Kingston Chronicle, December 31, 1819, page 1

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KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL 1] FRIDAY, (afternoon) DECEMBER 31, 1819 ! o. jo ALEXANDER HOPE, Late Farrier in the 2d (Queen's) Light Dragoons, BEGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Kingfton, and us vicinity, that he has rented the fhop of Mr. James Mcaph- er, near the Market Place, where he in¬ tends carrying on the lilaekamithing Business, In all Us 'various branches ; And he flatters himfelf, from the long ex- perience lie has had in the above line, to give fatisfa£lion to all who may pleafe to favour him with their cuHom, and on as reafonable terms as at any other (hop in the place. Kingston, id Dec. 1S19. 49 NEW GOODS. THE fubicriber refpeftfully informs the public that he has received a well felefted affortment of Dry Goods, adapted to the feafon—Likewife a quanti- GROCERIES, which he will fell cheap fo! Cafh. WALTER McCUNIFFE. Kinglton, ill December, 1819. 49 ~JV O TKCE. " THE fubferiber has now, and will con- tinue to have, at his Brewery, a fup- ply of Rich flavored Ale. The prelent price is one (hilling per gal- ©n. for immediate payment. The admi¬ rers of extra (Irong bodied Ale are refpcA- fuljy informed that as foon as poflible he will provide a (lock that will satisfy the mod faltidious critic. He thinks it will noi be amifs to remind the Farmers (who are the mafs of the peo¬ ple) that if they wifh their grain to enm- Hl<iUU 1 ■->«!. . tit. 1 'Wttfl UliiUfUtl.ty U)Ufi»\. -nali Liquor their common heverage, and thus fupport the Canadian Brewers inllerid of the Welt Indian Diflillers. It is of feri- ous confequence, both to themfelves and to the whole country, that they (hould im mediately adopt fo praifeworihy a refolu tion. Orders fent to the Brewery, or left with Mr. John Russell, at Smith Bartlet, Efq's will meet with due attention. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery, Oct. 26, 1819. 1$. B. Grains at all times for fale, 7 jd per buftul. ' 44 ALEXANDER ASHER, Merchant 'Taylor. HAS received from Montreal a mod choice and excellent aflbrtment of the bell Weft of England fuperfine Cloths and Ca$simeres9 with Trimmings; and every thing com¬ plete. A. Asher informs his friends and the public that he Jfl now working up thefe Cloths, &c. at his old (land, where orders will be thankfully received, and executed on the fhoiteft notice, and on the lowed terms foi Cafh, or fhort approved credit. Kingfton, Sept. io, 1819. 37tf HREE FARMS FOR SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for ths en fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one ac Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contraft alfo will be given for cutting 1000 Cords of Wood B. WHITNEY. A Bank Notice. Meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of U-C. will beholden at the faid Bank on Tuefdav the 8th- Feb. 0 next at 1 2 o'clock at noon, for the purpofe of taking into confideration the expediency and propriety of altering & amending fome of the articles of Affectation. By order of the Directors. S. BARTLET, Cafh'r. ANY perfon or pr/rfons defirous niihinff the nectary Teams a Bank of Upper-Canada, ) December 22, 1819. ( 52 Executive Council Office, York% tfli November, 1819. WHEREAS the prefent LEASE of the Ferry from the Town of Kingfton to Point Frederick will expire on the 24th day of June next—NOTICE is hereby given, by Order of His Excel¬ lency the Lieutenant Governor in Coun¬ cil, That fealed Propofals for a new Ltafe to be given to the higheft bidder will be received at this Office until the 10th of June, 1820. 