had placed his friend anil him at that bar, and upon their trial for murder—he shud¬ dered at the mention of such a crime, a?* much as any man Conic] do. He asked from the jury the indulgence and the jus- tice the juries of Nova Scotia hud invari¬ ably shown to persons brought be* fort? them charged with capital offences—he urg-ed that nil prejudices might be set aside, and a cool, deliberate and justde- cision take place* He described the provocatian he had received, the steps ta¬ ken to obtain satisfaction in a conciliato¬ ry way—and asked what alternative re¬ mained to him at Inst, but quietly to sub¬ mit to the wound his honor had received, or sit'k redress in a duel. He had de¬ scended from a line ofancestors, who had sustained lile with a reputation, which was not to be sullied by him. He had pone to the ground with no feelings of malice against Mr- Bo Hie—no wish (o stied his blood—he had gone to maintain his honor, and his character in society. If his allusions towards Mr. Bowie, upon th? trial which had taken place on the Monday preceding the unfortunate catastrophe, had been considered as un¬ just, he would have shewn the instruc¬ tions of his client, and if he had overstep¬ ped them, have instantly made a most ample apology—but a letter was handed liim from Mr. Bowie : it aspersed his character; it charged him with falsehood, and with compromising his honor, lie could not stoop to the insult ; he sub¬ mitted the letter to his friend, whom he instructed, if the offensive parts of it were not withdrawn, to make the necessary arrangements for a meeting, and gave in¬ to his charge a Utter G>r Mr. Bowie to ib-dt i»ff*cti He here spoke in the high¬ est terms of regard for his friend—l.e con¬ sidered him in the possession of every virtue tfchlch ornaments life, or charac¬ terizes (he gentleman—Ii's eoo!ne?s, hi* prudence, judgment, and desire to t-ff.ct a reconciliation between Xir. Bowie and Jiim, -.'-ere ss conspicuous as they were laudable and praiseworthy. He called ttpnti ffce puities, he represented the in¬ justice of the expressions in tlie letter which had been sent to him—he made -every effort to prevent a meeting ; but his efforts were vain, and the time and place of meeting were determined npcri. XIad the letter been withdrawn, he sol¬ emnly declared, and he called upon hi* CJod to witness the declaration, that he Mould have gone upon his knees and a- pologired to Mr. Bowie for any oflV-icc lie might have supposed he had commit¬ ted against him- The meeting took place— he no;v call¬ ed upon the jurors to say if any malice appeared in the conduct of himself or friend—liis adversary's pistols wore con¬ sidered defective, and those he had ta¬ ken out preferred ; and unwilling that he should have the least advantage, his friend begged that Mr. Howie would use them also—he did, and (he duel was foocht with bis own weapon*. Mr. Uniacke then concluded, by de¬ claring to the jury, that he had exhibit¬ ed all the circumstances connected with the unhappy event, without guile cr de¬ ceit—he had described his toolings on receiving the letter from Mr. Howie, flic desire he felt, and the pains he had ta- £en, to obtain satisfaction, previous to appealing! to that alternative which at last only remained to him. lie consid¬ ered his conduct as justified in the eye of mankind, and duelling authorized by the custom of ages. lie again ur^ed thd jury to dives* themselves of all prejudices against hi.