Kingston Chronicle, July 23, 1819, page 3

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far- tne Urn to hold out hi* hand, ran him tIirou3lj the body with his sword, saying, « thus Tdefend myself against the treachery of a man like you." The wound however, did not prove mortal. Tho Major, one- day, in a certain village, went tu a fr- rier's shop, and having asked for so horseshoes, broke all tho,e that were presented to him, telling the they were too brittle. The farrier then wished to make others ; but tiarsabns took up his anvil, and concealed if un¬ der his cloak, so that when the fjrner had heated his iron, he was much sur¬ prised In not Gnding his anvil ; and his astonishment was greatly increased, when he perceived it under the Major's cloak. Imagining, therefore, that he had to deal with the* devil, he immediately betook himv-lf toiKgM, and could not be pre¬ vailed upon to return, until the suppos¬ ed demon was gone. Ikrsabas had a sister equally strong as himself ; but he did not know her, because he had quit¬ ted his father's house when very young, to seek his fortune in the army, and she had been born during his absence. Ha¬ ving met with her in Flanders, where she dealt in ropes, he purchased some of the largest she had, which he snapped in piece* ; telling her that they were worth nothing. * I will give you some strong¬ er,' said she ; ; but if you please, lay- down the money for their..' c I will give you whatever you ask,' replied liarsa- bas, polling out a handful of crowns. His sister then took the crowns, and breaking them each into two or three pieces, told him that his crowns were no better than her ropes, and desiied that he would give her some ethers. The Major, surprised, dfts-ired to know her name ; and having learned to what fam¬ ily she belonged," soon di-eovered that tlie wa« his sister. The dauphin, son of Louis XIV, being desirous to see some proofs of this man's prodigious strength, he pet himself below his horse, raised him up, carried him upon his shoulder more than fifty paces ; and afterwards Stooping, placed him on the ground, with as much ease as if they had only weighed twenty pounds. HOME AFFAUiS. • tr FROM THE CPyEK-CAXAD-V C.A-JET7X. Bills zchLh have received the Rotjsl Assent* 1. An Act to incorporate certain per¬ sons under the style and title of the Pre¬ sident, Directors and Company of the Bank of Kingston- 2—For appropriating a sum of nfone* todefray the expeace of procuring plans and elevations of Public Buildings, aud for copies of the Journals, which were destroyed by the enemy, 3^For establishing a Police in the Town of Niagara, in the District of Xia- gara, and for other purposes therein mentioned. 4—To repeal p.trt of and to amend an Act passed in the fifty-ninth year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled •* An Act to Licence Practitioners in Physic and Surgery throughout this Province, and to make further provision for Licencing such Practitioners.*' 5—For the relief of John "VTaii^afT, of Niagara, in the District of Niagara, Tinsmith. 6—To Grant to His Majesty a sum of money to enable him to pay the Salary of the Inspector General t-f Public Pro¬ vincial Accounts in this Province. 7—To^ive rffect and validity to Deed- executed by Married Women in the Uni¬ ted Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire¬ land, or in any of His Majesty's Colo¬ nics, and to repeal part of and amend an Majesty's Pu-ign, entitled u An Art to enable Married Women having Real Estate, to alien and convey the garnet 8—To repeal and a mend certain parts of an Act passed in the fhirty- fourth year of His Majesty's Reign, on- titled, " An Act to establish a Court for the cogivizarce of small causes in each and every District of this Province" and also of an Act parsed hi the thirty? seventh year of His Majesty's Reign entitled, M An Act to exteud the Juris¬ diction and regulate the proceedings of the District Court and Court of Requests." 