■ ■ Belfaft, in 24 days from Antwerp, wc ar? put in poflirflion if Cadiz dates of ihe id, Madrid of the -th, and Paris of ttic 18th February.—Judging from the complexion if things as they appear in the Antwerp Journal*, now before us, a ftorm is gather¬ ing in Fiance, which may dilluib tins M-»aee of Europe, It appears that the minority arc fo r.ear getting the afcendency, that the Count Elie Dccazes, the King's favorite miutitcr, has: thought prjd^nt to lefign his power, and retire. This ftep indicates the approach of a new order of things in tbst devoted country. In the fitting of the Chamber of depu¬ ties, at Pans, oil the 14th of February, a n ember, C de Coufll-rjjues, aceufed M. 'le Cazefl, the miuiftcrof Kate of having been an aco'>mph\.v ir\ the afTaiTmation of die duke dc Berri. This circumftance oc¬ casioned much ferment in Paris, and it was reported on the 18th, that de Cazca had rendered his rtfig; ation ;o the King which was accepted. In the Chamber of Deputies, on the 15th Feb. M. Claufel .fe CoufTcr^ues as- Lrted that M. Deeazes had been the means of plunging the nat'on into the calamity they now wctcfuffering, and that he would prove it. lie was immediately called to order, and afterwards pidented to the chamber the following letter. *' 1 have the honor to prnpofe to the Chamber to b:*ng an a ecu fat inn again ft M. Le Count Dccazes Winiilercfthe interior, as guilty of treafon. according to the terms of the 56:0 article of the conftitu- ti'on. 1 requcft that the Chamber may appoint to-morrow to hear me, it I can¬ not be heard to day Claufelde Coufflrgues. Feb. tjtb, 1820. A Pans paper of the 16th ult. dates, that by an order of the kinLr, th: duke de Berri I.... been opened by three furgeons, by whof- report it appears that the dagger of the afluffin penetrated the lungs, and pafied fate the lobe of the heart. The fame paper remarks, that the perfon who perpetrated this horrid deed was to be fecu.td in the palace of Luxem¬ bourg, in the fame 100m in which Marfhal Ncy was confined. A Pan's paper of the 18M1 ult. rtatc9 ^h?t thctCount E-ie Qftpft®nr« to m longer Alinifter Yrfterday morning all the family of Decaze*, ftep father Hep-mother, wife and filler, prollrated themfclve3 at his feet, who for more than 48 hours had been in a ftate of dcje&ion, and fnpplicated him to fly from the ftorm which was gathering over his head. Moved by their attach¬ ment, and overcome with fear, this favo¬ rite Minifter went to the Thuilleries at 1 o'clock, and begged the King to accept of his refutation, acknowledging that this meafure was indifpenfible to the fafety of the Monarchy. Paris, Feb. 16. The alarm in the public is fnch, that a great number of Foreigners quit Paris, with precipitation, being fearful that a revolution {9 about to take place. \ elter- day and to-day ? it was almotl impofliSleto obtain poft horfes. No doubt the alTis- fination ot the duke de Berri is the firfl caufe of this alarm. It is faid that M. de Caze; has dared to prefent himfelf at St Cloud, the refidence of the Duchefs de Berri. He was not introduced, and it is3dded. that as loon as (he heard his name pronounced, the Prin- cefs eagerly caught her infant in her arms and fled to her apartment. Paris Feb 1 7. When Louver, the afTalTin, was inter¬ rogated by the miniver of the interior, the following queftion wai put to him : 11 As you have faid you do not fear death, why did you fly when you aflas- linated the Prince ?