Kingston Chronicle, October 22, 1819, page 3

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A new <wav of saving money /—A com- mur.f Hon fiom a r-tkmii in Govern orN, pubhfbed in the Mercantile Ad ftrttier of yctenlay morning, gives an ac¬ count of a Canadian ennvift on the island who had late'y f«»i his nmufenunt fwallow ed tjad-nife ami forty one cents' \ his man it feems is tamitM for lwallMwingjackiiives, but having add' d ihz cents, their bulk and weight overloaded b« stomach, and he was Under the nee Any of applying to the doe tor for relief, which he had partially rb- tained From the 'aft ac£< ufll of him, if appears his Homach In-' parted with thr jackt ife, but fttmed unwilling to difftorge the caffl. N. ?' paper. Remarlable Death.—On the 25th Sep- tember a"fottofi man at furlmgton, N. J. ate a piece of honey o.mb, in which a bee was concealed. While in the aft if (wal¬ lowing it, the Ine flung Iiinn in the throat which fweMed f \ as to occasion within half an hour, his deal}] by fuffocation. ely have promifed him four fuitable per- f<»n« to go out with him, to inlrruct the people in the principles of Chriltianiiy, the art of reading, arid <>ther uiVful arts. He prGpofca alio to take with him a print¬ ing preffl ami types with the view of print¬ ing the nec^lTa-y elementary books for the education of the people, and ultimately tlit* Holy Scriptures in their ov/n languages. \Ve do not recoi eft ever to have witneffed greater wterefl excited by any fpeaker, than the vail fecmed to ft el in the pathetic addreft of this intereiling (hangrr« "I he meeting wa- then addreucd i» anima¬ ted foeedies by the Rev. Dr. Gum.;, the Rev. Mr Craig "f Edinburgh, the Riv. Di Chalmers, and the Rev. Mr. Lapstie, attheclofe of whofe fjeech we left the meeting but we under ft and toe Sultan rofe to addrefs them again- A committee w s named f .r the purpofe nf raking niei- furrs to affiil the Rcuttlfft Miffioaatry Sod • tty ill relation 10 this (jattteular ••hj-ct Trursrives (font*? to tftt obedience of1 *«** (hratfsafraatagesji produced 1 speci¬ men nt nor* little interior to Hio«e|MOugiii roicu ^. 1tied 1 • ■ 'ino'in-. rie ihauk»of the Committer were ^iven to W Hip ( .im»>, F.-q. for *oui ' rxiraoidinary si/'M Apple*Mulch hi? produced at rlie flioiifc Wr mea irml uue 01 them ivhicft ww foortem lnr»nw iiinrr imfercnee: weirniirnlsnd il weighed0 Wards Of iifif poind* Would U nol b" well fyt ihr Agricultural Society to extend itoelr prpmi. umi in the b.wt cultivated arc iar i> and th* iuic-i specimens effruit raised in »hc Di.-snei ? tny orders, that hiip|>y l»»l await* yon." Animated tc<?uthii*ht*>fii byword* of Mils nature^ all deemr-d (hontsclvcs happy fo receive the commaiwls of their master, and were forward to die in his service. Qt r.REC, Ort- I. An ordrr wa^ rn'eiveu by the last mall from the Prince Resent, for Hie Honor- able JusticeFotrcptit forthwith t»> re* sum.' his function'-; anil we uotlerstatid fli-il in roiKeqtif-iin ,11^ lhi>day, reroni- muttces his judici-I duties on tlit- bench. GlaigOW Chronicle. From the Edinburgh Magazine of *V'/y, lxi P. University of Edinburgh —Xoth"' % can more ilrikin^ly dilpl^y ihe rising e'^inence of the University of Ediubiu^h than the following" account of the number of ftn- dents who, during the nrefent f.-ffi..n, ha«e attended the :ffFe-ent branches of hi Amo¬ tion :—!9C9 l^dei rs have entered thei» natres in the bo»k of matricwlitinn, and if to this we add tlw.fe tvhoJi^ ve attended the Div-nity Ha!lt including about 30 wh : have not rr?tricub'cd. we (hall hud tha« upwards of 21 50 iludent- hive been pie- fent at the C"ll«£C during the w'nter fe>- st.n. Such a number exce-ds all paiallel in the annals of the • dinbnrgh Uiiiversiry, and i? not equalled either by Oxford or CafT^rlrljre. University Prizes.