Anchors & Cables. « v AGRICULTURAL. From tke Village Record. From Judge Peters* Notices to young Farmers. Our awkward mode of dUching and draining our *wamps or wet eroun <s, •• notnnh Inconvenient and unsightly, but occupies space unnecessarily. Undcr- drainins. and thereby preserving a level, dn. arable and productive stirfaec. isetrr) way elitfible, where the sitO will adi it -fit. It would he well for vomr spirited agriculturalist, to set an exam¬ ple ol mi'ivtrmeitt in this regard. Les¬ sens • ;. European bonks, fur undi-rdrain- ihu. 'ir* in | lenty; and there isone in th' memoir- of the Philadelphia society. Ill declining grounds, a Straight open ditcn in the direction of the declination, is injurious and dang'-rou*. Violent flr '•■ in surh difihes. always prodmv a mi.i** or gully The ditch shou'd be obl:4|oe : and calculated to rcsi-t them, wliifcl if Hill affords a suflici-nt passage to Hoods. Nature istablishcs precedent; hei -trtam* being generally meandering and il'-xuous. Und<'r, i. e. covered drain, are not liai)I«* to the ravages nI* flood- : and ma) b" "-trai^ht, without be¬ ing '*\posed to the dangers to which QpQU are subj-et 0mt rich alluvial fid water meadows, are not included iu thf « «-'mark* ; the drains and ditches of i- • up, for ihe most pari, most neres- sari.j be wide and open.—Modes of sur¬ face draining, and instruments for thi; purpo e, an* pointed out and described in European books ; and are well wor¬ th) nui attention. Th- fertile bottoms on rivers and less Stream* frequently prove the feeunda- tin< rifectn of. overllows occurring from floods; which leave their rich deposits on the pcc^ion of the waters. In Eu¬ rope, tiny practice what is there culled wttylnx * to produce, artificially, the a-!- re nit By n.-aus of hanks, dams, and (h d gal , where there is fall en* ough f dfatH off the tides admitted, tln-y introduc** the water ol a imr, (and the more fnrhid the better.) and sjHcr it lo remain »ragnaut until it ha- not only dc- £tr«_i"d worthless vegetation, but by the setil-nj t»f the ricti mould which has been h"d !n 'idntiou, a great store of manure is d> |i <sii.-d, for profitable culture and Ten.renting the fertility of their soil,— An . ine ni'st operations are completed. th"\ ■■ ffrrthe baek , sluices, and flood gatr* to remain ; and admit the water occasionally, as it may be uecessary for cith' i irrigation ormanure. In our em¬ banked meadows, something of the kind is a .id 'titally or purposely done But it " 1 he well, where it i- practicable. to . >i induce this improvement ammig us IN ; • • modes of irrigation nre practiced in "rr quarters four globe; here wa¬ ter! not np.dicdto agricultural purpo¬ se i« ant degree equal totheuse- wher- ofit Is capable. In our southern coon- trie j if ^ onjy applied to particular crop. Hirkbeek's account of irrigation, in tl| .,iu;li f France, is well worthy of ati. uiion. It v%:ll be seen, that its uses are r conlined »o gravs ; but arc e\- teiifl d tor-very -p-cies of crop, and so hail J. u, there, through apes- ; chan¬ nel- tor the conveys ce, distribution, ani! "nvery of water ftoin one farm lo noon r, have remained foratime beyond the memory of man : and are held as i». *io!iiile n- the boundaries of property. Be: ■;*,- use of water should be carefully fit* >ipdt Stagnant water, if suffered to rem mi lout;, injures vegetati-n; and e- ?en It-deposits of net manure, have bad effect". •■«n some grain, in the lirst instance, though anally tln-y fertilize wonderfully. Mbeiiisthe nrovt injured by Magnant water; and is often scalded, and dete¬ riorated, as to become abortive; and pro¬ duce only cheat. Iu winter, the irriga- tfptt of gnu grounds, U held to Do moil advantageous and the water is more nu¬ tritive b\ its de osits. In hot weather it N';i,K and should be turned off so a.