Kingston Chronicle, August 6, 1819, page 1

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THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. I] FRIDAY, (jfternqon) AlCiUST 6, 1810 [No. 32, Bank Notice. BANK OF UPPER CAN ADxV. DIRECTOR for the week, Daniel Washburn, Esquire. Daysol DiSCOUINT—every Wudnes. DAY. Notes offered for discount must be all handed to the Cashioron the doy pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BARTLET, Cashier. Drafts on Quebec, at short sight, will be given for Specie._______________ __ The Last Notice. ALL persons indebted Co the late firm of jmm Ranhen iff Co. are hereby notified that unlcfs their respective accounts and notes are fettled by the firlt day of Au- guft next, they will indifcriminately be put into the hands of an Attorney for collec¬ tion. JAMBS ItANKK.N. Bath, June 30, 1819. 27-tf New Goods. LAMB&M'DONELL, Opposite the Market---------King Street, MOST refpeafully inform their friends. and the publicj that they havejuft received and offer for fale, a well chofen and general a.Tortmcnt of DRY GOODS, among which are the following articles, VIZ. Weft of England Cloths and Caflimeres, flair carpeting, Kidderminfter do. Jeans Fuflians, Bombazettcs, Bombazeens, drab- blue, gray and yellow Nankeens, Irifh Lin¬ ens, Linen fold a-d Maddapollum fhirtfngs, fleam loom (hirtin^s, Sallampores, lung etotk< and Baftaes, Manchefter & Glas- $• »- a r. peel CoUori3,Turke^ stripes,checks and Ginghams, Dimity, Chi:>t2 and Cali¬ co Furniture, Cambrics, Calicoes. Lenos and Muflins, Lutestring and Sarfnet Silks, black Florentine, silk Veils, Shawls,Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, Canton crape, Canton crape drefTes, afforted colors,cotton Shawl? and Handkerchiefs, silk, cotton and wors ted Hofe, silk, kid and beaver Gloves. Thread, silk and cotton Lace:*, Ribbons. Tapes & Bobbins, Counterpanes, Marfeilles Quilts, silk and Cotton Shambray, Linen Bed Ticks, bleached Sheetings, Hum bums, Derrys, bro\Vn Hollands, Dowlas, &c. &c. &c. ALSO* A few pairs STAYS. Kingston, 2d July, 1819. 27 ' NOTICE. THE subscribers beg leave to inform the public, that they have entered into Copartnership, and that thev will jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under the firm of LAMB fy McDONELL. Wm. B. LAMB, ARCH. McDONELL. Kingston, JuneZd, 1819. 27 Cull Slaves and Charcoal. WANTED, a few thoufands of CuU Staves ; alfo, a few hundred bush els of Charcoal, for which Cash will be paid on delivery at the Kingflon Brewery, by the fubferiber. THOMAS DALTOX. Kingflon, July 17, 1819. 30 7 ~~—————^~___——■__-™-■_^__^____^_^■—■■■■■■■■"—^—————————————■*^ Valuable Lands for Sale in Ike Township of Hamilton. TT OTS No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- JL4 cefiion, containing; 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con¬ ceffion, containing 4^0 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th Conceffion, containing 200 acres. The above Lands are all lying in the Townfhip of Hamilton, Newcalllr Diftrift, and will be fold on the mod liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Flias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingften. Thomas S Whitaker. Kingflon, May 28, 1819. 22tf GEORGE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Em>i- neer Department, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, tha* he has commenced bufinefs next door below Mr. George Douglafs's, Store Street ; where every article in his line may be had on the rooit reafonable terms, and on the (horteft notice. The following rates of charges are fubmitted. Horse Shoeing^ all round 6/h* — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion. Kingston, April $tb9 18 I 9. 1 c TO LET, /j^VD pofleflion given the 1st Auguft WM next, that HOUSE and STORE, in Store Street, opposite the Post Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jones.— For particulars apply to the subscriber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 18 19. Midland District Agricultural So¬ ciety. THE Committee of the Midland Dis¬ trict Agricultural Society announce to the Public their wifh to have a Dis¬ trict Show at Adolphullown, on Monday, the 18th Gftober, and offer the following premiums to Farmers. °0dollar« for the first best Bull, raised in the Pro¬ vince, and owned in the District. I recond ditto. best Cow. second ditto. best Ram. second ditto. best Ewe. second ditto best yearling Steer or Heifer. best Boar. second ditto. best brecdir.p; Sow. best Ileifcr of three years old. best ploughing of one quarter of an acre, with oxer, or hordes. second ditto. third ditto. best sample of Wheat, accompanied by Certificates that the same is a specimen of a whole rield consisting of not less than five acres, for the best sample of Barley, ditto. best sample of prime white Peas. for the best impro\ed Plough, suited to the agriculture of the country. 