—The following gen¬ tlemen have gained Duze? this fciTi m in the Ui iver^ity of£4i* burgh ; — In (he Hebrew Clafs. — »• F*W the be ft fpecincn c.f tieb ew Penmanfhip—Mr- XAYiKam Sfeven, Pce^les-fhiie 2. Vcr thebeft : flay — Wc. Kdher-t i-rydce, Fd inbiiroh. 3. and 4. For general g<*od condi.ft aud proficiency—(junioriioV) Mr. Robert Paron, Ayifh:"- ; ( idvanced ^ide) Mr. Da- iel Oorrie, Petthmtre In the Rhetoric Ckfs —McfT-^. William Veitch. Roxbuig/hire ; J«'hn Purves, Ber- Wit'iHVi'tv f Hubert ^icutf ju'ii. C*4.cSt manuanfhire; tiugh Bruce, CI.lekmannan- fhire ; Hugh H !'r.*wn, lOdinbui ^ hfhire ; Hunter Gordon. Edn.bnr^hmire ; George Lyon, Lanarkshire; William Glover, F.d johurghfljlre • Jan>es Bonar, Edinburgh {hire ; John Kerr, Peeble»-rtiire ; Jofeph Thorbi.m, Edinhurghfliire* In the Logic Clafs.—Meffrs. John Clarke, Ediubnph ; Abner William Brown, Ja maica ; William Glover, Leith ; James Andtrfoo, Lanatkfhirr ; 1'atrick B. Hea- derfon, 'Caithnef^ ; James Moir^ Edin¬ burgh ; William Ramf<y. Pettlohire ; Char!e« A. Stewart, Ayrfl?ire ; Robert Grant, Momyfhire ; James Scott, Rex. bnrjrfhxrv ; George Lyon, f-anark(hire. Inthe First Mathematical Ckfs. — MsflTrs, "Jrhn Lothian, Edinburgh ; J' mes C^r'er. Berwicfefiiire ; dnm /tnsfy. Upper-Cana¬ da ; Al xander Gi'd'on, Lanark; Robert Sbortrcrd Jedbnrgh. In the Second Mathematical Clefs.— Mcfl" s". Ca'tb Evans, Lond.-n; v^ardford Anotf Cupar of Fire ; William Murray, Selkirk In the Stccndland Third Greel Chfses — For Greek Porn*— MrfTW. William Glo *e» I elth ; Georpe Mylne, Midd'efcx ; William Keid, Edinburgh; Wiiiam For¬ bes, Ldinburgh. for Latin Poem«— Mcflrs Jo!i: Dunda-, Edinburgh ; Hart Logan, Edittburgh ; Sarr.el Hay, Ed!nbuti*h ; Jamr? Co!q'ihounf Lana'k/hire. For Eng lift Ebsavs— MeflV«s William Pi;t, Dun- das. "h id-Lothian; William Mrnzies, La¬ ra? kfhire ; Robert Im^e, Selki.kPaire ; Jamc^ FergU?on, iVrtbfliire. In the £. d*>anecd Humanity Clafs —F'»r Latt Poem- — iV'efo* Edmund M"ffdt, Edinburgh ; Divid Thomas M'Cheyne. Edinburgh ; William Dunnet, GlalgOAV ; Robert Hogg, Peel-'es (lure. For Latin E^av ^Meffr& A'exa' dtr Cum-npg,, Ed in -ur|"L,; Grorpe f^CftmerOlt, Edinburgh ; fames Char'e^, Edinburgh ; Chriflo»>htr Gre'cj, Fif'ihire. For Englifh Efl?y«. MeflVs. Hamilton Bu.-hanan, Pcehl'S fliirr; James Cofquhoun, G'afgow ; John Spear, Lancashire ; Alexander Cameicn, Edin¬ burgh, *~«m— The Sultan Katte Ghery. Friday week, a meeting was held in the Trades Hall, Glafgow, for the purpofc of bearing the Sultan K."te Gheiy, Jot Cau- cafus and Crimea, give an arcount of the religions ftate of his countrymen, and of the plan which h* propuftd to carry into efFcft for their inftrudtion, under the pat¬ ronage of the Emperor Alexander and of the Scottifll Miflionary Society The Hall not being ab'e to cwntain tlie crowds of hi> hly icfpedable p r*p'c who puffed for admittance, the rr'ttir»o adjourn <l to the College Church, which wai lonn crowded to excel**, James • ackej'xie, Efq. having been called to the chair, Mr. Lnldle, As aiftant Secretary of the Re ttilh ^iifiuiu- ry Society, opened t!.e bufinel- by leading fofl e extracts of corrciponderce, and a n;i Bt/teof tlie abovemeuti-med Society rela¬ ting to thepropofed miffion to the Crimea *I'hc Sultan then addreffed the meeting in very gof d Englifh cmfidciing the ("h'lt time he ha* tefided in the 0 nntry ; he gave a mod intereiting account of the llatc of the Tartar and Caucaci^n nation^, contain tag at Tea(t 80 u illions of people, moitly Mahomednns, fpeiiking fcvcral difTercnt latiguaee^ and in a Hate of gi"fs ignora< ce, fome of them with* tit a wniten language, oi chara&rrs t:i exprefe word. <n wriiio^ lie propi fe« eKabliHu'ug a m iTio.