Kingston Chronicle, April 14, 1820, page 3

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* ■ -:, .*_ f rotarynfatalOyword «as brought that Thisllcwood had been taken. At half I'Hst two* Lavender, Bishop, Ruihveu Fid Salmon, proceeded to No. R White¬ st. Mnorfields. They found Thistlewond in bed ; Bishop darted forward, threw fiimsclf upon him, and thus secured him. He appeared pnral\zed with surprise. Jle WAS instantly conveyed to Bow-st. from thence to Whitehall, in a hackuey roach. A great crowd followed, cx- •laiming—u The villain! hang him"— Thistlevrood said, w Hishop, I make no resistance." Jlesnw that a confiary dis¬ position on his part, would have been rruitless. He was taken to Whitehall it) the officer*, for the purpose of under- iojnfraii examination. Uruncf, the second leader of the con- piratnrs, had ol?0 been taken, and was .r.t before the Privy Council. Great quantities of ammunition and nms have been found in a room near 'he premises. There have been some outrages com¬ mitted at Bandon. in Ireland, originating among the cotton weavers, &c- I Died in England, Gen. Sir David Dundas, Governor of the Chelsea Hos¬ pital. and there now appears but one opinion as to the final refult of this enterprize. The Conftitution will be eftablilhcd." From the London (iazcttc* Jan. 1. Downing Street, Jan. 1. His Royal Highness the Prince Re- $ei*t has been pracioosly pleased in the name and on the behalf "of his Majesty, to appoint Major-Generat Lewis Grant ro be Governor of the Bahama Islands, in the room of Charles Cameron, Esq. Baltimore, March 29. Latest from South America. Exiraft of a Utter> dated Buenos Ayres, Ajh January, 1X20. A Chili mail is juft arrived, which brings the pleating news of Lord Cochran's hav¬ ing deftroyed the three Spanilh (hips of war, which proceeded from Cadiz in May for Lima. Enclofed you have the Ga¬ zette account of ihe firft effay. which pro. ved fo unfortunate—and I am forty¬ form you that in the afticn between the vessels of this Government and tbofeof the Monteneros and Artigas, >jur friend Don Angel Hubac had both his limbs foot a- vvay, and has fince died. The a&ion was fevtre on both—It took place off San Nicholas. The Britifh Admiral, Sir Thomas Har- dv, is now here with a fqujdron often fhips, vtz« two of the line, lis fiigatea and two (loops. What it all means, God knows. The74'sareat Montevideo. resigned. Infurreelion in St. Jagc de-Cuba.— Capt. Doane, of the floop Roxana, from Havana, ftatesthat an infurredtion among the black population, had taken place at St. Jago-de-Cuba, the account of which reached Havana about ten d?.ys before he failed. The Governor of Havana had fitted out an expedition confuting of two tranfport fhips, under convoy of a floop of war, which failed for St. J ago on the 3d, and Capt. D. fell fn with them on the 5th off Cape Florida. Capt. D did not underltand the ftrenglh of the force which had emba-ked in the expedition, nor did he underftand whether the infurreftion was confidered very alarming ; but thinks it was not, from the tardinefs with which the* expedition was fitted out. Frum the National Intelligencer, March £S. Our relations with Spain. The following important meflagc was yeflerday tranf nitted to both boufea of congrefs, by the Prefident of the United States : To the Houfe of Reprefntaiives of tie Unit¬ ed States. I tranfrnit to Congrefs an extract ef a letter from the miniller plenipotentiary of \\\c United State* -it <t. Peterfbwff, of the i(l of November laft, on the fubjeft of our relations with Spain, indicating the fentiments of the Emperor of Ruflia ref- peeing the non-ratificaticu, by l»<s Ca tholic m.jefty, of the treaty lately con eluded between the United States and Spain, and the ftrong intertQ which his imperial majefty takes in promoting the ratification