Kingston Chronicle, August 13, 1819, page 3

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<hemselfcs there, without any opposition | from the government. Some time since, circumstances being channel, the magis¬ trates thought it advisable to enforce the old regulation?, and all Jew beggars and petty dealers received orders to (pit the town, which thry did. Some rich Jewish families remained ; and the nj agist rates were a*ked whether they should be far¬ ther tolerated. The magistrates thought themselves not competent to decide this question, and called an assembly of tiv; citizen?. This assembly had scarcely heard what was the matter in debate, when some of them resolved to cut the .knot at once, collected some empty w.a^- gens Standing in the market, obliged the Jews still remaining to pack up their goods, and to put themselves with them in the vehicles, which stood rradyto ceuwy them over the frontiers. The immediate cause of the event is said to !.uve bvev9 fhit a Jew, emiinTf to th-j ancient cus¬ tom, which die net permit pi r-toivs of bin nation to aciiuirs real property-* had pur¬ chased a house in the co-vim ofMenin»ew« and desired to have h:a name registered &s the proprietor. The Criminal Court of Paris has sen¬ tenced the Sieur Dciamw and his wife, (the former to two years, and the latter to two months Imfiraonrfieut, and each i:: a penalty of 50 francs) for pub¬ lished en allegorical enerav Lug, entitled, ZiCpetll &&n home vit encore. The sub¬ ject of this plate was an infant^ wlu>>: features resembled those of Bonaparte's son, with a Uaming torch in hi.s hand ; the tlame was intended to rt*pr< sent that he had numerous partisans, and the eS- treme length of the torch, that lie had a Ioilg carter to rnii. He svas offering the tuiLUto a royal officer, pourtiayed by a decoration of thcji:><rdc lys.—Near him was another character, (Bur-tread) with a dor; couched at his feet, as a r-vmbol ef f.d"lit). An itvdlviunal in rnl-iMrv ;o>- tumc v. a« know u by p&itieolsf i\ atuns t« designate Kapolcoa, and a fij;urfi Hi the bach ground v\as an rquitfocai rt'.me- seiita'c'.on of a:: august psftsoiw^e. r From the Philadelphia Union* XHEinsse mefftofl oj tdiiuig tuitit Jo<vSt* ► Ztis I fa£l wc rthy fC£0\*dtng, however difficult it may be found of belief by our Engiifii brethren, that ic Newfoundland, the mod ancient o-f the Britiih poflcflions in America, connected, itnth t!ie parent ceuntry by ilronger tiea of dependence than any other colony, idcnt:6e<l with her in population, and almoft united by daily intercourfc, that there fhould l*? at this day, a race of men, lefs known i*tl Great Britain than any other people WiOOQ t!ic fuiface of the dilcovered globe.- IV* what caufe this extraordinary want of "iir,*orma- tiofl is to be attributed, we dial] not ilop to enquire, but h alien to the more «.feful task of caiiing the attention of the put lie, to the Intercfling fubjtct which has thus unexpectedly prefentcd itfelf. It is we)] known that the Red Indian* are an abotlgiaal race of men, who wer? found along the coade cf ihe Ifland, ;it w.\ wi* of it* difeoVery bv I'atropeans; \mt i 0,1 *f j the ill* of age they received on all &l«s, they have Jong been cnmr^Hcd to retire i tu the interior, and to fly from the fecc every animal in hu'^an ht\ n, as the*r certain and moll d.