Kingston Chronicle, August 27, 1819, page 1

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THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. I] FRIDAY, (jfternoon) AUGUST 21, 1819. i [No. 35. Bank Notice. BANK OF UPPER CANADA. DIRECTOR for the week, C. A. Hagerman, Esquire. Daysof DISCOUNT—*very Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount must be all handed to the Cashier on the dav pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. DA IITLET, Cashier. Drafts on Qurhec, at short sight. Will be given for Specie. The Last Noticed ALL perfons indebted to the late firm of James Ranhen & Co. ate hereby notified that unlefs their respective accounts and notes are fettled by the firll day of Au- guft next, they will indifcriminately be put into the hands of an Attorney for collec¬ tion. JAMES RaNKEiY. Bath, June 30, 1819. 27-tf New Goods. LAMB &M'DON ELL, Opposite the Market---------King Street, MOST refpe&fully inform their friends and the public, that they havejuft received and offer for fale, a well chofen and general affortment of DRY GOODS 9 among which are the following articles, VIZ. Weft of England Cloths and Caflimeres, ftair carpeting, Kidderminfter do. Jeans, Fuftians, Bombazettes, Bombazeene, drab, blue, gray and yellow Nankeens, lrifh Lin¬ ens, Linen fold and Maddapollum minings, ftearo-loom (hirting6, Sallampores, lung cloths and Baftaee, Manchefter & Glas¬ gow ftriped Cottons,Turkey stripes,checks and Ginghams, Dimity, Chintz and Cali¬ co Furniture. Cambrics, Calicoes, Lenos and Muflins, Lutestring and Sarfnet Silks, black Florentine, silk Veils, Shawls.Scarfs and Han$kmhkf§, Canton crape, Canton crape drtffes, dflbrted colors,cotton Shawle and Handkerchiefs, silk, coaon and wors¬ ted Hofe, rilk, kid and beaver Gloves, Thread, silk and cotton Laces, Ribbons, Tapes & Bobbins, Counterpanes,Marfeilles Quilts, silk and Cotton Shambray, Linen Bed Ticks, bleached Sheetings, Hum- hums, Derrys, brown Hollands, Dowlas, Sec. &c. &c ALSO, A few pairs STAYS. Kingston, 2d July, 1829. 27 NOTICE" THE subscribers beg leave to inform the public, that they have entered into Copartnership, and that they will jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under the firm of LAMB 8f McDONELL. Wm. B. LAMB, ARCH. McDONELL. Kingston, June 2d, 1819. 27 Cull Slaves and Charcoal. WANTED, a few thoufands of Cull Staves ; alfo, a few hundred bush¬ els of Charcoal, for which Cash will be paid on delivery at the Kingfton Brewery, by the fubferiber. THOMA*? DAT/TON" Kingflon, July tj, 1819. «o Valuable Lands for Sale in the Township of Hamilton* LOTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Ccn- ceffion, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- cefiion, containing 4J0 aces. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acre?. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcafilc 0ftftri& and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Ellas Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingflon. Thomas S Whitaken Kingfton, May 28, i8iq. 22tf GEORGE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engi¬ neer Department, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced bufinefs next door below Mr. George Doug!af6*g, Store Street; where every article in his line may be had on the moft reasonable terms, and on the (hortcft notice. The following rates of charges are fubmftted. Horse Shoeing, all round 6/8 — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April 5//;, 18 19. 15 toTjS; ~ /if ND pofleflion given the m Auguft €Ot next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store Street, opposite the Post Office, lately occupied by Mt. Edward Jones.— For particulars apply to the subscriber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July* 18*19. 29 FOR SALE" A LARGE, commodious two ftory ftone HOUSE, with Out Honfes and Garden, situated on a half acre lot, in the Village of Bath. For terms apply to the Subfcriber. JAMES RANKEN. NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the Dire&or's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice* Kingfton, 27th July, 1819. 