Kingston Chronicle, July 23, 1819, page 1

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THE KINGSTON ONICL.E -■* iff* t*-<m. ****c*>^ r*d VOL. L] FRIDAY, (afterkookJ JULY 23, 1310 [No. 30. Rank Notice. BANK OF UPPER(ANADA DIRECTOR for the week, ,/(>//// M'Lean, Esquire. Days of DISCOUNT-every Wombs* DAY. Ufa Steam-Boat FRONTENAC JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, WiJl in future leave the different Ports on the following days VIZ 5 J Kingston, for York, on the 1st, 11 th and 2\st days of each month. York, for Queenston, 3d, [3th end 23d days of each month. Niagara, for Kingston, blh, ibth and 25th days of each month. RATES OF PASSAGES. 3 and and From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3-0-0 From York to Niagara, - - - - 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, half price; above three under ten, two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering (he names of Passengers, the births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rate.—Gentlemen's servants cannot 6leep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers wi)l pay IBs, and may either bring- their own Provisions, or be furnished by the Steward. For each dog brought on board, 5s. All applications for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. Notes offered for discount must be all handed to the Cashier on the day pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BAIlTLF/l\ Cashier. Drafts on Quebec, at short sight, will bo giveU for Specie. IT is rcquefted that the Members of 'he Agricultural Society for the Midland District will meet at the Court HouJe ID Kingston, on Saturday the 24th inuant, at twelve o'clock, for the purpofc of ma¬ king further regulations, neceffary to ac¬ compli the defign of the inititution. GEORGEH. MARKLAND, Secretary. Kington* 1 Ith %tly^ 18:9. 29 Tne Last Notice. Al L perfon* indebted to th; late firm uf James Ranitn & Co are I.t>eby not/fie^ that unk&theu respective accounts and noaes are fettled by the fir It d?y u* An- gull nrxt, they will itidilcriminarety be put into tte hands ot an Vttorary fr-r '-odec- r « 27-lf tion. B?.1 Statutes of Upper Canada. An A3 to incorp*rate certain persons under the style and title cfthe President t Direc¬ tors and Company of the Bank of King¬ ston* [Pas3ei1 l?t!i July, 1810.] ttML^HEREAS thccllablifhment of a v v Bank in the Province of Upper Canada will conduce to the piofperity and advantage of Commerce and Agriculture in the fa id Province ; and whc:*ea9 Allan MacLean, Thomas Markland, Peter Smith, Lawrence Hcrchmer, William Mitchell. John Kirby, Roderick Mackny, John Macau lay, Allan Macpherfon, Hugh C, Thompfon, Jerry Whitehead, William Bradhay, J. NiekalU, N. McLeod, S. John?, P. Smyth, Thomas Graham, by their Petition prefented to the Lcgifla- ture, haye prayed for the privilege of be¬ ing incorporated : BE it cnaded by the King's Moft Ex¬ cellent Majefly. by and with the advice and confent of the Legislative Council and Aflembly of the Province of Upper Cana¬ da, coultituted a':d aCn.-mbled by virtue of and under the authority of an \E\ puffed in the Parliament of Great Britain, enti¬ tled *' an *\& to repeal certain parts of an Ac! psffed in the fourteenth ytar of km Majrlly's rtign, entitled " an Ad for ".uking more effectual DTOvifion for tSe ( over^raent of the Province of - US FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of 4s. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rale, delivered to the different consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, wili he considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2s Gd. which must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April 28th, 1819. IStf To Officers on Half-Pay in Canada. IT is dcilred that Officers receiving Half- Pay, or Military Peniions, through the CommifTariat, in Canada, will tranfmit to their feveral Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24.:h of the peiiod when their Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavits of Officers refiding in Lower Canada fhall arrive at Quebec before the toth, and thofe of Officers refiding in the Upper Province before the 2oth of the following Month, at which period the returns will be made up. A9 more than fufficient time is given for Communications to reach Quebec from the moft diftant Pods, thofe Officers1 Affida¬ vits which do not arrive in time to be incor¬ porated in thefe Kcturns, muft remain over till theenfuing period of Payment. Commiffary GeneralV, Office, ) ^ Quebec, March i, 1819. ( Aux Officiers a Demi-Paie eti Canada. Tp ES OrnciEns qui resolvent la Dc- Jl A mi-Paie 00 Pension Militaire, par le canal du Commissariat en Canada, sont requis de transmctlr? a lours Agrnn respect!fs, a Quebec, leurs affidavits en triplicata, irnmediatement apres le terme du paiement de leurDcmi-poit*, de ma:i- iere que ler. affidavits de.- O.rif i*sr«; qui re¬ sident dans le Uas-Canacla, pour rout ar- river a Quebec avaut le lOme. etde ceux qui resident dans la Haute Province, a- vant le 20me. du tnois suivant, anxquels periodes les retours se fernnL Corn tne Pon donne plus de tems qu'il ae faut pour transmettre les CommanJcalir»n$ a Que¬ bec, des Postes les plus eloigne*, les affi¬ davits des Officiers qui n'arrivent pas 1 tems pour &tre incorpoies dans ces re- tours, resterontjusqu'auperiodedu pave¬ ment suivant. Bureau du Commissairy-General,) 11 Quebec, le. Mars, 1819. $ 6m FOR SALE, " A LARGE, commodious two ftory flone HOUSE, with Out Houfes and Garden, situated on a half acre lot, in the Village of Bath. For terms apply to the Subfcriber. JAMES RANKEN. Bath, June 20, 1819. 27-tf CAME into the enclofurcof the fub- fciiber, about a \veek ago, a dark bay COLT, about three years old. The owner is rcquefted to prove his property, pay charges, and take it away. JOHN ABBOT. Kingston^ Jnly 13, 1819. 29 New Goods. LAMB& MDONELL, Opposite the Market---------Kino Street, MOST refpettfully inform their friends and the public, that they have juft received and offer for fale, a well chufen and general afTortment of DRY GOODS, among which are the following articles, FIZ. Weft cf England Cloths and Caffimcres, ftair carpeting, Kidderminfter do. Jeans Fuftfans, Bombazettej^, Bombazeen?. drab, blue, gray and yellow Nankeens, Irifh Lin¬ ens, Linen foldand Maddapollum fhirtings, {teamdoom fhirtings, Sallamporea, long cloths and Baftaes, Manchefter & Glas¬ gow ftriped Cottons,Turkey stripes,checks and Ginghams, Dimity, Chintz and Cali¬ co Furniture Cambrics, Calicoes, Lenos and Muflins, Lutestring and SarlVet Silk«. black Florentine, silk Veils, Shawis,ccnrfs and Handkerchiefs, Canton crape, Canton crape drefles, afTorted colors,cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs, silk, cotton and wors¬ ted Hofe, silk, kid and beaver Gloves, Thread* silk and cotton Laces, Ribbons, Tapes & Bobbins, Counterpanes, Marfeilles O-uks, silk and Cotton Shambray, Linen Bed Tick"), bicached Sheetings, Hum- hums, Derrys, brown Hollands, Dowlas, &e, &c. Sec. ALSOy A few pairs STAYS. Kingston, 2d July, 1819. 27 NOTICE. THE subscribers btg leave to inform the public, that they have entered into Copartnership, and that th^y will jointly, from the date hereof, carry on business under the firm of LAMB Sf McDONELL. Wm. H.LAMB, AftCH. McDOxVELL.27 Kingston* June'id, 1819. NOTICE. rwiHE Board for Militia Pek- -*■ sions, will meet on the tafl Monday in February, and continue fo to do9 the fame day in each Month* until the bujlnefs of this Diflricly as regards the fame is jini/hed. JOHN FKRGUSON. Kin«Jlon> Feb. \Ji% 1819. 6 ANY per fun having in his pofTeffion the fecond volume, Philadelphia Edition, 1805, of Roscoe's History of Leo iotli will oblige the owner by leaving in¬ formation of the fame with the Editors. July t$>li*9- *9 UN's REAL JAPAN. H-\Ri" "<l. Paul Stfect, Mon¬ tr'.-*], Age. n Day & Martin, of London, infora.* the Merchants and Tra- dtrs'f Upper ar.woa, tliat he has on board the Ship Eweretta a fupply of genuine JAJ AN, warranted iuncnor to any ever imported into this Provittce, in caflcs of a- bout fix dozen each. Day fii Mcul-n's U.. ! 