Kingston Chronicle, January 14, 1820, page 1

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KINGSTON u^ CHRONICLE. fct V> t^n»».VM,'ja i.ii. VOL. II.] FRIDAY, (aftfrkook) JANUARY 14, 1820. [No, 2. ALEXANDER HOPE. Late Farrier hi tlie 2d (Queen's) Light Dragoons, BEGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Kinglion, and its vicinity, that he has rented the (hop of Mr. James Meagh¬ er, near the Warket Mace, where he in¬ tends carrying on the lilacksmitiiin^ Business, In alt its various branches ; And he flatter3 himfelf, from the long ex¬ perience he has had in the above line, to give fatisfaftion to all who may pleafe to favour him with their cullom, and on as reafonable terms as at any other (hop in the place. Kingston >td Dec. 18(9. 49 ~NEW GOODS. THE fobfenber rcfpettfully informs the public that he has received a well felefled aflbrtment of Dry Goods, adapted to the feafon—Likewifea quanti- GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap for Cafh. WALTER McCUNlFFE. King (ton t ill December, 1819. 49 THE fubferiber has now, and will con¬ tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup- ply of Mich flavored Ale. The prefent price is one fhilling per gat- on, for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of extra ftrcng bodied Ale are refpeft- fufly informed that as foon as poffible he will provide a flock that will satisfy the mod faftidious critic. He thinks it will nol be amifs to remind the Farmers (who are the mafs of the peo¬ ple) that if they wilh their grain to com¬ mand C$fhfl thfiV mp'f i^'oliif'/.^v rr**l"^ mWR Liquor their common beverage, and ihus fupport the Canadian Brewers ioileud of the Weil Indian Didillers. It is of fcri- ous confequcnee, both to themfelves and to the whole country, that they fliould im¬ mediately adopt fo praifeworthy a refolu- tion. Orders feat to the Brewery, or left with Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartlet, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Oct. 26, 1819. N. B. Grains at all times for fale, 7{d per bufhel. 44 ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant Taylor, HAS received from Montreal a mofl choice and excellent aflbrtment of the bell Weft of England fuperfir.e Cloths and Cassi/neres, with Trimmings, and every thing com¬ plete. A. Asker informs his friends and the public that he is now working up thefe cloths, &c. at his old ft and, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the Ihorteit notice, and on the lowed terms for Cafh, or fiiort approved credit* Kingfton, Sept. 10, 1819. |gtf ilREE FAKMS FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for th* en fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contrad alfo will be given for cutting iooo Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Bank Notice. A Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of U C. will beholden at the faid Bank on Tucfday the 8th Feb. next at 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpole of taking into confideration the expediency and propriety of altering & amending fome of the articles of Aflociation. By order of the Dire&crs. S. BARTLET, CafVr. Bank of Upper-Canada, i December 22, 18 10. S * Kin?$ton% 16//J June, 1^19 ictf 5- A F. B. SPILSI3URY, * Su/rcrEo.x, R. N. § XL&te Surgeon of H. M.S. Prince Rc-> g£/?/9 w;i Lake Ontario, $ Intends practising in the various^ £brfttu'hes of his Profession* at 1:1* res-;- Jdence, next door to John McLean,* JEmi. SheriflT. h i Kh*gtfan4 (hi. Gth, 1S19. 41 <} >-X<-^.-aa---C-s -»>.-C*.-jC—>*>-«>-*., srAA~K&t& tiQ**&rKte NOTICE.™ ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- partucifhip of Richard Robison and David ScccrJ, aie reqnefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the fiirviving partner, David Sc'cord, ar.d thofe to whom the faid Copatfnerfhfp may be indebted, ate le- quelled to fend in their accounts for ;jd- jaflmerit and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. z6tf PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft- ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible- JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. 