he greafft wea1th which was ever derived | frorra mine. A single vein which the rrarquis of Fsgoaga poiTiflv*, in the dis¬ trict of Snmtedaili. left in five or fix months, all charge* dcdu&ed, a nett profit of four minions of dollars. Tnc European reader will be dill more aftonilhcd, when I inform him of the ex¬ traordinary fact that tliis family lent, abmtt the year 1S00 a fum of more than three millions and a half of francs, (700*000 dollars,) without interest, to a friend whofe fortune they believed would be made by it in a lolid manner. To complete the view of the immenfe wealth centered in the hands of a few in¬ dividuals in Mexico, it is only neceiiary to add. that, amongfl inllances of individual opulence, nine clergymen, only, poflefs an anneal income, collectively, of 539>coo dollars—a sum alrnolt equal to the whole expence3 of the civil government of the United States. J^tW ;--* **•—.•*- * **/*-**■***** I/** FOREIGN NEWS. Miif*M»«iMMM...............• #-••••••■ London, Sept 20. Died, in England, the Right Hon. La¬ dy Collingwood, rdift of the late Admi¬ ral Collingwood. The latell intelligence from St. Hele¬ na reprefents Bonaparte to be in good health, compiling Memoirs, in which he is affilled by Bcrtrand 3nd Count Montha Ion. The expedition of Sir Thomas Hardy is faid to proteft Britiih trading veflels in the ports of South America, and to prevent the blockade of poitg by Spanifh or Independent flags. Henry Goulburn, in reply to a letter addreiTed tu him from individuals in Glas¬ gow, dates that his ftfaje&y's government no longer gives encouragement to perfong proceeding as fettiers to the Britiih colo¬ nics in North America. Sandt, the murderer of Kotzsbue, was dill living, ' Lo\do>", Sept. 25. A good deal i* still said in f he foreign papers about the Jew*. We lake the se¬ cret of their ill treatment to be this. Rothschild, a Jew, had a great, if not the greatest hand in furnishing the allied powers at congress frith money. Other Jewish houses were perhaps concerned also in helping to purchase the intended new chains for Europe* At any rate the former one was prominent on the occa¬ sion ; and the Jewish money-getting may consequently have revived much oi the old odium against it, and more reasona¬ bly. Somebody begins to taunt the Jews on this account—the jealousy of trade falls in, and increases (he taunts—at last the remaining religious prejudices fall in too ; and when these begin, persecution ii complete. There are luckily, howev¬ er, not enough of these prejudices remain¬ ing to keep up such revoltingabsuidities, of themselves. Mr. Rothschild, we see liy the papers, has refused to accept bills drawn upon the towns where his brethren have been ill treated. The Christians will of course, cry out against this re¬ venge ; and then go and revenue them¬ selves of their respective enemies. Paths, Sept. 21. , The roads of the Grand Duchy of 15a- den arc througed with Jews, who, with their families, are emigrating to avoid the persecutions of w hich they arc every where the object. P.Viits, Sept. 22. Yestcidaj morning at alx o'clock, tier Royal Highness the Dutchess • de Berri was happily dt livered of a daughter. The Kins, and Princes and Princesses of the blood were summoned on the first symptoms of an approaching delivery, and immediately repaired to the Palate Elysee Bourbon. They were succeeded by the Grand Dignitaries, whom his Ma¬ jesty had appointed to be present on the The Baron will have the char-e of the maritime affairs between the United State** of America and Italy. His Excellent*} took tho oaths, yesterday, of fidelity, previous to his embarkation, which will immediately take place, with his family and suite, at Trieste, for Philadelphia. London, Oflober 2. Yefterday Baron Bulow, Charge d*/If [aires of his Majefty the King of Pruflia, jointly with Mr. N. >M. Rothfchild, and accompanied by Mr. Bonnet, Notary Pub¬ lic, cancelled and depefhed in the Bank of England, the amount of Seventy-Seven Tho a fend Five Hundred Pounds Ster¬ ling, in Special Bonds of the Piufiian Loan, negotiated by Mr. N. M. Roths¬ child, in London, being the other half of the fum fixed for the redemption of Bonds in the firft year, and alio the laving of the intereft on the .