Kingston Chronicle, September 3, 1819, page 4

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« * * i t * • * • * • 11 FROM THE FO^KiT MlVsTREf,. LUCY's KLITTIS\ The prodiirlion of Mr. TVuAUai Laidl.uv. T«a» ivIn-n tiie wan leai' frar the birk tree \th fifia', An' Martinmas Dowjr had wind up the y»*n< llou LuCj row*d op her WW kfel, wy licr am'- An" lcfi tier aultl maftcr, an' nriiwrs sae dr«J For Lncy LriUterv'd f the glen a* the simmer ; She cam there afore the flower biooru'd on tin pea •. An orphan was she, an' Ibey had &ee» gnde CiU licr. Bare that was the thing brought the rear in bet e'e. Shegaedby (he stable, where Jamie was Stan | nin ts.. w aW"*-'**-* -?..■;.-... -v: - * .■;'^J^-%7«*- ..WW--*.**\--v' [ever n gniated by his heap of stable ma-^ inure. A proprietor of one of these farm*:, [stating his average clear profits, assured be thai all (he work was performed by ■imselfand one hired laborer. I ex¬ pressed ray surprise that ?nch an amount Bof profits could proceed from the labor? I'two men. Don't you see. said he, pointing to a number of beeves in a clo- rer field, how hard those fellows art yorking for roc ?—Such co-adjutnrs are ■ t the service of every man who will adopt i similar system of husbandry. To the Pennsylvania rotation there nay b° made this objection, viz.—thai [fine farinaceous crops, corn, oats, and vhcat,follow each other. The rnjuri-|S )us effects of such a succession, it ma )e inferred, reasoning a posteriori, havt| ^v^ffcr^^"-? The Steam-Boat Right sair was Us 'kin* Wart the ftlttto to see ;l , Fare >e iveel Lucy ' q»° Jamie, au'rao in. loeen abundantly obviated by tiie plough- —T egaihrun'tt-ars trieklrd fa^i «ofe»-i kn^< 'Banc in of the oat-stubble, and by t\u-§] idowailieburii.sideihegaeJs»awwi he. Ui ^:i\j: manuring of their wheat ground.^ \t all events, the Pennsylvania!^ cartnOlj uf be tenacious of their present system.!* in their farms, under it. exhibit no markvs .y*j >f deterioration, but on the conliary.ev-j ■ry indication of progressive improve-] lO what is't that pitsmj puir heart in a flutter : A n' what gar* the tear come sae fast to my eV :^ If I iraa na enled ;« be onj better, Thcfi whatgan roe wishony better to be } Vm j'ist likealammie thai loi«*b itsmitlu-r ; tin * Fare ve weel. Lucy.1 <va» ilka brris -sang ; She heard the craw »a>in'l, high on the tree sit tin", An* RoVm was chirp tn't the brown maiig. leaves a JAMES MACKENZIE, Mast Will in future leave thc different Ports o» the following days VIZ ry indication of progressive ir.iprovc-'aS _.. ,. -,, . T , ••*. , ,-,, not. BKmgsttm, for ^ ork, an ihcUl, 1 • th and 2\?f days of each month. Believing, as I do, that the lands .on York,jbr Queenstmi, 3d, I3thend%34 (fags of"each month. Maryland cannot be reclaimed, and ofg \ix»ura, for Kingston, ~)th, IMi and Sotfi days of each month. T^\1 ... To Officers on Half-Pay in j Canada, IT Is defired 0.:?l Officers receiving Half. Pay, or Military Penfions, through the CommifTariat, !o Canada, will tranfmit to their feveral Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the pen'od when their Half- iPay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavits of Officers refiuing in Lower Canada Hull arrive at Qnebec before the icth, and thofe ?cf Officera reliding in the Upper Ptovincc before the 20th of the following Month, at S;which period the returns will be made tip. As more than fufficicnt time is given