— lit replied, coolly, u to afla-Tmate another." When his food was brought to him, he rcfufed to receive it. becaufs it was lean, and faid tha: it would not give him ftieogth enough to fuftain the numerous quellions that were put to him. Thefeanf.versof Louvet are aftonifhing, but the following {3 (til! more horrible. Wretch, faid a magifcrate to h:m, d> you know that the prince has been lo kind as to a!k the king'fl pardon for hit murderer ? I do not, anfwered Louvet, (heading tears. You are moved, continued the magis¬ trate, with fo generous and noble an aft. If this excellent prince could revive, you would not commit again fc great, a crime ? I Yes I would, anfwered Louvet. Cadiz, Feb X. Our Mercantile paper contains two proclamations of General Freyere : one of them tc the infurgent foldiers, calling on them so return to his ftandard, and the others to the inhabitants of Cadiz, praifing their fidelity- Gen. F. left Xeres on the 29th, and is now at Port Royal, about 5 leagues from the infurgents; the two partita are in prefence of each other. Madrid. Feb. 7, The Miniflcr, Lozeno, and feveral other perfons who have had the confidence of the King, have been arretted. The Capt. General of the Province executed in perfon the King's orders, and has feut them to exile. Anvers, Feb- 16. We have received pofitive news of the occupation of Cadiz by ihe infurgent6. Antwerp* Feb 2 1. The pafTige of mcfiengers is dill frequent through our city. Yellerday four pafTed through, two from Ainfterdam for Parip, and two froffi >'ais for Amftcrdam. The manufciipts of the late Duke <f Grafton have Keen wry clofely examined. in the hope "t dilcovering Come due by which to identify the real Junius, of whofc lathing pen the Duke wm fo cou- r • Jpicuousan objeA. It does not appear that any thing haa been found. L'lndieafcnr, a Bordeaux Journal, has pub- . *C'! ,h!' following Proclamation by Quiro^a, Chicl of Hie Spanish Insurgents, addressed 10 ilie Uoops in Andalusia:— w Soldier*! Placed at your head by i|k» Choice of ihe officer* of the army, 1 Shall speak 10 von Willi that frankness which ought to ex- i^t hriuceen companions in ann<. *l Our Spain is 011 (hcvergrof destruction, your ruin would be completed by ihat Of the country; yon were destined (o death, more for Ihe purpose of releasing Ihe Government from (he dread inspired hy your courage, than to make a conquest of riie Colouie»—a thing which \* now become impossible* lu the mean ime, \our families remained in ihe most mer¬ ciless slavery, under a tyrannical and arhitraiy Government, which disposer at will of ihe pro¬ perties, the existence, and ih? liberties of ihe unhappy S'pauiard?. ■ . *! Soldier?, fhis Government ivas&bfUtl to de- ^trcyihi natio.i. and ends by destroying itself. li was not possible any longer to endure ii> sway. Oil tlte one hand, violence and weak- ne>>,and on the other,only indignation and con¬ tempt were provoked, whilst to- render the 11a. rion happy, the (<o\crnment oe;;;it to inspire coufideiK-e, hive and respect. " Soldiers, let us employ for CUT welfare and (fiat of o'«r com 111 r)men, the anrs which have secured the independence of the nation ftgOlUSt the power of Buuunparu*; .ihe enterprise i*- e.'isy and glorious. uOCs here e\ist a ^pr.niih soldier who will oppo-e our \iew» ? Nb! in ihe very ranks of those whom ihe (iuvernmeut may assemble, yon will find brothers wlrj will join us ; and if rCine ba e-born miMTeant> should dare to tuin rheir aim- a&EUDSl you, let them prrih as the satelliies 01 t)raun\ should do, uafvvrthylhe name of Spani.^r.l? ! " Soldiers, J depend uj o.i you: von are ihe wordly children of the country; jUhlily yojr- 1* selves as such, union and discij line-— :lii> what I recommend to you, i shall have the satisfaction of recompensing then- who. may distinguish tlipinseivesj but if any one fc$rgec> hi-* duly, I *hall pru\<? tiiai authority lia* not been rontided tome in vain,ft.id thai (heeue^c> of a Government, which seek* ^uod, ia alrta>-i >npeiior fo t!.at of despo'«. •* Soldiers, \ictor> awaitsOlir h-inner**.nad in ihe **£**. enemy, r.nd whrch has s,il1 more la'clv Prr* milted the Indian m(iah,la"^ ol l,ial 'erritory, (wl.om Spain was boe,,tJ b>' l,vaf.Y to restrain.