Kingston Chronicle, July 30, 1819, page 3

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J prTcfid Kfefrtf & MtWok WrI attempt! of any kind. Our lawa rcfpcc- MtJhe hadtopayil away as partof the I ting forgeries are not of a nature to be trifled with or held in contempt; nor mu(l crown lo mild aiid inofFenfive character, he ha Jurchafe money of the next book, he want cd. Under all thefe diladvantagea, he ac quired in fourteen year*, a complete know ledee of the following feventeen language: iat.n Grtek, Hebrew. Chaldee, Byrtac, Samaritan, Arabic, Pcrfic, Hindrance, French, German, Italian, Ethiopic, Cop- tic, Malay, Sanfcric, and Bengalee. In addition to this immtnfe stock of literary attainment, he was moderately acquainted with the e'ements of mathematics, and a pretty g^od mufician ; and to all he was a mild a:.d inofFenfive devoid of the eccentricities which often ac company genius. ARCTIC SCENERY. Extraft from Captain Ross's Work :— •Aug. 18, lat. 76. While the moon was in fight, (he had the appearance of follow- ing the fun round the horizon, and while tbefe bodies were palling in Aeimnth a- long the tops of the mountains, the fnow ■which covered them, and which had natu¬ rally a yellow tinge, had then the luilre of gold, and the refle&ion of thefe upon the iky, produced a rich green tint, fo deli¬ cately beautiful, a9 to forpafs defcription. On the other hand, the rays of the fun darting over the tops of the mountains, came in contaft with the icebergs, which appeared of filver, adorned with precious atones of every variety."—Such were the magic fcenes enjoyed during a day, which lasted from the 7th of June to the 24th of August, or 1852 hours without the fun fctting to their view. Iron Hanging Bridge. The third report of the felefl com¬ mittee of the London-end Holly-Head Road has been printed. The committee adopt, and ftrongly recommend. Mr. Telford'* plan of an iron hanging b1 idge acrofsthe Meoai tlraight. Each of the two principal piers is intended to be 60 by 40 feet at high water mark, having a foundation of rock* Upon the fummit of each of thefe a pyramid of cad metal is to be erefted, f©r the purpofe of raifing the cables from which the bridge is to be fus- pended. '1 he bridge, which is to hang between thefe two points, will be 522 feet long and 30 feet wide, the entire length of the bridge is to be 500 feet. The ex- penfc efiimated at £70,000. London paper, William Hogarth. Among the fine collection of pictures by this favourite of the Britifh fchool, now opened to the public in the gallery, No. 30, Lower Brook-ftreet, are fome of the moft aftonifhing fpecimens we ever faw. The * Rofamond's Pond/ the 4 Treafury Garden* (with portraits of Sir Robert "Walpole, and the Speaker Onflow.) the numerous affembly, including the Father of our venerab'e Sovereign, and pnncipal nobility of that day ; Hogarth's * Paint¬ ing Room/ and bis * Midnight Conver- fation/ with the portraits of himfelf, Quin, Thomfon, Gay, &c. &c are not only the mod amazing proofs of his unrival¬ led genias, but alfo of the very great ▼erfatility of his talents. Nor were we lefs delighted with the fine pictures ex¬ hibited in this elegant gallery, of the Italian, Flemifh, and Dutch fchools. London Obferver. f»rgere expedl to find here the (belter or hiding holes that are to be met with in Urge capitals. The circulation of Tpnrious paper here mud be attended with that kind of overt afrs which rauft inevi- t«bly lead to detection. It appears that not only bafe notes, but baie coin is in circulation, particularly half-eaglfes and half-guineas. The fpurious ha!f-eagles are thicker than genuine ones, Montreal, July 2 4. Our predictions refpedling the indivi- duals who were incorporated for making the La Chine Canal, have been hitherto amply fulfilled. Wilh their ufual alacrity they have called a meeting of the Stock¬ holders for Monday next, to be held in the Cotnt Houfe here, preparatory