Kingston Chronicle, January 7, 1820, page 3

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$&iag$m • ••••* * • * ■ ■ • * * • • ♦ * KINGSTON, Janvauy 7, 1820. ■ * ■ * * • > > * f ■ * * t * * t We regret that we are still unable to offer our waders any later accounts from England, or relieve the an.xiely which is generally felt for the arrival of- further intelligence relative to her internal situa¬ tion. There is reason to look for the speedy receipt of the Royal Speech on the tnoeHtlg of Parliament, and the first proceedings of that di^nilied body, which in the present posture of affairs, cannot failt) be unusually interesting. Our paper o^ test vtvck bavins completed die first vol.hiie of ihe Chronicl*1, we now present to our ro ui.*rs the firs; of Tlie. second, and in dni.rr this at the com- jnence.iiieiuofrfie year, We he: permission to to&r thiexn our bust wishes Etut all Ua.vr vir¬ tuous endeavours to |>ro:n*.!«"» their own or their neighbour's inle.*vs\ in iv he c;'Ow;i» d with success, and that eve-y hiesMnjr Aiay-stf- tend them through life.—In overling lw lite occurrc ices oftfifl year that is past, we find if dbiin'Z'iisitc-1 hv no wry .en;:rl;:ihleevfeitH. The nations of the clvjlwsed world, su inn?; agitated by tac convulsions of ih* l-V-udl i Httvolution, sis.: ^r:elu;::!\ b.4tiai{; down into j a state of peie *f i| r-p■»:-»*, and though some <)f r.ho.-eill t\u* i:n !)teii.ii.* vieltiliy of KYanee are stiil saC-.Tlns !Vo,n Ht eifwisW the con-. Tests engendered l.y •' i amhiuon of the talc ruler of thaU'.o'.i; i -\\ (h.-v rtits b:-*"ly employ¬ ed in re-establishing lh; • i:';;oe--s, inamencl- ItijE their forms of *CM\'ul. in promo: n-r commerce, manufacturer, :">d *!1 tie- puejaj arts, Btulin generally* ireTmr-Uicr »he condi¬ tion of iIip pe.onlt\ The Mill'M-inirs offflfi tilf_!V jvjropea:i nations, gwfij md terrible as . ^ere, have not he n alfo&ntfifr «"idnied in *am, for rational lito-riv i^ijowevJd'niflv yaliJ- Hlg ground, and it is |o '>•» Imped wll ulti- )nat4»Iy establish lt*5 jrenial }>ifii:i»;ice ov*»r the • wide extent of that disiiugul*h<*d portion of the glohe, notwHhstandiey; ;i!l tin* sioistr.r o- me.ns v/hich some dark minded men may draw from the horrible excesses committed during the fiv&tstages of ti.e French RmoIu- tion, or tYom th'-de^puiismefits titter period, or even from the prest-irt Koly League of the European Sovereign:-. Onr Murker Cuutt&fv, wtiidi creel* her hi&dftproudly miutifut" apifttig ths' nations of the earth, and whose fctl • i.n.;>irai!r|;e*i ri- fortain inniuainm?; theeaii^e of lihi-rfy ;*nd theindapirtidenceoikiu^dom^i ha\; eroUnifed her with '*• ourj* r-sir^ ■dory,'1 still ft'ven-ly fidstheeff'ctsor hesuddeivfrao WioniV.nna proiracted and (*ue.ud.-d wwfeiv, to pro- . found peace. Her im,..e' ise debt and con- sewueu load of tars Lion, the decreased sale o(ny; manufacture-*. owi;-i;;fo the v-vival of xniiiufriCMie: o;*-the eonii.i. u:, and ihe want ofemptoyuienl for « *fiut»ndj?tj:i!;trtt papttJst- tioUt conunue tOOce;i?inu nnivil tiUivt^s, par¬ ticularly nraon% the poorci' claries. A lew deigning individual-. %»r;aihig ibesiisclvefi of this state of things, have been busy in calling mectijijrSj and by iuiiamatory tpt:ec:lies and resolutions in exciting tumuh and disord^i a- jnonp; the. people in v.e.ious pars of the United kingdom. The £.\.ater j»rcpor- tionof the people of Greal Urilain are, iiow- ever, happuy, too w«il in'onrcd to he long deceived by.suea pvetetvdcd patriots as Hum andliis associates. Whatever distresses ihey may be labouring under, the spi cches of tliis stroling mounie'v; »k l.oi'uician will neither clothe nor fe?d h m. Whatev er ab* SC3 may have crept into ine British GonstituliuH, the plan of Reiorm proposed by Hunt, Cart- wright, Wooler and Cobeit is not likely to do \ much good. Tlic-r.e mc.i would have the rashjiess and hardihood fo Rltli down an tdi- llec which they possess-OL fliewisdomtoplan, nor the skill to erect. A more liberal and e- qua! representation in r'ir!:;>m-T.t, a more e- conomical system of peer lawa, and amend.iieot of suuie of ihe penal statutes, have been sut^ostcd ar.d ardently ■wished for b)r some of :!ie abl«it poiitieiu!;"; of the atre, but how to attain liiete objects without opening a door t'j dangeroua innova¬ tions which oxi^iitultimately subvert the ven¬ erable fabric of the Brithh Conslittrtiot), h; .