49 JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. LAMB& McDONELL, Opposite the Market, lung Street. RESPECTFULLY inform (heir friends and I he public, that thry have received part of their fall Goods, AMONG WHICH ARE, Ladies Pelisse Cloths,most fashionable colors : West of EJnglflrtd superfine Blue and Black Cloth ; Grey, [}|Ur, Hlarl;, Brown, Olive, and Drab Cloths, and C:is- -i meres ; Red, Whitr, Green, Blue, and Yellow Flannels; Rose Blankets : Wors¬ ted Shirts and Drawers : Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Chintz Furoi- *ure with lining, Fringe and Binding to match ; Scarlet and Blue Moreen ; Scar* let, Waterloo* Biue. Salmon.SagePrab. Failn, and Peach colonel Casnmeie Shawls ; Merino and Canton Crape Shawls; SilkShawNand Handkerchiefs; Flag, Bandanna**, Safins, Silks, Long Lawn, Jarkofif»tt*s and Mull Me<l:n ; Lordr<l Cambric & Book Muslin Drts&es-; BookMusl'mTiiinniin^^C^an.ljiioif.rnos; ThreadLac< & Footing; (MtroesjChrclls Stripe Cotton ; Red & Blue Dtiry's; Slri- pedCHmbncGtnijhams,Vest!ugs,Bomba- /eens and Bnnibazeftes, Tartan Plaid, Turkey Stripe, Brown Holland, Irish Linens, Cotton Shirting, White CwMon, Diaper and Diaper Table Cloths, Green and Blue Table Covers, Dimity Furni¬ ture ; Hearth Rugs, Brussella Rugs ; Scotch Shirting, Black Silk Veils, Best GOVERNMENT Team Work. of fur- ig the nectary Teams and dri¬ vers, with Carts and < arriages, for the en- fuing year, will fend ftaled tenders to this place on the ift January next, at 12 o'clock, according to the following form. One Span of EEorieli 7 and one Driver, j One Yoke of Oxen, 1 and one Driver, J Two Span of Horse*,/ and one Driver, $ Two Yoke of Oxen* and one Driver, \ per day. per day, per day. per day. ED. LAWS, Naval Tardy Kingston* \$th December. 1819. ngston* / N. S. 5' Cord Wood. Q f\(\ CORDS required for His Ma- *JV\/ jefty's Navsl Yard at this place, and to be delivered by the ift day of April next. Any person or persons willing to lupply the same, o' part thereof, not Iefs than ?oo Cords, will fend in fealed tenders on the lit January nex:. at 12 o'clock. ID. LAWS, N. S Naval Yard, Kingston, 1 13/A December, iS 19 3 51 (JOVEUNMKNT SALE, At //. M Naval Yard, Kingston, On IslFeby. 1819, Junk* Old rope, old twine and nets, old and damaged hamm xks, Leal To act , Damaged Liotiiifljr, ED. LAWS, N. S. Naval Yard, Kingston, J her, iSlAi.J I yJj Decern b V A' Kingston, \6t/j June, 1819. 25t! ■ F. B. SPILSBURY, * u Surgeok, R. N. cLaro Surgeon of II.M.S. Prince Z?e-v gisitf, </>/ take Ontario, Intends practising ln the varionsi branches of his Profession, at Kis res-o Jidence, next door to John McLean/ |Esq. Sheriff, ; 8 sJngston, Oct. 6///, 1819. 41 v NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part nerfliip of Richard Robison and David Secord, are requcfted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner. David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnerihip may be indebted, aie le- queftcd to fend in their accounts for ad- juftmen: and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft ed to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poflible- JOHN FERGUSON. nth April. 1819. 16 THE fubferibers being duly nomina¬ ted Executors to the laft Will and Teftament of the lace Lawrence Herchmer* Efquire, Merchant, requeft all perfons in¬ debted to his cftate to make immediate payment* and thofe having demands againft the faid eftate to biing them forward with¬ out delay. JOHN KIRBY. GEO. H. MARKLAND. Kingflor, 91I) Nov. 1819. 46 Treble Gilt Coat Bullous, Sec &r. Rib¬ bons, Tapes,Threads,Cotton Balls,Sew. iu£ Silk and Twist, Lady's White and Black Silk Stockings, Slate colored and l>Iack Worsted Ifose, Boys «.V Girls, do. do. Men's Lamb's Wool half Hose, do. Worsted do. Ladies' state colored black and white Silk Gloves, Men** lined Bea¬ ver and Kid do. Men's lined Beaver and Buck Skin Gloves. ALSOi A preat variety of other articles, ton numerous to mention* The whole com¬ prises a complete assortment of Dry Goods, which they will sell very low for Cash. Kingston, Nov. 18//.-, 1819. 47 Notice. THE fubferiber has just received a quantity of Lfouble and Stnsie Stoves, of various fizes and of new and elegant patterns, which he offers for faleat.Montre¬ al price and charges for cafh He has alfo ^cwd, frt a&MB to his former iuppiy, feveral tons of tinglitih and Swedes Iron as¬ sorted sizes ; Hoop and Round ditto, Nail Rods, Grindstones, Anvils and Vices, Double and Single Sheet Iron ; Trace and Log Chains ; lVroyL and Cut Nails (allsizes;) HfmUIis1 Bellows, Hollow Have, (of all dczrriptions ;) Cut, Pit, and Mill &■»£ Currier s and Lint seed OH ; Wagon and Cart Boxes ; Iron and Brass Wire ; A good affortment of Saddlery, Stamped, and Cast Brafs Cabinet Furniture, with an exrenfive aflortment of Shelf Goods confuting of mo.»t articles in the Hard Ware line — too numerous to mention JOHN WATK1NS. N. B Flour for fale. Kingston, November 16th, 1819. 