for ^Communications to teach Qjiebec from the |mofl dillant Pods, thofe Oiiieers' Affida- ^"vits which do nut arrive in lime to be incor- Kporated in thefe Rcturtts, mult remain f|^ti!l theenfning period of Payment. CommifTary General's Oifioe, ) ~K Qnehec, Marc!) r, 1S19. ^ M Aux Offici^rs it Demi-Paie en " Canada, 5 Nae mither nor friend the nuir laminie eai see. I fear I hae teft my bit h^art a' thegiiher, Nae wonder (he tear fa's sae fas; frae my e'e W the resto'my claes I hae rowM up the ribbon. The bonny bl.te ribbon that Jamie gae me : Yestreen when he gae me*t| air taw 1 was sab- hin% Til never forget the «ac blink o' his «*>. Though now he-aid naeihing but" Fureyewcel, LuCn/1 It mad.* me I neither could sj>eak, b^ar, noi He cuduasay tnair, but just*' I^ieye wc<rl,Ln ^ >urse that the fortunes of our iarnier>g •anno: be improved, but by adopting and- ii7ursuuig a judicious rotation of crops, I hall take the libcrfy pf subiniiting foi onsideralion another S'Vi (cm. undei »hicti a farm would be divided into se-3 RATES. OF PASSAGES. en field:;, ?iz.' ^t yeafr—Indian corn, interspersed wItl -i; as many pumpkin.s and beans as can*§ grow to advanl.iffe and the head lands in buck wheat. Sdyear—Swedish turnips in drill-, or? part in S«edkh curnips and part in KtfvttM -- Mbttfmg* i...-wBua. (j-Myg^SpfiigBarieyyor€kt5ywbothJ must bcniiid. cy ; Passeu^er*3 ai ^k f£~W ^ ^FFICI' ::" 1U' recoivent la Do- rfe *B A roi-Paie on Pcosi* n Miliuirc, par jo canal <h\ Ccirtmi&ssimvt en Canada |§sont requisdc trair^fiiettrv a lours Agens Sre^frpctifs, a Qi'fbce, Icurs alVidavlti en Igtriplirata, irftm^diatement apve? le terme ,du paiemeni »£e teurDemi-paj^ ile maiif ^iere que |e< atiidavi*-- des OfHcieri qui ie- -ident dans le tkrs-Caiiodn, pourront ar- rivera Quebec avniti le uV-m-. etde ceux qui resident dans la Haute Frartirce, 4* mat I* *i.Cme. du \uo\s suivarif, auxqtiel? poriodes le? retours re feront. Coratm Ton doD:te pl«s dc ti n.s qu'il »e faut pour transmrtfre Us commiMileations 1 Que- drs Poster IcS plus cloi^ne-, les affi* S desOlliii^r^ <;:ii n'arrivent pas i terns pour r-r 1 r- ineorporcs dans ccs«* edSOlbs. W«igli< nf baggage - *ffi7t1n^1irc9-B{g^\^^KHt; ' * ' ' • ana From Kingston to York and Niagara^ £3-0 0 From York to Niagara, - - - - J - o - 0 Children under three years of age; half price: abeve three tinier tc!»t two lliirds.. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, andSw! e births wiucll wey may Ceioose, ai which time the passage moneygdavit i-ar;c to uc pnidfoi al Hie usual rate.—Gentlemen's servants cannotjj^ pleep or«M U\ the Cabin. M Quebec, le. &lars, 1819- Eteck Pa«eii£^rfl vviil pay U$» aiid may either bring their omM pomarj}Uir & C^ni*Sssion ) Cm The !amb likes the ^owanwi' dew nhenitsdrou-»jrh ) < :i' -V-lieat. • kit; i^ ■'■"' tr—Clover and Tinmthy for hay. The hare likes the brake.aoMhe braird on tlnmJt |, yoar—Clover and Timothy far pas-^n , t ■ - „ r lt%V, » . u t i * k m tun»p- or tobr cut hr sulfur. HU revisions or be luniishnl b; the Steward. B F^IKJKF^1-" But Lnev likes Jamie ;—she turn d an she^j lulcg •»' 10 ut cji ui jji.tij,. ^ j OS ^. -ti nJl- _>. . lookit; ^";!i year—Itye. g / l>^ ^ ICll (big DFOtt^hi Oil boara, ^ ^ # HnpSC sub-i'■ •!: r, :. ^letlYC te Inform All ftpDlieaiiouB for passages to b# made lp Captain Mackenzie^ on® JL their f*u**&< and the y-Lr, thai Ki;(hey have ferrncd a connec! t-n ii* bust* Kiethouebt the dear place she wad nevcr|9 -A i Indian rorn is a luir^ry feeder :pS A!l ; marrsee. .Hg^ for it manure cannot he too cop. .. !r!i:i-i I \h . (reel mav YOtrog Jamie ganj; da\ue an f y . . te,'UUl *• eheeiie>&! ^ ftuttiMlfli-ttt, it isrce^mmonuedtrtatthfa _Wweelma\ hepreei on the bank o' Ih** bnr:i !