- ever been a difficulty, wlncli makes the hen men pause & th.> wisest ].:•«><■» ed withe? tliun. France, wiiich ba& s'ttlVr^d £o terribiv bv its raissuid^d attem us mis^usa^u attempts 10 uniam uiwri\.ap- pjars :o have at length discovered the right pai^ St guided by the"li^hti;fi'j:p!^hjuri?]»ru- dence, she is making so.nepro^r»ss in estab¬ lishing for herself a liberal Constant:on or: a solid basis. The resiles ?pir:is of the Revo¬ lution are held in order, tin* &te tt body of the people are becoming atti.ehcd to the present order of things, and are beginnm;; in l"Hrn fheuraynf thinking and acting lilc- fpeemeji. TheKirr^ himself, inatructe*! hi the ;"U:e school ol' adversity, has ftpparently »lswidotv ed tht: arbiirary fi'n^n^o'i Juoui- is* i Iriiiid, and seems dispos-ed lohnitatii ii.e wiser eon- duct of British m v:nrehs, and rue^i in llr- confidence and aG*e*tiu«ts ofalVe*' jie.opl . ac¬ cording to fixed rule-, ^.esc/iiied by the I 'on- stitUiiO;!. Spain exhibits the m 'Innrhr'ysp^ctac'c of a mighty moa'u*chy dwludha^ into insi-- nificance and lo/ar^!r.*r C»rvij?u possessions through i\w. weifcnk<s, incapaeiiy nndisnor- ance of her rulers; a::d ofapeo;)^ siakin^ under the debasing eliects ui ajj-jonjy and bigoted superstit-oii. Austria, hnvh g recovered more temtivry than s!ie up J bet-nH:.rinii;-d 9-f dtlri.ig h«'*r(hs- astroas wars with Franc" mi^^ys profound tranqu!Uity, and h applying huiwff io re-es¬ tablish hef il:i:iriee^ \\ hleii ^'ere hiamcsLde- eayed suae. Il-'r pe:j,!e r,p];eir at pn sent coiite-it.-dwit'i tlw li.i.j.ed porfl«.i of litersy .-illotled Lot;iein,a,.<ias far ^ : ^ards hc.lie- reditaryStites, are ?.yal aud well ;rJf.c!:d. Such however is nut tie case with Use utilize states of Gorm-m;/, tvhetv the perrpjij ion^ for thee-<-rc:.-,e ofgrT?^terpf/filka1 Kbmy. Priu- sta,War;:f-nihur^h» a '-d iJ.iva/ri are in a state ofagitaticii on tins point and t!.i« enperii-nce of history pri)V4t5tn*t tii*« i"']h- \vili ttik- mately obf'iin Uw. obj.-ct ofiJu-i. \\N:he>. T!io mighty e.upiio of Hn*=si;s ivfcleh rtrefehft* ;.c:*os-. the co:i.'ir,e.;t l.»)m the ini¬ tio S'tj. to tin* ihiiuiiC Ocean, and eiuhrace.i su Seat a variety ofchu: ire and people, t-Aciles c jwiou^y and ^pMelseiision uf in neigh¬ bours. 'Vue seemly policy pursued by 'its Soveveigris, and its npi'laud inereash^ pro¬ gress in extent and jwi'v or. are almost wituoul parail'.! in history. The liisperor Alexander b to }»<• crowned King of J'oiand, and will thus g.tin a firmer footing in llurope, and a xnore eomm inding position from whence he maycoutrou! the destinies of the neighbour¬ ing stafeSa Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and theinioorpowers, have cerU'.iniy ju.^t cause to dread tneutfength of this colossal empire, though the pacific professions of the present -Kinp'wordo not seem to threaten them with any iinnediate danr.r-r.—if Russia should vnel'»vtidce the acttin-npiistonc>*t of what i:; stated u; hivt long h/'-ti hi«r favor.r* ohj^ci, I theeooquesi of Con-t.nainojile, ,hmcI >h'*e .- ! pulsion ofthtv'jPurks I'm.a Mti.o.^-. id«; ivolild I probably b/: frp^w*.] r,-v Axivii'iu,iti>l piTJi»j*-f'j by a general eovditi; K.' tiilT ' r.on!d -:je ••v'-n ! succeed in^ ! e- putpc>M. :^.4 J: t«*ri j aeremigu-s on t!t« v A u -t- . f al of the Eastern Empire, it is not to be con¬ ceived dial such an enormous power could long be held together. So great a mass of discordant materials would HI to pieces by reason of its own weight and overgrown bulk, ind Europe would thus be delivered from the terror of general subjugation. Were it not for the jealousies existing a- mong the different European nalions,it would he pleasing to see a confederation for the pur¬ pose not only* of destroying the piratic? 