Kingston Chronicle, August 20, 1819, page 2

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[dultswasabo»**3fls. a wrclc. aiti <o WldteoTsra week. The emplojmrnl of so great a r of persons, llj« distribution of sum* so largo, doub:lp- Eugbt not to be meddled with, unless it bight be done »"«b perfrvt safety : and he trustid that ibis might be effect. I, then it «as considered how ttnimjror- Sant the trifling clung.; mu-t be «tiich of tlii- 1 (!ri:i was delivered alfo of 5 foas, allot' whom li-ed :u a good age. ukusslls, juke to- We ar<- air foforroed thai th« King of r.nncc ft*. i'i-t giicn perralffitin to fix ©ore < i the **He> i c'ttikd in the ordinan¬ ce* to rdttttn to t:ic:r c rjntry. ton a. ■was proposed by iho promoters c bill- 1 he change would be less tV'.t In - rouse the trade was at the prevent nw»- .ment ia a very prosperous stfttc* The principal of the present bill wttsihe. «amfl a- of that which was passed in LSQ-J.rc^ petting the regulation of apprentice. I The condition of children at that time ■was not thought unworthy of their lord¬ ship* attention, and, he trusted, they •\sould not now be U'ss mmdful of the in¬ terest- of humanity. The question be¬ ing pat, strangers were ordered to with¬ draw, and the house divided — For die second reading 27—ftgainsi B C—majority 21. Some amen dip erria were then madfcto the bill, and the report was ordered to be brought np 1 u the Wednesday follow¬ ing ; and the house adjourned. Liverpool, June 15. The importation of grain continues moderate. Little alteration in wheat or barley* oat* Id,"and beans Is. a c2s. low- er ; no alteration in pease, flour or oat¬ meal. Butter in request. English wheat, per 7Gib, 10s« Gel. a lis ; Ameri¬ can do. do. 8s. Gd. a 9-. 4d. American sweet flour, per 186!bs. 30 a 37s; Ame¬ rican, aour do. do. i!6 a 32s. LOKDOM, JUKE I J. tn the Houfe of Commons on Monday, the cz(h payments bill was read a third time and pafled, almoll without a word be¬ ing faid upon its general tendency. Mr. lilice propofed aclaufe, which was adopted; giving totheBank the option Spaying their ro'es either in bullion orgoldcoi»i,afurthe firft of May, 1821 iiiiQead of being rcfti icted, a^ ft etherwf;e wjufd bate brrn, from ma icing any payments in f^cck till 1823. Mr. Manning atfo propofed an additional claufe to the bill, fpecifying the precife pe¬ riod and amount of the iullalrrents to be paid to the b^nk, in liquidation of the -debt due by the government; but it was jubfequently withdrawn, upon the affur- ance of the chancellor of the exchequer, that all the objects which it aimed to fc- cure, would be move regularly provided for in a claufe of the appropriation ad. The average price of wheat from the .returns received in the week ending 5th June, is 68*. 8j. p*r quarter. . Mi. Bagot, and fuite, landed at Ports* jnouth on Thurfday from the Forth fri- gate, under appropriate falutes, and imme¬ diately fct off for London. The commia- iiuncrs for fettling the boundary line, are going on in the molt Ltiifadlory manner, and-exped to end their labors in October. In almofl all cafci of difference the points in difpute are conceded in favour of this country. The conduft of the Americans, | of all rank-1, at Washington and Annapo- lis, to the officers and crew of the Forth, v.hile {he lay in the Chefapeakc, difecver- cd the moll amicable and friendly difpofi- Kton. It f.-erred to out officers as th >egh a radical change hid been effefted in the feelings and views of the Americans, An irueiLhre ge of civilities daily paffed be¬ tween the o&eera of the F.fTex, and Onta- «I >, lying there, and the Forth. It is un- . derftoodj an admitted fa£k, that not WU tha ; two thirds of the crew of the Eflex Wi- e Untifh who had become A- ©itfricaa ciiizcxfa by the iriual form of le- £ifl .tive protection. During their mutual in:.»ily vilit*, frrneor.e c. . jecrew . * the forth recognized a (hipmate in aLnufl every fcoJt ih:j.t came alojiCJe. On oneoccailon, of a bo3ts crew coufiiling of 1 z men, 7 of them d-f:overed their otiginal charaft^r. 