-: friend and himself, which they might have formed from r premuta¬ tions made to them before they came in¬ to court; and thanked the king'scouosel for the gentlemanly, liberal and humane manner in which had conducted the pros¬ ecution. Mr. M'Swiney afterwards addressed the Court and Jury, He considered the observations made by Mr* tfiiiarke as felly sufficient to explain thuso parts of taken pi ice, in which he had been en¬ gaged— But he felt, in addition to the charges cmftaiwd against him in lire Ju- dictment, he had to contend with a ma¬ lignant prejudice. He mentioned seve¬ ral calumnies which find been induitri- ousiy circulated against him, declared lie could point out their ouihwK, that he held them in the utmost contempt, and defied them to prove their assertions. His friend had entrusted him u ith his ho¬ nor, he knew the importance of the charge—to preserve it. he would endea¬ vor to conciliate—to defend it, he would at any time ri^cjue his lite. He had three interviews with Mr. Dcblois, but they resulted in a meeting between Mr. Bow¬ ie and Mr. Uniacke. Having arrived at the ground, Mr. Deblois called him aside, he fondly hoped with the view of proposing a reconciliation, but it was with another object—he oked him to say upon his honor if lie thought ths pis¬ tols he had brought were good—he thought they were not, and he declared such was his opinion of f hem. Mr. De- blois asked for the loan of one of theirs, and, when loaded, had hig choice of them. The ground was chosen, the dis¬ tance (1-2 paces) determined and mark¬ ed, the parties took their stations, and were told they were to tire immediately upon the word being given, no time being allowed for aim—th^y fired, and the ball from the pistol of Mr. Uniacke entering the ground a few inches from his foot. he stepped aside and asked what was to be done,—he was told to resume his place, that he had lost his lire. Consid¬ ering his friend as the challenger, no at¬ tempt at reconciliation could be made by him—he hoped an offer would have come from the other sidc? but roup was S made^The Pistols wore loaded, tho parties fired together, and Mr. Bowie fell to the ground. He instantly quitted Ihe place, went for surgical assistance, and soon returned with Or. Mackcsy, afterwards on going to Town, he met Dr. Almon, and carried him out in bis gig. The jury, he hoped, seeing the great anxiety he manifested to procure surgical aid for Mr. Bowie, would be satisfied, /hat no malice towards Mr. I5owieeould have been harboured in hi- breast!—The declaration of the dying man, shewed that he did not entertain such an opinion. Hv* Mackesy was again called—he saw Mr. M\Swiuey shake hands with the deceased, heard him ask, if he had any charge to make against Mr* Uniacke or himself—to which he answered "not the smallest" believes he added, "ewv;y//<///* teas honourable." Dr. Maikesy had known Mr. M'Swiney softie time, always entertained a very high opinion of him. Col. Mackie, GOthBegt. Capf. Swee¬ ney, 12th Regt. Jam^s'J'obin, K<ij. and Lieutenant Lyster, R. A. hau known Mr. M*Su iney for a long time—.some of them formally years in ether countries — and &II gave to his character the most honorable testimonials. Mr. Martyr stated, that about three hours before Mr. Bowie died, he charged him to say to Mr. Unhieke—That he freely forgave him • The deponent ob¬ served to bin) that he was confident the conduct of Mr. Uniacke was fair and honorable-------1 he deceased exclaimed M You have said it." ■ Monday^ 4 o'clock. Srit—I can make any allowance for an Attorney, ft ho, in support of his client, takes liberties not at other times war¬ ranted, but I ran never think it becom¬ ing a gentleman itj any situation, or for any purpose whatever, asserting things as facts fr- m hN own knowledge, which he is convinced is not true ; i do therefore say that in asserting n<S you did Ihat day. I hat i treated your nolo a* a guilty man would have dotte, you told an untruth ; for you know perfectly, fh:t although I did not write to you, yet that I met you in the street a day or two after, and stet- fed (he circumstances, and I hat you then fold me. that you would have nothing to do with t be affair, and I hat honor through life was your aim. 1 therefore, call up¬ on you to retract what you have this day asserted, cr allow me to observe that if /his is refused, I shall be compelled t«: think you are losing high* of the Hggti sense of honor you SO much valued your¬ self on. and to say at once you n\c not a man of truth. Yours, fee. Wm- BQVVIft Halifax, '10!h Juljj, 1819. Sir—the tenor of your letter, addres¬ sed to me, and delivered by Mr. Deblci?, at