3r Midland District Agricultural So¬ ciety. THE Committee of the Midland Dis¬ trict Agricultural Society announce to the Publ'c their wifli to have a Dis¬ trict Show at Adolphuftown, Oil Monday, the 18th Odober, and offer the following premiums to Farmers. 20 dollars for the first best Bull, raised in tbc Pro¬ vince, and owned in the District, second ditto, best Cow. second ditto, best Ram. second ditto, best Ewe. second ditto. best yearling Steer or Heifer. best Boar. second ditto. be*t breeding Sow. best Heifer of three years old. best ploughing ofoncquaricrof an acre* wilh oxen or horses. second ditto, third ditto, best sample of Wheat, accompanied by Certificates thai lire same is a specimen of a whole field consisting of uot less fhan five acre?, for the be*t sample of Barley, ditto, best sample of prime while Teas* for the best improved Plough, suited to theajjriculiure of the cntuifrv. 81 Government Contract. Fresh Beef WILL be required for the ufe of His Majesty's Troops, &c. stationed at Kingston, Point Henry, and Point Fre¬ derick, for fix months, commencing on the 25th September next, and ending the 24th March following, the quantity a- bout 1000 lbs. per day, but fubjeft to incr#afe or diminifh. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office until 12 o'clock on Friday, the 10th September ; the price must be inferred in words at length, and the names of two Sureties given for the due performance of fuch Contraft as may be entered into. Commiffariat Office, Kingston, zoth August, 1819. 34 Charcoal. * # • • ^v/v/Tv use of the Naval Yard, on Point Frederick, to be delivered by the 81k! December t:ext. 30th Sept. 1000 ) half the 3lst Oct. 2000 ( quantity tobe 30th Nov. 1000 £ made from .31m Pec looo j haul wood. Persons desirous to contract for the supply of the same will send sealed ten¬ ders to this place on the 1st September next, at twelve o'clock at noon. E. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper* Xavax> Yard, Kingston, 14th A .'susr, 1S19. 34 Removal. • « 10 do. 10 do. 5 do. 8 do. 4 do. 6 do. 3 do. 6 do. S do. 4 do. 8 do. 8 do. 10 do. 7 do. 5 do. 5 do. 3 do. 3 do. 10 do. Bath,. June 02,1S19. 2 7-tf JOHN DEAN HAS jutl received, and now offers for Sa'e, at the New Store, next door to Mr A. P. Forward's Hotel, in the Vil¬ lage of BATH, a general rt{Tortment of BUY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery & Hardware, Unusually I*ow for C<tsh% or most kinds of Country Produce. In fome instances where PUNCTUALITY may br* RELIED UPON. x very short credit may be given, and in fuch cafes only. Bath, Aug. 2, 1819. 32 TO LET* A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Doftor Keating'*, two stone? high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— For further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, jj& June, I8J9. 23 ENK V McKlBBON left the Coun¬ ty of Antrim, and parish of Lough- gill, in Ireland, in 1818, for Quebec, and is uow supposed to be in Upper or Lower Canada.—Any person having in¬ formation of the said jVIcRibbon, wheth¬ er living or dead, and will direct a line to (hat effect, to the Chronicle Office, Kingston, UpperCanada, nill be reward¬ ed for their trouble by ROBERT McKIBBON, and MARTIN HART. Kingston, August 12, 1819. 33flt4 BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale at this Offiec. 9 THE fubferiber bcf>,9 leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he haa removed from his former (land to the large Rone (lore lately occupied by Mefirs. W. McCuniffe & Co. a few doors from the Market Place in King Street, where he has juft received a well fele&ed and extenfive aflbrtment of HARDWARE $ CUTLERY, confiding of fcvcral tons of English and Swedes Iron, Steel, Nails, Window Glass, Puny, Paints, Oil, Spikes, 9 Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Trace and Log Chains, Hollow Wareof every descrip¬ tion, Prying Pans, Spades & Sho¬ vels, Anvils, Vices, Grindstones, With a fargeafTert.Tcntof fhelf goods,— eonGftiag of moft article* aflted for in his line, which he will fell low for cafh, prod. --, or fliort approved credit. J. WAT KINS. Kingfton, Ai;gnil i6ti), 1819. l$\f npHB subscriber, i, addition to his St MAURICE and THREE RIVERS STOXES, BAR aiut CAST Has received, per jatt. arrival-, ^ 100 Tons English yar iron? assorted sizes, 20 .. Rvrcdps, JO Old Sit.bLr r>.M.