1 States of Barbary, and colonizing that fertile and once flourishing country, but also for ef- fecting the liberation of the Greeks, from the thraldom in which they have been so long held by the brutal ana ignoble Tid-ks, and for restoring the.reuowned land of their lb re- fathers to its ancient freedom and indepen¬ dence as a state. But we hiust refrain from indulging hi Utopian visions vshich the cou- llicting interests and prejudices of govern¬ ments will not perhaps permit us to stee reali¬ zed in ourduy. * The wars in India have terminated as usu¬ al in favor of British interests—the IVishwa has been humbled, and the predatory bauds of the Piudarries completctely destroyed by the en.'ir:,lic nohcy of the Governor-Gene¬ ra1, a'rded by tlie superior sicill and discipline of his troo;>;s. The territory conquered du- ring these \*'arstrith the natives makes a greitaeceasion tu the enorndous extent of the IJritisb empire in India, the solidify of which buowmorei/rmlvestablishedbyjt^haVingtlio (iai ucs and the Indus as its boundaries ou ei- ther si-.Ie. Though the foundations ctf this mighty pon er were i\v*\ laid in fraud and cru¬ elly by "the bold mid enterprising agents of tiieiudla cojnpany, the hapjjiness and tran¬ quillity enjoyed by the people of the- old Fro- vitiCCS UiHiefthe present mild a-id e putahle ?wav, may perhaps male soir.e i'tonement fur former unn$iice—and we may at least in¬ dulge the hope that the eve,riou nf British i.i*elhjr.--nce and charily will produce their customary good eifeets on the simple Hin¬ doo*, and by their vMfyins; gradual¬ ly introduce araon£ thai gentle and unoflend- injD, tllough benighte*l race.ri;e ii^his of sci¬ ence, civilization, and Christianity* with of] tlielr attendant ble^siug^. Theothe^'portio i^ oftlie Asiatic continent afford Utile scope for rejnark—tlie iron hand of dtispntisui weighs heavily upon its numerous kingdoms and wid-* t-Kte ided plains. Africa nlKO present-*:^ little of inters*. The slave trade is contianed in &p?ti oflite Ordiiiaiices of European Monarchy and the vigilance of British Crui-ers. The insatiable cupidity of man impels him to Gngagfi in rliii abominable traffic in opposition io ail ihe dictates of humanity, to ihe p;erepts r>f religion, and in defiance of the penult es de- i o meed against it. In South America wew;tr*cs5 the druggies of the Spani^lj Colonist^ f*'r eaiancij>i«.iiOn from tlie rule of declining .Spain. The e struggles are severe, in (onseijiicjice of the want of union among the. patriot?, and havi» been long continued without any prnsp'o o. theirs;eeJy tormina*: >n. i>ueii.>s \\ res and ihendjoioiuT provine*^ Iine fnr uotnp linu1 been liberated from llie domr.iibi: el *'.■■ ftn* - alisfs, nu<J ari; in possession of a i ;ai-'.i't.:.i«>i; formed I>ythemselves, '['he i.e-1-.'re l:a*tle ! of ?d:'ipufte-dlhe kin^rd en oft lull I.o;n!ki Spanish yoke, and enabled tta people toes- taWisha Government of tlieir owil '*h■ ir I'eei, under Lord Cochrane, cruises on ihe Pacific Ocerm against the Jtoy-ii-i flayr, n A has commiilcd r.noe depretfntSotW, Ahich have induced ihe British and United Sia^s Government;* to despatch situudmn?' into (hut tiuarlerfor the proteciUni of their Peru appears still Io retain its allegiance, bnl ihe principal war is carried on in Venezuela and the )>rovinc-es in its viciaity*. litre the greatest exertions ha\e been nuide by the Royalists under Morilio to rej>re.-s the patri¬ ot-, and ihneontest hnshem long ardu¬ ous. Morilio is accused of crueiry. hm he appears to be an able General, and like Han¬ nibal, seems to have had the art of maintain- ing himself On the resources of his own genius. But gre;it as his talents mav he it cauoot be expected that he should hold Out rr.'hh Joa- ger .viihoui aid from Spain, and ..