Kingston Chronicle, January 21, 1820, page 3

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t ttnottrfeitJ there is a fine hair ftroke run- Mftg from the top of the ftrong part of the X. in the right hand corner, expreffive of ten, which is not in the true notes. The counterfeits are made payable to J. Wilson, in which the bottom of the ftrokes of the "Ware much more open than in the true notes, forming ovals- The right arm of the T is confiderably longer than the left. Aclofe examination of them cannot fail of Jkadin£ to detection. It is fuppofed that only about ten ov twelve have been put in¬ to circulation, as the man who brought them arrived only yefterday. Provincial Secretary's Office. QtntnEC, Jauunry 5fb. !&2Q» The following Appointments have ta¬ ken place* The Lie"tenant Governor of C C. for the time brinir. The Lord iJishopofQuoboc, Principal. TheIlon.J.Sewcll,C. J.of thcProuner. or the Chief Justice of the Province for the time being. The Hon. Ja*. Monk* C. J. of Mon¬ treal, or the Chief Justice of Montreal, for the time being. The Chief Justice of U.C. for the time be;n*. The Speaker of the Legislative Coun¬ cil of Lower Canada. The Speaker of the House of Assem¬ bly of do. The Hon. John Hi; •hard-on,. —----------Row* Cut I.belt. The Hon. and Itev. P*\ Straehau, -------------James Irvine, -----■--------and Rev* Chas. Stewart, d- d. The Rev. George J. Mountain, The Hon. Char tier I)e I^nthini&re --------------Charles ])e Sf. Ours, -Uohn CaMw-dl, — H. W. Kyhnd, —Loui^ De Suialierry, And Charles Marshal!, Esq. To be Trustees of tJta Ho\;il Fiihtttu- lion for the advancement of learning in this province ; And Itev. Jos. L. Mil!% A. M. Sjc'y. Thomas Pain, Messenger. Jviice k>- eatriud o:i with na>rc alacrity and vijror. The Military ha*-e, <•'« all occasions, displayed a most lauchdife activity in second¬ ing the efl\irt5of (he CJihvus to'relieve dis¬ tress, and \\y have firrtt ph\'i~'ure in an;K»'inc- ing to the public, uk»! n M^uring has bevn held, during the present ucc!-', by the Of- ficersofthe 1st Battalion of th* C-oih ilegfc at which a Subscription w.-^rtiscd, amourit- ing to £21 for the support fifths Eiiiijrrints in die Cape Hospital, atk! that the Non¬ commissioned Olfice-s ami others, com- Eosing a Charitable association in the Corps, ave since subscribed (he sum of .'J.J &. id. forthesair.e purpose. A liberal dOi.aliun for the same object was received gatrro time ago from the Officers oftheTdHi Regiment Qttvlte tfozrite. We are informed that the Committee in this City for the relief of the diftreffed Emigrants, have received from the Bhk' land Society of Upper Canada, through Alexander Frafer, Efq. River Raiiin, a donation of nne Hundred Dollars. We feel much pleafnre in noticing this inflance of liberal conduct on the part of thin young afTociation in the Upper Province, and hail ic as a pledge that it will emulate the patriotic and gfne-rous R«a? of the Parent Society ; and tike it become the patron and promoter of every plan i,{public improvement, and every foleir.e of eilligh- tned benevolence —Oee ha'f oi* the above fuirt has been placed in the l;ands nf the Ilev.—Richards f»f the Seminary, foi the benefit of the Catholic Emigrants. Montreal Herald. York, Jan. 13, 1820. We rnn no l'*»««i*f J101 ' rf the* mrr occurrence of iir?