9—To make good certain monies is¬ sued a;;d advanced by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor in pursuance of the Address of the Commons ]Iou<e of Assembly, at the last Session of Parlia¬ ment. 10—To continue an Act passed in the forty-second year of His Majesty** Reign, entituled u A« Act to enable the Gover¬ nor, Lieutenant Governor or person ad- mini tcring the Government of this Pro¬ vince, to appoint one or more additional Port or Ports, Place or Places of Entry, within this Province, and to appoint otic or more Collectors at the same respec¬ tively." 11.—Further to continue an Act pas¬ sed in the thirty-third year of His Majes¬ ty's Reign, entituled u An Act to pro¬ vide for the appointment of Returning Officers of the several Counties within this Province." 12—To amend and repeal part of an Act passed in the fifty-seventh year of His Majesty's Reign entitled *< An Act to establish a Market in the Town of Niagara, in the Niagara D^trict." 13—An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of money to provide for the accom¬ modation of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly. 14—To repeal part of an Act parsed in the fifty-sixth year of His Mai.-i\\s Reign, enrthilcd « An Act to continue and auK«d aa Act passed ;u the &ity- second yc?*r of His Majesty's Reign, entitled - An Act to prevent damage t:> Travellers on the High ways iu this Province. 15—To repeal part of and amend the Taws now in force for laying out, amend¬ ing and keeping in repair the Public Highways and Roads in this Province. 16—-To repeal part of and amend an Act passed in the forty-eighth year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled an Act to ex¬ plain, amend and reduce to one Act nf Parliament, the several Laws now in being for the raiding & training the .Mi¬ litia of tins Province. 17—To repeal the several Laws now in force relative to raising, levying and collecting Rates and Assessments in this Province, and further to provide for thv more equal and general AssesRme&t of Lands and other Ratable Property throughout this Province. 18—To repeal part of and amend the Laws now fn force far estafrti&lmiig Public Schools in the several Districts of this Province, and to extend the provisi¬ ons of the same. 19—-Au Act to afford relief to Abuer Chopin. 20—Granting to His Majesty an ad¬ ditional Duty on Stills used forthedistil¬ lation of Spirituous- Liquors for sale, and for ascertaining the manner in which certain Wooden Stills shall be guaged in this Province. oj—To repeal part of the Laws now force Imposing Duties on Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into this Province from the United Stales of Amer¬ ica, and to make further regulations for the Trade between this Province and the said United States of America, by Land and Inland Navigation. 2*2—To continue and amend an Act pussed in the fifty-^xth year of His .Ma¬ jesty's Reign? entitled u An Act to re* Vive and continue an Act passed in the fifty-second year of His Majesty's ilei^n, entitled c An Act to continue and amend an Act passed in the forty-eighth year o'\ His Majesty's Reign, entitled c an Act to continue an Act passed in the forty- fifth year of His Majesty's Reign, enti¬ tled c an Ac* to afford relief to those per¬ sons who may be entitled !•> claim Lands in this Province as Heirs or Devisees of the Nominees of the Crown in ca';cs write re no Patent hath issued for such L::nds, and further to extend the bene¬ fit of the said Act, and to continue part of the same." 23.—P<-r Granting io IIis Majesty a sum of money in aid of the funds for de¬ fraying the expences of the administra¬ tion of Justice and support of the Civil Government of this Province. The following Bills were reserved for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure thereon. An Act to prevent the abatementof a- tty action against a joint obligor, con¬ tractor or partner, on account of the o- ther joint parties not being made Defen¬ dants. An Act to incorporate sundry persons under th.e style and title of the President, Directors and Company of the Bunk of Upper Canada. tl.o System 5 and yet at that immense distance they aire incomparably nearer to the Sun than to any ofthfl fixed stars, as is evident fro»m their keeping