- w th On Sunday Mc'».inej i'1 the Cathedral Church the Rev. W. Macanlay, was ordained Pried ; aid .ur. 11. Rolph and .vir. J tou^iiton, vere ordained Deacon* hi the Lord Blfhoa of the Diorefe i'iie ki vL*c *»f the dav vas pcf-'mrd by the i<ev. ufiitial Maintain, the Rev J. L. MilU the Stev, E. Leigh, and the Rev, Quebec filer. JamM Bitrbnnan, Esq. Brilisli ConsuJ a; >Vw Yurk,arrived ti»'rcfi-ow \ork,wiih part of hi- IUiuUa,um H'i line-day evening, and proceeded iii:> morning ti» L»w«rCanada; 1- m <»_.u-* ^ * *»•. On Wedncfdav 'aiL a bull, cow and calf of the b'ced orPnrncnh, a dilLict tif Ben- gal, were brought to l*)u r.frtes fiom Ca!- cut'a. Tluyare veiy fmall, n <t larger than a Leiceftei fhee|>, but extremely hand- fome, and vei v gentle. 'I*he calf in about ten week* old, and was produced at lea. While in rbe K-ng's ^rm ltu!.!es, tltey ex- cited confiderable taterellamongst the curt- ou^ and thofe concerned fa agricidlure, m>d were much admired for the fyiftffletrv filuir fl)ape<—The jrraffl upon which fhey were feil during th-ir uftyagc, rtft-m- bledfiotm,butapp-^ed to beof finer tex¬ ture, and was perfcel v frtlb and fwe* t fla- vonred. They were a'fo fuppHed widi euam, a fort of grain n'»t unbke our peale. T'.e animals, ndtwithftandlng the length • f the voyage, wre in high condition, and we hop** thev will thrive i;* tlair new couu* try —They were fent ovtr by Robert Cut- br Feigus^on, E*«q and have fiirce bren taken to Craiffdarroch, the leat of his bro- llitr.— Dumfrl'f Journal From ftw Brlics-Loltrfs Pxcjws-ilorjj. Old man of the MouutaiiL This as-assio chief, «o well known in the history of tin- crusades^ was named Aki-eddin, and his religion wan that <f Mahometi in n beanlti'td ralley* iuelo- \\«.'n t-.vo mom 'ao.-, 1"- nail formed :i luxurious garden, fJori'd with Pvrrj d«"li'i<»uw fr'jit. and "Viy fr tyrant hrnh that totild b»* pro. i-r d. in lares *>f vaiioii^ ■ i/.i's and for s WM'tn erertctl in dilfereut par(5 of thn i>rou!i(L, oina- m: 'iied wit!i uorLsin gold, wira paint¬ ings, and with furniture of-riah s}lk>. liy means of small conduits, conlnvvd in thee buildings, streams of tvinc, milk, hoi\ey, and some of pure water, mi re seen to tlow in evrrv direction* The * inhabitants of these places, wore elegant and beautiful tlanveh, accomplished in \h" arts of ringing, playing upon all sorts of musical in (tumeufs. dancing k es^c- v i a! 1 > those of dalliance ScamorousaUure- uionf. Clothed in rich dits%o<, they Mere situ continually sporting ttwH atuu&iijg thf*mselresin thegard* n S puvilious; their 1 male guardians being confined within doors, and never Suffered foBpj>ear* The objoct which the eftief had in tiew i.i fonniug a garden ofthis fiM-inatioglvind, was this: that Mn hornet, uavriig promised to those li o should nh^y his vti!I tl^.- rnjoyments of paradise, «here ctorv ■p-'cios oi sensual graiitiearion should Or- i>c found, m the poctr^ of U) mpliH, he uas desirous of uuder>locd by his followers, thai he was at>oa prophet, and the compeer of Ma- hnmet, ai d hid the po«or of admiUing to paradise such as h*- should choose to lavour. That hoop without hi- license might Moltik-ir way into (his delicious valle), hv caused a strong and irnptv,- nable castle to be erected at the opening KINGSTON, Ocror.r.R 9%. 1S10. • * t • 4 » _ • ■ r beautiful it- b'\\\x Lor-(Jntt rfat^ to i!n 9l«if R^pieuib**rf«rrnisti fcO»*e f-n i!n-r itiinrinai«ni mi tin* siihji'CI ofilic lawpnp-dnt'wiling- n Kn^laiid. Tli^nfoMn- fr*». mim li-a'lpd h\ <\r PiatsrH Bwrdf t. ex¬ claim lt»ffdly a^;o»»>i Mi» (Miii!-o\ i'.n in--ii;^a!in^ what thes u-rm the dfuirJirxtj:r7/mr(icrs9zi\n\ Uo^w by th<» aid ofsucfa vacillations 'o (.1.1 Uir I'ann- nf civil commotion, Jim «.-. isppt'ate t! r wimlp *»f ibc l:ii)*niiur elasp asiUi%l iJie landlinid«*ifi ahiI III.- v*'nt. 7*:" n.joi V Mi^tainfil at Mau- ri,i..rrb\ iiimi* r*'nlI• jniincciii j»i^rtiin*« tthoin en imprudem curiic»rt\|iaJ imhned to mix in ih- ruiui*. i< lio'i'nlfss niiii.