Kingston Chronicle, August 20, 1819, page 3

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ti there wis every profpeft of an approach - in; gale of wind, and in the mod fup- plicating manner befought capt. Alvara to permit them, to remain until ntxt morning* as the boats would not live in cafe they tncountcied a gale-------their prayers and entreaties had no avail—they were threatened with inftaut death if they did not go immediately into the boats. "We parted from them about 10 A. M. at which time a confidcrable fea was run¬ ning ; and that night about half pad eleven, we experienced a tremendous gale, which laded for (ix and thirty hours, the wind S, S. K.—when, no doubt the poor fouls hi the beats, met with a watery g.avc." Charleston* July 30, More Piracy—and Muraor. Seven men were apprehend d id this city on Wednesday night lad, under a Bench Warrant from the Hon. Jndge Drayton, and comrr.iirei to Gaol, char¬ ged wilh Piracy and "tuutfier |—Several more of the gang are now lurking about our city, and the Police are making dili¬ gent fearch for them- One of the 'prifuners named Reed, turned State's evi¬ dence, and yefterday gave a partial ftate- xnefit of their nefarious and bloody trans- aflions, before Mr. Parker, Dlftiici At¬ torney. It appears that thefe men, or mod of them, belonged to the Smack Lawrence, Capt. Attwick,the property of Mr. J. J. Daniel!, of this city, which veflel arrive I here oa the 16th bft- oderifibly from a wrecking cruife off the Florida Goad, with a cargo of Coffee in bulk. On his arrival, Captain A. reported, that u on the 14th raft, near Mu%uiKi he fell in with a fchouner, not having a finale per ton on beard ; that he took out a load of Coffee in bulk, and proceeded to chis place-1' From the declarations of Reed, how. ever, as far as obtained, it appears that theiLop waa fent by her, Frow Havana,(where he now i ) to tixr Florida coaft, to C\ t weed. She mere with a fmall 1 iratlcal fl op the captain an^ crew of which Q&e&ed to bc!itfve that Capt. Attwick had brought money to purchaL- a cargo, which the latter denied* flatUMJ that he had but 7 dollars. TKls was tak¬ en from him, and he hutijr \:p feme time in tDe (hrcuds, to iraktf him confefs After being convinced that he had i.o money, the piiatical captain propolVd t*> Attwick and his crew, tc join him in a piratical cruize. After con fulling his men, they agreed, with the exception of the above named Reed.—lie being'icttly threatened in cafe of none compliance* tit length acceded, as he declares, co five hi-. life. Both (loops then failed in company, and fcon r.fter, on the Florida coall, they fell in wiihtbe Briuftbrig Ann, cart See1y, from Matnr.zas, bound to Falmouth, Eng'. in didrefs, which they boarded ard ran on fhore.