-adly e'.ic.r.y —In tVe noith of the ifland, ch«"y are frequently vifited by predatory o* E quitfii'HUX from the Labrador, and mui-deitd where ever they are nut ; »*i the fouth, they are littrclly hunted i:ke w{ d ciccr by ih; Micmaes, fiwn the neighbouring province?! and f]«in for the flcins in which they are clothed ?nd we may form a probable eftim^te of the treatment they have been ufed to esperinee, from our cwn people upon the fea flwres from the fact, that they fly their approach with lh« ittototl precipitation and horror, a;d the ki.'.vv- ledge that until, very lately, it was n<.t gciiiTal'y u^dcrftooc h this Ifland. to be a puntfhab'e < JJcsce v. fh- ot an Indian. In cor.feq fecution at:d cruelty, whkh informed peifon in ibis HL* i hroni are not exnp.f;cv?ted in tl.e relation, we could not but believe ihat the Red Indians wcr« the moil feroewMt*9&d intraSaktti of the hvav*: i: i!je—impelled by n > ro'-t:vc> hi - tliQfc of hun-gei ?r-d h'>(HJi'y. And it h with no l«-fs aJlonifnmeut than pleafure, that we foul, in the vom jr wo^an vhich * • coo.iequrnce or tbM habitual per- XSbmsse me&ou oj tokuir-zuti& Jowl.------- [has'ben brongtit aiwvngfl i.s, a r^iitlfe Whenever the fcAvItr fet-j a number oi \ bcin^, fenCbly alive to everv mild imprcs- and general in#ormat,'ons *fl to the number* they can employ, and the means they pofTef* of furthering the ohjcdb of the Society. 14. That iftfm be a Meeting of the Committee on cf^hc Hrft Monday." in every month, and a general, yearly Meeting of the bubferiberi P» the iccond Monday in May. • ; l 15. That ||t€ Vifitorj, or a*ny three members of the Cotnwdtt3C€$ be empowered (with the lanct* »'» of the Prefident, or one of the Vice Presidents) to call a Special General Meetir^, asloftctl a> cireuUiflan- ces may require, -; After which, the fleering proceeded to the nomination irfthe Officers and Mem¬ bers of the I ^miiNitee. c Kj>cf ttytUr rpri-.- ;>; "f tUn t«?{^rr've Parti**. His Gnct the DUfcti OF IcICH- MOND,—Prefident. Ri, ht Rev. llr LORD bloHOP) OF QUEBEC, Thmon. the CHIEF fUSTIX)E XQAH'pRKER, F-fq—Treafnrer. CHkv.Uour.d'FSnMAUVli.Llii:^. Secretary. Members of the CfflntnUlee. C'i-hphcd. Arch, /v. P. Ezq« Qiii inf.. //.*./. iv* ^'i- ti ut die. J skit. Eiff* U ':V, lh;i. J. ii^: vc/f. Li:»L Col Deputy sljt. Gen* C. B. -•.• -utilcr, J up*, li^i .■*/«/"/(7/y, Juhn [<. l£$fy mtyiuv*y. l. •\ JtWvhy Exu. r. V- /'. E*2- ,',•' ,y;. r7. /J .. (V. ^^. V. Pr^fiUents. by tohL'k means the health ofindividtich and families residing therein* is endan¬ gered* and their comfort zohuVy destroy¬ ed. It is unnecessary to point out par¬ ticular cases of nuisance ; thry are .10 numerous that no man can waits jiffy yards in any 6/the streets of Kingston without having his sense of smelling as- sailed by effluvia arrising fro.a putrid bodies, and other filth of the most often- sivc nature. The only place thai can te vamed as a public vatfc^ in the 'J'v&n, sit- uate on the hunk eft he'bay in front of the Market i}icce,surpa?SiS all others in dirt, insomuch that it is quite out oftht (/uesiion I0 approach it for (he purpose of recreation; and those individuals who reside in the neighbourhood* dare not raise their tcittdows to admit the air in this zcunn weather* inconsequence of the stench7 that would immediately assail their dwellings* From the uncommon heat of the zcrathrr\ ameh danger is to bi apprehended Jrom a pool of stagnant zzuter situate near Mittsis&uguti batterys u,:d it xisouU not be surprising if conta¬ gious (!