-r nf "irret. a;*u if nn\ want i,» ar» dfriucUvti violence wcrccnminiucil bj the imliiar\ ulnle •teCbtJIt^ *U** tti d**»> irf die ciil |»n«cr, the circ'Mu;an» »v-;j ?rhi mupte>ti»n- ahly (•• li.- invr tura'iM1 and tlieolfeodirr* p»mi>h« ■vt. I'.t't i* ii one rli„ nr:v <*«eh »uj<i*ti"«••"** a*^rr.-Tcn took plarr t.\ii*(M'( c of 'In* fan i* w**i vxin'inc. In',!.*."!! t X\<it.|il ajipear iftfti flip •Uii.ii-J 'WbrMiiiinc ".. il!spJ;i\rd !*\ the ruthta* rv, wl.o ui tljrsi .t^.-ii il.-iim »W< nf ihcii *v.m.! ncaiu»l til**rioter a* ' mil r..i at Mnnn whffl !- liiv.-jim' ah-i*tii'«-i. <•»'• --nry in i^pol rlreir a «-a»lt-. T!n' 'ii>.»'^ititV( n„(| |)rojirr«* i*f I,i* !?■- fotmi-p ii n hv ^i-lw-ri r.(nn tlir cimimManc thai ""'" > 'f <'"«n art ,,,..(-.-i;-<t i» ;,ri on ilu^ol fiMi-ivi-ir ir'i^i*n' in m—h*> uirh sha'p wca po»< a.ui i>uc\<"> fi»1' or 5(yne3. W'.ili' wo>r litis -.,„„,(-,,, on t!m mr-rUs |lf ih.T.i..\\\rnM\ a*hl 'i.aMinv will Imrtiy ife- \.-I«.|>.« cc truih, aud ,a( ifan\ pive jiitaiion or iiaditf severity »v«»n» *• .pia\.-<l o<( iiM* utihappi or.-.i-ion tin* ivf.>rm«*r- KSl\\ llo f;i,| ,,, pm ira. them \<'hl) ihe ntmiw ^0^ „r rnintni-'e, and ur- tl .r*».»Ml\i. i c iutcro|u%iair .*»-*l■ »•-* «*i" Sir Fran^i- B*irdi*M iwMm* Ri«*#*«i>«% nf WK-riirin, s.i*t *irrjia*sr» ^M 'h" 1.1 <• ■ ■-±1 t-in-:. of ill*' refin n- i * tu. \ in • -\i"-.-na. inrr a-•! ^'KurrlPv. ami I'p'iil. ;ii"i« at rvcii 111: :i «• • 1 i • * i»i" dt-aJl'.'iMi'*n (• t'" r*n"-'ih.f: >rat" tniii-v, I'lc mask of \ a - riotom hn ilropi d f am 'lit* fore, of (hi* i'oa*-Jpd r"'aiii|iiou of |i!iT \. a -I '-'ioi *■ I.on Wlpn^^d in Id* 11 in- r';;i"fi. irr :is;i 'n.Tf ui'ranizerr>f faction, art! a I-1;? '••, r:f •»:■• faVil* 'i'-c \.i\ ■! account--from Ppain rftpr.iion, tin*' iioi offir a 'v. *ti*' i:r" '»nnntiiMMi|" (li-» Ki*>£ on; to ralfv 'In* 'i.*ffiv i-» Mice*** km of Florida (•* fh?" Un- I'll S atC5. 1 :* in*8*'W could no havr horn iijitirirair:! f:oir. Ih** relative -■•ioaoion o*' t!ie parii'-i and wo-"' a:ir..»*' warrant an ir.lV.- !■»(•• 'ha* M'p *:ta.-o ;: i<n'a**c!| was BeerPtlj of f"r- ..' a*-i*tarrp l>v n ier Kuroncan powe's.— Whatever may !*.• lllr find d^ci .on of Spain «n t!.i-point, it is not i.<- vlnrrt of crnai;n\ iliai o»:r tiCi*hhours are r fj'ysnI o^ nb'ainina: Dor'U da, ami ilia'tlie rrj c .-;i of ihr irea*y tt.Ml no: i!»"rrthcai f.ora ;uk.ii*^ j;o«sf-^ionof that etnm- try. On Saturday, the 8th in{l;mt, 2 daugh ter of Mr Wjiliitn Krfchclon, junior, a- gcd fix years, left the dwelling of her fath¬ er, who i* a refpeftahlr farmer in the town- fhip of sichnv, aud went to a neighbour inj; hoife /\s (he did n >t icfiun liome, the fan*:i'y became alarmed, end iummontd the people of the neighbourhood to their nfhllance early next morning. A fearch wa- immediately fet on f ot and prolccu ted with unremittino affi.hjity during ihe fix Bdlowtng d-iys by the relative- and the inhabt ant of Thurlow. Sidney and \mc- liasbuigh —b t thefe exertions were un fuccef'ful, and all hopes of difcoverinp; the child we»e nearly abandoned—A party. ho we vet, aflembled on »Viind:-.y the 17th with a determination to n»n!;e another snd a final 1 iTirt to alcertai'-. the fate of the un- fortunate gi'1, and towards the clofe oi the day. after a diligent fearch, a y ung man named Lummina found her leaning again(1 a tree, about two miles from the place where it appears /he had entered the woo*1; shewasaiivc.but in a very weak & exhausted (late—He took hei in hi* arms* and quick hrtllored her to her diTpaiing ;md af fJided parenta. she faid that on return- lOg ho i-ewc'rdi Tom the Reig'hbf*u.rT> houfe flic bad iufenfiSlv iiraved into rrie woods and had in vain attempted lo tegain the braten path thai wh- c U\ the woods, (he lu'.U'Oitel «ifc hi means of the berries and acom , winch (he found in her way, and that on the aj.