—The brig's crew co: fuTed of ten, including officers. Six cf bar? men V'inedthe pirates, and then ;nf->-rrcd the captain of the gang that the captain and mate of the brig could not be trnftcd. Immediate')' after, they, with the cook & one mart, who had relufed to join the pirares, were inhumanly murdered arid thrown overboard ! ! J Both floops were then loaded with coffee, as above defcribed. and the {lory made up that was told here previous to their leaving the It is believed the foregoing {!n^ h fubftautially cor"e<£t t and we hope hi our next to givjg a furtive* dev-lopnient of this horrid ?.nc ahominab'etraru^io'!. Indeed, we are in p* SvSBo-n * f further particulars which it is deemed injudicious at prefect to make public. We&scercly hope that every vuruous citizen will exert his ener¬ gies to britfg to the gallows a jfaflg of cut tliroat villainy who are the dii'^'sce of family to a place of safety—but missing j objects were lost » the superior beauty of the untutored UifrW*9 &e had on board many handsome f*oiales, hut Mrs.-------- eclipsed them aU,aI,d Machiwita's hear was smitten : for the first time he fel the force of white woman's charms. If was flattering to soman's vanity ; and the Princess of the Gavorn wasa woman. She was determined to requite his love, by an emblem of fflection. She took a ring from her (ing^ and, with her fair hand,placed it on (he chiefs. I will not say that thegeutl£*P*i) felt mortified, or that the Indies experienced any chagrin, in witnessing the Ml powerful influence of beauty : But \\l<'» Machiwila turned to the chiefs of his nation, and expressed his happiness in I K native tongue, they laughed with him,but it was the grin of vexation and jrapasy- Macluwita was told by the intvrp/rfer9 that the ring was tt token of afl'-'ftio'; a"d tnat he must keep it forever. »!»a tender recollection of the donor. Oi understanding t\\h} he addressed the ltdy as follows; w Beautiful straiger—You hive given to Machiwita a r\r.i7 which, he is told, is the emblem of Kmu—Your beauty, Ifke the wild rose, cha:<ns his eye ; but your huulness touches lis heart—lie gives his a little daughter, and believing her still in the house he returned to her assistance. InaUemptUigto leave the house ase. rood tint: ht? fell into a cavity which the iorceof.the water had formed, and was .'arriedaway by the current. His daugh¬ ter was among the number that first left the house in safety. Among the settlements at the base of theCatskill mountains, the ravages of the storm w*re unprecedented. S. Hoot, Bsq. io^t 70 merino sheep, which were swept off, together with quMtides of his crops of grain, corn, fee. The tannery m ,\!r, T. Brett was completely destroy¬ ed. A grht-millofMr. Jones was mept away, and his darn ^o entirely ailed as to b • passed on foot. At Wolectfs ville, about G miles west from tlii.-; place, the greatest quanriiy of water fell. A small stream rose so ra¬ pidly, and to such a bright', aj to amp Imn its batiks a distillery and plaster kiIiI. The water, accompanied bv rfie fragments of the distillery and i&UI,*?wJt- cd withiiieonceiviable force hjp&tot Idr. Woleott's grist ir.ill !^-in a short time it uas completely undermined, itntUhe fol¬ lowing day fell to the giuund. The scene is truly a desolate one. The loss J heart Jo vou : it i ■ vour's forever" w that vicinity is e.timatedat 15.0'JC « Machiwita is iappy in this wonder- llars* fu! canoe: U fmrtf with the fire from But among the phenomena attending tiiis storm, the"mos4 singular may he wit- conntry and wilh (herfceptian he mrt wifh in \ tbo course of his tour Lbrougb ibe Western paril of ihe province. Sir Charlea Saxton, and Major McLeod, A. D. C.