to the general meeting for the ele&nn of Direc¬ tors* Much .night be faid rcfpe&ing the qualifications neceffary for thofe Direc¬ tors. At prefent our limits will not admit of our enlarging on fuch a topic. We may perhaps revert to the fubjett on another occafion ; but fhould we not, we can at prefent only obferve* that the bu- fiuefs has got into pood hands, and we have the moft implicit reliance on the judgment of thofe perfons who will have the greatefl preponderance of votes on the occafion, and cordially hope we will not be deceived. It is obvious the whole fuceels depends on a judicious fele&ion. Herald. and politic, fin nee it lcflens the temptation for fmugglingg, while it proportionally adds to the reevenue of the Cuftom Houfe. ! -V r.v^ HOME AFFAIRS. York, July 2 2. HisGrace the Duke of Richmond and His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitiand, and staff, on Monday the 17th inst. pro¬ ceeded to Lake Simcoe, on a tour of ob¬ servation through the upper Districts of this Province. The Summer Assizes for this year will be held as follows. Home Circuit, The Hon. Chief Justice. Niagara District, Niagara, Monday 16th August ;—New Castle District, Hamil¬ ton, Monday 27th September ;—Home District, York, Monday ISth Oct. Western Circuit. The Hon. Mr. Jus- tice Campbell. District of Gore, Ham¬ ilton, Tuesday 17th August ;—London District, CharlotUvllle, Tuesday ftttfa August;—Western District, Sandwich, Tuesday 7th September* Eastern Circuit. The Hon. Mr. Jus¬ tice Boulton- Eastern District, Corn¬ wall, Tuesday 7th September ;—Johns¬ town District, Broekviile, Monday 13th September;—Midland District, Kings- ten. Monday 27th September. York nth July, 1819. Quebec, July 16. Wednefday arrived here H. M. S. Neweaftkj of 50 Guns, Rear Admiral Griffith, from England viz. Halifax. Salutes were fired from the Grand Battery, and from the Ships of War in the Port, and returned by the Nevvcaftle. We are happy to learn that ^50,000 in fpecie is daily expe&ed from England. The Telegraph announced, lad evening, a {hip of war ; (he is this day arrived, and proves to be a tender to H. M. S. New- caftle. July 20. The attention of this community is, at this moment, particularly direfted to the twtrerous forgeries of the notes of the Montreal Bank ;any fuither great increafe of which, fiom the energetic meafures of the magiftvates, added to the prefent cir- mtmfpe&ion of the public, we flatter our. fclves has received fuch a check as mull operate as a pretty folid barriev to their pTf-erefs ; at leaft to the progrefs of thofe of the kind we have a knowledge of. The four or five arrefts of fufpeAed perfons raunut fail, inuced, to check arv further TEAM BOAT. On Thursday laft, Mr. Jeremy's ner/ly conftru&cd Team Boat made its fir ft trip from Laprairie to this city. From hence it proceeded to I.ongueil, that on its ie turn it might try its capacity to mount the current. Being aboard the vefTel, we had an ample opportunity of judging of her power, and are decisively of opinion (as is the proprietor) that she will never anfwer the object of her construction, viz. paffage between Laprairie and Montreal. Without the aid of towing, fhe would ne ver have afcended the current, much le£i be able to return to Laprairie. Mr. Jer¬ emy, we believe intends she fhould ply be¬ tween Longueil and the point on the fide immediately opposite. >he has the ap¬ pearance of two large Durham Boat* pla¬ ced fat era »7y to^et her, with a rree parage between them for the water, and connedt cd only by the deck and the axis of the paddle-wheel which is fixed in the centre. Ten horfes fct in motion the machinery which gives the wheel its rotation, and move in a circular building erected on deck. From the particularity of her formation, it is very difficult to (leer her ; as the flighteft eddy or current setting against the interior faces of her bow, wheels her about, unlefs previous precaution