Kingston Chronicle, October 22, 1819, page 4

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fM?& The Leaf. [From a late writer, who was distinguished do less by his talents than by his piety.] ' JVe all do fade as a Leaf. lsa, Uiv. 6. See the leaves around us falling. Dry and witlicrM to the ground ; Thus to thoughtless mortals calling In a rad and solemn sound : Sons of Adam, once in Eden, Blighted when like us he fell, Ifear the lecture wtf are reading* 'TiSjalas! the truth we tell, Virgins, much, too much, presuming On your boasted white an J red. View us,late in beauty bi«wmitig, Numbered now amoug the dead. Griping miners, nightly waking, See the end ofall yourcarcs; Fled on wings of our own making, We have left our owners bare. Sons of honour, fed on praises, Fluttering high in fancied worth, Lo ! the fickle air, that raises. Brings us down to parent earth. f Learned sophe, in systems jaded, Who for new ones dail j call, Cease, at length, by us persuaded, EvVy leaf mutt iiave its Tall! Youths, though ^et no lo ^ grieve you, Gay in health and muni) grace, Let not cloudless skies deceive jou. Summer gives loautumn place* Venerable sires, grown hoary. Hither turn the unwilling eye, Think, amidst yoar falling glory, Autumn tells a winter nigh. Yearly in our course returning, Messengers of shortest stay. Thus %»e preach this truru concerning, •' H» aven and earth si.aiJ pass away." the tears ufually flied on leaving the pater¬ nal manfion filling his lady's eyes, faid, " Spare your tears, lady Byron you (hall foon have better caufe to cry. 1 married you not out of love, but hatred. You once dared to rcfufe me ; and I have link¬ ed myfelf with you for the fake of re¬ venge." And yet this man, vvhofe love was turned into hatred becaufe of a rcfu- (all fecks refuge among the mountains of Switzerland, to avoid the wickedneis of his fellow-creatures !—Glafgoiv paper. HP • To the Farmers. HE fnbfcriber being fupplied with a^ much BARLEY as his Stores will conreniently hold, begs that the Farmer? will withhold bringing any more for Six Weeks, w^en he will be prepared to re¬ ceive it again at the fame price* THOMAS DALTON. King Hon Brewery, September 30th, 1819. 40 NO TIOE TO PENSIONERS. ALL Pensioners whoce residence Is at or near the undermentioneJ Stations, arc required to appear, or by writing to report themselves in future, at the peu'ods specified to the respective Officers of the Commissariat, in order that the proper forms of Documents relative to pensions for each individual, may be forwarded for their use— 1 The St earn-Bo at A JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, owins aavs J mherst burgh. Fori* George*. »*} On or about Chippewa* V'tcenston^.........| the fork.......................f424fh August, 1 Kingston^........ Nov. Feb, On the Tree of life eternal, Man, let all thy hope be staid, Wfefcb ataftj for rververTul, Dean? a leafUiol ^Na!l not fade. Bfiackuillc, Bath* Richmond,.. | " May, uf (i 'fing/trtjy..................J each \ ear* Montreal Chttmhli)* St JaJtns*..') On or about DrumniondviUe%lVilliam Henri/; the Three Rivers............ iOili Stepteaibri Kamuurabka* and on the tine of)> t% Dee. Mar. Communication to New limns- J M June, of wick^ and other places nearest I each year. Quebec*..................J Commissary General"* Office,? Quebec, Aoff, M. 1819. S S5tn3 Will in future leave the different Ports on the foii VIZ. * Kingston, for York, on (he 1st, 1 \lh and %\si days of each month. York, for Quem&fon, 3d} 13th and 234 days of each month. Niagara, for Kingston, hth, 15/// and 2bih days of each month. OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3 - 0 - 0 From Ymk to Niagara, ~ - - - 1-0-0 Children unler three years of age, half price; above three under ten, two thirds. and and iAJW*^ -- .MISCELLANEOUS. * • • * * • • • m • • • » • t • * * • Christianity in India. The daily increafe of pious officers in the army in India, and the truly laudable manner in which fomc of them employ their talents and influence, are things cal¬ culated to afford pleafure of the moft re- fined nature to the lovers of truth. The cold fneet of infidelity is now feldom, if ever met with, and n0t a few in the army are the warm and judicious friends of the Cofpel. Many of them being perfons of liberal education, and well acquainted with the languages of India, are capable of ren¬ dering great fervice to the caufe of Chn's tianity. By letters from various quarters, it appears that fome engage in translating parts of the Holy Scriptures; others in correcting foTtner verfiona ; fome afiift in fuperintending the education of native children ; others liberally Contribute to their rapport ; fome illuftrate the hiftory and curiums of the countries