47tf A RRHrAH D OF Too Hundred and Fifty Pounds ¥TT7~ILL be paid by the subscriber, to If any perfon who fhall discover and give fuch information as will convict the perfon or perfons who, on or about the 29th ©r 30th of June laft (tole from George Ridout, Esq. at Walker's Hotel; a Parcel, containing Montreal Bank Bills oi five dollars each, to the amount of two thoufand pounds. By direflion of the Directors of the Montreal Bank. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. GOVKRN.VKM Tit.\.\S10Ul Fan nth: v.-;/ v CROSS t*e lwo I'ortagcsfrom Lake Ontario '-' the Nottawasaga Creek on Lake Huron Any perfon or per lone willing to furni'i the ueceffary conveyance f<jr Stores and Crdi.ance, required fo" the Navy, between -he t(l February, 1820 and 31ft Januaryi 1$* U are requetted t- feud fealed tend-ra to tlus place on the 15th January next, as follows. Kale Articles- imdV *2 cwt. per cwt. 12 cwt. & urdcr 16, •• — «« 16 -• & - 20, •• — •■ 20 and u^ws'd-i, — • • It i> also requeued that the addition ot thefe rates for conveying Stores acrofs Lake Simcoe bi Sleighs will be dated in the tenders. Two fufEcien; fu re tics miift be had. ED. LAWS, N. S. Naval Yard, Kingston, 1 r#r 1819. J I yh Decemk 5» Kingston, \<Jtb Nov. 1819. 47 rilHE fubferiber feels it his duty, from 4 the villainous treatment be has receiv- edf to guard the public again it any impo- fitton on the part of Mr. Solomon Johns, by his offering to fell any part of half an acre lot, with buildings thereon, in the vil¬ lage of Krncft Town, bounded on the eaft by the Farmer's Store, and on the weft by the property of the heirs of the late John Davy, as any title to the faid property held by him was fraudulently obtained by a furrender of a bond that was in my own name for the purchafe made of it in 1806, when Johns wa* -it low wages, and as can be made appear evidently by various proof taken at the timr of the examination of his tranfaftions in 1 i 12 had no fhadow of a claim PETER GRANT. The perfon wto is Mated to hold a Bond for a Deed for half the above propeity from Johns, was acquainted with my juft pretenfnn in th; firft inflancc, but any thing to anfwer the purpofe. P. G. ^__________________________48 Neic Goods. THOMAS A S K E W, HAS juft received his Winter afTort- ment of fa/hionable Dry Goods, opened for fale a: Mrs. Finkle's houfe, and at the lowett poflible rate for Cafh—a- monglt which arc 3, 34 and 4 point Blankets, 9, 10 and ! IA Hose do. Superfine Cloths & Cassimeres, Pelisse Cloths, I losiery, Haberdashery, &c. Kingston. Z^th Nov. 1819. 48 Nolice, THE late paifnership of Robert Gra¬ ham Sf Go having dissolved itself this day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. the btftsfoess in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who ar? indebted to the above lirm, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay,and those who may have claims against that com 0rn will please present them for adjustment. 29 KOBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 21st Sept, 1818. j GEORGE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engi- neer Department, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced buflnefs next door below Mr. George Doucjlafs's, Store Street; where every article in his line may be had on the moft reafonable terms, and on the (horteft notice. The following rates of charges arc fubmitted. Norse Shoeing, all round 6/8 — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, Jlpril $thf 1819__________15 Anchors Sf Cables. WILLIAM BUDDLN. WILL -eceive by the earlieft fpring veffels, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an afTurtment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. . Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ift April, i8iq. I4tf For Sale or to Let, At TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a (&\IL large and commodious (tone Store, fuUc<te on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous term* to the purchaftr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfton. 26th February, 1819 9 W"' "HEREAS Catharine Woodard, my witr, has caufed tube inlerted ii. :he Kinglton Chrniicle a malicious and falfe ilatcmenc relpccting me, accufing me of having turned her off, without any prov¬ ocation, and that I am now living with her Sutcr'a Daughter, the wife of Jeremiah Manter. I think proper, in juftice to my- (clf, to (late to the public the following fa As ; We were .nianr.ird ahuiii 3\\V€f$8»r* ago, iome time after the death of her for¬ mer husband, and by indullry and pc-rfeve- ranee 1 was enabled considerably to im¬ prove and add to the property we poflciTed at thr time of our marriage. About two years and a half ago I fent for my daugh¬ ter fro.71 the States, (the only child by my firll wife) and from the firft day of her ar¬ rival (lie ufed her in a (hau eful and unnat¬ ural manner. My wife'bCondu& at length became fo inconfiftent that I was under die neceffity of prop sing terms of fepa- rutton. which (he confented to, and an e- qual ^partition of the property was made before witnelTes, and we parted about two years fince. About two months ago the wife of Jeremiah Manter, whofe hufband was gone from her, and left her with two children without a provisiou, applied to my daughter to induce me to afford her an as¬ ylum in my houfe for the winter, ©r until her hufband fhould return, which I con- fented to, my daughter not being able, from ill health, to manage the houfe af¬ fairs. From this circumltance my wife has thought fit to publifh her ridiculous (tate- meut, and to endeavour to injure me in the opinion of my friends, and traduce the cha- ra&er of an honed woman. I therefore consider it a duty 1 owe myfelf to caution any perfon from trufling the faid Catharine Woodward, as I will not be reiponsible for any debts fhe may contraft. WILLIAM WOODWARD. Kingston, Dec. 2r, 1819. From the London Observer. LOVE'S LAST SHIFT. GOVERNMENT CONTRACT FOR FLOUlt. NOTICE is hereby given, that propo¬ sals will be received at this office until the 1st of Februery, 1820, at noon, from such persons as may be willing to contract for the supply of Three Thou¬ sand Barrels of fiue Flour, for the use of His Majesty's Troops, deliverable at the posts of Kingston, Fort George, and York, between the 1st of May and 15th July, ]8(20, freight free, and under the u>ual guarantee that the same shall keep sound and sweet for the period of twelve months after delivery. The conditions of the Contract and form of tender may be known on applica¬ tion at this office, or at the Commissariat Offices at York, Fort George, and Fort Wellington ; and no proposal xcill be no- ticedy unless made in the terms prescri¬ bed^ nor unless the party and his sure¬ ties, or an agent on their behalf, attend at the opening the tenders, which must be sealed, and indorsed u Tenders for the supply of Flour." EDWd. pine coffin, DepVg. Cojny. Gen. Commissariat Office, Kingston, U. G\ 17th December, 1819. 52 NOTICE. A CHARITY SERMON, in aid of the Funds of the Kingfton Compas¬ sionate Society, will Le preached in St. George's Church, by the Rev. G. 0. Stu¬ art, on Sunday 2d Jan. 1820. PliRTII, December 3d, 1819. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased in appoint Josias Riohey a Sur¬ veyor of Lands in the Province of Upper Cana* da. For sale at this Office, the Montreal Almanac for 1820. The following ludicrous affair took place yesterday at the police other, Bow* street:—in the mid^t of the ordiniry business of the day, a most superb ) ouug Irishman, calling himself Mr. John Sul¬ livan, *obcited the private tar ol the ma¬ gistrate on business of importance. He was attired in the very pink oit -e m* de; and, like Saul, the son of l% Iron* his shoulders and upwards, he was high¬ er than all the people." The magistrate (K. biruie, K»q.) impressed b) bis ^gal¬ lant bearing," very politely vtithdrcvr with him into the library, and, th. ugh their conference was a short one, the re¬ sult was the immediate issue of v. an nuts lor the apprehension of two ladies, the one a resptrtflbie housekeeper named Trim, residing in the neighbourhood of Piccadilly, & the oilier a Miss Mary Sul¬ livan, a lodger in the hou-e of the lor- mer. Limbrick was charged with theex- ecution of these warrants, and he shortly returned to the othcewith