^1 »ach of n-tghi (he lay down under l"i*s.—When rhc eddnefs nf :he nine days and nights during which (he waa cxp 'fid to the wind anrj frequent raunu is conCdered, her prelervaiiun may well be accounted exliaordi ary and providential. The humane conduct of the inhabitants of the above named townfhips is above all pmift, eilM \ipmn\ ufi$ fflltt to render their lfillance ih lelcninn the lit* ;le innocent from the grafj> of death, and from i 50 to 7.50 periuns attended daily. D'trinp ilii'.wv.ic ;rale lav Thc n*av nl^lH th** Schooner KamMpr, from Safke 's U;.r,'oiJi nvinu oil liiiant $txnw |»a "•tiir^r-Vt*-»..ii-| \ t<-..anrla I".m\ rvon'l- "f I'm'!*, \\;i* ill-hi'ii a-lhiiP 111 Hpid** I!a\,on '.Noll.* I \Aitd. Tin' mi.'..i*|i i-mid to In- ^rcatl.v Hama^'-I. bui fortunairtt mi lues »eic I,i-i. 'fhc vi -M-l i> -nil la t on Hie roii.-. which he wasa ralralileana unotitrvsiTr mecj- *>er. EVENING SCHOOL. ON Monday the 29th of Oflober in- Hani, an EVENING SCHOOL wilt commence in an uopei room in Mr. Miles* dwe, ing h.>ufe, lor inrtrnrting- yonth in Heading, fyllematic Writing! \riilnnetic, Englifh Gidrr.mar,Gto^rai»h. y. Elocution, &c. Y -u:h wifhmgto flu- Uy any of thc ah »vr memiuned b»aache9 will be th tnkfu ly admitted, aiui aOi iuous attention will be given. For terms en¬ quire a' this office, or A the i'chool room. Kindlon, OcX. iS, 189. 43^^ >NJ Monday night the 18th inft, the More of the Mib&criber wa-» br ke < pen and to the Emoij't of 7c Dollars or upwards in c*fh carried away : alio a few large C'tton Shawl-, one remarkable Fo¬ reign red Scarf, upwards of four yards \r\ len th. one end of which ruhly ornamen¬ ted with goU thread,, the Other end plain. Whoever may give luch information a*- will lead to the recovery -if any of nid anicles will be hardfomely rewarded by applying to the fubferibcr. . For SAMUEL AYKROYD. DoNAtD URCHISO.N. Kingston, \Cjth Od 1^19 ^ To Merchants, Farmers^ .y others* 1 — * * A MAN, that can produce a rood cha- rafter, wiibe* to be • mpioyed as a ftrvant, A line addrcfied to VV. S* and left at this < ffice. will' b? attended to. A in^ston, 2 id Oct. 1 tf t g. 43 The half yearly ^pnpral mrctiweof (h.c Midland District Agricultural Socntv, for the show ofCattle1 kc. and for the di-f i ihtttion ot* prizes, \va« held at Adol- pIlusTowo, on Monday lasj ■ when pre¬ miums were r.ssi":»ed to the following pcisfins, viz -*— 1)<>H irs. To Ali.Si.-j»hrnr\iirf:r|n\fort> l^i be.-i Bill, v,> .. Mr. lienry Ti.orp.fvr the 2ido. rlo. lo .. VVtllei Case^jKsq. for the Isi riu, Goiv, lo .. ^t^. Oilben CMapp For il«»2d »lo. iio. .. Mr. wanmel Gu^-Hn tor the Utilo. Ram, ... Mi.Sam'. Drtrland for tlie fc2d do. do, .. TneAi-v.l!..\ri)o*x\ fur.iiel-ido. Lwe, .., litq. for the lii! tlu. do. .. Mr, Benjamin Clftpp for the — «lo. \rearii»g,6 .. Ml*x r l-i.-her, J>q. for the 1st dy. J*»ar, 8 .. Sir. Jon. Cumima^forriic^ddo. do. .. Mr. On in Ranitv) . for Uic — do. Sow, .. IX Jhtgerman, K>q lor the — do. 3 j.*ar 3 S 4 ti ti 4 Criftiea^ and the iScottifh Miir:onaiy CC'Cl ulil, "11nu.l1 ujijrh M^Ffillj M;»j; by a ccret paNSagc. Al Ills ennrt, Iikcwisr*, •iii chiefeutertkiued anumberof youth.s, ftom the age of twelve to tuent« yt»nrs, selected liom the tiihahitauts of tile snr- rounding mountains who shewed a disposili n for martial c\^rci-r--, and appeared to po^r>.<sthe quality of d.uin^ courage. To them he «as in the daily practice of discoursing on the stihjecf of tne paradive annonoced by (he prophet., and of his own power oi Rrantiag ad* mission 5 and at certain ttmes he euuscd draughts of a soporific nature to !>.