clear of those bodies, amid returning periodically by virtue of th«P Sun's attraction." J Private TlMQUZR of Mathematics. e i • « Que3KC, Inly 12. Sis Majesty's Ship Active, Sir James Gordon, CnpVain, arrived IB this port yesterday from England. In the Active came passengers the Right Reverend Jaccfb, Lord Bishop of Quebec, and family . u-A------Barry, E^q. I'fa-al CoEJttaMouer fox Upper Ca- ttad cole— Io have been cHstingtHstfcd io tke service of his Country, anil to be idolized, as this man complains, by the people he govern,*, is his re¬ proach— and 2\ a ttrUuitg proof of the ifrgree of severity and military hauteur imputed to Sir PeregriOe Mai tl and, it should be ttatcd of him (wbatia well known 'j ihoaewbc*shored ^nl* himself the ridicule of participating in the glory nl' Lord Wellington, v;J what perhaps can be said of no ofhee;' iftmong bis cotetnporaries) that be comniatidcd a Regimeut»on actuul service tor two years, without direciing, in a single in- ifunce] i^c snillcdoa bf corporal punishment.— We are toM of the ^rcat ezefttoii or family hue rest roadr t»» provide to" Hi? Excellent)' by the gthof a i'rovtociai Government—the weakness ui fucd lokv Mid contemptible remarks is best exposed by calling our recolleetXon (without any Idea of invidious couiparison) to the Governors who uave pieceded Sir Peregrine Maitland — no eitraorJiuarv exertion of Tamil) influence or I'.ourt intrigue wtw supposed io have placed ihcm in i!ieba:;>e situation, yet their rank was not bu- perior, their career in Ibc berviceof their coun¬ try Wu^ surely nut more tpiendid, nor wa^ it clowned by the brilliant i'oi tunc of acting a di^- tinguifihed part in the noblest tietd of modern *-•>• mMiAr r no icto history—If these were not of themselvestuffi' niiVvrdic/JV, JltZYWflolV. I t.u.:.t quarifications u> have recommended the ...............................;•"■ /' d.Miu-HMteilperson rtespeak of to the ta^k of snperiniendtng our public interests, we have but THE A TRE. a. &i*8$fm$$&mitit • 4 ^ » *•••• m • w * ^ * - * ON MONDAY Evening, July 26th, will be performed the celebrated Plaj, from the German, by Charles Rtm- l!c9 lifq. of THE WANDERERS, Or, The Rights of Hospitality. With the Farce of Three Weeks After Marriage. (For Characters fee bills) (•^T The Box Eoolt is kept at Mr. Brown's Hotel, where Tickee- and Places may be taken. * ** #y ftmdsslon the liand of the 10th Rtgi- merit tvi'l attend. t + + Door? open at Ei^ht, performance to commence precisely at half past Ligh* o'clock. boxes 5>. Pit &,6d. A de*lrc (o gratify our readers in tlii ■ District lia-% induced us to allot several columns ot this days paper ut the publlca ion of the zvi incorpo- iat<n£ the ShigSTou Batik. London dates to the'JU.hcf May will be fo»nd in thi- dav*s paper. Rumours are afloat that the EtnpcrorofKuRsia had endeavoured to persuade 3Ieri;ad^>tte, iliepre. imi Kin^of Sweden, to resign Ins Crown, and accept of a riuh povemment ill hw extensive em¬ pire. LUtteercdii b> to br attached tolhisreport, which is indeed Co(Hra<!iCted io the Stockholm (i;t?.t-tle. Tosa\ nothing of the eminent service of Uemudotte during .'c evwuful mtnpai^d of 1x13, his title u> Jt«* •hraaenf-SAcitr'a reason the Fole.nn guarantee ef i e Allied Powers ft i^ said that the pre,, i,- vuUjeeiefdfceus^an auwtrg them iithe rr'-af, of K.el, the eondftToit^of which w-re not puac .uully c mpiied with b> ;he King iif Sw-den, on hi. taking po^se^aton of the Ku;g- dom of \oi wuy. An ahirm re^ncri-fig Ote ^eilow f^vrr prevail- in l*hii uletpliia. |; Usidted tbttt55fersoa»were buried iu tliut cily iu o:.e week. Ino*r lau number but one we presetitea our readers with a ;>nier copied from the Niagara Gleaner, which \,r* inse:ied herai^c we Luew Ms r.*(i*r:il »tfi» iniMi*. m;ijii be congouhi! wiilt tfto*e r>fe*ei\% inan of nifr^ej moral and poluicatprlii- ple, but VV«? in** - ndinvr, ^; the sa.n" nine, tii»f it cosita'aed oi • tbins* ttnich did not meet to look around us> to imd stronger and more tin- qucbtionablc; the memory of them, we predict* will remain long hU*'r it ha- been forgot ten b> what factious and disgraceful attempts it wa- endeavoured to palsy and restrain then exocjse. We will say nothing more on this subject, it is time the in uitcd la^^ and s.