16 fl^HE fubferibers being duly nomina- X ted Executors to the latt Will and I eftament of the late Lawrence Herchmcr, Efquire, Merchant, requeft all perfons in¬ debted to his eftate to make immediate jiayromr, «r;d thofe having demands ftroiftfl the fiij eftate to bring them forward with* m ddov. JOHN KIREV, GEO. IJ. MARKLAND. &Pg&03, 9th Nov. iSxij. x(> Executive Council Office, Tori, I 7 th November, \ 8 19. WHEREAS the prefent LEASE of the Ferry from the Town of Kingfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealed Propofals for a new Lcafc to be given to the higheft bidder will be received at thi3 Office until the 10th of June, l320. 49 JOHN SMALL, 0 e. c LAMB& BfcBONELL, Opposite the Market, King Street. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public, that they have received part of their fall Goods, AMONG "WHICH AUEj Ladies Pelisse Cloths, most fn<liiona!>Ie colors : West of Biiglaud superfine Ulue and Black Cloth ; Grey, lilue, Black. Brown, Olive, and Drab Cloth?, and Cas- tjmeres : Red, White, Green, Blue, and Yellow Flannels; Rose Blanket?; Wars- [i'd Shirts and Drawers ; Marseille* Quilts and Counterpanes, Chintz Furni- 'ure with lining, Fringe and Binding to match ; Scarlet and Blue Morei»n ; Scar¬ let, Waterloo, Blue, Salmon,Sage Drab, Fawn, and Teach colored Cassirneie Shawls 5 Merino and Canton Crape Shawls: SilkShnuIsand Handkerchief*; Flag, Bandannas, Satins, Silks, LQU£ Lawn* Jarknoette, anrl Mull Muslin : Coided Lan r>ncLV Book Muslin Dp-s-t^: BookMuslhiTrimmiiigs;Cambric«;Lenos: Thread Lace k Footins;;Calicoes;Check*: Stripe Cof ion : Red & Blue i>rrry\s; S»ri- ped Cambric Ginghams, Votings, Boniba- zeens and Bonbazettes, Tartan Plaid, Turkey Stripe, [>rowu IJolland, iiihh Linens, Cotton Siiirting, White Cotton, Diaper and Diaper'1 able Cloths, Green and Blue Table Covers, Dimity Furni¬ ture ; Hearth Rugs, Biussella Rugs; Scotch Shirting, Black Silk Veils, f$e»! Treble Gilt C<>at Buttons, Stem &c. Rib¬ bons, Tapes,Threads,Cotton Balls,Sew- mt( Silk and Twist, Lady's White and Black Silk Stockings, Slate colored and Black Worsted Hose, Bo>s & Girls, do. do. Men's Lnmb: Wool half Hose, do. Worsted do. Ladies' stale colored hhuk and whit** Silk Gloves, Men's lined Bea¬ ver and Kid do. .Men's lined Beaver cud Buck Skin Gloves. ALSO, Agreat variety of ether arf;eles, too numerous to mention. The uhuie com- prlscs a complete assortru-nt of J)r) Goods, which they will sell very low foi CVh. JChyt/rftot* AW. TR/^, lfi?D. 4r Notice. THE fubfenber has juct received a quantity nf Double untl Single Slovrs, of various fixed and of new and elegant patterns, which he offefs for faleat Mont»e- al price and charges for cafh He has alfo received, in addition to bla former Supply, feveral t^ns of hmglish and Swedes Iron as¬ sorted sizes ; Hoop and Round dido, Nail Rods, Grindstones, Anvils and Vices, Double and Single Slice* Iron ; Trace and Lag Chains ; Wrol and Cut Sails fall shes;J Smiths* Bellows, Hollow Ware- (of all descriptions ;) Cut, PHj and- Mill Saws, Currier's and Lin!seed Oil; Wagon end Cart Boxes ; Iron rend Brass Hire ; A good afforcment of Saddlery. Stamped, and Cast BiaN Cabinet Furnitur-. with an extenfive alTurtrneut of Shelf Goods coofisting of rr.o>t articles in the Hard Ware line—too ntiaicr'vua to mention, JOHN WATKINS. N. B. Flour for fale. Kingston, November 16th, 1819. .j.ytf ~AliEHARD OF Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds "^^riLL be paid by the subscriber, to V ?' any perfon who H^all discover and give fuch information as will convifl the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th or 30th of June lad, Hole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker'* Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Btll* of five dollars each, to the amount of two thou land pounds. By direction of the Pirc&ors of the Montreal Bank* THOMAS MARKLAND, Executive Council OJpce, Tork, 25th August% 1819. THE Order in Council of the 18th instant, respec¬ ting