- UtU is not to be looked for, we may prebahly soon lieai ofhis f*Xpulsiors from ilu: couth.cut by Ihe V'euezuelean foreea. In turnug to ths Uriiiel Slates we are led to contemplate the t£igat;tic grawth oi' fliis co.ifederated r"j>uhi'c. and llie prouT'^-: tlie} are making in pow«?ra:;d e\t"ir. id ^•.i\^:y We poub'vs \._ itjanv of tfieir M.--iai in-^ilU- :a>as with j.Iim-u.ivmh! feffj t?ra:;f.ed:i, their pitisptriiy, ive:w not rh^se Jei4itrw _ damped by disgust st the euvv, I-aa'cii. a A \t: dousy, foe followed up r.nd oxrrtilcJby hissurceftor tlie I.arl iif UalliouiK^; ha-, rdrcady ilUtinguiKheil himself as the jiafron and punnolcr of every u fill instiluiiuri in .Nova Scotia. »e* The ice took across 'he river in front of the town on the 2d instant, and the Jon^ interrupted communication with the American shore will be soon renewed. The weather has of late been tery line— there is a sufficiency of snow lor good roads, and every circumstance warrants the anticipation of a real -iood old tush- toned Canadian winter, which while it ejves the dashiec; dandy of the whip an opportunity of displaying1 his scUnct^ will prove alike beneficial to the business of the farmer and the merchant. It is said that His C\cellency Sir Pere¬ grine Alailland has decided on awaiting the arrival of the November .Mail, which is daily expected from New York, before procee; ing to L.-nver Canada Io assume the reinsof Government in thatProvince. We learn with grea: satisfaction thai the subscription of the 70th Regiment for then lief of distrc sed Emigrants, a- mounting to ^'15 : 11 : b" was )*-sterday handed by the P»ymaster to ihe Treasu¬ rer of the Compassionate Society. This very munificent donation not only re¬ dounds to the praise of that hi»hlv res- pectahlecorps, but coties opportauelj in aid of the neaily exbtusted funds of the Society, at a season, v!,cn the mo^t ex¬ tensive demands ou th«*n are made by the destitute—and when ibe calls lor relief are most urgent. We deem it dw dutj -0 put the puljlic on then- guard against coiftaierfcit ^oid *.»;,.«, which Seem to have h>n pn-ttv jcenerdllv iiHroduced inio circa!"..Ml. We"have hearo of seve-d uosusnectiu!; !.(;rc0;:s Jiving le :, impi..4i'! of.- and have ..r.-.eives seen a spu- IJOH!? diHtbfe l*0*i!s d'.r j!,,. .orl ofnuuev prineipjfliy couutertbi^d <>n close inspec¬ ts,., \hv mm mav he ■ .•'", deleted. The pice" hi-ars the date < lfno—is about 80 /r;,:,.:,-..' 'rm.n t.:i.<. ,dar<l w.-i-rhl, badlv nulled, e.vf in a Inyer /e t\m \\u. .:i)it]\ e-'ie. Tk? '-••'---! i>: i ■ ;c rath thedevirp top v;f »•&« '-:■ !,:-i: ■', ed,aedtheu|:olJ render the imj-i.ii- .a* chim.-ii\ e.^'Uf. da« (•. _............ tiotiapparent to the ^•^\ohsu\^w^ At lb-* Annua AI ■^Hm of Hie Rings* ■■■ until ivhieh the inajority of these peopk y.*- a;ajd our parent state, end the ^aii .a» urn ihey evldtnlly take in crnakiuj ftl»°ul hw downfall. UrentBi'ttainhas, howce'1, km^ stood the wonder and srdtniration uf the world, tihe has !.ee:^cv«-re!y tried urid al- Wiiys ri.'-en sup* li'.i to llM dilliciuU s which havcpw*-i?ed .ir^.nher. The infant :vmuI."<c 'fiU*: l" -lited m;u; - h ov\v Lejinoinj.* tu Psd llie efieet^ of eonunerelsd'edS, the busdenS of pauperism, and nflni/e'vils wiiich oco^WOsJ- a!ly afflkt >!<i r Siaies; ea.d it yetjHini.dns'.o he seen ii »\v it *^ • i 1 retries U ii^li "iVem the- • diificuUies. 1'he ^eijeral peace i»» h/Ui-npe having dtprhed ihaAini rienns of »I»e l'icr.t- live trad..- which (hey currfod on us .\:.«.iral-, t; ey n*»w severelv ftftl U " SrKjituition ( >n* - t|in":rt on Kueh ai*HaR^,and tiiei.' eOiBinercf! tln'OUghtutl the Union ld*onr; u.d^r a slate wf extreme depresbion. Thf:imm« ase i]in:u- lity of foreign j^oods poured into their lonn- Iry has ^luttedlheir ;uarl e-s, harf rii.-'.-u l\mr domestic rnanufacttir.M's_at;d feuducd ll.e -i unable to carry on their huskier, while ike a- bundant harvests in fciifupc deprive theuiof a proillabia market for tin ir grain, t Tumid to these e* Usthe (leraniiivuent of lb •irnumer- ous Banking (istahiisimjunts, wdiieh hzitu bewi extended beyond a!! the !