■ ad¬ ministered to ten or a dozen of thc youths; and when half dead with sleep, he had them conveyed to the srvtral apartments of the palaces in thp gard«*u. Upon awakening from this state ol I'fhar- K>, their senses were struck with all (!• delightful cfbjects thai have Ijth dc-rri. !)od, aiui each pfrcrlvid l»im? elf surroun¬ ded by lovely darnels, sinking, playing and attracting his n sards |>y the t.iost facinating caresses : serving him also u it li delicate vr-:ntU and o\qui-irV v« iftrs ; until into\icaftrd with c\ci^< ol i ni«*v- mnnt, amidst actual tivnb'fs of milk and wfnr, he belii-v; d himself a<Burcdly in paradise, and It'lt si it 1111 willingness to loltUCiuish its delights. NVIipu four or hre days had thus i>*'t n paj^cd, flicy wire thrown oner1 more into a slate of somnolency,and carried out oi the gar- di-n. Upon their being introduced to his-presence, and tioe>tioiied b\ him as r" irllere tin y had been, their answer rtus Min paradise, through the Uvoar of vour highness :" and th-n before tlie ivhnle court, \% ho listened to them with agiTcuriusity and asloniihment, the) ..iiif a circumslanlial account of the renes to which the\ had been witnesses. Fhe chief thereupon addressing them, •lid—l" wf» havt* t\w assnrauces ol our rio'jl.rt, that he ttllQ ihictids liis loid >hall inherit paradist', aad If you show 4 ki do. 3 year? old lliii<*i J live moaiiis old, «ji *uk-o.hujou size,a cfl-i > nation ill S Mr. George Dowgta*S^»r -*W -♦cai (*jc*i»^ Air. ,tO:Cpll OlUWa r*r»f»r tin'hesl san.ji| of Win-at,account u':? wiiia-cenitlfaii that iheMiuie «ft» «,,,U| ^ neltl of not res loan b acres, Wr.TJJwaa* look, for the bestiampje . Liiirl*'\............................ Mr. (Mia McKr«z*c, fur \hv best do. ot* j*-*ii"*\.......#•• .....•..••...... M . |Ji*'i1 Cl;:|.|i, lo tl■«■ i-t hi-.-t l^OU^hiag, 10 ;.; .....rci * > '- .i«r,-iW Uiefel i\o. d<». 7 a.i. i tvun^ii* i»r tilt 3d do. dj. 5 ■ « 3 Messrs Editors\ 'ornt f\v weeks ago- we country f »lks heard tint the cor-»- c»fnn infant had bren f un 1 in h ing'l.n ; and ns vei think ic an aboii.inable wicked thing, Wc have hi en upon the I'd* k out every w. ck, when your Chronicle reached us, to fte il we could find f >mc particulars, but we have all been fadly difappointed ; not a word, a> we can find, has been faid shout it- We are ther fore anxious to enquire what the catifc 1 f thi- filcnce means, or whether there really ha* been the corpfe of an iafanl found or not ? and if fo, whether there Lis been fuch n-eafures taktn a* will be likely to leaM to a difcoveiy of its unnatu* ml and inhuman mother; as we th k there CUght not to be Uft a stone unturned p.S we fay in the country, but that Inch wicked and unnatural tranfa£lrons fhould be bion^-ht to light, and a public example made of the petnetrators, in otder tint a Hop may be put to fuch nnchrifiian like practices.— If you could fatisfy myfelf and neighbors a little upon this futiji tk» you will greatly oblige Pettr Inquisitive. Satby Ocloccr 16, 1819. List uf i+atart fcinainiitg in the Hnsl- •\yiceat hUllviUcy 5th October, 1M9. D.. Andn. Au*i.>.% Niinnau Ballard,,^ orge .mc;ielll2, I'.Iijn.i Beatify. A simbi^rU, . .am Beam 19b, Comehii* li.gir\. And, : en- •». .c. Jrx*rj>ft {i a-i'-v lt.ja.: rail'\\. fiorge I'aintMon, John C«.\an. .'or.. G. Clme, Ttufiuaa lolenvMi. i*eier Denoi, Haiu.- |)eao, t?, B< i»ja- (iiin D.o -';r, -lohn Evriht, Daniel Evrrct, \.i:!;a Eaio.i, G.or^r .rc Jaeo|i I'mkle, Wil- I an I rnian, lle/ekiab Fogastm, Sa nuel Krr- c'-nn. Jan.- i ri-lj..'., l|:i'\e\ Powler. A*ie1 fiiiben, .JonathanGreeley*?, La'cofii- Giiiwrt, SiXniO'i Hardy, Marshall Howe, s.u-Meji ilaiv- i.-v, lew \ .1. tie man-, f>ad-e\ Uowl**y.Ji>bo . . il'a^-te, JaraVs Jeucit, Joitn .lohi.-oo °. J.uui .■111 u- hi. 2, .In., pha K'eler 2, Itugtl Kennedy, Silvester Kettey, IV'do.and L z£. .1 n cs Ly- s. Lmoi & IJ:;ri:ei>, t;are 1 ImmiI !,»>- See, Han • L#U e, W *< Jane Ma-o. .r* p -if VIrr- * . itu Donald vfcUonaid. Jnhn wfiuire., iJanicl i|cK •-/•<•, I'eiiT M;i.nrr.iii. Koheft .