($:(i es were engendered ly it ; yet tlwi Uiight z\ery easily be converted iiJ-j u running stream* andtZiih no great t&peme^ Ly cutting <* canulthe length of BOO yards* by izhieh the tcater from the Lake ±u.iij' haxe a freepuesttgtf*9 The cure of ihjse matters peculiarly belong to t::e M;i-yu/'utes, and I trust ikey veil do Uicir dtctg tfj' noticing them* *Ja -3 A Meeting of the Creators of 6^-Mr. W. HrAM.II ' ,__ If te of Kingston, will beheld at tiie Court House, on ffignvx*. DAYtthc \$th August,precisely if.>at 12 o'clock j J where those interested are reques¬ ted to give their atllndanee nr. cordin gly. A The Fanners cleaned BARLEY they think proper 10 deliver before Sleighing time, at one dol¬ lar per bushel for casji ou di livery.—lie is also desirous to contract for two thou¬ sand or more bushels of \\ hoar. THOMAS DALTCN. Kingston Breaery, .Jug. 13, 1819. 35 We cntirc!ya£ree ui.h o >r enrrc-jmndpnt in reprobnUitZ i*;e::nitanr»v of ivhich he cocn.lsi»»s; blit \\f vtuithi wish u» sep all complaints of thai ,t\iure. a..-' others which kc havo beard m?n(i* otu-d. brought to the* native of the .'iJa^trate^ upou/e^ratar iafonnaiions l««^ed by tLe ihli- i|»in U si'fliirht? i!iiiU-i the>f eiiU* ;•„ &.>w, W. : h\ this Town, on Wednesday morning thi i;h in:>t. after a iiiii;oriiig illness, \li^. H.uiriet Walkkr,' relict of the late Ei!v.aid Wallvi r, E q. and daughter of the lion. Allan MacLean,—aged 26 Sfettr. , 3/i»! •_ l*,n&. Ci:-s tk Que- , On Sittidaj last, on he,- passage in ihe Stcani Lin;:i uom Quebec to this place. hi " ducks fettled in any particular plafh of wat^r, he fends off tv/o or tliree (>cur;js to float among" them. Thefe gourds refen- ble our pompion? ; bnt, being made hol¬ low, they fvvim on the furface of the wa¬ ter ; and on one pool there may fometimes be fetn twenty or thirty of thefe gourd* floating together;. At fiift the fowls art fhy at coming near ;hetT3, bac by decrees they approach nearer; 2nd as si! bnu^ at length grow fami iar w th a icare crow, the duck-« gather about them, and afnufe them- fe! Jion and delicate propriety of her fcs. At a g^ucKi! Mrrlina;, Convened by public /lJwtift..7ci!% and he hi in the Court Hbufi ofthi; City* on 'Tues¬ day the zo:h d.iy of July % ijllgt, the fol- a ;rj ur.a-ihhoush kivhr? a?reed to i Rcwlaihn*. 4 t i. That a Society laf^rni-d un !er t!;e title of the ^ueiee EmlgWii* Society, fin CMmefiion and emr-apGnd^nce wic!: ibt*Ge ve> by whetting then bill* aggMtrii:them. I airea(,v estjftfng. or whLh tnav be f..-rmcd VVh;n the birds areas bm&n with the |,ertafCfr n, t|tcle Provinces,)-for ihc pur- go-jrdi as the fowlcf could wiflx, he pre- pofeof *ff.iri»p emr»»oymei«c, tofhcmnfan pare* to thenv more elK-ctually._ and BfiftMfifc to ak»'tute Settlers in One- lie holhm o«t one of thefe goerttt large j b(rC and |.s neighWurJtoo-1. enough to put his bead jr. ; and, making - 2 That thi-Society (hail #vM of a holes in breathe and fee through he claps prtf;.icnt, two Vlce-Prefi lent*, a Secretaiv, n on his head. T\v^ accoutred, hfi wades a Treaiurer. and a Cc-mrmVee of twnvy- ilr.wly into the water keeping bis^ body fo,!f Members, (four of wW, to-ethrr under, and nothing bat bis bead in the gourd above the furface; in that mariner he moves imperceptibly towards the fowls, wh<» Uifpecl no danger At l?ft,. howe- befauly pets in among them ; wh-le they having* been long ufed to ire gourde take n*t the lea!! alarm while the enemy is ia the very mid!