^ nanurc of the farm yard, made i.i tiir@| Hi-bonn) *wee\ Lucy, <ae eentle an' peerles-s JJHi-oorse of ti:e prrn-dinfl winter, becv'ivk LieScauldinhergr,ve,an^inneverrotur,.g<p7;ng^n)|icid ^ ^ ^ ^^ g||d ^| iiSS'vel! covered by th<; plough. This isf FREIGHT p-i(hey have termed a cotli*ec',H»n m bust- ffi?»ess ; the ohiftof\F.Hioh is the transr Importation of 1 . -'"liee €o\~n the St. Liw- Vat flitf*V*?v^> «* - -"^ AGRICULTURAL From the American Farmer. Extract from nn Address to thcu Man/-^;ti laifd Agricultural S.ocitijj^ from th * * t ■ * 9 9 * * » * * J rence, and of Si* rch :r..'i-c of every de- >--07-N..............—.....—-j —.....;-» TT- u , , . . . ..-.II - , , 4 jfluscription from Worircal to any ptrtofl fell covered by thu plough. This ivgj " ill os IraRPported to and irQBi tiie above places at tiie rate ©tapper Camcb r«4 the Uoife4 Futc« »i? deemed preferable to (he practice of vc-^ts. per fcferrel btuk, and i iouF Ktthe cn<\j:)i<ivv rate, delivered to the^jacentto the Likfes Ontario and Erie. servixigU for the autumn. Jntbe lnftfrgdiftvfent (.n.M-iKos. A list ofdieir names Wifl be pat in a con-fl The basfe«%rt11 be conducted by Wj rase ,,s exposed to tfoinjunos of ' 1%lst;icU0US pJace OH hoard Which XHUSt be deemed a miffciciit no*irc—«S"«M"- ^ Osdenshursrn and under son, the Winds, and the ranis dunn- tht ■:?. * . . X « V ' ' l,ul luUhl UL .aetht.dMiu.uciu n^lu fv*s,. „mnr fi/ r WWTVTK/i* Cn »i .vhole summer; and i^ moreover, dJrinu^nd the Goods u!;cn taken Irom the Steam-Boat, will he consideredly^ h ' *■ " Iin^<** Co- at all that time, alto-ether imperative. I-.g-at tire risk ol'lhe owners. g* 'To pr;.vor- ^,|;iV. al, propcr{V G\,sti. the former ease it is protected from lho5ea For each snial' .-.---.- . .- - -. ■■ • - nijurics, and at the same lime, is opera-3 rive iu greatly augn:enting a valuable* Indian corn, undt-r this practice.g crop w* # m) knowledge, been extremely II }?arccl,2.9 6d. which must be paid on delivery- |£"ftJ forKtnp^ton, or any pan ofche Ba> Kingston, April Ssbth, iSii). 18lf ^cf Qui:.(e, will b- fonvarded from Pres- ___________.___________________________________________§fcott: ^> *',e Steam Boat Charlotte, which Vleav-.s there tnice every week. FOR SALIC, J THOMAS ASKEW, g The subscribers engage to freight oa I VEEYiatnablc FARM, situated■ ng our country, it is •b>ervable, that, in ev-- ery well conducted farm, there is a s> s-' tematical rotation of crops. It, thence,] may be assumed, as a postulate^ that an farm can be |aofitably conducted with¬ out such a regular roiation. The ques¬ tion, therf, which presents itielf at theS threshold, is, w hich rotation is the best ?; an intervening crop of Sft'edish turnips ing|l0r5 f^turrc, 01 Londorj. ihere is a ve- (drills, or turnips and potatoes, nit!i ;/n|:) ^o«d dwt'lfeigboase, with a bare and view to the clearing of the ground, as wcllfe,1^:ero,,t l|<lMSes on li^' l>»ouw - Also, is to the obtaining of raluablc roofs that^l^j:,t nurnljcr uinrt* <••% in ihc riiath coii- dellght in a rich soil. ? ^ '-vion, and tkt west b*]f of hot number I This proposed rotation of crops wnnl 'M^"-[:] tlie ' - ,{il C-«ic»#jSiioii cl the sam fttettd* to clean, as wrii as to improv: •«*' " '* ,i,i'- ^*fj ,j0t avi ,Jt f :,;,ecn, .