'litr been foprcl ii) England for the Canada umiJcetj fporious and inferior Bhirking is then-by fold, which dilti.'-ys \Ur cither, while Day & Martin's Japan aiFotdd peculiar nourifhmenc. Benjamin Hart. Mcitreal, 17th June. :Sro. ' 26*0 BUSINESS. TIT!"*Mh--..TihiM-* beg leave to inform tlicii• fncrsl=.iud the public, that they have (orrnrd a connect:on in busi¬ ness ; the object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law¬ rence, and of Meri:hand>* of every dv- BCription from Montreal to any pfffl ot Upper Canada and (he United States ad¬ jacent to the Lik.'s Ontario and Erie, The business will be conducted bv W. Hubbf.i.i., at O^i- nshurirh. and under the firm of IV. L. PVUtTtKG $ Co. at . P re scot t. To prevpnt delay, all property desli- MPd for Kingston, or any part of the Ray of Qninte. will b<» forw«nrdrd from Pre?- c-«tt by Ibfi St.^am Boat Charlotte, which leaves there twice every vveelt. The subscribers engage fo freight on 3s favourable term- as any who arc eii- QficbtC, ID North A me :ca, and to .nged in the business; and. pledging their an tied exertions to ^ivf satisfaction, will be grateful for every favor. W. L. WHITING, W. 1IUBBELL. Present/, 10th May,l$ 19. ^3 TO~LET, ^yXl) poffeffion given the rst Auguft «TLL ne>ct. that HOUSE and STORE, in tu<:re Street, opposite the Post Office, lately occupied by Mr. Edward Jones.— For particulars apply to the subsetiber. NEIL McLEOD. Kingston, 15th July, 1819. 29 nStuM THE fubferiber begs leave to inform his creditors, that fiuding it impoflible to difcharge the amount of their (fates and Accounts, in On? bituation in which he was placed in Kingston, he has remo¬ ved to Sacket's Harbor, and ia now get¬ ting into bulinefa ■ and he confidently trulls, that in the courfe of a year he will be enabled to discharge all their claims, with many thanks. GEORGE UARPHAM. Sad-tt's Harbor, July 9, 1819. 29 pound; 7 LAST week, in the Town of Kings¬ ton, a furn of MONEY in Gold.— The owner can have it by proving pro¬ perty and paying charges. Enquire at this Office. Kingston. July 24, 1819. *9w3 look to THIS] ALL persons indebted to Joseph Sco?t, Surgeon, late of Kingston, are requested to make payment before the first of August, to the subscriber, who is duly aulhorised to receire the same.— If not complied with legal proceedings will be taken. JOSEPH MURDOCH.. Kingston July, 1819. 28 mmmmmmmmmmm PORTRAITS Dune in Miniatujie. ^ Inquire 0f John Macaulay, Esq. ^ |g at the Post-Oflicc. 0 g May but, 1819. 2! & 0 wm •m ®m makt fiir'.lirr provilion for the government of the faid Province/' said by rhe authotU ty of the Dune, That Allan .V:acLeao, rhornas Markiand, Peter Smrh, Law¬ rence Kerchmer, John K'rby, Villiam Mitchell, and all fuch perfons as . reaf- ter fhall become fic.khoideiD of the '.id Baj.k- fhall be ar.d hereby are ordaic- conilituted and declared to be from tim. to time and until the firll day of June, which will be in ihe year of our Lord one thoufaod eight hundred and fifty, a Body Corporate and Politic infant and in the name of The Pr.jJdents Diredors* and Company of the Bant of Kingston, and that by that name they and their fucceffors fhall and may have continual fucceflion, and fliall be perfons in Law capable of fuing and bc- I ing fued, pleading and being impleaded, I r»nl\v?n"ng and being anfwered unto, de- fci ding and being defended, in all Courts and places whatfocver, in all manner of a&io09f fuits, complaints, matters and caufes whatioever, and that they and their iuccclTors may have a common Seal, and may change and alter the fame at their plcafure, and alfo that they and their fuc- ceflbra by the fame name "f The President, Directors, and Company of the Bank of Kingston, fhall be in Law capable of pur- chafing, holding an! conveying any es taic, real or perfonal, for the ufe of the faid Corporation. II- And be it further cnatled by the au¬ thority aforesaid. That a fhare in the ilock of the