Kingston Chronicle, October 15, 1819, page 2

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do disturbance whatever tcok place, to | to plunder. He cannot be ignorant of require their interference. On Saturday, ihe Yeomanry were on duty, but the town and neighbourhood continued in a (late of tranquillity ; and one troop "f Dragoons returned to Leeds. A hind-bill W31 pub'ifhedcn that day. by fcneofthe Reformers, figned M A York- fliireman,*'difluading the people from afts of vi lence, and afTuring them, that a Bn'tlft) Jury would award " blood for blwd"for the Manchefter affair. During the whole of yefterday all was quiet. what then took place- ExtraS of a private letter from Manchester, anted rfugutt 21 a Reoort fay*, that firoc of Hunt's ac¬ complice-; are now in London At 12 o'clock laft night Mr. Madia Tent a few police offi 'ers, with a detachment of the 3 f'I regiment, to Lees, near Oldhim, where a p rfon known by the name of Dr. llcaiey, b»t who is n ithing more than a common weaver was concealed This miii they apprehended without difficulty, and he is now placed with hfs brethren in the New Ra-ilcy on a charge of High Tietfon. A ditturbance took place at New Croft again laft night, the mob conti¬ nuing to attack every decent perfon with a ▼ollcy of ftoTiffl, and fh wered fo many on the piquet of foldiera (letioned there that they were c impel ed to fire on them. No ferfous i-ijury has. however been done, one perfon ■ n'y having been tn'flingly wounded —Hu t when he was br inght up to hear the nature of the charge againft him appeared woefully chopfallen ;and his friend and hoft, Joe Johnfon, Efq was very near fain »ng. *' It i- imp ffihle to exprefs tlie indig¬ nation which is Kit here at the bafe and maligna <t fdfehood of the leading article in lb- Times, which dated that the Yeo¬ manry -l cut their way to the phtform," and •■ fabred a hundred of the King's fub- jeAn." So utterly falfe ar> the aft" rrioBs to which I h*»v-* alluded, t*?iat rw>t one finite individual was killed by the fabree of the Yeomanry The Yeomanry flrnck as much as pofiible with the fl t fide of the fahre, and not even that till they were attacked. and the aft? of violence begun by f!.e Reformers. 41 One circumfiancc is very important, as proving that fame, at If art of the Refor¬ mer? came to the field »rmed with daggers or other (harp weapons. Mr. Hulme (who I am happy to fay in now much better, and removed'o his father's- in Mofe- ley (Ireef) was wounded vWth a fharo inurnment of a peculiar male* and this mult have been done as he lay fenfelefs on the ground, having been ft r nek down by a brick bat It is alfo obfervable that of the Reformers came funiifhed with large pouches filled with st nes, a?, contemplating a conflict. " That fome of the Lond >n readers of the Medufa adopt the principle of that infamous publication, that M Aff fiinatfon ought to be* encouraged** is evident from the following etter j-ilt received here hy th*» adlive and valuable police officer Mr. N*-.d n 1 need not add, that he thorough ly defpifes fuch cowardly threat.. — < Sir—Your conduct for a" length of time, but more efpeciahy lail Monday, has outraged the feelings of every real friend to Radical Reform, therefore it has been decided at a meeting of the friends of Ktform. that it is highly expedient to rid tit* *">.M •»( f*.*K « .. :r-..,i * , «;id it u hoped thatitvri'l prove a Clutary lefTon to others I can confidently a flu re you that yon hare b"t a few days to live, "A RADICAL REFORMER. «' London, Aug I?, 1819. « Mr. Nadin, GftftiMe, Manchefter." Liverpool, Aug. 26. A letter received from our correspon- dent at Manchester, informs us, that the rumours in circulation yesterday, respect¬ ing the liberation, and likewise the final comr-iiftsl of Hunt and his accomplices, «m the charge of lli^h Treason, arc to¬ tally without foundation, no further ex¬ aminations since last Friday having ta¬ ken place, the particulars of which are ^iven below. It is very probable, that on to-morrow f iir* case will undergo a thorough investi¬ gation* Our readers are already apprised, that at the Fate Assizes foi the county of War¬ wick, a bill of indictment was found hy the grand Jury against Major Cartwright, Mr. Wnolcr, George Edmonds, Charles Moddoek, and W. G Lewis, w for con¬ spiring to elect and return, without law- 2 ful authority, Sir&kaflea WolscleVi Bart, .is a member to represent the inhabit¬ ants of