£75,000 redeemed on the ill of April laft. The Conllitutiooncl gives the following article, dated from Genoa, the icth ult- A Gieek veflcl has brought hither the important intelligence that the Ottoman Porte, convinced of the perfidious defigns of AH Pacha of Janiua, and indignant at finding icfelf compmmifed with Ruftia, who had guaranteed, by the treaty of the 2 l It March, tSoo, the political exigence of Panra under the jurisdiction of a Wai- wode Chief of the four Cantons of the Ttr- ra-iirma, has adopted a meafure worthy of its policy aod its good faith. By a Ka- tischen'f, emanating from the Grand Sei\n- cr, hisfablime Highnefs has comtnifli >ued Pacha Be}-, a wealthy exile from Jjnina, and frvera! of the principal Pachas of Rq- tnelfa, to attack the rebel All. The Vas¬ sals of All are invited to abandon him; the mofqnes and churches are placed un¬ der an interdict ; and a reward is offered for his head. The Porte at the fame time guarantees the lafety of All's three Ions, Mauctar, Veil, and Stlik Pacha, provided they feparate themfelves from the caufe of lays think orflew;n t0 the judg at men of tie \{%im now a da;3 mm^u n?wlne t0 ,he judges and great Thompfon, the $ fpmncr% took the place of Orator, au! I0r cac»a vote for Wood and Thorp, rq^d out, " Thank you, *br the caufe o: liberty 5" to which the mob rejoined, " C|n and bitters for ever i» occasi 1. ff1 The certificate of birth, signed by the king, the members of the royal fami¬ ly: and the great officers ol state, who were present, is officially published in the Moniteur. At eight a Bulletin was issued, signed by the physicians, announcing the event, sad staling that the infant princess was well formed, and the royal mother in as auspicious a ^tate es could be expected. At noon couriers were despatched to all the courts of Europe to proclaim the happy event. AYtniTznuita, Sept. 1 !. Our town continues in a state of agita¬ tion : four attempts hate been made to lire 3 village about half a league distant, which is exclusively inhabited by Jews, and every morning threatening letters and proclamations arc found, u riiteu in terms to excite the popnlace to a general massacre of them. AwrW, Sept. 13. We have receired accounts from Lon¬ don, stating, that the celebrated banker, Mr. Rothschild, indignant at the perse¬ cution of irie Jewish brethren in several cities in Germany, has refused to,take bills upon any of the cities in v. hich the Jews have experienced ill treatment : that this refusal h as thrown great imped- intents in the way of the commercial transactions between England and Ger¬ many, and that several English merchants who trade with Germany, have been ob¬ liged to stop payment. Vienna, Aug. 13. His Majesty, the Emperor of Austria, has appointed tfce Baron I. Von Weiss, a^ ambassador in North America; and has.grsmted law I0,000ducats to defray the expeoces cf his journey and Li.000 for his salary. His Excellency has faithfully t" I filled the places of C'nnunisbury of the Treasury and Contractor General for the &nny, duiing the fcpaeeof eighteen years. By the Atlantic, Ciytain Matlack, from Liverpool, a friend ha. received and fur- nifhed us with tie intelligence' that inlard businefs is improving ii England, and that the Revolutionary (pi-it lately evinced in the manufacturing c'ill i£ts has in a great degree fublidtd.. Tie Cloth and Stuff weavers have now prett? regular employ¬ ment. Bombazettes kivebeen particular¬ ly in great demand, am! the Wool of which the article is manufactured has rifen in price from 3c to 50 flitting* pr. pack, or equal to an advance of abcut Co pr. cent on the raw materials. Com, rfdvt. (CIRCULAR.) War Ojjrc, >>3d JiJg, IS ID. From the Commercial /l<!vert/jvr, AW. S. Latest foreign News. In addition to the preceding letter, our Bolton Correfpondent has obligingly for¬ warded to us the London Morning Chron¬ icle of the 2d of October. By this paper we learn, that the elec¬ tion for Lord Mayor of London had been warmly carried on for three days. Bud was not yet clofed. On the 3d day. the pel ling, it is laid, continued with great activi¬ ty, and at 3 (/clock, the grofs numbers were declared as follows :— For Alderman (fridges *i474 Alderman Thorpe 1*276 Alderman Wood 1.270 Loud disapprobation and applaufc con¬ tinued for fome time. Rear Admiral the Hon. II. Blackwood, Bart, has been appointed Commander in Chief in the Ball Indies, in the room of Rear Admiral Sir 11 [chard King, Bart