-tO His Grace the Duke of Rirhmoiid, liavr fl;one to Lak" Winnipig, cloihrd -itn special powers to investigate o*ie causes of ihe unhappy (lii>entioos uhirh arevaid 10 have born lao'1% re- Dewed in ihai quarter, between ihe Nwtb We**l and Hudson Bay Compauie-;. Major TI 1 rxiEit, Secretary 10 His Excellenry flie Lieutraaut Governor of this Province, mailed froui New York in the Packet Ship Courier,fur Liverpool, on ihe IO1I1 insiant. the5UHj it is tuov:d by I tiff great fishes of the <!< ep ; and the Spirit of Maniton nesscd at the vHlaga of Jeiiersou about a j gUidesit through tie lake : but it is not rm;e from this place. That village U sit¬ uated on an extensive plain,elevated |>e;- iiaps 150 icot above tin*. On the south- west part of the plain 9 and where a sn..ili brook previously run, the wafer strttg- (iJiiug as it were for wtt% rushed into the .;rook? forcing almo t instantaneously ?t ^i^antic and resi-tiess stream, enrryln^ trees, shrubs, ami all titiiit.^ in it? cowSe^ into a heap of promiscuous mm m t\\ ■ valley below^ The cha^m Jornu-il by [i'As inundation i> about U^M'eet in depth, all average of 1*25 i:i ••: Uh, attd nearly hizy rods in luogth. At tl-ir papcv nilll, us auoiher part of t':C viH^ge, r*ie injur} fthservtentive Tag hou-cs were under- loinecl, (hti/«!tii.::i. vs throuu dov.t, and i)j:- gardens, s.-u-.t ;, .Vc. d^j-'troyrd- Tbe dtmuiiu oi thenin was about Gve hour?. 'pte averaje quendty ai* iratfir tiiai fell wasuat ascertained*. Many be¬ lieve the rain *o fravg beep cau^-d by flie ijur?iin,4 oi clouds surcharged witli vva- iur attracted fiom the liver ■ or wafcf spouts as tliry are geijefSlly t;:ui.d : Aud the suddenues?of the f:i!l cf w;ifer, in some instances aUnbst in uitc nu^s : the confined surface over vrhi< h tit*: rain extendt^i? not n:orethaasi" nii;.v-;>';uare; tiie great quanlity that feJI m i'i;* tfrrcn ti;ne», swelling small siream , nor 40 roils in Icugth from their source to t;.:;ir fer- miration, to ore*whelming tdrretits; and lastly, the lingular effects of the ziorvn ; giws some plausibility to the ednjectote. W'e have been inforoied by tn© persons who witnessed the &tct3 thai three Mack and dense clouds were tiMb!v cv.-r the nver, and that the water appear-d to be drawn up to th *m in the foi'ra of an in¬ verted cone. Admitting this to be the fact, we leave the natural pliilosophw i»- determiue, whether Qr not the eultima of water may by discharged other than over the surface from vvheiiseit ks ilrauu .: A fine rtriterbas said, r!u;t »*»ot»?-<}t*- I cover a God &%£$ in • t "rm>» <v\ Hun .n.^-s, and l-etnpest^."—!i :? -vi. 1 b .^> blind a> /?..: to tind him lii '•'r fhi;i that makes bin happy ; it is because youa-e here, and le can bee you wmile, a«d hear juu :.pea;- I u Mnehhvlfa '.voild leave his mother nu(! sisters, his u!;\vaTO5 and his canoPj a*id go with yoo to your country, toivard f!.:- il in-g ten-. Hcuillkeep the rin^yoo iiavi- ^i^eu him, un ! \\r goes to the land nf kpiiit --.N'olhin; w ill make him put with it—Yes, the« U one tiling ; Ala- cblwita will giw y:u bark ?i;e ring ; but give him, in retur;, uiuit alone is in on valuable—give hi: ym&nvlt,*' Such v.r.s cj;e speech of the thief, a^ n orhU'dto us, b, the Indian inter] re- ter, before a uunrtroas r'»mp:niv. Uit-------------was doomed to surt- r the pa04s of wparfttioiu The filgual ijun ^a'.c notice for the 1 auoes to cortie altfn^* iij ■. -j- '} '. '<, f£ InU&UU t :^ (»« tliaiiS a-hoic : ami 'he handsome »q>ns{« f«T.'r.t Lis vo-.v^ .j>niTS}j into bis c;u,erv aud hastened t*» r » his fnrnily. For n m^rn'.