10 do. 10 do. 5 do. 8 do. 4 do. G do. 3 do. 6 do. S do. 4 <!o. 8 do. 8 do. 10 do. 7 do. 3 do. 5 do. 29 FOR SALE, A LARGE, commodious two ftory ftone HOUSE, with Out Honfe and Garden, situated on a half acre lot, in the Village of Bath. For term, apply to the Subfcnbe.. rr ' JAMES IUNKEN. mm, June 30, 1819. 2,.tf 3 Jo. 3 do. '•0 do. NOTRE. Books of Subscription for th e ill be opened at the Direftor's Room In the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24-th Auguft next, and kept open each day from the hour of uw iil\ te s'eiasfe; iintii further notice. Kingflon, 27th July, 1819. jr STRAY HORSE; ROKE into the inclofure Subfcriber on the 20th inft. dark bay of the a large HOB. 3 fhod all round, has a long fwitch tail. The owner is requeued to prove his proper¬ ty, pay charges and take him away. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingflon, 29 July .819. 3 ' w3 fnr^HE fubferiber has imported, and, of- _LL fers for fale, French Burr MILL STONES, London made of the befl qual¬ ity, runners edgeways. He will receive a conftant fupply from London, as well aa French Burr Stone3, and caft ftccl Mill Picks. HENRY JOSEPH. Bert bier, 2d July 18 19. N. B. Application at Montreal to be made to L. cV B. S. Solomons & Co. 3 1 ± NOTICE is hereby given, that a perfons indebted to the late firm of Taylor fc? P»k*r% either by Book account or Note, are icquelled 10 come forward and fettle the fame w.'th the fubferiber I *.j- MED1.VTELY, as after the fud day of Oflober next, the whole, remaining unfet- tled, will indijeriminately, be put into the hands of an Attorney for collection. And all thofe having demands againd the faid (irm, are alfo requelled to prcfent the fame, duly authenticated, for adjuitment. THOMAS PARKER, Surviving Parmer. Bellville, nth June, 1819. 2CW2Q NOTICE. ALL perfons arr cautioned againfl pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- cefiion of Fredericklburoh, or lot No. 27, in the 1st conceffion of Richmond,from the Heirs or Affignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an iY.difpur*ble title to the fame. GILBERT HAR1S. Sidney, 4th Dec. l8l8. 3 For Sale or to Let, At TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a <2/-Zl large and commodious (lone Store, Innate on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prcfcot, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous terms to the pnrchaftr or lessee. Enquire at the Of^:eof CHr. A. HAGERMAN. Kingflon, 26th February, 1819. 9 TO \M1\ A COMMODIOUS HOUSR, near Doftor Keating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, ^th ffine% I 8 19. %% /flL'L' persons are hereby forbid trust- Q/jL. ing Abigail, iny wifit, on my ac- coue»t. as she lias bfen delirious for sev- eral years past, and has entirely forsaken my bed and board, and I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. DAVID PURDY. Ernest 3W«, jutn 19, ISI& S<fe?3 ANY pafon having in his poffdfion the fecond volume, Philadelphia Edition, 1805, of Roscoe's History of Leo lOth will oblige the owner by leaving in¬ formation of the fame with the Editors. July 13, 1619. ty Statulos of Upper Canada. An Act to repeal the several t>aws now in force relative to levying and collcfling Rates and Assessments in this Province^ and further to provide for the more eqmai mnd general Assessment of la*ids and other ratable proper throughout tb Province. [Passed I2ih Joty. 1»19. WHERE -\S, it is expedient to make provifion for the mete equal and general AfTclTment of lands and other Ra¬ table property throughout this Province, Be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and c©n- feut of the Legiflative Council and Aflem- bly of the Province of Upper Canada, con¬ stituted and aflemblcd by virtue of and un¬ der the authority of an Act oaflcd in the Parliament of Great Britain,entitled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act, &c. &c. and by the authority of the fame, That from and after the firft Monday in January, which will be in the year of our Lord, one thoufand eight hundred and twenty, the feveral Acts now in force in the Province, relative to Rates and AfTeirments, that is to fay, an Act pafled :n the fifty-firlt year of the reign of His prcfent MajeUy, enti¬ tled, " An Act to repeal an Act pafftd in I the furty-feventh year of His Majelly's I Reign, entitled, " An Act to repeal the feveral Act* now in force in this Province, relative to Rates and AfTcflmtnts, and alfo, to particulate the property, real and per- fonaU which during the continuance thereof fhall be fubject to Rates and AffefTments, and fixing the feveral valuations at which each and every particular of Inch property fhall bt Rated and A fluffed, and to make farther provifion for the fame," and alfo a certain other Act palled in ,he fifty-fifth vear of His pwfent Mm-ilvV Reurn* ^n- ytar 01 iiiipielcnt ."i-ijen) 0 