Birmingham in the Common*; House of Parliament." The indictment has siijpe been removed by certiorari in¬ to the court of King's Bench, and will c >me on for trial at the next Warwick Assizes, in the Nisi Prias court. The defendants have all given bail to appear a d plead to the charge in the King's tiench next term. It is said that there have been no fewer than 50.000 applications made to (he Qdonial OlUce to proceed to the Cape 01 Good Hope. An establishment on Mr. Owen's plan Mill, it is affirmed, be tried on a small scale in the vicinity of Leeds. The strongest proof of the health of 'he metropolis uas given in the weekly bill of mortality, ending 2fi(|i Jut), in which it was stated, that in ihe 97 par¬ ishes within the walls, there was not one burial! We havp heard fjiat ft penstroi of mo oerann. is to be granted to Birch during his life : and if his d<>afh takes place now —which is not expected -the reversion of It is to be given to his uife. A hattd- som° subscription is commenced for him in Stockporf, which is expedted in a few days to amount to £'100. flight of catetfrfltan fell, apparently from I were, another rebel of the name of Kate- a cloud, into a garden, and were shov- I fed, and fomc others of inferior note. I In a late excurfion to the Kurrucpoor elled away by bushels. Professor Leslie takes fbe place of professor PIa)fa:r, in the Edinburgh col¬ lege. The Isle of Wight is in a complet^bns- tle at the present moment, by the pre¬ sence of his royal highness :'ie prince re¬ cent, whose rendezvous i* appointed in that channel. The inhabitants are ela¬ ted with joy at the event, no monarch having ever been upon the island since the imprisonment of the unfortunate Charles at CamDrooke cattle. M. Gent/., the celebrated political wri¬ ter, has been invited to Carlsbad by prince Mcticruich, in order to draw up a declaration, in the name of the sover¬ eigns, to the people of Germany. It his been recently rumored in the po¬ litical circle*, that the British Govern¬ ment ha* entered into a very close alli¬ ance «ith the court of Persia, and lias not only engaged t*> supply the moni¬ tions of war, but £fl permit many British officers, peculiarly selected for abilities, knowledge, and experience, to engage in the Persian service. The chief object of the reported treaty H said to be. to form a check upon the ambition of Russia, and to interpose Persia as a barrier aj- ftiit*t any designs which Russia may here¬ after medilate upon India—Sun. hills in the neighborhood of MOPgeer, Colonel Franklin, who has already thrown confiderablc li^ht on oriental antiquities by hh indefatigable labors in tracing the fituation of the ancient city of Pahbothta, is faid to have difcovered a co'oflal Jcyn ftatue in the immediate neighborhood of tl)e ancient city Jeynnaghur, fituatcd i»t the diftance of about nine miles to the fouth weft of Souruj gurh, a place well known to thofe who have frequented that part of the Ganges flowing between the towns of Bar and Mongeer. The remains of this venerable city, we believe, v/ere firft noticed bv an officer belonging to the In¬ valid Eftablifhment of Mongeer. By private accounts from Bombay, we learn that an expedition is e>:pe<fted to be fentagainll the pirates in thePerfian gulph, immediately after the rains. BELFAST, Angnft 20. AH the London papers teem with the proceedings of public meetings through¬ out ihe country Hunt appears the mod prominent clnrafier. He has addrcfTed a letter to the alitor of the London Star, in which he n\oic th^n itifiuuates that Birch the conflable was n6t bounded, not- with'lanling all that ha> been publifhed to that effedt—*peaklT)g of the weavers about Manchelier, he fays, " for want of better employment, I believe it is tiue that rrfany of them pafs a confiderablc portion of thefr time in what th'-y call playin* at fat/Hers, or, in o'her words, learning to march and wheel. I have been invited to t;tke a rid*: on Sunday to review tlu*m ; no one bat a Ma-chtftvr fpy would give me cred¬ it for walking with my eyes- open into fuch a trap." &c. Fiom the intemperance of hjYhtnguage, however, the printer find" it *iec« IT:-y to fuppreifi parts of feveral p fla- jfes in his Jejtcr lie has alfo puMilhed a felt r, addreffed to the inhabitants of Man- • th;*lUr uid n-ijrhhorhood, relative to the p'opofed meeting, which was fixed for Monday laft.