-i-r. i rntif^ss, I uas Pehed with the eoutaeli - <>( ilw ufter foelir.^>, and ;-.s Idachluff;, • bntH raruhed from our-siischtf I eou'.d «ii 'II ^> ^xciaimifts to my-*lf: AcUou. I u-hiu itu ! ueshailn-*. vurmcet again J 'i-1)' R>nn and face has .onviicvrl e-. iha fhere is mixed ii; th\ natUfS 01 tin eour ge of fhj carrier, r»d this blaudbbmeut ^ t!ie lever! Tl;a [jeaeeful dtsposititu of (by nation hauca I rhee in the raoiill of p!ea-ur.— l':>der other eircu.r.^anc s.. and ir. cither times, tho^mighfed hav bem *iic 1'o.itiac or Tci"*!!*:seh of thy ribe. a:ij have \n\ a iia!i>-u to victory or dratll—out. alas 1 the wisdom of m* atid the ^ring.-etucr- p:i-eof the other.-ire lo-t in the wiles of ;; LcH'oiace and ti: iucouataucy of u mo¬ de 1 n Lothario* THE WEATHER. Notice is taken in the newfpapers of Canada, and alfo of the United Slates, of the exceffive htat of the weather during the last few weeks. From the 17th of July to the 12ih of August, Farcnlieii'a Thtrrraometer stood at noon at the city of Quebec generally at 90 in the (hade, and it fometimes role as high as 93. It has been as high as 95 in the (hade at Mon¬ treal. At Albany the Thermometer stood on the 3d of August 3^92. Here people complain greatly of the heat et ihe weath¬ er alfo—hut the Thermometer has never btfen o!>(ervcd higher in the (hade than 88. We may afcribe this lower degree of tem¬ perature in our atmofphere to our pecul¬ iar pofition. The cooling breezes which ufually let in from the Lake about mid-day prevent us ir&m fuffcring from that ex¬ treme degree of heat felt in many other parts of the country. THEATRl posjtivelytuITljst y. • • • * huinamtj »t» TWy 5 1 ; --— From the New Sturk Kreni«ff V it. Eciractof a (aticr from ,:•• ./..•-,. .- Traveller on a Tour tc .".. .'»■',• STORY OF AlACHiVMT.V. ] caiiiin: cl&se'tb2» ItiWcr tthWufgi- ving you the story of J.IacM- lfa»a young With many of his t::'j\ t«> sec ttsc if cat Kiiti&s, VViieri t!,r faajBy ef (Lis cUxv.f iaii»ORTA:t discovery. pYi'.cr: ■- i/L's acid. Extract c4., leu < ■ m. C. a. &t • * t -r ..y t . t "uml^d n\tht» tipfl * •'•■*, !:■"• -tif.trfr.i 7 if Pirates.*— St wee out iap. we have » ; ' particular aUcmticrj. been unable to obtain much information rcfpecling tiila ^nsg of defperado??. One more of the c1 afl las been Sti^rehsn^d, examined, atH committed l** prilon, Ws expect juioitly to he able to 3av bt'fbre tSc public, a foil ft ate m en t of th<s black affair. The officer.s Are on tUe alert, aid •.vil! probably fecure molt o£ the party, as inch mcafjre-- hacebcen taken as almoll to prevent the pofilbiiity of cf.* /;■>> uijcle wcru tMcii of somts tlj^ r V.i(i .;;- . j c<.-:i c-iV). V:- If am that on M*fl i^v iiic^t !a^t. father ard :iiu"'ion. Tlifa liU and u ;! huih ; <:.v'u 1 LctftJuj, Al j d.i;uc>yici ut^:i>;!# «r.%'-fea * .-u.p. -■•! ..[' beN tcr maturiah titan ?;v ^ ::vr;:!i?ir 1 f ihfir UHtioii, 'fl > fari. 1 tig n ii-dij of dij;- ;.:;ud c!