-nse of the Province should speak luudlj in their own behalf. We observe that in addition to (he six Townships in the London and Western Districts, mentioned iti our last number, there is another notice from the Surveyor General's Ollice, that proposals will be received for completing the Survey of the Townships of Clarence, Cumberland Gloucester, Osgoode* and the 18th Con¬ cession of Lancaster, in the Ottawa and Eastern Districts. MASONRY. iuth our entire a Pi oUv:0ir. wr-terct t, ilein amiable tttar- Mr. i'harie> Srpv. ,,-i% \^-n genilemao, we learn, From the Quebec Mercury* COMHTS. The A<{ronoinv of Comets i* vet in its infancy : It is ;-^certainrd. that more than four hurulred and fifty had been s*-i'n% previous to the \ear 1771 : anu v.*- are informed, that the orhtU of a f< \» are settled with some degree of accura¬ cy The COBiet which appeared in 1 loS^ 1531, L607, 108-2. and 1759, vriU proba¬ bly reappear in the year 183r>, its period beinn; about seveuty-wx years. Comets appear during a wy sntil! part of their rtituU: ivVOiuitoa, and then run ofi man) millions of miles beyond Che limits of the to find the dimensions * Geomitrm Sidus of their orbits, and periodical times, is therefore considered by astronomer^ u very difficult problem. 'Fhe reiativeposition of the comet visi¬ ble on the Urdinst. in the northern hem¬ isphere of the heavens, was beautifully described in the la.-t number of this pa- por. A few select remarks on comets in general, may now be properly Introdu¬ ced. "Cometsare primary planets of the Solar System; for they move round the Sun, regarding him only a* the centre of their revolution ; their orbits are ex¬ ceedingly long ovais, or very eccentric ellipses, and having the Sun's centre iu or near one of the loci." 11 Cometfi derive their li^Iit and heat from the Sun* being opaque bodies, as are all the other planets of the System : and they are distinguished principally by beards or tails, which continually i»sue from that side of them which is farthest from the Sun. %i Astronomers have found that com- ets;at their fir=>t appearance, are nearer to us than Jupiter ; whence it is conclu¬ de!':, that they are in general less than that planet ; for if they were equally large, they would be seen as far off." tw When a comet arrives within a cer¬ tain distance of the Sun, it emits a fume or vapour, called its tail; which show5 that they contain a portion of matter con¬ siderably more rare and volatile than any on the earth ; for the tail begins to appear when they are yet in a higher, and consequently in a colder region thai: Mar?. The tail is always greater after the comet has passed his perihelion,than during its approach towards it, Ivim- greatest of all when it has ju.-t left thai point." " The comets, afrer appearing for n comparatively thort time, #d oil" a^a.n into the regions o! infinite space, far Oe- yocd the orbit of the outcroot planet of of grcttS rc-j rci..v;ih,% r:,),i \*-ry itcter, andweai. a> well e^ .ince»r a> any per- >ot. can be, iha; h is Intention*, in ih.ia add^e^5- \uc iiin>e!f to tii. pttblk* v»erc tue pmeri and Btosi Ludablr -^uli bti uddreasconriaiuRfaults, though, io hesme, il:ev •*Jean to virtne's^tde. We confi-s* we r.Mld -»t H%c the necoMit> or propriety of t*fc appeal ^ '*> believe thai a ma;i m-.^ht be inliueoced by ttOWatf and .-incere feel¬ ing in viola'nitr every iecenc> thai belong- to the character of a fai Kill snhj«*ci and a ti»»o.i c'uizen. After Mr. (i n/laj had MJ i-ii vxhan?i- ed vwry malictoiu efibr to detract from ihe re- spectabiSity of whateve in public life it is the dim of a people to Mimwri and re-pec?, that be had at la,: to gratify ui infernal appetite for mischief, and the basest fieHnpof WiVj and d<-- tmctinn, directed hi) cJumnie- n^a»nw private character one could sc&tfely wave b«pposcd that a man of anj diseernmeii could 0e really much iu doubt about bismotlv*—Wilftil mkr«»preAra- lations of public condttci and vile slanderous at¬ tacks on pr:v;:U' lite, i.