„;r> 5 .. ll'*al German aud W- 2$. Shear Sr*r*l, l*otush KeKles of nil siz«;s, Slier and English Plate Iron, Jmw Canada drawn Nails, Pryltg Pan*. &c. JOHN I-ORTEOUS, At Si* Maurice ; and Tmr.F Riters' Iron Ware Rouse, No. 19, Notice Dame Street^ opposite the Custom House. Mortreal, 4th August, 1819. N. h Orders for Mill and other Cast¬ ings ex'outed of the best metal and supe¬ rior wo kmanship to any in the COUntr)', at ShOFESt uo(ice. Upp:r Canada Dank Notes taken at par. 33W6 The Farmers ARX respectfully informed, tliat the subscriber will receive all the well eleance BARLEY they think proper to deliver before Sleighing time, at one dol¬ lar per bushel for cash on delivery.—He is also desirous to contract for t^o thou¬ sand or more bushels of Wheat. THOMAS DALTON. Kingston Brewery^ A*g+ 1% 1919. ___________*9 To Axemen. THE sub-icriber? will receive pro¬ posals from an\ person or persons willing to enga/e to d«r sixty acres of new land on tbftr pi^mifies in Amelias- burgh. Br>y of Quinte, i • aily for seed by the first day of August next. The Ash¬ es on said land will *>e required to be collected and carefuliv secured. Teams and Provisions will be furnished it re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kington, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, 9 Bellville. NOTICE is hereby given, that all perfons indebteJ to the late firm of Taylor & Parker, cither by Book account or Note, are requeftcd to come forward and fettle the fame with the fubferiber IM¬ MEDIATELY, as after the fird day of Odtobtr next, the whole, remaining unfet- tled, wiU indifcriminauly, be put into the hands of an Attorney for colle&ion. And all thofe having demands againft the fair! firm, are alfo requeued to pre fen t the fame, duly authenticated, for adjuftment. THOMAS PARKER, Surviving Partner. Bellville, nth June, 1819. 25^29 NOTICE. " ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- ceflion of Frederickfburgh, or lot No. 27, in the it-t concelfion of Richmond,from the Heirs or Afllgnees of Davis Hcfs, as the Subfcriber holds an indifputable title to the fame. GILBERT HAKIS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. 3 h FARM FOIt SALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the Town¬ fhip of Frederickbburgh, the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecondConceffion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, v/ith a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply 10 Daniel Wafhburn, Efqvure, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. jf ii?i3 30 FOREIGN NEWS. From the New-Tori Ev, Post, Aug. 18. Foreign news.—By the arrival yefterday afternoon of the fhip lienor, Giltender, we received London papers to the 23d and Liverpool to the 25th of June. They furnifh nothing very important. It is da¬ ted from Rome that Lucien Bonaparte h3d recently applied to the government for permiflion to fend hh eldcft fon to his brother Jofeph in America, and that Mr. RufTell, the American minifter in Sweden, was to arrange the young man's voyage, but that permiflion had been refufed, at the fame time advifing Lucien to apply to the allied powers. The propenfity to emigrate to America from the continent of Europe increafes. Several thonfands it is dated are preparing to embark from the kingdom of Wiitemburg. On the 18th of June the king's mefTcngcr left London with defpatches for Naples. A violent fhock of an earthquake was felt at Corneto on the 2 6ch of May, and all along the whole coaft of the Mediterranean, which damaged feveral edifices. Two very de- flrri&ivc fires, one at the village of Ku- chel, in the vicinity of Piesbmg, the other at Grefen, in the province of Pofen, broke out the latter part of the month of May, and deftroyed property to a large amount, befiots many live?. At the former place 116 houfes and 52 barns and a number of cattle were confumed ; and at the latter 235 houfes were deflroved. The right honorable Robert Dundas, late Lord Chief Baron < f rhe Court of Exchequer, Lon¬ don, died en the 16th June at his country feat—Rfr Samuel Shephetd has been ap¬ pointed his fucce(T>r. Private letters from Hamburg announce the failure of the houfe of Warburgh & Co. of Altona. 