faid Bank fhall be Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings, or the equivalent thereof in Specie, and the number of (hares fhall not exceed Ten Thoufand, and that Books of Subfcription fliall be opened at the famt time in the Towns of Kingilon, Niagara, York, Brockville, Amherllburgh, Ancas- ter. Vittoria, Hamilton in the Diflrift of Newcaftle, and Cornwall in the Eadcrn Diftricl, \v*ithin two months after the pas- fiug of this A&i by fuch peifon or per¬ fons, and under fuch regulations as the Majority of the faid petitioners fhall di- rea. IIL And be it further enatled by the au¬ thority aforesaid^ That it fhall be lawful for aay perfon, His Majefty's Subjcfts or Foreigners, to fubferibe for fuch and fo many fhares as he, fhe or they may think fit, not exceeding in the firfl inflance eigh¬ ty, and that the fhares refpe&ively fub- fcribed fliall be payable in Gold or Silver, that is to fay, Ten per Centum to be rea¬ dy as a Depofit at the time of fubferibing, to be called for by the Directors hereafter appointed by virtue of this Aft, as foon as they may deem expedient, and the remain¬ der fhall be payable in fuch inftallments as a majority of the Stockholders at a meeting to be exprefsly convened for that purpefe fhall agree upon. Provided no infta'lroent {hall exceed Tcz per C&rttm upon the Capital Stock, or be called for or become payable in lefs than fixty days after public notice fliall have been given in the Upper Canada Gaaette to that effeft. Provided always, that if any Stockholder or Stockholders as aforefaid, fliall refufe or negleft to pay to the faid Directors, the inftallment due on any fhare or fhares held by him, her, or them, at the time requir¬ ed by Law fo to do, fuch Stockholder or Stockholders as aforefaid, fhall forfeit fuch (hare as aforefaid, with the amount previ- oufly paid thereon, and the faid lharc or fhares may be fold by the faid Diredors, and the fum aviling therefrom, together with the amount previoufly paid thereon, fhall be accounted for and divided in like manner as other monies of the Bank. IV. Provided also, and it is hereby fur- ther cnaBed by the authority aforesaid. That if the whole number of fhares fhall not be fubferibed within two months after tLe faid Books of Subfcription fhall be opened, then and in fuch cafe it fhall be lawful for any former fubferiber or fubferib-rs to in- creafe his, her, or their fubferipuons—and provided further, that if the total amount of fubfcription8 within the period aforefaid, fhall exceed the capital ftock limited by this Ad, then and in ftich cafe, the /harea of each lubfenber or fubferibers above ten fhares, fhall, as nearly as may be, be pro- portionably reduced, until that the total number of fhares be brought down to the limits above faid, and Provided neverlbe~ less, that the faid limitation in refpeft to perfons fubferibing to the faid Capital Stock, fhall not extend, or be conftrued to extend to prevent the acquffitfon of a greater number of fhares by purchafe af¬ ter the faid Bank fhall have commenced its operations, V. And be it further enatlrd by ihe au¬ thority aforesaid, That the whole amount of the Stock Eliate and property which the faid Corporation fhall be authorifed to hold, including the Capital Stock, or fhares before mentioned, fhall never ex* cecd in value Two Hundred Thoufand Pounds. VI. And be it further enabled by the au¬ thority aforesaid, That as foon as the fum of fifty thoufand pounds (hall have been fubferibed, it fhall and m3y be lavfal for fuch fubferibeu, or the majority of them, to cai* a meeting at loroc place to be na¬ med in the town of Kingilon, for tbe pur¬ pofc of proceeding to the election of the numbci of i3ircd;irs hereinafter mention¬ ed, and fuch election fhall then and there be made \vf a majority of fhares voted for in manner herein after prefcribed. in res¬ pect of the annua! elections of Direr-W?, and the perfons then and there cho&n fhall bt the firit Diredors, and be capable of ferving until the expiration of the firft Monday in June, in the year of our Lord one thoufand eight hundred and twenty- one, and the Directors lb chofen fliall, a* foon as the depofit amounting ro Twenty Thoufand Pounds fubferibed a* aforefaid, fhall be paid to the laid Diredors, com- nence the builncfs and operations of the .