of that treaty Of this friend¬ ly difpofirion, the mod faci\faftory aiTur- ance has been fince given dire&ly to this government* by the miniller of Ruffla re Cding here. 1 tranfrnit alfo to congrefs an cxrracl of of a letter from the minilter plenipoten¬ tiary of ^the U. States at Madrid, of a later dace than those heretofore commu¬ nicated, by wh:ch it apoears, that, at the inftance of the charge des affaires of the Emperor of Ruffh, a new pledge had been given by the Spanim government, that the miniller who had been lately ap¬ pointed to the United States mould feS out en his miinon, without delay, with full power to fettle all ditf-rcnees in a manner fatisfaflory co the parties. 1 have -further to ftate, that the gv x-ernments of Fiance and Great Britain continue to manifeit the fentiments here¬ tofore communicated refpefttng the non- ratification ofthe treaty by Spain, and to interpofe their good offices to promote iis It is proper to add, that the govern¬ ments of France and llu-fiu have expref- fed an earnelt dciire that the U. States would tfike no (tep, for the prefent, on the principal rf reprifal, w-bfeb might pof ^fihly tend to dtilurb the peace between the United States and Spain. There U good caufe to prrfume, from the delicate manner in which tht« ftntirrent has been conveyed, that it is founded in a belief, as well as a defire, that our juft objetts may be accomplilhed without the hazard of fuch an extrenr.ty. On full consideration of all thefc cir- cumftances, I have thought it my duty to fubmit to cougvefs, whether it will not be dcfirable to pott pone a dccifion, on FOR Tff e K-WO TON CllltUMCI.E. GE>TI.F.Mny' Havino-3er.n some remarks in the news- rap»:rson thf- ^UCCiss^tOil to 1 lie French throne, send you a list of the Kingsof France, from the accession ol Henry do Bourbon to the crown, on th'-'death ofllenry HI, last of tile race 0iVaJoi3J ^**r°nJ branch of the Cape- tians, to Loui3 XVIII, with a statement of the present Members of the family of Bour¬ bon. Should th'- relict of the Dukeol'Berri, who it isnaid is ipP^uant, not give an heir to the Crown ol'lVuicc, the Duke of Orleans and hisissUe will he the heirs presumptive to the Throne. D. S. pourboQ. rtliro branch of the Capetians. Henry IV* King of Navarre, I5»W. Louis X1H- son oi" Henry IV and Mary de Medicii, 101^ Louis XI \ • son of Louis XIII and Anne cf Austria, iM3- . Louis XV %?&& grandson of Louis XIV, Louis XVv grandson of Louis XV, exe¬ cuted 1783, Louis XV'-fi son of Louis X\ I and Maria Antoinette **' Austria, died iu prison, June utli, 17:tf>. Franep de«'ar*ep a Republic 1702. JVapoleen:'BflOilii'paite declared first Con¬ sul, 1709;___-------declared Cuiperor l$04. Louis XV H* restored to the throne of his ancestors icit- . • m Buonappr.'- agftin assumes 'lie imperial di¬ adem March I*I*k ; Louis a see>ud time restored 10 the throne of France Jhic 1815. *Henry H uas descended from Rab^rt, Count of UhI|,u»nt, sixth son of Louis IX, who married Beatrix de Bourbon, from whom this branch i» the Capetians takes its name. *TIii:f KinJ dates his reiga from the death of Louis XV I- t pr/TCE? of the moon chief rec«.minerulrttionsarc, the certainty of a crop ; its ilou rir.liing almost upon any Boil, net rcquirin^rnauun\and being proof against the severest frosf. The culture is the -ame as that nf Potatoes. l\ itlivlc's domestic Encyclopedia* &to8^qjgB$m&u I .-*j. Mr. Join BruM Df|»4 l.o. |i ,,. thai nlare. F u v. i . ai^ R,rn- tithe V „-,\,„. i,„.....1 |j;i| „v.,.|| ' . i,u:ij. AlI hi- lldUfCltl P. -, I -qvarr, |.