>oimds <A' mod'i'.J- lion and prudence, has involved m-:IUaO»'s in inemediable ruin, and inlrouaced a train uf evils thai will uot sueirdiiv hv. ^ot rid of.— Vhe nianiifac'.i.rers aie tH'ti?ioniu£ C'onpreAS to imj'.ose lieavy dullc-on f-u-f-i^nf d'l'os, for ihepttrpose nfen^ouraviiii^doniP-it^L.ihi try. Kothiut; howe\er has yei he-o dune, and «\s the question Evolves*In il mawy ;u*d im povtatn points ?• v '\, i :;•: perhaps ho very >oon de •i<!e.k The Western aod T.i rt*.:..i IJanalb in tin- r-iate of t*(t\\ \ orivixre i\: ;. -i-i ■ of forwardness, ami though all i;!:e::dv;u.:.e. m antieipaled i om t!:e:r « oiMph-lion may i.ol be realized ly the jef»pie ni'that eoentry, these iu:dertaK;n;rs rodeel credit (»n their en* terprize, ami sliouid spin1 on lie suOTOrters of the Lac.hiue Canal to proceed will! sjiri-' .-.ndaeiivity in that comparatively easy i.rd iiiie.\perisi\ e [irojcct. On lookiltp a; home w»' fun! sreat cau?e (o be pT-Mf)ul for (heabltlidant I:arve>t.-.of ihe v»e-ci,t >ear. Duxtcr a wi^', Uffrtrausand |>,tt ad- iniaUiraiion. iU*s colons >> r.;»iilly iacreastn^ in wealth and pro-perov—the peaceable and Loyal inliabifae.t>are no longer annoyed and i!ir- inrbed l>v the vUiyaarv s-cnemes of st reMless (W'.na^o^ue— in<t!iiowle> of ionis;ranis are pieir- int; into ihe province, and occupying \h» waste lands—themo>t prudent measures are adopted forclevelopin^ die resources of the cuvttlry« and ttlOOph commcrre l>e labouring Bfldcr diffiodiics a-i el.-cv.! ei(.lher\il we irusl i> temporary and \» UI j SPv&Htty. Agf Cidooc i- le^i.ii.iitjj U\ lloui- i-!i.anJ eoWmerrf w\\\ r<vT\e wins \l—u>e >ud- een di'aili e* o»'»-i.i\" latiicniei] uinrrjinr Gonr- ruk iia- no .1m i.m ivia il i -i.".!* «"" li..- phui.%'h lieba ! ^-nwd for tl.e n.^ iuij ro\c- «>!? '.-ft!;. :.:;^iv . -; .',.-r; ^ ,v« i.i:P k"PC tO fort Compass/ovate Soc{ef^ |iey this tUy at Wicker's Hotel, tltl. Vommittee for ihe last hail y ar prev ,rtecj i1k? ,u1]0,um. Ri:;ror. b R.j-orf of the Com-mift GfQ the Members tf ilu Cii.nputsir.ntic S\ Kitty, J an mini 3d 1840. (>F.;:Tf.r.M-.N, In pje*rnt5ns *ki- pprti of t)\r firo- ceedin^s » f last vcara v»o? Coinnritteedo not hesitate to cftwj4taida!c jou on Ihe grpftt benefit and i lilif of yenr chariia- h!e ioMiiation. The ; :.i> of their jour¬ nal, whUth ftrtf .r»*w i- ;.:iifd for your iu- s;um;ou nnu n;»ji3 •* i!. »i!i tt'Stif) to thr truth of litis remarks Ihe i.anies tlu it i'i -^i-tcied, you v. ill :r> .'iv, amount in number nearly to a hiwdrodj which, it is Io fee oh-ei »-ed, i<yr -. i.t not iitili*id- ua! pcrmis but famili ■>*.iin^ for the iiios! part of helpers women and ciuldreit^ or disabled athers and hos- baiuK. To have relieved tfTe/nnlly ^o many ohiei f\ of compassion, vould indeed have been thegretllej«l happi'.e^s to your coni- ntiilee. as if evid ::f 1 v l\."s Ihe avowed object and li;e bencvobnt intention ol the Institution* \)\it he verv limited rveauy (not exceedinggrlSO) with which f!r\v have had to le'.o.-v - thc^e evils, les- tifv how Imperfect that relief must have he-n. Aiiues. (!i*sen!ar;e«, fevers, and (whichU worse than .*!:i dl^etfje^) (he broken hearts of fathers Mukinc under the disappointed expectation of a plentiful provUioti in this Country, and agonized by the surrounding crh * of their famfsb'« o<! children—these, a nit such like evils, nave bee- both too numerous* anil too forrnida't l. to \ield, in .-verv cns^. fo such remedies as we have had it in our power to afford : siill howercr your com¬ mittee present ymj their sincere thanks for ftp opp rtt.uity, which your liberali¬ ty has atfnrded tnem. of alleviating a por¬ tion at lea^t of this t»i*frf?