Ketgn, en¬ titled, "An Act to continue and amend an Act paffed in the fifty firft year of His Majelly's Rtign, entitled, "An Act t» repeal an Act polled in the forty-fev. enth year of His Maj* fly's Rtign, entitled, i( An Act to repeal the feveral laws now in force in this Province relative to Rates 3nd AflefTments, and alfo to particulate the property, real <- id perfonal, which, during the continuance thereof, (hall be subject to Rates and /• ffefTments, and fixing the feveral valuation* at which each and every particular of lich property fhall be Rated and A-Tcfled, *»d to make further provifioi for the facW fliall be, and the fame are hereby repened. I II. And be it furt/tr enacted by the au¬ thority aforesaid, 'lha the following pro¬ perty, real and perh-nal, fhall, after the faid firft Monday in jmuary one thoufjnd eight hundred and r/enty, and for every fubfequent year durin{ the continuance of this Act, be deemed ratable property throughout this Province, and fliall be rated at the rate an; valuation herein fet forth, that is to lay, .very acre of arable. pafture, or meadow [aids twenty (hillings ; every acre ol uncultivated land, four (hil¬ lings i every town [ol fituated in the towns hereinafter mentioned, to wit, York, Kings¬ ton, Niagara, and Qu.enfton, fifty pounds; Cornwall, Sandwich, J^hnllown,and Belle- vill., twenty five pounds; every town lot on which a dwelling houfe is erected in the town of Brockville, being comp< fed of the front half of lots number ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen in the rirlt conceffion of the townfhip of Elizabeth:own, in the diftrict of Johnllown, thirty pounds ; every town lot on which a dwellii r houfe is erected in the town of Bath, be ;ig compofed of the front Qi* South half of lots o-umb^1* cuae- ten and rleyen, in the firft conceffion of the townlhip of Erneftown, in the Midland Diftrict, twenty pounds ; every houfc built wHh timber fquared or hewed on two fide* of one ftory in heighth, and not two florid, with not more than two fire places, twenty pounds ; for every addition¬ al fire place, four pounds ; every dwelling houfe b"ilt of fquared or flatted timber on two fide*.of two (tones hi heighth, with not more ikw two fire places, thirty pounds ; and for every additional fire place, eight pounds ; every framed houfe under two (lories in height with not more than two fire places, thirty five pounds; and every additional fire place, five pounds ; every brick or (rone houfc of one llory in height and not more than two fire places, forty pounds ; and for every additional fire place, ten pounds ; every framed, brick, or (tone houfe, of two (lories in height, and not more than two fire places, iixty pounds ; every additional fire place, ten pounds ; every grift mill, wrought by water with one pair of (tones, one hundred and fifty pounds; every additional pair,fifty pounds; every far/ mill, one hundred pounds ; eve¬ ry merchant's (hop, two hundred pounds : every (tore honle, owned er occupied for the receiving and forwarding goods, wares or merchandise, for hire or gain, two hun¬ dred pounds ; ewry ftone horfe, kept for the purpofe of covering mares for hire or gain, one hundred and ninety nine pounds J Provided aho. That if any perfon fhall bring into any townfhip in this Province, any horfe, as afutefaid, afier the *!£Tefs- ment Roll fliall have been made up for Inch townfhip, it (hall and may be lawful for 1 he Collector of fuch townfhip ard he- is hereby uquired to demand and rccciv: of any fuch perfon the rate of fuch a horfe, as aforefaid, unhfs the owner cur fatisfy fuch Collector that the rate for fttcil h. rfe h.ts been returned or paid for that and in cafe of a rcfufal <.: pay¬ ment, to proceed to the recovery of fuch rate by diftrefs and fale of fuch horfe as aforefaid ; every horfe of the age of three years and upwards, oight pounds ; oxen of the age of four years and upwards, per head, four pounds ; milch cows, per head, three pounds ; horned cattle, from the age of two years to four years, per head, twenty (hillings ; every clofe carriage with four wheels, kept for pleafure, one hun¬ dred pounds ; every phaeton, or other open carriage witli four wheels, kept for plea- lure only, twenty five pounds; every cur¬ ricle, gig, or other carriage, with two wheels, kept fot pleafure only, twenty pounds *, every waggon kept for pleafure, fifteen pounds. Provided always, That every ftove erected and ufed in a room where there (hall be no fire place, be deem¬ ed and conGdered as a fire place, Provid¬ ed also, That nothing herein contained fliall extend or be conftrued to extend, to any property, goods, or effects, matters, or things herein mentioned or enumerated, which (hall belong to or be in the actual poflVffion or occupation of His Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, except the Crown and Clergy Refcrves