->„.!o.,,on ll.r • * » * ■ KINGSTON, April 14, 1820. Itr tl * * • • ■ s Serious difturbahces ftill continue in the connty of Galway, Ireland. Mr. Cobbett is endeavoring to get him- felf elected a Member of Parliament for Coventry. Mr. Phillips U a candidate for a leafe of the Dublin Theatre. It is faid Mr. Croker U to be Governor of Bombay, vice Sir E. Nepean. The Sabina frigate arrived at Cadua, January 28, from Vera Cruz 61 days, with 1, £00,000 dollars. On the 15th ultimo the revolutionary General D'Evereux, gave fn Fnpland an entertainment to the Deputies from Vene¬ zuela, New-Grenada and Buenos Ay res, on taking his final leave of England. A- mon^thetoaftfl wa« 4*Sir F. Flood, and the Board of Commdlioners for Colonizing the General9* cxtenfive traft of land in S- America.,f The Limerick Advertifer flates that a funeral pafling from the fhore to an ifland in the great Lough, above Killaloe, the frien&l of the deccafed, thinking the ice fufficiently ftrong to carry the corpfe a- crofs, .proceeded on, when the ice gave vVayt"and the remains of the deceafed were plunged into the water, with a number of perfons, who perffhed. On the 14th of January, fifteen perf «ns were Handing on n piece of ice, near Cam¬ bridge, when it gave way, and every one ef them was drowied. Wade, whofe crial for forgery on the Bank of Ireland had excited much fenfa- tfon, has made hi- efcape from Newgate, Dublin, by difguiftng himfelf with a red wig, and having his eye-brows and whifk- ers painted the fame color. At Brighton, the wildeftof the feather¬ ed tribe have been fo punifned by the'frofl, that they have freft the wnods, for watmer {belter in the habitations of men. Black¬ birds, ftarlirgs larks and thrufhes have been piirfued by boys at mid day, and ca- fi!y taken by the hand. Gambling in High I ifc—Nothing has been talked of in the fafhionahle circles during; the laft two days hut the recent dreadful loITes at play, [^{tained by a gieat military Chief, who, carried away by tliat wretched propenliiy, is faid tv^ have been almoft brgnarcd !—It fa faid that Lord Y-------has come in fcr ,£280,000 of the booty on this oceafion, and, to cs'own all, that \\\cfledged bird has contrived towing his flight to the continent. Sictranfit glo¬ ria mindi I Liverpool AJer. Tsmdon, FA-. 5. South American Expedition. A numerous meeting took place in Dublin on Saturday last, to inquire into all circumstances regarding the Irifli Le¬ gion, when a committee was appointed to investigate the caufes of the return of the officers fom Margaretta ; to inquire by what authcrirv General D'Evereux em- | the qucftion now dtfieoding with Spain, until the next fefliun. The diltiefs of that nation at this jundure affordi a mo¬ tive for this forbearance, which cannot Louis Ch**-I«* Phillipe de France, >Ion- icur,!Couni D'Artois) brother of the King, torn Oct. 9, t7S7j married 177S, to Maria Theresa0!" S-v°}'- un0 ^u'^ 2d June, 180&- lias issue, I.Lotffa Antoine Due D'Angou- leme de Fra'ce, horn Aug;. 6,177,0 ; married |i)t!i Ji!*ie I^'4i Maria Theresa Charlotte. cUu*hteroffcoassXVIjboro I0thDee.l77«: 2, Charles JY'dinand D'Artois, Hue de Bern,* grandAdmird of France, born 2ith January 177:;: nrirrnd April Ul, 1810, Maria Caro- |Iuf», QEtughtet of the Prince Royal of Sieilv. Louis Philippe DccD'Orleans.'bornCth Oc- oAtL-r ;77£i; marrwfi 1810, Maria Ajitoinette Theresa, born Dec. 11, 1704. daughter Of Ferdinand, Kiugof the two Sicilies, has issue, I. Ferdinand i'hihp Louis, Due de Char- trOSj horn at Palermo, 3d Sept. liilO. •2. Louisa Maria Theresa Charlotte Isa¬ bella, born at Palermo,gd Sejpt. 1814; S. Maria Christiana Caroaue3 borhat Pa¬ lermo. 13th April, 1M13. 4. A 8(m9 born at Paris, Jan. 1, 1820, who bears 1 he name of Pei:thievr-, Louisa M'-ria Ail^aide de Bourbon,Duch- ess Dowager D'Orleans, born l2i)d M;irch, 17aS. mother of the Duke ofOrleaiiB, and of hiuseuo Adelaide L.-uisa, .viaueniuibi:Ue D'OrleanSj bera&ffd Mft iV7"- Lo.ti^ llmrv Jusefh, Primus de Conde, bovn 6th Apnl, 17'» ; married April B4, I77f\ to L^il-a Mara Theresa D"OHeaj>a, born in 1750. Louisa Adelaide, s^er to the Pnnce de C(»':de, born f)U\ 0'". 