* in this Toa-ji : on Monday night, about JO o'clock- the District School House torn observed to be on f;re,but b) 1 he very active and judi¬ cious assistance given by a number of the inhabitants who immediate!; assembled, it was soon extinguished —a few minute.i later it would have been hardly possible to sate the building. Kingston Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. At the general meeting of the Society, held in St. George's Church on Wednes¬ day the 12th January, 18*20, Tuos. Marklanp, Esq. President, in the Chair, . The substance of the following Report was delivered by the Secretary :— That of the lirst importation of books (the distribution of which was published in the last year's Report) there still re¬ mained 31 Testaments ; and this, in con¬ sequence of the general demand being for Bibles or Prayer Iiooks iu preference to Testaments. . . Thai of the second importation (dis¬ tributed chiefly since the la^t annual meeting) consisting of 95 bibles and 80 Prayer hooks. The troops of the Gar¬ rison had received, through the Rev. Mr. Curtois,27 biulcs and 40 Prayer books. Subscribers 10 bibles and 10 Prayer books ; Rev. Mr. Macaulay, for the C<>«- gregUtion at Hamilton, 3 bible? and 3 prayer books; individually distributed 3'2 bibles and 3 prayer Iiooks ; 12 prater books to the Dock yard Sunday School, & C to Mr. Linden (then Catechist at Ma¬ tilda) : and therefore that there remaiu of bibles 23s of prn\cr books none. That agreeably to a resolution of the Committee, of Jan. 13, (which however could not be executed until late iu May, iu cous'Hpience of delay in t!ie payment of Subscriptions,) an order to the amount of £10 Sterling for bibles and common prayer books had been sent to Oxford, and that the books had not vet arrived. And linailV, that Iron, the exhibition 1 of the Treasurer's accounts, it appeared that be:ides the above order sent to Ox¬ ford, flierv remained in his hands a bal¬ ance cf £9 : 11 : S, belonging to the So¬ ciety . Which Jteport being received, the Sec¬ retary arobC to observe. That at a Meeting of the Committee in March la t,it was then determined,in consequence o\ the dissolution of the Pa¬ rent Socivryat York, <*The.t this Society fhoujd ho ntw modelled ; and that .t would best answer the original iutei.ticn of the Institution to connect it *\ ill) ll»C SrieieM for .I'-nmiitby tf Ibv-i'iio!' Adon .'• ed^e, under the name of a Diocesan 01 District Committee. Thatprevioushort- * ver to the adoption of any active meas¬ ures, f!e eon-ent of the J'atron, the Lie:*'. Governor, should be obtained/' That by the Lieutenant Governor's letter of the 2§d April, he (the Secretary ) if as authorised to state to the Sojety, that Ills Hxrelleney fully acquiesced with the Committee in the form proposed to be assnincd ; Thai nevertheless it appeared, in col- lectiegthe subscription, that a wish pre¬ vailed in the minds of several Members for the formation of a Bible Society; and that it was to be hoped Chat many who. on the plea of religiou- differences, wcie not subscribers to the present Society, would readily becoinc subscribers to'a /iible Society- In order therefore to meet the wishes nf all partic4-, and to provide niore agree¬ ably to their principles for the religious wants both of Episcopalians and Dissen¬ ters, he ivfes prepared to move that tlii^ Societe. as it exists inkier its\ present name and form, should be riivsfelved, and that out ofitv parts two distinct Societies should be formed, on? to be called a /i/- (•lc Society* the other '^Committee <;/ ;/;<: b'>>ca/jjj'urjtyvmo{;nz Christian Knoicl* Tv, Afrcr some debate upon the sohlcct of the appropriation of the iemaining pro¬ perty of the Society, and an uuder.