'I he Columbus, a re narkablj fine new two dctk<d-ih»p, pietc.-d lor 105 guns, was fiui;:g out st Wafh'ngtoa. Commodore RdSgCMi ptefident of the navy board, is cxpe&eJ to hold his broad pendant in her I for r}*e Mediterranean (lattoni&c Sec. French papers of Friday arrived at a late Jh >ur !all nxgtit. They contain no intelli¬ gence of the fh'zhuil public iutereft. By a private L-tur from Naples of the :• .}.th u;t. it appears that their Majeftieg the hm- perorand Empn-f- of Autbia were to leave that city on ih- 30th u!t. and to arrive at Rome on the Hlinllant. The fame letter cr.ntradi&s lome exaggerated reports that we-r in circulation regarding distuibances in i'icWj. The appearance of Mr. Rothschild at Naples gave occaiion to a rumour that he hjd arrived to form financial airangements With that government, which is coi.tra- di-fted in tlifilfi papers. 1 he cifcoffion was rr.umcd on riie bui^t, when various parts if the public expenditure were voted*__ The further eonliJcratioa of the budget wai postponed to the following day___ Frer.Ii fund> aie rifing : 5 per cents, arc at 68JE, 30c: bank t ckt 1^15. The bauvk cafh pay acot bill paffed th*' Tjufe^of Cumn«oiis bat night. Several ameudmuts iveve propofed, but the only One adopted waa that moved by Mr. El- lice, giving "O the Bank the option ef pny. in : their 1 o e*in bullioo, at the prices fix¬ ed upon in tht bill, or in the coin. MADRiO, MAY 2J. The Miiufter of Marine b s-iii at I adi/., 10 dfrtft in perfoiT the grand ai mament, which !•* all appearance will be ready to Fail by the end < f July. A fine trig-it^ of 36 gur.s, fitted rat at Corur.r.a, lately or- rived at Cadiz with 15 Lranfports under Its convey. In their pafla.'e ihey met many luforgent privateers who did not at- :tmpt to attack the convoy. Theyal.o expeQ at Cadiz a divlfioa from CwtUagtf na, confi tin-^ of two frigate and fe*cra tranfportSi and fevcral more from liarce 1 IOC ceo padres have fust bce«i fent from this ciry to Cadiz, to accelerate the preaaratifetM Which ate c.rryir.g on wlthdjttWe aaiyity beeaufejlw govern¬ ment feew the neceflity of ftrikio^ a great blow tliii year, the Idbrgents being mpp re'olvcd than ever to defend their canle. All hope* of an arrangement with BuenoS Ayies, and of its fubmiffion to the mothet country, have vanilhed; nothing remalfld but to try th^ force of arms All the ac¬ count* from South America give rca on to prcfome that the (traggfe will be Woody and defperate. May the refult be happy ! expofinjf Wmferf 10 ^Ci-], £0cj vye ]K 1 ,-an to pjift our time Il( (fcfcrving iht hnc lit taiion irf the c>|j t:,e trong fortiJlca^ ti.m* of the mote, thi;t ^rc3t prcpnrstions, &c &c 8cc During -he time or our siting to re¬ ceive the D.y'-. aHf?r-r| a breeze fprung up. and the ll-ct a lanced into the Bay, and lay !o at a mile 0ff Al;;iets. It was n«»w half-pa>t two an(i n0 ar.fwer coming ont, n »twithstar,d;n> ^ j^j st;i;j ]^{ ^ hour Innger than mi imtrnflions, and the fleet being al«i »«t op >ofue the town, with a fine breeze, we thought proper, after ha¬ ving done our duty, r0 ]0fe no more time, but to go on board ud inform bis Lord- (hip of w'.at !,- j !.r.p*encd. Mr. Bur^eU. thef tg lieutenant, having agree; with me* «ve hoisted (he Ggnal, that *■■ no anfvver tra?l he--- given !n and began to row away i«wa 'ds be Queen Charlotte* At thw time I *as ."ery an>;iotn to ect out of danger; Far, knowmj; their peTfi.ii- om chrr.actjr, and vhfervine that Lord Ex mouth, on his fc-.. vtr our fi^nal, imme¬ diately gave order to Lbe fl -et to hear up. and e«ery (hip to t^k: her pbfition for tl\t I Lad great fear that thev (the th-.r jackets whc.e the Ifttitrmi arc, snd rammed t&v* mto the g-nn fiVllead of wad- I was really aKtopiflned tt) lee fuch -Mug. extraordi" ary magnanimity (* 1 Hie Superb and (lie Albion hail almus? ro.irlu'il their proper po.'iiion-, b»t the