\ionoo, V»oImm\ Ma cm, Donald Mrl.-l an. Hngii .MoC- i. au,V,Wal er McKiLhon. t iioi Miinro, Jatnefl tfrNubb, John w. Meyers, John Orr, l*eter 1 rent t, Daniel Ouiwaer, Thoma- H. I'o^er.s Owen'l^ Jarao on. I \q, f'ailw • line Ro-e, Margaret Stco^on, Jamrs Spenerr, .liiiiii Mnith, Cailierlne Spragg, Adam V« Sity* !»*r, Sylv«-iii*> SjJta^, Jiinu-- Muarl, S.n..ii|..n fi reiTef, Re*. John Tuke, tt illiam Trowbr".ge% Ai.iiiew Tliom oa. 2, William Thoaixoi > Da .el r?inin.«oii3, J.IMK, Tornlnill, I q. William Tay¬ lor, peier Vttii sciver, w. H. Walbritl--, James \\ .loii,^, Nomoho Veb*ter. Doctor *k.'H*iainaj \tberi WHIiniqt, Jaob Willis. Reuben . Way. m T ' ' \* \>\n\>u. }>-• V.. .r.' We have to >ay. in nplv to Atr. Prtrr I n q" 1 - -...... that we did hear of an infant being round rioi; i-l Mwret line ago m ttteviciiiii^ of the town, but kvr inu-t be* l^u-e to refer our enrre^poa- lUft to ihr Coroner for partituTar*. He no douo. perfo rnej his duty on the occasion, and if u hail been ihonphi proper to publish the report, he uoulil, u-e think have communicated it to u? tor that pHjpQ*6. »1 1* 1 •i T n ir.; plca^'icin nlines in» this first (xl.;biiioi .n the Midland tii-triri. loewicetiiig tta»»iienJ«*d by a number ot the mo?* ic ui-ctatoY Catiiters from Ernest To^n, Irnl-i.cKyUuijfii ^^olpini-tonn. 'the show uJ Cattle wa* uiticti gt»atei than rthat had beca expect 1 d, and if die anviins had bciM appointed (jna.Tj otlierdu\ m itsrweci{ ihau Mod-lav, \,e arc peiMicdec a iwiuifibave been morcfeiierailj ut 1 ended by iiie farmers from other »ou iM.ips, ni;m\ ot wiiom v\e uvder$t3lld, vr»\ jrupnlv drilmrd leUAtng llu'ii lOfflCs lo drive rhCU cattle no .lie S uina% — Hclope this objection "ill b.' 11 mured on aJ ?imilai orea-ion* in future, b_> liaviug the half >cail. iin'inrp lixed on ur 1 day^ui ine week, a^ *U1 enable tlie memhers of tbc society to attend uttbotit cnccoacnnig cy^ii Uiai Utile winch should be devoted 10 ihc higher and mure onuonaot liitus ol religion Li:->ides an aheiatiuii in th^l aiticle which requires the hah yearlj rtieecwipi 10be held 011 .Monday, there arereveral Uthers nJtkli ue think might be al- ten J aitil, to liegreivl ad vantage of iiie histuutlon. These we ball notice hereafter. In uie mead tune we wou»l remark thai (he&JlOW of ca.tle, me specinieii» o'pbtugbingt and the ex« li.Lji.iuo uf plough? on no.idav laal have produced iiie bap|'ic-i eltect-.ant will excite a spirit of emuiaooo hnlnrto unknown among the .Farmer1- uf tins iMtricf. Seveialof on- competitors for j>rei*miiii-, ihougli uu^jeccis/ni, were certain 1) entitled 10 merit for u-mi-laudable exertions in contributing to the ob-ei io. which ifte Society wa- e.-iaiili ncd. ^ciuiiu it Is due 10 i\Ies-i\-. .SloscHpi aud t'he*tnm( tl( |Jt«i» place, to notice ine Scota rtoagfti whu-, was made by ihem ^u(\ eilnUiiedat the show. '|'|,,, plynglt v"\ as binu^lu forward under ever) d.,-dva,na^e, it was entire¬ ly new ; the uons reu^incd 10 he adjured b> a pltiiitflnuaii who had 1 ,Ver teen it before; and in read «»f being diwviibj a pair of horses, with winch (be plou^i ..iau ,llU urt.„ ll?C(| i0 work, il ERRATUJH. In our la-t number, fur ■• Karl of Chichester and Maroni- m Sali-tmrv, I'.iv masters General,*1 read Lai I of Chi Chester and Marquis of Salisbu* r>, Postiria*ter§ (ieneral. On Monday the 1 llli inst. a man na* med John Cuniiin^hanu servant to Mr. justice Uoulton, fell Irom the Sleani Una* Charlotte, while lying at the Carrying Place, and wm drowned.— U. 6'. Her* MARRIED^ At Niagara, on Thur-daefhe 14th in¬ stant, Claude Broux, Enquire, Deput) Assi&tani Commissar} (Ieneral, to Miss Eli^a SvMi.Nf;ro.v. of thai place. On Sunday the 17th i 11 -1. by the Rev. Oilicial Stuart. Mr, Saml«:l AIoore, to Miss AIaik.auut Banning.