> to cnj;a«e in 5ava^e bo&tiUlies against US; foi all these acts of »ln ;t i,rul,lr !"^ a"aehrd tu peace would s^k it*** °"Iv hy war" To capture and eonfisrat. 'Iiesoipvand property of the wnmgdoer, would br «W8gltolK'a Poilt".v Of mildness and forbf ir'lUCt>' ,iu,» b-v bU< h re" prisals, Utesoyernin* ,l ,hal d,,es tUr Un,"e -ut- fers less man the U|ioftluKftS B"l>jcct, It heeins a more just rep.i r! IO OCCUJiy the province which has been madra" i»^r"'»"'"« ot mjun, which has been f|ess«ated hjf Spain herscll as the fund for our iud*uil,i|y« a"d u,IOM' ocruPa- fimi by Uie United S :i* ? Vvi11 bMi»* ,l,e airiJn,u raitouVf time daim u,i cmnp*H*fim and re- lire.-, which ihe guVv«ime«l of thai ocgjecied colony continually reduces. The Commitiee submil to the hoiu>e a wn l0 MthtoriZ* the Pre¬ sident of the United Siaies to take possession of Liar and West Fbi9^ a,u! C5lauIl&l1 a lcin" porary government 1 rer^lh- tiiere appears le' «>"ch reason to believe, from the mistake of ^ Spanish negociator, as rothe d'lle-i "1 the s.-*»i-»h grants, which H was intended loannul, .'. ibe projected treaty had been ratii:cd, that ti- crown lands in Florida, may be insiifii icr.i r^ provide ihe expected in- dejsi :;, lor our losse9- Bttt **»* «»«*> be ap¬ plied. a> far ai the> »'H1 co, to the compensa¬ tion of our citizens ,n(l ™* lne PX€WS '^ oni claim. Spain, hv whr^act the domaiu of Flo¬ rida has been rende>'*tl inadequate, most ex- ltd ii) U lock u-. .^'nrd Perhaps, when our atirniton is fhos foie d 10a direction more in¬ teresting to Spain, l,.i government may ai last admit that it is as """'h her interest as OUTS. ihai the jut claims^ ^'" Uuited Slate* should he provided for by f-etidly convention, and we ma> hope that ihe Uist treaty between the two nations ma\ be execi*1'*' as wt'" a' signed. Adjutant Generals Office, ) Torky tfh March, 1820. I 1 e wards w ill en iter train, the glorj and conntry will lavtshlv be-'ovr. i.sivfoed) •• A.N'roMO (fUlilOGA. " Tiie General in Chief of • e National Armv. ** Head-quarters,ai San Fernando, Jannan E, I.BSO.41 '* Quiroga has addrcsircd a similar prDcJarat- lion to the marine fmce.s 11 The insurgents wear a red cockade, orna- mc:;ied with a irreen triangle.8* From the X. Y. Com. Mv. March C:». Latest from Gibraltar.—Arrived thi-moi n- in^tlie -hip Henry, Cajilain D<'Voll,iu-J.'>days frwitt Gibraltar. "Caprain D. is bearer of di> -■p.Heuiys'h'uiiiUii. xJicv>JI» m 'lne buutdtus«j ' of Slate. Tiif ship Sachem, Cnpt. Lovctt, of this port, bott.id to Mai'M'illes, ps-H:d 'ij> tin; Strcights, a few days before thcHciirj ssiileit A passenger informs its, tiiat a divwun of the Constitutional army, cdnsiatiug of 9000 lil^n, marched into Al^rsiras without oppo¬ sition on tiic 80th of Jauury ; ;iud fifleeniHin- dnd had proceeded for Malaga, Ge.i. O1- Donnel, to avoid an attack, h A left his lu-ud quarters at Aljresiras, and retired Lo'St-Itotjiie, within three miles of Gibraltar. His troops wen-deserting him hy bundtods. Tin* chur¬ ches in that part Oi Spain were thronged with th«* inhabitants, who assembled to take the oath of allegiance to the iNcw Constu- tion. Illuminations and other testimonies of approbation were exhibited by the people. The Constitutional army under (Jen. (fcui- roga amounted to £J?0G0 nien. Of this uuin- ber, i^jOOO were before Cadiz, and were to attack the city on the nigh! oflhi'£3d ofI*eb- rinry. .