{ of them ; 2nd a?i iofi lls^us enemy be in ; £>»% whe;:rvtr !:e apprcacii with the Pi-cfi-d-etttj or one of t,\e Vive- riefijeni-s fliall enndtitnte a Q^QnimA^kh power in the Cml C« <rr..:.:-.e to f. 1 up any vacancies in their uartiber. •■ 3. That a Subftirtftion of five Dollars prtan.r.] 1:, to be pu'J on fiibic:iSi'-r, (hull conitltt'tca memb.r cf \\%h Speiv y ; awd that anv Iar.ijrt film* vpbjeli Stibfcribcrs fnav he d: •> tc j i ■ c n'-iib-itet fiiiiil be cou¬ ch a feat he iVizes it by the leg*, and^| Udered a« a Duauuoa» aad entered secor- t3rA.vs it in a j-vk r.nOer water ; the:e be j *$$*$*}, faftens it under his gur"'e' a d proceeds to the Bexr, until he ha< loader] hlfinfelf with as many as he ccn carry away. When h: $ ^:ih. Chhrl >$ /r.7 St ■ 'i* ' *¥ A J * ', Thrtmpsmi% J 'te-i i>vy. ?" -r/atn. fit 'iifwhu iSaf. Wright, Dr. .V, i>. Xnsptr* ofllo&pit* <il\» (jrTSutscr'j'tti. n Jhioks zcill he opened a- John Mag^i.deu, £?»//**. tf/irf .••• 6#/Vi Ojfie6s of tke Kurtfat of Quebec (ttidMuji' tiisuS, in this tiilu* By Older, Sjci. Q. £. $. Qubec3 Tulj26j 1SI9, Wfter^ay, at the Unw.i Hotel* of thii city, was takcq i itii cufVody, un rufpieion, i_)r. i.,---------«e. of Kin^lion, having in ! hi.* pdPciHot) f on) X°;5o to 4f'c^o, in 1 6/e-c! til iar bills of the [vioGireal Bank, of the nuTibers of thoi'e itoien iu>m Nir. KiJct. Uei.aiyiven \\o account bow he came b) them, lie h in cc'/equence etrnvrr-itred. >r is fuppoftd l!i«ic the whole Inn will :»r recovered. With the Dnc!r.r was takrn I::tO cu.KjJy an Ami4!;.;;:!] ^-ntletnan, who was 1 i Mind n» ;.;j c.-'iipany. Notfnu,;, how- j cve«, apj*ea irij» a-^" the feltery l>e wa* this morning; 'iJ, \ f'.^i. * '^t'-*»**i"r^*l^- ^v^;*x:^^g-^^ *T^A'4*rr*-**cj^tL ^ ■jt'^'3*'"^*' ■*^iJ-li-j:^ • has got hfc quantity, without ever siiea'pt Jlig to difterb the reft of the fowls or* the th;? nimner, ;;a\fs the 0"»ck t!irce or foer vifit* in aday. Of a!! the vartog*artin?e? " for catching rov.l, this leems likely tv> Up attended with the grtatefl lueccis, and i.; t»hc tm& pra&tied in Cluaa. Frsm th? London Srh'fh Statamin* Great ve.r.ent.s aiii uhera.ioiis are talci ig" p!?cc in a moil {■i»port?ut branch tft the Rev:nue Department, it is finnlly arranged and u->w &CUD& ut>on at ihe C^ftptH h'*nfe, that none !»ut tlfieient and eapabie periV-ns £}-]] cor.;i,ni-; to hold of¬ ficial (latious. In the iWcn] cafes of involuntary retirement from office, a Kbera! plan is adopted, the allowance being band fame and fati&fa&ory. A complete change has occurred in aM particular de[>a;'.rneiir of the Cuflornbonfe; feme of the water fide officers were ac- cdfed of taking fee? from the captains of ti:ips, at the time of clearing, the vt(Tc!s of their cargoes, contrary to the intent and meaning of t'ie A^ of Parliament paQVd in the year 1806, for the abolition of all (yllttoms