7J7. ^Lately assass °ntth • From recent files of English Newspaper, furnished us by our attentive friends at N««w- York, we haveseleeie.l for this day's paper tin* description of the funeral ceh-mouies ob¬ served Dn the interment of the late lamented Duke of Kent, and die formal proclamation in London of flis present (jraaousMajesty. The news brought from Liverpool by i he ship Crine wears a terrific and ptutenthus as¬ pect. It is to its in this distant quarter a mat¬ ter of astonishment that in the heart of Ihe metropolis of England, and in the present age of .-octal refinement, monsters could h** found so devoid ot the common feelings of humanity as to he capable of conceiving a plan for the assassination at one and the same loKtanl nfthe whole Cabinet—a plan unpre- eedenied and unequalled In point of atrocity in the British annals, except hy the famous Gunpowder Plot, A superstitious higdtry, and a wild fanaticism, combined with politi¬ cal motives,served to prepare the minds of Guy Faux, and his associates, for the diabol¬ ical attempt to destroy the King and Parlia¬ ment. A ruthless spirit of cruelty and Jaw- less revenge against the Members of that Mi- nisrry. who had promptly endeavoured to stem the torrent of blasphemy and sedition which was fast threatening the country with ruin, has doubtless hatched this last hellish plot. We have here a just comment on the opinions and views of the vile party, called Radicals, and a remarkable proof nf the fruits produced by the dissemination through England of infidel publications. The neces¬ sity of ihe laws lately enacted for the sup¬ pression of such mischievous writings, in some of which assassination was indeed daringlv commended, is also fully exemplified—and it appears probable thai tht^ discovery of this foul conspiracy will open the eyes of many well meaning though misguided men, and lead them to distrust the doctrines, and dis- counten^nee theproWTN of sorb innovators and s.oir-stvle<i patriots as Cobbett, Hunt, Waraonand AVooler, the noted companions of the miscreant Thistleu ood. «JI r<-i>rMarv,.|,r K^-hr *»,.. s,r \lt:iry <;,,„,. ae Lard (In. nf Itor Court ca i™,. Pleas At PbrOahd, on the S4th nf Man!, Pe- r, son ol Jacob Shihhy, aged f; year— O, te <StlL0f tbM same "month, Mn HUfiam mum aged SO yoara, son of Mr. Christo¬ pher German, or A.dolpbustowo—On the 2r ,V ;,i K,t!" :1,T°W^ M*% youngest ton 01 iarl:;r ban:.), junior, aged 10 months J mj 6, On Thtifschiy evening the 3i?t uli. Dr. 1' PatlnjC! Fhv sieian fo his majesty's Forces, aimnri.ieipa! medical oificer in* this province' a;rei! rd>oul :.- vears. bmit 45 years. On Wednesday the sth instant, on his re¬ turn to his family from York, where he had attended during the last Session of Parlia¬ ment, Jamks McNa3B, Eshiiire, M. P. aged : t year-.—Asa Magistrate Mr.Mc.Xnbbhad lor many years performed the arduous du- ties incumbent on his situation wuh strict impartiality and justice, ever anxious to pro tect the innocent and to bring the guilty to punishment—to reward the virtuous and re¬ claim the wicked. As a Member of the Pro vnicnl Parliament he bad^tervedeightyeare- he was firm and •ril^pendent,swayed hy no party, and save hi* support only to those measures Which he 1 bought would tend to the good ol Ins country. In his private character Mr. McXahh pos¬ sessed many amiable qualities he dispensed with a liberal hand charily to all who reqtii red and deserved it—and the indigent stran- ger never ajmlied to him for relief in vain.— In all his dealings a most scrupulous atten¬ tion was paid to honesty, and he therein pin^d [he resjrect and esteem of all who knew him. He was an affectionate husband. an indulgent parent, and a kind fr'e d. This small tribute Of respect is paid hy o .