* " It wonUU i( h bidieTcd, rvrn-I11 " 1:'vt eonresfciw, and ;ii:il|;.r (ilfec.i I 23 1 to these circumstances. bows dillicullies but in the beeutni £33 I Notice. Arnongft v/liicli area rich afTorttnent of^f | lIIE Ia'.c'hip of Robert Gra- Ladies and Children's Dreffes, PeliffeaiM JL haw is C.<. haTing dis?o1w»d itself Spencers, [vliilinary, Muflins, Callicoc8,wthis day by thedeath of Roderick Ma<£> Ginj.»harrs, Satins and Silks, IndtajUay Esq. ihv ! i:ssi:iess in future will &G Gucci's, n.s .t.uailKi>, LtuusumiuKS anu®*"•ucu.'ojj uj -i- «• ■•■-----;- , ......■ -wi'] Sheeting?, Linen Bed Tick, Counterpancs.V pei sons, who art' Indebted to the abotfl Chintz and white Furnitures with Fringe: J»<'™- wit! please pay U*ciraccounts with* ar>d Ladies Ssti-.i and VelVctSoat dclay,uml those who may lia.c claims Shoes, Bombazeens, Dimities &c. Slc. ffagainst that concera will please present Many of thefe Goods •'"" /•nnfinnmcrfc.wtliem for adittsfmnwt. 19 sa-: confignments,'x|them for aclju-»fm-nt. ^ ufadturer, and the'?! BO'BKR' Gnedfrom the Manufadturer, and theTj* IvUbtitiT GRAHAM. wh.'lc he offers for Sale at the loweft-3 Point Frederi.-k, '-1st Sep?. 1818. In the best culttrated parts of Penn-lfflAnd these difficulties wit I proceed alfo-^ Valuable Lands for sale, sylvama, their hrros sre generally divi-ggether from the deficiency of winter audi J\ihc M;f!a,,d }])htri!\ C™f? °J ded iatojhe field—and the rotation of&»n.mer food for the maintenance of lhe|-*- } ■" te A^vard, «r.d l,»i,l,n ol crops adopted by them is as follows. viz.^(o^'k necessary to produce the lequisifHr n'" '.V V""-" , r . ,- l,t year—Indian corn Hmanure. Effectual mpapares, then.musfg. Lot -.. m the _frnnf UncesMmi o« 2d :: —OatS mn f'c outset, be lake,, to provide elwrlt" , , 'T' V™* !° t,,e W*1*^ ol (or other artificial grasses, for hay in win-asA"'lu,1-<"' s 1*1},nd> 3d WVsfe poffible rate, and podt.vcly for Cafh on]y#-prjjERSONS having Books belonging Kmgfton, July 9th, 1819. 28 ^.J|_ t0 the Kingston Libraty are requd&j N. B Country Merchants who haveg:^ to fend them tn thc (ubfenber, at his not made then purchafes, would do wdlf^^ ^j^^ the Town of Kingfton, to ca '_________________________________Sand with as little delay ai poffiblc 7TS7 • P„ C ,-». m JOHN FERGUSON. Physic cy Surgery.%i I2th Aya,i>^________je NOTICE. ^ I-L perfems indebted to the lnte Co- • * « * TP|R. Z. SMALLY, begs leave ref- For their wheat ground they are iuj the liab;! of rcservM)» all the!ratable ma¬ nure made jlariog the preecdjiig ninter.| I To (ii ir Indian corn, cats a;ul clever. they apply plaster of p^ris. If*farmer labors in vain. To obtain i#^mM t-uUmS or dotroying rhe timber be must have a competent number oflcn l,M' abore J*nds,«s thejHill certainly -at eattle aud other stock. And tftSs.ubJ<** »«BWewtt » a le^al [wobecu- [maintain such a stoelv he mint have ttnPltop " «»"«««- fi^ pedfulrvto inform the inhabitants^ /Ja *_ n ," n- / j n„/-^,„ rt-j fr. % j •*.••■ • i_ l l ^2-lT2L partne-.ljit) ol Hicham hobism ana .^;^i?^uan?