\o (lOubt of their success was cnlcr- t.vined at Gibraltar. There Ind been no nommuoication from Madrid for soi&e lime: and udthinK v-'aj> kncv.n as to the situation or plans of Ferdinand. The Constitutional troops w".p well c]o- ihi-1. well p^id,anuwef!d!-;< iplinc I, and wot- not under any ap^rehouainn^ of an aii;.el (ftmxthf;Royalists! Tiny were ai-M Well rrcHved by the inhabitants, who i:e.Klc*cd ai! limpid in their power. Sin*— the abnre iva^ i«Tjiatcul, vw 1» : 1. i!rU this !'«».' titrtional ;umy had n*r« !:• J.- Rotjiic, and O'Do^idl had "roriwd v. t \ Iris troopsubout half the di.^.-ue MVdi.i ;h 0.1 I wv t*» Gibraltar.—lie was ii'.-u-i.' in Ctibraii ir on the. 5th of February, and app'".rei5 r<» h&vettst all his former cue":ry. it iva* wm pjii:ted by many, t!iat he wa.^ secretlv in th*- views of the cousttt'iliooal party. "A Gra- tleniau who had just arrived ai Gibraltar, r-i>*\ wiio hart travelle] tiirou::h :i rmisdd^rabli! part of Spain, rep^rtcl, ih-it (!io people, *^s- pecialSy in the cife5,were ^'iiienillv iuiavour of tb« Revilutionary cause. rlhrr« hu 1 been very Bttle li^htin,:; bat many prutnv- I'rs, and soir?'1 !n-h .in authoriry, had f;diui. ii;t^> the hand.-:Of fhft l.evolutionists. United Sbitcs1 CongTCSS- iiglsj: of ni;pRt:s!:N i ativls. 'J'/turstt'iy% March 9. RELATIONS «|TW ai'AIV. Mr. Lom i:d,\-, from Uie commUtee 0fl foreigi. relations*, delivered hi tin' following ri'JMirl ? Tlie t'oinmiUee 10 vsiiom lata been ref»*rr< d so much of i!ie Pi cedent's .\!tJ3a^, at tiie rom- meticemcru ol tlie sesMCu, as rel*iU'3 to fufCfg'. adan'^ rc>l»eciUill\ report. TliaU iae.r aMenlion ua- directed, imiicd;ateS) U|>Oil their an()o:nlment, lo the Male 01 ittr i- la lions ol the L'urted States wtill Spain, and r' n their delay it\ nia!»ine a icport ni»on ihem *a i- be aanbaud 10 their \;ih"to atlord an op¬ portunity for sirtch fiendly u)mmuiii' l;*a*, during the prerveul SCaS-ion of Congre></" ;» II;.- povernmeiit of Spain ha.i authorized v> to ex¬ pect. Tncy ihou^iit i' better thai Cotico?** shoi.Ul postpone ii> deieriaination uaid even * inijjbi enable it t'* n»ai* ihai determination de- linitive, than lhat il should pass a contingent act (or authorising measures which it >va- t.or »to- pi>-ed imn'cdirt'el\ to ex* cute ; that i» -hi;:..ii ra¬ ther found ili*den r.nii.a ion upon relation.- ascer¬ tained to eti-l, than upon acalculaiion f>f e-.etit- ;\hich tnigat be expected to occur <iu;:r.g its bitting. Hut more than a year has pa-sed since ihe signature of the irea'y b^ which it va* pn\. j>oied to terminate the long difference hi .ween the Uui(C(l#S.atr!i and Spain. More thi:n six months since, ttic appointnicnt of a new Ml- rrister fiom Spain, tthii ua> l* fnithr-itir1 to make known lo the United Stale:, the [iVteil- lioas of Ins povernuieut, and we have advanced mi far in the session as to inaiie il iirce?-ary to propose, without fiiri her deiay«an> meagre on which it is evpeetcJ that Ct;:gics».aliftU act be¬ fore its aiijoarnmcur. The Commiiiee will not attempt to add any thing 10 the oxpositioa'of the n^ht>of uie United Slates and t!.e obheations of Spain, which i-. contained in the ri«.fimpendence between the iwogovernments. We can harciU e:<p<*ct. from coiitin.ied ncgocia*inn, the redress which ha* been claimed for twenty years, and piomi-ed pjir eighteen—uhi*'i ha« orrii a -econd time promi>cd.and UM'CtMi! ttiw*' wiitibeld- fniiieji a !.• '.'i.i- ■a-ii»n. Mtf v?M';;i'ir"'>:.i !Tra;ytrem* to i be a •ner'* itiHdvi»t. aial-io; in term . !'n u.«fc spoHaiiOSw whe.ii i:a\c U'CU cnmniit- it'i' upon the pr.»prrty <-; o--r r. i/ti.-, for the t;!