once precludes the possibility of my placing myself on a par wi(h you in ex¬ plaining assertions made solely under the influence of your imagination. Suffi¬ cient will »t«t)e for my character (how-ev¬ er much I regret being compelled to place myself on a level with you i'u this community) to say—I am prepared to carry into the fullest effect the arrange¬ ment which will be made by the gentle¬ man who bears this. As a banister I had a right to draw any conclusions upon your conduct, from the evidence about to be produced, thru 1 thought in . !.e minds of ifce jury would promote the interest of my client ; as a proof those conclusions wi-rr- not hnagin- ary, the strongest te*lirnoriiat J can offer h the verdict ol (he twelve men who tri- who had previously nee* happy, night feet in¬ clined lo think him-elf cMiiiled io be-MP ltd ton ger. However, it canon* bedenfed, thai wcuwa well of our happiness M anticipation. It run-'* oles us, in the hour of *ffrtCl\our iodra.iv beams of comfort fro™ the hope of wbai is to come, ami (hut lobrigthcn the prevent, by stealing aportlofl of the light fiiai |s yielded by a prospect of th' l. Iirtut fcii miles dottn the river from Kingston, about6oMoek I\ M.^4ih of Aliensafoitsaid. J DLL STOM,/. /' in and for the District of Johnstoten* V. C future ;^nw.ome stibstan*^ when exposed 10 the sun, al>9o75 part of hi* nvsaud, if sliced in the dark, shed litem agaSn »M)0n theflbjeotsaround* Upon :hi- principle, the r"»er of vjvidly antici¬ pating tsoften mistaken n»rfortitodennd»tr^ii^46 ot oi i nd. Men are -frc^uenUy enabled to t>«'ar their distresses a-kl/ composure, mere!* because •hey possess lite faeiilt> *>f withdrauiu* Uieir tntndi from thi* present, jod fixing (hem steadily upon Hie future; and hi *"ii0 n:4:* '"iniude uc* cording 10 the common acceptation of t»«' word, is often really >o dts-.ituio of this noble qualit), that be Uobliged <-• tak** refuse fi-om-accual eviI, in th;- delu&iOsi) of an anticipated and imaginary good. Bin, I have every da> an opportunity of «ee- itii: the banp> an «i! afllh ttation carried 10 a pen. fee lion thai is truly a-iim a'»Ie. The Amencao? exlnhit what I mi-.; sjjeal oi' more strongly than tftvy, peop/e I am acquainted with. I aMudelo HtefacuU} tJiry po^ess, of aile*iatlnp preaeoi nnea-inesb by louklng to lire fu;ure, and rejtula tiiiiC all clieir^ciifiiu^anu plan*, i.or according to u'hat/v, b"i 10 nhat, taev UOyeand suppose, will M (Jha.ac:er< ofthU dssCiipliow, bear the |»**t- f5 mi-»erie» anda^fiOVaACCS ftllicb dailj occuriii tiie conr?e of our lives whh a sang jroid rtiat i# tml\ enviable and am.^rng. Their mode uf Co*1'olatiftn. merely co[.*ms in (lie i\UlidraiVing the mindiVoiij pre>COt ini-o:iueiii«iJce>anddead- vantuges, aod amicipatin^ Jbc lime when surh vsil! In-allvvjalcd or removed. 'J'he reaMin oi' the lower orders nf ihe Ameri**a<»a br*tng particu¬ larly c!:araen-ti^.ed by this frame of mind seeing ver" obvtou>. Placed itsualiy among (he »voodv, ttlifl tlie means of gaining an independence, com- peJled In labor Iiai'd, and expo-eti ro all I be pri- va(in*i> iiiai e\<'ry one must Miller In a newly peopled country, their actual condiiioa aiioid? but nnj»Jea ing <-ubJECtS t<jr eonlcn;pla!:o!i, bu. liir-y Nave roach to hope for, ar:d iherrfui'e anx- io:t-Iv iili-eure the prrcepnoi) of i're-eiu evil b) ttnlUiftathig ihe ^ot/d which funi.iiy appear.** it« nftvfrju woiefoi* turrn. This frame of mind, gra- htaliy lieeominjr habiOral, exteod- itself to tri- fles,uad i.- m.!Oife*ted on ihe fftoi common orca- <vm>. liou valuable m it' it be if* him «vii« ie- Stdci in ;iywn\* eou.itrv e.heie iliere i*^»"in'i;.IJ> tu'ieli trihopc1 ftir aadliilb- m enj i> ! Iinji;>\ .h" maii, yvljo ran alwa\> r. ntlgr ule-abi" and i'!« "•- -antdiaf whiri is. by an!i\ipaifitg\l\ni vehtctupill or! for «*.tnmple?, iatbe Lfi>iied State*, i/a-tuan Complaint that tue mn^^^tftoe* are intotera*»'\ tormeitiin.:. llitrf**p\) pio -;b'y i-—won \--, In. iline will b" nont* when t!>..