around them by their writings, and thu6 furnifh a col¬ lateral auxiliary to the fpread of Divine knowledge ; others encourage the intlruc tion of the children of European foldiers. —Some take the lead in Bible Aff<>cia- tions ; others have fevtral fchools, taught under their own perfonal infpe&ion, and fupported folely by themfelves and their families. Thtrc is one inftauce in which three fchools, confuting of 300 children, are fuperintended by an Entriifh officer. We cannot but obftrve with de'light, pi ou3 ladies alfo, the wives of thefe officers, employing their talents in writing uieful tracts and books for children—engaging in the fuperintendence of native fchools, and fchools, of mduftry as well as vifiting the cottages of the poor, and endeavoring to conduct thcoi to the knowledge of Je- fus Chrift. • , To perfons who are anxioufly obferving the progrefs of Ohriftiam'ty in India , thefe circ urn fiances are of no ordinary intend! ; and the Minifter or Miffior.ary, who has fuch ufeful coadjutors planted arou-id him in the fcenc or hi? labours^ may ti.;1}' fay The lines are fai!?r> to me :z pleafant places.—The [ndo-Ch'inefs Gkarrr, JOHN DEAN TTAS juft received, and now offer* for £7^§_ c-a!e, at the New Store, next door to Mr A P. Forward's Hotel, in the Vil¬ lage of BATH, a general a {Tortmen t of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery & Hardware, Unusually Lozs for Cash, or most kinds of Country Produce. In fome instances where PUNCTUALITY may he RF.LIKD UPON, a very short credit may be given, and in fuch cafes only. Bath, Aug. 2, 1819. 32 A Book wii be kept for entering the names of Passengers, the births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rale.—Gentlemen's servants cannot sleep or eat in the Cabin. £>et*K Paftstttigets wtti pgyT&5. and muy either bring their own Provisions, or be furbished by the Steward/ For each dog brought on board, os. Ail applications fm passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. — Notice, f-jf^IIE late partnership oi Robert Gra¬ ham £)' Co. having dissolved itsel! this day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. the bussiness in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above firm, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay,and those who may have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. 29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 21st Sept, isis. NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the FREIGHT Will be transposed to and from the above places at the rate of is. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rate, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, wiii be considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2s 6d. which must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April a«.h, 1819/ IStf New Goods. LAMB& M'DONELL, Opposite the Market---------King Street, MOST refpe&fully inform their friends and the public, that they have juft received and offer for fale, a well chofen and general afTortment of . . DRY GOODS, among which are the following articles, VIZ. Weft of England Cloths and Caflimeres, ftair carpeting, Kidderminfter do. Jeans, Fuftians, Bombazette?, Bombazeenc, drab, blue, gray and yellow Nankeens, trim Lin¬ ens, Linen fold and Maddapollum (flirtings, fteam loom fhirtings, Sallampores, long cloths and Baftaes, Manchefter 8c Glas¬ gow ftriped Cottons,Tuikey stripes,checki and Ginghams, Dimity, Chintz and Cali¬ co Furniture Cambrics, Calicoes* Leaof- and Muflins, Lutestring and Sarfnet Silks, black Florentine, silk Veils, Shawls.Scarf* and Handkerchiefs, Canton crape, Canton crape dreffes, afforfced colors,cotton ShawU and Handkerchief, silk, co.ton and wors¬ ted Hole, silk, kid and beaver Gloves- Thread, silk and cotton Laces, Ribbon*, Tapes 6c Bobbins, Counterpanes, Marfeillei Quilts, silk and Cotton Shambray, Linetf Bed Ticks, bleached Sheetings, Hum- hums, Derrys, brown Hollands, Dowla*, Sec. &c. &c. ALSO A few pairs STAYS. Kingston, 2d July, 1819. 27 —.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_--------------------------------. Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required maybe obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bills of Exchange on Lod- don, or for Specie. — Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Kinofton, 3d Nov 181S.__________£$_* " NOTICE THE subscribers beg leave to inform the public, that they have entered into Copartnership, and that they will jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under the firm of LAMB 6f McDONELL. Wm. b. lamb, ARCH. McDONELL. 1 Kingston, Jane Id. 1819. 