his fair prison¬ ers in a hackney coach. They were in¬ stantly placed before the magistrate, and Mr. John Sullivan u being tmt duly sworn,'* deposed, with au air of vast im¬ portance, to the following effect: he had formerl) been thrown, by fortuitous cir¬ cumstances, as an inmate in the -.ime family with the prisoner, Mi&S Sullivan ; and he had beeu unfortunate enoo^n to torm a connection ot a tender nature with her, the issue of which tenderness had beeu two fine children. These children he had amply provided for, and in like manner he had provided lor Aliss Si.lli- van also, till she became so excessively importunate in her claims, and so im¬ mensely irregular in her habits, that he was compelled, tw though that her jesMes were his dearheartstriugs, to whistle her off, and let her down the wind, to prey on fortune." lie then established him- self in separate apartments, but he was scarcely settled before Miss Sullivan for* cibly joined him. lie removed Irom lodging to lodging, but still the lady fol¬ low ed him like his shadow. AH his en¬ deavors toshake her off were unavailing, and she took frequent opportunities of robbing him. At length, 011 Thursday last, wearied and disgusted, he procured a suite of apartments in a distant part of the town ; and removed to them so pri¬ vately that he thought h mself perfectly secure; but (alas ! the vanity nf human foresight!) the very lirst time he ventu¬ red from home the indefatigable IVliss Sullivan procured admission to Ins rooms and took his entire wardrobe by storm ! carrying off without remorse the whole of his14 personals," viz. 6 wais coats, 3pair of pantaloons, 2 shiit», owe pair of -4ay<M (a little the worse for wear,) one pair of ooots, with cravats, false collars, and wristbands almost udinjinitum. She was accompanied in this depredation by -ome person at present unknown to him ; but the whole ol the property, he understood was carried to the house of the other pri¬ soner, Mrs. Trim, and he thought she might be indicted as the receiver. >\ Coup de main like this, he observed, was" too bad, and being determined to stand it no longer, he now confidently appeal¬ ed to the laws of his country, trusting that they would interpose their authori¬ ty to enforce the restoration of his pro¬ perty, and rid him effectually of that in¬ tolerable uuisance, Miss Mary Sullivan. Miss Mary Sullivan, a broad-set, stur¬ dy, middle Aged ttorrian, of ordinary fea- tures, vulgar dress, and most intense Irish brogue, listened to this narration with excessive impatience, responding to al¬ most every sentence.—" Och ! Jerry, my dear, why will you say that! Come out of the lying, Jerry dear, and give us the truth of it 1" whilst the venerable Mrs. Trim, a very respectable looking old gentlewoman, lifted her hands and eyes in silent vexatiou, and the magis¬ trate growing more and more impatient every moment, repeate- |y eyed the lofty narrator with astonishment, mingled, as we thought, with a littledisgust. Miss Mary Sullivan, however, had now an opportunity of replying to her false¬ hearted paramour, and she burst forth in a strain of sarcasm, delivered with such a precision and aplomb, that it appeared absolutely to sultify him. She told, in a voice which seemed to shake the very walls of the room, how he had practised on her tender innocence ; how she had, nevertheless, been a true and faithful wife to him for upwards of six years, and had beeu the mother of histwo children: how one of those children had been charita¬ bly maintained by a relative of her own, and the other consigned to the parish workhorse ; how she had supported him by her manes and her labour, when he had not a thirteen to bless himself with ; how she had repeatedly clothed him from top to toe ; how he had been arreted by Mrs.Tiimfor £15 " for rent of the place*"—lay nine months in the Mar* ?halsea prison,—and was at length libe¬ rated by that lady, 00 his humble peti¬ tion to her ; how, on regaining his liber¬ ty, he was ten times more idle than be¬ fore, and deserting her, his poor coun* fry woman and relative, who had devoted her whole life to him, he had become fancy gentleman to one half the English I

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