« cniy occasionally to be used. WILLIAM BURDEN, WILL receive by the earlicft fpring vcffcls, and keep conftautiy on hand at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Cham Cables ol all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Quebec, ift April, 1819. ______J4tf Edward Jones, BEGS leave mod rcfpcclfully to in¬ form his friends and the public in general, that he has juft received an cle- pant affortment • f DRY & FAN'T GOODS. Confiding partly of the following articles, ■ viz: SupernV Weft of England Cloths and Cafiimeres, of the moft falnionable colors: Irifti Linens, Britifh Shirting, Linefl -nd Cotton Cambrics, Corded t.'ambric, Lcno- and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Vfufli'.- Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do Fine Ging* h?ms, Bbck and col"red Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities White Jane, white and buff Mar- feik Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undrtffcd Calicoes Bombazettes & Bom- baj-ncs of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckahuck white and Co'ourcd Flannels, Ruffi;i Sheeting and Ofnaburg. V well chofen affortme'it •.( Thread and Laces and Kibbons, Stiaw BonnetB, Ladies Tortoife (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of articles too nu¬ merous lo intert. 4 1 rate*of Blue CROCKERY Wart. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits Brandy, Holland Gin. Poll and other Wine*. Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas dmblc and Single refined Sugars, Mufcovado do. Spermaceti, mould and dipt Candles Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c Uc. &c All of which will be fold for Cam or ap¬ proved credit. Kingston, 4M Aug. 181 8. 10 Agricultural. • • • # IT is propofed that an Agricultural So¬ ciety for the Diflrift "f JohflftoWD, (hall be forthwith cffiblilhed The advantages which will probably a- rife from fuch an inllitution -null b< t*i dent to thofe who are in the Icalt acquaint- ed with fimilarclrablimmcnu in other coun tiir* In order to bring about the end pro¬ pofed, the public, and parifcularly Far¬ mers are hereby notified, that there will be a meetincat the houfc of STEPHEN CROMWE-.L, Inn Keener, in IWk villt. on tVKDNB-SD IT, the 191' of MAY -:cxt. at 9 o'clock of the morning, (being the zd day uf the fittings of the Quarter ScfUon*) at which time and place the Farmer? of the Di'lritt <f Johnflown, and all others wh> feel an intercfl in the \gricMkural profperity of the country are invited to give their attendance Brockville, April 6. 1 tt 19 15 To Officers on tialf-Pay in Canada. ****** NOTICE. T'!E fubferiher forbids all perfons from irrfpafltngnn Lot No 32. in tl.t 4T. onccfGun of the Townfhip of Cam en in the county of Lenox and Ad- dbetoa, Ufilend -itlridt, anH does here¬ by f -rhiti my nerfon or per funs from cut- tin, or oVftroying any Timber, whether lymp -«r Handing, or carrying any part of the fame away, under penalty of the Law A. M\CDONELL Kiogfton, Dec. «6th. 181S. 31 A FA KM FOR SALE ; AD/OIN1NO liay Bay.intheTown- ihip of Frederick^buigh, thi Fall half ,f 1 n No. 2 in the fecond Concefiion, co- l ininy 100 acres, and having about 40 acr , Under cultivation, with a log h>>ule and -11 upon ft Fur the icrms apply to anin 'VuHilmrn, Efquirc, King(t<>u P VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 181$ 30 NO l ICE. ~ ALL perfons arc cautioned againfl pui chafing Lot No. 22. in the 7th c 11 ceffion nf Fredcrickiburjih. or lot No. 27 !