-poiiii,. nt st'd Rtnnncrs : ihe sr.ct'-vr bid every mr.ik aitd Jracr of ha- ?1»^ onr.u been lw,iuhfol ; :uul Marlii- vviw's ycuM-cr :::<:!;>i ra a, d sn>t^n vic-c trulj hand^cuiu ;:i lontj and feotnro. lie hlra^ctf was ix^t ;::•. re thin tivettty-one hii i:.' :j m as :Ti«:::t v> tint much dnmage «as iustai;r*>d ;*; t-u* v..>- | Hftcdal>ovv ti*e uuJii & si^-ofnuHikind- I.iv Umbs u,;:-ht lure fanned a living mo- •) i for the young Apollo ; his imm iras Cii.'ola:!, iitulthere was a y«vlup{;wpusne$a in lib t*yti bietvded ukh tlie ease and S',.'*::^ . *>;' Ms fciiurc*. \i :.(l i, g^vg him morr oft;.- rharact.T . »'c:k- A-Iaiic than lh« lit;m;iu. I . htsdrCHS, he inixrd the tirir<larj «IiS tW CrrcB^inu j hUsandul.'i •/or-.: ol'il;.. doe, cir.bu .tl-'ivd \\]t\, vM-Icy^t'-d quills of The prreuphie ; his i-\:^i:;- a:id niauUo were^fljhTS cloth, of ;;..- Ivt Hm:' h «toI ; l.i- v • t vrus doc- IrMlfc'J »vith Ii-- P'tvic rn.-)r;vrd ,.;. a .<i!- ; rrefceni; 'I i>< ti&n t>f his face were tiT! oart of tMb HAtP| from a vtoJcnl ai-cl -■ct-:.iU3 storm of raiii. W =fi.;!.l riv.r r^seluvjhsr at any tiire Trr &mp *vars past, cani^d on many biid^e^and il^o-atrd thcik-ia'i. Tvfo orthrc^ •! v« !- lituhms^es and a barn in ( hcittr v:*litfo jxcy'J s^opt awav. Th? ti rn;;ik^ 9+ *1 1 :••... -.,. ... : ■ n ur.eut w*e fttti ;.:. .. 1 .:-' • hy*?d in*, tt, cli.n.iv's :; ..; the -j>- vrr:i:-■■ . t. A pi >*.; C I the;*" of "iru.g :,:itiix^ r t! tli&t the pyro!; '- ncouj %vid, obtaiu'd by th*' distil to. fi-fit) 1 f vv-iii d_ has Tiie jropcity af prcrtr#t?»i4! tli" d,v>mp;>iitioi a::d putri factfon of ;::ii-. jI substnnce- It i-; suiricieut to pli;:^,' meat for a ew u.oment- into tin* acid, eien sli^htl oinpA ihunatic, to pre- sei vt this mral as oiijs a •yr.u may do-irc- Cull- ' , L5«li j '" ■ • —m.'v. , . . . . were pi 'pai d <;- fsvr back as the month of J.i!*. ;.; ;. are n.^vcs fresh as if fheV had been |u>! p;«- '»"-'d from (he mari 1 hav.-.« Vti carcuK'S wa^licd three wu; i - aro wi:h pyro!i.;"?ous acid, in u hicfa thsr? :•; vet 00 "-^'* of decomposUiou. l'i:i:i f urinu Oof niily htop*, but it even retrogrades. Jakes exhaling infectiou, cease ;o do cn as *don as vou pour into thorn th<* puiifyiiu: acid. You m-iy iud-.'c ti«w !?•::«»% imporruit applications may be made of iiis process* Nari^aUon, med- icitie, aiiwhote-coi»%e rnanafaetwies^ nil I drrivf iivcalctilaljle advawtaffs from if. merelv cued * ul He that On Sunday last a feveie easterly pale of wind, accompanied by heavy rain, was ex¬ perienced toward the head of the Lake. Several veflel a were driven into York by -trek of weather—fjrne difrri>ted and fomf without anchors. Ic wa*- fr-arcd that ihe rain would prove greatly injurious to the harvests, but as it was not of lon£ con¬ tinuance, we hope thtfe fears are Without foundation. DIED. At the- Naval Yard, Kingfton, on Mon¬ day the 16th instant, Mrs. C. tirRATT, wife of Michael Spratt, Efquire, Master Attendant at this place, aged ^ Mrs Spratt had been married up wards of 25 years, duiing which time fhe had li- . d vri.