coming home. Lieutenant Trice Black¬ wood to be his Flag Lieutenant. And Commodore Sir Thomas Haidy. Dart, to be Commander in Chief on the coafl of South America, in the room of Commodore Bowleg returning to England from ill health. Lieutenant T. Bourchicr to be his Flag Lieutenant. The Paris Monitcur of the 28th of Sep¬ tember contains an Ordinance* repealing oneof the 3d of Auguft, 18)5, which fufpended the; exportation of grain Germ3n papas of trie 24'h "f Septem¬ ber Rate, that the plan of a Conlhiution for the Kingdom of Wtirtenr.burg, as di- gefled by the Royal Commiffioners and thofe of the States, has been adopted by the Affembly, with fome trivial modiiica tions. The German papers alfb mention, that the Queen of Sweden, under her incognito title of Countefs of Gothland, and her fis- ter, the E>: Queen of Spain, under the ti¬ tle of Countefs de Survilliers. have arrived at BrufTels. The latter h to embark at Antwerp in the Spring, to join he: hus- rl in the United band, Jofeph Bonap; Stares of America. rrhe Emperor of Roffia, it 23 faid, was to be crowned King of Poland in the month of October. The ceremony was to take place in the cny of VVarfaw. _— Latest from London. The Henrico, capt. Luce, arrived at Bolton on Satnrdav, from London, brin^ Iflg dates to OS. 2. They give numerous accounts of the d'Jily proceedings, (as far ns our laft date) in the eledion of a Lord Mayor, at Guildhall —Ourgformcr dates feew that it commenced in riot and inde¬ cency ; the latter, that the fame fecnes were continued, and would probably clofe the bufinefs. The votes, Odt. 2, tiic Iait date, were for Alderman BrydgcP, - - 1798 Alderman Thorp, - - - 1294 Aldeiman Wood, - - - E5&6 It will be recollected that the former gentleman was the Ministerial Candidate. Tiie Courier, h\ noticing thedifgraceful tranfaflions which took place on the fecund da\, fays : — Wc muft give the Devi! his due. The Orator (Hunt) performed hffl part with chara£teriliic and appropriate audacity,and (hewed that rn the art of managing a mob Mr. Waithman is a mere child to him. He had at his back a dirtier rabble than the day before, and he directed their manoeu¬ vres with admirable preciftoS. If a de¬ cent tradefman came up to vote for Alder¬ man Brydgcs, the Orator pointed him out for three groans ; if "a lean unwaihed ar¬ tificer" tendered his fuifrages for Wood and Thorp, the Orator recommended him to lu'a worthy friends ** the Groundlings" for three clucrs ; and tint. Monarch of the Mobility had his commands obeyed with a fubmifiivc deference, which few people Sin, It having bem Jefi-rmined lhat Offi¬ cers entitled to Kaf Pay, may in certain cases receive an aU#w;mceequal thereto, together with emoluments of places or employments of a t}n\ nature : I am di¬ rected by the Sscretny at War, to ac- qualnl you for the information of Half Pay Officers towhonyou arc agent, that any such Office*1 "bltling any place or employni'.'ut of profit tinder the Crown, the net annual rmob u.,.nts. of which tlo not exceed thrrc limr>= ,he amount of the highest rate of FlttlfFjy attached by reg¬ ulation to the rank, i.' virtue of which, lie is entitled to Half I:1V, m;>y, upon ap¬ plication to the S.Ticury at* War, bo permitted to receive tl Military allow¬ ance equal to atidinstead ofbls ilul! 1*.! \% upon making an aftduvit In the follow¬ ing form, \i/. fj. A. I.. (1^ i'l^v. llmt 1 had not be¬ tween the day of raid the day of any Military Place, or any employment of pre.;",:, in any Military Department under I!:- Majesty, be>id-:> (hove specify the Mil; ary Commission or employment on thi»Stiif, or in {he Garri¬ son, or in the Colonic) nor any civil place or employment of profit under 1IU .Waje^ty, except (here .