Kingston Chronicle, August 27, 1819, page 4

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"i I*' From the Edinburgh Magazine. _ THE NOON OF NIGHT. A holy rapture tUrills the soul. And ffpeechloss inspiration «cizes, As, i-raih the evening's mild control, Roam forth autumnal breezes ; And o>r the landscape wafi perfume, A ml curl the surface of the river, Aud wake, amid the forest gloom, Lone sounds, that riseaud fall for ever. The fields around of fading grren ; The sun descending o'er the ocean ; ■ The azure mantling o'er the scene ; The star, that pays devotion Unto the lo\e!y noon of night, tn silent adoration keeping, And shedding gems of dewy light, Upon the sward of daisies peeping. These, all in mellowness combined. Awake the soul to meditation ; Unveiling to the raptured mind The winders of creation. We hear aot—but U;ey speak too plain. And tilent tell us in derision. That all terrestrial bliss is vain, And life an nn»uh$tantial vision. STANZAS. Forget me not, though now we part, Nor lei oar parting grieve thee $ But trust the firmness of a heart, That will not—cannot leave thee 1 When first we met, thy playful look Bespoke a heart of lightness And shamed the lil}ie>ofthe brook For purity and brightness: But now 'tis changed :—a passing cloud Hath thrown irs shadows o'er thee $ And all is mantled in a shroud, • Around thee, and before thee. Another sigh !—it may not be ;— Let time and absence prove me ; Then doubt shall cease, and thou sbaU see Howstedfestly 1 love thee. Remember how we oft have strayed. As I, at eve, have met thee, So lovely, by yon hawthorn shade !— And how can I forget thee ?— Forget me not, though now we part, Nor let euc paninp errere thee t But trust the nnnncss or a heart, That will not—cannot leave thee ! land require different treatment j but the cultivator, if he be a practical farmer, will be the best judge of his own land, i 50 Pounds * r REWARD. T'OLEN from Walker's Hotel, fn Kingfton, on the night of the 29th or morning of the JQth of June inftant, out of the Trunk of the Subfcriber, which was broken open, a parcel dire&ed to William Allan, Efq. containing ^1000 in Montreal Bank Bills. Whofoevcr will give information that may lead to the de¬ tection and conviflion of the thieves, ihall receive the above Reward. The Bills can be of no ufe to the holder, as prompt meafures have been taken to prevent their difcount at the Bank—where regular Entries of their Numbers have as ufual been made. Any communication refpec- ting the above, may be addressed to Thomas Markland Efq. of Kingfton, cr to the Subfcriber at York. GEORGE R1DOUT. Kingfton, June 30th, 1819. 27 M. AGRICULTURAL. Ftom the Portland Gazette. -— may be much improved by cer- falo.course of crops as well as by the method of cultivation and the applica¬ tion of manure. Pease are found tomakr* land mellow, to enrich and prepare it for wheat. Pease make a shade : when the land is shaded the air will be con¬ densed arid consequently make room for the rushing iu of more air, so that in this shade there will be the greater lodgment of the nitrous salts, and of course, the land will be made rich. The same is found by experince to be #f potatoes and therefore it is accouuted to be an enrich- er of the land. Another way of mending land is what they call in England green dressing : this is by sowing buck wheat, oats or rye, and when it is grown up and full of sap, it is sloughed in, after this let it lie till fuUy rotfen, then plough again and sow your wheat. The Dutch people, in this vay, on poor plains, raise fine crops of •wheat. Forgr*een dressing it is recom¬ mended that millet be sown on account of the cheapness of seeding the laud; the cost is hut a trifle : the $>ot'k atwl leaf growing large, it must affr-rd a good large coat to turn un^er when ploughed.. Beiug at a neighboring town, says Mr. Eliot, an old country farmer had feoen jn the practice of £Peen dressing, he had ploughed in green oats, it seemed to al¬ ter the color of the land, it looked much better than the rest of the lot when Jiere was nothing but a furrow that parted. The farmer ?aid lie could raise land or increase the strength to'a great d'egPee in a few' years fo the following manner ; after his oats tfere harvested; he added some seed to the scattered oats, ploughed jt in, at the end of September ploughed in tke green oats, and sowed it uith rye; the next summer, when the rye was full grown, ploughed that in at the common saving time, ft would be (if to produce a large crop of V?heat ; ill the cost of ploughing and seeding, is not so much as the cost of dung, carting and spreading, if we can get it, but the difficulty r$5 It rs Dot to be had upon any terms ; there are very few such bad husbandmen as to sell their dung. Land may be enriched by sowing it ^ith clover seed end ploughing it in. Ten pounds cf seed is allowed to an acre. If seeding land with clover will not make poor land rich, yet it will prevent