>". iWi liuudunu'iti perftcf nannuny, and exhibited 3 pleasing picture «f conju¬ gal felicity. She was a benefaflreffl to 1 he poor who reforted to her for relief. the was hospitable to hec n»ighbonr^, and well beloved by all her acquaintances ; and withal, was fo much attached to do- rneftic life, as not to have a widi but to fee her husband and friends around her happy. Mr. Spratt's afHtflion f »r this irreparable !of^ n.ay be mere eafily imagined than pour- tiaycd, •• Few years frm yiddus proof of death's anibition Tj • till his vuti.wij'.xm tkefaiftstfotd" On the tltli in5la:it, EoJlviU^, Mr. Vs\v- uam Johnson, aged HI _■ ear«> .Mr. John-on v,a> by birth au En^hsriuian* an J o;>t* of the first set¬ tlors in i^at part of trie Country—h!h» during his wholi' lift- inaiiraiicJ lite hi^hls re-peciuble character of a guy d f&rrapt and an honest aian. SUICIDE, On Tuesday morning tail, Lieutenant BxrCH, on the half pay of the Roy 1 Na¬ vy, terminated Ilia life by fliooiing bimtelf through the head with a gun, in a fit of inldii'ty. Lieutenant l)iich has left an aoiiable and affecft-oaate wiFe and cne child • > lameoi their lof«, tn his untimely death From the §hebet G4Z£tte$ Aug* 1-2. Excessive J/est —-On the Wednefday, Thurfday and FrIJay of lall week. Fa- renheit's I"hermomeier in the (hadci flood as hieh ^ 93i for four hours each day. It v/as frtmeutnefi at 95, and rofc to 1 t 5 and and 120 in the Sun. Since the 17th of July, the Heat has fcldom been below 90 in the fhade at noon, and generally be¬ tween 80 and 90 the greater part of the day, There been frequent lhowers ; but the heat of lafl week has nearly put aw eunu hou*vi vcgctitioti, anJ tlncd c^j the pa ft u res 1.1 high Gttmtiong. The grain has* pened faller than it wa^ ever IcnowQ t^do befate. 'J'hry have already L^jun to cut wheat in this neighbourhood which was fown obcut the icth May. Under the Patronage of CVoi , McGregor, and the Offices of Ihe 70lli Regiment. MRS. BAKFJFs BESE; IT Mr. Huntley's appearance for this Night only. ON TUESDAY EVENING, August 24, 1819, will be presented a Com¬ edy in live Acts, by HoleroCL (never performed here ) called THE ROAD TO RUIN. Goldfinch.... Mr* Hunt If^ Harry iJornton.... Mr. linker, The IVidoz. lVarren-..Mrs. Cunningham^ Sophia Freefone... .Jtfrs. Linker. Between the Play and Farce, Such a lleauii/ [didgrow, Mr. Huntley. A Dance I... Mr, Richards. Nottingham Joey.... Mr* Huntley. With the admired Farce, never pertorm- * ed here, called The Irishman in London. Edward,., .Jtfr. J hint ley. Murtock JJ-elnny.... Mr. Dclan v. (f^rThe Box-Routt is kept at Mr. Broun's Jan, where Tleketa and Places may be taken. fCr Cv permisaluu, the Band of tlie 70th Re¬ giment will attend, * '" Doors open at Seven, Perforaiance to commence at Eiglu o'clock. Boxes 5s. Pit 2s. 6il. * Government Contract- Fresh Beef WILL he required for the ufeof HiY Majesty's Troops, Sec ttatioT)cd at Kingston, Point Henry, and Point Fre- dericlt, for fix months, commencing on the 25th September next, and .endintfthe 24th March following, the quantity a- bout *»1 1000 lbs. per thu i&dj4cf>LO,iL'crMii .'T'CifiinnM-Vjif Scaled Tenders will be received at tW« Office until 12 o'clock on Friday, the icth September ; the pace must be inferred in wo id* at length, and the name-of twrv Sureties given for the due performance of fuch Contrad as may be entered into. Comm'tJfariQt Office, Kingston, ZOth August, 1819. 