-pVcify the cifH place or employment,) and that the net annual emoluments of (here repeat the civil place or employment,) do not ex¬ ceed (here state the annual amount of three times the higher rate of Half J\iy attached to the rank, In virtue of which, the Officer receives Jhilf Pay.) You will further apprize them, that if they hold any such civil place oremploy- ineut, the net annual emolument; of which exceed three times, but fall short of four times the amount of II ilf ray, they may, upon application to the Secretary at War, at the end of the year, receive so much of their Military allowance as, together with those net annual emoluments, may he equal to four times Ihc amount of such Half Pay, upon rodkitlg affidavit in the following form : I. A. H. do swear, thai I had not be¬ tween the dttypf and the day of any HlfHafy place, or any employment of prdit, or any Military Department under Ills Majesty, besides, (here specify (he iVilitarv Commission or employment in tlieStail", or in (lie Gairi- sons, or in the Colours.) nor any civil P'iwctsweawpfewjwwltt»fp»hj>^ tutlci i\\- Majesty, except, (irr: gpCCify fbe civil place or empioymen. and that the net emoluments r ceivel u to be recai\\il bv me in respect of (Iun repeat the civil place or cmploymeit. from the day of to the c:iy of together with the portion of mv Military allow¬ ance now claimed b; ne, do not exceed (here state four tinns :hc amount of the hi^he t rate of ilalll^y attached to the rank, in virtue of wluh, the Half Pay is clnimed.) I am directed to alu. that this arrange¬ ment is not to have a r•■(rospectire ope¬ ration beyond the '2nh December, 1818- (Signet!) \V. ML1UIV. ments, which it is said he has been prom ised from Spain." A St. Thomas paper, of the 15th of October, received at Bofton, gives fome curious particulars of the late hurricane in the Ifland of St. Martins. From five o'clock on Tuefday afternoon until the fame hour on Wedncfday morning, it blew with fuch a degree of violence that nothing could withftand it? force ; men. women and children* bereft of (belter, wnh not a finglc fuit of linen to cover their nakednefs, or where withal to fatisfy their hunger ; trees torn up by the roots, houfes blown from their foundations, fome of which were blown in the fca and pond ; one houfe, in particular, fituated over the pond, was taken up wholly by the wind, wherein was the manager and feveral negroes ; it was lifted from its bafis upwards of twenty feet high, and, for¬ tunately, on its defcent, fell into a fpot which had been originally a cellar, and contained three or four feet water, in confequencc of which thofe in the houfe fuftained no injury. An iron fix pounder, with iron carriage, was blown from Fort Amfterdam halt way to Fort William, the didance of about three quarters of a mile : a cart with iron av.letree was blown from Gov. Rick's eftate to Mr. Dencker's, (about a quarter of a mile.) Simpfou'e Bay was almoft entirely deflroycd, there remaining in that town but fiv*: houfes ; one of the buildings wafted away by the Pea contained nineteen perfons. In the middle of the original fituatioa of the town, there is a channel left of about thirty feet in breadth and feven feet deep. During tfic gale there were three fhocks of an earthquoke, which it is fuppofed did equally as much damage as the wind or fea. Sr. Thomis. r:ih Oct. 1819. f;i Tortola there rw but ten houses standing; in St. Bart&all vessels ashore: St. Martins has suffer tit dreadfully—St. Croix felt but little. *t. Kitts and Nevis suffered much. The jjwernor of St. Kitts has opened tho islam, for tlour, bread stuifs. and all kinds ofprovisinn and lum¬ ber, cattle, Worses, &: for six months. Porto Rico hassufferei m it'll. It is sup¬ posed that the brig Joteph S. Lewis, of \our port, coming from St. liarts to this place, was loat during the storm ; having left St. Halts on the 21rt in the eveuii»g. From Margaret fa there are dally Brit- ish <'iiiecr.-> arriving iere. who have lefj the Independent -erice in disgust—the fi-Ver rages amount »he English at Mar* tfarefta most dreadfully.—Genera1 Eng¬ lish is dead of it, anda number more. Bolivar is positively at St. Fee. New Grenada htm furabhol him with 8,000 men and about two millions of dollar^. Samanos, the viceroy,"ived him-'ll with but few attendants, and by way of Mon- [»os reached Cartha^cmi- We hear by way of Porto Cavellofll&t he has been defeated by col. AguaWQPij and has es¬ caped to Maracalbo ; he is encamped at Teribaco, twelve miles distant from Car- lhagena. on an elevated *pot, hut it is Confidently asserted thnt he has but 100 men with him. The Spanish general La- tone is withc2.r)0 men ("II that remains of the five regiments of Navarre) at Cucu- ta, hut general Morillo Mantk at St.Car¬ los, about \¥0 miles to the westward of Caracas, with about fl.000 men.and ap¬ pears in have the int^-Mtion to fortify a hUl War Valencia :wi\ await r*4afww- Ext 1 act of a letter from a gentleman