- Who knew- his worth, and will, with his mui.3 friends, long deplore his loss. .. . The Britifh Packet Queenfbury, ar¬ rived at New York on the 25th ultimo, in 6^ days via ' ifb^n and Bermuda, with the January mail— Tht ( aptam by orders no doubt from the a^ent at Falmouth. left all the Canada letters* public 3«« wrll a9 private, at Bermuda to be forwarded from therce to Halifax by a Hoop of w»r— HUM .in^'iil>cuii:*n. .vdit i 4 uf'pMr.UiiA X 5 permanent ore, cannot be very fatisfac- tnry to the peotde of Canada, as it will occa(ton them ^rcat delay and inconveni¬ ence in their correfpondcncc. bodied the Iiufa Legion ; and to afcertain the nature, amount, and application of the fund? raffed by that body At Rome, on the 13th ult. the thcr- rromrter was at fix degrc-s below the freezing point, and the Seven Hills were covered with fnow. The Romans com plained much of the rigour of this tempera¬ ture, to which they were fo little accus¬ tomed. FOR TUT. KlSP^iS CHROSICLE. In silence why ?l«mbfK>iiie-minstrel olonp. \Mio breathes but In music, ulio sighs but in Wake,strains oftweet witchery ! warmoVrihc Let the (orient ofpa*«>« and sympathy roll ! Oh ! wnfi tS"' ru-'i lliou^lts from ih\ hosnm atftft. Like lite Riireamtttgso s"" s*t, brill-an. ^ atfltJ Wake, harp of sweet m<l»ri> ! warble again. En the tones of theftt»in, thj pa&aiaa-stecpM strain! * 1 Oh ! br-a;h€ :?.<c Ijfettescfnfff that have flown! Oh! briii? thcin (kguil with a bli>s like iluii OU II ! The phantoms of plca-ar:», that faded with youdi, Rt-vive in the heart vith the vigour of (ruth ! Oh! tight up fJ:e moments when, With pa^ion reini'J, On th? loveliest of Visions the spirit rcclih'd ■ \N lieu the dreams of the Heart v-cre as frantic Rod wild Yet as witching and we-mas the bo^of achild! To the reveUofpleaauur, haste frf>m iSy trance, On pm ions of splendour and fragrance advance. tit the brpcr.'-t'fsprinc on ! rtoat ihini alo ^, Audinclt the Cold Soul with iht* charm of th) ***** Brenkftreh on the heart ih^tnithgncfiscpprfat! Willi s.tfeetts* er.chao(ir-»N°h! Kill il lo-reit ! The oi|ofcom|:a-ioo ert"^' o'er tbesoul To calm down it. teulpe^i.Hs sorTOWSCODtTOttl ! In sU'enec wiry slumber* lieminsfrH so long I Are the charms thai ha4hlin*o-lft*ilni:* strong! Whv wakeiwi the mrA«i>re^a»tarilUHj& wild Aserrr tin breast ol us^^rows begmfd ■ Thcsl^P nf 'It? «i*«M* •***«H and ,HePP ■ Noioorco' . .-.echord^o; .he h.^rt will he sweep! In ihe Ciain »'-r- of .lea i* his harp 1- sn>pendeil And it»a&til duelling stearin* forever are ended I L. Perhaps VOM might find it profitable to turn some of your attcution to the cul¬ ture of tlit* Jcrutahm Artichoke. See the following accouat of this u-getable, viz. (i Or. Saturday laft/' (March 25th) fay a the New York Commercial Adverti¬ fer, ;' the driver who was conveying the great eactern mail in a fulky to Baltimore* uafi bafely murdered .within eigh* miles of that city, at.d the mail robbed of its moll valuable content? The driver way found dead in the woods, with Lh bread perfora¬ ted by two ball*."—The particulars of this robbery and murder, as detailed in fev- eral \mericnn papers, arc of a nature pe¬ culiarly aggravated, and indicate an un¬ common degree of dcpavlty in the perpe- tiators of this two fold crime. Their names are Maurice N. B Hull, and Perry lluiton. Hull i;< fuppofed to be the fame pc' n who refided for fome time in this place and left it fuddenly in January laft, a warrant Having been ifTued for his ap- prehenfion on a fufpicion of hi* being con¬ cerned in a** attempt to break into the Courting-honfr. of TJ>/tn\ao_.MarL-lpnd David Secord, ate requelled to make im mediate payment to tnc furviving paitner. David Sccord, and thofeto whom the faid I^paitnerfhip may be indebted, ate le- piefted to fend in their accounts for ad Kingflon, 27th May, 1819. 