—Thecnnduft of th'l's man is altogether inexplicable, it is fcarcelyrecon- cileahlc to any fdeas of comrrion fenfe. He .'flumes MTM a leader of the reformers ; and yet, hy many of the rhofl refpedable of ttrat clalf., his company is lluinncd, aid h«= maxima t-tj -6tcd He fecms to be pai- ticnlaHy fond of fifhing in tr-rtibled wa ter* ; and flies from oneddliicl c*f the country to another 9 fctting limfelf up as l,e oracle of the people. He has. h.wevci, hitherto cantioufly k^pt within the pale of the law ; b<»t I Id turbulent and reftlrfs fpiMtO-eiis calcuated both for hicttfelf and Li- yfT-ciateB to outftep its boundaries. As it i not ealy to determine precifely where *icc begins and virtue efldi, fo, amidft the dgitationa which hi» conduct is calculated to nccafiofi hh ve icmerrce may produce coni-qiirncr* which he did not antfeip'tt. -Let !iim refleft on the confeqn* nces of tiie xn^.b in London, when Lord George Gor don c'indu&cd them through the city. They met to petition, but they proceeded LOND'ON, Au^nfV 14-. Extraft ofa letter from St. Helena, da¬ ted 29th May—u General Sir G- and la¬ dy Bingham, embark f»r England to-mor¬ row on board of the Regent. Report fa}'s, that he will foon return as governor. We know nothing; of what pane* in Eurone, as all the newfp3pers which arrive are obliged to be forwarded to ^ir H. Lowe, who des¬ troys them after perufal. I omitted giv¬ ing you an account of the (ham fitrht which caufed fo great an alarm on this ifi md Sir T Reade, the Adjutant General, being defirous of gratifying lady Lowe with the reorefentaticn ofa naval night aftioh. gave dirertion'«to that effefl to Captain V*rau- chope, of the Eurydfce Accordingly, at about ten o'clock at night, the Eurydice, after a brilliant difcharge of rockets, blue lights, &c. commenced a vigorous caonon- ade- which was anfwered by a brig, and keot up with great fpirit on both fides, to the great of fuch ladies a* were in the fecret, and the ennfternation cf the inhabitants, among others, <<f Admiral Plampin, wlw not hiving been coufuhed in »'*m ^.-■* n .n -«.,j .^.»^r. ^^ *t.... »ija Yankees were endeavoring to land wi order to carry "fF Honnpa'te fent his fecretary and the fignal snitlfliipman galloping down the ft'-ep fide path fr. >m the Briars, t.*- as- Certain what wa> the matter. Nothing could exceed the confufl in among the na¬ tives, the great eft part of whom flocked to the alarm poft. uhere they remained until day light 1 whi't ihe favorrd few who were initiated, quietly repaired to their accus¬ tomed place of repofe, laughing within themfelves at the fears of their cr dulous neighbnrs. Th" following day an order *vas iffued by Admiral Plampin to the fquadron under his command, prohibiting h repetition of night cannonading without his conient having been previoufly obtain¬ ed. Nothing further is known about Bo- naparte than that hers"on the ifland."" Extract from lute London papers. Previous to the meeting at Manches. ter< a targe body of men met in the neighbourhood of Royton and Middle ton, about nine miles distant from the ci- ly for drilling scrvic? ; thev were assem¬ bled by the sound of a bugle, and bodies oftlicm marched in military order, w ith pikosytiol tinlike the ancient battle a\" used by flic British infantry, (hough smaller. Five of fhesc persons, who act" ea as drill servants, were arrestee! by t^ie magistrates. Tlfls meeting smacks very much of rebellion. Itrs said that (He Krnper6r cr Russia has ordered four frigrftesto br tilted out for the purpose of exploring the polar regions. It is expected tbatt thev will arrive in (Iris country and remain hrrv till the proper period for proceeding on their expedition. From Stockholm it is asserted, that tlie good understanding bcuteen the Swe¬ dish eovernmrnt and the court 1 f Petur^- buig, is more perfeei than ever. The Swedish ehargh d'affaires in Russia, is said to have received from .M. <le Nesr>'d- rodc, new assurances of esteem and per- ■ional friendship on the part of the empe- ior for the king of Sweden. During (he last month 2088 persons, chiefly English, landed at Calais ; 1053 *mbarked there during the same period. Lady Uyron is now nt the (Jrovc IfiuiM.