Locations subject to Settling Duties being revised, it is order¬ ed by His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, that all Locations of Land subject to Settlemeni Duty made prior to this date, be rescinded, and the Land otherwise disposed of, if Certificate of the Settlement Du¬ ty being performed be not lodg¬ ed with ee Surveyor General within the time limited in the Ticket of-Location, and the Pa¬ tent sued out within Three Months thereafter : and that all Locations subject to Settlement Duty hereafter to be made will be rescinded, and the Land oth¬ erwise disposed of, if Certificate of Settlement Duty being per¬ formed be not lodged with the Surveyor General within Eigh¬ teen Months of the date of the Order for such Location, and the Paent sued out within Three Months thereafter. JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. NOTICE IS hereby giv-en, that William Taylor, heir at law and administrator of the iate Allan Tay|or, hath afllgned all the real and peifo..a| estate of the late Allan Taylor deceafc.^ unto John Kirby, Alex- under O. 1'etije and Thorna* Parker, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All perfons having any claims against the late \Ilan Taylor, rt"Uyfor <x f*&ilLerror Thom¬ as Patkcr ar.' requested to prefent the fame for adjustment and payment, and thofe perfons indebtcJ to either the late Allan Taylor, Tayio and Parker, or Thomas I srkir, are repeated to make immediate payment to thi above fo^tees ; who ate folly anthorifed to jive druhatges for the fame, John Kirby, A- O. Perrie, Thomas Parker. Kingston, A:->mt 2&, 1819. 36tf Llnrslon, ityh Nov. 1819. Agent* 47 NOTICE. AN assignment having been made to the subs.riber of all the Lands, Goods, and debts, belonging to the late firm of James Ranhen fef Co- of Ernest Town, Merchants, as well as those belong¬ ing to James R&ttkeJ) indiviJnally. for the benefit of crcdilor5. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said firm, or a-ainst the said James Ranken#to present them forthwith, duly authenticated ; and euch as stand indebted are desired to pay their respe&ive accounts to Chr. A, Hagrrman, Esq. of Kings- ber iiext. j JOHN KIRBY. Kingston^ Xst September, 1819. 36 ~~ FOR SAl Mi A VERY taluablc FAitM, situated JrxL near the Village of Brockvillo, be- i,-g the rear half of Lot No, one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in Ihe se¬ cond concession of Klizabcthtou n, U. C. coiiTftinin^ two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood. K.squtn\ but now belonging to JohitShu- tcr, Ls'juirC, of Loudon. There is a vr- »y good <1 welling house, with a barn and •ther out houses 011 the promises. Also* Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con- crs ion. and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Pownship. Aho* Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen " the second conce^sitm, ol the Town- hip of Vongc, in the District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of .111 terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous £0purchasers.—Apply to DAXIKL JONES, Jun. tirockvilk, 1 bth Jn -wan/* 1819. 4 NOTICE I* hereby given, that I, William Tay¬ lor, as heir at law and administrator to the estate of the late Allan Taylor, de- ceafeJ, have this day affigned all the real and pcrfonal estate of the late Allan Tay¬ lor, and all the interest jn the concern of Taylor & Partter, and Thomas Parker, unto John Kirhy, AIex3nrJer Oli^hant Pe- trie and Thomas Parke,, as trustees, for the benefit of the credit.,r5, William Taylor, Administrator of Ike estate of the late Allan Taylor. Kingston, August J&8, 1819. 36tf NOTICE " ALL perfons are captioned againft pur- chafing Lot No. 22) jn t|ie 7t|j con. ceffion of Frederickibuigjlj0r ]ot jja 2jt in the 1 ft concern of Richmond,from the llein or Aflignees of bavis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an ipdtfputahle title to the fame. GIL^ERT HAH1S. Sidney, 4th Dec. l81g> ^ Isle of Tanti^ THE following valuable lands, on the Ifle of Tantx, for fale—From Lot No- 35, inclufive, round the fouth fhore, to lot letter C, except letter 8. 