tminej;- imtjle befnj; slow, and tb^Argertues bavins 0- nened a tiememloua lire upon !ier, and the swwfc* bvtng >n illicit '.!v.a lu- odd not distinguish Iter v\:xf po-iiinn. Admiral Milne v.a^ oWi|red to be in that situation,end begin theatfack; ami llni*, mnoritmsiiMv Mas exposed to the L'.a-terii an.I Lighthouse batteries, whiefi \\crc very alfOUg. From the National tnidRgenttr% shgust 7. The Chevalier J:itbertf who had been fent by the French government to Cafh- mere, to procure fome of the goats pro- ductng the precious wool which forms the material* of the Shawls fabitcated at that place, bad been heard horn on hh re¬ turn, having reached the city of Mjvh Pol, in the government of UatharinoflavC, in Ruffia, bringing with him a fl»ck of 1300 goats. At the date of his letter, (r;h December lalt) the thermometer of Reau¬ mur marked fifteen degrees of cold, and the Show was a foot deep, which did not appear to a£c& the fl >ck unfavourably, as thry are accultomed to hrowfe on the mountains of Thibet, where 3 great degree his imroenfe ft of cold prevails. to proceed to Tfeeodofia, upon the Sea, whence it was to embark for E L>ck was Black Praace. — PARIS. JUNE 12. M. Felix T CD'*lletierf one of thofe who w re exiled by virtue » f the ordinaucr of the 2.5/h f T:y. a**d thr-txecptiona to the law f»f .iti:-. v has obtained permiffion to f>ifs two u'on'hH in France for the ar- rangement i»f hi* femfly affairs. He has t'.rn a few dav* in I'aiis ■ A woman of Verdi, in Italy, was deliv¬ ered of 5 wz\e ehiidrcOi 2 of them are r> ad, but 3 - f th-m me Mi I living. In the time ul Adrian* a woman of Alexan- Expedition against Algiers. [ ZxtraB front " A Narrative of the Fx■ Sedi¬ tion to differs in the year i 8 ; 6, ifc hy Mr. A- Salm, Interpreter (0 Lord Ex- mouth "] At nine o'clock (a- W« Aug. the 27tn) it being ft ill calm, and the Severn not able ro get on very faft, his Li:dfliip made signal for u' (me and the Flag Lieuten¬ ant) to go with the boat ; we then got in¬ to a bo^t with fix feamen, and took with u%% fecrctly, fix mufctts, for precaution, to defend ouifelves in cafe of treachery, and rowed towards the city, hoilting out fhg of truce. After we got oppofite dw moie at J i o'clock, the Dey fent a boat to meet US| wiih the captain of the port, who wanted to gel near OS. I told hini to keep at a dillance ; h? a&ed why we were a- fraid ? we have, he faid, not got the plague in Algiers. 1 told him I was not afraid of the plague, but laid, you have detained two of our boats with iS men, urj:u*!y. lie n^ad'* no rep'y to this, but in a con- fufed manner aflced. if our Admiral wisj Lord Ex mouth, and how he was ? Fn or¬ der to return the compliment, I made fun- i!ar about the Dry. and gave him l\ • fiiftJettfr, placed aj the e*»d pC* '"r"" stick. Before he received it in Ins baud, l^e i.fked if it was for theConful ? 1 f.ud, no ; it was for the Dey, to whom prefeut Lord Exmouth's compliment^ aiid fay, that an aofwer is expeftcd in one hour. lie anfwered, that it was impofllble to give an snfwer to l'uch ferious buGneJs bv that 4 time. I then replied, we (hall *fait hue in the bo3t two or three hours, that you may have time enough ; and, if you do not come by that time, we are iostrufled j to return on hoar;! directly, lie then ui?d, that two hours time was quite fufti- cient, <ind that he would com? back with '.he Dey's anfwer by that time. He afk cd, whether the anfwer would do if ;c was written inTurkilh ? I tolci him it did not ma'ter, whether in Turkifu or Arabic? Having obferved hi$ humble and confufed manner, I gave him, by mv Innd, the oth¬ er letter fur the Couful, and aflted how he ('heConftil) vvt*. as iCcll as our ; e p'e of the Promellieuj ? lie faid, they were all quite well; and the Ccnful wa* in hi, town hnure. 