\.i-'i*<!; ot' ivir M>':i fat •'«' v i * 1.,,<--* it par- gates, fo inconfillent with your llation as Commanding Of&cer of a Regiment of Mi lit ia. I have the honor to be Sir, &c. &c &c. (Signed) GEORGE HiLLIER. His Excellency has been pleated to appoint Major Abraham Nelles of the 4th Regiment of Lincoln Militia to be Lieut. Colonel of the 2d. Regiment of Gore Militia, vice Beaflcy difmifled By Command of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor. N. COFFIN, Colonel Adjt Gen Militia^ Upper Canada. > — ' QUKIJI-X'. 30th March, 1820 Extractor a Letter from a Gentleman in Lon¬ don, daied 5th February, 1820, received in this City yesterday, by way of liosion. u 1 received, aboa I the end of January, a let¬ ter from Mr. Turgcon, (at Home)—Mbnseigneur and he were in good health, and weie to leave Home in the beginninguf this monih.4' ■(■■■■■■MMM^BHiaHMiHai^inBHH^B^B 9 m • WW • * # KINGSTON, April 7, 18^0. * * * « * * AT 2 General Courn Martia! alTem- bled at the forty Mile Creek, in the Townfiip of Gn'oiby, on .Monday the 2A th day of Jan.ua V laft, and continued by adjournments to the 3 id January .1^20, purfuant til Militia General Orders of His Excellency the Lieutenant Gover- nor, duted 4th January 1^20, and in cau.pliuK-e with tic Statute 59th George ^d. Chapter \z, was arraigned Colonel R-chnid Bcafley of the 2d. Regiment of Gore Militia, on the following charges, VIZ : Firti Charge.— For dilobedience of Orders in not having reported the name and rank of the _ fen lor officer of the 2d. Regiment of York Militia, actually en- ojaged with 1 fie Enemy at Lundy's Lane, on the 2ru,]u.y 014, For the informa¬ tion of Hi; Hxctllen. -' Lieutenant Govcr nor Gore, as reqne-ied of him by the Adjutant Ger.etaF* letter of the 13th February l S 16 Second Charge—To% neglefl cf duty on the4th June iSit\ in not calling out ihe Regiment undei iu command agiee ably to Law, and 1 r\ g itKg out of the way on or a'>oiit thai da\ that he miifht not 4 * 1 befeenby iiis Exce,?»cy Lieut. Gover¬ nor Gore, whom, hcknt'W Wfta approach ing to infpcdt the- Rcjimcnt. Third Charge —rci dltgraccful and un officer like condiui, ^cntrally, during the late war with the United States ofA- merica, as reported to Hie Excellency Francis Gore, Efqure, late Lieutenant Governor, particnla v for having, in the m-vnth of April rStft after the capture of York, by the Amercan Trc »ps, under Major General Darbun, voluntarily placed hfinfilfin the tanda of tlte Enemy Four;h Charge—FoT hr.ving on the •5th [uly l8i4t wIr:i in 0 mmand of the ad, Regiment of Yirk Militia, attached to the right div::i n if the Army, with drawn bin fclf fr..m 'he Rrgtn er.i before it went into acxi ,n villi the Enemy at Lnndy'a Lane, and remained an the rear during the Aaion. Opinroi] 34id Scnlcnce, The C'*urt havlig maturely weighed and coTifidcred ihe evidence on the part of the profecutiou, as ^ ell as what has been delivered in defence, are of opinion, that Colonel Btaflry i n;t guiiiy of the firft charge^ ?» it has tot been proved that Colonel Beafl.y c*er received the Ad¬ jutant General's \l\tt ut the 13th Fe¬ bruary 181 6. With lopeei to tiefirS part of the fe- cond charge, HieCoutare of opinion that I Colonel Be;ifl y is jjuiity ; but they ac¬ quit lifm of the fecoi. \ part ihcreof. j With reipect to t lC third charge, the Cour; ?.e of nufaiaii that Colonel Beaaley is no: -• n'lty. Wirhiefpcct to ine fourth charge, the Coua aie of opinio* that Colonel Beas- !ey h not gu;ity. T\\j Court bavins; found Colonel .Beas- ley gui^-y of the firfl part of the fecond charge, namr-y * for negleA of duty on the 4th June iHiG, W n'.it turning out the Rcgiu-.cnt under hii command, according to Law" they do therefore adjudge him to be cenfined by the Lieutenant Governor at fuch t»'me and place, and in fuch manner as His Excellency may be plcaitd to dire£t. His Excellency the