-. tvood^areea! dnn i*," .i id whoa In* is ?u uiifiirtti'Nime a> to ^es Aeejili mired in the eoui>e ola jot,1|-|}pv< [if. \s :o ;l, lj) way of consolation, that thteroad^ v%i'! be«-\r*|- Irnt in to ir or live yx'Hn ! h ,•.> •. \wy w.-d to .*!!•; in thisMyl***ditring ^nuer, and wb'*u •.•)•«* ha* a e.npel ui.der iii- i'eei% bin tth»a iriereddu¬ ring mi' mouient ol *nU< - in*, h *iii(«tn i.tiher a r»d»ei»lou- eharaetei. aim J brtng^ to iw> u rjicS, ihat scene in the no\el c died madciii I'lnltw)- plcrs, wlteri\eiri/fii VaMiifm. I;a\ui*r h«"o\e iii£ I't;, i- repicaetud a- nnrt-iag mid '»' 'hi* liuridf of the sargeiin, whili t'iii/ei..-- i'oheiiiti all (U\* while a*lempe« to prove to liim that there IB no Mo I; iliiitj^ as pain. Titcoiiler p-ci.ha^ityof charueler witicl; ip;!i- re* ihe AmeMea'i> in re,;uluitv all their s-tneinc* &nt\ p!aii5. no* ivCrjaJn,^ ., U()t4[ fo.f tpul 10 »nai fhe> hojie ai:d suppose tztilbet i» ewn more eo i- !>pieuo is and enlei rami: ^ than tl.a: i hayejubl d' -crihed. Ji rvrtk«^ he i |..i£ri the tew* thai ri % date the progress of itt^nAement, diarefrard iiie aciiial s'ateof ttiluga i aulld t? i'.u, and con¬ duct every thingon&»CaS* which ouU pet naps be pr. i;iaf*ire Several ecu tries hence. Tiiat tlii- er>£crpiizirig-,.,i-A ^a? (h^y call it,i is the means of improving ti -• appearaiicc wf iftcit country very much? canrinj be doitlit?^- Wi**- oui if, ivliere would be all rbo^e elegant and ra.- pidly hicrea^icgviltax^s vihichmeet (he eye.i evvry ttira of their ruadi) vvltere would !-•■ i..c bezuitifiili;, painted bouse irith crimson badi- , bint roof:,, and pea pre**o ciiimnie-?—non «'5, which theowlu-r- have*ulVrimpoverished Ihete- svive«by nrnait.ctnin; on he out>ide, ihat ibey are de.-tiiot.' in I'.if i.tean^ .-.f putein-i flfl) tlthi£ rtithin, bt! s'lpplv ihe '1.-1 vti by anticipating the tune when ihev ivMI '■•.* <t»tefi) remove ii. In the United' S.Mie*. t«<*y ;*•, raiie buildings al- tOc'SI as rv;,:^d".:o»!-iy :\< >,\q Afl'ICUn M&glCiatl nienlioned Uj ihe A?'aW ,t \i."!iis Rntcrtai'i- •.. . *.. •. • • KINGSTON, Jvgvst 27, 1819- * m • - -*«■.*..,..,, . . • ■ * • • ■ DennU— 25/A, $ch. Ann t>; Jane, Smith; St'ctn Uoat Sophta, f'aughn—sch. Stcatfoio, Let lit; 3. lioat Charlotte, Dennis. <:r.£ARED. blfrAugs-^SUtan Boat Sophia, Fmtghn—ttdt sch. Lord &chnm< Swft ; tc//. Itambt*'ry Coffin; Steam Boat Sophia, Vaughn—-25l/i. Steam Boat Charlotte, Dcnnis~WCi. Steam Beat Sophia, ■ti ments ennfd ds ; on, 1 i«*ik h would b.* uell. if Hke him, the owne's P'-. ^?ed the iiotferof 1'iovii.ic Ibem vvitetirver i.'i-'v eiiose, lor lite honw', Ond ^loiiiifi nj'oii whiih it ;. c-iccied, scidnsn be- Ittiig '•• the -u:-leper-on. J f is r»> at* an*h'ijtaiing *pyu% th"»i eveu (mt- runs fuiuiit v, that the .Am- ;-,.-ani are indebted for most of the improvements and Insntmioiid they bOifcl ofa* >iuuii'^ \US ir rapid aVvaacc* in _--- , .,_.,.------ -,^ ---. ,-..... _% -.-- i t I I1IMV" *»* IVV»^*W *» Gt) yen. Jlowrvnr, Sir, to eoftcinun, i eiviiizsvimjynai which in Mnyoiherpfirt cif the hare only to add (hat \*lr:;lover expres¬ sions may fall from tnc art (hatbar, i coo- vider inyself gts responsible fur as rf^aid in privafn soeivtv. Richard sony UXIACKi:, Jr. M-s-ts. Chipman, Uill, Nutting, Fra- srr, and Fairbnuks, volonfarily offered !i; ir testimony iii behalf of the character of A]r. HriiDrkp—fhf. fn^M-r■••• h« <■■ *■ ,A iiifows, hau perverf v.ird himntihebar; Sittl alwavs warmlv e^teemecl him for his obliging, .^nonius and conciliatory dis- position^ liis irot>or Jiul^c Halliburton fhen ehnr^cd th" jury—In tiie ^vc of the law. he observed, Che killin^of a person in n duel was considered murder, and sub¬ jected principal and second to tlie pur%- ishment of 'death—but ho had not been nblr to diMrover in (he range r f his read" in« that eirch a punishment had ever boon inilicted, whore the cond.irt of the par* fie» engaged was fair and honorable— (hat such had boon the conduct of the persons engaged on this melancholy oc- ca-iou the witnesses produced had felly proved. 