-taud- Utg-tfiat it should be devoted to the par- poses of the Committee of the S01 tt ty for Promrfie^ Christian Ktiowledge, the Pr<isideu', fci Whether it ucre agreeable to !he Members tln-n present that the Kingston Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer Book Societt be dissolved $n And the unanimous vote that followed determined, that tie Kingston Auxiliar\ consisling of ton other members, half of whom shall be Members of the Establish¬ ed Church ; and that four members of this Committee constitute a quorum. Gth. That every Clergyman, or other Minister, who is a member of the Socie¬ ty, shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Committee, 7(h. That the Committee shall meet once every three months, or ofteuer, on some d.iy to be fixed by themselves. Hth. That the Committee divide this Town And neighbourhood into sections, and appoint two or more of their Mem¬ bers for each Section, w ho may associate with themselves any subscribers, for the purpose of soliciting Subscriptions and Dojuitiens from the inhabitants thereof: and th.t they establish proper Agents and Correspondents in different parts within we limits oft his Auxiliary Socictv. 9th. I'liat the whole of the Subscrip¬ tions and Donations received by the So¬ ciety si ill be from time to time remit¬ tee*, aft:'* deducting incidental expenses, to the parent Institution, in considera¬ tion of the advantages held out to Aux- i 1 i a 1 v Sedcties, viz. "That the Commit¬ tees of such Societies shall be entitled to receive Hibles and Testaments, estima¬ ted at piimc Cost, to the amount of half l\tr entire sum remitted to the parent In¬ stitution, if their local necessities shall require such a supply : And further, that the Members of Auxiliary Societies shall be entitled to the privilege of pur¬ chasing fiom the Depository of the Aux¬ iliary Societies, I'ibles and Testaments on the Fame conditions as the Members of the parent Institution." 10th. That for the purpose of giving full eliect to the benevolent design of the British and Foreign Bible Society, iu their grant ol the Scriptures for distribu¬ tion among the poor, theCommitlct;shall make it their huMf.oss to iuqeire what families 1,|- ittrjji iduals, residing within their m»< ml Sections Hreili wput of Ui- bles and Tesiann nt<, and unable to pro. iiirethern ; and thai it <*hall be the doty of the Committee to fund-h them fchcre- uilh, at prime cost, reduced prices, or gratis, aveordtug to thi»irri:rramstff!U'Cs# llth. Thai for the still iVuhcr pnuno- ttnc ol the circulation of the Seiintere*:. it ii expedient to defies within the sphere tionof Branch SorWoeiety, iu all such pla- of this Auxiliary S.f? sufficiently populous res as may not be Sociefics of their own ; to form Auxiliary Mies, and the individu- smh Branch Soctetd', 10 be entitled to the al Members thereof the Auxiliary Soci- same privileges fromliilrlnal Members en- ety, a* it and its p«*t JuMitutiou. joy from the IW'-mh persons as may not l-rh. That sin bo become Members of find it convenient te(y,orof forming one of the Auxiliary Socio* upon forming thorn- its Brandies, shall. >ociations, beontitl d selves into Bihle as Depository of thiv ^_^ to purchase, at the irection of the Com- ciety, under the die Scriptures, at prime mittee, copies of the distribution, or sale cost, for gratuitous duced piices, among at prime cost, or r-'-ours. their poorer nci^hb-ierg) men, and other 13th, That all CMie sphere of this So- Ministers within ictions in their respec- ciet\, making colleu'n behalf of the In- tive Congregations, utirled, on ren.irlin- slitutiou,-shall bet the Treasurer of this such collections to Ciblesaud Testaments bocicty, to receive Exceeding one half of to ah amount, not ecollectiou*;, estimated the said respective <hall be found to be at prime cost, ns.lj,, the vicinity: such needed by the poor ,d Testaments to be return ol Uibles nn y(ar frofn the remit- cla.mea wurunoneion. That farther II (ance of the collect^ Committee, in all >c the object or tlb supply the poor In >racticablt: cases, f; <:\'fu J i Bible and Comrn mlf* ,i",,.;r ,,ia" fe>w»l mcelihz of (he >ui!,iV:-,.ilr,W liM n si. (km?* £^^3g*gfttttfc& * « t • « w * # iroe.Pres- KLXGSTON, Jas vau r 21,1 S'20. 