82,83, 84^ and 85, and all from Mr. Stuart's to the Town Plot. The fecond conceflum, where not granted—the pre¬ ference to be given to thole who poflefs, and have paid for their lots, if fettled for as above mentioned. Mr. Stuart's No's 23, 24, 25, 26 and rear half of No, 27. Lot*No. 35, 36, 37, 38,and down to 85, incfofivfi. Letter A, referred. Lots fold, No, I, 2,3, to No. 22 in Fmnt. The above lots will be fold on moderate term9. The foil is remarkebly fertile and fitted for all the purpofes of agriculture. The lituation of the Ifland will (how it is particularly adapted to pallurage. It abounds with filh & woodofalmoft every kind, a confiderable p.oportion of which is oak. For further information, application to be made to the underfigned, at Bath — and for undifpnted titles to the Hon. Sir John Johnfon, in Lower Canada. J). FARLEY. December 28, 1819. 53tf ________________________F ____ 1 1 ^~—~ TO HE SOLI), and immediate pos- sefli^n given, thr following Lots uf Land, in the 6th Conceflion of the Town- fhip of Elm.ilry, viz. 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 30, moh1 eligibly situated on the North side of the Rideau Lake, which forms their southern boundary ; the great road to the Perth Settlement, leading through one 'if the Lots They abound in excellent Timber, which from its being contiguous to water communication may be rafted t<> Montreal at a trifling expence. The qua¬ lity of the foil and other advantages are fuch as to render thi.- a desirable purchaie to Farmers or pcrlon* engaged in the Lum¬ ber Trade. For terms of payment and otftci particufaM appfy to Wilfhm Mar- ehull, £fiq. Peitii Settlement, John Kirby Elq Kington, on lie fubferiber, in Wood- houfe, London Di'lrirt ROBERT NICHOL, Kcvcmber 18, 1819. 47*f GOVKRNMKNT TRANSPORT FOR THK SAlrW ACROSS the two Portages from Lake Ontario to the Nottawasaga Creek on Lake Huron Any perfon or perlons willing to furnifh the neceflary conveyance for Stores and Ordinance, required for the Navy, between the ill February, 1820, and 31ft January, 1821, are rcquefted to feud fealed tenders Co this place on the 15 th January next, as follows. Kate Articles under 12 cwt. per cwt. 12 cwt. & under 16, * 16 •• & ** 2o, ■ 20 and upwards, -— •• It is also requelled that the addition ot thefe rates for conveying Stores acrofs Lake Simcoe by Sleighs will be dated in the tender?. Two fufficient furetics mud be had. ED. LAWS, N. S. J\avaJ Itird, Kingston, I r. 1819. J ft ft * ft 13*0 December, 51 ri~^HE fubferiber feels it his duty, from 9L the villainous treatment he ha* receiv¬ ed, to guard the public again(l any impo¬ sition on the part of Mr Soli mon Johns, by hi* offering to fell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of Krncft Town, bounded on the eall by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, a$any title to the faid property held by him. was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns was at low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the time of the examination of his tranfa&ions in 1812—had no fiiadow of a claim PETER GR INT. The perfon who is Itatcd to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above property from Johns, was acquainted with my jull pretenfion in the firft inftance, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P. G. 48 ON Monday night the iSth inft. the More of the subscriber was broke open and to the amount of 75 Dollars or upwards in calh carried away ; alfo a few large cotton Shawls, one remarkable Fo^ reign red Scarf, upwards of four yards in length, one end of which richly ornamen* ted with gold thread, the other end plain. Whoever may give fuch information as will lead to the recovery of any of faid articles will be handsomely rewaided by applying to the fubferiber. For SAMUEL AYKROYD. Donald Murchisow. Kingston, igth Otl. 1819. 43 r\(\(\ BUSHELS BARLEY, **UU 33 SIDES SOLE LEATH¬ ER, for sale by the fubferiber, very low for cafh. Enquire at Mr. John Strange's Auction Room. WILLIAM BAYARD SMYTH. 