—Same dav, Ml. Ill NK ^ IVKO.SKW RIGHT, to MlSfi Ma- kv Abbot,— both Uy Licence. On Tuesday the Wu\ fnt>(ant, Mr. William Moore and Miss Susannah Frill, ol Laborough, by the Reverend OtllCial Stuart. hlEU, On Ttiui-sday rile M w in-i- after a short il!nc>~. I.AWUKN'CK litlU'HMER. I ? 0,01 re, a^ed jh2 yCUl 'fi. The chaiacoiid tbl» *eiilk'inau ihrorgh lite wa^ niaiked by rectitude of prmei) le and prdpriet) oi eonduct. lie was sciupulou-lv exact, aud ho- notable in his private biisine s, iiuassuatui^ *n hi manners, and dtsttngiiished b\ a pioiH tS^Charg1 of the duties enjoined by our itoi\ RcIieiou.— Hi& unexpected death, wnile in iiie apparent po& session of a robusi frame, .ml unbioken eon- • ..,,,..,. m .I- unit*". «3a »<avy loss to the domestic cirel. was wuii auain ot oxrlI, auj a ,!llw|. „,u.reilI ,,„ rariuiv ba,.|»o.e . wai emtered auu uimccutttowcJtoilito^rtofaplougK. ^ourifh- I lcave$a.wclaucholy blank lathe coaimunUv Df A LADY'S GARTfcR It is not the firll tfrr.cin Enrlt^h \\\bo- ry that a lady's garter has acquired celeb¬ rity ; but an occurrence uf rather a Iodic* reus nature took place a fhort time since, in eoiifequence of an unhtppy blunder ref- pe£iing a garter Sir Isaac Hca-d, Gar¬ ter King at -Arms, vas. fpendi'ig fome weeks at a watering place on the fouthero coait af Deviinfhiie. where he was much viiitcd by the neighbouring- gentry, and in returning their visits left his card at the fevcral h-ufrs, whofe inhabitants happened to be abient from home* Sir I^aac iJeard values 1'imfe.f upon being the oldeft fove- reign in Europe ; and in confeq-unce has lo's royal insignia, the cmwu and fceotre George and garter, engraved upon his card, and has hi. name inferted on the gar¬ ter. A lady of the neighbourhood, not txc&ly Ecquainted with the ftyle, title, rank, and digni'yof this ven-nble fovc- rei^tv . handed .t l^MWtififaj&rfft na.i.e card&, and apprehending that he was amanof iome ra. k fom London, fhe took it for granted th.t ft was a prevailing newialhion m town to have name carls with ga.ters on them Thinking it was as good to be out of the world as out of the falhion, (he immediately fent an order to an e< graver to have her name engraved, and upon no account to forget the rCw fafhioii of engraving it upon a earter. 1 he engraver faithfully executed the or- dcr ; the printer ftruck « ff the tmpieflion without lots of lime ; and the lady pro¬ ceeded to leave ber garter behind her at the houfe of every acquaintance, who, for¬ tunately for her, was n tat home, quite unconlcioiiB that it might at lenfl have been a p.-ii.lent pretention to have inferibed honi soil quintal ypense. She however, fott-d hcnciifufficiently quizzed by ine waggilh batchclors, to dilcove. the fad millake (he had fallen into. Thfo is a true Itory, and occurred only four years ago, at a place not twenty miles from Exeter, where Sir Isaac attended the public bail:,, and was though: by the ladies to dance remarkably well. Bdles-Leitres Repository. A gentleman came to Paris to fpend his money, and to be initiated in all the fecrtts of the icigning rafliions Aroongll other teacher*, he engaged a darcicg-mailer ; but he conld never prevail on hi* pupil »o turnout his toes- » I re)' you what," faid the latter, when prefTed on this | oint, M T!l pay you double for every leffoa, but ihcn you mull teacn me to dance with my toes turned in J* Cencral W**, when pafl eighty years of age. manieda very an iable young lady of ab^unt eighteen. He w.». an acquaint¬ ance of Kant's, the philof phcr whom he infoi.^ed of hi< having m.irried( adding* " 1 don't think I ha* to hope tor any poft* tcrity w •* Certainly not," i.join^d'lUK 44 but to fear."

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