1 replied, you rnu-t deliver tlii- letter into the Conful's l.and-^i.d let mc have B< th the anfwer?, of the Dey 2nd of the Very well, he anfwered, 1 r-m goinq1 to deliver the letters, and I (hall come back and tell you, whether the Dey will jwe an anfwer or not. lie 'hen in- vitedus to come infi 'e the oiole, or to land, becaufe the heat of the fun was veiv ctron^. I thanked him for his kind off.r (ihe con- feque"ce of ac^e^'incr which, would have been the lofs of our head*), and refuted, faying, that the hc3t of the Inn did not af- left us ; and 1 t<;!dhim. if the Dey with- **d to fend any of his officers to treat with the Admiral, he would be received with great politenefs, and resumed in the fame manrer. lie replied, I hope it will be fot and vrctit away. After the Captain of the Port went and we were left by our fclve?, within pistol fh> t of thonfaods of thofc barbarous people (who were on the whIIb, and out and infi !e the batteries,) and knowing their treacherous chancier and hearing ihcir impertinencies, 1 then thought of the great danger in which we we«e; but I could only confole n.yfelf With rtfle61in^, that nobody in this world could obtain the end of his wifhc» without art^ck, Algeri-cs) would fw upon us; in Hiort, til! 1 reached the Qturn Charlotte1 I was almost more dead thaiali«e. After I had given my reports to .;ie Admiral, of our meeting with the Captain of the Port, and our waiting there, c-c. I was quite sar- p;i 'd to fee how lii^ Lordlhip was altered from what I left hirr :n the morniwy, : for 1 knew his manner W&1 in general very- mild, and now he fee td to rne alt-Cghtful, a^ a fierce li m, whic! had been chained in its cage and was s.-t at liberty. Wi;h all that, his LordlH'Vs answer to me was, '* Never mind we Ct\:^\ E?e now ;" and ^t the fame time, he turned toward, the offi¬ cers, faying, " Be n-vly ;" whereupon I law every one standi'^ with the match or string of thelock ifl bis hand, most ar.K- (otlsly waiting for the word, M Tire !" I remained on the pnop with his Lord- (hip, till the Queen Chanouc pas ch itw6 all the enemy's batteries without firing a liun. There were many thoufand Turks and Moors looking on asto-ffhed| to fee fo larp-e a fl*;p cominp a1! ;it once inside cf the Mole, with mt careing for any thing. When we opened over the Mole liead, 1 faw, a< I thought, a b- at coming out, which I fuppofed was that if the Captain oftlie Pott, and told his lordlhip of it ; but, on looking with a glafs, wr found the mistake. Doling this time, the Queen Charlotte, in a mart gallant and a^tantsh- ing manner, o ik up a pohiion opposite the head of the in>let and we let go the anchor at three quarters past two o'clock, within 80 yards nom the mole head bat¬ teries ; but after vards, having found that we had n»t more than two feet water un¬ der the bottom of the 0(ieen Charlotte, his Lordfhip let go the cable for twenty yards more ; an<: !o were within about one hundred yards of the mouths of their guns when Lord Exraouth took a pe-itior? in fuch a masterly ;; j le, that not more than Extract ofa Letter, datetl w Macedonian, Valparaiso, March S. •( The arrival of the Macedonian in the Pacific, has can fed wo inconGderable de- rrvee of wonder and admiration. Indeed, fee jniily merits it, for fbe u in the mofi. perrcS order. 1 have vifitcd Santiago, the capital of Chili, 96 miles from Valpa¬ raiso, fituated near the foot of the Andes-, and was treated with marked poh'tenefi Ly the fupreme diredor. The army under Gen. St. Martin, was at that time encamp¬ ed about 12 miles from the city, and con¬ fided of about 10,000 men, under good difcipline, and ready for adive operation?. ** Nearly 60 whale fh»ps are in the Pa¬ cific, which were wholly unprotected till oar arrival. Some depredations have al¬ ready been committed, which it will be neceffary to check." . • ExtraS of a letter from an officer in the expedition agatnfl the province of Tex- a., to the editor of the ioit Gibfon Correfpundeut—dated *• Cump 1 re»*,nan, IVxas, 10miles west of Sabine, June 234, 1819. ** We have at length got into cur new country, and having an opportunity, to¬ day, by esprefs