• THE KINGSTON" CHRONICLE. VOL I J FRIDAY, (jFTBrnrnx) Jl'LY 2, 1SI9. Tkes Steam-Boat <FIOIT AC JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following days — VIZ. Kingston, for York, on the. Is/, 1 \lh and 21.st days of each ynanth. York; for Queenzlon, 3d, \3th and 23d days of each month. Niagara, for Kingston, blh, Ibt/t and£5thdai/$ of each month. HATES OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3 -0-0 From York- to Niagara, — — — — I - 0 - 0 Children under three years or age, half price ; above three and under ten* two thirds. A Bock will be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and the births which they may choose, at which time the passage montty must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rate.—Gentlemen'.-* servants cannot eleep orea'in (lie Cabin. Deck Passengers will pay Ijs, and may either bring their own Provisions, or be furnished b\ the Steward. For each dog- brought Oil board, Site- All applications for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the mttf of is. per barrel bulk, and Mour at the customary rale, delivered to the 4ifTerent consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous place on board, which must be deemed a sufficient notice— and (he Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, will be considered at the risk of (he owners. For each small parcel, 5s 6a. which must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April 28th, 181!). ihtf To OlHcerson Waif-Pay in Canada. • • • • IT is defined that Officers receiving TTalf- Pay, or Military Penlions, tltioujjh the Cumn iflariat, in Canada, will tranfmit to their fcvcial Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the period when their Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavits of Officer* refitting in Lower Canada ihill arrive at Quebec before the 10th, and ihofe feFGJBvft refidinp in tin* Cpper Pioviuce bef re the 2 tli <>l tt e following Mon'.n, at vhkh yeu d ti e -cairns will he made no. As more than f fficicnt 'i-ric is given for Cominunicflliona 10 read Quebec from .he moft difrani Fodff, thut- mc*t$* Affida¬ vits which do no* artiw ! -*.ir to he incor¬ porated in th »e .v t-.r , ll remain over till thecnfu'np pcrior! ol Payment. Co* mifT'i)' GefleraPa Office, > . - Quebec, March 1, 1S.9. $ r,1° Aux Officiers a Dmui-Paie en Canada. LKS OrnciKRs qui rccoivpnt In De- mi-Faie on Pension Mi'.UAire, p'ir le ranaf du Cornmij.-i*n.it «-*u C-ina-fa, sont requis do tra«:-me(rre a leur*. Auens re?pectif% a. Quebec, Ii-urs affidavit* en triplicate, iuv .ediatcnt nl api'V. le tsrme du paiemfnt de lour Denri-Jfflic, de man¬ icure a."** les affidavits cits Ojhcu'r? i|ui re- sident dans le Pas-Canada, pouirout ai- r'.v»-ra Qn£bec avant le 10:ng. ettie Cftus qui resident dan* la Unote Pioviiice, n. vant lo OOme. du mois Movant, au"vquels periodes les rcronrs s* fernnt. Cnmme Ton dontio plus de tenia qu'il lie in >, pour transmeftrc le* cnnimun'Cnfions a (jut- bee,des Povto> les plus eloigner les affi¬ davits des Oll'teit-rs qni n'arrhent pas i terns ponr tire iucorpore* dans cr-s re- tours, resterontjuniu'aupt-riodirdu paye- mentsuivnnf. Bureau du Ccmmissairy-General,) 11 QccVc, le. Mars, 1819. $ 6m Anchors £f Cables: - ' WILLIAM PUDDEN, WILL receive by the earlieil fpr;n_ veflc's, and keep conftantly on hand at Quebec, an afTortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ia April, 1819. i4tf Edward Jones, BEGS leave molt refpcCtfully to in¬ form his friends and tfac public in general, that he has juft received an ele¬ gant afTortment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Confifting partly of the following r.rticU'S, viz : Superfine Weft of England C!«»ihs and Caffimeres of the molt fafiiionablc colors. Iriili Linens, BiitiOi Shirting, LincB and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenns an-i Mui1in», jacone! aud Mull Mufiins, Fancy Muilin, Handkercloefa, Bandanna and Barcelona do. Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored S.*!ks, Si'k and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, J'i„e corded Dimities White Jane, white: and buff Mar- feifo Quilling, Black Florentine, line Undrcfled Calicoes, Bombaiettta & Bom- basinea of all Colors, Linen Dianer and HucKabuck, white and Coloured Flannels, Ruffia Sheeting and Ofnabnrg. A well chofen afibrtment of Thread and Laces and Bifebons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortoife flicll Combs, Cambric and lace Fo-*tin-:. a:.d a number of uilclgt, *o? v> merous to iiUett. 