fees, excepting a few tolerated in the Long Room at the Culloiu-houfe ; the proof of the taking of fees w 3 efta- fclifted by the ae-lnow^edgme.d of lome of the parties accused, and an a futher inrca- tigation it was diicov.rcd rfiat mure ilnr. eighty perfons were implicated in the rnal-prr.dtices. whrr-2 HOME APFAldH. Newfoundland, May 27. On Sunday lall, the cutiofity of the good people of this town, was gratified b/ an unexpc£ted vifit from one of the R< d Indian5—a native tribe, f> called from the pigment of red earth with which they colour their bodies—The Inieretiing irat^er, is a young, apparently about twenty ; anr* (he is only the fecoiui of her tribe which h^s been {Ven amongll the &agla \meriean pco^k 80 tUeiflaud, iot the lall b&U cnUry. .4. That a Donatio^ o'£ic !t> Ifffa of the annua1 Subfcription, !hdll e'tnlh'tDte a member for life. 5. That the fr.alie!) DooatfOBSin Money, FtK'l, Ci>'hin'Tt or Picvjfinr»Si will he tnar.ictolly received and acknowledged by the \ amaaittcc. 6. Tbat nn Em'^.rai-rs5 Cflice be epened, Regitte*" wifl be Jwrpt of the names and circu»0llanee8 of Applicants, who will there be fumilhed wtih advice., affillanec ?nJ infnrmatLTi, 7.': hat the Secretary :^c rffftt*red to attend at the Office for.thi- p'j'pofe, every day. (Surdays excepted,^ it. ^ :o to 12 o'clock, or on fuck day-" R* the Comcifttee (hall tj)ji k needfary ; acd that, ra ccr..;der- aiion of hi« ferviees, he uiaU be exempted fr-m paying any fibl'.:i ipti^n, and receive fuch ccrtipcofirtofl i.^ the* £aciety may determine a*, the .\;mivetfary Meeting. ,8. 1 "haw wo ne nbers of the Commit¬ tee he appointed V.fjLoss in r^iatfou every fortnight, who fnaM r'tteuJ in like tranner every Tuefday, Thursday and Saturday. 9 That ail applications msde to the members of the Society * be referred by Ticket to the Vi'hors with a ftatement of the cafe, 8CC- Ky 'he pcrfon lo referring. to That the VlJium invdlTgatc: ail csf s of di-trefs with as rnnch acctrracy z% poffibio , fnall have the difpofal of i eces- fanes and rnonev to a certain amount : and ft ail betcqttired tofnrnift ettploytneat nr relief to all chofe, who may be c nfidertd as having el »fms upon tht^ Society. [i. That ihc Vigors (hill iKit have the power of difi, >G::£ t'f a turn ercerdlng four Dollars at the farm- time, and to 'he fame pcrfon. without the fjnc9i-n of the Prefident, or one <.f the Vice- *V fi ients and two other members of The 1 'emm tree. 12. That »n order ;o affiH t)i • Vilitor* in fi'dinir eirploymei t fw th »'e who nv.y have lecou^&r r'o this ^^^c.eT^•, the inhabi- tants of Qnebec and its ttcljfl boorhoud, he requcfted to make aophcAtiou to tlir Society for fu: h fcv,i> ts labourci$i and mechanics as they m;;v irq ii»c 13. Thai at irctilar I <et*-r, \r\ the name of the Society, to be (Ljeed bv the Scrre* tary, be tranfair! d Ert two refprSaWe peifons in each Pau'ft, or Townft'o. ■ f t!»e Ditlil^ requer.r'ij i:tu:i^r up|>•icitisttsi|| ulici a IbpgiHness, Which bhe suffered lotte, wife of the Revil, James Sokcr- ville.