be em¬ ployed ; she is, therefoie only calculated for still water. P. S. Yesterday she attempted a return to Laprairie, but as we foresaw, failed. Courant. KINGSTON, Jrrr30,l819. We have no material intelligence from Europe of a later date than was given in our lafh We took occafion in a former nomber of the Chronicle, to exprefs our regret at the want of the reports of the proceedings of our Provincial Parliament during its late feffion. We have fince, it is tiue, had the fatisfa&ion to receive a lift of the AAs paired previous to its prorogation, and which our readers have already feen. They arc in number twenty three, and in fo far as we may judge from their titles, and fuch other information as we have been able to procure, fome of them ars admirably adapted to the fituation of the country, and well calculated to promote the interefts both ofcommeice and agri¬ culture. And when we perceive that fo much has been dene in the fhort fpace of five weeks, we muft infer, that harmony and good underftanding generally prevail¬ ed between the different branches of the Legiflalure. We congratulate our rea¬ ders and fellow fubjeAs throughout the Province on the valuable addition made to our Statutes, and feel grateful to the Par¬ liament which has contributed fo much by its wifdom and exertions to the grow¬ ing profperity of the Province. We neverthelefs regret that the reports of its proceedings were not pubh'fhed during the feffion. When we formerly touched up¬ on this fubjeA, we fpoke of fuch reports as antidotes againft corruption ; we alfo think they would at all times prove the fureft and fafcft proteAron of members a- gainft private mifreprefentations of their parliamentary conduA. In fhort, the people would thereby be furnifhed with the only correA means of judging with what diligence, ability, and integrity their reprefentatives were difeftarging the high truft committed to them, and their confi¬ dence and fupport would be given or with¬ held accordingly. As things are, the moft meritorious exertions of the enlight¬ ened ftatefman are not better known, and receive no more credit than the pafiive in¬ dolence, or ignorance of him, who con¬ tents himfelf wilh faying yea, or nay, when called upon by the Speaker or Chairman. By the A A publifhed to day, it will be feen that the Duties on United States' produce a-nd manafaAuTes are reduced con. fiderably below the former rare*. This diminution may be regarded as judicious Our readers 1 will obferve with pleafure, by a notice in this day's paper, that meas¬ ures are in prwgrefs for carrying into ope¬ ration the prn-iviiinns of the A A for incor¬ porating the tKingfton Bank. As this is an inftiiution, involving in its management many imp;rta&nt confequences, we hope to fee it conducted with prudence and ener¬ gy, and generrally fupported by the capi- talilts of the H'rovince. His Grace I the Duke of Richmond, aiid His Excellerncy Sir Peregrine Maitiand and Staff, fet out from York on the 17th inftant, on therirway to Diummond Ifland, by Lake Simc.oe, from whence they will come round b*y Amherflburgh and Lake Er;e. It is faiid that His Excellency the Lieutenant G'"v^rnor will vifit Kingftoo and Perth on his return from the weft. Major Hilliiir, Private Secretary to Hi* Excellency Siir Peregrine Maitiand, pas¬ sed through iKingtton this week, on his way to Englaind. • o • • The premiuiTJSprooofed by the Agricul¬ tural Society eofthis DifiriA, for the 18th OAober, will he feen in the next column. Small as they are when compared with the premiums offened by the Societies of fome of our neigl.b/cring DiftriAs, they are certainly liherral compared with the fcanty fund whi-fa hv.u been raifed by fubfeription in thi? wtalthty DiliriA. Wc hope they will excite a fioirit of competition to a cer¬ tain degree, amd that once excited, many of our farmers- who now view with abfo- lute iudifFerenc:e the fwimation of this So¬ ciety, will