2tst Dee. 1819. 53 BLANKS, Forthe Courts of Request, For sale at this Office. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT FOR FLOUR. TV] OTICE is hereby given, that prnrio- JS% sab will be received ar this office until the 1st of February, 1820, at nooii? from such person- as may be willing to contract for the supply of Three Thou- sand Barrels of fine Flour, for the u^ of His Majesty s Troops, deliverable at the posts of Kingston, Fort George, and York, between the 1st of May and 15th July, 1820, freight free, and under the usual guarantee that the same shall keep sound and sweet for the period of twelve months after delivery. The conditions of the Contract and form of tender may be known on applica¬ tion at this office, or at the Commissariat Offices at York, Fort George, and Fort Wellington : and no proposal xoill he no¬ ticed* unless made in the terms prescri¬ bed, nor unless the partu and his snre- tiesi or an agent on their behalf, attend at the opening the tenders, which must be sealed, and indorsed u Tenders for the supply of Flour." EDW'd. PINE COFFIN, Dept%y. Com'if. Gen. Commissariat Office* Kingston^ £7. 6\ \7th December* 1819. 52 GEORGE SCOUGAU Late Master Smith in the Engi¬ neer Dtpartmmt, EGS leave to inform bifl friend* and the public in general, thar he has commenced bufinefs next door below Mr, George Douglafs's. Store Street ; where every article in his line may be had on the mod reafonable terms, and on the /horteii notice. The following rates of charges arc fuhmittcd. Horse Shoeing* all round 6/S — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April 51!), iSiq. ly "KINGSTON TANNERY*. Hp UNDEIUULL & Co. Refpeft- JL 9 fully beg leave to inform the Shoe-Makers, Saddlers and leather fellers in geneial, thai they have now fele&ed f<om their exteulive affortment of different dcfttipiions of Leather, and are preparing it ready for Sale, upwards of one Thou- fand fides of Upper Leather, from one to Twenty Thoufand !b<*. of light and ftrong fok Leather, and one hundred and fifty fideN of Harnefs do. together with twenty dozen of Calf Skins and a number of Horfc hides, Dog and Sheep Skins, toonumeious to infert, and which can be delivered on the Ihortell no'ice and lowell ternn for Cafh. T. U. flatters himfelf that thofe who are inclined to favour them with their Orders, will find the above articles by far fuperior to any yet offered for Sale, having already been proved, and acknowledged by the bell judges in this I'rovince. Kingfton, November 5, 1819. 45 Forwarding1 & Commission BUSINESS. THE subscriber* beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have formed a connection in busi- fte*n • rtf* obwyt^otf %*h9<4i *•* •****■ WW** portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription from Montreal to any par* of Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Brie. The business will be conducted by W, IIucDELL, at Oijdensbunjh, and under the linn of IV. L. WHITING 8f Co. at Prescott. To prevent delay, all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay of Quintc, will b-* forwarded from Pres¬ cott by the Steam Bv>at Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on. as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united exertionstogive satisfaction, will be grateful for every favor. W. L."WHITING, W. IIUB13ELL. Prescott, IQlh May,18 19. 23 New Goods. THO M A S ASK E W, HAS ju(l received his Winter affort- ment of fafhionablc Dry Goods, opened for fale at Mrs- Finkle's houfe, and at the lowed poffible rate for Cafh—a- mongli which are 3, Sj and 4 point Blankets, 9, 10 and 11-4 Rose do. Superfine Cloths & Cassimercs, Pelisse Cloths, Hosiery, Haberdashery, &c. Kingston, t$th Nov* 1819. 48 Anchors $ Cables. WILLIAM BUDDEN, WILL receive by the eariiell fpring vefTels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an affoT.ment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe cng&* ged ix\ the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, 1 ft April, 1819. j^tf

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