1 O-ir New York j.a;er.s of thetith Instant, furnish us ivith rtrtthin^ Liter from Europe than we bad nreviouMV i"crivcd. A report oi the dratn of Jin .">io identof the United Sintetf, has reached us, h'lt as itdoc.snot conre in ail aulln-nlic shape v.e hope it will prove to biigroundless. The fall of RijOTP on Mon^aT \9tiA has bei'n K-jijsuatly <Iee;), and ireut-ral tSr.Mj»:hout |hp eounirv—and* gr^atiy reianh'd trw» .^ta^s from l"<»rk and Montreal— the fonn'-r nf which only arrived this iuorulug, uvl ilu*ht- Terlast eve'niu;r.—The storm v/as so Hftvifre i.ith»» Lo'vur Province that the vi-re render fed impassable, airrl we imderstKitd ti;at i\\f. p. oj)Ie wmc eh!i;^;-d t-c turn ou\ v>"uh slm- vels in mn$*y places, ;.inl ojieu a v/uy tln'ough the banks of drilled snow. Church the second Wednesday in Janu^ ary, at 10 o'clock A. M.( in each year, when the Accounts shall be presented, the proceedings of the past jear stated. a new Committee appointed, find a fie- n 7, .... |>°rt agreed upon, lobe printed under the nn jnaver Book hocitiv r ,- . rt! -. .' , . , direction of the Committee, and circula¬ ted among the Members. 15th. Tlu:t, iu the formation of the new Committee, the Treasurer, Secreta¬ ries, and such three fourths of the other Mem be) S as have mo>t frequently attend- ed the Committee, shall be re-eligible fur the ensuing year. lGth. That Thomas NarktancL Efeqr. be 1'iesident ; tictij. H'hUnni and Neil McLcotl, Ksqrs, Vice Presidents : John Kirtyh Iv-:q. 'JVeasurer: Mr. J. PrinffU9 aw/vvv, Mid &lr. is therefore dis$uL'i'(L By order of the President, JOHN WILSON, Secretary. Kine*ston Auxiliary Bible Society. Instituted in St. Georges Church, 14/8 January, WZQj Thomas MAr.KLA.vr>, Ksq. in 'the Chair, Resolved^ l^t. That the ohiect and Constitution of the liritish ai.rl Foreign Bible Sociei v, | ^" ^j •*«• M*™"J*ri have the cordial approbation of thi, i)c^4V> > Xr'/' Lc i>. oMzr, Secretaries : a railed Weh.i'-e tTie pleasure to rta'e thai tin - Corps oflioval Artillery at this place have, in the same liberal mr-.mter as the Tilth Regi¬ ment, contributed one day's pay for the fce- liefof Emigrants and have jsiid the amount. £G : 18 : 4£ into th^ iiauds ol the Treasurer 01 the Compassionate Society. TTfi think Tir.o is a little severe upon the CUAMAHE MaTHI^MATICIAN, Qlld tllC Get!* tleoian at Port Hopk. He ouffht not to suppose that either the whole of the Canadi¬ an youth, or e.-en all the old men of Canada, are like himself acquainted wi'h eve^y proper- ty of figures rVom a unit ,4 tip to the hidden mysteries of ff&s&ivwf* V\»- are willing to indulge them by the insertion of rheir niore limine question?aw} a'jrfw^r*, vr^ v. 0 hope that T row;r e?.e*c:. e a '\\iVr pati.-eeu ■e-iih them too, and &iu\\y pel ilnm* ri;,ht ^he» ^e perceive.* that thev -^re v/ru.i--. meeting :>d. That a Society be formed, to be !hd *" The Kingston Auxiliary tiihle Socit t\,'* for the ptffpo'sts of co-operatinii with the Biitish arid Foreign liibte Soci¬ ety, in promoting the distribution of the Iluly Scriptures both at heme and a- l)i oad. j 3d, That, conformably to the princi¬ ples of the parent Institution, the Uihles snd TestaawiHtS to be circulated by this Sucitt\, shall be without note or com¬ ment, and those in the languages of the United Kingdom, of the authorised ver¬ sion only. 4th. That al! persons subscribing one guinea per annum, or upwards* or ten guineas or upwards ill one time, shall he members of this Society ; that neverthe¬ less the smallest subM-ription will be thankfully received, and the srtb&cTtfaers entitled to purchase at the Depository Uihles to three times ther.mount of their s.jl»scription, at prime co-*t. ,r,?h. i la* the hu-incss of f]n< Society shall bf condeited by a j'n sidei;', t«P \'i;e-> 