26tf NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Dircftor's Itoom fn the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Aupuft nest, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. _____31 Government Lou raei for . . Fresh Reef. * ' • NOTICE is hereby ^ivcn to all per¬ sons who may be willing to Mipp.* FRESH BEEFiot 1U0 use of tin-Gar". rison and H<<>al Naval Establishment w Kingston, that proposals to contract t> the samp will be rpceived at this Offin on or before the 31*t of .May r*Mf, noon, lor the period of t*\- !;-•■ n out commencing on the 25rli nfJuu?follow. The conditinv- of confn : farm i lender, and oinrr particular^- may Ip known on application at thU Office, oral the Commissarial Office at Fort (ieor^c ; and no tender xill be noticed unless made in the form prescribed*, nor unless tin party and his sureties* or an agetU vn their behalf attend a( the time of open¬ ing the tenders* which must be seated. and endorsed " Tender for the supply el Frtsu Beef.M EDWo. PlNKCOFTiX. Dep'y. Com. Gen!. Gofcrrissarrat Office* Kingston* UUh April, 1S-20. ] } "FACTORY A\ D LEATHER STORE, [Sign of the Golden Last Store Street] M WILLIAMS & Co. beg leaver • return their grateful thanks to the inhabitants of Kingston and .ts vicinity for the liberal encouragtment th-y hav« experienced fince commencing bufineU, and refj>cftfu!ly inform them they have on hand an elegant alTortment uf LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS and iHOES, at their old stand nearly oppn ' Ite to Moore'a Cnfise Houfe, in Stor« .»trcct, where thev will be happy to attend BOOT $ ii •n thofe who may favont them with tht it rders, and will convince them that Ft ftj priority #,f matrriaU qnd -I-gance - f wcrk- lanthip they cannot be excelled. 11 N. B. A good supply of SOLE and UP ">ER LE/tTHbR always on hand. April 11. l5*5 A STRAY COW found in their poncilion. Both ot t th \- fe • • - itifN AME to the premifesof the fubferi- ht%J ber in December laft. The owner 1 *y proving property and paying charges, scan have her by applying to al RICHARD KLLERBECK n Kingston, liih April, 1820. • 15W3 b ! The Edinburgh Courant fays—M Sir --. ., ., i leim I C. M'Kcnzie has difcovered that oil, Vavc alio confefied the robbery, and the | TuM)cd lhc ftctna and branche9 of wretch Hull has even acknowledged that fruit rTCS, deilv:y, infefts. and increafe. Mr. J. Liuni'ng h REW YORK, March ${. Latest from Gibraltar.—A letter dated at Gibraltar, on the 20th ult. and receiv¬ ed in Philadelphia-contains the following Postscript ;—t4 Since writing the above, two government vefMa have arrived at Malaga, with a number of public charac¬ ters on board, having made their efcape laft night from that city juft as Qniroga made his entry there. Quiroga'* tear guard had a little flcirmim with 0'D-.>n- nel\ party near EUrepora, (between Gib¬ raltar and Malaga) and were fuccefsful. The RevoHnionifts met little or no oppo- fition in taking Malaga. The Governor of the place met them with a party cf troops a little this fide, but thev would not (land a moment—they all flrd, and Malaga received Quiroga whh open aith*. j Seed, unless it i»«* doutcstir bjro«f- Thiitia valuable acquifuio:i to them-, i ixmintT* fail to be duly appreciated. Under fuch circumftances the attention of the Spa- nifh e^vetnment may be diverted from its foreign cone vns, and the arrival of a mi¬ niller here oe longer delayed. I am the more induced to foggeft this courfe of proceeding, from a knowledge that, while we fhall thereby make a juft return to the powers whofe good offices have been ac¬ knowledged, and increafe, by a new and fignal proof of moderation, our attitude in regard to her will not be fefa favoura¬ ble at the next feflion than it is at pre¬ fent. JAMKS MUNROE. Wafhington, March 27. i8zo. NIAGARA, Jlprilti. On Saturday las!, an elderly man by the name ol Stephen Piitchard, long an inhabitant of this town and \X< Tuiuiry, was found harrgltig by the neck in his own sfahl* entirely (I ad. A Coroner's inquest \ra<s held on the body. Ferdict; suicide* II- fta« a ^uict. pcaGvable,iu- etfet^ive n.nn. .