-f.^piing from no good principle, and surety w.eie there is mucli lals- hood, ihere can be mtt »incerit\ ; we do no: therefore see that Mr. .Miart uasat all called :ipon, or we may say jwtified, in di>creJntn^ his own understanding t\ appearing to doubt where there was no roon for uncertainty. Mr. Govulay, we were asstred, knew himself loo well 'a admit the c»rB|ihuent Bacb a doabi im¬ plied, or to make .r.i\ rtiurfl for it, and we were ver\ ecrtaiu \ii. Ekttiari would Mid his gentle treatment of ihn misenule man's conduct whol¬ ly iiitbapplicd. SVIiar, ndecd, i> to be exi-'ect- ed from a person of *tic*i nali^nant and pervert- eJ fei*lh)jr, thai he tellsu; almost in direct term.-, iie lepines a-itd alekllfal beholding Lheeoii- ' ip'nce and alleciinn wiich the people of this PfO\iticv appear to envrtain Ibr the Uepn'^en- '.altve of iij"ir Sovereign —T-m^e v ho have seen :he la.-i imniber of the Sia^aia Spertaior will deie-mine !• iii' we |;j»e not formed a truer sMinaie of ii:i> n»m li'i-i Mr. Stuart—>» thi/n orly ap address par?*elvfss for we wib not to -ham "full) de^rad*; our pubhc situation as Lih- i<»»>—«re *»'ll mo da *ue|f violence to our pri* ra**1 f« ell i£± u> to l> ni£ he/ore the C)e> of those who ha\e i.ot *ovc it, a production so uotnanfy, o ui'-an, M»bu>e, ih.'<i> He could not prevail on i>ur;-cl\eN to place II as-pn before the public, ,!inuj/h for the porpdMfM Jy ol its coudeinnatJoii. Prom the uvn/i-iw .:.a- 'or* Ronrlav. in the rmf- ». \*i tti*3cami£kh*o« t.tieer, pive to tlte public r|u* letiers and pi iva'e eo:jvr.t>alion> of individ¬ ual^, who hatl inia^iiied iliat he possessed the lommon foel n^s of honour which re^ulaie the iniercom^e of men in society, there could scarce¬ ly have been a doubt of the opinion that Ought to have been conceived of him, but, even such mr»amies-sh'-'.k>»ii'o iu-i»niiu'anee compared io ihe ba»e and cou3rdly attacks which the \iaja- • a Spectator, in the paper we allude to, has not l)e*iruled t<> publish to the world. Prom the leanl* >>, cankered breast of the individual who •ub-cribe- his name to this production, nothing could proceed ?o contrary to all other experience !»f human condtietas to surprize u> but wedio feel some d*$ree of astonishment that such apro- liiir-tte mind #ho Id be permitted to display its eiali«'i:ant '.inrKn ** in the columns of an) paper addressed to the public—in one anticipation we are sure oftneeiicg no disappointment,the Benti- tnentofdf>gust>uonapubUcation must excite will be universal—in no free country can many minds be found to degraded & depraved as to rejoice :n wounds wantonh intlictej upon private feel- ingJ—the aUempf, hrrnever vain, is wicked, and ihe indignation i' will call forth will ri>e in pro- portion to the r**jJCCt due to the character so ioull> invaded, tod to the greater respect and consideration wh,cli the generous mind gives to ihe tender a^iCiarion< and lir-v of domestic life, from the addiiio al circumMances of rank and aiaion. In liom disgraceful a lipht do these shameful puhlication* hold us up to the vvorld ! The same illusions personage who presides over us. iiicommOii wrh the other British American t ulonies, lately Administered the Governmentol a most important pari of Ihe United Kingdom, and ha- lefl behi-,i him a name never mentioned in that eountrv Utf vuih the greatest respect and .iiom allecsinuaie regard—in our^is-ter Province. rtl.ici: is placed no,r particularly than ourselves under hi* imm.d);t(, protection, no language but tliiitof coniideo. . ailf\ faithful a!lj zealous at- to His ',raCt.\, person and Govcrnmen' has ever met life .Vt.__|ierei uhere lhe &me ex ailed prraonage ; only known to us by a display n. greater roten , tu our prosperity, &adastron- icei desire .to b*ome actually acquainted with the situation .•>. j advantages of our Countn •han ha.e appc;«. ,,| in a,,y 0f j,is predecessors,he i inn on I i-. eo aiH(. ilr|0 Lnc |>rov;nce „y (In language nljnsv ^ aiMj |,v impertinent peraOfai allusions, n'licb, (ll,0,.£ couah in private socie¬ ty, world receT.. c»,a .JHMflfM iVom the hor.