^V^my, ^ halw/« are rcqucttcd to cake im- eftabhlhed h.mfelf as a Rcr.ediate payment to the farviving partner, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, SfffiDavJd Sccord, and ihofeto whom the fald APOTHECARY. KCopaTtnetftllp may be ii.dtbtcd, are ie- v From his having received a regular me-Ilqueiled to fend in their accounts for ad- gudequate supply of snmnirr and winic i fcingston, July 9th, ISIS. ^8-ff ~ * 0 Their oat*ftubbIe, with a view to thcM'ao^m ^( f*encc results that no rotaticnBi mducc rhedmrcd effectMAiic/tors cy Laoles. I noting of wheat thereon, ti.ey plough irJ§§°f crops can p- ( immediately after harvest, and the crouudaun'0!iS lt cnsilie a competent supply ofr^ thus plon^bed3 th.-v, in tlie ia!l, hnrrnwfei'^nter and summer food for lbs ma into- WILLIAM Bl DDRN, cical education, and from his experfencewjuftnTient and payment, in the difFetent branches of bis profcffion?]§| Kir^fton, 37th May, iSig- zGt( be u induced to believe, that he will belffl "P d M Lr Uj • 11 t r • r 109 *-» -^x ^ *»• etocojustjce to all, whole mtstortunesM may render them under the necetTity of fo-kj licitiug medical aid. N. B. To any calls a: Gotten H'ortary oppofite the ftrifteftattention will be paid BAN K. O F ty of Anniin, aiKU |)ft«»u ui Liw^J^l»-l, the sprmg inrariabl^r sown with clover. HUll, in Ireland, in isis, u>t (»i:p!j,../^ Well wonhy tie attention of thofeenga- Tl»e second trrop of clov. r i--. by them,||am] js Ujw supposetl to be in Upper ..r^^ecL,n thc Lake and River navigation. A new and elegant aflortment of PAPKR HANGINGS. i fuuate en the v/it^r's edge In thc centre of »the VRbge cf Fr..\rot, on ezeecuinply uJ- the pureWtr or lessee. Und^r fliifc— ystem,"very farjner, smal as well a-, great, h* in addition Jo his! crrp. abl *, and, in fact, i^ in (he prac- ttdc*o;neli!ing every year a certain num¬ ber of beevc*.. Ry the^fi bc'v-s he is, mr over, cnnbi.'ti lo aecumulftlu the rc-j (jui-;:<- qoaqtUy of manure. Auil it i-; a ftrt kvortbj of notice, thaf, notwitbstarsl- l«i|S thft rarlissew of his &oll, ev.-ry such; fwuiier'ion.- .vitli wheat only as much f»r< ttd a*ii *i fTiPil adit! tfi m mts>! ivcll, and £!iat U10 cjlicut of Uh »iwa iu-lu h «ft«H Ladies' BONNETS, Ol ^C^^-l^nt^?ouster:r^:: the purch-ur or lessee. , tt f - y HREnQuire at the Omceo-z _, ^ty!8'110*' m Cllz. A. HAGERMAN. GARDE.\ HEEDS, m Kmpfton. 26th Fcbnury, 1819. 9 {'.•d lor their trouble l>y BOBBllT McKIBBON, and MARTIN HART. Kingston August 12, 1S15). 33.-: II To Clot fliers. For sale, n qnanlilv "f PRESS-PAPERS. rn i ho. S. YVhitakcr & Co. AlignSt ly, 1S19, i* length.—Apply to Mv. JonM Dawson, iilor. WILLIAM VEREX- Kingston^ ju/jj 17, ijUlk SO npiIRF.E FARMS FOR SALE; j J! or if net fold to be u'ntcd for tlu en- ftMii; year, viz. one at ll»e P^fquc bk at Waterloo. a»d the Picket Faim, (fo called.) — A co»»tra£t alio will Sbc juv n for cuttinc icoo Cords of Wood. B u. WHITNEY. Rih£vton$ i6t& 7»«f, i'^9- 25tf raised by the Shakers. BOOKS & STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. April 16. l6tf. PA S'Dod Bargain ? • • • 4 NO 1 ICE. T»//£ Bvnf />r Miltt.-a Pek- ■* sions, will me:t on the toft Monday \in February, and continue fo to do, the fame& \Jay in each Month, until the bufnefs */m \thh Dl/h'ut, as regard* th: fame L Jini/hed." jOiiN [%ROUSON. Kingjt&nt Feb. \Jt% x8iy. FOR Sale, the Houfc and Frcmifea, i» the Town of Ivingfton, at prefent oc¬ cupied by thc fubferibcr. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY,Jon, Kingston, May cth 1819. 19 '-• *f-T^V'Tr- ■■..." ■;;i * f T.W I* ;<i*'»ft^ivW^ •$*• • , >:;V KINGSTON, U C. PItlNTLU IOR 1111. I 11 lit) RS. >S*&\im

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