eventually fee! their intereft and credit both cconcemed in fupporting and encouraging it.. e e Private lettcrra inform us, that on Mon¬ day lall a rreetting wa9 to be held at Mon¬ treal, to spp' iiint a day for eleAing direr- tors, &c. and •.concciting other preliminary meafures tor oppeomg the Lachine Canal. As the neceffar ry lum for commencing op¬ eration* haa beeen fabferibed, we may hope foon to fee thee completion of this impor¬ tant improvemeentin the navigation of the St. Lawrence. An Advertifemen< refpeAing Chareva- ries will be tnfertedi fo loon as the Sub¬ scriber who fent n> favours us with his name. MA RtUED, O.i Sunrby the '2o\h instant, by the Rev.G.O. SCiort, Mr. klaxon H*'»tington, to Miss Julia Ann H-, afrer baf#*« On Tuesday the 27th Mr. David Low, to Miss Jane Scott, by licence. TlRVH, On Wednesday las:, the Lady of Doctor Gedfles, of adanghter. m^r. Wm tf s $$m* ARRIVED, July 25.. Sclwoficr Rambler, Wint- zvorth• from Suchetsharbor—Steamboat Sophia, I'uugkun, Jo.—'26, Boat Night¬ ingale, li'ood% do.—c27, Boat llumbird, Ends, from do.—Steam Boat Fronte- nac, MacKenzie, from York.—Steam¬ boat Sophia, Vaug'ian, from Sockets* harbor.—c28, Sch. Swallow^ Child, do. —Sch. Rambler, IVintzcorth, do.—29, Steam Boat Sophia* Vaughan,do>—Sch. Catharine, Tremait\ from Nezv Castle. CLEARED. July<lA..Svh. Rambler. Wintworth, for Sncketsharbor—Steam Boat Sophia, yaughiufor S. Harbor 26lh—Mat Nightingale. Wood. 2Rth—Steam Boat Sophia, Vaughn. Wih—Sch. Srcaltnu, Child.... Sch'r. Ramb!--i\ ll'enticotth____Steam Boat Sophia I'au^hn.... Schooner Catharine. Francis. 30th—Steam Boat Charlotte. Dennis. NOTICE. Books of Subscription for the will be opened at the DireAor's Room in the Bank of Upper Canada, on the 24th Aujull next, and kept ooen each day from the hour of ten till three o'clock, until further notice. Kingllon, 27th July, 1819. * 31 %in$$t<m> STRAYED, FROM the fubferiber, on the 23d inft. a dark brown COW, with a white f »ce and long taiU Whofoevtr may have found faid Cow, and will return her to the fubferiber, fhall be handfomely rewarded GABR1KL LEFEBVRE, Baker. Kingilon, July 29, 1819. 3 I THE lubferiber has imported, and, of¬ fers for falc, French Burr MILL STONES, Loudon made, of the befl qual¬ ity, runners edgeways. He will receive a conltant fupply from London, as well as French Burr Atones, and caft ftcel Mill Picks. HENRY JOSEPH. Berth'ter, id Ju/y 1819. N. B. Application at Montreal to be made to L. & $. S. Solomons & Co. 31-4 PORTRAITS Done in Mi^iatvbm. J Inquire of >OHN Mac aula y, Esq. Jt" jJ at «he l'ost-Ollice. \: STRAY HORSE. eSLOKE into the incloftire of the Sublcriber on the 20th inft. dark bay large eon fhod all round, has a long fwitch tail. The owner is requcfted to prove his proper¬ ty, pay charges and take him away. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 29 July t819. 3IW3 in do. 10 do. 5 rlo. S do. 4 do. 6 do. 3 do. 6 do. 8 do. 4 do. 8 do. 8 do. 10 do. 7 do. 5 do. 5 do. 3 do. 3 do. !0do. ^ ®m®®m^$%mmmm^ Midland District Agricultural So¬ ciety. THE Committee of the Midland Dis¬ trict Agricultural Society announce to the Public their wifh to have a Dis¬ trict Show at Adolphuftown, on Monday, the 18th October, and offer the following premiums to Farmers 20 dollars for the first best Bull, raised in (be Pro¬ vince, and owned in the District. second dittC. best Cow. second ditto. be=t Sacu second ditto best Ewe, second ditto. best yearling Steer or Heifer; best Boar. second ditto, best breeding Sow. best Heifer of three years old. bt-st ploughing of oae quarter of an acre' with oxen or horses, second ditto, third ditto. best sample of Wheat, accompanied by Certificates that the same is a specimen of a whole field consisting of not iesfl Chan five acres. for the best sample of Barley, dittc. best sample of prime white Peas. for the best improved Plough, suited to the agricnlture of the countrv. 