11-^ recapitulated the evidence, and leaving the case with the jury, hoped they would give such a verdict as in (heir consciences they thought would be ju>t. The jury retired, and after a short ab¬ sence returned with a verdict of Not Guilty- The prisoners (hen thanked the court and jury and Withdrew. The Attorney General then ro^e, and moved that all proceedings against Mr. Deblois upon lite indictment charging him with misdemeanor, should be quash¬ ed—which the court agreed to. [feej «.***>, *<.*tV'c«-*- - COMMUNICATIONS. FOR TITE KIXPSTON CHrWMl'LE. Philosophers have often decanted upon ihe pleasures we derive from ailtk-ipatrOn, and some have jrnne so far a* to gan, tiiat onr happiness POn- si>ls altogether in theCXeiviseof dii? facnit\,and ihat ifonr enj"vijient depended entirely Upon what xtw apwtutcty in our power, **e aould live in a slate of iniserv and de-pair. I>nl,an enqui r> in(*> the truth of these propositions, i* uoi tlesirable, for if they were proved to be correct, tin* discontented man wi>uld, in hi- own opinion, ha\c additional ca::e for dUcouCeii* J '*u& he. Wiirl I. w*ei!d hccoouiderednj,otre;i)ei pr^vocttire and riJiml.*ns. licena,,.!, j-atnOiiu^ to hear of .'SK-e tahht-hmeni of Uoi er.iti,., on I lie Mi** sihS-ppl, and'u read <he A^icfeoof Aquation o\ -onie Rankin* Company wbich mm* tj.il , without having any *soek i>. depend upon, bat (he stock of trednlify po^e*.nt$ 0^ tho-e who pal it la operation. Iti Hie L ned Scaler, alnw^i every •hir^ is caaducted On a cCa|e wh.i.i a4i- pears«:i^ant»c uhen mca*tu i hY a ea:op:i.^on v ,ih 'I »••-.'I r*|Mft'fi " ■ -1 • ' i" t/ * 'l U s.ur.- may be adw.-iCed and upheld, for a loot period, ahrosl any viere, hut th'\y milH (all 10 the ground wheii'thi mean? and eoergie. *.i ilii-ir ^ej-porier.s are e\ha^ted,and enniiot I;ul tit he ihe ruin of those ulii ragged in them. A Far- ici.in theei(> of Bal*ira.over.fatinghtsstrengih atentpied io hold a-aoder the pant of an t^n- •neic'e inaehiue. hnt liafeW momeiHs, the\ fell togethera^ain. Hitil mopped hiD head off I! It m::Nt however bi euirfessed, that litis coafi- d^neein the bounty of tnlurtty, which di5!in- »iu*hc> the people of lie United States, i- rather rare anions dnnteJves Canada na- indeed wtthin th*seffeivyearsaost ifliirded bui ln.ie eacoirr- ftgrment to tho e whote energies inclined them io eu^acre in great dt*-gits and brilliant specula- ;ioas; for ai tempts u oii> kind, will ofieo prove vain aud fu.ile, if ue spirit which anunatft* r j^'n-eral ma^sof Clii people i;» unfavorable to A fatal d.-tret >eeins 10 iiave ditJ'a>ed itself imiver.-ally. and every one* jigging of nno- tber^^enllineau Uy h:-own, Mij)posea that there is no' courage or conlilencc eiiougfa in the ronn- ir\ for the Commeucencnl or execn.ion of an\ iinperiani de^i^D, eiiler public or private. A government is often tatghu iuduty by the con- durt of ii* Mibjrcis, a:.i never can attain a just ktiowlcdjjeol Ihevalii- and Capabllitteu of t«e Country under it»eonC(d, nnle>s the spirit of the people is ihemcansot proving the former, and eliciting the tatter, therefore, let the Uiliabit- 04)tS of thi: colony, ^ii\v, by exertions towards its impru'.ement, uha a splendid rennn it can be made to yield for a\ thai is expended upon it,and the.Mjpreinegovrunient will feel willing, and conceive thernseki.s authorized, to support and a-*<-' them in all iUAt endeavors. This i*ro- vnee certainly attnrds hir icoj>e for anticipalicn, and a- there is (Iodang'r of its people over-rat nig •heir strength, or eXpevlmg too much in tlie com- paaS of a short tixe, thue w!o> venture to shew a little public Spirit and -ttioual enterprise, will arsnredly not be d:-ap)0»nied in the result of what they undertake. REPORT. Guwtnajuc,%i(h Jugu-.t, 1319. Beit remembered that on or about ten o'¬ clock this eveaii:c, cam. before tnc, WeorChap- lity and Baptise l,ap.:.