34 " ------------ — Charcoal. C AAA BUSHELS rcquii-cd for the *J,\J\J\J u.eof the Naval Yard, on Point Frederick, to be delivered by the 31tt December next. 30th Sept. 1000 31-t Oct. 2000 SOtfc Nov. 1000 31st Dec. 1000 Persons desirous to contract for the supply of the samc.vil! send scaled ten* derate this place >u i^o 1st September next5 at twelve o'clock at uoou. E. LAWS, Naval Storekeeper. Naval Yard, Kingston, 14th August, 1819. 34 half the { Quantity to be made from hard wood* s To Clothiers. For sale, a quantity *>f PRESS-PAPERS. Tho. S. Whitaker & Co. ■ August 19, 1819. " 34 NOTICE. * 1 T; r:»ii s explains w rry do I *'>v-r.i We (0 Cluster \xm *'\f£ msl extrcRi^Ly (rr-n the fioo-:. , riaiivbi-i!;.- oil other smaller streams v.* re rr.rv'l sm ay, aud niuch property v. as d . • • .\v. Vv<} hare no ins\rrstattrvn faun BerkJnirt* couiity/out team tl.j; the storm exit^il- eA with -°qu;il yiolene*? into the >v+'e of ICew Yor!c, a:>d that much U»*5 wa^ s- ;- ! |. uated with th- its •■: r^clicnle colore, in feted from it, in Cat,kill and the *kiu> { ihr :i;ure pfa beautiful sit?1.!, corre<pAU- ty. Mills, bridges and crops v.ero de- l&ing to the expansion and cmfitoe cf his stroyed, audit was reported that some I t hL k. On hh head he «on- a livc^ were lost.—Boston Daily Adv. From the Catskill Recorder of Jug. 4. Fhe late Siorm.—The following arc additional particulars of the ullects of tl.j latt- ^t«rrn. The body of Mr. Ara Jur.e, for whose Safety it was mentioned in n-w !a-t, fear were entertained, wasfouud al-outan^ih below his house. Th* particular^ *>f hi d ath, as conmunicatfd to us, asfol- lon'S :—Hi dvvclliu^ bci.ig cn'Su-ty sur* rounded by the watir; h» Kn&rvd his of I he fin est chintz, that grace faiiy ivoiind round his fort-head, wh'rl-t ifte *n&*+ trimmed vviih gold aud entwined with his -air., hung in careless folds on hi* manly shoulder. You see, though Machiwita was not a diudv 'if the lirst blood, yet he was an adept in the decorations of the toiieT. All the respectablR ttihabifants of Mscfc- ImiWa with the chiefs cf various tribes. meat, in n wioffe, ttoe^s not Uocp^ which :s :wnoke(': becomes nnaUeiable. We h-.M* i.frt ;u. v\pl.n:".llt»n of tl»£ t:u> ory Ol !ii>;a-, of ti. beef »>!" H-imbui j;:*. oi smoked touiiues. «aus*^es, i-.d hf*iriugs, Montreal, August 14. From different parts of the Country, we have accounts of the exceffive heat of the weather, and we are by no means exempt¬ ed. During lad week there have been fome of the boteft days ever remembered. The Thermometer has varied from So to 9j and on Fiiday lad was05i in the fiiade at 12 o'clock. We have alfo been Vifited with fome hgl*t thunder dorms, . and occafioual fh ;vvers ; but have not heard of any injury being dune by the lightening* Herald. of vviiod smoked worms &c« to preserve it from ^:;*wg^w>»^ 5*l:>hr-w|i A LL perfons are cautioned againd pur- ,r\ chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- ceflion of Frederickiburgh, or lot No. 27, in the fct conccfRon of B.kbmoQdpf:om tl lleirs or Aiugnces ot Davi3 Hth, ai the Subfcriber holds an indifputable title ;c the fame. GILBERT HAUXS. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1S18. 