1 ^id.mts. a Ti-.i-erv. a i;epo,- . ilar*. two $.'CUl-.;;-.,\ :^::d l 41 :.; u nri the itev. Q. (). Stua t. J. IVihcrt.J. Booth, li.l'ope, with S>hm liurtlcty Mr. Laittjncy^ Sir. John Mr I.cod, Mr. llichardwn* Mr. 7V/om;v >//. and Mr. Denn$ be Members of the ( ommittif for (he ensuing year. 17ih- That annual subscriptions and donation be now entered into, and that they be ,dso received by the Treasurer, and the several Bankers of tins Town and neighbourhood. hSth. That these resolutions he pub¬ lished i» such manner as the Committee maydii-ct; and that a copy of *hem, signed l>, the chairman, bo transmitted to the President of the British and For¬ eign ISilir Society. 19th. That the Committee meet Wed¬ nesday weekinst.atlhe Her. (i.O.Stuart'.- house, \H tl2 o'clock, and prepare, print- and eirtulate an Address on the object and vies s uf this Society. Thest Hi:trb and Regulations being agreed inotu it was finally moved and t.nanir:uoS|v carried, that His Excellen¬ cy the Iieufetiant (jovernur Should be u-spec t! Hy renuested to become Tatuon of .>: i.., i(.-tv. In obedience (0 the instructions of the lUth rule above quoted, the Committee deem it their duty in the first place to im¬ press upon the public mind the due con¬ sideration of the benevolent and truly Catholic spirit of the British and Foreign Bible Seciety. Other Institutions, how¬ ever excellent in their kind, have,inter¬ mixed with better ingredients, something or other of local or professional peculiar¬ ity, that necessarily limits the extent of their influence. But the Bible Society, having for its sole object the distribution of the Bible, that common hopeofall the ends of the world, owns no other limit than such as mav arise from the increas- ing expence of an increased circulation ; for neither will the desert cefcFe to Ian* gtiish for the waters of life until that hap¬ py periud when u the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea#" As for the suspicionsi'nd Jeal¬ ousy of some Christians—the secret en- mity of infidels—or the open hostility of Pagan opposition, we feel assured they will ultimately yield—nayare now yield¬ ing—to the Divine influence that attends the propagation of that blessed book.— Protestants and Papists—Churchmen and Dissenter?, Christians of every name and nation (their little prejudices and peculiarities forgotten) are all hereby united iu the bonds of social intercourse. —The Bible Society has thrown down the partition wall of difference between them ; and they now take sweet counsel together how they may advance-, uot the name of a Paxil or an Apollos, but the name of Christ ; and thus, nnderthe Di¬ vine assistance, expedite the promised gathering of all nations, to be one fold under one Shepherd. To cssist in this glorious cause, and to add its little rill of charity to the bound¬ less stream that circulates in the veins of the Parent Society, is the primary aim and object of M The Kingston Auxiliary Bible Society." It is a duty we owe not only to the impulse of the times, aiul the nohl. example of the nations around us, ho! aNo to our own local wants and tie- ces.Miies, which will hereby be moie ef¬ fectually supplied. For great as is the benevolentassistance of tbcSociety for Prctrtjattne fhe OMi^Iiji* t*swlt'yu% this i roviuce with Bibles and Ministers; piaisewoithy as the feeble efforts of our own institutions have been, the word of Cod is still too much a granger in almost every part of our w idely extended popu¬ lation ; and though it must be confessed thai rhe presence of a Bible does not al. ways imply (he presence of Religion, yvt without the Bible, to feed and bonriah the seed when sown, no fruit can come to perfection, . . But there is another motive for our lib¬ eral co-operation