in Jnjostnra, to his friend in Baltimore —handed to the Editor of (he Patriot —datett Jngoslura, <20//t Sept. 181 f). Vk'c were yesterday gratified with bul¬ letins from our army, dated Santa Jv, the capital of New Grenada : i enclose you the one issued immediately after the battle that led to this glorious resdlt. You will see that our friend Johnson was wounded. The English corps is reduced to about 00 men. These intrepid fellows have effected a great deal, is acknowledged in the S*0th bul¬ letin. Our troops found between 5 and 600,000 dollars in the mint ; and general Bolivar writes to the vice-president, Dr. Zca, that he had on the l;">th of August, more than A MILLION* of dollars in his possession. 1 *ail for New-York next week. Remark—This intelligence is impor¬ tant, as it is direct, and official. The rumour of a change in the political circle at Angostura which lately reached us whether true or false, is of little con¬ sequence. The Congress governs, and the revolution will be complete.—Oneof I he finest regions of all the earth, will be opened to political and commercial rela¬ tions wiih us. [The editor of the Patriot has been favored with General Bolivar's official account of the capture of Santa Fe, which L in the hands of a translator.] I'/vi/t me hatamoic Amcr. Hov- 4. Jl < have Oseri polircly favored z?ith the following extract of a letter, dated Buenos siyres, Aug. 80, 1819. t; Every thing goes on smoothly here. The Congress thus fargives pretty general satisfaction here. I enclose you a state¬ ment lately published, giving a view of the iii Be rent civil officers of government and the salaries attached to each, and the number of representatives which has been fixed upon for each province—they are n* follows : support, anrJfBrrtC of those who assisted in circulating his writings, now come in fer a share of his censures. I fear that American civil agents will be very badly received here unless they are clothed with very ample pavers— Colonel l'rfuch*ij at the head of a regiment, and is again in favor—this shews how cautious individuals in the United Stat'- ought to be in espousiu^ the private quarrels of discontented indi¬ vidual::." * Gnu ofthose banished -o the United States. From the Boston Ccntir.cL Seizure of American Property BY LORD COCHRANE. Accounts reached hereon Monday,that \£.z.coo dollar?,—the proceeds of thecar- epa of the bri^; Mamtoman^ Captain E. Smith, ofthhi port,—had been fei/.cd and confiscated by Lord Cochrane, in a port in Lima.—And yeikrday we received, in the Baltimore FtiLra! Republican•, a letter from Chili, giving more particulars of the event ; extracts from which follow:— " Santiago, (Chili,) Aog. 12, 1819, " You will have htfard of the proceed¬ ings ofLoid Cocmranf, In the Chilian flett, to Irs leaving the blockade of Callao, to Ad. Blanco, with lour fell. " Oi\ his return, ins LoidJlop got infor¬ mation of money bring on the way from Lima to Guarmez, and on the 5th April, he landed a party of marines at Supt9 a few leagued from which :liey met Capt. Smith, of the htig Macedonian, of Boftort, and took him, and ficm 60 to Sc.ooo dollars he had with him, on board the O'Higgins. A paper figned by the Phillippme Compa¬ ny, was found on Captain S?3 deft, Rating the money to be paid for hiscor^o, (amount¬ ing to 1.« 2,000 dollars) was to be at the rifquc of the ptvrchafer3 until it lliowld be on board the Macedonian. O.ipt. Smith, aficT being om board a while, figned a dec- , ument renouncing all claim to the money, and was allowed to join his vtfle] at Guar- mez.—She wa-- feaiched, but no money found on board her. Lord Cochrane alfo Buenos A vrcs (formerly) 1 (now) 3 Cordova »!•. 5 d». ;i Tlicit man do. 6 do. S Gujo a* 5 do, 2 Salia do. 4 do. 2 Charcas do. 2 do. 3 Gorbahamba do. 2 do. 3 Poto« de. 1 31 do. I 22 The repre^enl Natives are paid by the irious cone; restiional districts in the different provinces, excepting the three last which arc particularly under the influence of the Spaniards. l\\ con¬ sequence of which their representatives are paid at the rate of 125 dollars per mouth out of the national treasury, but this sum to be hereafter refunded bl the provinces. Economy seems to be the order of the day ; the officers of the various departments, clerks, *tc. to the number of 121, have been diminished to 77. and the amount of their salaries 82.A07 dollars, has been reduced to 48,550 dollars, a saving of more than twenty-Jive thousand dollars. Kwvy preparation is making for defence in case of a formidable attack by the Spaniards. The British have evidently changed their conduct towards this country, whether it proceeds from dislike to the appearance of settled order and stability uhich the government has assumed, or to its republican form, 1 know not.