31 From the Farmer** Register. Juft as our paper was going to prefs we received the following, the publication of which wc fhould not think ourfelves jurtitiable in delaying till another week. To French Adancourt^ Editor of the Farmers Register. I herewith fend yoa for publication, a communication over the fignature ofu E" on the fuhjeftof Canada thiftle. A3 the remedy is cheap and may be put in prac¬ tice by every body, it ought to be generally known and tefted by diligent and repeated experiments. Kefpc6*fully, yourobed't fervant, GEOUGE TIEBITTS. Troy, July 10, 1819. The Hon. George Tibbitta, Efq. I lately faw a communication to you as prefident of the agricultural fociety of the country of RenfTclaer, recommending the ufe of meat or fi/h brine to deftroy the Canada thiftle. I have no doubt, if a fufScient qdantity of it were put on them, it would not only kill the thiftle, but alfo every kind of vegetation fo effectuslly that nothing would grow on the fame ground for fcveral years. Thelcgiflature of Vermont pafled an a£, about twenty-five years ago, obliging all owners and occupants of land which contained the thiltle to mow them when in bloflbm.—this had the effeft to deftroy a part only ;and the veafon was not then known why a part only was killed. The piojeft wag generally given up as not being fure to anfwer the pur¬ pofe. But it 16 now fully known, that if ihcy art cut down juft. before, or in a rain, when they are in bloflbm, fo that the hollow of each ftock becomes filled with water, they uniformly die ; and many perfons have profited by the difcovery, and entirely cleared their farms of this very deftru&ive nuifance. I am, Dear Sir, A friend to ufeful drfcoveries, E. From the Baltimore American Farmer\ A METHOD OF TAKING THE HONEY, WITHOUT DESTROYING THE BEES. The common practice of killing the bees, in order to obtain the honey, few can witnefs without fome little compun&ion ; and as there is a very simple method of ef¬ fecting the objeft, without any injury to this moft interefting Uttle animal, which, on the fcorc of intereft, as well as humani¬ ty, claims regard, I beg leave to communi¬ cate it through your paper, fhould you deem it worthy a place in it. In the evening, when the bees have re¬ tired, take the hive from its (land, spread a tablecloth on the ground, set the hive on it, placing fomethiiig under to raife it three or four inches—then draw up the corners of the cloth and fallen them tight around the middle of the hive, leaving it loofe be¬ low, that the bees will have fufficient room to remain between it and the hive—then raife the lid of the hive a little and blow in the fmokc from a fegar, a few puffsof which as it is very difagrteable, will drive them down 5 continue raising the lid gradually, blowing in the fmrke all round, and in a few minutes it will Be found that they have all gone out of the hive.—You may then take off the lid and cut away as much of the huney as you may think proper, if the operation be performed in »he beginning of July, you may take nearly all, an there will be lime enough to provide a fufficieo- cy for tLeir fupport during the * Inter. Ac foon as you have taken the honey, pirt on the lid,loofen the cloth and fpread it out, and in an hour or two the bees will have returned into the hive. It m*y then be replaced on the stand, and on tht folic w- ing day they will be found at work as ufual. Thr3 method is very simple, and prefer¬ able to that fometimes praftifed of driving the bees into another hive, as you get all the honey, and moreover the new comb which is dill empty, and the young bees, not yet out of the cells are preferred—- there is alfo danger in driving, of their not liking their hew habitation, and in that cafe fallying out and making war upon their neighbors. The above method has frequently been practised by myfelf and others, and have always found it to do well. AMATOR MELL1S. Washington j June 8, 1819. Windsor, (V>.) June 21. Extraordinary Coze.