27 - NOTICE. • AT m \L <4A % will be opened at the Director's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on u\e 24th Anguft next, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice, Kir»j/fton% 37th Inly, tSiq. %\ 1 _______ Surgeon Dentist. ALL operations performed upon the Teeth, by J. R. SPOONER, at Mrs. Patrick's Inn. Aug. ?.6, 1 g 19. 32 Notice To Die.—Ah solemn scene, yet sure 1 nature recoils at the gloomy thought, a ud fain would pass it over. The tyrant ma) forget the object of his revenge, the pa¬ rent her smiling offspring, and man hi* God, but death remembers man must die. Our lot remains unchanged, our doom f.xed. Earthly splendor is no exemptn 11 from his shafts ; youth and beauty obey his mandates. To day in health, to-morrow a food for worms." The ten¬ der ties of earth cannot prolong cur stay ; the tear of par-it*al fondness, Conjugal affection avail \\<>t ; the tide of life spent, we must depart to worlds unknown.— The pillow of disease is the moment of reflection ; we then cast a retrospective eye on improprieties in time past : we bid them not welcome ; the intruders tix on our minds, and torture our departing spi 1 its.—View this picture, ye giddy tri- flers ; ve fashionable libertines ; cease to mocK Omnipotence. In the last dread conflict friends may wish in rain ; Na¬ ture's struggle's lost : Death is conque¬ ror still—reflect—reform. If S hereby Riven, that any perfons who JL fhili be found trefpaffing on Green Point, (Townfhip of Sophiasbnrgh) will he immediately profecuted with theutmoft ligor.—A perfon has been appointed to give informrtion of any depredations that may hereafter be commicted thereon. Ch'r. A. Hagerman, 360/6 Agent for the Proprietor. •^OTTHEREAS John Graham, an Irifh The accounts of the diabolical conduft ©f Lord Byron to his wife, loating on a general tide of fcandal, were not generally in this country confidered worthy of cred¬ it ; but the worfl of them has recently been mentioned on an authority that can¬ not well bediltrulted___After the marriage ceremony, and when the parties were fea ted ia the carriage, Lord Byron, obferved emigrant, fent his wife forwaid to Kingfton from La Chine, on Thurfday, the 26th of Auguft, intending himfelf to follow by water—This is to requett any perfon who may be acquainted with the circumftances, to inform his discontinue wife by letter .directed to the Poft Office, who has been long anxioufly looking for her husband at Kiugfton, whether he is ft ill living, and where he i? to be found. Kingfton, Sept. 22, 1819. iO BE SOLD, 9 A ACO R DS of FIR E WOOD.Iying .4m\/\/ cn t|ie fcank of Mr. Daly's Farm, a little beyond Collins* Bay, convenient for conveyance by waterto Kingfton. Not lefs than 50 Coids will be fold to a pur- chafer ; price 5s per Cord. A. WILSON. Kingston, $th 03. 18 19, 41 ^TOLENor Strayed away about a fortnight fincc a Dark brown COW, with a light red ftreak along her back- and a hollow place in htr rump, where fhe had formerly been injured. Whoever will give information to the fubferiber where the laid Cow may be found, (hall be libeially rewarded. FRANCOIS LEFEBVRE. Kingilon, O&obcr 8, 1819. 41W3 FORSALEi VERY valuable FARM, situated ear the Village of Urockville, be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se- coiid concession of Eiiz*bethtovvn, U. C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to JohnSiiu- ter, Esquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, v»th a barn and other out houses on the premises. Also, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and -umber fifteen in the second concession, <H the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in the Disf'ct of Johns¬ town. These Farms will >e disposed of on terms peculiarly rnsy a*d advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Aj>ply to DANIEL JONES. Jun. Brockville, 15th January, 1819. 4 Valuable Lands for sale, IN the Midland District, County of Prince Edward, and Township of Amelia sburgh. Lot 23, in the fror.t Concession, on Lake Ontario, lying to the eastward of Nicholson's island. Lots 22, and 24, in the second Con¬ cession of said Township; the -whole con¬ taining six hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the OlTice of the Kingston Chronicle, or of the Honorable JAMES BABY, York. N. B. All persons are cautioned a- gainst cutting or destroying the timber on the above lauds, as they will certainly subject themselves to a le^al prosecu¬ tion if detected. Kingston, Juh Oth. 1819. 