actually leafed to in¬ dividuals, which fhall be liable to the fame Rates and Afleflments as other lands herein before mentioned. III. And be it further enacted by the au¬ thority aforesaid, That the perfons nomi¬ nated and chofen Affeffors, in each and every parifh, townfhip, reputed townfhip, or place, fliall, during the continuance of this Adt, have power and authority, and they are hereby authoiiied, empowered, and required to demand and receive of and from each and every ratable inhabitant re- fident within the parifh, townlhip, or place for which they fhall be fo nominated and chofen. a lilt of all the ratable T^rfona! luoku, a lilt o. all the ratable perlonal oroperty in his, her, or their pofleflion, in the Province, and of all the lands or other real eitale in his, her, or their pofleflion within the faid parish, township, or place, •.pecifying the number of the lot or lots, and the conceffion or concefliono, in which the fame is or are fituated, or othcrwife particularly defcribing the famc; and alfo the number of acres cultivated or unculti¬ vated in each lot or parcel of land, which list fhall be taken annually during the con¬ tinuance of this Aft, between the first Monday in February,and the fitting of th« Quarter Seffions of the Peace, then next en- fuing, and the faid AfftfTors (hall make a re¬ turn of all the ratable inhabitants, with a true list of all their ratable property, fpe- cifying the particulars above mentioned, nnd shall in like mariner, insert their own ratable property therein, at the foot of which they shall fubferibe their names, and after putting up a copy thereof in tome public and conlpicuous place of the township in which the same shall be made, shall return the fame to the Clerk of the Peace to be laid before the Court of Quar¬ ter Seffiou*. IV. And be it further enacted by the au¬ thority aforesaid, That all lands shall be conlidered as ratable property, which are holdcn in fee fimple, or promife of a fee fimple by land boards certificate, order of Council or certificate of any Governor of Canada, or by Leafe. V. And In it further enacted by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That each lot, piece, or parcel of land in any of the before recited towns, other or lefs than a town lot on the original plan of fuch town, held by leafeor otherwile, on which a building fhall be e- re&cd, fliall be likewife taken and confid- er^.d to be a town lot. VI. And be it further enacted by the au¬ thority aforcfa'd, That it fliall and may be lawful for fuch Affeflbrs, yearly and every year, during the continuance of this Aft, to demand and receive of and from the Treafurer of the Diftrift, a turn of money, not exceeding four pounds for every hun¬ dred pounds, contributed and raifed in and by their refpeftive townfliips, reputed townfhips or places for the year they (hall ferve that office, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefs fum and fums, and the Treafurer of each and every Diftrift, is hereby authorifed and required to pay fuch Afleffor as aforefaid. VII. And be it farther enaSed by tic au¬ thority aforefaid, That the feveral Courts of Quarter Seifions, are hereby authorifed, empoweredj and required, after having as¬ certained the fum of money required to be raifed for defraying the public espences of the Diftrict, to divide and apportion the fame upon each and every perfon in the faid Rate Roll named, and liable to pay Rates a9 aforefaid, fo that every perfon (hall be A defied in juft proportion to the lift of his, her, or their ratable property, real and perfonal, according to the Rates herein before fpecified, and having ascertained the quota, dividend, or lum of money for which each and every perfon fhall be lb AlTtfTed for the currer.t year, they fliall direft the Clerk of the Peace to tranfmic forthwith a certified copy of fuch AfTcfTment Roll, fo rated and afcertaiued as aforefaid, to each and every Colleftor within the Dis- trift, and the faid Clerk of the Peace, fliall be entitled to abk, and the Treafurer h hereby required to pay him the fum of thirty (hillings on each Affeffment Roll, fo by the faid Clerk apportioned and trans- mitred as aforefaid, and fuch copy certi ficd by the CRik of the Peace as aforefaid, (hall be to each, and every Colleftor, fuf- ficient authority for collecting the propor¬ tions or dividends within their telpeftive townfhips, reputed townfhips or places, Pr$videdalways, That the fum levied fliall in ho one year, exceed one penny in the pound on the fum herein fpecified on the valuation at which each fpeciesof the pro¬ perty before mentioned, (hall be Rated and A defied. V11I. And be it further enaBed by the authority aforefaid, That no new Affefa- ment fliall be made until it fliall appear to the Juftices at their refpeftive General Quarter Seffions, or the greater part of them, then and there aflembled, by the