—There was ta¬ ken from a cov? belonging to General Forbes, of this town, on the evening of the 4th inst. at cue milking, twenty-four quarts and nearly a half pint of milk» notwithstanding her calf, which was health*, had beea with her during the> day. Irish Diamond. A circurnftance of a lingular nature, and likely to attiafl the notice of mineralogists, efpecially in Ireland, » at prefent the fubject of converfation among the literati of Dublin. An exceedingly finefpecimen of diamond cryftailized has been found ira the fand of a fmall ftream in the north of Ireland. It is of the fpecics called by Lapidaries the yellow diamond, of ex¬ treme beauty, and remarkable Cze. A difcovery of this kind, fhould it lead to further fimttar refults, will be enough to change the dzllinguifhing title of the Emerald Ifle. Londonpafer. REPARTEE. A quarrelsome French officer lately tra¬ versing one cf the Boulevards at Paris, ob- ferved a perfon turn towards himand laugh, when he haughtily asked,-—'* Pour quol Monsieurt riez *vous quandjepasse /'"(why do you laugh, sir, as I pafs ?") to which the other cjuicklv rejoined—"ffijrpgf Monsieurpassez vous quandje ris ?" (why do you pafs, sir, when I laugh ? ) Anecdote.—A lady of this city, a few days ago, called into a dry good ftote, ask¬ ed the clerk, with an air of polrtenefe, for a roll of ribbon of particular dimension. The gentleman anfwercd he had none of that defcription ; but a piece similar, he thought would fuit her. It was examined and found not to anfwer her mind. The gentlemen insisted it would anfwer every purpofe if she would imagine it so. At length fhe took the Ribbon, walked delibe- rately towards the door, when fhe was cal¬ led to, with a high tone by the gentleman, faying, Mif$% ycu have not paid for the Ribbon. To which (he wittily replied, ** Only imagine yourself paid, sir, and it will do juft as well." Troy Pest* . * The following is an anecdote of Doft. Johnibn : That once dining in a company with John Wilkes, he declared himself in¬ accessible to flattery. Wilkes said he would put him to the proof. He praifed his Rambler and his Idler, and admired them both as models of flyle and wiidom. The doftor was surly and unmoved. He plied him on that firing without effc£i, for fome time : at length he obfeived ; sir, you are the only perfon of my acquaintance that can hear his own panegyric without emotion;. The relaxation of the doctor'* muscles testified his pleafure. There I have you, fays Wilkes, triumphantly, you are open to flattery. 1 It is a habit in this city on New-Year's day, for people to congratulate each other; and among the higher order, something ftylifh is ufed. Mechanicke generally hail each other wftk—u I with you a happy New-Year ;" thofe who are termed a grade above, with,—" Sir, the compliments of the feafon," &c. A blaekamore, na¬ med Cuffy, hearing the compliments pafs, catched the words as he imagined ; and being determined to compliment his mas¬ ter, he approached him on -New Years* morning, with, " Massa I ivisb you all de complaints of the season.—Phil. pap. An Hibernian, who was re¬ turning to London from Dublin, a few days ago, by one of the day coaches, on arriving at Llangol¬ len^ the place where the passen¬ gers usually dine, very anxiously inquired of the waiter for the bill of fare, and wished to be inform¬ ed what his master charged for dinner. The waiter replied, " five shillings, your honor, for dinner/' " And pray," sa:d fhe Irishman," what \c your charge for supper?" "Why/* replied the waiter," half a crown w "By St. P— then bring me a supper." COOKE, THE ACTOR. A Physician seeiug Cooke about fo drink a glass of Brandy, e.x.'aim d, 4* Dotit drink that filthy stuff; brandy is fhe worst enemy you have/'—u 1 knrw Hiat;" replied Cooke, u bat you know the Scriptures eomrraud us to love our enemies ; so here goes."

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