</ ! Bank—Provided always> that no fuch met. i of the faid fublcubers fhall take place uutM a ootice is publifhed in all the public ^ewfpapers of this Pioviuce, at the diflance of not lefs than thirty day* from the time of fuch not-fication. V1T. And le it further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That the ftock. pio- perty, alia * and concerns of the said Corporation, lha.. be managed and con- ducted by fifteen Diredors, one of whom to be the Prcfident, who, excepting as if herein before provided for, fhall hold their offices For one year, which Diredors ftnll be Stockholders, and fhall be fubjeda of His Majefly, refiding in this Province, and beelcded on the firft Monday in June, in every year, at fuch time of the day and at fuch place in the town of Kingfton, *e a majorityoftheDiredor?, forthctime being, (hall appoint ; and public notice fhall be given by the faid Diredors in the different Ntwfpapers printed within the 1 rovince, of fuch time and place* not more than fix¬ ty, noi left than thirty days previous to the time ^-f holding the ;-jIH I: led ion, and the laid E'iedion fhall ha held and made by fuch of tht faid Stockholders of tbe faid Bank as fhall stien.t tor that purcofe, io their own propyl perfons, 01 byprnxy,and all Eledions for Diredors fhall hr by OaHot, and the fifteen pcrlo* s who fliail have the jreateft MJitibtr of vi»tes at any Eledion fhall be the- Diicdors, except as i herein¬ after direded ; and if it fhould h?ppen at any Eledion that two or more perfons have an equal number of votes, in fuch manner that a greater number of perfons than fifteen fhall, by plurality of votes, ap¬ pear tobe chofcu a* Diredors, then the faid Stockholders, herein before authorised to hold fuch Eledion, fliall proceed to Ballot a ftcond time, and by plurality of votes deter¬ mine which of the faid peifons, fo having an equal number of votes, fhall be the Di- tedor or Diredors, fo as to complete the whole number of fifteen ; and the faid Di¬ redors, fo foon as may be after the faid Eledion, fhall proceed in like manner to Eled, by Ballot, one of their number to be their Prefident—and four of the Di¬ redors which fhall be chofen at any year, excepting the Prefident, fliall be ineligible to the office of Diredor for one year after the expiration of the time for which they fhall be chofen Diredors, and in cafe a greater number than ten of the Diredors, exwi'flj£*e g£ ci*r JFVcifxdnn?, wibgi ter^etf Ssr the lad year, fhall appear to be Eleded, then the Eledion of fuch perfon or per¬ fons above the faid number, and who fhall have the feweft votes fhall be confidered void, and fuch other of the Stockholders as fhall be eligible, and fhall have the next greatcfl number of votes, fhall be confider¬ ed as eleded in the room of fuch la It de- fcribed perfon or perfons, and who are hereby declared ineligible as aforefaid, and the Prefident for the time being fhall al- always be eligible to the office of Direc¬ tor ; but Stockholders not refiding within the Province fhall be ineligible, and if any Diredor fliall move out of the faid Pro¬ vince his of&cc (hall be confidered as va¬ cant—and if any vacancy or vacanciea fhould at any time happen among the Di¬ redors by death, refignation, or removal from the faid Province, fuch vacancy or va¬ cancies fliallbe filled for the remainder of the year in which they may happen, by a fpe- cial Eledion for that purpofe, to be held in the fame manner ad is herein before di- reded refpeding Annaal Elcdioas, at fuch time and place in the town of Kingfton, as the remainder of the Diredors, or the major part of them, fhall appoint; Pro¬ vided always^ That no perfon (hall be cli-

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