1 he citizens of Liverpool weie gratified and aftonifh d by the arrival, at that port, on the zi(l of June, of the beautiful (learn fiiip Savannah, captain Rodgers, in 26 faw from ^o.-^n.^i, w.A- r-.^.i-mi ♦ land. She was five days in the channel, before fhe got up to Liverpool, and work ed her engine eighteen days of the pafTagc. She is the firft fhip, on this conftru&fon, that has undertaKen a voyage acrofs the Atlan¬ tic. She was built in this city, and 1^ 350 tons. The London papers will have it that (he is going to St. Petersburg, as a prefent from the United States to the Em¬ peror of Ruflia. On the 21 ft of June, the cafh payment bill underwent an animated debate in the Houfe of Lords, and wa3 oidered to a third reading on the Wednefday following. On the fame day, in the Houfe of Com- rr.cns, the foreign enliftment bill under¬ went a third reading, and parted ; yeas 190, nays 129 : majority 61. The marriage of the King of Spain with the Princcfe Jofephine, theyoungell daugh¬ ter of Prince Maximilian of Saxony, feerm to be determined. London, June 1 9. The loan bill paffed the houfe of lords laft niVht. In the courfe of the (hort difcuflion, the earl of Liverpool faid that he did not forefeet h3t any future loan or fun¬ ding would be wented during the continu¬ ance of peace, St he congratulated the coun¬ try un the termination of the prafticeof bor- tuUfdig rooocy &y un& mcaonf ^a, by it<* incitement to gambling, he confidered it moft injurious to the purfuits of tegular trade and induftry. We are happy to ftate, that part of the maftcr manufadturers have agreed 10 give 83. 9s. and I09. per cut of gi nghams, it, 12, and !3th». inllead of the late prices aver¬ aging about is advance on the cut. All the workmen are aftively employed in rinifhincr the web= which they had begun previoufly to the turn out, thusmanifeiling their entire obedience to the law, though it is understood that thry have expreffed their determination not to continue in the employment of thofe who refufc the ad. vance, after the prefent work is liniQied. June z x. The obfervations made by the Earl of Liverpool on Friday evening in the Houfe of Lard?, with regard to the Loan Bill, was in fubftance, that he hoped no further loan would be required during the continuance of peace, with the exception of about £5,000,000, which would be wanted to make good the payments next year to the Bank of England, in purfu- anceof the with tc that effeft expreited by their Lordfhips and the other Houfe, America and her Fesources.-^Vfe are glad to obferve that the public attention has lately been direfted by an eminent re¬ viewer toward* this work of Mr. Drifted, which cannot but prove highly interefting to the Englifh reader from the account it gives of the ftatc of fociety, manners, po¬ litics, internal regulation, ice. of the Uni- ted States, rcftifying, as it does, many mis conceptions and erroneous notions tefpeft- ing that Republican Empire. We are happy to ftate, that the very refpe&ablc American and Hamburgh houfe which Hopped payment in the beginning of laft week, was on Saturday enabled to refnme its payments. The Duchefs de Berry is dated to ad¬ vance happily in her pregnancy. The Duchefa of Modena was fafely de¬ livered of a fon on the 2d inftant. There is a long letter from Madrid in the Comfituthnnet, in which England is accufed of afting upon a regular fyftemfor the P'Jrpok °* crippling the r«fources of Spain. After alluding to the ceflion of the Floridas, the letter obferves, H It is now underftood that the Havannah will foon ceafe to belong to us." From Vienna it is mentioned, that the furveillance, over the members of the Bo¬ naparte family in that capital, has been for fomc time much relaxed. June 22. An epidemic fever is Rated to be preva¬ lent at St. Vallery in the Department of Seine Inferieure, which has carried off nearly ico perfons in lrf* than a week. The following account is from a Glas- gow paper:—On the 16th inft. a nume¬ rous meeting of the operative weavers took place in the Green. A refolution was read, the purport of which was to Petition the Prince Regent to grant the fpare hands of the trade, or fuch as were inclined, the means of reaching the colonies belonging to his majefty in North America, together with the means of fupport for one year after their