WAltTUJf, B. I>. Kini;Richard the first, celebrated for his a- ehi^vements in the Crusades, was no less distinguished for his patrona^t of the Pro- vinciaJ iniostrclff, nod his own compositions in their species .of poetry. Retumiocfrom ono of lii.s expeditions iii the Holy Land, in disguise lie wa^1 imprisoned in a cbstle dfLeoprjJd* dukef>f Austria His favour¬ ite minstrel, Blomlel d« iVeale, having trav- at length came "to a castle, in which he found there was only one prisoner, and whose name was unknown. Suspecting that he had made the desired discovery, he stated himself under a window of tlie prisoner's apartment, and began a song or oc-e, which the Kins and himself had for¬ merly composed together.^ . WJicn^ th** prisoner, who was lung Richard, heard the song, he knew that Blonde! must be the singer ; and when Blonde! paused a- bout the middle, Ih.e Kins began the re¬ mainder, oiid completed it. Tlie follow¬ ing ode is supposed to be this joint com¬ position of the Minstrel and Kiu^ Rich- sir*l-—The p;»rt which is assijpied to the latter m 4( Ivanhoe," will give au addition¬ al interest to the ode. And thoir the Sejiulehre (Sod ! By mocking pagans rudely trod, Ben ft of every awful ri.e, And cjuenchM' thy lamps that heara'd so bright; For thee, from Britain's distant coast, Lo,Richard lead*his faithful host.1 Aloft it: his heroic hand, Blazrr.g3 like the beacon's brand, OVr t>i* t'lr-affriglited fields, R. siathss Kalihunif he wields. Proud Saracen, pollute no more The shrines by martyrs built of yore? From otu-U wild mountain's tmckless rnvainthe gloomy castles frown: [cn»wn Thy battering•nsiries, hug« and hijeh, In vain our Steel-clad steeds defy ; And, roiling in terrific state. On giant-Svheels harsh thunders grate. Whene>'.* lias hush'd ihe buzzing camp^ Amid tly* rnoon-li^ht vapours damp, Thy necromantic forms, in vain, Haunt us i>ri the tented plain : W'* hid those speclrc-Wiapesavaunt, A^hlaroth, and Tennagauni; With many a demon, pale of hue, Doom'd to drink the bitter dew Thai drops from Macorfs sooty tree, '31 id the dread grove of ebony" Nor made charms, nor fiends of hell, Tie Christian's holy courage quell. k Salem, in ancient, majesty Arise, and lift thee to the sky J Soon on thy haiiii-ments divine Shall wave the badge of Oonstantine. Ye barons, to the sun unfold Our Cross with crimson wove and gold!* * A city and fortress of Syria, now called SL John d'Acre. f Kalibiirn is the sword of Kins: Arthur, ff-hlch, astbe monkish historian* ray, camp into he pO&OS»jon of Ridiaid the F<r>'; anil was givci I>^ ihac monarch, in ib»* Crn^a^W, >o Tan¬ ned. King of Sicily, a- a renal present of incs* value«about the >rar 1190. The following form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God., fr»r his fKkjiAty*i recovpTy trnm hVs Idte ildnger* ous sickne>», is to lie used at Morning arid Kvening service, after the General Thanksgiving, in all churihes and cha¬ pels :— . 6fc Accept, wc beseech thee, Almighty God, the praises and fhauk-givings of our Sovereign Lord the King, for thy great mercies recently vouchsafed to hira. [tithe hour of sickness, ad under the Severest domestic afflictions, his trust was in thee, 0 G»d ; and thou ha^t holpea him. Let thy protecting hand, we im¬ plore Thee, ever be over him. Let thy Holy Spirit evrr be with him ! And so lengthen his Jays, O God, that they may bring Jown upon \}\ri and his people the abundauce of thy blessings and mercies, through Jesus Christaur Lord : to whom, with thee, and the Holy Ghost, be all honor aad glory, now and for ever,— Amen. t Bound for holy Palestine, Nimbly we brushed the level brine, All in azure steel array'd; ')'i-rthe wave our weapons play'd, And made the dancing billows glow ; High upon the trophied prow, Many a .varrior-min^ircl swung ilissounding harp, and boldly sun-; 1 Svriau virgins, wail and weep, English Richard plough* tlie di-ep ! Tremble, watchmen, as ye spy, From distant towers, with anxious eye. The radiant range of shield and lance Down Damascus' hills advance : From Sinn's turrets as afar Ye ken the march of Europe's war ! Saladin, thou pavnim king, From Albion's isle revenge 1\-e bring ! i>n Aeon's * spiry citadel ( Though Id the gale thy banners swell, Picturd with the silver moon ; Knglaud shall end thy glory soon ! In vain, to break cur firm array, Thy brazen drums hoarse discord tray; Those sounds our rising fury fan : English Richard in the van, On to victory we go, ^ A vaunting infidel the foe* Blondel led the tuneful hand. And swept the wire with gh win; hand. Cyprus, trom her rocky mound, And Crete, with piny verdure crown d, Far along the smiling main Echoed tlie prophetic strain* Soon we kiss-M the sacred earth That gave a niurder'd Saviour birth ; They wflfc itf49lir fresh wdued, " A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.*' A celebrated French writer on politi¬ cal economy, M. Say, ha* this story ;— ct Bring in the country, I had an exam¬ ple of one cf these small losses, which a family is exposed to through negligence. From the want of a latchet of fnall va¬ lue, the wicket of a barn-yard, looking to the fields, was often left open ; every one who went through drew the dour to; but having no means to fasten it, i; re¬ mained flapping ; the poultry escaped, and were lost. One day a fine pig got out. and r2n into the wo» ds Immedi. dener, the cook, the dairy-maid, all run to recover *be swine. The gardener got sight of him first, and jumping over a ditch to stop him, be sprained his ancle, and was confined a fortnight to the house. The cook, on her return, found all the linen sht had left to dry by the fire, b *.rn- ed ; and tke dairy-maid having run off be¬ fore she had tied up :he cows, one of them broke the leg of a colt in the stable. The gardener's lost time was worth twenty crowns, valuing bis pain at nothing : the linen burned, and the colt spoiled were ;.vorth as much more. Here is a loss of forty crowns, and much pain, trouble, vexation, and inconveniencet for the want of a latch which would not cost three¬ pence, and this loss, through careless ne¬ glect, falls on a family little able to sup¬ port it." Important to Schoolmasters. An ingenious mechanic, in the north of England, has advertifed a curious machine for the abridgment oflabour, which, in a pompous fedcfre&i he recommends to the mailers of all large feminaries. It is worked by (learn, which may be applied to warm the fchool-rooms, and is calculated, by means of a graduated fcale, regulated upon the meft unerring principles, to Jnflift any required quantity of corporal puntJhmenU with various degrees oi force and velocity, from the engraving, which accompanies thedefcriptiooofthe machine, the contrivance appears fimplc, and by no means coftly, but it is to bt hoped that it will not meet with much encouragement 5 forf though a machine of this fort would certain,}' be influenced, dming its opera¬ tion, neither by pafton nor prejudfee, and though it would fave much valuable time and labour, yet the adoption of it might tend to perpetuate a mode of correftion, which is generally inefficacious, and a* our amiable moral poet, Cowper, thought— obfeeoe* • 1

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