-e wliiporthe cw\—We have been told in lan¬ guage becnu t..- .1(>,v iud'uein in rver> paper. We ?.n* informed, thai in the Eatern Circuit the Asnizes will commence at Cornwall on the 7ih,at Biochviileou the 13th, and at Kingston «.u ihe^Vin ol September next— And in the Home Circuit, at Hamilton, on the B7th of the same month. ^ - His Excellency the Lieutenant Gover¬ nor, by a l'roclaniativn, dated 21»t Jntic, hati been pleased to establish a Port of Entry at the mouth of Smith's Creek, in the District of New Castle, to be called *Pn;v LLg SS A MEETING of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Upper Canada, will be holdcn at Mr. Robert IVafier's, iu Kingftoa, on MONDAY, the 2d of Au- pjuft. Reprefentative8 of the feveral Chapters onder its juiiidictton will plcafe give their attendance. . By order of the G. II. P. JOHN W.FERGUSON, . Grand Recorder. Klngfion, 20th Jtine, 1819.________30 Call Staves and Charcoal. ^TjTANTED, a few thoufandsof Cull \w Staves j alfo, a few hundred bush- ela of Charcoal, for which Cash will be paid on delivery at the Kingfton Brewery, by the fubferibcr. THOMAS DALTOX, Kingfton, July 17, 1819. 3?. $m s\i^; His Excellency the Earl of Dalhousie, accompanied by the Countess of J>alhou- SICj Lord llanr^ay, and suite, returned vti Sunday last, in the Steam Boat Fronte- uat', Irom a visit to the falls of Niagara —and after passing three days in this place proceeded to Lower Cauadfl- Captain Barry, Naval Commissioner for the Lakes, arrived at this place last evening; in the Steam Boat Charlotte. COMMUNICATION. Mn. F.pitor, As i do not obdvc you have noticed the a'r- rival of the Corps Pfvrnatiauc* 1 beg jou will spare rac a corner of your paper for ihe follow" log short remarks on the talents of the Company- I have regularly attended the Theatre, since it ha>been openeu by Mr. Baker, and cannot suf- nciently commend the tranquility that rxibts be¬ hind the Curtain, where every thing appears to be conducted with harmony and regularity.— Tins Circumstance, coupled with the prohibition of improper characters at the doors,eviocea In the Manager a desire to please, and respect for the audience- After uitnecsing Mr. I5akcr*» Fitz- harding, I think no person Can hesitate to pro¬ nounce him an actor of real merit, and fi&Cl a de¬ sire 10 see him in Other characters, where be mig:ii haveau opportunity of exhibiting his pew- ers of acting, Mr. Morrison is an actor whose talents are well kitorm here; his Donald, in the line piece «f %* The Falls of the Clyde," called forth tue plaudits ol' hi? dnliglned countrymen. Mr. Sin', lair has ponniaycd several characters in low and penu-el cnr.iedy with judgment. Mr. R.charda dances well, andsiugs tolembly—some¬ times he piayv viell—but he appears to be too frequently alarmed. Mrs. Cunningham performs well In the characters suited to her years. Mrs- Baker excels in High Comedy and the Komps. Ihechararteriof hex Juliana, Irlisa Ratn^av, aud Hiddy Hctair, were all judic iously delineated. She posse^f aiace extremely animated and fasctua- nog,and dt's^ev hci respective characters with uncommon <fleg»nce and taste. Jn siioitl hope the mertl ol the Company will be dulv apprecia¬ ted ami rewarded by a discerning and liberal minded public. AN AMATEUR. A QUANTITY of KKD CEDAR PICKETS, from 7 to 8 feet in length.—Apply to Mr. Joun Dawso.v, Tailor- WfLLIAM YKrwEX. Kingston^ Jtiljj 17, 181*). 30 WHEREAS my wife, Margaret Faro, has loft my bed and board without any just cause, this is therefore to forbid all persons harbouring or trust¬ ing her on my account, as I will uot pay- any debts of her contracting after this date. PETER FARO, Kingston, July 17, 1819. 