^ ^,(;o rt.j.orI(.j (0 me, ihat they belonged to ^ne of the Boats of Mr. Gerrard, Merchant, Of Montreals 'bat the Con¬ ductor's name is Fraiu.r j.uvU . Alu! t|iat a mau Extracts from New York papers containing London dates to 23d June, will be found in our preceding coluuuiK The assurance ^iven by the I'.arl of Liverpool that nfier next year no fin ther loan will he required f(jr the service of the stutf, mu-»t provi? a som.v of gratification io the people of the United Kingdom—in asrouch as It evinces the improved state of the revenue, and the solid¬ ity oi the resources,as well as a due attention on the pan of tUe lMinistry to (economy and re- ireiiehtnent. The intelligence from Stockholm is of a satis¬ factory nature. ThediflereOCej between the Do* nfcham) Swedish Courts, respecting winch such exaggerated rumors have been put into cncula- LiOO,have been brought to a nappy coucIiimoii, and the tranquility of UtC North of Luiope ha,> been placed on a solid add secure nasi-.------The Steam Boat Savannah appears to have < tfected tier voyage n> Liverpool w nhout accident, and the Americans have UlUSgained the credit of being ihe nr.-l nation w hohaveeaiploy eri Uif agency of Meatii in traversing the vast txpan>e of the At¬ lantic Ocean; In looking over the prices current of the Liv- erp*»ol niarfet.vve observe thai a decline has ta¬ ken place 'ii the.price of Fo:a-J:es wh.ca are quoted at :>!'>. to 40s. Pear] as.es are at 41s. to 42s. though les- in re^ue>l. There i* not much demajidfor Maws \\hite Ouk barrel are at l§ ioi!3, llog-head H'itol^J, Pipe at IVOto X'ioper th'iumid. Common Pine ^at2s toft Id. per cubic toot. Wheal i» decliiiir;^. ;nd>elis u\ 9*. to 10s. 9d. per70 lbs. Supcriwc tre-h notu imported before the closing of the porltj »•» ifi de¬ mand at "J4-. i Sfe Several pa eels of Hour in bond have been -old for exportation to the We"*' lodEes. && at Sft*. per barrel. The annexed ex¬ tract uf a letter from Knjland, dated Ithh June, shews that theteisa prospect of a very abundant harvest in that country. fcl We^.avehada wdoderfuHj tnild winter and ioit'.ar.l Spring, (bating -oim- ^harp trolls the la!- :er en ! of i'»'ay; and there Is self ^WU barley that ha^ v.nod tliewiner, waich ha> been in full ear in many ptaCe-i thi' month past. The grass verv ab'iOdant. and ihe wheat 80 ennrmoosly thick on rne;To«;nd that v*e are _-adl\ afraid ol its being all laio : it U now coining into ear Account* frotft all paw of this Proviows state in ■-.'rorig '•■no-; th-* abundrnee tif 'he Wheal bar- \es*. Soinr complain ts are made of ru>t, b"t we oadervu^d ii i >o- general, and that there is not natch shrunk wheat. T .*■ weather lias of late been very biu*t and IilS aflbrded the fanner an oppoi ruuity •'!'securing his grain in perfect order Tne quatuitv of wheat ral^d this season Ui the eowlit*> i- iodeod !at -reiser lllOfl v [I I'" HlflU> red for the con-fn>plion of its illhabiUlUifl, even with !!»*• aeeession made to Ihepopulaiiou by em- igra*ion from I- i:rope, and a in.v ket must be found for ihe Burplunbrvond ttie Mmiuof Canada. Toe Colonies of Nevrfotindland and the rv*«l Indies aflbrd a natural and permanent market, and we Oitght therefioeto look unhaiquartei fir the sale of tlie Mjrploi dour of 'in* Province. But wo re¬ gret 10 :iv that of late yea:i Upper Canada fio-\r has fallen into disrepute among the shippers at ik><::*h< c, owing to tin" carele--Mie.s of the grow¬ er of the win at, and the uianufacuner. it is A well known (act thai Hour from thla Province seldom keepi sweet many fnontbsafler it reaches Quebec, and that ii lb en sequentlv until for nx- poK.iiicn toliupical clitnate>. The bad e ci of rh'*depr?ciaJed charactcj of our staple com¬ modity, though first fell by the merchant, even- ( ;:'ly fall with inVreaM'd weight on the f. rtner, aod isof serious injury to the? trade of the Pro¬ vince* We repeal what we formerly hinted,that tlit; is a Jttbjet t io which nu-atientmn of the wln-le body of millers and fanners should be eai- itestl.v, directed, as it is oi vital importance to their genera! pro^peiityv OnTiie-da;, last. pur»uain fo notiie, tlie 7>;>.»A-s ttf Subxcripiion for The Mavk of Kikonton wre opened ai the Directors' ItotiNt in ■':•' Baulk of UpptfCtitttUla, vni.'ii, we ruder ■rand; >evi ral mdividial- ol ini- place