Lieutenant Gover- 001 has cnofed the f Mowing letter to be written to Colonel Eeafley. Lieutenant Governor's Office, 1 Tori% 6th March I 820- J SIR, '* The Lie-uter.ant Governor having received the Proceedings of the Court Martial, which you prayed for to invefti- gate charges of miieonduct alleged againft you previous to liii Excellency's arrival in the Province, an<: having direSed the finding ar.d fentenc- to be made public, ha-i no longer any rraion for delaying to communicate to you that His Majeliy has no further occafion for your fe-rvices as Colonel of the 2d. '-Jore Regiment of Mi litis. His Excellency uas permitted me to inform you this his tlecifion in thi» refpeft, has no reference whatever to the circum t!antes1 which led to the late Court Mar- !;"' tial, but is foui«jc(j entirely on thi j roimncnt part take,, by yon in the pro- The Editors of the New York Commer¬ cial Advertiser and Spectator, have favoured us with some late English papers, from which we have gleaned a lew articles, in addition lo those extracted from American Journals. Nothing authentic has yet been received relative to the state ofallairs in Spain ; Cadiz if appears had bo! opened its gates to the Iu- surgent forces under Quirogaat the last dates though it was to be soon attacked With eve¬ ry prospect of success. The extraordinary inactivity of the Royal General Freyre, tho' in the immediate neighbourhood of the In¬ surgents, implies a distrust In the attachment of his soldiers, and lends to confirm the opin¬ ion that the people generally are favourable to the revolutionary cause, (^uiroga, in his proclamation, does not state distinctly what is ihe objeet he has in view. The attempt to dethrone tiie Km^, and establish a republic, would not be brooked by the other powers of Btirope, and if persistedin would undoubt¬ edly excite a general war. Perhaps the ul¬ timate designs of the revolutionists will be speedily developed in another manifesto. By American papers we learn that a Due! Was fought on the •2Hd ultimo, near Bladens- huiM'h, between Commodore Decatur and Commodore Barron, of the United States' Navy, both of whom were wounded, and the Day Sf Martin. THE subscriber, Agent to Messrs. DAY & VIA K- TlN, begs leave to inform the Merchants of Upper Canada, lhat he expects early in May, by the ttwretla and sfripsie, from ' Lo i- don, One Hundred Casks of'gen¬ uine Japan Blacking*, which will be sold for cash only. 4^80 for Sale, 100 Acres of Land in the Town- ship of Portland, county ofFron- tenac. BENJAMIN HART. Montreal, <£Rth March, 1820. 14^18 A General Meeting of the Agricultu¬ ral Society of the Midland Dijlna% will be held at ihe Court Uoufc on . hurs- day the 27th inftant, at T2 o'clock.__ Members are particularly requcfttrd to give their attendance By order of the Frtlidcnt,. GEORGE H. MARKLAND, 4*£ ApriU 1S20. AQTtCE. THE fubferibers brinjj duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Ttftament of the late Edward Keating, Efquire, Pliyfician to the Forces, requeft all perlons indebted to the Eftate. to make immediate payment, and thofe having de¬ mands again (I the faid Eftate to bring thorn forward without delay. WALTKR McCUNlFFE, - PETER McDONELL. 1 Kingston, 6th tlpriU 1820. 