our good land from being worn out; and by ploughing a good co*at of white clover, the land will be prepared fora good crop of wheat. In England, they recover their poo? land, by sowing it with turnips and at winter put their sboep upon it; they will live awhile upon the tops, then scoop out the turnip itself; by that time the land with the sheep dung will be rich enough for barley in tne spring. But our poor land is so poor that it will r.ot bear tnr- nips of any bigness. Tnis method looks likely, if tried, to make rich laud rich¬ er. We have seen it often remarked that much land "13 worn out and tfptitlCd by shallow ploughing; deep ploughing is recommend- d even where the soil h thin and ^hallow. We think it is generally the ca*e ttiat when tjrecn sward is turned under, tfu* Bfcf hropjs apt to he injured by deep ploughing. Different kinds of 1 9 NO TICE. ■ • * ' WHEREAS difficulties arc likely to arife in the arrangement of the affair* of the late Allan Taylor's eflate, the lubferiber deems it neceflary to inform the public that on the 3d day of Novem¬ ber taft, a final fettlemcnt of the ce^part- nerfh:p between Taylor & Parker was made by the parties ; at which time a certain fum of money was allowed to Mr. Parker for his relinquilhment of all claims upon debts due to thejirm% and he was alfo indemnified against the claims of creditors by Mr. Taylor's Bond for £$%GQO. This notice is therefore given that all who are concerned in, or indebted to the cfUicoftht laid rVJIan Taylor may be cautioned againft paying, or arranging their accounts with any other perfon than the underfigned, as he is the only one duly j authcrifed to make fuch arrangement. Wm TAYLOR, Adminfftrator of Allan Taylor'* Eilate. Bellvifle, June 29, 1819. 37 J For NOTICE. AMES MEAGHER returns%Uma* Jincere thanks to the people of Kings¬ ton and its environs, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has met withjince his com¬ mencing bufitufs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has Removed to his Nevs Houfe near the Mar ket Place, oppofite to Mr. dayman's and 'will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING and BLACK. SMITH WORK will be executed in the bejl mannsr, at the fhortejl notice^ and on the lonvejl terms. H'. B. To rent, leaf or fell, for the term of ten years* and immediate pojfefjton given, that well known (land, the WEL¬ LINGTON INN, in ~ Barrack Jlreel.— This fituation is one of the be/} in towfr, having many conveniences that rentier it particularly well adapted for a Houfe of Public Entertainment and Store. Apply to the Proprietor. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingfton, Feb. 5,1819. 6 Sale, /rii.iAi- fcfegant iatm ivo. », ftrft JL Concefiion townihip of Fiedericks- burgfay 28 miles from Kingfton, (contain¬ ing 2co Acres,) formerly occupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the ManPinn Ilotiie. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houTe 2 (lory high with 2 barns and other buildings. Perfons defirous of purchafing may encjuireof the Subfcri¬ ber on the pren-iiTes, or to D, Hagerman, Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Fredericklburgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 NOTICE. THE Partner/hip under the firm of Al¬ exander McDonell & Co. was this day diflolved by mutual confent. All thofe indebted thereto muft make imme¬ diate payment to Alexander McDonell. to whom all havrng claim* againft the fa id firm muft prefent their accounts, lie being duly authorifed to-fettle all the affairs of faid concern. Alexander McDonell, Allan R. McDonelk Kingston, zgth May, l8l£. 2$wt2 j*oticET~ TRE Subfcfcribers refpeftfully inform tBeir friends and the Public, that they have now received aid juft opened in Mar- ket Street, juft below Mrs. Patrick's Inn, a very Extenfive aflbrtment cf DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STATIONARY. Lfkewife—a great qnantity of Claffical Books, the whole of which will be fold very low for Caftl and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. t, 1818. 27 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. ANY fum required maybe obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, BiUs 9I Exchange on Lon- don, ct for Specie.—Notes aifo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. KSgfton,3d Nov x3i8. 23 The Steam-Boat FRONTENAC JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, • Will iu future leave the different Ports on the following; days viz.- Kingston, for York, on the 1st, I \th and %\si flays of each month. York, for Quepmt<m,$d} 18th and 23*1 days of each month. Niagara, for Kingston, 5th, Ibth and 25th days of each month. RATES OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3-0-0 From York to Nfaga-m, - - - - 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, h&if price; above three under ten. twa thirds. A Boo?; will be kept ior entering the names of Passengers, mm the births which they may choose., at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60)bs. -weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid tor at the usual rate.