arrival there ; which fums they promifed to repay by yearly remittances of produce ; but on a fhow of hands very few agreed to this propofition. A fecond refolution was fubmitted to the meeting, aa an amendment to the foregoing, there fhould be annual parliaments, univerfa? fuffrage, and a diminution of taxation* which amendment was earned apparently by a large majority, and with great cheer¬ ing-^ ^ June 23. We received yefterday the Paris pjpers of Saturday laft. On Friday, in the Cham¬ ber of Deputies, in the courfe of the re» fumed difcuffion of the Projet of Eftimates or Supplies, an amendment was brought forward for the purpofe of excepting from the application of the law (prohibiting1 more than one penfion being received by any one individual) certain cafoa of pen- fions formerly granted, which* included the penfion given to Captain Pouree, for hav¬ ing (as alleged) when a grenadier, faved Bonaparte from affaffination when he went to the Council of Ftvf Munrfrefl, on thf 1Mb iirumaire. The difcuiiion, with re¬ gard to thin claim, now took a very curi¬ ous turn. M- Dupont (de l'Eure), who, at that period alluded to, was a member of the Council of Five Hundred, pofitively afTerted that no attempt whatever was on that occafion made to aiTafiinate Bona¬ parte; that the latter invented the (lory for the purpofe of throwing odium apoa the Members of the Council ; and that Pouree received his penfion for attcfting an attempt to affaffinate, which was never made. This ftatement appears to have made a great impreffiin upon the Cham¬ ber, who nearly unanimoufly rejeded the propofed amendment. The difcuffion on the Projet, after lading through the re¬ mainder of the Sitting, was again adjourn- ei till Saturday. The French Conful at Smyna, who fent away Grnerjl Savary, has been, it is faid, recalled, and is to be fuccetded by M. David, formerly Conful at Buchareft. It is alfo dated, that the Marquis de Ru viere, the French AmhafTadc at Constan¬ tinople, is recalled, but his fucceflbr is not yet known. It is added, that nearly all the diplomatic agents in the Levant are to be changed. The Marquis de la Tourdu Pin, iftf ft is likewife faid, to be recalled by the Marquefs dt Mootaleiflbeft. It ap- p* ars to be certain, that M. Hyde de Neu- ville, the French Minifter in the United States of America, is about to return. It is laid that the Count Capo d'lltria i» on his way to London, to requfill fome amelioration of the fituation of the inha¬ bitants of the Ionian Ifles. The King of Wurtemberg, it appears, ftill declines to aflemble the ftates of his Kingdom. 1 he Marquefs de Ceralbo, Grandee of Spain, had an audience of the King of Saxony, at Drefdcn, on the loth inft. for the purpofe of demanding for the Spanifti Monarch the hand of the Princefs Jofe¬ phine, niece of the former fovereign. The requifite confent was formally given, and the Princefs is to be at Madrid before Mi¬ chaelmas. The juvenile party given by the Prince Regent on Monday night to the children of the nobility and diftinguifhed perfon- age8, was a very gratifying fight. His ' Royal Hignefs, to prevent them being kept out till a late hour, invited them to aflemble at 9 o'clock ; but fome were fo anxious to enjoy the honor of vifitiog the Prince Regent, and the pleafure of being at Carlton Houfe, that they began to ar¬ rive there about half pa ft eight. The pages and other gentlemen of the royal houfhauld appeared in their ftate uniforms . upon the occafion. The entertainment was given in the lower fuite of rooms, which were decorated and refrefhed with plants, fhrubs and flowers, as was the con¬ servatory The whole was remarkably cool, by all the windows being open, but to guard againft any danger from drattsor cold wind, they had tight blinds. In the confervatory was ftationed a numerous and well fcle&ed band of firft rate performers, ably led by Mr. Payne. Dancing com¬ menced with a country dance to the tune of " Gang na mair to yon 10^0,'* which was followed by " Rob Roy." *fttr this the juvenile party commenced Quadrille'. Refrefhmcnts were provided for them in a temporary room, the roof of which refembled a large Temple in the garden ; accefs to it was made through a

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