■ . . utary. and fmiinur fo to th. the fame , in the |«t concefiion ol Richmun^Jiom th 4* ""th, unlil the tufinefs of litirs „r Afligiiee* of D ,vi> Hcfc, a* : ryf'. Board for .Militia Pek- i^s, will meet on the lajl Monday if 1 is defired thai Officers receiving lialf- Pay, or Military Penh* »ns, through the C"nvrifiariat, in Canada, will tranfmit to their Tcvcial Agents, at Quebec, theii affidavit* in Triplicat*- immediately after the 2.j'h of the pciiod when their Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affid.iviV of Officers refiding is Lower Canada (hali atrivt at Qnebec before the 10th, and ihofe of OfTicci.H refidirig in the Upper Piovince before the 2 >th of the following Month, at which r.e*iod t'tc leturm Will be made up As mom than fnfEcient time is given foi Co'i-munications >o reach Quebec from the moft diftant Pofts, thofe OlTicers* Affid.i- vits which do not arrive in time to be ittCW ponued m thefe Returns, mull remain ovci lip ihrrnfiwig period rtf fnyn-rM Commiflary General'- Office, ( , Quebec. March l, 1819. , m° Au\ Officiers a Deiin-Paie en Canada. • • • • II KS Opitosbbs ILd mi-Pan-on P. recoivent la De- Aiilitain', pa BUI 'ensiou W tana I du ContnilfftaHftt en Gamut., ■out requN de trnn^mettre a leurs t\i*v<\ r^spectifs, i Quebec, leurs afl'ulaviti • 1 triplicnta, immrdiatcment apre> le term- du paiemeut de li'urDemi-paic, de ma iere que le.« atFidavitsdes Orlicicrs qui ie ident dans le Bas-Oanada, ponrmut nr river u Quebec araut Ip |Ume. elde eeux qui evident dan* la Haute Province, a- vaut le 20me. du mois suivant, au\i|urN periodes les retours sc feront. Comnu- Ton doune plu^ de terns iju'il 11c faut po-r liansmettre les couimuniiatioiis a. Que- ber,des Pontes lejplui eloi»ne*, le n-. davits des Olhciers qui n'arrivent pa- a tOms pour etro incorport*'> dans COS r- tours, resterontjusqu'au periodedu pajr meni >uivant. Bureau du Commi^sairy-General J 11 Q eWCi le. Mars, 1819. 5 Cm NOTICE thh - 0 ■ ri- Kinxflon, a: regard! the fame is fmj/bed Sublcribcr holds an indi'pui iblc title to l< JO F::rgU50N. fame. GIL- ERT HAUKS *i'J F;b. U 1810. 6\ Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. M(CiRCULAR.) R- Fri Luilier having difpofed of h:» inieiestin the llonfe 0f Lulhrr -:. Va; lyck at Prefcott, and that nf Lulher * •est »n at La Chine, t.» ,*lr. A. Jones refcott, Upper Canatl3| ihe Basinets wil . after the first day of March enfuinjr, b« carried on under the Firms of Jones c Van Slyck at 1 refcott, and of Levi Sexton & Co. at La t'hinc. We be:i leave to r*fer you to the an ncxed Notice, wherein Mi. Jjufher make* himfclf refponsibic with us, for any cn.a^e ments entered into U| faid Firms. W c feel fau'aficd. from ',ur late experience in Businefs the ou-.,bcr of Boats now owned by us, and the commodious **tores at this place and La < nine, that we (hall have it in our power t<, JVc general hi'n- faftion. A. JONEi, CORS. A. VAN SLYCK, L. Sl'XTON. Frefcott, January Sth, 1819 NO ICE. rap!IE Subfcriber ha»in difpofed of his " interest in 'he -'oife of Lulher & Van refco't. an^ that of Lr-fher 8c Sexion, al La Chine, fij Mr. A.Jones, the bu*.inel"will in tntoicbe carried *n under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at 1 rcs- cott, and 1 hat ot 1 *v exlon &■ Co at La Chine.-—Me will i.-wMbManding, hold himself refpio-ihie nuh rhem, for any en. a^ement they may mak- 6 K.U LUSilKR. NOTICE * * * « J AWES ME IC-HER return*his mojl Jincere thank' to the p op>e of ' it:^t ton and its environ: for tte /Herat en- coura extent he us met nvitk /met his com menei'iv hhfmefs He beit leave to inform his friends and the public* that he hos Removed :o 6i' >*» Houfe near the Mar tet Place oppofur to .'