ac¬ counts of their Treafurer, or otherwife, that one half of the money colleftedby virtue of the proceeding rate, together with the whole of the monies collefted un¬ der and by viitue of any Afts now or here¬ after to be in force in this Province fhall have been expended for the public ufes of the Diftrift. IX. And be it further enafled by the au¬ thority aforefaid, That if any perfon ap¬ pointed or to be appointed a Parifli or Town Officer, ander the authority nf any of the Afts of the Pailiament of tttta Pro¬ vince, in force for that purpofe. fhall neg- left or refute to perform the duty impo* fed upon them and each of them, by the provifions herein contained, in manner and form as herein fpecified and declared, or if any perfon or perfons liable to the pay¬ ment of the rates b) this Aft jmpofed, fliall negleft or refufe to deliver in a true lift of his or her ratable property, real and perfonal, to the Affeffora, in manner and form herein fpecified, or fliall wilfully mis- ftate fuch ratable property, every fuch per¬ fon or perfons (hall forfeit and pay a fum of money, not lefs than two pounds, nor more than five pounds, for the firft neg- left or refufal, and ten pounds for the fe¬ cond- to \m i^*«i»d.^*i'ift-wjfc.»«d file te- cond, to be levied by diftrefs and fale of the offender's goods and chattels, and up¬ on complaint of fuch negleft, before two or more of His Majefty's Juftices of the Peace, for the divifion where the offence is charged, they fhall hear and determine the fame, and upon fufficient proof being made of fuch wilful negleft, refufal or miftate- ment, (hall iffue fuch warrant as aforefaid, unlefsfuch fine fhall be immediately fatis- fied, and fuch fum of money when collec¬ ted, fhall be paid into the hands of Hi9 Majcfty's Receiver General, to and for the ufe of His Majefty, Hi« Heirs and Suc- ceffors, and towards the fupport of the Civil Government of this Province, to be accounted for to His Majefty, through the Lords Commiffioners of His Majefty's Treafury, for the time being, in fuch man¬ ner and form as it (hall pleafe His Majefty to direft, and the Juftices before whom fuch conviftion (hall or may have taken place, (hall certify the fame to the Clerk of the Peace for the Diftrift or County where the offence was committed, who (kali and he is hereby required to infert the ratable property fo withheld or misdated, on the AiTeffment Lift of the townfhip wherein the offender was refidentat the time. X. And be it further enabled by the author* ity aforesaid, That if any perfon shall refuse to pay the fum or rate for which he or she stands rated in manner aforesaid, for the fpace of fourteen days after demand duly made of the fame by the faid Colleftor, the faid Collector shall and is hereby re¬ quired to levy the fame by distrefs and fale of the goods and chattels of the perfons so neglecting or refusing to pay, after having obtained a warrant for that purpofe from fomeoncof His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and to render the overplus, if any there shall be, over and above the faid rate, to the owner thereof, after deducting the legal charges of the distrefs and fale. To be C9ncluded next week. FOREIGN NEWS. London, Jun* 8. In the houfe of commons laft night, the chancellor of the exchequer fubmitted, m detail, the financial refolutions, which he had moved, pro forma, on a preceding day. The fpeech of the right hon. gentleman may be coafidered as fubftantially com¬ municating to the houfe and the country, the budget for theprefent year,, though that particular queftion is to be brought forward in a more technical fhape tomorrow evening, and whatever differences of opinion may exift, as to the caufes which have produced the neceffity for the prefent meaUres, we fhould think there can be none as to the wifdom and policy of meeting that neces- fity by adequate and decifive remedies. We are now in the fifth year of peace, aod with every profpeft (thanks to the energy of our prefent minifters) nf a long con¬ tinuance of that peace. It behoves the government, therefore, to lay down the prccife fyftem of internal management by which, under tire fanftion of parliament, it fliall be deemed expedient to conduft our domeiiic affairs. We have had a breathing time allowed us, after a war unexampled in the magnitude and perfeverance of its facrifices ; and it is undeniable that, dur¬ ing this interval, we have confiderably recruited our ftrength. Nearly nineteen millions of taxes have been removed fince the peace, and furely it will not be con¬ tended, that the nation is unable to bear the rc-impolition of three, out of thole nineteen millions Indeed, the queftion of its ability is net doubted. Our readers are already aware of the great object propofed, to be attained by miuifters, namely, to create a clear, and

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