14 LOST, ON the 2d inftant, a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing fcvcral Notes of Hand, vis. one againll Schuyler Hodgea, of Cramahe, one againft Daniel Steel oae againft Frederick Fairman, one againft Hofea Purdy, one againft Micajah forracrso severely that he expired tlie same Purdy, of Bellville, with feveral others___ evening Tto officer, who has thus fcfrn a f hereby caution all pcrfona againft por- WiCnfieO tothe pernicious practice ol duel- liutr. s-opri'valerit in the United States, was considered nacof the best iii the American set •• ice, and his death is greatly lamented hy his countrymen. It is generally bftliev«-d that the new Par- liameni »*f Lower Canada will meet on ihe ll'li instant, and b** shortly thereafter dis¬ solved. ** ran* bapp> 10 -ee i\iat another m^elinj; of ilnm Midland Disirici Agricultural Society ii to be held mi du-27lh inslaut. We hope lhat mem- bers nUJ not only make it their business to ai- t'and the meeting, but will go 10 it with adispo- Kiitoii to support the lnstirution« And w^trusi thai those persons who ma\ be diMsatisOed nrttli an> oi ilie e\iitin^ Regulation? tiill clicarfullv comefprnard and*up;gebt s-uch alteration? and amenoments, a- they may ihir.kexpedient, and propose sseb useasures as are hhelv to cive a -timiiUii. 10 Agricultural iraproveuent. Wcad* dress onfsrlves particularly to the farmers of this Oi-iriei—10 ilirm ihe Society look- for ini jrnia- h'on 0:1 all practical mailers,—un theqi it should •epviul for it.-support,—and by them its m*osi i.nporiant business sliould be conducted. Lei ihe fanner-; ilien no longer view with w>differ¬ ence thi- lii'thutmn as a ihinjj in which (he> are not conrrrned.— Let them rather become mem¬ bers ami n.ke nn active part in regulating and dirrc'ingfti aflairs. Lei them i.ct#nia«:intthai ■ '.U u 11:1 Id be -o much time lo^i or us^les-lv em- jh».ed. On the contrary ihey , v.nuhl not only llni^ pt\i\ lo their pre-ent nock of a^rirultural knowiedijp, but ihey would bi*enme iheat five in- (rument&ofdiffoving ilia* knowledge more^en- <*raUj ihnri^houC thecounirv, and of laving the foiHmatfnn for ao improved system of husbandry in the District, vihitrbrl i1- admitted on all hands i much wanted, and which it is die great object of the Agricultural Society to Introduce. MJ&RfED, A, r,rvi Town* Oil Tin-day lasf, hy the R v. i..: ii K-Miijchtoii, Mr. Georire ioung, of Predt'riekshurgh, to Miss [sahella John- .'..•1. of iiu- former place. DlElh Ai Loughborough, on the morning oi the 6th in*mni, Mr. 1 ltristt>pher Lake, an old settler— and u?vQ5y9{M3tild ihe das he died. TO LET, ra, A STONE MOUSE, upon the '^^1-rA. Hill above the Methodift Cha¬ pel, a (lory and a half high, with Kitchen and Cellar under, with two fifths of an a- ere, well enclofed ; at prefent occupied by Mr. Underbill.:—Poffefiion will be giv¬ en on the ift of May next. For terms apply to Major Corbett, or William Mitchell, Efq. Kingfton. Kinglon, 3d April, 1820. I4tf. THE fubferiber begs leave refpeflful¬ ly to inform his friends and the_pub- lie in general, that he has eftabliflied a PA 1ST mot* a few rods fouth of Mrs. Patrick's Tav¬ ern, where will be kept conftantiy all kinds of PAINTS, prepared ready for the brufii. Likcwife all kinds of House, Sign* Waggon, Sleigh, and Ornamental Painting, done at the fiiorteft notice, together with raw and boil :d Oil, which will be dtspo- fed of as cheap as can be procured in this town, for Catt) only. THEODORE BROCKETS N B. Two good workmen as journey¬ men Painters, will find employ, by apply¬ ing to the fnbfcriber. A mni ton, 6th April, 18 z o • 14// chafing any of the faid Notes—and any perfon that will return faid writings and notes to the fubferiber, /hall be handfome- ly rewarded. • 1 MICAJAH PURDY, Jun. Kingston, April 6, 1820. >4W3 LETTERS remaining in the Post Of. fice at Kingston on the bth April. 1820* Amos Anfley, F.cb?rt Aikin John Armstrong, F-llm Baker, Urn. Baker S, Russet Barret, William babcork. Daniel Bajcef, \V. Ba.'kes, Margaret Belli Amable Bcanpre, J. Bt. T-elan- ger, FrancoisX. Brrtracil^ Joseph Bi^ell, Ste¬ phen I). Bonnet, Koberc il. Bo\le, James Bry¬ ant, Philip Brottn, Adam Brown, Aaron Brew¬ er, Wm. Brown, Stephen Brown, Wm. Bus*ell2 FrancKa Baseil, Daniel Burkely, David Burn- side, Nauc> 1'. Cnrris, John Caffery, Archibald Campbell 2, Daniel Ca.