sabbOfibed for the full number ol Share- penaitudin the dr>t instance bj the Cnorn *. Ue ha7e no doubt that Stock will l.v taken up in Kingston in proportion to its comoiereioi c pnal, andwe hope that the same rule will be observed in theo\her to»n- of the province, UVat lea^l venture to a-en. that the more rh>-el_\ si:» n a rule It) OlttCrved; tUc more generally tvill tlif benehts arising from the In- -'nntion hr firll by tlte public, and the greater and more cos tai« v» iM be the profits of the Stock¬ holders. The IJank of Kui;-ion. csiablibhed up¬ on the .liberal plan Goateuiplati d in the Charier, under ajodieions and proper inttnagcjnenr, cio* not fail directly to encourage fumn-•• ce, w\d in- di;ec.ly agriculinre alrO, b\ I'fiti^.iig a cncala- ti»j; •neilo.ui throo^hOktt the Province not liable io be drained offlike specie, and equally us ful tor all the purpOM*!t of inland trad*. To the Lrp- pi r pan-of the Province, we think tfw Hank of Kirgs«on may bectnne iu a particular manner heoencial, if in tho*e quartets such a proportion iff stock be taken up, as to n«ttf> tlie direct « , ..' ->• n»wna oi i oi k, Niagara, fjucensioo, Amheistburgh, Sandwich, \-e. Tne-e ofltCt^i w ill enable ihe me': chant to ••vend bh ti«:h-. I>\ fi:rnrh:ii^ h to Willi the re.al, mrniihof OCT* K'Hftlly piin'hft.ieg »r|je|es of produce frOiO the tanner wnh a kind of pa>- ineni on many oeca ion* more serviceable toiimi than an exchange entirely in merchandise. IJe- snics iln* facility thu> ailarded t<» (be merchant of extending bis trade, to the farmer of carrying on Ills agricultural purruits, benenis which Blast in Executive Council Office, Tori, i %th August, 1819. IT is this day ordered by His Excellen¬ cy the Lieutenant Governor, in Coun¬ cil, that all Locations of Land fnbjcft to fcttlemcnt duty, made prior to the ift of this month, be rescinded, arid the land otherwise difpofed of, if, within twelve months from this date, ceitific^te of the settlement doty being performed be not lodged wiith the Surveyor General, and the Patent fucd out within one month thereafter, And that all Locations fub- jeet to settlement duty made s-ince the first of this month, or hereafter to be n;ade, will be refcinded, and the land otherwife dispo?ed of. il certificate of the fetdement duty being perfotmedbe not bdged with the Surveyor General within eighteen month? of the date of tht order for foch. Locacinn, and the Patent ^ued out within one month thereafter, 351B6 JOHN SMALL, C. E C. NOTL B TO PEmiONE&S. ALL Pen-toners whose: residence Is at or near the undermentioned Stations, are required tu appear, or by writing to report themselves in future, at the periods specified to the respective Officer* of the Commissariat, in drder that the proper forms of Documents relative to pensions for each individual, may be forwarded for their use— j4tvhersthurgh% Port G*crgiy.. .*) On or about Chippewa, {Jarevston..........| the York......................[24th August, Kingston,,.................r 4' Nov. Feb. BrockviU^ Bath, Richmond^.. tl May, of Glengarij,..................j each year. Mohtrcat Chembh/,^' Johns,..') On or about DruinmondvillcJViUiam llnry% j the Thn-e Ric-rs.............| IOth Srp'embr Kamou,'uska% and on the 'me af^ ** Dec. Mar. Communication to S'.wBrunt. •■ J« te. of mirk, ar^d other places ne&resi each ^ear. ( inium-ur^ finii-;i"- O.'V: ■ A (Jiiebec, AtJg, 18. 1819. 35m3 Governmeht Buildiag;. A STORE HOUSE, io be built of J.Jl_ hewn or eut Stone, in IIi* M^jtrfly'g Naval Yard at Kir.gUS.n. U C- according to plans (obferving that the roof is a'tereel to a projecting cave) which may be een at the office of the Commanding Engin¬ eer at Quebec, Naval Stow keeper's Jf- ficeat Montreal, and at (he Comr. ifiion- er's Office at thifi place. Pcrfons deli ^us of contratting leparately for the Mafon's, (by the toizc) Carpenter's, or Ctfft Itou work, or to wholly finift tb.