t> Natchitoches, I take pleafute ift writing to you. 11 We j ot on to Alexandria, very well with hard rowing fron the mouth of lied river, it being high and rapid. Our force 'ia-aug rrtCiilio*» Via* "•; 'M a^ t*t'iCK-L- ut J*:^iiJ able, and is entirely popular, from your state to this place, as well as in every oth¬ er part from which we have heard. Veiy many are preparing to join us from differ¬ ent p3rt& of Red river, &c. " The citizens of this part of Te:;a<:, are plea fed to have an opportunity of as- sitting in throwing off the Spanifh mon¬ archy. In fine, every thing at piefent fee ma to fmile upon as. I amjwft return¬ ed from tiding all night on bulinefa for the army. We have here this afternoon in pun'uit of a p2rty of traders, fuppofed to beRoyalilb, going to St. Anionia with ^o ido. The troops are bu!y cleaning their puns for a warm chafe. We fhall orobahly overtake them to-morrow ni?ht. 4< General Long arrived here on the 2t ft, and on that day we raifed the fUg of republicanffin. Men are arriving daily, as well as cit'zens enrolling themfelvea as mi- Hti.i. Some Republican Spaniards of note a. d confidcrable wealth, have afforded u-j rreat affidance. You f!:all hear from us Quo yoar in flrose prftCi»r?sdmg from rhe port- of Ash Mid t'lr' - nv^ir to the coat ot ttiodo la Plata. 4th. All neutral vessels on board of which shall bo found warlike Mcresor enemies1' property, officers, masters, su. percargoes or - t'rt'haut^, beiougincr t0 the couutrh - under (he dominio;i of the king of Spam. <\\r\\\ be sent to V'alpai-ai- $o% to bo adjudged according to the lav of nations^ 5th- As su0i«5cn1 r.-ne ha* bee* gWea in the 2t\ a;;d .'d a:'ic!«•■> \u t] is decree to all friendiy trs-tds^ «>i vrhat^rer flag they mnyc< mo uuurr, fo uvoid the ports ihus bloekadrd, any rr>«»el which shall be found o<MiWav:o.:;r; this decree, shall bt» sent to Valpnnii^u, to be adjudged .lecordiurr tn the I \*v oi wdions. 6'fh. All 11ef.1fr.1l vessels which shall be I found navigatui-jt wiih double or false pa¬ pers, and doftnVnt "u tin* necessary doc- umcuts to e-;abli-h iht* cuhracier of pro- perty, shall bo cou-i-h'ucl as enemies' property, and )'\0 [i •.' accordingly* 7t!w The ; :x 1 t decree shall be pub¬ lished and t irealated for the information of all Concerned. Given at She directorial palace at St Jago el r.'.;;'i; sealed with the arras of the : :.m •, and cour.teisigned by the secretar) of marine, the 20ihof April, 1810—?d>cnr ol iudepen- deuce. I'■:-ItXAHDO O^IIICGIKS. JOSli L6NACI0 2ENTEX0, Secretary. From the Philadelphia Gazette. We are indebted to Capt. Abbott for the following hiterefting communtcatioo : &. £ari8*%Ut My* Dear Sir.—<s The following informa¬ tion waft handed me by a gendeman who arrived from St. Euftatia thia n orning# and which yoq will pleafe have publiftlM, on your arrival at Philadelphia's it may be of fervice tc the comrr^.-rcial part cf the coromunu). A fch.ioi.c triuhcd ofF^t. Eufntia 20th ind. in 6 d:iy> pi>iTage fiom Marganttaj bound to St. Th.-mnr.. the captain of which veffel gave the following information :—• Admiral Btion laiied from Margarita on io:h inft- wi^h his fquadron. confifthig of the Vi£lo:ii (his flag (hip-) a thirty-two CTun Enfiltih frigate, recently arrived 1 four o.- fiv-e g«n- could bear on us from the j again fhortly. moie ; thou.;h iwc we were expofed to the i fire of all their t liter batteries, and muske¬ try, we gave then three cheers ; and the battel'^, as wrllas the walls, being crowd¬ ed with troops, iluy jumped on the top of the parapets ro look at us, for our broadfile waa h-r|,tT than their batteries ; and they were qWtc furprtfed to fee a three decker, with the reft of the fleet, fo clofe 1 > thjm. Fion v^hat I obferved of the Ca^tiiin fif the 1;:t'> manner, and of their confuaioti i iside ».".!.- a n1/ fthough thev were making ^ ;-t prt, rations,) i a:n -i-ur<* f 1 i'i".f th 1 •« *y • ■* r.i-« .