-, at Tunbririge-wHU, living ro en¬ tire seclusion with her mother and child. It 13 calculated that 200 hands by me¬ chanics will fpin a inuch cotton, a« twen¬ ty millions could have done forty years a- £fo, with the common fpinning wheel. The w>rk-now done in pteat Britain in this way would require h*ty bullions of hands in the dd wav. It i* further calcula ed that the manufditur/'ig msehmery of all kinds, in England floes tfework of four hundred million^ of swtifeos, without ma¬ chinery. The King of Ftair^e was ;n £nod health tht middle of Augtrft. a fubjeft of great *- j -.,' ,T,.., - -,- . rt/N, > * - w,-•-•#! pcrif if1* 1 tf I'd! in. The fculptorCanov-;s buildfnea church in his native town iu tie Venuian States, at his own r>wnfe. ?he ftyle will he an¬ tique, and the cr'ft of the edifice will be more than an hundred houfand piadres. The Britfih Government have fiMed out two new expeditions for the arftic rcg'.ons; the one? ha^ failed for Baffin's B»v, and the other by land, fir Uudfon'fl Bay and the coadsof the at die ocean. The party to be employed in the land expedition, con- finS of I.ient Franklin, the commandin-r officer ; Dr. Richardfon. of l,euh, med¬ ical officer and naturaiift ; two mi.'fliip- men, ar*-d two fervanta ; in all fix Europe¬ ans. They failed about the 20th of May, and expefled to reach Yoik Fa&ory about the midd'e of Jnly The primary dbjeft' is to co-operate, it nec^ffary. with the nau¬ tical expedition ; to a feet tain the north eaflrrn boundary of the American conti nent ; and endeavor 11 trace the Copper mine river to it> termination in the ocean. There i* a pr-'bahiiity, then, by tracing this river to Its termination, the expedition may reach nearly to the north eaflcrn noint *f the continent Th$ expedition ex- ect to embakin canoes, eight or ten days after their a;rival a^ York Faflory, and proceed by Cumberland IIourc, Ifl.' a la CrofTe, Sec. to Fort Chepcwa, or, if poilible. by Slave Lake. r . u <hx- Ztumtoji Cuutlx 1" 0/ Aug. -i3 Tin* D'tkr of \\ ^(IfTlgfnn .irrivpd iu fown on Tii-Hy Pretifng, after having b-- v)>*'ctivl flip fio.itj, 1 I ofrcsscsoflhe Ne(h- erlnnd*. I( "ill b" recollected that we plated this to be precisely the object of M" Gra'•»*-•; journey, when our eentempo- raries \^cre sending him t • Carlsbad, to Warsaw, and upon 11 mission, even, of reconciliation between Sweden and Rus¬ sia. 1 Dining a storm at iiiistol? England, a From the Boston Palladium* From Calcutta. By the brig I.afcai, whi-h arrived on Saturday from Calcutta, we received pa¬ per* to the 1 2th of ! ay inclufive. The Epidemic Chciera liill prevailed* in India. An inconfidcrable war flfl! exffled he- twetn the Britifh an'l fame of the inferior native powers —Iri tht confefts the former appear to be alw;.v iuccefsful The erection of a Statue or Cenotaoh in honor of the memory of Warren Haft- Lgs is propofed. The h.ftanccs of widows devoting them- felvcs 10 death by fii*' when the bodie- of their dreeafed hufbands are burned, are faid to incrcaf-. It has beep recommended to oppofe thecuflom bv fpecial law One India writer tay% u a fine, would, in my opinion, have the defned ^iTc(3, if I am coircdt in my conception of the caufc, which may be fotnr! in their penurious babies. i hey have niore wives than they C3n maintain living. Their relations mur« der them to be faveJ evpenle after their death ! Opium colt* but little, and fire not much." CALCUTTA, May 13. Although the tranquility of Ceylon Mill continues undiflnrbed hy any open a£H of rebellion, the accounts fr^m quarter arc of fuch a nature as can fcarcely author lie an entire confident i" the prefent Hate of the country An inclination appears to have been manifc'ied by the Boodhiit PriefU to afford fheltrr to the late preten¬ der, who ifl represented as a wanderer, at the date of the lail accounts, in Wcl'afTe and lower Ouya. T'lC conduft of fome other individuals bad likewife appeared fufpfcioufl in the eyei ©f the government, which had fucceeded '" fecuring the per- fi»|W of fome, and taken meafnres for the apprehenfion of othei»« Among the for¬ mer were the WanniUj or Aludianfe of Nu- From the Un$ton Intelligencer^ Sept. IS. English Ministry.