\n rea on can be ns- s:i»ncd for liie perprtuMiM of the horrid The Jerusalem Artichoke is a plant of the same genus a* th? Sun-tlower, it pro¬ duces bulbs at its roots, has been long cultivated in garde*?, as an excellent vegetable, and except that it is watery and of a softer cousistence, in many res¬ pects resembles the Potatoe, but is not in such ffeueral estee:n. This root, how¬ ever, is much valued for feeding ho/s and storepi^s. Mr. Peters, the author of 4; Winter Riches" published in the year 17??., asserts, that from an acre of ground, he obtained between seventy and eighty tons of this root. He is of opinion, thnt seven icres will yield three hundred and ninety six tons, which will keep one hundred svine for 14 months, allowing each head fifty six pounds per day, at an advance value from ten to fif¬ teen shillings, especially if they be boil¬ ed with sweet hog-wash.' When these roots are given to Horses, they should be washed, cut, and ground in an Apple Mill ; the proportion given at each time is eight pounds, with two ounces cf -alt, km!.ft bite of hay. thrice daily. Anoth¬ er celebrated cultivator found the pro¬ duce of ihis root to i>e about four hun¬ dred and eighty bushels Winchester it was bis premeditated intention to mur¬ der the unfortunate Mail carrier. .... We are sorry to barn that the divel- linu-house and Store with a general as¬ sortment of goods belonging to Captain Le Breton, of Britannia, on the River Ottawa, was totally destroyed by lire on the morning of the 21st ult. The weather, which in the commencement of the present month was rather cold and dis¬ agreeable, has now become remarkably fine, and denotes the speedy and welcome ap¬ proach of spring- The lee having been bro¬ ken up on Tuesday last by the wind, the harbour is now open for navigation, and v?SH snon, we trust, display a cheering scene of bustle and activity. , To ConnE*PONnEVTs. If Dibs & Co. will torniflj us with an explanation of their Enigma, their wi(h may perhaps be gratified. We hope that C- will perfevere in the virtuous refolutions which he has adopted, we can only recommend to him patience and fortitude—We fear that the publica¬ tion of hi9 private complaints instead of removing the caufe of them may produce frcfli fources of annoyance to him. the fruit buds. added tti the difcovety by ufing it fucce*« fully upon the Hems of carnations, to guard ibemagainjft the depredauoni of tin earwig. The coarfcll oil will, ant' only a ftnall quantity i> required." 8a»g Proid. mm ^^1 g^*vv MARRIED, m ettsmrdj per acre, without an J dung. Its j AtHallonell.on the 13ili ult. by Ceadle Dcr — In 1762, a Lieut. Campbell, of the Middlcfex Militia, conden red for forger)* on the eve of hUexit. lent rrsvitatian card 10 many of his brother officers—M Lieut. Campbell's compliments to--------------he requefts ihe pleafure cf his company to morrow morning to take a cupofchoi-olatc and to do him the honour to accompany him to Tyburn, to be prefent at his ex¬ ecution. ^ Curious Experiment. If a blackfmith ftrikes his anvil '.vith g hammer, aftjon and reaction are cqua1. the anvil fttikiug the hammer as forcibly.* the hammer ftrikes the anvil. If tbr anvil be hrge enough, the man may plac it on his bread, and fuffer another peri r. to ftrike it with all bis force, without fuftaining any injury, becaufc the vi ineiticein the anvil will refill the force p the blow ; but if the anvil be wofmatl the blow will be fatal.

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