4 Crates of Bine CROCKERY JKm GROCERIES, Jamaica Spirits, Brandy, Holland G:n> fort and other Wines, IVppcinint an*i Shrub, Hyfon and Twaukey Teas double and Pinglc refined Suears, Mufcovadn d*?. Spermaceti, mould end dipt Candles, ^o:p, Starcb a.-rd fig Blue, &c- &c. &r. AH of which will be Told for CrHi or ap¬ proved credit. KirfgitoUi ^th Aug. f R18. , 10 CJKO KG BSCOUOAL." Late Master Smith in the Enm- neerDepartment* BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced bufinela next door below Mr. G'.'orrjc Douglas's. Store Street ; where every article in his line may be (tad on the mod reafonable term*, and on the fhoitell notice. The following rates of charges are fubmitted. Horse Shoeing oil round 6y"8 — —- removes, 2/6 and all other work in pioponion. Kingston. April $tht 1819. 15 BLANK DEEDS and MEMORIALS For sale 3t this Offiee. J CARRY. TOBACCONIST, MEGS leave to icform the public, thar he has openad a STORE in Store flrcct, nearly oppofUe the honfe of Mr. Dowlir.g, where he ofi'erc for f;«lc on mo¬ derate terms, the undermentioned articles of a fuperior quality, vi"/.. Plug Tobacco, fweet fcented, 6 and S hands to pound ; Ladies' TNwft, Rappee, Scotch ar J Macaba Snuff, "Spaniih and American ( igars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound and lialf pound papers, with the ufual papers of a lefs (i^e. Kingltou, May, iSiq. zjeowtf WATCH EH jtso .II'.IVELHY REPAIRED. TKE fnbfcriber beg-i leave to inform hi* fi iends and the public, that be has taken a Shop near llie Market Place, oppofite the Medical Sttrfs of Doctors Car- liileand Hull. Tholefiv.»rin^- him with their commands may depend he will uTe every means in his power to give general faiisfa&ion. Jewelry fy Plate Repaired with care, On the rroil reafonaMe terms. His prices Will be found to merit the approbation of th> public. JAMF> QLASK, Kingftoil, ^:ay;8, iS:y- 22COWtf P/ij/sic cS" fiurg&g. • • . • DR. Z.SMALs.y, be?s leave ref. peCTfullyto ivformibu inhabitants of Kingftoti and itiviciuity, that lie has eilablifiied himfelf as a PIIVIH'IAN, WRGBON, ft APOTIiEVAST. ^ From Ins having :..rC,ved a regular me¬ dical education, and r,.0(n j,i8 experience in the different brandy or his profeffion, be w induced Jo bclie^ ,|ut |1C Uln ic able to do justice to ai^ Wnoft misfortooes may lemlci thmi oik r tfa „ecelTity of fo- licitinjr medicil aid. N It- To any rill; at the Rfjn of tlie Coll": Mortar*tippnfite the market, the ftrict*:ll iitt.nii'Mi will be paid ; whcie will be conftantly kept on hand, a choice and well chofen afloitmmt of DRUG'•and MEDICINE ; PAINTS of all ki.ids ; Linfred, Lamp, and Curriers' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dye ^tuffs, Cotton Yarn ; Window Glafa, Putty & Nails. A new and elegant afTortment of PAPER HANGINGS. VuBaf BO>:SET!<. of the new¬ est Fashion, GAUMN SEEDS, taisod by the Shakers- BOOKS & STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. April r6- l6tf. TO LET. FOR one or more years, and poffeflion g>fvcn immediately, That Stone h>>ufe, GtuateH in Store Street lately occupied by Mr. Mcdcalf, with Stable, Garden and other out'houfcs. The Situation of the above premifes is moli advantageous for a Dwelling houfe. For particulate applv to FRANCIS X- ROCKELEAU. Kingllon, 15 Jan. 1819. 3 -fx/r (cikculakT) 1VJ.R- F>i LuAer having difpofed of his interest in the Houfe of Lulher St Van Myck at Prefcott, and that of Lulher & Sextnn at l-a Chine, to Mr. A- Jones of Prefcott, Upper Canada, the Bnsinefs will, after the fmt c^y of March enfujng, be carried en under the Firms of Jones & Van Siyck at Prefcott, and of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chine. U'r be.: leave to refer vou to the an¬ nexed Notice, wherein Mr. Lulher makes himlelf refpohsible with US, for any engage¬ ments entered into by faid Firms. We feci fat is tied, from our late experience in Businefr, the number of Boats now owned h/ us, and the commodious Stores a; thU pl„-p and La Chine, that we fhall bave it in our power to stTe general fatii- iaclion. A. IOMES, ( QiiS. A. VAN SLVC1C, L. SEXTQNi Prefcott, janua.y iSth, 1819. NOTICE. rpllESubfcriher havinj difpofed of his A interest in the Houfe of LuHier 5c Van Slyck,nt