—Some alterations having taken place in the several offices, composing what is called the mini-try of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, a< well as certain changes am¬ ong t\\o persons, of (he ministers them¬ selves, occasioned by 4C death, resigna¬ tion, or otherwise," it may perhaps be a satisfaction to our reader-; of European intelligence (n receive a few explanations relating to this subject. Former!) the cabinet ministers, con- 9 ted of thirteen members, and the n)iti- isters not of the cabinet composed also die same number. The cabinet now contains fourteen persons—and the oth- r ministers are only twelve, whilst the offices which they lilt, are variously mod¬ ified and changed. Until lately, neither the treasurer of ihe navy, north'1 president of tiie board of trade, were 1 f the cabinet ;—the offi¬ ces are now Iwh united in one person. itlin i= a 1 rt'UiKt liiiUlr-ter. Ui UiC OlllCeS lately filled by the ministers, not of the I'dttinci^ (our are taken away : two sec¬ retaries of the treasury, the master of the rolls, and one of the pay masters of the force*. To the same body are added the five offices, of lord stewart, lord cham¬ berlain, master of the horse, Lieut. Gen. of the ordnance, cud first commissioner of land revenue. The followm^ is the list as it stood at the opening of the present parliament. CABINET MiMSTtnS Eiirl of Liverpool, iir^t Lord of the treasury. Lord Eldon, lord chancellor. Earl of Westmoreland, lord privy seal. Earl of Harrow by, president of the council. Viseonnt Sidmouth, secretary of state- for (he horn*.' d partment. Vi*couut Ckstiereagh, foreign affairs. Earl Bat hurst, colonies and war. lit. Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, chan¬ cellor of the exchequer. Viscount Melville, first lord of the ad¬ miralty. Earl of P.Iulgrave, master general of the ordnance. Itf. lion. George Canning president of the board of control. R't. Hon. Charles Dalhurst, chancel¬ lor of the duchy of Lancaster. fit. Hon. VVellesley Pole, master of the mint. II. IK,., T7..,J..»:.k .T |#M n,bi„:,w,# treasurer of the navy and president of the board of trade. MlNiSTUts SOT OF THE CABINET. Marquis of Cholmondeley, lord stew* ard. Marquis of Hertford, lord chamberlain. Duke of Montrose, master of the horse. Viscount Falmersfon, secretary at war. lit. Hon. Charles Long, paymaster of the forces.+ lit. Hon. Thomas Wallace,X rice pre¬ sident of the board of trade. Sir Samuel Shepherd, knight,5 attor¬ ney general* Sir Robert Giflord, knight, solicitor general. Earl of Chichester and marquis of Sal¬ isbury ,§ paymasters general. Sir Hildebrand Oakes, bart. lieut. gen. of the ordnance. Right Hon. William Hu^kisson, first commissioner of land revenue. part of thefe troops arc dtftmed for p,.B« facola ! ! ! they fay 1000 or 1500—\\m does not look like the ccfli-m of the Floridas-—What the ref 11 It of fuch ud. espefted proceedings on the part of Spain will be, God only know*. The tirrct wear a fufpicious afpcA. I tremble left fome precipitate ftep of the U. Statci agamR the Floridas fiould invo ve us trr captivfty. In the event of any thing new tranfpiring 1 (hall wine you again in two or three days." Buenos Ayres. August £, The American fchooner Montezuma,of Baltimore, was captured on the coail of i'eru in April, by M>td Cochianc'a fquad- ron, on account of having, as Lord Coch¬ rane dates in his official repoit, munitioni of war contracted f >r by C hcvalier Onis. Lord Cochrane having made an excur. fion alonjr the coafi of IVru to the north¬ ward, left the greater part of the fquadron- at Callao, under command of Admiral Blanco, who before bin return left the (la- yon nrat^r* in u^nf #\C tion, hut put into o want provifions. The utmoft activity prevail¬ ed, to fop ply the fleet and nv»!:e then re- new the blockade, v.'hi'e Blanco was arret¬ ted to be tried by a court martial. Lord Cochrane had made feveral cap¬ tures-, and taken feveral fums of money out of neutral veffeb, after having afecritained them to be Spauifli propertyi From the National Intelligencer, Sept. 27. The Texas hxpedhi^n. We would he led to Qippofe, from the* pompous tetters from the adventurers in this enterprize. that their numbers at lealV were refpe£table, and their piofpeft* brilliant. \^fe have authentic account! from that quarter, wluVh reprefent them to be directly the reverie. 