28-tf Forwarding & Commissiot BUSIN 1 SSG T HE subsciibers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they hare formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de¬ scription from Montreal to any part of Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent to the Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will be conducted by W. Hubbell, at Oqdeusbunjh, and under the firm of W. L. WHITING % Co. at Prescott. To prevent delay, all property desti¬ ned for Kingston, or any part of the Bay of Quinte, will be forwarded from Pres¬ cott by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction, will be grateful for eveiy favor, W. L. WHITING, W. HUBBELL. Prescott, 20//? May,18 19. 23 To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. TAMES MEAGHER returns his tnof *-* fine ere thanks to the p. ople of Kings¬ ton an J its environs, for the liberal en* couragetnent he mst withjmce 'V com- lufnejs. i'ls begs have tj injottt his friends and the public^ that h: has Removed to his New Bonfe Hear the Mar¬ ket Place, oppoftte to Mr. dayman's and qvill as ufual carry m the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING and BLACK SMITH WORK will be executed in tit bejl manner, at the Jhorteft notice, and on the lowefl terms. N. B. To rent, hafe or felh fir the term of ten years, and immediate pojfeffion given, that well known jland, the WEL+ LINGTON INN, in Barrack peet.-* This puation is one of the bejl in town% having many conveniences that render tt particularly well adapted for a Houfe oj Public Entertainment and Store. Apply to the Proprietor. JAMES MEAGHER. King Hon, Feb. 5,1819. 6 A f AIVM T 0% &A Li. ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town, (hip of Fredericksburgh, the Ealt half of Lot No. 2, in the fecondConceffion, containing i'oo acres, and having about 4c acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wafhburn, Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1813 30 August 19, 1819, 34 Anchors <§ Cables. WILLIAM BUDDEN, WrILL rtctWs by the earlletl fpring vefTels, and keep conflantiy on hand at Quebec, an afibrtment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofc enga¬ ged in the and River navigation. Quebec, 1 ft April, i8iq. i^tf forTs a le, A QUANTITY of RED CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to S feel in length.—Apply to Mr. Joun Dawson, Tailor, s WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, July 17, 1819. 30 THREE FARMS FOR~SALE ; or if not fold to be rented for the en fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contract alfo will be given for cutting icoo Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY/ Kingston, 16th June, 1810 ?5'f PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft- cd to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Tov/n of Kingfton, and with as little delay as poffible* JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. 16 NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- partnerfhip of Richard Robison and David Secord, are requefted to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copartnership may be indebted, are le- quefled to fend \i\ their accounts for ad- juft men c and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1819. 26tf TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Doctor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, qtb June, 18 19. 23 For Sale or ro Let, Ai TWO ftory framed Houfe, and a <M/ji. large and commodious ftone Store, fnuate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchaftr or lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 26th February, 1819. 9 TERMS OF THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE, Twenty shillings per annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or the l3t of Jamu PRICM OF A DFER TISEME NTS. (f^f/JT lines and under 2s. 6d. first in* Kj) sertion, and 7\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and under^ 3s. 4d. first insertion* and lOd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line for theJirmst insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent insertion* Advertisements without written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise¬ ments to be in Wilting, and delivered by WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN o*Clock on the day of publication AGKNTS. Henry Cowan. \.^\. Quebec. Edward Silk, E>(|. Thrt* llicn-s. James Williams, E$q. Montreal. Messrs* J. & J. Dunlop, Lancaster. Paul Glassford, Esq. Matilda. Alphcus Junes, Est|. Ptesedti. Henry Jones, Ksq. UnnkvitU. N. B. Tommas, i;>q. Perth. II. Whitmarsh, Esq- Richmond* J. K. Hartwcll, Esq. Dastard* E. Webster, Esq. Ctaniuwque. J. Ran ken, Esq. Bath* Altai) McPherson, E*q. Napantc. Thomas Parker, Esq. BcHvitte. James G. Bet him e, Esq. Hamilton William Allan, Ii>q. York. Richard Ilatt, Esq, Dnndas. Daniel ftoss, Esq. Vittoria. John Crooks, F>q. Niagara. T. McCorarick, Ivq. Queemtan. John Wilson, I. q. Amhcrsttnirgh* KINGSTON, U.a PRLNTXD l'OR JUL, Jj'JUTORS

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