-r liayman't and tvdl as ufial carry m the Fin, Coppc . and Sheet lion Manufactory. ■ ■ • A HORSE SHOP I*G and BLACK¬ SMITH W'lRK WtU te rxeeuted ir. the leff manner, at the jhortefi notice, and on the lototfl terms \\ :t. 7o rent, lenfe or fell fir the term of tea years, at.J iiumed-afe p'fpjfion rivet that 'Melt ino'wn Jiu -d ih- WEL Lt'hO*rf- INN* in arrack Jlreet This fiv.mon is me of uh brfl in town, havin- m r c nvenu nccj that render it {particular- wiit odofted for a Houfc of Public hnteilainment and Store :pp]y to the Proprietor JAMBS MEAGHER. /Gngflcm, t-it -. [Kicj. 6 ■ »C hh-erihrr GS le&ve to inform the Public, that e has commenced manufacluring ~oap iV Candles in the houfe fnrmCrly occupied as an Inn by Mr. J h^ tfcc in Store Strce: \ and he hope* that fror* his long expenencc and knowleoi 1 * :' ^ hufinefs, he will he enabled to giV fatUtla&ior !•» thofe perfons whomayfav. r r.jni with their patronage and fupporc T 'MF.S BENSON. Kingfton. ill March. 18-9. C^rN. B. Caft P;.idf«r -.Hie, lotf — - - ■ ■•—■■ ■—^~ Executive Ccuncd Office* York 22." J ov. 1X18 IVTOTICE L he sy Riven 10 '.IIR1S* III TOPHt'R THOMSON, or his Representative, by onlcr of Hi- H -nor the Adminiilrator in vunciU to make good any prctenfion to the Well half ->f I ot number Seventeen in the lixth conceffiou, on the Nariane Ri»ct, in the T»wnfhip of Fredericklhuiiih w thin ix months from this dale, or the fame will be thrown open 10 oihci applicants. JOHN SMALL, iK—tf C. E. C jBhe "7TTHE Suhfcriber ofTcrs for fale his U lioufcand Farm,together 01 feparate, avalfo hi* iloifcs, Carts, Sleighs, Cows, 'I-'gs, Oxen, GntDj -lay, Pointocs. and tmpUmenU <rt littteff^ $$** tlH ^ vivir S: Lawrenc-'- ovcilo.-king the beautiful village of C^<hnfburg,and w'll"'n half a mile of Prefect Upper Canada. The Dwelling ho-Ce. which has lately '.ecu erefted, confi-t oftw- fitting Rooms, 4 Bedrooms, a Kitfbenanil Cellar, welHj fi ifhed. The Farm contain- ^1 Acres of choice Land, well fenced upwards of 60 of which is Pasture and meadow, the remain- der Tillage and Wo^ '-and, with a young ■ )rchard and good P->"i. Stable and Root- Wile, and a fmall i 0tmtM for Labi.urcrs. 10 a Gentlem.-ir of fpeculation. the btive Premife* whScI trends 3 Acres in front of the River, must prove of g'eat ^Wantage, as it is ot<= of the best situa- UiDi in the neighboo h",,d f,,r ll'e erection fa Wharf, Brewer or Distillery, &c. _ Pan of the -turcbilV money, may remain on Mortgage, if agr*:»ble to the Purchafer. '■ oplication to b* ">adc t(> Henry Forest .!*q Montreal, Job* Macaulay Kin. stun, 1 1 he owner Pi T!-'RO'BRIKN. Prescott, 26th O.t. 1818. 6lf Kingston Brand) of the Mon¬ treal Bank. . • • A NY fum requir d may be obtained at • \ »he Office lor ^ood Bills, on Mon cftLQiiebeCi BiiL d Exchange on Lon •on, or for Specie —Notes alfo will be •i-counted at thirty,:ixty, and ninety days. THOMAi MAUKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d No- 1818. 23 Phvme Sf Svrsrpry JR. Z- SMALLY, hegs leave re pedfully to inform the inhabitants ol Kingfton and its vicinity, that he has i ftablilhed himfelf as a "H\ -I: IAN, S! IIGEON, !* APOTHECARY. From liis having received a regular me¬ dical education, and from his experience in the different branches of his profcifion, he i» induced tn believe, that he will be able to do justice to all, whofc misfortune* may tender them under the necefiUy of fo- licitfng medical aid. N B To any calls at the fign of the Gahbn Mortar, oppofite the market, the ft r ic^cfl attention will be paid; where will be conllantly kept on hand, a choice and well chofen affoitment of DKl'G*-and MEDI :INE ; PAINTS of all kinds ; Linfeed, Lamp, and Currier'*' Oils ; Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Cotton Yarn ; Window Glafs/Putiy & Naila. v v A new and tleg3nt afiortment of PAPER HANGINGS. Udics1 BON VETS, * the new¬ est Fas/iion, GARDliN SEEDS, raised by the Shakers. BOOKS & STATIONARY* &c. &c. &C. April 