1 hey have not the leaft profpedt of lucce-ding in obtain¬ ing poffv (lion of the ten itoiy thty arc fo liberal in offeung to difpofe of to rrcruits »fid \>nth\y%»* I fl*!' .»A'iol tiuft.bcr, at late as the middle, of Aupufl, did 1 ot ex¬ ceed ico, and thty were faid to be without funds and ill fupplied wiih provifi-ns. The province in which they have raifed the flandard of liberty, with the exception of Labanie and St. Atonio contains not many more a fcore of fatnilie*, and they ate chiefly Americans, who emigrated thither about a vear ago. 7*he very per- fons who have ifF.ied 2 proclamation of In¬ dependence, from which one would fuppofc that they, with thoufands of others were groaning tinder'the lafh of Spanifh tyranny^ whilll the United States had failed in itr duty to protect tticm, have themfclves tnft renounced all theadvantacres of American- citizt nfhipt and engaged in a tcv.dtr.ionaiy prrje&| the principal objeft of wiiich in perlonal .ag'grandiiement, though, fome may poffibly have embarked in it under the influence of higher motives. We warrr the young men of the United State* pgainft being feduccd into the fcheme by fuch highly colored llatements as thofe which the above may in fome degree feFve to expofe and correft. It is not by hoflile invafion, nor yet by conqueft, of foreign countries, that tlie principles of free government are diffeminated. * These officer were formerly held by the late Rt Hon. George Rose, and the Karl of Ciancarty—respectively. + The othi r paymaster of the forces, was lord Charles Somerset. J The successor to the Rt. Hon. F. J. Robinson, promoted to the cabinet. T Late solicitor general. § instead of the Earl of Sandwich. Havana, Aug. 29, 1819 Part of the fecret expedition which has been fo long fitting out at Cadiz, have tin2lly arrived dt their port of deftination, Havana. H. C. M. fhip Sabina and brig Ligero, with twelve tranfports, crowded with troops, 3700 men, are at this moment dropped anchor in our harbor, 41 days from Cadiz Ihe Sabina brings His Ex- rellenry Senor Don Manuel I ajiagal, Te- niente General of the Royal \rmy, Kni ht of the Grand Croft of the Royal Order of lftibel la Catolica,andofSt. Hermenegildo, &c. &c. Sec—who was appointed by the Royal Decree of Fanado. Septo, paiTed on the 2d July laft, to fucceed our prefent good Governor. He will be inverted with foil pnwer* immediately on landing, which will he in the courfe of the day ; the whole city is turned uo&Mt~down—the roaring of cannon, ihe blalts of bugles, and the (biota of the peopte alrnoli Ran me ; io»ooo rum»r6 arc afloat of war—I will not venture an opinion. It is certain that From the Bermuda Gazette Extra. Hamilton Sept. t)r Profperity to the trade of Bermuda. The editor cf the Bermuda Gazette i* .,r ht«H'+ /:. rC f " I r * $* Ki- inform the public that an act of parliament has been received by the laft mail, (from our hte governor, S'-r James Cockbum) bearing date the 2d of Juiy, 1 ?! t 9, which authorifee the importation of Vmerican rofin from the United States, in foreign veffels, in addition to other aiticlea previoufly permitted to be thus imported— and allowing alfo the exportation to the United States in foreign vefTela, in addition to articles heretofore permitted, w ail articles, the produce or manufacture of the faid ifland, (Bermuda) and all articles whatever which (hall have been le^all^ imported into the fame in any Br;tiih fliip or vefTel." From the Boston Daily Advertiser. French Courts.—Brief account of the organization of the priucip.I French Courts. We have occasionally copied from French papers, reports of trials iu the courts of France, partly v\ith a view of exhibiting the course of judiciary proceed- ings there. The practice is so different from that which prevails in this country and in England, that it is offo d tlicultte understand the course of proc d ngs. The highest judiciary tribunal of France, is the court of appeals [Gourde- Cassation.'] It adjudges in the last re¬ sort on cases of appeal from decrees and judgments of the other courts. It exer¬ cises, in a variety of ways, a jurisdiction over the other courts, and decides on ap¬ plications for the transfer of causes from one court to another. It consists of a lirst president, three presidents and for¬ ty-eight counsellors or judges, all of whom are appointed by the king for life; Tne presidents and judges are divided into three sections or chamber?, and con¬ stitute forall ordinary purposes three dis¬ tinct courts, to each of much a specific class of duties is assigned.—Four of the members of each chamber are annually transferred, and divided equally between tlie othertu'o. This court has also an at¬ torney general of the king, six advocaf. s general, a register in chief, four clerks, and eight ushers* The court next in rank is the court of accounts [GourdesComptcxJ] This court has jurisdiction principally in matters rc- ating to the treasury and the revenue; The tribunals next iu inuk are the courts ro^ol, ef which t\uare an* twenty- 71

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