in this cause ; and that i%gratitude to the Divine Providence lor the happy prosperity which this high- \y favoured Province enjoys—whereas the great and unabated exertions of the different Bible Societies of other coun¬ tries ure made under a pressure of deep public and private distress May we then express our gratitude in a manner worthy of such important benefits. . And though we have u Society for the tempo- ral relief of Emigrants, let us not be con¬ tented with merely assisting them on their journey to an earthly Canaan ; but letosafcro foster a Society which will enable us to put into their hands a staff that will conduct them to a better, even to a heavenly inheritance. Should the love of money however pre¬ vail over all these motives, and leave us neither emulation, nor charity, nor grati¬ tude, then let the love of money at least induce us to a liberal subscription; for (it is the maxim of a wise and prudent tnan) » lie thatgiveth to the poor, lend- eth to the Lord, and look ! w hat he lay- eld out shall be paid him again ! !" Wc have received the following particu¬ lars relative to the death of three men who lately perifhed in the Townfliip of Percey. One McDonnell died fuddenly in a Shanty on Wcdnefday night, the twenty-ninth of Dccerr^ber. The other two, named Alex. La Fontang and Adam Dingman, toge* ther with a number of other Shanty men, on Tburfday the 30 Dec. ate fomc rice fonp, which linifhed their prgvifiona, and afterwards left the fhanty with the inten¬ tion of proceeding to the nearcft houfe, which was one Robinfon*8 diftant about twenty miles. They exercifed violently in running and playing for the firlt four or five miles—-fome time in the afternoon the unfortunate Dingman, L.a Fontang and 3 third perfon, (a young man) inadvertently, got in rear of the company, and were pnrfuing their journey quietly, when La Fontang exclaimed he could go no fuither; faying, at the fame time, that be wa* lick, drunk, and hungiy. He laid himfclf down in the road, and was carried by bis companions to a fhanty nigh at hand, when Dingtran faid he would go to Robinfon's for a Sleigh, and fet out accordingly. Sho'tly after La Fontaegdied, when the young man determined to mak* the bed of his way (this being in the night) out of the woods, but hail not proceeded far when he was feezed with horror at the fight of Kinsman lying dead in the road ! lie reached Robinfou's houfc, tho* nearly ex- hauflcd, which was the cafe with all thofc who arrived there before him. The veidift <f the Coroners inqueft was that they came by thtir death by means of the fevcrity of the weather. U. C. Herald. MARRIED, At Bath, en die szoth January, by the Rf v John Stoiightoii, Mr. ARCHIBALD Mcl>05- ell, Merchant, of Kingston, to Miss StiSAH LYONS, of the former place. DIED, On Saturday last Joint QreensiUe, son of Mrs. Orecnsitte, of Youuj$town,(U. S.) si-t out from*this bide of the river in a canon— Two other young men in company, names unknown. Jtis 9aid they were seen entan¬ gled in the ice, and thus drifted past Fort Niagara, near dusk, and have not been beard of since. It le strongly suspected that they are lost. " Niagara Gleaner. In this town, on Wednesday the l£th inst. after a lingering illness William, Son of Mr. John TutSe—aged t3 years. - At Poiel Frederick, on Mend.