« The call of di->tre?;s has ever been attended to, as far as our means would permit. Upwards of (iffy :iek persons have been sectored to health and nearly twice that number of families have hctn forwarded, some by partial assi-taiiec, others at the sole ex- pui-eof the society, cither to Vork, to lb- ir Jjunds, or to the iici§hliorir.g Tovn- Blups, ivhere h) their i».dust:y, as me- chaio^ or hus!;aio|meu they are nos Mip- poiHuj* (oemselvtri and i uiifribntin^ in no small clegne to the iucijasiog pro>peiity ol the i roviiice. Jo iaiaeiitin^ however the sma!]ne-s of tlu-irpecunlan rrenns, your comi..:toje have Io ackuewledjre an instanee of ccn- siih rate rt\A men?Jirgi;t liberality on the pair of liis Excellency the Lieutenant Cuvcrnrr : niiOMi pre&ent of a very large quantity ol Itujfa ha.; amply provided U . ike bedding ufthocp «hootheruiso nun d Inivc been unprovid. d. Our thanks arc also doc to the military aothoriticsof this place f.;i th'ir pt.nii^"iOM \u u$ (,f oc( u- pyiu^ one of the Jj'.ock Houses for the twufihe Kmi{4ta|ttSi iutonhieha itort has beU; iiitroducpjtjy xo,;r Committee, and, b\ ihe libei^j'jfy 0J t}ve present D*y. Cuumii^sari tietif.raj, firewood provided been nssidiously nttentive io the daily and often importunate wautsof our nu¬ merous cases of sickness. Nor can \ our committee omit this op¬ portunity of recommending the immedi¬ ate erection of a public hospital ; lot they regret to state that there have been one or more rases of death amon^ the ir patients, not to mention numerous in¬ stances of protracted disease, solely ari¬ sing in their opinion from the want oi Mich a convenience. There is now ou tlieir bauds a patient whose infirmities require more warmth and greater com¬ forts than are to be had in a naked Block ilou^e ; and therefore they are under the necessity of sending him down to the hospital at Montreal, in hopes of getting him that needful assistance there, which the want of a hospital denies him here. Finally \our Committee feel it incum- bciit upon them, before they close this Report, to exprtss their extreme regret that an opinion seems to be entertained by some gentlemen of this Town, that neither the number nor the exigencies ol the Emigrants demand any extraoidinary exertion. To refute this opinion we be^ leave to refer such persons to our Jour¬ nal, to the Block Houses, and to the oth¬ er abodes ot the destitute—and for our part we feel confident that except the present subscription be much increased by the general imitation of the whole Town, toe cau*-e of the Emigrants (and with that the cause of humanit) ) must be either altogether abandoned, or applica¬ tion must be made to the more muoilic eut contributions of the neighboring Societies, in order to make up the deficiency ofour inadequate charity. Which being read the Society resolved that lire same be adopted and published. The Treasurer reported the Mate of the funds ot the Society as follows :— Total amount of receipts since la*t annua] meeting, inclu¬ ding the sum of^lS 7 Oj being the autotul of cnl- Ieciii n in aid of the Socie¬ ty's funds in St. George's Church ye^teiday,......j(?110 5 l£ Total amoi.nt amount of ex¬ penditure,............. 132 17 8 Remaining in the hands of----------------- TO CORRESPONDENTS. Nemo came too late for infcrti'on, but fhall appear in our next. a subscriber's prefcription,i3 under confederation. KINGSTON ASSEMBLIES. TI1F, n-xt Kingston Assembly will take pkceat Walker's Hotel on Monday (lie lOih Instant. Tickets to be drawn at half past seven oYI'ick. the Treftsurer^......... £7 7 H * The Society then proceeded to the e- | rVciu»Hi of »nPufi\ tor ikv ctusviug J»*ar, ! tthi'ii AIarki.and, lisquire, war unanimously (lert<d President^ 'J'he Kev. G. O. Stuaut.j .-. T> '( I ice rrc- <ii d > . t , , ,, r. I SiUJtltS. Ait k k. X- i^nrn. Iw|r. i Jons Kie.uv, Ivq. TYffAff/7W*j and Mr. Stanton, b<jcrcta/\y> The Kev. Mr. Wilson, ] .\Ica,r..UII.AlARKLAND, j C^mUU* ;\\,,ITN,V' \ Md I .R.l ARUM KltiHT J. Atkinson, The Sveicty then Resolved, UU That the R-v. Mr. Wilson, Act¬ ing t ha plain to the Forces, be requested to solicit subscriptions in Ihe (larrison, in aid of the funds of the Society, and the other Gentlemen of the Committee thro'- out the Town. 