-w • aware of what thev were about, nor what we meat t to do ; becaufe, seeptdiog to their JHflgment^ they thought that we Iho'jld \,e terrified by their fortifications, and no: advance fo rapidly and clofJy to the atta, Jc- IM proof of thia, I mult bb- ferve, that at t!;.'-- point their guns were not even lo.-ded ; and they began to load them after the Oncer Charlotte ar.d altsott all the fleet had p; T.i tluir batteries. At r. few mi:. itCS l)c:"«.:e tl.ue, the Al^enncs, doin th« Ealiern b.itt.ry, fired the Irrlt Piot at the Impregnable, which, with the Superb and the Albion ('*) was aftern of the other (hips, to prevent them fiofB co¬ ming in ; then Loid Exmouth* having feen only the fmoke of the gun bef ire the found reached him, faid. with great alac¬ rity, " That will do ; fire, my fine fel¬ lows I" and I am fore, that before his Lcrdfh*p had finifiled thtle word» our broadiide wis given, with great cheering, which ivju fi:cd three times within five or : ix minutes; an! at the fame instant the other imps did the Line. Thia fi.ft lie was fo t-MiiMc, that they fay more than eoo petfons were killed and woun.led hy it. And I hchdve this, becaufe theie was a great crowd cf people in every part, many of wh >m, after the fiill difcLarge, I faw running away urder the Walls, others crawlinp u?pn their feet and hands. Af¬ ter the attack took place on both sides in this horrible mariner, immedl-r.ely the (ky was darkened by the fmoke, the fun com¬ pletely ccii^feJ, and the Jrorizon became dreary. Being exhaufted by the heat of [bat powerful fun to which 1 wase\pofed the whole day, and my ears being deafen¬ ed by the roar of the &un*, his Lordship, having perceived my situation, faid, u You have done your duty. DOW go below/' While I was gwK'g below, I was flopped near the hatchway by a crowd of seamen who were carrjiiu two wounded men to the cockpit ; and 1 had [eifore toobfervc the management of thofe heavy guns of the lower deck , 1 faw the companies of the two gUOS t\czTi(\ the hatchway ; they wanted forae waddiug, ar.d began to call^ ** wadding, wadding J" but not having it immediately, two of them fwearing, took out thtir kuives and cut off the breast*of . ST. GEORGE'S, July 28. • On Monday a divrfion of French men of war. confiding of two frigates and two brigs, apparently well manned, appeared off thefe Iflands. They were boarded by one cf our pilots, who learned that they were commanded by Mr. L'Amhal Do- pcrre and lait from Guadaloupe. We have fiocc been ::if«:rm.d that they are hound for Miqnelon, a fmall iQand about 9 m. 3 \V. t f Cape May, in Newfound¬ land, far flicker, during the hurricane 'I ne fol'owlnjr arc the names of the ves- ^eU :—La frigate La Glorie, la frigate Le Tharn, le brick L'Oiivier, le brick I/£ttrysl&« • • # • Translated far the National Advdcdfe, BEC&I5& Txrn sui^mr. orrtECTOK or tiii: state of caiLr. Whereas, ihe htafr of Chili, and t!ie cnu&e of liberty hi America^ experiences itie.&lculable injuries from the facilities ..Horded by neutral vessels to the ports in Peru, which are under Spanish domina¬ tion, ;nid wbbing to end the injuries which the inhabitants of Peru suffer from iho oppression of Spanish agents, and likewise the monopoly of Spanish Com¬ merce, fcxercised to the injury of all mer¬ cantile nations. llwrcfore, f, Bernardo ®*01gglB$, supreme director of the .(ate of Chili, in virtac of thjO authority girea by the law ofnntious to every independent power, to diminish the resources of the enemy and to check his operations—I, by these OPPSefltS; tip judaic and decn-e— 1st. Tiiat all the ports and ai-;diora- Ccs in the Pacific Oc?an, reaching from the latitude South 21 -IS, to 2 VI, be. and they are hereby, blockaded by the Chili¬ an squadron, under the command of our Admiral lord Cochrane, that is, from i qui que to Guayaquil. The blockade to be commenced from the first day of Muioh, 1819, in conformity with the fol¬ lowing regulations : 26. Neutral vessels of all nnfions, from L tiro pa, from the United