3 " NOTICE. » ALL perfons indebted to the late Co partneidiip of Richard Robhon and David Secord, are requeded to make im¬ mediate payment to the furviving pattner, David Secord, and thofe to whom the faid Copaitnetlhip may be indebted, ate je- quefted to fend in their accounts for ad- judment and payment. Kingfton, 27th May, 1S19. 26:f BANK OF THE SubferiBeg being appointed agcr.t for the LSauk of panada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank no;es for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wtji. MITCHELL. • • • * • * 4 KINC8TQ& drccsr 20, 1819. * * ■ • » * « • *««.**•• • *> vi ere invited on board, to tak-* au excur¬ sion round the island and in iheMiohi- j;::u lake; cv.t the attraction* Q'i all cii:sr 1 s On Wedues^aj i;. 1 crrtafdftt tJiisplacr r vm [>." ^i-a-'i I'.oaf l'- .■!;*:,i::;-, HM'iiatr |ii',';'"iv,)M' «'!,. f% v.-.ii, rabies M&.-J asirt L«ui a Li; nr\. I enl V.'iluam Lcnrtws, ?■! D. r. Major IJowles, .Mijk.hv Set-reitry,; tiH*vitenABt t" li.-*-! "•iciihnn*! hrputy (HftVr Master Ge- neral, r^.ifain Mou|re?ur, i - .■ 1' Navy, •'.t.— bz£\ei Vana te.A Limi-a Lei.nox, U*rd W. Len- nwv. ..!iii t.iira.n \ir.nlr^«r, (•.*.l)t;';ed this minting cd board 11 Siratn iJoal C'mtloWr fur Lo-Aer fanau'a. ;,< (;,:.«•<-. Qrpouira -■' hj Major i5"*i--a'.d Llfnvtc:;aniCtrfo.wlCnu.barit, set out atSoVbck his inorni^, i-v the back roa»t. for the ft-»ly -vrm^d setll^mciwa at Penh and ?. eJ>nwr.*J, f.*.--, uhc-rce thej vr«J proceed t« Monuea) by ifcct _,.;; Rlvtr. VVe arc -j-a- tified to learn ;t.a; 1 ,, !TjicrU«;<j 3if IVr--11 Mattland -vi* mduc a 10 pi*&ip*?ne bib int?tatlrd vi«»i fO tie Pfrtb >ei Vemcof, ;:h trrtm i.idi-poM- 1 [lo/>taa h?.d be^a apr^rehecd 1» l-t un account ^' ' ARKtvrn. Aug* 14iii 3team Bnai Si j ila, \Vm« Vaugtiao, I8111 Sclir. [tan:Wer, Kdn'd. Rlckins. Sdir. Traveller, Hv Col 3:earn B>iai Sflpbte, Vaughan. 17i)i Oj>en Rut! »n boat, Rnff, Steam lioat CaarIoM<\ Jo%. IJeaois Idlli Steam Roal Proi 1 .... Ju:.^ >.vlv -n/te. Srtir. Otivc- branelr, Hio's cvafirr- B -am Boat Sophia. j Wtn. %'a«'>:ltati. !'»tS: Schr. Iluniet, A. P. I-:«h - I tti*. steam Rout Charlotte .'«•'- Detuii& '. th s?lo»:p Geneva, Ouea Munlagnc- clf.a:l::. j\»fC. 14 h Si:-irn Boit So;>Wa, 17(h Schr. "iair I ler, 8ehr. Traveller. Sieaui lloat Sophia. Kinjrdon.Oa. 13th, iS:8. 20 iKtli Si earn [Joal C'hiirSoi a pr?«of jjubi'e ci::- . W# nrrtiT^aadl thr*i: ;: , ^- i^^pfe?**^ hi i- e.;j.ig'.:: ;<l.-^fi **#*? lie ajipraracce ti ihe A good Bargain ! fj^OK Sale, theHoufeaad Prcmifee, in __* the Town of Kingfton, hi prefent oc cupicd by the fabferibcr. For particulars Bppfj tc SAMUEL ANSLEYJrtBi K;ag?:on, May fth :g 19 jo fTHllE fubferiber has imported, aad, or- JL firs for fale, French Burr MILL STONES, London made, ofthc bed qual¬ ity, runners edgeways. He will receive a ennttant fupply from Jjondon, as well aa Ficnch Burr Stones, and cad ileel *.*ill Picks. HENRY JOSEPH. Berthier, 2d July 1819. N. B. Application at Montreal tn Le made to L. St 15. S. Solomons & Cc. 31-4 For Sale or. 10 Let, /ft TWO ftory framed Ho:.rc, and a <E/_7Z large and commodious done >>t:re. ii.uate on the water'* tdj^e in the centre rf the Vilb^e of Pre Icot, nn eSceediug!y v-mnoeous terms;;'th -ircb" - ■ Enquire at the Odi,-. f ciiv j ;ac Jvir.gdon, z6ta Fcbmw L.

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