—Gentlemen's servants cannot sleep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers \vi!I pay 15s. at>d may either bring their own Provisions, or be furnished by the Steward. For each dog bmught on board, bs. All Applications for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. and and To Officers on Half-Pay in Canada. IT is defired that Officera receiving Half. Pay, or Military Penfions, through the CoramifTariat, in Canada, will tranfmit to their feveral Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the period when their Half. Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavit* of Officers ref-ding in Lower Canada (hall arrive at Quebec before the 10th, and thofe of Officers refiding in the Upper Province before the 2oth of the following Month, at which period the returns will be made up. As more than fufficient time is given for Communications to reach O^ebec fron\the moft diftant Ports, thofe Oncers* Affida* v;t8 which do not arrive in time to be incor¬ porated in thefe Returns, muft remain over till theenfning period of Payment. Commiflary General's Office, ) ^ Quebec, March 1, 1819. ) Aux Officiers a Dcrni-Paie en Canada. LES Officikrs qui reijoivent la De- mi-Paie ou Pension JYlilitaire, pay le canal du Commissariat en Canada, sont requis dc transmettre a leurs Agens respectifs, a Quebec, leurs affidavits ec triplicate, immediatemeti! apres le terme du paiemeiit <le leurDcT^i-pa»^, de man- iere que Ie$ affidavitsdes Officfcts quirt* sident dans le Bas-Canada, pourront «r- rivera Quebec avant le lOine.etde ceut qui resident dans la Haute Province, a* I vant ie 2Gme. du rnois 9tri*atit, auxquels periodes les retours s« fe?o;*** Comme I'on donne plus de terns qtfil tie faut pour transmettre les communications a Que¬ bec, des Postes les plus eloigner, les affi¬ davits des Officiers qui n'arrivent pas i terns pour etre incorpores dans ces re- fours, resterouljusqu'au pcriodc du paye- mentsuivant. Durea'u du Commissairy-Geueral,) 11 FREIGHT Will be tfsmspsjted to a^U frora the above places at the rate of 4s. per barrel bulk, rod x lows at the customary rate, debvered to the different e»aagne«ff. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on hoard, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken fiom the Steam-Boat, will be considered at the risk of the owsera. For each small parcel, 2s 6d. which must be paid on deliver? Kingston, April 2dth, 1819. iW Forwarding & Commission BUSINESS. FOR SALE, A VERY valuable FARM, situated u/\. near the Village of Brockvilfe, be- in^ tl»c rear half of Lot No. one^andthe roar half of Lot number two, ai the se-* coqu concession of ElizabethtoMn, U. C. containing two bund red acres, former¬ ly th'C property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquitfe. but now belonging to John Sha- ter, Esquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses en the premises. Also, Lof number r.&icteen, In tb< ninth con¬ cession, and Che west half of Lot number one, iri the e-ighth oncessron of the sane Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession and number fifteen in the second conception, of the Town¬ ship of ¥onges in fir: D'strkt of Johns- fown. Tb"-<- F.rr' »ll! h- /JKi;.^'.'i«4 **f oi. teFms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous t$purcha*CTS.—Apply to DANIEL JOSVS, Jun. Brvdrcitk; 1 Mh January, 1S19. 4 lraluabie Lamls for We, IN ihe Midland District, County of Prince Edward, and Township of AmeUasburgh. Lott 23, in the front Concession, on Lake Ontario, lying to five eastward #f Nicholson's i^iand. Lots 2% and 2-*, in the second Con¬ cession of said Tewnslup; the whole con¬ taining six hundred acres. For particulars inquire at the Office of the Kingston Chronicle, or of the Honorable JAMES BAliY, York. N. B. All persons are cautioned a- j^ainst cutting or destroying the timber on the above they will certainly subject themselves to a le^al prosecu¬ tion if detected. King>ton, July 9tb, 1819. 28-tf THOMAS ASKEW, ESPECTFULLY informs the pub- j lie, that he has arrived, and intends opening for fale on Tuefday next, the ijth inftant, at the Store recent]y^ccupicd by Mr. McDonald, oppofitc Charles Anderfon E%. a very choice fclcaion of new GOODS, Amongft which area rich aflbitment of Ladies and Children's Dreffes, Pelifles Spencers, Millenary, Muflins. Callicoc?, Ginghams, Satins and Silks, India- Goods, Haberdafhcry, Ruliia Ducks and Sheetings, Linen Bed Tick, Counterpanes, Chintz and white Furnitures with Fringes and Trimmings, Ladies Satin and Velvet Many of thefe Goods and confignment?, direft from the JManufafturer, and the whole be offers for Sale at tlie lowed poffible ratep and poiltively for Cafh only. KiogHon, July 5th, 1819. 