—.Vfu;r/. //^r. y/,^, 7. At Montreal, on Mouday the 2d inst. at the premature age of 16 years. Joum, the second sor; of the Honuiabic John RirharcKcn, of that city; I: UMiiti regrrc we baye ro ncticf thf irtifar. r«nate-death u this ptomWngjomb,attends as 11 iva* by circumstance* peculiarly agsiavathie 10 iheiVel.n^ofhfaduccniOlatc Parents at,d *»r- r^Winp friend*. Aerorn;aiiird bv some of In- j ivcuwe Companions,on Moi.dav, he uent -d ;!ie small bland, opponite the Old Mar- fcet-pl*?,' H.r ihe purpose of Battling, v.hen uicvili 1 i?*v \er: ir:-r •-..,.?n<j Mj depeJ>fhe co? eniaii£;If.i in<-neofthf Corrects \Vldctt atiOiind in that place,acd wa> carried funiir out into ije river- His critical ?i(U3.'ion fta«observed by a S.iilor, and some of tfto^f %\ho accompanied him. They made every exertion,at 1 he eminent risk oftbeir ov.n Ihe*, torcndcrUirfl fa*l$iancr,bur un!,ftD;'I- U ivishoui avail, 't \\t bod) «as fuund on Tw§. Jay, ^"d coinailard ro 115 kindred dwat, iir.:i-" a ritiwd of v. aiii £ friends, who haT thit* paid ide ; »| sad dotiesfjj c e ul#o*© up-ii^Sle dis*t»o,i[ii»D a-'i riprn#»d r^ents, eve., al t -e«r early peritid I nnwHed Lc uijuld he a coatruri Lobt8frfcnd*anJ an 'wra-aenr tu Socirty. Same day, Sopfll* Markland M'KenziB, you»se»i dati^hter of Kc>Le»t M'Keuzie, I^q, of the St. A-Mai* f> Suburb. Sitae d«y» Wirxivuf, ln*ant ^c of Mr. Wiiu'am Lainti. mrti.hant,of Mun;r^ai. At IVrrebounej on the 30th ult. aged 16 wiilis Maki- Kachtc*, i!au^ht**r of the ii 10. lloderick Mckenzie, Seiguior j of Furrebonne. E.\TRV McKIBBON left the C^r^ ty of Antrim, and parish of Lough- i>ill> in Ireland, in 1818, for 'Quebec, a ltd is now supposed to be in Unp*r or LowerCauada.—Any person, having in* formai§0Q of the said McKtfcfeon, wheth- I er living or dead, arid will twrect a line to (hat effect, to the Chronicle Oflice* Jxingbton, OpperCauada^ willbereward^ cd for their trouble by ROBERT McKIBEON, and MARTIN HART. Kingston, Jugltd lc2, 1819. 33rc-t IF JOHN SP'StNbE, «Tio was for¬ merly bred as a cooper, hut who ram'i to this country in Cbn ship A-'gus, from London, in the year 1815. and is suppo¬ sed to have gone in the Like sen ire, wfli address a line to the Herald office, in Montreal, he will hear of something to his advantage. ■ and Upper Canada papim w» r*qo«icd to give this an rifseftionin 'br-ir journals. Montreal* 7th August, 1*19. ^_______________________________ * _______ _______ For Sale or ro Let, /it TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a Q/jjL large and commodious (lone Store, fiiuate on the water's edge \\\ the centre of ihc Village of Prefcot, en t xct-edingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the purchaftr or leasee. Enquire it the Office of " CHr. A..HAGERMAN. Kingfton, 26th Feb»uaryt 1819. 5^ A good Bargain ! F^OR Sale, iheHoufeand Premifcs, pt the Town of Kin^(lon,.?.t prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferibcr. Fur parucula.s nply to SAMUEL AN-LLV,Jun. Kingfiton, May 5th 1819. 19 1 » 4 * . * • f * • * KtSmTOX, AtMsr ix .si9. I • * 9 f * • « Ourlasi ni:-- of N. w V .r!. papers '•> *e 4fh A"j;n;t,CoiHuin r:u' ,:»■ jiartieulu*Iv inieiestin^ (tern &iro|»e, ■ I'i w; 1 fe^een that the rr< atj be- lueci) ^psin and l!n r". -1. ) <* t . - ' lui'if ce3sioaoftho r I^noAS, w:is HOI i .oiieilby lihCadtolrc Maj-^'> un th** -"tl j»<1\ Thiede- I.t/, ivhil** if SHPfns *° "X'ite a SUip!.: lU in lh< United Starts tbattH* Kio^tff S|>ani w\\l not ratify f!i*» rreaU iu • "Wv partieolar, ;*.. n^ociu- t^?al Wa-iift^on, U beglas to call tor;n ;•>-^ re- r>e**ed expr^fiwn of *'»at kwlifer ?