States, or from any British possessions in America, w bich shall !)C found entering in any of the ports comprehended in this decree, in seven months from this date, shall be notified of the blockade by the comman¬ der in chief of the Chilian squadron, and after this formal notification, shall net be permitted *o cuter the said ports, nor Jiavo th > lea-^t communication with them. 3d. Ekpial notification will be given in fire mouths from the above date, to all neutral vessels coming from ports of Bra- SiX months to those proceeding ;n the iJoaats and hlauda of Africa. (name not rceolieried.) v.we brtVs, eleven fchooners, and a number of gun boats, all well armed and manned. On board of the fquadron are 2500 Enclifh, Iiifh and Scotch, 50c Geruan, and about 350 Indian troops, all we*>l disciplined, and it; high fpirita ; they mofi fangttine'y calcu¬ late upon meeting with fuccefs, and being amply remunerated for the many hard* fhips end deprivations they had experi¬ enced wbilft at Margaritta. Their des¬ tination is fuppofed to be againft Laguira. C'ommcdorc JoVy was fiill under arreft at Margarttta, for coofpiracy with his brother-iu-law, General Arefmendt, againft Admiral Br ion, and an ad of Piracy which he comrrif.ed whvlfl he commanded the Victoria—Arefrncudi is under arreft at Auguitura ; their trial is to take place immediately after the re'-nn of Brion fro-n his prefent expedition—and it is the general iarpvcfilm they will be fhot and hung iojibbets- A number ofprzes had been lately carried into Margaritta, feveral of thev. with valuable cargoes of hilts, fugar, cocoa, tallow, indigo, &c. all of which fold at high prices, as there were a great many fpcculatera there from St. Thomas and different Ifiands with ahn.ndance cf doubloons and good bills— »»i .* ,- - .1-.. L-••..-.; . .. ..c captu¬ red by p7iv:;ce.'S under the Art:gan flag, A boar the iSthof June there was a brig carried into Flat ifLnd, by a pti- vateer, or rather a pirate under Artfgan colour*—in a few hou»s after her arrival l, ztL fro col the news reached St. Bart?, St. Mat tins, and St. LtthStia, and in the courfeof two days the v« fl*-:] and carg.i were difpofed of, and the pirates made their efcape, except¬ ing one mat* who ran away ft#m them, and concealed himfe.f in the Luihcs until after their departure. He informed that the fch« which captured the above mentioned biig was called the Furiofo, c?.pt# Felix Alvara, mounted 4 nine pounders and an 18 pounder on a pivot, with a crew of 75 men, principally Italians, Frenchmen and Spaniards, who wete almoll conftantly in a (late of mutiny. The Furiofo, fiiewed, ocean different colours, and a? often changed her name.—She cruifed off 1 ffbon for three week?, during which time fte boar- ded fever.d American veiTcls, und robbed them of whatever they wanted, treated them very roughly, and threatened to fl g them if tl-ey even remcallrated againft their proceeding?* Ten day* after leaving the Lisbon fla- tion. fell in witli the bug l"'ir, ftom Li*bon. bound t-» Tortt) Hico ; ran s'ong file of her, (hauled down the PorfugU'le colors which we fhowed as foon as we 0is- cemed he 1) hoiftcd Artigazi colours, and ordered thun to lliike, which they did with great reluctance, until they law we were about to board. Her cargo confin¬ ed of wine, brandy, fruit, S:c. ; tlie moun¬ ted bx 12-pounders, and had a crew of It men ; hid 15 pallc;;gtrs? principally wo¬ men and children, who were left to the mercy of a lavage crew. The pflengtrs were permitted to rc« main en board of the Efperanza, but the captain, i-ffi-ere and etcw were t^ken 00 board of the privateer, and put in irons I the Furiofo accompanied her prize until the third day before our arrival at Flat Ifland, wl en cptain Alvara gyve'the captain of the, his «lfiecis, crew and paflcfigtra two boat*, whh a fcanty aPowanre o1 pn wifiotos and water I fwr three day;—;hey ai rtfukd goiugt

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