'Jd. Thai the Officiating Minister of the Wesley an Society be retjuestcd to preach a Sermon and promote a collec¬ tion in aid cl the funds of the Society. Md. That the Committee be authorised to expend » sum not exceeding ^?5 in re¬ pairing buildings for the reception of dis¬ tressed objects of charity. -1th, That the (hanks of ibis Society bo presented to Mr. Geddes, Hospital Assistant, for his assidious attention to (he sick individuals who were referred to him by the Society. ftth. That the Committee be hence¬ forth chosen annually instead of half yeru ly, and that'the Visitors be appoint- tofore. CITr. A. I1AGERMAN, Secretary. Kingston* 3d Jamlary, 1820. Bible § V. P Book Society. — THE anniverfary of the above Society will be held fii St George*! Chinch on Wtdnefday next at 12 o'denk. The general attendance of the mcmbeis is par- ticulaily u-quefted, as it will be then pro- pofed, agrce.tbly to a refolutuinof the Com¬ mittee, to difTdve the Society as it i< now condituted. and crt<5t out of its parts two dillhid Societies ; < DC to be called a l^ible Society, for the diflribution of the Bible only, and the other a diilmft Committee of the Society, ror promoting Chri rian know¬ ledge, for the diliribuiion of the Bible, Prayer Look, and Keligious Tradts. By order of the Pie-id^r.t, JOHN WILSON. Secretary. Kington, 6'fc I»n. »8ic. 1 WANTED, A COOK, for a Military establish¬ ment, who perfeftly under tand* his bu^inefs. None need apply who cannot be well recommended. Enquire a; thf» 1 IHce. Aingston, 6th January, 1820. I MOriCEta hereby given, that the yearly meeting of the Agricultural Society will lake place on the firft Mon¬ day in February, Members ere requeued to attend at the Court-Hotife, at twe've o'clock, for the purpole of choofing of* ficers for the enfuing vear. GEORGE H MAUKLAND. Sec'y. January 7th, tSio. Cotillion Party. 7\/|TR TOBIAS respeafully informs -LTjt the Ladies and Gentlemen of Kings¬ ton, -hat a Cotillion Paity will take place nexttfrtfcori WMDNKSDAY, at Mrs. Patrirk'-i Alfembly Room. Drawing to commence at ha f pa t six o'clock P. M. Tickets to be had at Mrs Patrick's h ingston9 Jt/j January, 1820. I Letter* rem din tog in tlie Post- Office at Ktrigstuiij on the.jfu January, 1820 ~[FP* liABETH, SuHiadali Mien JLLl C.iarh- Amclir, Ruben A.ikiri, WitKan Ai.u.iron^, Kllci 1'akrr, William Bak«Tv Margaret Bflfour^ Jamea Barry 2. David Rtffe) 3, .lames Baytnan, Amable Craupre, Lrwi* l$eer? 3, Mr=. I .lizabtMti Bell, Mr-, lid I, Rpubeu Hcacdick, Horatio Brrthrocg, Ephraim Blan- chard, IVier Black, France and Man Cosrliy, Tiiomai lio\d, \\ illiam Bniylev, Martin Bre?- iteliaa, John Briefly, K. Binrkvtaj 2, 1 duard Brown, Hull, John fcorlinsoil, Marlin Burne l2, Marv faisse, Robert M. Camrroii| Willitim OXarr, WHIiatfl faru-r, Henry I lasse; James ruckbnrn, Joseph Conklin, Thomas Conkl^n 2, Thomas ( ollins, William Conper, Jose|ili t'orvey .Samuel C raig 2, George Craw- fordS, Margaret Craitford, David Cronk Samnrt (rnik, Levi Croy, Gebi^e Dale, David Davies, Flacidn Deluqiia, Owen Deloliery, Jam^ Dick¬ inson, Thomas Doniiell), Matthew D«novan, Mr. bou^hertv, William Do a ling, ("aptatn Dowip, Thomas Draprr, WiHian Dunn, Beloni Duperoiix, Jertmiali Rarb?vMaliliew I:mmer-ion, RichardEnslowv Captain l'arl, Mr. IVi<:n>on, (merchant) George Firldhonso, Isaac Finch, Mr- Fisher, Frier F!an, Patrick F linn, Francis Gardener, Sophia Germain, Edward Glenn, David (tnodftintJAbez (iirh-un. Lawrence I). Gors, Mrs. F. Grant, John Gram, Caiharhu- llamil!i»n, Patrick Hani in, Hiram Haiback\ Abel B. Harrison, Anmn llavden Jacob Bets, Feier Holmes, B. Hough. Elizabeth House, PaulHUdreth, George Hill. A-a K. Huff, 2 l-aac Humphrey, James Hus$e«, ? Joseph Hey, Jacob Jeimau, Andrew Jolmslo", Dennis John'-Kln, Robert Johr*.fnn William Johnston, John Keau, John KrHar, Hugti Kell^. Hugtl Kerr, John Kinp