PvcTcoii, ar.d that of Lufficr & Sexton, at La Chine, to Mr. A. Jones, the businels will in fui'ne be carried on under the Eirms of Joeci & Van Slyck at Pires- cott, and that of Levi Sexton b Co. at La Chine—He will notwithstanding, hold himfelf vefponsihl.. with them, for any engagement they i.,dy make. «____________EKI LUSHER. TlttREE FARMS FOR SALE ; or if not fol.J, to be rented for the en- fuing year, \:z. oi.c at tbe Prcfque h!c Harbor, one at Waterloo, and the Picket Farm, (fo called.) _\ contra^ alfo will be giv-n for cutting 1000 Cord? of Wood. B. WHITNEY. Kingston, i6th Junei I8i^. >ctf DAY & MARTIN'S REAL JAPAN. B IIART, St. Paul Street, Won- > I real, Agent to Day & Martin, of London, informs the Merchants and Tra¬ ders of Uppci Canada, that he ha* on board ihc Ship Ewcretta a fupply of genuine J A PAN, warranted fuperior lo any ever imporied into tins Province, in caflis of a- bout fix dozen each. Day & Martin's Label having been fur«ed in England for the Canada market, fpnrious and inferior Blacking is theicby fold, which dctlroys the Leather, while Oay & Martin's Japan alfords peculiar nourimment. Benjamin Hart. Montreal, 17th June, i$i<). ar>-v6 M. WILLIAMS & CVs .;.r.. % BOOTk SHOE FACTORY* (At th- <ign of the Gulden Laft.) M WILLIAMS & Co. refpeafully a inform their cufiomera and the public, that they have removed from their former Hand to a houfe ix\ Store Street, nearly opi-ofite Mrott'* Coffee Houfe, where they keep comlautly on hand an e|. egant alTortment of Ladies and G<ntl■ nun's Boots and Shoes, of a fuperior quality and ncweft famion Alfo, a larrre fupply «f Spanilh SOLE and UPPER LEATHER. Kingllon, June 14, 1819. 25W3 OT1CE ii hereby given, tint all pt-rfons indebted to the late firm of Tayhr if &arkr% either by Book account or Note, are reqnefled to come foiward and frttlr the fame with the fubferiber IM- MF.I.U ATELY, as after the firlt day of October next, ihc uhole. remaining Unfet¬ tled, wi'l inJifcrim'ma'.cly be put into the hands nf an 'attorney (or collection. And all ihoie having demands againlt the faid firm, are alio rcqiuOed to prefent the fame, duly authenticated, foradjuftment. THOMAS PARKER, Surviving Partner. B'-llviilc, nth June, 1819. 25W29 Fonyactling & Commission BUSINESS. THB subscribers beg h^aro to inTonn their frtttlida and the public, (hat I hey hare formi d a romu-rlion in bu;i- nesa ; thd object of which is Hip trans- porlation of Product- Houn thp St. F^aw- reucp. nnd ol Rffrchaudi^c ofrnrry do- srription from Mouh'r*nl to any pnr* m I Upper Canada and till United State* ad- l -hi in Ihe Lakes Ontario and Erie. The business will bo conducted by W. HtiRnri.i., at Oad<*nsburgh« and uml.-r the firm of IV. L. WlllTlNG <S Co, ai Pro-coll. To pit-vpnf dflay. nil properly dprtt- nrd for Kingston* or any nan of ;he Bai of Quii.ie, will be f r«3id'*(l from Pff'f* COtl hy the Stram B -at C'harlolle, ulucli lraTP5 there twice rvrry week. The sub-cribrrs engage to freight on as faTAurahk' terms at any who are cu- g;igpd in llip bu-iin'>-» ; aud. pledging their unitrd pxertionstoaivc sati^fuciion. will be grateful for every favnr. W. L. WHITJNG, W. HDBBELL. Prcscott, €>0th Mtn/AH 10. 03 A ffood Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfe and Prcmifes, in the Town of Kingllon, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEV,Jun. Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 The Subscriber piui .laveixi iulorrn «K iTaUiic, tthtt1 iJLJIhe has commenced manufacturing Soap & Candles in the houfe fowisily occupied a* an Inn by Mr. John Size, in Store Street ; arid he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge of (he hufinefe, he will be enabled to give fatisfaftion to thofe pctfons who may favor him wi;h their patronage and fupport. JAMES BENSON. Kingllon, ifl March. 1S19. C^N. B. Cafh Paid for Allies. iotf Valuable La mis for Sat'- in the Township of Hamilton. TT OTS No. 6 and 1 ?. in tbe 3d Con- II A cefHon, containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto 11 and 15 in the 4th Con- Ceffion, containing 450 acres. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th ConcelTion, containing 200 acres. The aborc Lands are all lying in the TownuVpoi' Hamilton,Newcaftle Uiilrift. and will be fold on the moll liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elms Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubferiber to Kingllon. Thomas S. Whiuker. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. 22tf FEW hundred bundle* STRAW for 6ale—EnrjuifC at (his Office. Juntfy 1815, ?3 [No. 27. CAUTION. IT is the particular wilh of the Comman¬ ding Officer of the 70th Hcjjimtnt, that all dealings with the inhabitants be for prompt payments. Such perfons there¬ fore as take upon themselves to give credit, will be doing fo at their own ri;k, as after this notice it will be ncedlcfs for them lo apply to the Commanding Officer, or any other Officer, for their afhftance to neever any debts. This applies to every individual of the Corps, there being no exception of Mcfs- man, Pay Serjeants, Hofpital Steward, or any other. Kingston, ttyhjune* l8iQ. 26 SURGEON BOYD, Of Hit Majostfs Navyt BEGS leave to announce to the inhab¬ itants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has taken the (lore lately occupied by Dr. Scott iu Store street, where he in¬ tends practising in the different branches of his profeffion. Surgeon B. having made Midwifery, and the difeafes of women and children* a paiticular part of his ftudy, in which he has practised with succefs. hopes the pat¬ ronage of families in the above line- Ladies and gentlemen honoring him with their commands, (hall meet with due attention. N. B. Advice, g-~ati>, to ***e poor, be¬ tween the hours of ten and clc en o'clock in the morning. Kiagsttn, June 14, 1819. 26eowtf Soda Water. fTlHlS cooling, falutary, and delicious I. b«*crage, is now ready for delivery, and will be kept during the fummer at the Sign of the Go!<t:n Mortar, oppofite the Market Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen, who value health, with a cheerful ferenity of mind, are refpcclfully invited to call anil par;ake of this boalled and fafhionab'e dn'nkj which is exhilarating without intox¬ ication, and unattended by fubfequcnt dc- prelTion. With fuch qualities, furcly no Lady or Gentleman will conceive it any tax upon time, contlituuoo or property, and healthful hi'.aiity invariably attendant upon a glafs of Symp and Soda Water. Kingfton, June 25, 1819. 26 ~ NOTICE. ^ A t.L perfons mdebted to the late Co- ~t\- partneilh:p of Ru'-ard Rohtton and Iht\id Setordt ate rcincltc.-l to make tm. mediate payment to t'ie fnrviving partner. David Secord and thofe to whom the faij Copartoctlriip may be indebted, aie ie- qucded to fertd in their accounts for ad- juflrrent and payment. Kingllon, 27th May, 1819. %&£ ~ lost; ABOUT a week ign, fomewhere be¬ tween (he South Bay, in Marys- btlrgh, and Kingston, a NTote of hand, in favor df the fubferiber, againli John Brew¬ er and William Spafford, for the fum of eleven pnunds five fh'liings. All perfona are hereby forbid purchasing faid Note, as the fime will hot be paid to any one ex¬ cept the rr.^mal owner, by agreement of the contracting paities.—Whoever may have found the fame, and will return it to the fubferiber, mail be generously reward¬ ed. JOHN BftAZURE. Marysburgh, June I ft, IS19. Zrjwt Stray Cow. STRAYED from the Commons m the vicinity of KJngflon, on or about the lall of April, a light colored brindle Cow, maikcd in the ear, has but three t,cits, had on when ihe went away a common fixed bell, hung with a leather flrap. Who¬ ever will return faid Cow to the fubferiber, or give information where (he may be found /hall be generoufly rewarded. Kingfton, May 28, 1819. tz Notice, THE late partnership of Robert Gra¬ in/in ry Co. having dissolved itself litis day by the death of Roderick Mac- kay Esq. tin: hussiness in future will be tarried 0:1 by (he Subscriber, to whom all persons, who are indebted to the above linn, will please pay theiraccounts with¬ out delay,and those who may hare claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. '29 ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 51st Sept, 1818. NOTICE. THE Subfcriber has Loft three Note? Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, vix. one of 25 Dollars on demand, one of 25 Dollars fis Months afterdate, one of 50 dollars, payable in Joiner's or Cabinet work ; the endorfement according to the beft of my knowledge is as follows, viz. 4 or 5 Pounds on thefirll Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 181S. DANIEL REYNALDS. February uth, 1819. 8 Good Pasturag'e, AT Point Henry, on the farm former¬ ly owned by CapO O'Connor. Ju»c, 1819. *twj