28 N. B. Country Merchants who have net made their purchafes, would do well to call-. THE subscribers beg lea7e to inforn> their frienrls and the public, thai they have formed a connection in busi¬ ness ; the object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Merchandise of every de» srription from Montreal to any part of Upper Canada cad the United States ad* jacentto the Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will be conducted by W, Hubb-Ell, at Ogdcnsburgh, and under the firm of IV. L. WHITING Sf Co. at Prescott. To prevent delay, nil property desti¬ ned foT Kington, or any part of the Bay of Quinte, will be forwarded from Pres¬ cott by the Steam Boat Charlotte, which le&ver. there twice every week. The subscribers engage to freight on as favourable terms as any who are en¬ gaged in the business ; and, pledging their united exertions to give satisfaction^ will be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, W. HUUBELL. Prescott, 20//* Muy,l$ 19. 23 Notice, " * « # Anchors Sc WILLIAM BUDDEN, WTILL receive by the carliell fpring ' ' veCTcls, and keep conftantly on hand ai Quebec, an afTurtmcnt of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy I lie attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Qacbec, lit April, i8iq. i4tf FOR SALE; QUANTITY cf RED CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to 8 feet in length.—Apply to Mr. John Dawson, Tailor. WILLIAM YEREX. Kingston, julg 17, 1-819. 30 THREE FARMS~FOR~SALE > or if not fold to be rented for the en- fuing year, viz. one at the Prefque Isle Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.)—A contrad alfo will be given for cutting iooq Cords of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, ibh June, 1819. ijtf A DR. Z. SMALLY, begs leave ref- pe&fulJy to inform the inhabitants of Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has eftabliflied hrmfelf as a PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, £ APOTHECARY. From his having received a regular me¬ dical education, and from his experience in *he different branches of his profeffion, he U induced to believe, that he will be able to do justice to all, whofe misfortunes may render them under the necefiky of fo- liciting medical aid. N. B. To any calls at the fign of the Golden Mortar, oppofite the market, the ftri&eft attention will be paid ; where will be conftamly kept on hand, a choice and well chofen affortment of DRUGS and MEDICINE ; PAINTS of all kinds ; Linfeed, Lamp, and Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarn *y Window Glafs, Putty & Nails. A new and elegant affortment of PAPER HANGINGS. Ladies' BONNETS, of the new¬ est Fashion, GARDEN SEEDS, raised by the Shakers. BOOKS & STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. April 16. l6tf. NOTICE. rwiHE Board for Mi tin a Pek- ** sions, toil! meet on the laji Monday in February, and continue fo to do, the fame day in each Months until the buftnefs *f this Dijlrid, as regard* the fame is fini/hed. JOHN FKRGUSON. Ki*gJ}on9 Feb. ijt9 1819. 6 THE late partnership of Robert Gra* ham &' Co. having dissolved* itself this day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. the business in future w!il be carried on by cMie Sobscribevj to wl.omair persons, who arc indebted i<> Lbe abofc rtrrn, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay, ^rc! Ihdsc who may haTe claims .w^uuiiL "taut. . jllVu.i bviii picubc presfnc them for adju$ti?ient. 28 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederic!-, 21st Sept, 181S. PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are request¬ ed to fer.d them to the fubferiber, at hi» houfe, adjoining the Town of Kingfton,. and:with a© little delay as poffible JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819. r6 NOTICE. ALL perfons indebted to the late Co- part nerfhip of Richard Robison and David Secord, ate requeued to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving partner, David Secord, and thofe to whom thefaid Copartner(hip may be indebted, ate ie- quelled to fend in their accounts for ad* juft mem and payment. Kingftoa, 27th May, 1819. 26tf BANK O F THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the Bank of Canada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills <&n Montreal* Quebec, or for- Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, 0&. 13th, 18:8. 2<y For Sale or to Let, At TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a Q/jL. large and commodious ftone Store, fituate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefect, on exceedingly ad- • vantageous terms to the purchafcr or lessee* Enquire at the Office of CHr. a. hagerman. ; Kingfton, 26th February, 1819. 9 A o'ood Bargain ! • • « • FOR Sale, the Houfe and Premifci, t| the Town of Kingfton, at prefent oc. cupiedby the fubferibtr. For particular*, apply to SAMUEL ANSLEYJup.. Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19.,,. KINGSTON, V. C. PRINTED FOR TJlfc fc'/UTORf- i

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