* btiild- g, digging the foundation, and Cw/veting the roof with tin—will fend in fealed tenders to the latter Office, on the 1 ith of Octo¬ ber next, naming two fuffic-ent feenritiea fur the due perfoimance and pioper exe¬ cution of the worts by the 30th Sentera- ' ber 1820. Other tender? will alfo be received for creating the building xviih wood instead of the Cast Iron 'work fir the inftde. as descri¬ bed in the drawings. Whether the buil¬ ding is put up with or without the Call lion wile, the Stone will he allowed to» be quarried on the King's ground, and all the timber materials furnilhed from this yaid. EDWARD LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. Naval Yard, Kingfton, 23d A'gufl, 1819 3J N. Ij. Tenders ictll only be received- from BRITISH SUBJECTS, nor xcitl any FOREIGNER be allowed to have an interest in the Contract. __________________________________V.. L. * ALL ptrfnns are hereby forbid tres- pasMng, in anv tvajf whsrevt*- n^^ k>l uumber mx, in the fifth concession of the Township of Kingston Western addi' tion, on pain of being profecuted to the utmost extent of the law. DARIUS SMITH. ffingston9 August 23, 1819. 35w3 a certain dcynr* be experienced every where ibrOUghoul Ihe l'r»f*ince; ihe Upper Cnnntry merchants may at a!I lime> be Inriiistifd at Kiii»'tuti with specie or wtcb draugitts a* will serve for reiniitaiices jy Montreal, tor the Barik p.iprr in their pusse^on. Under this new of the subject, \\c feel assur¬ ed that the [Qtvns in the Upper parts ot* the Province wiil take their due proportion of Stock, from a ctniviCttOO that it will be their in- tere>t t«* do >'?. Perhaps oQr Corre<pondf.nt, win) speaks of the principle of anticipation, a> it ha*manifested ii&cjj in tnetonnationol liankh in the United States, nifty co.isider the above ob- servariOns as dictated under a principle .-ome- wliat xinilar, but we have no ideaof anticipating lilt successful establishment of a Hank withuut ca|:iial, vr of eocdtfraging extravagant specu- lation Surgeon Dentist. A LL operations performed upon the Teeth, by J. R. SPOONER, at Mrs. Patrick's Inn. Aug-. 2d, 1319. 32 I *- * His Grace the Puke of flichmonu, who left this (Own Oil Friday laat, reneiied Penhthf next day, in the evening He set out 3$a?n on Tucsdaj for the Richmond settlement at (lie eonrlucuee of the Rideau and Ottauas rivers—and in eou- >equenceot the w;.nt of a £oo\\ trag^on road, WO* olihjred to pruccd on foot about thirtj unle^^ac- eurnpauiedbj Lii u:.t olonel Cockburn. Kotbing can place in aitronjjcr Ifgbt tiie anxiety of Wis Grace to ascertain from peiaonal observation thr actual state of thuse newly formed seUVniPitfS, than the performance of such a fatiguingjourney, exposed to tbcinliueoce of a scorching sun, and in many incidental privations. To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity of PKESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. Aifgusi 19, 1819, 34 BLANKSj For the Courts of Request, For sale at this Office ivas accidentally named Francis Land.(f(. drowned by falling put <.fihe lioat while steer¬ ing her, in pl.a-ant w-^U,**, in the Riier St. La»vrenee.i:earl> op;>^..c. j|r Gates's house,a- Wwi tf M,in&$fotb • • • « 4 * * * w ■ * • * * ARRIVED. 90th Jug.—Steam Boai Sophia, Vaughn: sch. Nightingale* Wood; sch. Maty jinn* Ztland— ?I«f, sen. l,or,t l\ehont Sweet—WJ, sch. fr*n* btcc, Ricking*; $tn. Traveller, Coffin— 94th. St Boat Sophia* f'aae.'.n; Steam ltt/at Charlotte, Lfpwalds of otie thousand schools of nmtual in^cructioiiare at present in com¬ plete operalion in F:*ance. The minis¬ ter of war haa adopted such measured as trill enable the Army generally to partake of its beoefif?. Already 30,000 foldiers, by a prompt and -ure mode of instruc¬ tion, are repairing (he coisequences of lost time in their youth.—The societies of Paris and London carry on an a. tive correspondence., am! are incessantly em¬ ployed in renilrriiii;education moie com¬ mon and more easily attainable. At theannual meiling of the Edinburgh Sabbath School Society, April SSth, the annual report was r*'ad, by which it ap¬ peared tiiat the S- ciety had under their care vevrnty-seveu Schools, which were- attended by 5107 chitdtcu-