16. ifitf tj. IO»; i^lO'l the unexpired term of the L^afc, which U feven year- from the firft of v:ay -icxt. the ptcmifc it pref .it occuoied by the UibToribcr facing tne market fquare, bi in^ fituatcd mi No 46. and j tining Mefirs -irith & Bmtcrwortn,un thel»ree» leading from Mr R-.bert Walker'* Hotel to the river. The buildings on the premi¬ fe-con fid of a iii.e fiame H nfc.two fto • ie- hii:h, wei! finimed, Stable for ten hor fc-. and alfo a Bake Loufe with a good Oven in complete order,—the yard well fee u red. The p'ace is well worth the attention of any Baker, era perfon defirous of keeo- mg a public lioufe Foi funhei particu- iara apply to the fubferibcr. on the premi fea D MACDONALD Kir.g;:ont 4pri/ -jtht 1819. , ? TO LET, riOR one or more years, on reasona- "••M.rvfdayofMaym-xt, that lar.e and -.rnmod.ous house, two storic, high, sit- "■te.nhin4 Street, eomtin ■ ,U. mar- k<'t place, and opposite to D. Washburn. Rsq*». Office. The house contains four large rooms, well finished, and an ele¬ gant «hop, complete,—Ki'rhen in ill- icar, two stories,—good Store House foi [he repository of Merchandize and Pro¬ duce ; also a Stable,—The premises ar" suitable tor the reception of any decent family and for mercantile business, being one of the first stands for that line tn Kingston. For furthcrparliculars apply to the proprietor. A. MACDONELL. Kingston, March U. 1819. \\ff TO LET. * • * > FOR one or more years, and pofieffion given immediately, hat Stor.e h- ufe, fitiiatee in Store ""treet lately occupied by Mr. Medcalf, with Stable. Garden and other out houfes. The fituation of the above premife* i> moft advantageous for a Dwelling houfr*. For particulars applv to FR.\NCh X ROCHELEAU. Kingflon, 15 Jan. 1819 3 FOH HALE OH TO LET, <pllE HOUSES, and SIX LOTS, A belonging to the fubferiber ; alfo for fale, a fingle Town Lot, on the corner adjoining Mr. George Oliver.—Bearing Fruit Trees, of almoft every difcription. growing on the ptemifes. For particulars, apply to the fubferiber, on [de pvemiies. ANDKEW DENIKR Kingston, April 12, 1819. l6tf THE Suhfcriber informs his friends end the public, that he fill keeps a PUBLIC HOUSE, in the Townfop of C R A M A H \ formerly called Goodwin's ('orner, 'where Gen¬ tlemen and Ladies may find good Enter¬ tainment Alfo—-lravellers Jhall not be difappointed of finding good quartern for thenfclvcs and their Horfes. THO'S. D. SANFOKD Cramahe, 24/A Jan. 1819. 6 NOTICE. If II THE Subfcfcribcrs rcfpe&fully inform their friends and ihc PubHc> that they have now received and jull opened in Mar¬ ket Street, juft below Mrs, Patrick's Inn, a very Extent!ve afiortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and STATIONARY. Likewifc—a great qnantity of Claffical Books, the whole of which will be fold very low for ^'a(h and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. 1, 1818. 2J PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft- ci. to fend them to the fubferiber, at his houfc, adjoining the Town «f Kingfton, and with a* little delay as puffible* JOHN FERGUSON. 12th April, 1819, 16 [ '• GVO*GE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the Engl- neer IXpartmtnt, g 3EGS leave to inform his friend* and 13 the public in general, tha' he hat commenced bufincfs next dom below Mr. Grorgc Douglafn'*, Store Street; where tvery article in hi' line may be had en the nod rcafonable tcnitoi and on the ihoitclt notice. The followiirg rates of charges are fuhinittcd- Horse Shoeing, all round 6fS — — rcmorett ifS and all other VMVK in r^oportton. Kingston, 'fprit $th, 1S19. 