-e, Itoberi Cameron, Lieut. Chittle, Abraham timkhn, Thomas Col¬ lins Margaret Clark, Hugh Clo-e.Saiciic} Croak George Crawford 4, Duncan Cummin?, Cfaarles Cur.), Margnciiie Diicarais. Joseph Deblei^, Ut>ov&- Deak, Tiniolh.y Dniiulu.e, Robert Doug¬ las, Patrick Doyle, ttichard Draper, Belool Du- neroiii, Jeremiah Farle, Patrick Fugan, Joseph Ferris, John Feiter, Mr. Fishery George Field- itoii^e. laac Finch, Patrick Flina, AVilliam Ford, Charles Funin, David Fortin, Thomas FowuVn, Thomas Fceeman, John Fracr, Chas. Ganlotis, JamesGibsoiij Bernard Glennoa, Ja- htt Gorliam, Mar} prahar*, John Grant, Caih- ariue Hamihott 2, Fhiliu Hart, \Villiam }la>e-. Mich-el Hanson, Chester Hatch,Thoma- How¬ ell, Arilla Humphiies, l>a^c Hutchinson* Mar- mad tike Hutckimmn, Jeihro Jackson, Estber June, George Johnson, AVilliam Johnson, Lieut. John Johnson, Ira Jones, James Kean, liugh Keily, Heman Lakins, Martha Sander*, Mr. Lan- drifan, Robert Larnb>Thomas I.avburn, Charles Lavcrdurc, BapiUle Lstlond, Michael Ljugliran, Naar Lew is 2, John Leaker, i\lr. Lowe, Joseph Lo=ey, Samuel Lockwued, Llizabeth Manur, Charlet Marchere, ;>ra!.ulieai.d Aegus ajFcCoaig Jului or Mr>. McCuhi,c;i, Peter McGuire, Kd- ward McCalfin Robert McBride or Archibald McNeill, Owen McGu^re, McDonald & McO.l- li... Albert McMichoel, Gilbert JVlcfircer. John McQnay, Jauaei Mcnie, Daniel Miller, Robert Millar, Williitn Moorr 2. 1'homas Mosier, Au- gu^LUs Mowry, William Murry, Chester Nichol¬ son.'James .Nowlan. Robert O'Neile, Peter O'Lonell, Charles Odle, Jean Francois Ouel- lette,Stanipn Parker, Jane Patterson, Thoma.- Pember, Alexr. O. Petrie 3, Daniel Pakett. harah Poncect 2, Joel Pnndle, Elias Price, Mi¬ cajah Purdy 2, Gilbert Purdy, Patrick Quin, Andrew Ran-ier, Janus Rauney, Thos. Read 2. Joseph Reynolds, Thomas Risen. Daniel Rick ey, Solomon Rowe, Michael Roi, John Ro*« Jolia Ruiter, Martha Sander*. Henry Searle, Duncan Sinclair, Johnston, ^rniin, Margaret Smith, Richaid Emi.het, Henry Spalrberry, Charles Spence, Amfrew Stark, Mrs. N. Stedmar Christopher Sivitzer, Michael Switzer, Samuel F. Taylor2, Jul.n Ta\lor, J. Talcotr, Jame- Todd. Joseph Thqmp>on« Bernard Turner. Dam- el Vanslyck, John Vincent. Mrs. Gilbert \ an- dresar, Johu F. Walker 2, Joseph Wallis, Wm. C. \Sarner. Peter Weisel. James W il>en. Wit* liamWU!*>oti, Archibald Wilson. Anthony vY*i- b>, Mr. WlUifims, Mr. Wood, Blackmith, Wm Woodhall, John J. Wood, William Wright, Sim- cae Wright, Robert Noting, George \oung, out- pirusioner. JOHN MACAULAY, P.M. SERVANTS WANTED. A u::i.:s wr'.c:i':!- mad-* a >. sms-Ji teiTUorjf the j, f Uv* o;'i«';!...-.^£i(! eiic^mpmein i>f fcu { ccedings of chelate c'oiivc;:tim ct \Ji-\i- MANandWOM\N, A'ho under- {land the management t>f the indoor work of?. Gentleman^ lioofe. The mo ft unquciiionalile recommendation will here quired,—information to be had at thU Of¬ fice. 15th March, 1820. x I For Sale^ A HOUSE, opposite Mr. D. Brown's Inn, together with a Lease of the ground on which it is fituatcd. For far¬ ther particular* apply to the fubferiber, on the premises. JOHN EVANS. Kingston, Feb. 28, 1820. 9{/" TO LET, C|mIIE Iloufe lately occupied by *^E^ A Mr. Edmund Pcnley, fituatcd near Mr. Hugh Eari'a. For particulars apply ai this Office. Kin^ft00, 15th March, 1820. 11 ■ .FAMILIES may Le fupplicd with J? WOOD, delivered in th.ir yards at \cf. per Cord. Order? directed to Mr Samuel Met rea, and left at Moore's Cof fee H- life, will be duly atterucd lo. Kingston, 4th Feb. if*2C. 5 '*+-X7*'- AH* i^JJtrMff>/ . *. t*/*Jfr'*f W ** l"^"**^*^*^ * «c*