F>rj. R. M. Josep • Krenciseu, Adam Laidlavv, 2 Christopher Lake. Robert Lamb, Marianne Lebrun, Silas Liviu^iton, T ian* Long, Richard sttfiiclt ul iVr the Exigencies of the rest of thp uii.t.r. ISiii .,, sickness has been the general &uffi»rii»g bxhibitcd to the coni- pas>lc(. of vvarLQmui|itee9 they rnastnot iorget to acknon l^jge, in the name anil behalf of the sick their pvraiitutJe for the iiratniioos nntlicm asst?ianccof Doctor Keating and Mr. Qe^des. The fornm of ulwm liM in ali ca*Cb <;f appeal vclun- fcarily ghen its tl.e benefit of his greirt prot.siioTK*!t-xpeL>nr^aDCj(hclatk.,hns SIR, Having noticed a letterinthe Argus signed *v An old Soldier," I had the cu- rioMty to torn to the Act *o which the v. riter alludes, I cannot say, with all the openness and candour of the profession to which he belongs.—tVho would expect, Sir, to find, from the manner ol the quc- ristj certain sentences in the Act to which he refers running plain!) thus ? t(- And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may he law¬ ful for the Governor, Lieutenant Gover¬ nor, r.r personadmlnisteiing the Govern¬ ment, to nominate and appoint Thomas l)i<k>oiu Esq. Thomas Clark, Esq. and Robert NicJiol, Esq. Comtnisstonem for carrying the provisions of this Act into effect, Hi>'i thtrt ihe monies hereby grant¬ ed shall be paid by the Receiver General to anyone cf the sait? Commissioners in dtscharjje of such warrant or warrants as shall he issued by theGoveinor, Lieuten¬ ant Governor, or person administering ihe Government, and be accounted forto His Majesty. His Heirs and Successors, through the Lords Commissioners of His Treasury." Xow, Sir, without any mystery, might he not as well have called at once upon the Gentlemen named id the ahuve cited paragraph, to give him the information required ? Tiny are surely honorable and respectable persons, well attached to the Province, and interested for the glory of its defenders, and could no doubtgive a most satisfact ry account of the pro¬ ceedings in the afiVir committed to their management. This, Sir, would have be¬ come an old S <\!ur. Yours, STiUlGUT-FOiiNYAIUV William t/ivtngsttiri, PusaO J.nvt-rulgr, William McCrra,Thomas McCulchon, Alcxaaaer AleDi>;.ald. 2 Hugh Mr Donald, Vm, .MrDonHI, John MacFarlanc, Daniel Mclntirr, John MacLcan, Pii^hurgh, John Mogoire, Thomas Ma^uirer Mr. Mcllish, Samuel More »^ Co. Patrick Murphr), 2 .Mr. N«'hon, John Nowlan, TliailoYu^ O-^oorl, Jean F, (>iu'll«*ne. William Paris, James rarter*on,2 Wiiliaro Patterson, Jane Payne, Israel Perk In*, Thomas Pite,Jam? Porter, 1 a»c Preston, Joel Priodle* Price and Johnston, John hVart, 3 Georg*- K-erl, Patrick Reynolds. Narcis*r Rimon, Daniel I?. Rich, William Robertson, Jam?1' Rosdter, JamcS Salmrtn, l2 Naucv Sampon, MqrtUa Sander*, I5(h\ard Pral^, Thomas R^uorth, Hlizabetii Siepl.aul, Philip Sh«rl, Joseph ShuclJ, J ihnvton Smith, Join: Snyder, Ihniy Sp:iM»ur>, Parihene Spooucr, Andrew Stark, John Sie\en>, Robert Stride*, Patrick SnrmnerM, Samuel Swan, Michael Switzer, Marj ri> lor, Miehel T'lihant, fieor^e Thoiub»i*nd, Daniel Thompi-ou. Wtiu Tnomson, Kli>a Too- n'on, Jar.esT«»dJ, Remaid Turner, William Wamsle). Robert Warren, James Wells, Peier Welseh-S Art em US Wilder, WilHara WUllamMHi, James V» il>on, John W.l-un, Samuel Wilson, William Wilson, Mr. Wood, William Woodhall, Jarvls Wordert. Banlet Wright, James S. Wright, Simco Wright, John 1 -man. JOHN MACAULAY, PnFf-MaMer, fyTN. B. No letters fur Eurove can I* forwardt >l from this office* unless the Inland Postage t'j AVte-lbr/; or Halifax*!tpaid. ~\UUICOLA'S LETTliitS. SUCH individuals as intend subscri¬ bing tor this useful publication arc requested to leave their names ot this of¬ fice before the 3lst instant, as ihe list of subscribers must be then font aided to Halifax. 6th January, 1820. WANTED, TWO \oimg men, well re-< commended, to drive a Stage. Apply to * D. BROWN Dec 30. 53je2 i

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