15* For Sale or to Let, /ft TWO (lory framed Houfe, and a WJM. large?and commodious llone Sfof"> fitu:'u on the water's edge in the centre of the Village of Prefect, on exceedingly ad¬ vantageous term-, to the purchaftr or leasee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. A. UAGERMAN. Kingfton 2f*!th February 1 1819. 9 For Sale, TMT Elegant farm No. fi. firli Coneeflion tOWUihip 1 f Fie.i:;i--ks- bnrgh, 18 milt» fr«im Kinclli.n ( stain¬ ing 200 Acre* ) formerly occupi 1 ny C'd.incl Spencer and known by ihc ;;.mc of 'he Manli^n Jfonfc. It contnu.;- bout JO acres nf land Under impr-vcm :i. au elerunt frame houfc 2 fl-ny i.ii h with 3 barns and other buildings. Pert in- dtfui.ui of purchafmg may -lUjiiireof the Snbfcri- b'-' <m the pre ifies, Oi to D liaiHrman, ^fq. at Bath. JO^EPii '-ERGE&ON. Frederickituigh, Sc^t. Sth, 1S1S fj NollCE. • • 1 ■ rHE late Partnermipof.TW/ Ranhn & Co. having difhlved itfcf thisd-y* by the death of Roderick Maekay, Kfq. the bufincf* will in (utuu- be carried 111 by the fiihfcriher, to whom all pcifonj; who are indebted to the above fir-n, wil' plcafe pay their account? Without delay ; and who may have elaima igainll lhar c* "Certtj will plcafe prefent tnem for ^IjuiLni ut J.'.WFS .; \NKFN. Erneft T-wn.iill Sept. 1818 24tf lit Earnest ! A -L persons ituh hh d to the -Z~jL ub&crihvr, arc in r,hij ni, that a Ifcttlcmcnl ii.u'st if made immediately Kingston. ^20. »sm. 21 FOR SALE. A VERY valuable FARM, situated OL n.-ar tho Village of liro.kvilk. be- t •- t!ir rear half of Lot No. one, and the r.-ar half ol Lot number two, in Ihc >€* rond oonees'ion of Elizabethan, U- C rontaiuiii^ two hundred acms, form* r- •y the property of Reuben Sherwood, Ksquire, but now belonging toJolmShu- ter, enquire, of London. There is a ve- ■ y good dwelling house, With a barn and .thoront houses on the iromisc*. Also, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth cou- . -:asion, and the west half of Lot number "iio, in the eighth concession of the saipO rowiiship. Alsoy Lot number fifteen, i» the first concession, and number liftceft in the second co1 cession, o. the Town* hip --f Yonge. in 'he District of J IliiS- towu. 'tbfse Farms will be disponed .»f t*n terms peculiarly easy and adTantagc- oas to purchasers.—Apply to DANIEL JONES, Jun. Brockville, \5th January, 1819 4 BLANKS, For the Courts **f Request. and various other hinds, for sale "/ fhiv OflfCr*- Tl.K.MS nf T'lE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty stnll1"^ per annum; if-.rnl hy Mail will, a .fiuir ^hillil)p'. Kult*rrin'i»tii» {n In- oili'I • advance io (he Ibtof Jul>, or me Isi oi Jaiit- I'iitCE OF ADTErtisevests. (J?f/.V linos und under is. Qtt.jtvst in* *o) scrtion. and 7;f/. each suisrqum' His.rtion : \Q lines and under* 3s. Ad- first insertion, and Mid. each subsequent insertion : above ten tines, 4d. per tin; for the first insertion. nnd\d. per UnC for every subsequent inrertian. Atfoerthttm, nts xcithou* written direc¬ tions arc inserted till totbidyOndckargcd accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* . ents to be in writing, and deliV'tc'i bif WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received after TEN o'Clock on the dan "i publication a<;i.n i>. Henry Oonan, Bsq. Quehw. lMwan! Sill.. F.»q- Three R/wr*. James Williams, Ktq. Montreal. Me-«r5. .1. St J. D'lnlup, iMGtttttr* Paul (Jla-sford. Fsq. ffatitsta. Alpheu* Jones, E>q. Peeseott. Ilenrv Jones, Ksn. RrockvW?. N. B.Tummas. Ksq. Perth. I. K. Hariwell, Bm|. Ba*toru\ E. Webster. E*q. tlnnnnnquc. J. Ranken, F.-q. Bath. Allan McPherMin, E*q. Ntipancc. Simon MeNabb, Esq. Bellvilte. James fi. Reihune, K*q. llnmiUor.. William Allan, E^q. York. Richard Halt, E«q. Dwulas. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. John Crook), E*Q> tSia^nra. T. McCormick. Fsq. Qurenstait. .Ii/m Wil on, F*q. .imh'-rstSwch. Kingston, v c TAINTED FOK THE EUITORL'.