—Their Consul has been recalled, but he is much liked here both by the natives and by the British merchants. A National Rank his been established, but considering the prejudi¬ ces of the people against paper money, what success it will have, I am at a loss to conjecture* You will be surprised to hear, that Agrelo, who was banished for a time to the United Slates, and filled the newspapers there with abuse against took from the French brig Gazelle,62,000 dollars, which had been put on board by a clerk of the Philippine Company at Guar* mez. The Captain tefusiugto give a doc¬ ument of renunciation, was carried to Pay* ta, where he figned it, and was fet at liber. " Lord Cochrane has returned to Vai- paraifo, as has Ad Blanco. *' The money tak^n from Capt. Smith, and from the French brig, has been dillri- buted among the officers and crews, the government taking half, and thU before any condemnation by a prize court. Mr. H. Hillij now here for the purpofe of eilablifliing a claim for all the property on board the fchr. Montezuma, of Balti¬ more, Captain Stephcnfon, captured by ' Lord Cochrane oft"Callao,'the 24th March, having a Spanifh flag flying, and having on board, mufleets, fwordfcj floor* cordage,&c. " Lord Ccchiane, it is expected, will foon put to fea, with his fquadron ; and will carry a considerable number of Con- greve rockets. 41 The Macedonian frigate, Captain Dowses, has touched near Callao, on her way to California. u The brig Ellen-Maria, of Bo (Ion, with . provifions for the fquadron, has bee* cap- tuted bv the Vcngaufa, from Callao." I this K" fvernmeiit. is now >vt;tin^ in [_ 7be above letter is frvm the houfc of /.„../., u;u,<v '•- 1 The Macedonian h infured at the vari¬ ous offices in town, to a large amount. , Ol'TRAGEOUS RoLf.ERY. The indignation which the above event has oecafioned, and the incorrect manner in which it is narrated in the preceding letter, have induced inquiries, which have refulted in jhe following facls, which we publilh on the bett authority; Capt. Smith, in the Macedonian, trading at Lima, fold and delivered his cargo to the Philippine Cc. before that port was de¬ clared to be in a (late of blockade; and when the blockade was made by Lord Cochrane, this veffel with the other tieutral veffels there, went round to the little port of Guarmez, about 70 leagues N. of Lima, being the port deiignatcd by lord C. him- felf. Capt Smith while on his way from Lima to Guarmez, by land, with 142,000 dollars, the proceeds of his c^rgo, was in¬ tercepted, robbed of the money by lord Cochrane, and taken on board his /hip, where he was held a clofe prifoncr; and where, after having repeatedly declared that it was wholly American property, he was compelled by lord C. to iign 'a certi¬ ficate that it was on Span'.fh account.— After which Capt. S. was rclcafed, and immediately protclled again ft thefe pirati¬ cal proceedings ; and tranfmittcd his pro- teft, with the neceflary documents proving that the property was bona fide American, and the aftual proceeds of the cargo taken from Bolton, to Mr. Hill, the Yice Con-, ful at Valparaifo. A flaterrient cf this daring traufadtion, we learn, has been feat on to Washington ; and ii is not hazarding much to predict, that the demand of this plundered proper¬ ty will be m^dc by a naval accompaniment, which will iufure its immediate rcllitution; or be followed by the capture of the free¬ booter [for what but freebooters would take property in this manner and divide it without adjudication] who haa robbed our countrymen of it ; at the same timcaiiord- ing needed protection to our rich Whale¬ men in the South Sea. A late Jamaica paper mentions, that on- of the heavieft tains, ever remembered, fell in the town of Falmouth, Jam. on the loth of September. It was afccrtaincd by a rain-gnage, that the quantity which fell in ftfyfv: minutes* was 1,0 lcf» than f/|W j(s ( inc/efj fivd thrftWffe9 '