|«4'U tthich«o lately manifested itself *n Ui* most nuu lituut^. !»Ie aes ofr.^ipfsio'1. ^"r oyr part ■ thin It i**«t (!;*» Ueaty «i-l W eveniutiHy raiit!»"i by the Kii.;;of '"pain, ar.J |hat tiitRe who are now stan¬ di) £----- ■-£' ^^ JEl 1« # € • 1 1* l*J:!r*grry h»cnd3 on the slip,' rraly :o f;;Miv> Gej* Jaektoa a second i'r? .;.:o Fi.1ri.-1a W*!l te d;-?i'P»»:ii*e<l in lh** am:>ti:ient for winch im? a>v - <-J%^r. The fa*t 1 , «t this mnrorri tr ? ri«rjJa« '.'.ax h* rnnaldcred 3d vir- Uiali. in rhe po.-ise^i"" of 'he (JnnH Stales ci(i- x.* 'i?; lUeiv Land J" »i>evs h*vw altcady ^eciiiu- red {^'-j'iv i*: the li"f foif-<- of HvX oak, ivith iv^iich lh< Vinntry janurh gs*i.a(.^k: The prnx- i(?iH% /.e* thr I' loth*' tJuiWt Sl&les ^ive^ he- lutic-a [owei'fv.i* Uie.-i v-Jiich tipsJn, iu the !*-v-.»i-{ dislracted * a'.* <.. her nthtt <*lunitc. s'.ti)n:»( o|)iw)S'\ Sh'1 u* t)-e Keaker j.c#\»er, &a£ I k» i!ui abiiriJr,iii'>< off'10 ronnii >, nut.t \irld u\» t.iovHi ».heu M«s.w J>: r cad* it bj trtaiff ; ur uzluriw&s subnet Mi b<=** cui u[»ii; ii>k." V lions ^crourS from ihe Urii:-J Slxlea aj»r*e in iopr'^.'i-tins; t .; coMlfrfoti of tire Jvumf/njscn w.-t./i/?: :••>• an'l 1 ivpf lU<?uritig dosses cf th, poo/ fr* m the ua: uf < iii,)lo\oieni, particular¬ ly in ill* >(\i|">-i wtvus ^*« truly tiej'loraW^. 'I hi1, viewed lii e:iorir;v.di \\th the deprrciannn » f lUiik papei as a ehci'iatScg ciedium,. ! oih- er c»nnm?rcial ^t1* ji'£;;*.iei;i* nov. ro generally f*'lf ;..ij cnmpiah ••.: ofauOD^ them—pie»nut is uith a siiiio ' f n iv:* r«i ^!l euvi&Me. It v/ill ai least have on ;• «»d *; i! %^ii 1 ir;d^ic^c:r.- im t,: :^r HmijF - t» frda <he ruonu-r ronnnifi t» m/■■!** ib*rr»*«*l :»- r.i i»*n(ed:y m :Lr*e Pre- vii 'V.^% uude- the j-*-.eci-m of their OA\n ,-;overn- itisHit, with a '-it- * 'ie bounty of !a*.d, i»* obtain i'hich U]C\ aie i't:,""re^ Hi d.o iiill^ CUOre llian 5 o»l irafittwr a&«*. -i^vr. We should thfjifc in- pru" aftlr ID •!•! wiLI:i t;i'.- S;.;r,i Liuvreiice for he -rAr of erh yl0- the 'wri'iofstti-viitz ; a- ii 1-* r-».;;iin many of our ih*fti<l«-d rnnnfrvmen have do«p? and arp ;iV Miffl*r'*og tbe consMrocn- ces uf llietr mipracfri;c£. Awg.6. 1819—Schr. Pri^irtrnt, Di:n!cp—7,h. sch. Atlas Smith: *ch. Snalhuv, Lealie; »eani beat Fromenuc, iWKrnzie------8;h, steam bom tfophta, ";i.zr.n-----9ibt *ch Saaltow, Leslie. ?ie4im boa; SopWa, Hastings; sCh. Mayduvier, Patiei^m— lii'i, bch. Mary /mn, Zrlanci: sch. r,ntl> of the ;• t^e, v m-:»i ; sVh. Com. Perry, PiutCN ; -. ^'A::lh.... „'.;.f .... f| bf^l So- ^hti<,ir^ii u-; ^cri.;"...-.:. O • i*„SAuciUf—4fith, iiUaoi noa. C;urlovCe, Delink Auf;. £;. ( 3te?.rr> b^a; r'.o|>riia, Hastings—Itlb, steam U,<it Fronteuae,, M'Keozi*-; sch. Com. P^n* Parker; steam boat Sup&la, IIz;iing5— i.v'H Si**nm-in»at Chariot***, ■ j: St In all mti r<*g*uU?mt Tu^ns, partial* 1'ti uHcPtiun ii i>aid by the Fullcc, and Magistrates* tj the cleanliness of the #/rt:(s< market. Scoria as the Town vf Kingston is not :cc/; regulated, ihe Pa- j lire md Mn$Ut Ut ? pqg no mention i vkvfatrt* ^ bfc&sUess vf thz b&«^ K|"<lll- subscriber iu aJditiou to his constant stock vi MAURICE and THREE RIVERS STOVES, BAR nnc] CAST lias ri eeiud. per late arrhab, IOC1 Tons