^y t|lc 10th inst. Mr. John Taile—sged ^1 years. At Ameli.tshurfheOn Thursday the Cth inst. Mr. Peter Lawson, a^ed one hundred years, three months and nventy-'-iv da\s. A Brother of liie deceased now resides in Murray, who is upwards ■ of Ninety-four years of ape, and who vms last year, active enouffh to follow the plough, • *_________ U. C. Heraid. , WILLIAM STENNETT, RESPECTFULLY informs, the pub¬ lic that he has received (dirtd from England) in addition to his fotrter dock, an aiTortment of the following articles, which he ofFc-n who'efale or retail, for calli or approved credit ;— Gold and Silver Watches, Efehl Day Braf? Clocks, a general afT>rtment of Go d Jewelry, Metal do. Pco & Pocket Knives, Dinner and 1-cfert do. Razor;. '!egant Purfes.Steel do. Steel Dog'a Collars, Roali- ing Jacks, Snuff Boxen, Boxes nf uft-ful Tool?, Combs, Hair ar.d Tooth Brufhes, Tea Pots and Trays, Bread Bafkets. Sil¬ ver Spoony, Pencil tafes, Thimbles, 5cc. and a variety of other articles. Kingfton, Jan 20, 1820. 3**4 . s Caution to tlie Fuhlic. HAVING on the 30th of December remitted by mail to Hamilton, one hundred and fifty pounds, which I have reafon to believe has been cither loft or llolen : I avail myfelf of the esrliefr opportuni¬ ty to caution the public again ft receiving one and two dollar Bills of the I a»»k of Upper Canada. Numbers A from 12501 to 12700, the payment of which ate flop¬ ped at "the Bank until further notice. S. BA-KTLET, CaJ1mr. Bard of Upper Canada, Kingston* January 20, 1820. 3 FERNES&Co. RESPECTFULLY beg le*ve to in¬ form the inhabitant? of Kingfton and its vicinity, that they have taken th_- Sroie formerly occupied by D. Mc'D*n- ell. at the corner of Store & King Stiect, and intend carrying on the ■ . . Bool & Shoe Trade, in all its brar^he?, and hope by rffiduity and a stridl attention, to merit a fhare of the public's favor. Having made arrangements with one of the first manufactories in England, will always enable them to keep a regular fup- ply of Ladies, fancy Boot* and Shoes, and materials of every defcription in the above line. ^ \ * Will always have for sale all kinds or LEATHER, manufadured by Undcrhill & Co Kingston Tannery-. , ., . Kingston^ Jan. ZOth% 1820. 3tfi TVTOTICB is hereby given to the pub-. ±K lie, thnt the subscriber forbids any person or persons to purchase the follow¬ ing notes of hand, dated the llth day of February, 1 Si 9, at Sydney, that is to say, one note of £25, one of ^47 lbs, two of i?31 : 5s. each ; makiug in all five hun¬ dred and forty dollars: and which the subscriber is determined not to pay, nor any part thereof, until Cornelius Thrash¬ er secures him in a good title to the land he bargained with him for. The sai<* aotos t»c;c muue ^.ij^Ui to t*h Cornelius Thrasher, or order, and the bubscribcr is like to be defrauded. ROBKRT NICflfiBCm. Sydney, Wth Oct. 1S19. 3w 3 FOR SALfcT" T a very low price for Cash —the south or front half of Lot No. 12, in the first conces¬ sion of Lougbboroui;h.—For par- ticnlars^ apply at this Office. Dec. ?. 1819. SO Our acknowledgments are d'»c to our cor¬ respondent T. whose comn • .ication shah l)C attended to next week. Several articles are unavoidably postponed mid among others the radiations of the DW tiict Committee for (Jromotius Christian I lioowkdee. IXjOTICEia hereby given, that the P^ yearly meeting of the Agricultural Society, will take place on the full Moo- day in February, Members are rcquelled to attend at the Court-Houfe, at twelve o'clock, for the purpofe of chobfmg of¬ ficers for the enfuing year. GEORGE H. MAUKLAND. tJcc'v. January 71b, 1820.______________ AVANTED, A COOK, for a Military cstatlish- XjL ment, \vho perfeftly under«tanda hi» bosinefa. None need apply who cannot be well recommended. Enquire at this office. Kingston, Gth January* 1820.________I To~Cht/iiers7~ For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPER! Tho. 5* Whitaker & Co. August 19, 1819* 34 ~ A GRI CO LA'S LETTER & SUCH individuals as intend subscri¬ bing lor this useful publication are requested to leave their uames ;■• f : lice before the 31st instai 1. ••*■* ub^cnbcis 11 u.*( bf ' Halifax. Of1'...... 34

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