30is3 Letters remaining ill the Po*t Office at" Bath. (Ernest Town) Tulv 5th, 1819. IfQSHUA Anderson, David R. An- (&U dersoti* Jacob Adams, Thos. Price ISukcr. Nalh'L Bi anscombe,John Bloom*9 ing&er'i Robt. Campbell 3, Ctfpt* Arch. Campbell, James Curnming, Jeremiah Chadman, John S. Dean* Man] Detler, William Boston 3, David Edger, Rev. Ales- Fletcher, Alem. Fair. Joseph Foise, Abraham FitchetL Abraham Frasery Salmon Graves, Stephen Gilkt, John Gordon, William Haly, John Hough, William Huxley, John Hoj/U Thomas Harris* Mr. Harris* John Jam son % Mrs. Mary Jane, James Jewell, Pat¬ rick Kdrney 3, Andrew Kimmerly, Pe¬ ter Levent) Letiicia McGce, John Mil¬ ter, Rev. Thomas Madden, Arch. 3/c- Nicl, John Moore, Matthew Peterson, Peter M. Paten, Miss Ally Rubins, Wm. Ross*}, Rufus Shorey, Dominique Ser.e Mvgone, Richard Stephens, David Shorts, Amos Scott, Peter Sharp, Dan- can Van Alstine '2, Mrs* Ann Vallian, John Whelar, Stephen or George Young. JAMES RANKEN, Post Matter. I Loyal Juntos is u Jer consideration. DIED, In Kinsr-mn, on Saturday, the 17th inst. Mr Primp Toi*ft£&£, of Albany, a^ed 33 years. —------------!------------ —■ ■-=. Wtti of &*#£«&& & <& ARRIVED, Jul> 15—Sch. May Flower. Patterson, from Niagara, t'oer—17, Steam Uoai Sophia, Vaughn, from Packetsharhor, passengers—Sch. Nancy, Fairbanks from Puliuey \ille, potash Sec.— 18th, Steam Boat Fronienac, ftlcKen/Je. York.— 19th, Steam Hoat Sophia, Vaughn, Sacketsharbour.— 20th| sch. Onereau, Fra/.er, do. potash.—SSdf Steam Boat Sapttia, Vaughn, Sacketsharbour.— SSd. ^*-h. Rambler, Smith, do. potash ; sch. Asp, V'ollum, Niagara, stave*. CLEARED. 17th, Steam Boat Sophia, Vaughn —19th, Steam Coal Sophia. Vaughn—20th, sch. Bue- reau, I'razer—51st, Steam Eoat Frontenac, Mc¬ kenzie—SBd1 Steam Boat Sophia, Vaughn— 8Sd, H*h. Rn:nbler, Smith. ■*-*-* e> _-^ >*-- y-:' t1.e-ames.o!ies.,fa ditjio>ition toarhi-rarv con- due, arr! mutt. v b&ntnt in our LJeutenan <5tiven,or.ubo,tr ri.e .-id n( ?.ief ,.f tii,> venom o- libeller, i:n<,. va juM & .i:.,,.,^.,! ,|i-ch,,-.e» hoh^hdmles..v ^rri|>bCf >rcd heaUecli.'n«l;h pc.ple -mderhir (;l,w.rMtUk.!l._Ut> haimg beei the compaii.o it a,nr oi tUfM \mmfi& \\x-[. Ungton Idi beet aHu<JciS to uilll ^ ajr a rid;. o A MEETING F the inhabitants of the Town of Kingston and its vicinity is request¬ ed, at the Court House, on Saturday, at 12 o'clock, for the purpose of adopting measures for carrying into effect the Char¬ ter granted by the Provincial Leg^laturc for the establishing of a Bunk at this place. jut,, <2% 1819^____________________30 /i/i^L persons are hereby forbid trust- <B/j£- ing Abigail, my wife, on my ac¬ count, as she has been delirious lor sev¬ eral years past, aod bai entirely forsaken my bed £.'»d board, and J am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date, DAYIDPURDY. Emat Tozm* inly 19. I8i& 30x9 Singular Discovery.—Laft ivaek, while a labourer was digging peats in the mofa at La Mancha, in the parifh of Newlande, once the feat of the Earl of Dundonald, his fpade (truck againlt fomething hard, which, upon digging, was found to be the body of a man, and identified by fomc old people in the neighbourhood to be that of a coackman of the late Earl of Dundo¬ nald, grand father to the prefent Lord Cochrane, who, about feventy-four years ago, committed fuicide, by cutting his throat, and was buried in this fpot in a fack- The ft raw ropes which had faftened the fack were found almoft frclh, although the fack was nearly all confumed. The clothes on the body, ttockings, and garters, were alfo, almoft entire, and the colour of the veil and breaches (red velvet) little de¬ cayed. The razor, alfo, with which he had taken away his life, was found at hi« fide. The body itfclf was in fuch a ftate of prefervation that it could be lifted en¬ tire, and carried away for rc-interment ; but the neighbours ttripped it of moil part of the clothes, each curious to fecurc a remembranceofthis extraordinary &&•"- Edinburgh paper. Coxo toitha zcooden l:g.—On the 13th ult. was killed at Old Befrick farm, iu the parish of Eglingham, a cow, 3 year* old, the property o\ Mr. Henderson, of the bell (nn, Bedford. About 17 months ago, she broke one of ber hinder lc^s? and amputation was deemed necessaru by which the poor animal was reduced to a skeleton. The defect was at length supplied by a zcooden Zeg\ with uhuh she walked about and grazed, and be- came the astonishment of all who be¬ held her. Weight of the carcase (exclu¬ sive of 4 ^. of tallow) 43St. Mb.—JLcn~ ilo/ipttpcr*

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