Lugliah liar Iron? assorted sizes, !20 .. Swedes, 10 ,. Old Sables Russia, 5 .. Real Oeraau and W. B. /,!;ear Steel. Hotaih KcMles of all biaeft, Sheet and English Plate Iron^ Fine Canada drawn Nails, Frying Paris, &c. John roiiTROus, At St. Maurice ; and TlIKEt KlVKK>* iilON WXJBK lloUSS, No. 19, Notre D-amc Street\ opposite the Custom Douse* Montreal, 4th August, 1819. N. B. Orders for Mill and ether Cast- ingb executed of the best metal aud supe¬ rior woikraanshi)) to any iu the country* at shortest notice. Upi'c: Criimda Bank Notes taken at t>ar. 33viG BLANKS, From the London TlcZUr, Divine Worship.—When ArrhhMic^fj Fcnelon was almoner to Louis XIV- raa Majefty was aftoniched one Sunday to find, iu {lead of the ufunl crowded cun£ re^a;ior.» only himfelf and his attendants, the prick and the ether < Seers of the chapel— w What ii ihe meaning of this f'* faid the King. The Prelate anfwe-ed *5 J caufed it to be given out that your M^jclly did net attend chapel to-day, in o»der that you might fee who came hrrr to worship j- God, and who to fl titer ihe king.0 Purchasing a Husband—Sufa;># a coun¬ try girl, defirnu* ni matrimouv, received froir her rwftwfe 6 [IflfetfeffrOtfai livc-puunu Bank Note foi her marriage portion. Her mittress wished ro see the object of Sufan's favour; and a very diminutive fellow, fwarthy 33 a Moor, and ugly as an apc„ made his appearance. " Ah, Susan/* raid her miitrefs "wb$ a Orange choice yo:i hav: made 1°—,fl La, va^aia/* faid Susan, u in t>uch hard times as these, when almoi; all the tall fellow? are gone for soldiers* whar, more of a man than this can vou es.- ped for a five pound note ?'* Dandies.—The Dandies, fays a London Newspaper, are bringing again int-> fashion feather-bed neck cloths and pillory ctfes , and none of the ;t dear delightful crcature8>y gw be seen out without (lays, pinching the teaiil fu tighily, th t the unhappy wearer resembles an hour glass in *hape. Grea; coats, with a waitl an inch and a half lcng% are all ihe go ; and the shirt-collais are long enough to go twice round the throat. In *hort, nothing can be too (li:T at pre sent ; and every lad that goes into the world* mull have his neck tied up almott as tight as some lads that go cut cf it I The ghahtr and Curate.—After the ce¬ remony of marriage, the Curate dernsndec five thillingsas hiidue.—M How do(l thou prove, from Scripture,*' faid the Qnukcr% ** that thou ought to have from mc foch a share of earthly mammon ?"—•* Why/* replied the Curate, " I take it for granted, that the person you have j-jll been marricl to i» a woman of good character; and Solomon in Lis Proverbs observes, that a virtuous wsman is a crown to her bus- band. M The Quaker paid the money. - Consistency !—An old Americiu paper, which we happened to lay our hand- upou ihe other day, prefects its readers with a copy of the Address of ihe Marseilles u> the Americans; applauds the spin: and conduft of the French \ extols their vicli - ties; Qyles them lilt second Free Pe pic upon the I'Vih (the Americans are ibe first J hails the swift approaching pciiod oi Universal Freedom% and advcrtw», io 02 lite Courts oi Kequcst, d'fferent lots, ihe ;_•: ./ ..;, ; • J ni , For Mb Qt this 0Jicex t&rty r.rgrQU !! i

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